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Everything posted by amiboshi
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Graphic novels are more or less just really big comics. Some only come out in novel form, while some originally come out in the smaller issues and then are put into graphic novels later on as compilations. Same thing with manga really. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, okay. That's what I thought it was, but everyone made them sound like something else. O.o I also buy graphic novels... I read them really fast, so I'd rather wait for a graphic novel version than the dinky monthly comics. >.< I like Tokyopop the best for Graphic novels... They're pretty consecutive with their releases (most release the next volume every 2 months). I can't stand Viz anymore. They do Fushigi yugi and Inu-Yasha, and they just take forever. >.< Animerica Extra has printed WAY past volume 7 already... >.>
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][color=royalblue]I liked it....of course, they must have gotten a special discount on the red paint for all the blood in that. *thinks* It must have been the same discount they got for Kite.[/COLOr] [/B][/QUOTE] *chuckles* Yeah, there was lots of blood, but I liked the blood flying everwhere all the time. ^^;; I think the fight at the end of the movie between Yuu and Mcdougal was the highlight of the movie... I didn't care for the plot too much, it was a little boring to me. But that fight was pretty cool. XD
I don't know exactly what graphic novels are, I guess. O.o A lot of stores called the manga section "Graphic novels", though. I've read lotsa manga. ^^;; I just finished Saint Tail, and I just read most of Planet Ladder... I prefer manga highly to anime, actually. Plus there's a lot more really good shoujo manga than anime, and the art tends to be prettier. ^-^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]Eww....I know. Why do people even FIND ANY of the Sailor Moon cast attractive??? 0_o Well, I am a girl, but still, all the girls from there are SO ugly. Not cute. [/B][/QUOTE] Aww, well I'm a girl, too, but I always thought Usagi was pretty. Especially when she's older, like in Stars or SuperS, just thought she was pretty.... ;__;
There was a big thread about this a while ago... But I don't care anymore. I stopped watching CN about a month ago... >.>
Yeah, I have problems similar to that... The guy I liked suddenly started ignoring me and he hasn't said anything or even looked at me once since I got back. U.U I feel for you...
Yeah, I kinda hate Rei's ex... She was such a brat, especially to Kira. And she acts all spoiled and pathetic. I mean, I have sympathy for her situation, but love shouldn't be gained with sympathy, and she was kinda playing off that to try and get Rei back... That's disgusting. It makes girls seem all weak and crap. >.<
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]But her hair complementing her wouldn't go with her shy withdrawn personality. It shows that she really doesn't care about other people and could really care less. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I agree, but just because you don't care about showing off or anything doesn't mean you have to look all grungy. Sometimes, people like to nice for themselves... Anyway, yeah, I think that's why she has the plain style. It'd be weird if she was shy and had an outrageous hairstyle. O.o
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1]I don't remember no one kissing a statue...that must be interesting. I really don't remember that... Does anyone think that Kira needs a new hair do?[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I think she does. It's always so boring and not very complementing. >.> Rei kissed that Mars statue in the first volume, I believe. I just thought that was kinda weird...
It's nothing like Trigun at all. O.o I thought Spriggan was a good fighting movie, but certainly not my favorite or anything. My brother on the other hand, is crazy about it. -_- I liked the music... It was cool...Especially the ending, Jing Ling. ^-^ I don't really anything else to say about it... I wasn't too impressed with the animation or the story line, so... I know there's Spriggan manga called Striker... I wonder if it's any better?
I'm SERIOUSLY addicted to manga... I just can't get enough of it! My Laptop, Livejournal, internet, Solitaire O.o, yellow rice with balckbeans and sourcream and salsa on top (don't ask.) -_- But mostly manga. ^^ I have withdrawls if I don't read anything new for too many days... o.o
What I've come to grasp from the first volume is that this prince, seeu, [accidentally?] killed a boy named Kagami, and greatly mourned his death, and he went crazy and spent all his time making clone dolls of Kagami. 500 years later... >.> Kaguya is taken from her world by all the people from this other world. They're all fighting over her, and then Seeu's clone of Kagami, Gold, gets her in the end, when something breaks and all hell is set loose. Actually, I don't know what that was, but Gold and Kaguys are thrown back to his world. Gold's circuits or something is messed up by the thing that broke, and he's restarting, but in the meantime, the real Kagami surfaces. Then when gold starts back up, Kagami disappears and Kaguya is left alone in this world with Gold and a big chunk of her house. From there they just wander around until they get to this town full of creepy people who decide they'll strip her and sell her clothes, and then sell her, I think, because they figure if they strip her, she won't go anywhere. O.o And that's where volume one left off... ~_~
Has anyone read the Planet Ladder manga? I finally found the first volume and read it, and I really love it so far! ^-^ It's shoujo/fantasy/sci-fi. Great mix for me. ^_^ But it's really intersting, and I love the Kagami robot. He's awesome. :p So, anyone else know this series?
lol. All the posts are black! heh heh... XD [spoiler]Yeah, I think he killed himself [i]because[/i] he was the top student and going to art school and everything, but I can't be sure. Everyone expected all these great works from him and stuff, and his artwork just didn't have any feeling in them. I think his art died in a way, and he felt he had to die with it. But that's just what I'm speculating, I really don't know why either. ^^;;[/spoiler]
I just got over mono, and I'm finally going back to school, but I was out for about 2 months. Now I'm back, but I dropped all but 2 of my classes, geometry and biology, and I'm repeating 9th grade (the grade I'm in now) next year. It's been a hard year and was just a pain in the butt, but this way I'll be ahead of my grade next year. ^_^;;
I always pronounced Mnemolth and Memnolth in my mind... Also, Lalaith Ril as Lailith Ray. ^_^;; Oh yeah, and for the longest time I kepy reading "syk3" as Sky. I'm finally getting it right now, but my eyes just kept seeing sky there. Hehe... A lot of people seem to type my name wrong. O.o They either mix it up was amibasuki's name, or they put ambioshi or something like that.... V.V lol.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=orangered][size=1]Hmmm...well! I like the opening to Nadesico. That song is so CATCHY! And my favorite MOST CATCHY theme song is! The one to Excel Saga! I've never even seen the series, but that theme song is so addicting. I watch the trailor for that thing OVER and OVER again and I just LAUGH...Bah, I feel like a no-life...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Hehe...yeah, I didn't like the series, but I'm in love with the opening song. XD I had to download it afterwards, it just stuck in my head... The VA of excel actually has a nice singing voice, and the lyrics are so wacky. Catchy melody, too... ^-^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1]I like Kira. She's so sweet, you know? I really hate the part where the artist guy [spoiler]steals her artwork and everything and uses it as his own. And then when they find out, the guy *his name has totally left me* goes and confronts him. Then the guy eventually kills himself by jumping off of a building, just like the guy's brother. SO SAD....[/spoiler] If you've read the part of the series that's contained in Smile magazine, then read the spoiler. Otherwise, don't look![/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yeah, I read that part. U.U [spoiler]That was really low of him to use Kira's artwork. And to have called Rei stupid and all that because he didn't like his artwork. That guy was just a jerk. But I thought it was sad that he commited suicide just over that, too. There are much better way to resolve problems than to kill yourself...[/spoiler]
That's really cool you guys met. ^-^ I wanna meet someone from the baords, because I've noticed a few people live in Florida, but I'd be too freaked out to give anyone my address. ^_^;;
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
amiboshi replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kinetic [/i] [B][color=darkblue] I made it on 4 lists! Bwah! Take that all of you. . . Heh, anyway, there are so many people I would like to name, so I will name them all and hope I don't forget you. (in no particular order) Amiboshi - Known you for what, 3 years? [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] ;__; Aw, thanks. I feel loved now. lol. Yeah, even though I've been for a long while, I don't personally know that many people. So the ones I would like the meet are: -Kinetic -Queen Asuka -Amibasuki lol. My pathetic little list. ^^;; -
I talk with guys like friends, and then everyone asks me if I like them, or else I should stop flirting with them. I always think that if I had been talking to a girl the same way, no one would say anything. O.o I don't know, flirting is a rather odd thing...
I've read 4 volumes so far, and I like it. It's kinda sad and depressing, but still really good. ^-^ I'd like to get more, but the plot was becoming a little too depressing for me right now. Maybe I'll pick it up again later. ^^;
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]Yeah, it's like, you'd never even listen to that song if it wasn't associated with anime. >.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]It seems as though you really get to enjoy music a lot more when it's during an anime. ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] I really think that's true. I always make mental images from the anime and associate that with the songs playing, so when I listen to the music alone, I still have the mental images from the anime. ^-^ It adds even more feeling to the music... Also, I can remember feelings from the anime when I listen to the music, so again, it adds more to the music... Did that make any sense? >.>
Music to me is a big part of anime... Some of my favorite anime music is from Escaflowne. The music was done by Yoko Kanno, who also did Cowboy Bebop and others. Some of that music can be really creepy... Some of the creepiest ones were Chain, Charm, and machine Soldier. Chain is my favorite. ;) Anyway, I really feel that music sets the mood an anime. It just perfects the whole scene, if done right. ^^;