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Everything posted by amiboshi
I saw 2 episodes, and I it looks pretty good. I'd like to see more, but I just have other animes to see before that. ^-^ Oh yeah, Tokyopop licensed the Scryed manga, too, and they're gonna release it in 2003. ;) ...just thought I'd throw that in....
Heh, you spelled everything right. ^-^ I really love Princess Mononoke. I really love the story, the characters, even the music is great... ^^ I've seen the movie over 10 times by now, probably, and I still love it. I think it's just a really great movie.... One of Miyazaki's best. ^-^
I think people are called by their last name very frequently, I know they are at least in anime, since I've never been to Japan or anything. :p It's just a different way of adressing people than we do here.... It's doesn't necessarily mean he "likes" being called by his last name. ^-^
I absolutely love Majutsushi Orphen! Yep yep....I love almost everything about it, and I'm ALMOST done with the first season. ^-^ I actually like Orphen's dub....I think David Matranga did a very good VA job. ;) After comparing it with the subs, it sure is different, and has a different script, but the dub just adds a little more spunk to the show. ^^ I dunno, overall I really like the dub, except maybe for Majic's voice. Ick....I hate Spike Spencer...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]That's the entire point of them taking it off, I suppose. The entire point of Adult Swim is for [i]adults[/i] to watch it, not kids. They're going out of their way to make sure kids don't watch Adult Swim. I guess they're afraid of parents writing letters and complaining about why a block of adult cartoons are on at a time when children could see them. [/B][/QUOTE] I think that's ridiculous. They're not really "mature" shows, they're more like TV14 or something.... It's almost impossible to put something on Cartoon Network at any time when no kids will see it. I'm sure now some kids will be motivated to stay up late and watch, or people will just record it. If they wanted shows that were truly only for adults, they shouldn't have put them on a network that is otherwise made for kids. It's just not a very smart idea.
But I thought kids was their biggest audience on Saturdays for Adult Swim....they're really doing some messed up stuff now. I enjoyed the anime block on Saturdays, and I can't stay up that late on Weekdays, plus setting a VCR is just a pain. I have to say, I'm disappointed at this. Adult Swim was never that good, so I guess this is just the end of it for me. >.<
It's hard to tell, since it's dubbed. O.o;; Everyone may call him by his last name in the anime, and he says his name the English way, or he may be saying it the japanese way with his last name first, and everyone calls him by his first name. It's hard to tell once they've dubbed it, so basically I have no clue. heh heh...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gurl [/i] [B]Everybody thinks I'm insane because I think Trowa from Gundam Wing is hot.....ah what the hey it's not the first time someone called me crazy. In my opinion, anime girls with huge breasts that are abnormally big doesn't make them sexy. In fact, I think it's really ugly. *starts muttering about OutlawDragon* [/B][/QUOTE] Trowa....that's not crazy, that's good taste! ^^ I love Trowa from GW, but there are hotter anime guys out there... The first time I saw Gundam Wing, though, I fell for Trowa. lol. I agree with you about the girls with abnormally big breasts, but the ones without breasts at all are rather unappealing, even to me being a girl. I mean, in Hana Yori Dango, it's suppose to be very realistic, but the main characters hardly has any chest (or any figure...) and she's a but chunky, and she's really not pretty at all... I dunno, it's not very pleasant when the main heroine isn't even pretty.... I like Yu Watase's characters. The females are usually in proportion, but they're always pretty. ^-^
I saw Zoids once or twice, but I wasn't really impressed by it. I dunno, I don't really care if they took it off CN or not. I didn't find the show extremely interesting or anything...
I liked YYH at first, and I guess I still do, but my patience is wearing down for new episodes. They didn't get that far before stopping and I'm quickly losing interest as the have reruns every week. U.U I like those simple fighting shows for a while, just as I enjoyed DBZ for a while, but if the show doesn't develop just a little more plot, I'm gonna get sick of it... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]Well, I haven't seen their renditions of Lupin III, Blue Gender, or Fruits Basket yet, but I'm hoping they end up better than Yu Yu Hakusho and Dragonball Z combined.[/B][/QUOTE] I'm not sure what you mean by "end up being better", but I know that the Fruits Basket dub is nothing to look forward to if you've seen even one episode of it subtitled. The voices are not matched well at all for the character personalities, everyone sound too timid. I think it came out worse than YYH, deffinitely....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pepper [/i] [B]Bleh. I've seen most anime listed here. Nothing new. I've noticed not too many people know about Love Hina, it's such a wonderful series but people dont know. 3x3 eyes is another great series. Sad to say but some of those anime titles, i checked and they didnt exist o.O;; maybe i was wrong, but there was like a post or two on anime that i could not find, maybe just me ;_;. Right now i'm watching a very unknown series (at least in my parts) called Hikago or Hikaru No Go and another called His&Hers and another called Gunsmith Cats. Some real old anime may not be known, like Candy Candy and such. [/B][/QUOTE] Love Hina? I think that's a pretty well-known anime... maybe not here, but tons of people know of it. I've deffinitely heard about it, though I've never actually seen it. You mentions "his & hers"...are you talking about his and her circumstances? I know that's what they tranlationed Kareshi Kanojo no jijou to be. More people should see Kare Kano, it's a really great series. ^-^ One of my faves...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Milliardo [/i] [B][font=comic sans ms]Been to the RPG, and I skimmed the first page. The spelling's Van, not Vaughn. Somebody should get that right.[/font] [/B][/QUOTE] lol. I noticed that, too. The spelling's changed on several characters many different times... make up your minds how you're gonna spell things! ^-^ I really suck at RPGs. Me in an RPG would be scary beyond belief.:nervous: (*spoilers*) I have a question on the series, though. I noticed that in the opening, Hitomi not only kisses Allen, which I already know she did, but she also kisses Amano. I didn't think she ever actually kissed Amano in the series.... Did she, or was it just some clips to make a nice opening? And if she's kissin all these other guys, why is it she never kissed Van, whom she was actually in love with?!? They just...hug....then she leaves...and that's it... I was in shock at how she just left him. I would have stayed with Van! Okay, I just had to get that off my chest....
*raises hand* yes! All in all, I think it's one of the best, and deffinitely one of my favorites! It's just such a great anime.... It's got a perfect combo of everything. ^-^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]You guys! My Media Play finally started carrying X manga! I've been waiting forever and ever for them to do it and when I went there last night they had it! But they had Crescendo, which is FAR from the first volume, and that was the only one they had on the shelf. Next time I go, if they don't have Prelude, I'm going to freaking request it! Of course, Viz and Animerica manga aren't as great as the TokyoPop in my opinion and they cost more! >.
lol! Rei is hilarious.... Sana's right to make him wear those glasses, he [i]does[/i] have gorgeous eyes... @.@ But I think Rei is really sweet.... the whole "pimp" thing is really funny, though...
I feel so deflated reading this thread.... I guess there are very few people who liked the series. I'm almost all by myself on this one! *cries* I'm not sure why it appealed to me, but I really REALLY like this show, except the way it ended. That just sucked....you couldn't even call it an ending. But other than that I really enjoyed the show...er....ova. ^-^;;
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Yes, he was awesome. He had that purpleish hair going on and he just seemed more mature and elegant. Ah, sweet Nataku. And it's weird that I liked him because I usually am so Anti-Antagonist and I always fall for the good guys. :)[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] lol. I'm the same way, but Nataku is hard to resist. ;) I like Fuuma a little too, but more in the series than the movie. He looks so evil when he puts those glasses on... Fuuma's cool because he's just downright creepy.
I had a big problem with the parts on my Heavyarms Gundam model. I broke the chest cover when I was putting it together and the clip didn't work on the side, so that was busted. Then the arms kept wanting to fall off, and the whole model was pretty weak and loose. I had them displayed over my bed and one day it fell on my face while I was sleeping and it totally fell apart. I had glued the chest on, and it fell off along with the head that went somewhere and various other parts that fell all over, not to mention waking me up...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]I hated X the movie because they crammed a WHOLE manga series into one hour. But I still loved it at the same time because it was CLAMP and it was beautiful. :) My favorite characters were mostly women of course! Mkay, first it was Kotori because she was just this classic beauty and I wish that I looked like her. Next was Karen Kasumi because her name was Kasumi, WHOOHOO! (That's my anime name) and she just had so much sex appeal I wish I could be like her. And then was Arashi because she was caught up in a love story, and I'm ALWAYS a sucker for something romantic. And for guys, besides Kamui, I loved Nataku. Because he was so beautiful and he had a sexy name.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I really liked Nataku for a long time. He had that captivating grace...and the flying ribbons....gotta love those. ^-^ That made him seem even more graceful... And I love his hair and the mark he has on his head... Head-symbols are neat....lol.
Yuhi bugged the crap outta me. Touya and Aya were obviously in love, and he just kept getting arrogant and in the way. Plus, I'ma big Touya fan. >.< I'm always a sucker for the main characters' love. Just like I hated Hotohori in Fushigi Yuugi.... Yu Watase loves those rival characters, eh?
Ah, Ayashi no Ceres. It's good, but not as good as Fushigi Yuugi. The art is gorgeous as always, but I've heard the manga is much better than the anime. I've seen most of the anime, and it actually feels rather rushed a lot. Overall, I liked it, but it was very very depressing.... I'll never forget the scene where the girl fell from the sky and literally splattered all over the road for her death. It was nasty... Yu Watase does horror almost as well as she does romance. ^-^
I think "the goggle guy" is Sorata....but I'm not sure. And maybe the suit guy is Aoki... You're right about character development, it lacked it completely. There was a lot of blood in X, but it's just kinda morbid like that... I wouldn't say X TV is cheery or anything, I think it's still rather depressing, but not like the movie is, that's for the sure. They're totally different... X TV was really cool, and the plot was left intact for the most part. ^-^ Plus the art is awesome... much better than the movie.
lol. Yeah, that's the word. Loud. I think I saw episode nine.... When Sana puts a ring around herself to black Hayama. I love that little song she sings into her...whatever-it-is machine. It was really funny-sounding. lol. I think Akito sounds a little too old, but maybe that's my imagination. O.o
Wait, is this about X TV or X the movie? Because there's a huge difference... Something about the movie was mentioned, so I'll go off that. I hated X the movie. It was just deaths lined up in a nice little row. One after another, they all died. It was too predictable. I really like Kamui and Sorata. Sorata's hillarious,maybe not in the movie, but he is. And I love Kamui just because he's Kamui. The creepy aura, the power beyond belief, the "butterfly eyes". lol. The ending was pretty awkward. It just....ends. Decapitation was a pretty bad way for Fuuma to go out. It just...poppped off... O.O
I love Kodomo no Omocha. It's so funny, and really sweet, too. ^-^ I've read 7 volumes of the manga, and I still just love it to death. I watched one episode, and I'm kinda turned off by the anime. Sana is just too....too....I don't know, annoying in the anime. Her voice is obnoxious. >.< Nao-chan is weird. I like Hayama more than him....lol. But Nao is still cute. ^^ I really hate Fuka, though. I hate her so very much.... *stabs Fuka voodoo doll*