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Everything posted by amiboshi

  1. I think this whole topic is ridiculous. Who cares if it was legal or not? The girl SHOULD NOT have had sex when she was 13. Okay, I'm 13, and I'm actually pretty mature, but no way in hell is that acceptable. My god, what is the world coming to? It's like a giant convention for little sluts! (Sorry if this is bad language or something). I swear, do you HAVE to have sex when you're 13, people? Nooooo, I don't think so. Really, though, if the girl and boy both agreed to have sex, then I really don't think the parents should be all over the boy about it. In common sense, they were both responsible for what happened, therefore neither one of them should hold the blame. But that's just not how the law works, or the world for that matter.
  2. I saw X the movie. I didn't like it very much. I mean, it was so short, there ultimately wasn't any story line. Everyone just, well......died. Oh, but that was cool at the end when Kamui just sat there holding the head. Heh heh. The body was just sitting there on the ground. It was all right. Though I don't think it can compare to Anime movies like Princess Mononoke.
  3. You made an entire topic to talk about Trowa's shorts looking like a skirt? You were either bored, have WAY too much time, or you simply like wasting space. Have a nice day! Okay, if your post wasn't pretty much spamming, I don't know what is.:demon:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]I saw the PS2 game advertised for that series, and it was only 8 dollars! How come it's so cheap? Does the game stink that bad or something? Because that is insanely cheap.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I saw that, too. I'm not sure, but it's either because it was one of the first games that came out with PS2, therefore it's been around for a while....and/or because I don't think it was a real big hit. I had to look fairly hard for my copy, since no one had it in stock. It really doesn't stink THAT much. lol
  5. Okay, I wanna check out this series called Weib Kreuz, but I've also seen a series called Weiss Kreuz. Weiss looks like it has the same characters in it as Weib. Is there a difference, or is it just spelled differently? I'm getting too confused.:demon:
  6. For all I know, the sequel may never come to America. lol. I think it's still airing in Japan, actually, but I'm not sure. I know they probably won't bring it out until the first Orphen is done. The PS2 game is okay. It's got really bad voices. Orphen's voice is just freaky. The dubbed voice of the Anime is actually pretty good. Lol.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Erm, I hope I'm not too late to be postin' in this thread..... Anywho... HOTOHORI- FY...... gawl, I love him...... poor sap..... *sniffles* Trunks and Vegeta -DBZ Ranma and Ryoga - Ranma 1/2 Tasuki and Amiboshi- FY also Kaoru- EVA .... he's so beautiful... too bad he's not in the series very long.. Inu Yasha- ............... okay, so it's not an anime.... yet..... but I still I still think he's sexy (methinks it's his attitude,... not to mention the 'animal' in him... teehee;) ) rgh, there's MORE.... *pouts* I just can't think of any at the moment.... [/B][/QUOTE] Um, Inu-yasha is an anime, it's just not dubbed or anything yet. Oh, and add-ons for my list (now that you've reminded me) -Ranma and Ryoga - Ranma 1/2 Inu-yasha (I like his human form best ^_^)--Inuyasha Kaworu--Neon Genesis Evangelion
  8. I've seen Sorcerous Stabber Orphen! I don't think there are any movies. The whole series isn't even subbed/dubbed yet. I know in japan, the sequel (Orphen's revenge) is out. But I haven't heard of any movies.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cibo [/i] [B]I love Escaflowne. I want to name my daughter Katomi because I just love the name. I just wish I had the money to buy the DVD's or VHS's. :( lol just saw this face. :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] Who's Katomi? I bought the series on VHS, but now I wish I'd gotten it in DVD. Do they have bilingual DVD's for Escaflowne? I think they dubbed Esca pretty well. The voices match the characters pretty well, and they don't stick out like they do sometimes.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sailor Meike [/i] [B]Oh yeah, the manga Spriggan, that is a good one too. I never read the manga, but i have the movie. And it's a great one. So, Spriggan would be something good. [/B][/QUOTE] Really? What's it about? I've never heard of it.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The 8th MS Team [/i] [B]I have come here because of the same reason as Shinji Ver2.0 Boredom filling me so..etc. Well I have a generic coment. Clamp is a well known Comic artist group, well known in Korea and Japan. America just doesn't seem to import less known groups so few people may have heard of it. I don't mean to be callous or pejorative clamp, but the style of drawing isn't how I say this, MY style, but i still fell they are good. Mostly i don't buy american manga republications, so i may not know, but seriously, alot of people don't know about CLaMp. Chao:alcohol: :lecture: [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, I think Clamp is fairly well known in America. I like Card Captor Sakura the best. I only saw X:The movie....it was freaky. I haven't gotten to see Magic Knight Rayearth yet, but I'd like to sometime. I agree with whoever said to expand your horizons. There's lots of good Anime out there, and Manga just makes it better. ;)
  12. What do you mean lately? I didn't think they were even dubbing Stars. Actually, I thought they were, but my friend said they weren't. I don't know where you live, but it sure isn't showing where I am.If is playing, how I envy you. I've been wondering about that 200th episode, too. Knowing DIC or pioneer, or whoever dubs/edits it, they'll make some flashing lights, or ribbons, or cut the whole thing....OMG! Wouldn't that be awful? They're gonna slaughter the 200th episode!
  13. You're right, but there are lots of shows with villains and heroes from the future. It's a very popular concept. Like in Inu-yasha. The leading character has gone back in time to feudal japan. Time traveling is just very popular for story lines.But sailormoon and DBZ are a lot alike. For istance, they both repeat certain things over and over and over......
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mztik_Gohan10 [/i] [B]A dragon Ball Manga i suggest. [/B][/QUOTE] Whoah, I almost choked on my food when I read your post. Lol. He wants DB manga, but I can't get that for him. It is REALLY bad. The first manga alone has Goku stealing panties, bulma flashing people, Goku staring at crotches, Goku walking in on naked Bulma, should I go on? You see? This is my problem!:bawl: Wahhhh! I don't know what series I can get. I'll have to just go to the bookstore and look at the manga there, then decide what's suitable. Anyone else have more suggestions, though? ---------------------------------------------------- People who have read the Record of the Lodoss war manga, what do you think about that? Would it be ok? I heaven't read it.
  15. Wow. Nice pic. What is psp? And how do so many people have those great editing programs like photoshop when it costs $600? How? It's not fair!
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]well, princess minerva is pretty cool and unadulterated, and even though some people may argue with me on this one, but evangelion, sure there's blood and some swearing, but not much, though I doubt he would understand anything happening, lol.... hmmm, blue sub 6 if you can, there are other titles, I'll think of some when they come to my head.... [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think Evangelion would be that bad, but you're right. He probably wouldn't be able to follow the story. Plus, some of it's kinda perverted. Like when Asuka and Shinji hang out a lot of times. Plus, when they have those naked copies of Rei. ^_^ Blue sub 6 would be good. Thanks for the suggestions! :)
  17. Do you really think they would have people speaking different languages for every type of person they met? That would be so complicated...it would just fall apart. Plus, if Piccolo spoke a different language the whole time, think about how many subtitles little kids (Who can't read) would have to drag their parents along to read for them? It would just be a pain. Obviously it doesn't make sense, but come on, does people flying and shooting giant explosive lasers from their hands actually make sense? Again, it IS a show, and there is plenty, much bigger than just language, that does not make sense. Oh yeah, about it being aimed at the "little ones". No way! Read the DB manga. My little bro wanted to buy it and I had to let my mom in on the kind of stuff in it and why he most deffinitely could not buy it. Think of how bad that would be. Heh heh. An 8 year-old boy with a comic of Goku stealing Bulma's underwear while she's asleep. *shiver* creepy :shifty:
  18. Okay. I want to get my 8 year-old brother some manga for Christmas. The problem is, I need it to be acceptable for him.. As in no BAD cuss words or nudity. I myself know this is hard to find, so I'm asking you all. Does anyone know of something that will keep him interested without "poisoning" his small brain? lol. I just don't want my parents to be like, you got him THAT?! So....any ideas?
  19. When girls (or just "people") refer to guys as "hot" it just souds kinda shallow almost. ^_^ When you say cute, um...it just sounds better. "Handsome" sounds too proper to me. lol. That's my opinion.:laugh:
  20. Fushigi Yugi is an awesome series. You can buy it @ amazon.com, too. But, I would really recommend the manga. I like it a lot better than the anime. It's funnier, there aren't really dumb voices, it's not cut..... And Yu Watase's original art is beautiful. Also, you should try Ceres. It's a great series, also by Yu Watase.
  21. That's so neat. I wish I could have a club at my school. Where I go, we have "Club days" once a month, but they're only clubs like Origami and rocket club. Stuff like that. Only the teachers can start them, then people would have to send in application for it. It's so dumb. No good clubs. Even if I somehow did start an Anime club, there are like 5 people that like it. Every else acts like they diss it, when I know there are some *secret* fans.:shifty: lol. They're so dumb. But they never go to anime outside Cartoon Network anyways, so...... Oh well. Maybe one day.....
  22. I actually do have a problem with Chibi Moon. She's such a brat! In that one episode of Sailormoon SuperS, she got all mad thinking Darien was seeing another girl, and then she'd never be born. Um...what about all those times she puposely breaks up would-be dates between Serena and Darien? I mean, if she's so worried about her being born, why does she interfere se much. And it's disgusting that she's always jealous of Serena about Darien, I mean, it's her Dad! Why is she like that? It's just plain weird. Ugh. She's such a spoiled little brat.
  23. I got really ticked when Fox took it off. I'm pretty sure here they rerplaced it with "Nascar Racers"...Talk about a dumb show to switch Escaflowne with.... Visions of Escaflowne is soooo good! Since they took it off the air, I went to the store and bought it. I busted a lot of money, though. ^.^ My favorite charcter is either Dilandau, Van, or Folken. I can't decide. They're all so cool! (ahem, cute, too ^_^). Escaflowne is one of my favorite series, even though it is only 26 eps. I thought the storyline was great throughout the whole series. It almost seemed to be part Shoujo Anime, especially near the end. With the love and all. lol:love:
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B] its the eyebrows ;) and the facial expressions [/B][/QUOTE] There's also the fact that he wears those TIGHT little uniform things, and goes around kicking butt. I think he looks even younger in GT. Considering with his hair cut he almost looks like a teenage boy (Kinda).:laugh:
  25. Oh wow! I just saw Princess Mononoke. It was soooo great! I loved it. I rented it, and when I checked out the person said it used to be in the kids section, but parents kept complaining that it wasn't suitable, so they moved it to Sci-fi. I think that's funny. The place has a "Japanimation" section, though. Why wouldn't they just put it there? They have Orphen in Sci-fi, too. Weird place...
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