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Everything posted by amiboshi

  1. Lol. Good list! Very, very true also! heh.
  2. I've kinda often wondered why they name it after San, too. On the back of the box (or the front...) it talks about the fate of the world or something being in the hands of only one warrior (then the title comes) Princess Mononoke. Um, who are they talking about? Because I seem to remember Ashitaka being the hero-warrior, not San quite as much.
  3. I've got a question about the game. This is really sad, but I'm stuck right at the beginning in the giant tree, I think it's Trec, or something.... Anyways....I'm pretty sure I went all the way through, because I can't find anywhere else to go right now. I've been there for like 3 weeks! ahhhh! I really need help!!
  4. I get my anime at Media Play (local store ^_^) and Amazon.com
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B] What!! I thought that the girl in there was always Bulma! If that is Bra, why does she look so grown up looking? I thought that throughout most of GT she was just a kid. [/B][/QUOTE] In GT she's more like a teenager. Heh. I love the ep where she goes to the mall w/Vegeta, and guys try to hit on her. :laugh:
  6. Wow, that's a REALLY good drawing. Have you put up others? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexander [/i] [B]I didn't get to see that movie; we were watching it but I wasn't interested. I got to se maybe the last ten minutes. Funny stuff. Kind of reminded me of Ranma. Very nice picture, better than I can do, though I have my moments. Maybe I'll post a few pictures. [/B][/QUOTE] Um....I can't see how it's like Ranma... I mean, um, I just can't......
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]Wanna know what's crap??? Final Genesis of Evangelion and so are the movies. I know it's pretty confusing but it's still crap to me. Hmm.......... What else is bad??? Blue Sub 6. Man, I don't even understand the story. Only thing I liked about it was the graphics. And that's basically the "bad" anime I saw. [/B][/QUOTE] No way! lol. You think Blue Sub. 6 is crap?!? Blue sub 6 was awesome. It [i]was[/i] kinda confusing, though......
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tetsuo [/i] [B] :flaming: :devil: :demon: i also love the flying nimbus and gohans dragon. damn im trying to remember his name. ill just have to go back and see the videos again. [/B][/QUOTE] If you're talking about the japanese name for the nimbus, I don't remember, but if you mean Gohan's dragon, his name was Ickaris(sp?) I have no clue how to spell that.....But you get the picture, right?
  9. Most Anime's I've seen were pretty good. I didn't like X the movie, though. There was no story story line, since they made it into a little movie. When it was over I was like, "That's it?" Also, Dragonball I don't like. DBZ is ok, but DB just couldn't keep my attention. I didn't like Record of Lodoss War: chronicles of the heroic knight, either. I watched it on toonami.com. It was like a pain to watch it was so boring. I was trying to give it a chance, but I just can't watch it!!!!!:bawl:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Okay evryone, here fgor the first time ever is Shyguy! Please keep your insults to yourself, or at least until I leave the room.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] No way would there be insults! You're soooo cute! You're the cutest person of all the pics posted!;)
  11. I know it WAS fairly dumb almost all the villains were from DBZ. People weren't thinking about whether peeps were evil or not, they were just DBZ maniacs. (hey, I'm getting over it!) I can't believe raditz got picked either, I mean, he never even killed anyone, except Goku, but he didn't actually kill him. And Majin Buu does a lot more than turn people into cookies. He actualyly is pretty evil, but not in the eps they showed so far. He really does kill a lot of people. Personally, I think Frieza was scarier than most of the villains there, I mean, he killed a lot more people than......*remembers what this post was for* I don't care if the Joker was really evil or not. And, most villains DO only kill people because they know it's wrong. I still just can't stand Batman or Superman. Except maybe Batman Beyond, I don't know why, but it's totally different, I know that, so don't start on it. :D Ok, um, I can't think of anything else to say......:blush: tee hee. Sorry if I've insulted any...um...Batman-fans!
  12. I used to played regular clarinet (b flat), then I switched to Bass Clarinet. I hate it! It's just...nasty! But when we have moving parts and *almost* solos....it's cool! Especially since there are only 2, including me, and she never plays right or loud. So it's all me! ahahahaha! *actually, I'm a rather shy person, but I like to play out, when I know I'm not lost* :laugh:
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] Actually, u are wrong about some stuff. Sure, there's alot of Hentai thats gross(La Blue Girl*watched like, 2 minutes of it, and got sick to my stomach*), but there's some pretty decent hentai out there that actually makes sense, and has a good story line. And yes, no matter how u look at it, SM is softcore Hentai.:D [/B][/QUOTE] *sigh* I know. Like u said, though, softcore hentai. It's just so disgusting for me to think about SM like some of the bad hentai's. Hey, C'mon....I'm trying to keep SOME morals alive, here. And um, I didn't mean to sound quite so ticked. It's like....in Ceres, there's lots of nudity, but it's in an artistic way, not in a way that's more like porn than animation.
  14. I remember those shows like care bears. I used to love that show....and TMNT. I REALLY used to be into power rangers, like before 2nd grade. It's so funny. They're still trying to keep it alive. They totally ruined it, making so many new shows. They just got dumber and dumber. :laugh:
  15. Eew. I hate batman and superman. Can that really be considered anime? I don't even know if it was man in Japan; how sad. I can't believe people picked the Joker as one of the worst villains on new years Eve-il. That was a perfectly good space for a villain! Feh. I hate thaaaaaaaaat!:flaming:
  16. I would want the Escaflowne. It's sorta like an Eva or Gundam, but you could fly with it in dragon form, and have wings ^_^ After that, I would want and Eva. They're so cool!
  17. I really don't think you should compare SM to Hentai. No matter how much nudity there is, it's NOT hentai. Hentai is gross. It's almost all about sex, and Sailormoon isn't. Plus, if you don't like Sailormoon, so what. You don't have to insult it.I happen to like the story line of SM. Who cares if you don't. :demon:
  18. I ordered both the Outlaw Star OST's. I love the BGM from the show, but it wasn't really worth all that money to order them. Now I've discovered free MP3 files and burning CD's! I do recommend the Visions of Escaflowne soundtracks, though. I love ALL the songs from the 3 soundtracks.
  19. It's true, they do pretty much ruin SM by dubbing and editing, but S and SuperS weren't THAT bad. Well, not as bad as Sailormoon and Sailormoon R. Pioneer is a lot better than DIC. It's understandable with DIC, though, I mean, they make little kid's shows, so..... I think they went pretty much overboard when they edited. They didn't even bother to release uncut versions, like Pioneer did. R has some of the best seasons, too.:bawl:
  20. I like a quote from Ayashi no Ceres. o.O "Well at least it was the beloved grandson...." -Kagami It was right after Aki freaked an squeezed Grandpa Mikage to death ^.^ Guess Kagami never like 'im. :devil:
  21. I like Gene...cause he's just cool!:D But Jim's awesome, too. He's so smart and stuff!
  22. Oh, this year was a good Christmas. I got lots of stuff I wanted! I got: ~A Rio one MP3 player (I REALLY wanted this) ~Memory for my computer (it crashed already, so I needed this) ~Label-making software (for CD's) ~gameboy advance ~Spyro season of ice ~Golden sun ~Rechargable batteries and station for GBA ~A windchime with oriental markings (I don't know if it's japanese or chinese!:nervous: ) ~fake rocks with oriental markings ~some rings ~ear cuffs ~some more jewelry ~some candy in my stocking
  23. Has anyone seen Ceres? If you have, what do you think of it and who's your fave character? I think it's awesome. It's kinda creepy, but it's cool. My favorite character is Touya, because he's so cool (he's just the cold, quiet type). Plus he can kick anyone's butt.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xeiyataiki [/i] [B]=D YAY!!! WEIß KREUZ RULES!!!! ^.^ I LOVE that anime! =) Yeah, Weiß/Weiss/Weib is the same thing. "Weiß" is german for "White" and "Kreuz" is greman for "Cross" so the show's called "White Cross". It's spelled different ways because "ß" is "SS" in german so some ppl just type out 'ss'. And some ppl put "b" because they don't know how to do the "ß". ^_^ Hope that helps! Got any Q's on WK, ask me!!! ^.^ WK RULEZ!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] I get it now. Thanks a lot! It was driving me insane that I didn't know if it was all the same or not. :worried:
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