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Everything posted by amiboshi

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]Oh, so basically more "girly" manga...like Sailor Moon. I personally don't like that kind of stuff, not much action or comedy. I guess I'll just stick with the guy stuff. So no changing the manga, just a totally different series. I'm sorry, but I'm not giving up Yu Yu Hakusho just to be more girly to read Sailor Moon...0_o [/B][/QUOTE] Simply preference. ^-^ Although, there's stuff like "X/1999" by CLAMP that I'm not sure what it would be considered. There's angst and stuff, so I want to call it shoujo, but there's also a lot of fighting and gore. Just because it's [i]for[/i] girls, doesn't always mean it's "girly". Just like some girls are more girly than others...;)
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]Shonen is for boys???????? I don't see anything wrong with Shonen Jump and I'm a girl. So then where's Shojo Jump??? ( I guess that would be a more "femine" approach to Yu Yu Hakusho or something......that would be wierd. [/B][/QUOTE] It doesn't quite work that way... Shoujo doesn't mean they change the manga or anything, they're just a label on manga that girls would enjoy more than boys... *can't tell if you were joking or not O.o* It's just looking at a romance story and saying "that's for girls", then looking at a fighting story and saying "that's for boys". Those are examples of course, but I mean it's just suggesting boys/girls would enjoy a story more. I think Animerica Extra has a lot more shoujo stuff in it, and Tokyopop used to publish "smile" that had shoujo stuff like Sailormoon, Peach Girl, and stuff like that. Animerica Extra has Fushigi Yuugi, which is big-shoujo, and Revolutionary Girl Utena, so they have some shoujo stuff there. But lots of girls like shonen stuff. Doesn't mean anything. ;) Simply (again) a label meaning boys might like it more than girls, or at least that's how I see it.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BunnyBunny05 [/i] [B]Are u kidding? Inuyasha keeps my eyes WIDE OPEN from beginning to end! If the beginning theme song were to come on, I would blast up the volume, take the microphone, and sing along (that also goes for the end)! :luv: Inuyasha is such a hottie and I'm sure ne girl would agree w/me! I like the vibrant colors they use, and the characters are so crazy! Kagome and Inuyasha's love really keeps me on my feet, though. When will they go together? Oh, Kikyo really gives me the willies. Don't get me wrong, she's so beautiful, but somehow, she's walking that era with some of Kagome's and other girls' souls (the girls are dead, too!!!!) And then the one with the hole in his hand (it's so hard for me to even spell his name!) is a pervert! He's still cute, though. Wow. I've typed a lot, didn't I? PS, I hope everyone enjoys the next episode (Kagome's voice and Kikyo's kiss), b/c when that comes on, my eyes will be glued to every minute of it!!!!:) :p :laugh: :love: ;) :whoops: [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I think it's weird that Kikyo's alive again. I mean, she's already dead, it's not right to come back to life. She doesn't even have her whole soul... >.> Kagome is her reincarnation, I think Kikyo's a little messed up to hate her reincarnated self... Oh, and the guy with the hole in his hand, his name's Miroku. ;)
  4. Yeah, shoujo often has romance and the such in it, not to mention lots of bishonen that shonen doesn't always have. I highly prefer shoujo, but everyone's different. ;)
  5. I loved the music. ^-^ I had to download the songs, they were so cute. ^^ My favorite was Ai wa Never End.... It sounded kinda refreshing for some reason. O.o
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Utena_Tenjou [/i] [B]I have to add Kaworu from Evangelion to my list of sexy bishies. ^_^ [url]http://purlace.net/eva/other-ch/kaworu-ys01.jpg[/url] The picture may take a while to load on a 56k modem... [/B][/QUOTE] mm, Kaworu's a cutie. ;) I always thought he was, even before I saw Eva. lol. When I think about it, he looks kinda stange, but still seksie. ^-^
  7. Miyuki-chan was very weird... O.o I the DVD, and I was kinda in an awe when it was over, because it was just so odd. Very strange retelling of Alice in Wonderland. ^^;; I still want to read the manga when Tokyopop released it, though. ^-^
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]::cracks knuckles:: Marmalade Boy is like......... sugar--it's sweet and makes me hyper. No I'm just joking about the last part. But it's very addicting, perhaps because me and amibasuki have to wait about two months in between each volume of manga before we can read the next one. It's like waiting for a Harry Potter book. >.< But anyway, I like it a lot......... it's not my typical type of read, with the whole romantic comedy thing going on. I hate that crap. But this has so many twists and turns than others I have read before, it keeps me interested. I can't predict the outcome of the series, because I honestly think that it could go a number of ways instead of the usual everything-is-wonderful type of ending. So anyway, ..... go Marmalade Boy! ... [/B][/QUOTE] The ending deffinitely took me by surprise. I loved it. Very, very good ending.... I won't say anything else about that now. :x
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mr Roboto [/i] [B]Some other rare anime are Angelic Layer, AD Police, Marmalade Boy, Full Metal Panic,&.hack//sign also, does anyone have any information on hack.//liminality All I know is that it goes .hack//sign(anime), .hack(4 part ps2 game),.hack//dusk(manga), & .hack liminality( 4 part OAV released with PS2 game) [/B][/QUOTE] Yay, someone mentioned Full Metal Panic. ^-^ I watched the whole series, and I really liked it. It had a little shoujo-twist in it, and good fight scenes and plot, too, so I really enjoyed it for the most part. X3
  10. I love Marmalade Boy. I read all 8 volume scanlated (forgive me for stealing, but I was too curious) and I really love the whole manga series. The anime looks so long, I'm not really interested in it right now, but I loved the manga. ^-^
  11. We usually get a really big tree and decorate it and everything, but this year we're in a fairly tiny apartment, so we got a little 3-foot fake fiber-optic tree. U.U It's so sad....
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B]Uh, Kite.. that wasn't hat great of a movie.. *shrugs*.. anyway....Miss whatever from CCS, the one who pretends to be Yueh, she's kinda hot... But clamp isnt very good at drawing hot girls... 'cept MS. SHIMIZU...MMMMMMMMM tasty... [/B][/QUOTE] Pretends to be Yue? ...I didn't think anyone pretends to be Yue... Are you talking about Ruby Moon? The girl with the pink bun-things in her hair?
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forest_Pixie [/i] [B]Ryuichi is the bestest ever!!! I love him!!! but um yea.. Hameln from Violinest of Hamelin.. I dunno what it is.. but Gah!! :p and Tasuki of course!! and Sano...:D Shido from NightWalker... dang there are just too many to think of...:cross: :cross: [/B][/QUOTE] Sano is one of my favorite Bishonen now. ^-^ He's cute, but just his personality and everything together... I want a guy like Sano IRL. ^^ Tasuki, Tamahome, and Amiboshi are my faves from Fushigi Yuugi. Gotta love Yu Watase's bishonen...:p
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeAddict [/i] [B]I love InuYasha! It's pretty funny actually... Though I have to drink four cups of Coke to stay awake. I SHOULD get the manga. It's about...erm... $15.00 a issue in most stores. You can seewhy I'mholding myself back, ;) [/B][/QUOTE] lol. Yeah, mine always come out to $17 a volume, and I have 11... Spent a fortune on those things, but most of them were worth it! ...some of them I wish I hadn't bought... >.>
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]I love it. I watch it more than any other anime. The only bad thing about it, is the end song. For some reason I just don't like it. But all the animation is great. The story line is superb. I love this anime. [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, I'm the other way around. I like the ending song, but not the opening, Change the World. I think the song is kind of annoying... V.V I dunno. But My Will is a pretty song and I love hearing it. ^^ Just musical preference, I guess.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetreyes [/i] [B]I had t miss it....and wish that I could have seen it...But thanks to work.....:bawl: Well that explains it.... But can you tell me what happens...Or should read the manga...Does it go over that episode good!! [/B][/QUOTE] Sure, I'll tell you what happens. ^^ But if you want the manga, it's volume 5. ^-^[spoiler]Okay, so Kagome and Inu-Yasha meet this girl being attacked by spider demons, and Inu-Yasha saves her, then Kagome wants to help the girl get rid of the demons, but Inuyasha's very reluctant and wants to get out of the mountain (where they were when they found the girl) before night. The girl, also reluctant to have a demon's help tries to climb away on a vine going up the mountain, but she falls down and hurts her ankle, so Inu-Yasha has to carry her on his back back to the temple where she lives with her master. Her master tells Inu-Yasha and Kagome to stay there the night, so they do. Kagome, Inu-Yasha, and Shippo are in their room when suddenly the roof is covered in spider demons. They run out of the room and the whole temple is covered in spider demons. Inu-Yasha tells Kagome to get out while he handles them, and he starts fighting them with the tetsusaiga, but for some reason it doesn't transform and he's easily overpowered by the mass numbers of huge spiders and the webbing. Kagome pulls Inu-Yasha outside, while he's covered in spider webs, and when he pulls them off, it's revealed that's he's become human. He has black hair, normal ears, no claws, everything's human. Then the girl Inu-Yasha saved is looking at her master, who has been captured by the spiders and is all tied down and such by webs, and he tells her to save herself, etc. Back to Inu-Yasha... We learn that he's human on every new moon, and it would be a terrible weakness if his enemies knew when he changed, since every half-breed Goes through this change at some time of the month, when their human blood is the strongest. Then the girl runs out to them and tells them to save her master, but Inu-Yasha refuses (since he's mortal) and wants to leave the mountain. Then Kagome realizes and tells Inu-Yasha that she left her bag wtih all the Shikon shards in it in the temple with the demons. Inu-Yasha freaks out and goes into the temple to retrieve them, where he finds that the girl's master was never captured, but he is infact the leader of the Spider demons, and he tries to kill Inu-Yasha. Kagome races in to save Inu-Yasha, and finds him hanging from the webs, after the monk-master spider bit him in the side, injecting his with dangerous poison leaving him virtually unconcious. Kagome grabs Inu-Yasha and they escape, while Shippo nabs the Shikon shards and they all retreat to a back room while being chased by the spiders. Kagome sticks the Tetsusaiga into the door, and it creates a protective barrier that keeps them safe from the spiders. Inu-Yasha is very sick and can die from the poison, so Myoga (Inu-Yasha's flea) drinks the poison out of Inu-Yasha's neck, and Inu-Yasha's safe from the poison, although he's still very weak from it. The group spends the night in the room, and Kagome looks at Inu-Yasha and notices he's sweaty, so she wipes his forehead off eith her handkerchief, and Inu-Yasha turns to her and asks her why she was crying (when IY might have died at first from the poison)and when Kagome says it was for him, he says "will you lend me your lap?" So Kagome puts his head in her lap, and Inu-yasha says "You...smell nice. Kagome - "What? I thought you said you hated how I smelled!" IY - "I lied." The two of them fall asleep, and the girl's master coaxes her into taking the Tetsusaiga out of the door, removing the shield and the demons barge in. The demon master eats the Shikon Shards and starts strangling Inu-yasha, but suddenly he gets his demon powers back, since it's morning, he kicks butt, the Shikon shards go back to Kagome, and they've been fused into one big shard in the demon's body. Kagome and Inu-Yasha leave the town, having beaten the demons, and when Kagome tries to find out what exactly Inu-Yasha had meant when he was on her lap, Inu-Yasha plays dumb again and Kagome figures nothing changed.[/spoiler] Whoo...there it is... *pant pant* Sorry it was so long. lol. ^^;;
  17. Inu-Yasha was written by Rumiko Takahashi, a woman. So yes, that is a fact that it was done by a woman. ^^
  18. amiboshi


    I really like RahXephon, and its animation. I've seen Evangelion, and I like RahXephon better... RahXephon has a different kind of appeal, IMO. I was impressed by the series, but maybe that's just me.
  19. Actually, Tokyo Babylon isn't a sequal, it's another CLAMP series. I hated X the movie, but I like X TV. I'm on episode 17 or something like that, and I love it. ^-^ It's really creepy and they have some really cool psychic battles, plus I like the nice animation. ^^
  20. Sounds like a good idea to me. ^-^ I bought Spriggan when it was released in the US, and I liked it. They had some really cool fight scenes, and I like the exotic music. ^^ McDougal was really annoying after a while, though... It seemed to carry on too long, but I still enjoyed the movie. Not one of my faves, but still good...
  21. I really like the series. ^-^ Girls kicking butt is awesome, and the action isn't too overdone, if you know what I mean. It seems really interesting, and I can't wait to finish the series. I was hooked after one episode... I've only seen like 10 so far.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sweetreyes [/i] [B]I'd have to say that I'm with you but the opposite......I love the ending theme to Outlaw Star...and I just love th drawing they have as well. It just seems so surreal and surene....but at the same time it makes me sad when I hear it..Should I be sad???[/B][/QUOTE] lol. Same with me. The first ending was Hiro no Tsuki and the second was Tsuki no le, I loved 'em both. ^-^ Hiro no Tsuki is such a pretty song... Melfina's seiyuu has such a nice voice. ^^ That song made me sad when I heard it, too. I'm with you on the drawings the show at the end, I always loved them. They looks almost realistic, but they're also kinda futuristic and some of them have those weird animals and stuff....they were all really pretty, though. ^^
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]No No No, see, to me, the whole draw behind these charactors we are calling "sexy" is the idea of being close to real life while still being far from real. faye, mai (kof), they are both close to normal, but far from regular girls. No women could hold up to these two if they were real, (well, maybe heidi klum, but that doesnt matter). Point is, these charactors examplafy what sex is to us. I can't speak for the girls, but for the guys, these charactors are nothing like real girls. No women is like that, its just not natural. But for some f'd up reason, we like that stuff. Maybe because we have this odd idea of what good looks thanks to calvin klien and mtv, but either way, we have these unreal ideas of the ideal women. I am personally happy to admit that I have no ideal women, but for alot of fellas, the ideal sex symbol is unreal. These charactors are perfect examples of that. [/B][/QUOTE] heh heh...I guess that's a good point. ^^; I have a mad fascination with bishonen, and I find them very sexy and very charming. ^-^ No matter how hard I try, I'll probably never find a real guy even slightly close to being as perfect as an anime bishonen, but maybe that's where the fun is.;) But a lot of times, you can identify good traits from the characters you like in real people, so you can still link people you find sexy in anime to people you find sexy in real life. ^-^
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiTrunks [/i] [B][COLOR=red][SIZE=1][FONT=arial] Time for my more mature Listy List;) Okay, first person. Shuichi from Gravitation^^ Ohhhhhhhhh.... He is such a CUTIE when he is sad![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] Shuichi is really cute, almost in a feminine kind of way.. ^^;; I think Eiri was cuter than Shuichi, but Shuichi was appealing in his own way. But...Ryuichi was the cutest bishonen in Gravi! He was just adorable. ^^ What a great series... Just busting with bishonen...
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]I know its not ROLW, but I know a couple worth mentioning. Outlaw stars opening. Yu yu has a chessy one worth a sec. cowboy bebop of course. Most of the stuff on adult swim. The original opening to the later dbz eps. I think something like "we've got power" But most of all, that opening to outlaw star rocks! [/B][/QUOTE] I love OS's opening... Through the night is a great song. ^-^ I loved all the music from Outlaw Star so much I even bought both the OSTs... And YYH has a nice opening, too. Although the US version was butchered... It lost a lot of instrument sounds and I love the original version a lot more, but even the dubbed one is rather catchy... ^^;
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