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Everything posted by ShadowSword

  1. [B][I][COLOR=Navy]Kirk stopped and turned around to see that everyone else stopped.He looked a little irratated with this and pushed his way through some of the other Digidestined. SnowAgumon wasn't too far behind him. "What's going on here people," Kirk asked as he pushed his way to the end. Everyone looked at Kirk and then at Emily. Emily and Biyomon were looking around like they saw something. Kirk walked in front of everyone else as SnowAgumon stummbled to his side. "Emily swears she saw something," Daina said as she leaned toward Kirk. DemiDevimon nodded his head in agreement with Daina. Kirk shook his head and looked back at Emily. "Look Emily," Kirk said as SnowAgumon looked at Biyomon, "you're seeing things. We have to keep moving before it gets dark. We don't want to be stuck in this dark forest so it can get darker." Emily looked over at Kirk, but jumped when something moved. That time everyone saw it and took a step backward, even Kirk. Emily stood there with Biyomon at her side. Everyone suddenly jumped when they heard laughter. Biyomon got into a fighting stance, but fell over when a Digimon jumped out of the shadows and landing in front of her. Emily stiffened up as she stared at the goblin type Digimon that just jumped out of the shadows. "It's a shame that you think I'm only a figment of your imagination," the strange Digimon said as he glared at the group. Kirk looked down at SnowAgumon as everyone took another step backward. SnowAgumon looked really tension and didn't like the fact that Emily and Biyomon were so close to that thing. "Watch out guys," SnowAgumon yelled to Emily and Biyomon, "That's Baronmon. His Dancing Meteor and Scarlet Hair attacks can leave some perrty nasty scares." Emily and Biyomon looked over at SnowAgumon as everyone took about five steps backward. Baronmon laughed as Emily and Biyomon looked back at him. They both started to sweat. "My master order ten human children dead," Baronmon laughed, "and I think I'll started with this little one and her little pink birdy." Everyone tensed up as Baronmon started to close in on Emily and Biyomon. Everyone started wondering what could happen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Alright, Emily and Biyomon are first up to bat. Baronmon's attacks are Dancing Meteor and Scarlet Hair, just in case you didn't catch them when SnowAgumon said them. Fair warning to the others. I'll mention the evil Digimon's name and attacks in my post. Watch out for them because one of our Digimon will say them. LOL Well, go for it Emily. ^_^[/color][/i][/b]
  2. [B][I][COLOR=Navy]OCC: I can't wait for yalborap. I'm just going to have Gennai exsplain everything and have the Digimon Digivolve. Then he'll send us into the Dark Forest where we'll meet our next challenge. That won't be until my next post though. I'll pretend Jace showed up with Shonakimon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Well," the holographic man said as Jace finally ran up with a Digimon in hand, "it looks like everyone's here now. So you guys won't be totally lost, I'm Gennai and I'm going to be a Digital Guide. In a matter of speaking." Kirk and everyone else still looked totally confused. Koromon had stopped jumping and looked at Gennai the same way the kids were looking at him. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Gennai's face as he let out a sigh. "Listen pops," Kirk said as he put his hands on the back of his head, "I want to know how we got here and why we're here." Gennai shook his head and looked at the ten children. Some of the girls were talking among themselves as some of the boys stared Gennai down. Gennai let out another sigh. "You ten are the choosen Digidestined," Gennai said as he crossed his arms, "You have been chosen to save our world from total destruction. You ten are the only ones who can help your friends here Digivolve into bigger and stronger Digimon. The small colored devices you recieved are called Digivices. Those are what help your partners Digivolve. Don't lose or trade those if it's the last think you do. Even if they are what brought you here." Everyone took their Digivices out and started looking at them. Kirk started looking around. All the other "Digidestined" had diffrent colored "Digivices" then he did. Daina suddenly spoke up. "We were choosen to save this world," Daina said as she looked away from her Digivice and at Gennai, "but our Digimon are small and helpless. Not putting them down or anything, but I don't think their exsactly world saving material." All of the Digimon put their heads down. Daina looked around and then put her head down. She didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings. Gennai grinned slightly. "Now there's where it gets interesting missy," Gennai said as he brushed a bit of black hair from his face, "Watch and learn. Watch and learn." Gennai made a hand motion and everyone's Digivice satarted to glow along with thier Digimon. Kirk jumped up and watched Koromon double in size. Everyone else's Digimon were doing the same. Soon a white colored reptile creature with blue eyes was standing where Koromon was. Kirk looked at the new Digimon in disbelieve. He then started looking around. A pink bird with a silver ring around one of her feet and blue eyes was smiling as she stood in front of Emily, a white and purple seal like creature with huge claws and green eyes was happily looking up at Amika, a bat like creature with golden eyes and floppy antena things on his head had just flew onto Daina's shoulder, a strange black creature with a black horn on his head, a strange golden symbol on his white underbelly, and brown eyes was happily grinning at Yuki, a long eared broen rabbit like creature with three horns, pink in it, and cute brown eyes jumped onto Jame's head, a huge yellow fox with purple in her and blue eyes looked down at Carrie, a light purple creatur with little wings, a huge fox tail, a red stone on it head, and with gold eyes was wagging it's tail as Terren looked at it in total confusion, a green plant like creature with purple flowers as hands, a red flower petal collar, a red helment like thing, and blue eyes smiled brightly at Maria, and Jace was looking strangely at his bigger Digimon. Daina smiled brightly and started screatching her new Digimon's chin. "That's amazeimg," Daina exsclaimed as she continued what she was doing, "They got bigger! Maybe now we stand a chance." Gennai smiled happily and looked around at all the confused faces. He cleared his throat and everyone turned to look at him. He smiled again at eveyone's attention. "I would like you all to know your Digimon's new names," Gennai said as he stopped smiling. "Why don't you introduce yourselves guys and gals." All the Digimon nodded thier heads and stood in front of their partners if they weren't already. "I'm SnowAgumon," the small white colored reptile said with a smile. "I'm Biyomon," the pink bird said with cheer. "I'm DemiDevimon," the bat said as he fluttered in front of Daina. "I'm BlackGabumon," the strange black creature said as he smiled brightly. "I'm Lopmon," the brown rabbit said as she streatched her ears. "I'm Renamon," the yellow fox said as she crossed her arms. "I'm Dorumon," the purple fox said as he wagged his tail. "I'm Floramon," the plant said as she smiled. "And I'm Shatakumon," the Digimon standing in front of Jace said. All of the Digidestined nodded their heads and looked back at Gennai. Gennai smiled as the Digimon went back to their partner's side, head, arms, or shoulder. "They're are all in their Rookie forms now," Gennai said as he turned his back to the Digidestined, "If you can make it to that village over there near that volcano, I'll give you more information. For now you have to enter the Dark Forest behind you, find your way through that, make your way across Green Valley, quickly pass on Fire Road, and finally enter the village. I bid you farewll for now." Kirk reached for Gennai as he disappeared. He shook his head and looked down at SnowAgumon. SnowAgumon shrugged his shoulders. Kirk let out a sigh and looked toward the forest. He then started walking toward it. "We should do what pop says," Kirk said as SnowAgumon stummbled to catch up to him. All the other Digidestined looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and started following Kirk. Their Digimon followed as well. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I really don't care who'll post next and I don't care what they post. Just remember we're in the forest. I would kind to like them see a shadow or something. Other then that, post what ever you like. Oh yeah, don't start any battles. OK ^_^[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  3. [B][I][color=navy]Alright guys, I started this. You can go to the Adventure Arena to check it out. I still really need four more people though. :lets out a sigh: This is still open until I get four more people. :lets out another sigh:[/color][/I][/B]
  4. [B][I][COLOR=Navy]OOC: Ok, I'm going to start this, but I still need four more people. Here's a link for sign-ups if you think this sounds interesting. [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=570910#post570910post570910]Digimon: Second Generation Sign-Ups![/url] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ow man," Kirk yelled as his head hit the seat in front of him. The girl Kirk had been flirting with started giggling as he stood up and marched to the front of the bus. The bus driver was trying to get the bus to run again, but it just wasn't starting. Kirk put his hand on the seat and leaned over the bus driver's shoulder. "Don't started with me you little punk," the bus driver yelled as he stood up, "I don't know what's wrong with the bus. It just stalled out and I'm going to go get some help." The bus driver stormed off the bus and all the kids followed. Once outside, the bus driver gather almost all of the kids, except ten, and took them with him to search for some help. Kirk kind of felt left out as he looked around. Out of the other nine kids, he knew six of them. Kirk let out a depressed sigh and looked toward the sky. The sky suddenly lit up and Kirk fell on his backside. "What the heck is that," Kirk yelled as he stood up. The sky suddenly flashed brighter and ten balls of lights started decending toward the ten kids at blinding speed. "Oh no," on of the girls screamed, "we're all going to be crushed by meteors!" A sweat drop appeared on the back of Kirk's head. Maybe the girl had a point. Maybe they were all doomed. Kirk closed his eyes and hoped for the best. After a few seconds, Kirk opened one of his eyes. One of the balls of light was floating in front of his face. The light was a navy blue color and eye catching. "This might be a stupid idea Kirk," Kirk thought to himself as he reached for the ball of light, "but I'm going to do it anyways." Kirk quickly grabbed the ball of light and opened his hand. A small navy blue device was glowing in his hand. Kirk started to sweat as the device glowed brighter. Suddenly Kirk felt a surge go up his arm. He then blacked out. "Kirk," a kid like voice said from where it seemed nowhere, "Wake up Kirk." Kirk slowly opened his eyes to discover a pink creature sitting on his chest. A look of horror crossed Kirk's face as he threw the creature off of him. He then quickly backed up to a tree. "Who or what are you," Kirk asked as the creature bounced up to him. The creature started bounceing up and down in front of Kirk. Kirk followed it with his head. He felt like he was going to pass out. Kirk quickly looked away from the creature and looked down. The navy blue device was still in his hand. "My name is Koromon," the creature said as Kirk looked back over at it, "and I'm a Digimon, short for Digital Monster. I'm your friend. I'm your friend." Kirk nodded his head, clipped the device to his pants, and grabbed Koromon. Koromon looked at Kirk with a smile. "Ok," Kirk said with a confused look, "would you mind telling me where the heck I am." Koromon nodded and smiled as Kirk stood up. Kirk started to look around. He seemed to be by himself. "Your in the Digital World," Koromon said happily. Kirk let out a sigh. He didn't know what the digital world was, but he knew he was far from home. Suddenly a hologram appeared in front of Kirk. Kirk jumped back as a sweat drop appeared on the back of his head. "Now who are you," Kirk asked as he put Koromon under one arm. The hologram was of a middled aged man. He laughed softly at Kirk. Kirk started to get impatcient. He started tapping his foot. "Hohoho," the man laughed, "I'll exsplain when everyone else arrives." Kirk stopped tapping his foot and looked down at Koromon. Koromon looked just as confused as him. Kirk let out a sigh and sat down. He didn't know how long it could take for the "others" to get there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: For your first post, you wake up in the Digital World and to your Digimon. You then have to wonder into the area where Kirk is. And yes, the guy is a younger Gennai. Well, enjoy! [/COLOR][/I][/B]
  5. [B][I][COLOR=Navy]Sky was dozing off when a knock suddenly startled him. Sky jumped up and ran to the door. He opened the door to discover Tai in the doorway. Sky let out a sigh and invited Tai in. "So what's so importanted that you couldn't tell me over the phone," Sky asked as he went to sit back down on the couch. Tai sat down in on on the love seat across from the couch. Lopmon jumped from the couch and ran over to Tai. Tai smiled and looked back at Sky. "I just got back from the Digital World," Tai said as he leaned back, "and I just saved the Digimon Sorceress and our friend Mike. I think you should look in on who's trying to get the Digimon Sorceress out of power." Sky leaned back and nodded his head. He looked over at Lopmon and shook his head. "You figure I would help just because I work for her," Sky said as he put his arms on the back of the couch. Tai nodded his head and picked Lopmon up. "Yeah," Tai said as he sat Lopmon next to him, "you work for her, your a good guy, and you don't want to kill her. Who's better to do the job?" Sky shook his head again. He didn't know what to say. "How 'bout her brother," Sky asked as he raised an eyebrow. Tai went to say something when Mike came running in through the doorway. Tai turned around and looked at him. "What's wrong Mike," Tai asked as Mike dropped Kyokyomon and Dorimon. Mike shook his head and looked at both guys. "Kari told me you would be here Tai," Mike said as he tried to catch his breath, "We've got trouble. Mika went to the Digital World without me. I don't know what danger she could of gotton in or is in." Tai and Sky both looked a little scared. They both had a crush on Mika. Tai had had a bigger and longer onethough. Both Sky and Tai jumped up. "Let's go," Sky said as he pulled out his D-3. Mike and Tai agreed as they followed Sky into his bedroom. The two Digimon followed as well. Sky quickly held his D-3 to the computer screen and all five were sucked in.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
  6. [B][I][color=navy]That's cool! I can start this as soon as I get four more people. Oh yeah, Izzy's last name is Izumi yalborap. Your allowed to have laptops too. I hope that helps. Remember this starts after I get four more people. :D[/color][/I][/B]
  7. [I][COLOR=Navy]Alright, I was reading Digimon: Original Digidestined because I thought it sounded interesting and it is. As I was reading, I thought of something. How about if there were a group of Digidestined after those ones and before Tai and co.? Like the first group is the Grandparents or something and the second group is the parents of the Digidestined we know of. I know that's not logical, but let's pretend. This is only my second RPG, so cut me a little slack and this is going to happen similiar to season one of Digimon. [B][U]The Story[/U][/B] Ok, so I was just getting flirty with a girl on my bus on my way to this camp. No, it wasn't a lovely summer camp that we all want to go to. It was one of those "Learning Experience" camps. You know, the ones your parents tell you to go to because it's going to fun. BTW, I'm Kirk Kamiya. Anyways, as I was saying, I was being a flirt when our bus suddenly stop. I wasn't to fond of the sudden stop personally, but oh well. I couldn't do anything about it. When everyone piled outside, a whole bunch of kids went with the bus driver to get help. They left me and nine other kids by ourselves. Now this is where it gets freaky. I thought I was seeing things when the sky lit up and little meteors crashed to earth, but the other nine saw it as well. We each recived these strange digital devices and blacked out from the sudden shock it gave us. We all woke up in a strange place with strange creatures called "Digimon" all around. We each got a partner and now we have to save the Digital World from digital destrution. This totally isn't the way I wanted to spend my Summer Vacation. [B][U]Sign-Ups[/U][/B] There are only going to be seven spots open because me and two of my friends are taking spots. You're either going to be the mom or dad of the Digidestined from first or second season of Digimon. If your a boy, you have the same last name as your future child/children or you don't have to put one down. If your a girl, your going to have to make up a last name or you don't have to one down. I don't want both parents, just one. No Tai and Kari's mom and dad. Just one of the two thank you. I'll post a list to show what's open at the bottom of this post. Now here's the information needed: Name: Age: (between 12-14) Future Parent Of: Description: Personaility: Bio: Digivice Color: (these are all the season one models remember) Crest: (diffrent from season one's crest) Partner Digimon: Partner Digimon Baby: In-Training: Rookie: Champion: Ultimate: Mega: It would help if you gave attacks for each form and you can describe it in the story as we go along. This applys to both made up and regular Digimon. [B][U]My Sign-Up[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Kirk Kamiya [B]Age:[/B] 13 [B]Future Parent Of:[/B] Tai and Kari Kamiya [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://www.kikotei.net/gw/logo.jpg]The guy in the middle with the green shirt. He also has a pair of goggles on around his neck.[/url] [B]Personaility:[/B] Kirk is the leader type. He always like being in charge. He likes to give the orders and hates receiving ordes. [B]Bio:[/B] Kirk was a typical kid. He loved soccer and winning. He did everything a average teen would do, until he got transported to the Digital World and met Koromon. He was kind of freaked out at first, but he soon became comfortable with everything. The part he doesn't like is that him and his new friends are in a race to save the Digital World from total disaster. He just hopes he'll be home in time for supper. [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Navy Blue [B]Crest:[/B] Honor [B]Partner Digimon:[/B] SnowAgumon [B]Partner Digimon[/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Botamon (Bubble Blow) [B]In-Training:[/B] Koromon (Bubble Blow) [B]Rookie:[/B] SnowAgumon (Little Blizzard, Ice Claw, Frozen Wind, Hail Storm) [B]Champion:[/B] IceGraymon (Ice Flame, Blizzard, Stomp) [B]Ultimate:[/B] FrozenMetalGraymon (Ice Rockets, Frozen Blaster, Chiller Wind) [B]Mega:[/B] WhiteWarGraymon (Giga Blizzard, Icy Punch, Cold Shoulder, Slam) [B][U]The List[/U][/B] [B]Tai & Kari's Dad:[/B] ShadowSword (me) [B]Davis' Mom:[/B] JoyKaiba [B]Matt & T.K's Dad:[/B] Maximillion404 [B]Izzy's Dad:[/B] yalborap [B]Mimi's Mom:[/B] Joeys Girl [B]Sora's Mom:[/B] Amika Kamiya [B]Joe's Dad:[/B] Prince Charming [B]Yolie's Dad:[/B] Midnightwolf25 [B]Cody's Mom:[/B] BEWD Kaiba [B]Ken's Mom:[/B] Blanko Well, that's everything. I hope you all enjoy this. It should prove to be promising. :D LOL[/color][/i]
  8. [B][I][color=navy]Sky was now sitting at his computer. He was pressing random keys. He was bored half out of his mind when he suddenlt heard "You've Got Mail". Sky quickly clicked on his mailbox after jumping three feet out of his skin. Lopmon and Kapurimon also jumped. They were shocked by the sudden sound as well. Sky started reading his e-mail. [center]Dude, this is Tai and I've got something you've probbly want to hear. I could exsplain it to you right now, but you know I'm lazy and I won't type that much. Give me a call and I'll most likely come over and exsplain everything. Gotta go. See ya later.[/center] Sky let out a sigh as Lopmon and Kapurimon jumped on his lap. He closed his mail, picked Lopmon and Kapurimon up, got up, and walked out into the Living Room. He then sat his two Digimon on the couch, hit speaker phone on the phone, and dialed Tai's number. He sat on the couch and waited for Tai to pick up. "This is Tai," Tai answer from the other end of the phone, "Sky I know it's you. I saw your number on the ID Caller." Sky shook his head. "Well that just ruins the whole concept of not knowing who's calling," Sky said as he put his right hand on Lopmon's head. "Your not funny dude," Tai said with a sigh, "Can I come over?" "Can't you exsplain over the phone," Sky asked as Lopmon cuddled up next to him. Kapurimon jumped gently in his lap. "I don't want my parents to hear," Tai said with a worried voice. "Who said my mom wasn't home," Sky said as he brushed off his army pants. "Your mother is never home," Tai said as he looked over at his window. "You're right," Sky said with a sigh, "Fine, just get over here. I'll see you when you get here." Sky leaned behind him and hung up the phone. He let out another sigh. He would just have to wait for Tai to get over there. He was wondering what Tai could want to talk about. It was like him to talk about something secret. It must have something to do with Digimon or the Digital World. Sky started hoping everything was ok.[/color][/I][/B]
  9. [B][I][color=navy]OOC: I changed my sign-up. Sky's now helping Mike! :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sky leaned back in his computer chair. He just gotton back from the and he was bushed. He looked down in his lap. Lopmon and Kapurimon were dozing off in his lap. Sky shook his head and brushed his brown hair out of his face, picked his two Digimon up, sat them on his bed, and walked toward the kitchen. The growling of his stomach could probbly be heard two apartments down. "I need something to eat," Sky grumbled as he continued to walk into the kitchen. When he arrived in the kitchen he discovered a note on the refrigerator. Sky let out a depressed sigh as he walked over to the fridge and pulled off the note. He started reading it to himself. Dear Skyler, [center] I'm really really sorry, but I've got to leave for a few weeks. I don't know when I'm going to be back, so the refrigerator is full and you can withdraw as much money as you need out of the bank account. I'm really sorry once again. Please forgive me sweety.[/center] [right]Love , Mom[/right] Sky shook his head, crumbled up the note, threw it in the trash can, and opened the fridge. He gathered an armful of things and headed back toward his room. When Sky arrived in his room, he noticed that Lopmon and Kapurimon were now awake. He figured they would be, so that's why he had an armful of stuff. He closed the door with his foot, walked over to the bed, and dropped all of the food on it. Lopmon and Kapurimon looked like they were going to shed tears of joy. "I know you've guys got to be hungray," Sky said as he sat down next to Lopmon. Lopmon and Kapurimon looked at each other and then at Sky. Sky was smiling brightly. "You bet we are," the two Digimon said in unison. Sky hinted toward the food as he picked up a bottle of water and a slice of pizza. He wasn't really watching what he picked up, so anything could be in there. "Dig in guys," Sky said as Lopmon started to glare, "and girls." Both Digimon smiled and jumped into the food. Sky shhok his head and turned on the news. Something was on there that interested him. He leaned closer to the TV as the News Reportor started to speak. "We would like to recap on the events that happened sometime ago in Evergreen Terrance," the News Reportor said with a calm tone, "We are still trying to find out who bombed it and why it was bombed. It wasn't really that important. I just I would bring that up Bob. We are talking about bomb scares." Sky shook his head as Lopmon popped out of the pile of food. She had a stick of celery in her mouth and she was looking up at Sky. "What's wrong Sky," Lopmon asked as she nibbled on her celery. Sky had a stern look on his face as he looked at the old footage of Evergreen Terrance. Him and his mom used to live there, but they moved right after the so called bombing. He knew that was no bombing and he's close friends with Tai. Tai didn't keep a thing to himself when he was talking to Sky. Sky may have not wanted any contact with the Digidestined in the Digital World, but he always talked to Tai and Matt in the Real World. They were two of few friends he had. Lopmon tugged on Sky's shirt. Sky looked down and smiled. "It's nothing Lopmon," Sky said as he went back to his pizza. Lopmon shrugged her shoulders and went back to eating her celery. Sky picked Kapurimon out of the food pile with his free hand. Kapurimon had an energy bar stuck to one of his metal spikes. Sky shook his head and took the energy bar. He then layed back and started to wonder. Maybe it would be a good idea for him to talk to the Digidestined.[/color][/I][/B]
  10. [I][color=navy]OOC: Hey, why not! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Digidestined[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Sky [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Description:[/b] [B]Real World:[/B] [url=http://refactory.free.fr/screen/fanart/fanart_220.jpg]Ignore the knife.[/url] [B]Digital World:[/B] [url=http://mazoku.net/hamel/fanart/2lute.jpg]Minus the cross and redness under his eyes.[/url] [B]Personality:[/B] Sky has the tendancy to shruge people off. He doesn't like company to much because he thinks people will laugh at him. He only likes being around people he see as friends and think won't laugh at him. [B]Bio:[/B] Sky has had a rough life. His parents split when he was six and his dad took his little brother with him. At the age of eleven he gets transported to the Digital World. He avoided any contact with the Digidestined and kept to himself and his Dgimon. When he returned to the Real World, he felt even more depressed. At least in the Digital World he had friends he could actually talk to and wouldn't laugh. He also had a place to keep to himself. No one would bother him there. At the age of fifteen, Sky was reserching something on his computer when his Digivice started to glow. He never really paid any attention to it any more, but this caught his eye. He picked his Digivice up and it changed to a diffrent model. Shy then knew he could probbly go back to the Digital World and he was right. Sky and his two Digimon work for Mika, but he helping Mike the best he can. Mike just doesn't know it yet. He also has a crush on Mika even though Aura likes him. [B]Digivice Color:[/B] Navy Blue & Black [B]Partner Digimon:[/B] Lopmon and Strabimon [B]Good or Evil:[/B] Works for Mika, but is really semi-good. [B]Digimon #1[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Lopmon [B]Attack(s):[/B] Blazing Ice, Tiny Twister, Blazing Fire [B]Digivolved Forms:[/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Conomon [B]In-Training:[/B] Chocomon [B]Rookie:[/B] Lopmon [B]Champion:[/B] Lynxmon [B]Ultimate:[/B] Mihiramon [B]Mega:[/B] Gryphomon [B]Human Fusion:[/B] Anubismon [B]Digimon #2[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Strabimon [B]Attack(s):[/B] Rotating Tail Cyclone, Kid claw, Slamming attack [B]Digivolved Forms:[/B] [B]Baby:[/B] Yuramon [B]In-Training:[/B] Kapurimon [B]Rookie:[/B] Strabimon [B]Champion:[/B] Dobermon [B]Ultimate:[/B] Cyberdramon [B]Mega:[/B] Justimon [B]Human Fusion:[/B] Loweemon[/color][/I]
  11. [B][I][color=darkred]OOC: I guess I'll play one more character! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Warren Underwood (oh that's lame) Age: 16 Parent(s): His father is Weevile(sp?) Favorite Card: Insect Queen Bio: Warren is the son of Weevile Underwood. He takes after his father when it comes to bugs. He uses a bug theamed deck and he loves to duel. He has a grudge on the Muto family because Yugi beat his father in Duelist Kingdom and he has a grudge on the Wheeler family because Joey beat his father in Battle City. He takes this compatition as a way for revenge. He'll beat every Wheeler and Muto that stands in his way. Apperance: Warren has shoulder length aqua green hair and blue eyes. He wears a dark blue shirt, a black vest with a blue bug on the back, black pants, and black boots. Millennium Item: none[/color][/I][/B]
  12. [color=navy][B][I]Thanks for saving those two spots for me! ^_^ Name: Tristen Taylor Jr. Age: 16 Parent(s): Tristen & Michelle Favorite Card: Firewing Pegasus Bio: Tristen is the quietest out of his siblings. He loves to day drem and write stories. He wants to be a great author one day. He's always found it strange how he's related to two of his dad's friends though his mom. He's a great duelist, unlike either of his parents. His creative imaganation helps him come up with great stratagies. He'll do almost anything for his siblings. Apperance: Tristen looks like his dad, but he has red hair where whis dad's lighter brown would be and light green eyes. He usually wears a dark blue jacket, a off white t-shirt, blue jeans, and blue sneakers. Millennium Item: Millennium Pendent[/color] [color=green]Name: Malinda Taylor Age: 15 Parent(s): Tristen & Michelle Favorite Card: Cyber Commander Bio: Malinda is just the oppisite of her big brother. She's loud and has a temper problem. She loves the thrill of fighting, but will never start a fight. She's also a ruthess duelist. She's more ruthless then her 2nd cousin, Seto. She always wants to win. She doesn't even want to hear the word lose. She doesn't like her 2nd cousin, Aurora, too much. Apperance: Malinda has waist length light brown hair with drak brown chin length bangs and dark green eyes. She usuall wears a long sleeved black shirt with purple flames coming up the sleeves and bottom of it, black leather flares, black boots, and black finger less gloves. Millennium Item: Millennium Chocker[/i][/b][/color]
  13. [color=navy]Name: Josh Black Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Josh has shoulder length blond hair with black throughout it and dark blue eyes. He wears a black shirt with black netted long slevees, black pants with flames on the sides, black fingerless gloves, and black boots. Crest: Honor Digimon: In-Training - Pridemon Rookie - Loyalmon Champion - Yami-Loyalmon Ultimate - Honormon Mega - Warmon Elemental God - Chaomon Bio: Josh was a master at everything Digimon. He was unbeatable at the card game, unbeatable at the video games, and he could tell you anything about the show. He still loves the show even though some people think he's too old for it. One day, while watching Digimon, Josh felt a strange feeling. Suddenly his TV started glowing. He was sent backward by something hitting him in the chest. To his surprise it was a black and teal Digivice. The next thing he knew, he was being transported to the Digital World. Personality: Josh is really laid back. He's too easy going. Not much scares him easy either. At the most, he scares other things. He's a kind-hearted goth. Digimon- Name: Pridemon Attribute: Virus Type: Black Seed Digimon Attacks: Bubble Blow Appearance: Pridemon is a green head like Digimon with a little sprout at his head. He has sparkling green eyes and a bluish bubble thing for a mouth. (kind of like the babies) Name: Loyalmon Attribute: Virus Type: Fairy Digimon Attacks: Razor Wind and Dark Arrows Appearance: Loyalmon is a male fairy. He has black hair and green eyes. His wings are black and he wears a black greek outfit. He has no shoes. (he's kind of chibi like) Name: Yami-Loyalmon Attribute: Virus Type: Animal Fairy Digimon Attacks: Dark Wind and Dark Claws Appearance: Yami-Loyalmon is a werewolf fairy. He looks like Loyalmon, but he has key diffrences. He's much taller, he has black wolf ears, black wolf tail, fangs, and claws. Name: Honormon Attribute: Virus Type: Dark Wariorr Digimon Attacks: Dark Slash and Dark Darts Appearance: Honormon looks like a very tall Loyalmon, but he has no wings. He wears a black suit of armor, a black helment that shows his face, and a blood red cape with the symbol of chaos on it in black. Name: Warmon Attribute: Virus Type: Dark Angel Digimon Attacks: Chaos Sheild and Dark Energy Appearance: Looks just like Honormon except he black angel wings and no helment. Name: Chaomon Attribute: Virus Type: Demon Digimon Attacks: Chaos Nightmare and Chaos Mirage Appearance: Chaomon looks like Josh with black hair. He has Warmon's outfit on, but his wings are black and blood red demon wings. He also has a blood red visior on.[/color]
  14. ShadowSword


    [color=navy]Hey we all like giving more info then what's needed! ^_^ [B]Name:[/B] Michelle Wheeler [B]Age:[/B] 16-17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Favorite card(s):[/B] The Firewing Pegasus and Katana the Swordmisstress [B]Bio:[/B] Michelle is Joey's and Amanda's cousin and she's also Amber's best friend. She's ranks up there with the Wheeler name for fighting. She has a short fuse and she can snap in a matter of seconds. Michelle's also kind of mellow. She'll do anything for friends and family just like Joey. She has a crush on Tristen, but there's no way she's going to tell him. [B]Description:[/B] Michelle has chin length red hair with shoulder length black bangs and light green eyes. She wears a short black tank top with flames coming up from the bottom and black netting sawed on to the straps, black leather flares, and black boots. [B]Millenium Item:[/B] Millenium Chocker[/color] [color=darkgreen]My second character! [B]Name:[/B] Tristen Taylor [B]Age:[/B] 15-16 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Favorite card(s):[/B] Cyber Commander [B]Bio:[/B] Tristen is Joey's best friend and buddy in crime. Tristen is a street punk, but not quiet as bad as Joey. He has the tendacy to enter a fight, but not start it. He has a kind heart as well. He's not big push over though. Joey told him that Michelle has a crush on him, but he didn't believed. He actually started believeing Joey after he saw her writting "Tristen" all over her notebook. Now he has a crush on her. [B]Description:[/B] [url]http://www.ratandfox.net/YuGiOh/images/characters/tristan.jpg[/url] [B]Millenium Item:[/B] Millenium Pendent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: JoyKaiba, Maximillion404, and I hope it's ok for the orginal characters to have Millenium Items. ^_^ [/color]
  15. [color=navy]Um GoldScorpion78 it doesn't matter. This is all made up. If Joeys Girl wants to use a non-exsisting female Namek, she can. Maybe Prina is half human!? Who knows! :shrugs shoulders:[/color]
  16. [COLOR=Navy]Roko was tapping his fingers on the chair of a small spaceship. He was watching different color lights pass by the window. He let out a depressed sigh as he put his hands behind his head. The little spaceship he was on wasn't a regular spaceship. It was a dimension skipping spaceship. It was personally made for him by Bulma. Roko let out another sigh. His mother's warning was running through his head. [CENTER]-Flashback[/CENTER] "Now don't create havoc in this other dimension," Riku warned as she looked at Roko. Roko rolled his eyes as Yamcha walked up. Yamcha crossed his arms and looked at Roko. A sweat drop appeared on the side of Roko's face. Riku looked up at Yamcha. "Listen to your mother," Yamcha said as he shifted his weight. Roko swallowed hard as Riku looked back at him. He started to sweat. His father was a good person to get upset. "Yes Daddy," Roko said with a slightly scared voice. Yamcha nodded and looked down at Riku. Riku nodded and smiled. Roko wipped away sweat from his forehead. "Go before we change our minds," Riku said with a smile. Roko nodded and let out a sigh. He ran to the door. He had to get to Capsule Corp. [CENTER]-End of Flashback-[/CENTER] Roko's Flashback was interrupted by a thud sound. His little spaceship had landed. Roko pushed the top to his spaceship up and poked his head up. He was surrounded by trees and flowers. He took a deep breath and tapped on his backpack. A little dragon-bird poke its head up. "I want you to travel around and gather strong fighters," Roko said as his dragon fluttered out of his backpack. The dragon nodde and flew off. Roko let out another sigh and started going through his backpack. This would be a good spot to hold a tounament. All he needed was some well trained monsters and beast. In the meantime, Trunks was taking in the sun at Capsule Corp. He was actually in a bathing suit and sitting in a lawn chair. He had sunglasses on and his hands behind his head. A girly giggle interupted his nap. Trunks lifted his sunglasses up to see Nimimi. A sweat drop appeared at the side of Trunks' face. "What do you want Nimimi," Trunks asked as he sat up. Nimimi walked up to her brother. She had a grin across her face. Trunk could tell she met buisness though. "Spaceships have been crashing everywhere," Nimimi said with a slight giggle, "and Bulma wants us to check it out." Trunks stood up and shook his head. He put his sunglasses on his head. "We'll go as soon as I get dressed," Trunks said with a sigh. Nimimi nodded her head as she watched Trunks walk into the house. This could prove to be interesting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Sorry for it being short. I would like it if your character(s) are found by Roko's dragon/bird or Trunks & Nimimi. If your found by the dragon/bird, you go stright to Roko. If your found by Trunks & Nimimi, you'll have too travel with them for just a bit. Is that ok with everyone.[/COLOR]
  17. [color=navy]Hey I'm going to start this soon, but I want Marcus_Beuford to change his sign-up. I don't really like it. I want people to be related to orginal characters of DBZ or be the originals. Thank you! ^_^[/color]
  18. [color=navy]OOC: Thankies JoyKaiba! :huggles JoyKaiba: :clears throat: That was a little non-eighteen. Anywho, here I go! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As the group of kids piled out of the shirne, Keno stood in front of them. He was twirling a non-complete Shikon Jewel around his finger. His sister, Zsuzsanna, and his brother, Nino, were standing behind him. Some spirit like figures were behind Zsuzsanna. Keno looked at Coje as he stopped about two feet away from him. "Who the hell are you," Coje yelled as he looked at Keno, "and what are you doing with the Shikon Jewel!" Keno shook his head and started laughing. Mikaq hugged Koal's arm. Koal looked at Keno and growled. The small group of half breeds were kind of scared. "I'm Keno," Keno said with a wild grin, "and these are my siblings, " Zsuzsanna and Nino. We're here on behalf of Naraku and Kikyo." Coje growled under his breath and looked ready to fight. Everyone ran up to Coje's sides. Coje grinned as he looked at everyone. "Your out numbered ten to three," Coje said with a grin. Keno shook his head and took a step backward. Zsuzsanna stepped foward. Everyone looked at her as she made a strange hand motion. "I don't think you wanna harm us," Zsuzsanna said with an evil grin. The group lowered their guard as seven spirits appeared behind Zsuzsanna. The spirits belonged to Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Crystal, Sesshomaru, Sango, and Kuoga. Coje looked totally stunned. Koal growled louder as Mika gribbed onto his arm more. "What did you do," Koal demanded. Zsuzsanna shook her head and looked over at Keno. Keno had a smirk across his face. He was going to enjoy telling these kids the truth. "Your parents and the Shikon Jewel belong to us," Keno said with a slight laugh. Nino looked over at him. Keno looked pleased with his work as he disappeared into the shadows. Zsuzsanna and Nino quickly followed him. Coje was about to get after him, but Mar and Karver grabbed him. "I think we have a major fight on our hands," Koal said as he looked at Coje. Coje shook his brother and half-brother off. He nodded and walked back toward the shrine. He was going to get his father's staff. It might prove to be handy.[/color]
  19. [color=navy]I'm here! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Mar Age: 13 Parents: MirokuxCrystal Bio: Mar is the outgoing and loud one of the group. He's the direct oppisite of his twin sister, Ummei. Somehow, Mar got all the demon and Ummei got none. Mar likes being a demon though. He likes the fact that he can do almost anything. He's kind of evil. He's a little trickster. He's another one who disrespects his father. He looks more like a demon and is also stuck with the Wind Tunnel. Description: Mar looks alot like his uncle Inuyasha except his hair and ears are blond. His eyes are a light purple. He wears an outfit similar to his uncle Inuyasha's except it's black, sleeveless, and he has a black glove on his right hand. Skill(s): Iron Reaver Soul Stealer, Incarnations, Wind Tunnel, and Healing Abillity. Weapon(s): A pole with a blade at the end.[/color] [color=green]Name: Keno Age: 14 Parents: NarakuxKikyo Bio: Keno is one evil little boy. He's the one who stole the Shikon Jewel and the adults souls. He looks up to his dad and respects his mother spirtural powers. Don't let his cute apperance fool you. He won't hesitate to kill someone who looks at him wrong. You can believe that Naraku is proud of him. Description: He has long black hair styled like his dad's and red eyes. He wears a black sleeveless shirt, plact pants, a red sash tied around his waist like a belt, and black sandles. Skill(s): He can make copies of himself, control poisonous insects, and he has some spirtural powers. Weapon(s): Two curved swords.[/color]
  20. [COLOR=Navy]This is my first RPG, so can you cut me some slack. I'm taking a shot at this. I have some help, but not much. Tell me if anything is wrong. Story: It has only been a few years after Buu was destroyed. Everything was peaceful until a strange human appears on Earth.He declares that he will be holding a tournament. He wants to finds out who is the strongest. This isn't a normal tournament though. You're not put up against each other. You're put up against beast that this human summons. You must work as a team to get to this so-called-human. Then whoever lasts against him will be proclaimed the strongest. Wow, that wasn't too hard. Well, here's what I need. I would like you too be related to one of the characters from the show. You can be from another deminsion and you can also be one of the original Z Fighters. Two characters are welcome. Sign Up: Name: Age: Bio: Description: Relation to Original Character: Skills: Weapon: Not Required Here's Mine: Name: Roko Age: 16-18 Bio: Roko is the strange human. Yeah right, he's human/sayian. He comes from a diffrent dimension. He's the son of Riku(JoyKaiba's character) and Yamcha(long story). He has a slight temper promblem and he's only holding this tournament to find out who his grandfather is. Where he's from, Goku never came back. He never knew his grandfather and he wants to. He would rather determine who it is by strength and not image. Description: Roko has spiked black hair and blue eyes. He wears a black and red version of his fathers outfit. Relation to Original Character: Yamcha's son from another dimension Skills: Wolf Fang Fist, Kumehameha, Wolf Fang Blitz, (I could go on forever) Weapon: His grandfather's Power Pole[/color] [color=green]Name: Trunks Age:16-18 Bio: Trunks is the only son of Vegeta and Bulma. He's very powerful and an excellent fighter. He will never give up. Trunks is overprotective of his friends and family. He forms a major crush on Riku. Description: [url]http://valius.dragonspires.org/dbimage/TRUNKS.jpg[/url] Relation to Original Character: Vegeta's and Bulma's son. Skills: Burning Attack (I can't think of the others off the top of my head) Weapon: a sword[/color] [color=navy] I hope you guys enjoy this. I have two spots researved for my friends JoyKaiba and Maximillion404, but that's it. Please sign up! ^_^[/color]
  21. [color=navy]Ray was watching what was going on from Light Island. He growled at the fact that Luna was betraying everyone. He knew it was mistake to let her join the Element Brothers. He turned around and faced by Flare. Flare had his arms crossed and he didn't look too happy. "See what your little girlfriend is doing," Ray said to his twin brother. Flared snorted and looked at Ray. Ray was highly upset. "She's not my girlfriend," Flare said as he looked away from Ray, "and yes I see what she's doing." Ray snorted this time. Flare looked upset. He liked Luna, but he could never tell her. They were completely diffrent. He was evil and she was kind hearted. Flare gripped his fist and slammed it down on a nearby table. "Why don't we punish her," Ray said as he glared at Flare. Flare quickly turned around. His eyes were glowing red. Ray gribbed his fist. "Stop you two," Terren said as he walked in. His elf like ears were twitching. Flare's eyes stopped glowing as he watched Terren walk over to Ray. Ray glared at Terren. "You agree with who," Ray asked as Terren looked at him. Terren shook his head. He didn't know who to agree with.[/color]
  22. [color=navy]I know you still need help, so hear I go. Name: Josh Knight Age: 18 Description: Josh has shoulder length blond hair with black tips and dark blue eyes. He usually wears a a red t-shirt, black jacket, black pants, and black boots. Bio: (I'll do this later) Monster(s): Kitten (Pixie/Kato) Tainted Kato (a special Kato) Later Monster(s): Draco Kato (Dragon/Kato) Kato (Kato/Kato)[/color]
  23. [color=navy]I figure you needed major help on this! Name: Ray Age: Unknown Description: Ray looks human, but he's really the Element Brother of Day/Sun. He has spikey yellow hair and golden eyes. He wears a vest with a sun on it, white pants with flames on it, and withe shoes. Special Ability: He controls the Sun/Day. He can make the Sun raise to unbelieveable temptures. Bio: Ray is the head of everything. He the one who planned everythinh. He's the leader in other words. His powers oppsoses Luna's. He never really liked Luna, but it was his twin brother, Flare, that made him bring her abored. None of the other Element Brothers will not stand up to him. They're afraid of what he could do. Major case of sunburn. Side: Main Element Brother. Brother of Sun/Day[/color] [color=darkred]Here's Flare Name: Flare Age: Unknown Description: Flare looks like Ray except his hair and eyes are red. His outfit is almost the same as Ray's except all white is black and the sun is a fireball. Special Ability: He has control over fire. He can easily melt a bolder. Bio: Flare is second in command. He behind his twin brother, Ray. He was the one who convinced Ray to let Luna join. He never knew she would betray them. Flare is another one the other brothers won't stand up to. He has short temper. Even his own twin gets on his last nerve. He kinda of likes Luna even though she did betray them. Side: He's the brother of Fire.[/color]
  24. [color=navy]OOC: :looks at RPG strangely: How I'm I going to do this! I'm going to try. ^_^: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kirk walked into the bar. He was holding his head. He never really liked big flashes of light from the sky. He looked over at the counter. Nick's dad was in Nick's usual spot. Kirk walked over to the counter. "Hi Mr. Wellings," Kirk said with a pained smile, "Where's Nick?" Mr. Wellings shook his head. Kirk could tell he didn't know. Kirk let out a sigh. "He ran off with his friends," Mr. Wellings said as he wrote something on a napkin, "Check this address." Kirk nodded and took the napkin off the counter. He then turned to leave. As he was leaving, a black haired girl was watching him. Kirk shook his head and proceaded through the doorway. A little later, Kirk was standing in front of the house that the address belonged to. Kirk sighed, folded the napkin, put it in his pocket, and knocked on the door. Tyler quickly answered it. Kirk figured that Tyler had tripped over something trying to the door because he heard something like someone tripping. "How may I help you," Tyler said as he stared at Kirk. Suddenly Kirk didn't feel so good. Nick walked up there. He looked at his friend as he closed his eyes. Kirk was having a flashback. [center]-Flashback-[/center] "Nice to see you Julian," Knives said as he stared his sister in the face. Julie pulled a young Tyler's head to her hip as he looked around her. Knives looked down at his little nephew and grinned. Tyler gribbed onto Julie's pants. "Where's Vash," Julie asked with a stern look. Knives looked back at Julie and grinned. He took his gun out and put it Julie's forehead. A horrified look crossed Julie's face. Tyler looked scared as well. "I killed him," Knives said with an evil grin, "Just like I'm going to kill you." Julie started to sweat. She couldn't let Knives kill her. Tyler's father was dead and if she got killed, Tyler would be lonely. Even if he did have Millie and Meryl. Tyler tightened his grib even more. "Run Tyler," Julie said as she reached for her gun, "Please honey, run." Tyler hesitated, but turned and ran. He ran into a room and shut the door. Knives noticed him peeking out from a crack in the door. Knives grinned and pulled the trigger on his gun. He didn't even give Julie a chance. Tyler watched his mother's lifeless body drop t the ground. Knives stepped over her and started searching for Meryl and Millie. [center]-End of Flashback-[/center] Kirk opened his eyes and they were the color of Knives'. He looked at Nick and slightly smiled. He then looked at Tyler. He looked as he was about to faint. "I'm sorry Tyler," Kirk said with Knives' voice, "I regreat doing what I did. I will nere forgive myself. You didn't deserve to see your mother die or to grow up without any family. Please forgive me." As Knives finished speaking, Kirk fainted. Tyler and Nick caught him.[/color]
  25. [color=navy]OOC: Hello, I'm new to this, but I should be all right. I love to write or type. Whatever you want to call it. ^_^ I'm also close friends with Maximillion404 and JoyKaiba. :waves to his friends: All right, here I go. I hope I don't screw anything up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the Real World...................... "Aw man," Josh thought to himself as he kicked a stone, "I hate this. I can't get in contact with any of my friends." Josh let out a sigh and started kicking a rock. He then stopped and looked at his pendent. It was glowing wildly. Something was wrong. Suddenly Josh blacked out. In the Shadow Realm.................. "Ow," Josh said as he opened his eyes, "my head." Josh looked around and grinned. He liked the dark area he was in. He looked down to discover he was dressed in armor and he had sword. Another grinned crossed his face, but this was more evil. "Like it don't you," a tall man with long blond hair asked. Josh turned around to discover his Yami standing behind him. He laughed softly. "Of course Jay," Josh said as he looked at his sword, "I love it to be more acute!" Jay shook his head and crossed his arms. Josh put his sword down and looked at Jay. Jay had an evil grin across his face. "You know Joey Wheeler's here," Jay said as he put his hand to his chin, "and he's the Red Eyes Black Dragon. You're the Buster Blader. You know what that means?" Josh thought for a moment and then grinned. He looked up from thought and looked at Jay. Jay still had an evil grin. "I have a major advantage over him," Josh said with a grin, "Well, lets go!" Jay nodded and started following Josh as he walked into the shadows.[/color]
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