[color=navy]Hi, I figured I would join. I'll be a good guy and bad guy! :evil laughter:
Name: Kirk Thorn
Age: about 16
Gender: Male
Weapon(s): A sword and a small handgun. He gets the black .45 colt when Tyler gives it to him.
Description: Kirk has shoulder length light blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He wears a white t-shirt, a teal vest, white pants with teal going down both legs, and white boots.
Bio: Kirk is a good friend of Nick, but just like Nick, he has recurring nightmares. He keeps seeing a bloody masucure. He sees a blonde hair man dead out in the middle of nowhere, three women dead in a small house, and a scared little boy. He usually wakes up right before another blonde haired man shoots himself. His life changed after a flash of light.
Reincarnation or Bad Guy: I'm Knives reincarnation[/color]
[color=green]And here's the other characters!
Name: May Long
Age: about 20
Gender: Female
Weapon(s): a sword and somehow she gets her hands on a dangurous saxaphone.
Description: May has long black hair and green eyes. She usually wears a black shirt, black pants, black shoes, and a pink jacket.
Bio: May is friends with Terra. Terra and her have always been bullies. They liked to see people cry. May has always had a love for music. Her favorite instrument is a saxaphone. She always have dreams about a handsome black haired man. She wishes she could catch his name, but she never can. Her life turns upside down after a flash of light.
Reincarnation or Bad Guy: Both, I'm the reincarnation of Midvally[/color]