Tenchi's okay, not THAT great... Dragonball is one of my favorite series, but it gets a bit repetitive. Fushigi Yugi is the best! Especially the Manga! Anime's really good, too though.
The All time cutest Anime guy is between Amiboshi(Fushigi Yugi), Yuhi (Ayashi no Ceres), Toya(Ayashi No ceres), Trunks(DBZ), and Orphen (sorcerous stabber Orphen).
They're all soooo cute! Lol.
I think Usagi and Seiya would make a good couple, too. Evem though I don't really like Mamoru, I still love the romance thing. ^_^ I got so mad @ Uranus and Neptune. How could they betray their princess like that? How shallow can you get?
My favorite opening are "Scarlet" from Ayashi no Ceres, "Ai, just on my love" from Orphen, The Gundam Wing opening, The opening from Fushigi Yugi, and "I don't need any Promises" from Vision of Escaflowne.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i]
[B]I love the new look, and think it will be awsome to play it =) I am a bit shocked that they changed it, but am very interested in the way it is turning out. I will get it, if only to check it out. Zelda and Nintendo deserve that, and I am sure that no one will be dissapointed witht he game =) [/B][/QUOTE]
You *choke* like the new look? Yuck! It's disgusting. It looks like a little kids game now. No more hardcore Zelda fighting. Link looks like a contorted GBC version (that was bad enough). I hate Miyamoto's new design! Hate it! I wish he had just stuck with the N64 version. Zelda's gone!!!!!!!:bawl: :mad:
How does Audiogalaxy work, exactly? I'm confused. But, thanks for the site!
Nevermind I get it now!
Okay, does anyone know where I can get the Orphen Closing song "Last Kiss"? I just spent my entire Saturday looking, and no luck. All the sites that have it don't work. They all have broken links to the file. :flaming: :flaming: Help me!!!! If anyone finds one, you can just email me! [email]ls88@msn.com[/email] aim: lms88 2000 Thanks!