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Everything posted by ssj3borjan
Waa!!! GO DDR!!! On a more calm and composed note, I'd like to take this moment to tell all other DDR lovers that I have cracked Can't Stop Falling In Love (Speed Mix) at the arcade. Expert, of course ^_^ Yeah I still technically failed, but only due to the damn multiple beats in a row that appear suring the song. Once I can do that, I'll look like DA MAN! Which in essence is what DDR is all about! Anyone offering any tips on how to to multiple beats all on the same step? When I mean multiple, I'm sure you all know that I mean half/ quarter/impossible beats, one after another.... hey if you dont understand me just go to the arcade and find a 9 step expert song to have fun with ^_^
[size=1]Yeah, I used to be a Root's fan too (and still am of course) but then I realised there was a band that was like the Hip Hop version of the them. And Jurrasic 5 rule. Period. Unbelievable lyrics and rhythm. Odd that a Hip Hop band are my all time favourite, when I'm really more of an Rn'B man. I'm listening to Kayne West and Twista too at the moment, though its Slow Jam, not your other one Inuyasha7271. NB: I dare anyone not to like Jahiem: Put That Women First. [/size]
[size=1] Me? I don't like coffee. Or tea. Why? I don't know, being 16, everyone else is drinking them by now. But not me. I think the reason being is because I 'objected' to the fact that 11 year old kids were drinking coffee and talking about how much they like places like Starbucks. I just found it irattating, because many of them I'm sure where just trying to be 'adults'. That kinda thinking just annoys me.... Lol, sorry to anyone who reads this, and is a 12 year old caffine junkie. Anyway, it was just my way of rebelling, by not drinking the stuff. Just the way I feel :) Anyway, so I stuck to good old orange juice and stuff, right to this day!! I think I'll be the only 25 year old not going to Starbucks when I'm older!! ^_^ (Though I am somewhat of an expert at making the stuff, thanks to the good old slave driving parents.... :D) [/size]
[SIZE=1]Man, my first job paid really, really, REALLY well!!! I wasn't the most exciting, but I got a whole loada money for it. All I did was stand outside a station and hand out leaflets on stopping smoking. Okay, don't all look at me like that, I sometimes get annoyed at those guys as well. But when you get £80 for 6 HOURS WORK, you can understand why!!! That works out to £13.33 and hour. Americans, convert it and cry. Lol, even I don't know why I got paid so much!!! Still, unfortuately, it was a part time thing only.... oh well, was good while it lasted!! :D [/SIZE]
Yes, I am a 'newbie' here on the OB.... ....but I feel that I too am able to add my input into the discussion. For myself, personally, I feel that an evil person [b]can[/b] partially be defined. Notice I use the word 'partially' as I believe that to define evil, like ChibiHorsewoman has previously mentioned, is a task that is perhaps beyond us..... For the moment at least. Because I believe that it would be more appropriate to define evil not using 'a one rule fits all' type definition that perhaps some people are aiming for, but using multiple definitions to perhaps get a bit closer to the true meaning, if there is one at all.... To clarify, think of the plight of the scientists that are trying to find to 'Theory of Everything'. no doubt some of you know what I am on about, for others, I will give you the simplist of explanations. It goes a little like this, the scientists have come up with ideas for how the universe truely works, but the problem is that while the laws that they are propsing are all 'true' and do explain various aspects of the universe and its workings, they do not all work together so well. What the scientist are trying to do is to look at all the equations and laws that they have written down and to revise them until all work in harmony together, thereby producing the Theory of Everything (Note: I am pretty sure that this was the jist of the programme I saw a while back, even if that is not the case, I hope everyone agrees the logic is sound...) Relating this back to the concept of how to define evil, perhaps we need to sit down together (rhetorically of course, since I have no idea where you all are ^_^) and logically set out the 'laws' that define evil. These 'laws' should be things that people undeniabley all agree with, hence making them 'true'. Of course, before I actually point out my intial 'law', I have to stress the point that is of most hinderence to my ideas, and the reason that I have placed the words 'law' and 'truth' in inverted commas.... It will be said as a reply to this (I'm one hundred percent sure of it) that again, these 'laws' will be a matter of opinion. That what everyone believes to 'true and right' may not be thought of in the same way 100 years from now. This is of course completely true. It would be foolish to say otherwise... HOWEVER!!! What is needed is tweaking of the ideas that people put down, so that in more and more cases, people would agree with them, or instead, conditions could be proposed whereby the 'law' would be nulified. (Yes, I realise it may not be a law in the scientific sense anymore, since laws are supposed to be always true... but we are not dealing with a quantifiable thing here are we?). I will give an example below. Finally, at long last, I will give and initial law. [b]A person is 'evil' if they want to/commit acts that they know will be of no benefit to, and will not be enjoyed by, others. Instead, it would either cause extreme discomfort and pain. However, if the said person is mentally unstable, and commits these acts/wants to commit these acts, then determining if the person is 'evil' is impossible, as they are unable to think clearly about their action and their consequences[/b] Granted, there are some (most likely major) flaws to this so called 'law' such as a definition of 'mentally unstable' is required to complete it, but then that is why I have posted it... for others to adjust it as they see fit until unanimously it is decided that it is fool proof. Then perhaps we will be a step closer to defining evil.... I hope that I was of some help ^_^
Man, I live it up in London.... Sure the weather isn't great and stuff cost a lot (not to mention our crusty public transport system).... But for me, the 'multiculturalness' of the place is great! And if you look for it, you can find it here. We have all kinds of foods and all kinds of entertainment. Central London, if you have money, is a real great place to go to! Now if only I could find some money.... :D
The most awful taste ever! (sensitive people watch out!)
ssj3borjan replied to Circ's topic in General Discussion
I'm pretty sure one of the worst things that you can tase is RAW clams.... that's right... none of this steamed wussy nonsense, non of this 'chowder' craziness... I'm talking [b]raw[/b] Had it in America, when I went to Florida for a holiday. That was by far the worst taste I have ever had in my mouth.... But I swallowed it. Nothing came up. I'm a tough one I am :) .... Peace out!!! (Btw.... if you want the jist of how it tasted.... imagine the smell of a fishmongers.... then times that by about 2 (keeping it realistic here folks).... now imagine that smell as a taste...in your mouth....) -
But that was the whole point really, wasn't it Lava Lamp? Tarentino (sp?) wanted to create the Ulimate B-Movie, paying homage too all the greats in the genre... If you ask me, he did on kick *** job doing that! Uma did an amazing job pulling off that role, must been real tough to get it right [spoiler] especially in the chapel massacre scene, and the doctor rape thing.... nasty... [/spoiler] Anyway it couldn't fault it anywhere... it did all that was asked of it very well, and nothing more. Can't wait for Vol. 2 :D Peace out!!!
Ahhh... I would ask what my name it but I already have an acutal Chinese name!! English name is Ryan... which has an actual meaning of something like Irish King (correct me if I'm wrong here people) But my Chinese name is Law Tien Sioong! (No I can be bothered to figure out how to find out how to put the characters on sorry! :p ) Anyway, the last bit means Sky Warrior!! Cool huh? Both names are real 'noble'. My parents did a good job there.... lol Peace out! (Wait, now I remember why I came here! My friend, his name is Raney, "ren-ay", and he asked that question just the other day.... wonder what it'll be sunyipee?)
People acutally are thinking of naming their kids after anime.... Could presents some problems........ imagine all the poor teachers trying in vain to pronounce the hardcore anime fan's kid's names! Certainly help them with their Japanese..... Anyway back to reality. I agree with some of you above, I'm only sixteen year old boy, I realise that, but I know that I want kids when I'm older. If I have a little baby girl, I would have like to have called her Jaida, no not because of Will Smiths wife, but because I think it is the perfect name for a girl! What's with the would have, you ask? Well, my cousin's daughter is already called that! Doh! (Though to tell you the truth that is where the idea comes from O.o) Anyway, for a boy? I don't know, but it's going to be cool, you can bet your bottom (insert local currency here) that it will be!!! Lol, speaking of cousins, my little cousin, she's from Malaysia, is called Hui Hui.... I think that's real cute too! (Prounced as if you are going to saw AWAY, but instead of the A sound at the beginning, it turns into a soft H, like in House, that's right just like that! Now just roll it all together! Perfect! lol, rolls off your tongue great doesn't it?) Here's a little pic of her.... she's pouting a little, but ain't she a cutie?
Awww....... thanks a lot guys!!! Yeah, I knew the ears had problems, but only once I penned them in for some reason!! Them I couldn't do anything about it!!! I think it was because I began drawing DBZ characters, and I still haven't moved away from their gigantic ears! Yeah, really need to practise that... And yeah, the clothes need more shading.... I can see, that, but I just didn't know how to get the right look ya know? Oh well, practise makes perfect right? Anyway thanks again everyone!!!
Hey everyone!!! Not many people replied to my last image post, the Random Saiya-jin Guy.... but hey, I'm not hating or anything, just don't let me ever catch any of you lot outside by yourselves....... otherwise I'm really gonna spank some ***.... Moving on quicky from my sick twisted dreams, I've done a picture that I'm really proud of (hence the title)! I drew it in about 20 mins, took 30 mins to colour in Photoshop, seeing as it is my 4th EVER attempt at doing so? Well, I don't know about you guys, but I think she looks great! Shading could be a lot better I know, as well as a bit more detail, but otherwise, not bad right? Tip on how to improve/make a million times better appreciated (as always!) Oh yeah by the way, this girl I thought looked like some cadet at like a space station or something.... I drew this one first, then in an overly long exam I had, I asked for some paper and decided to draw her captain.... who if you look closely, is really the same character just with a more official hair cut..... but that is for later, so until then.... ENJOY!!!!
Art Astrological Interpretations in WaterColor
ssj3borjan replied to Queen Asuka's topic in Creative Works
woah! hold onto your horses ladies and gentlemen I think we have have a winner!!! seriously these are really good.... been looking through the boards for a while now, not saying giving out a lot but taking a lot in (think of me as one of those 'special' farts: silent but deadly...) and these look like some of the best pics recently! I love the different themes and colours, and the other soft little touches that I would have to scroll back up to see but, well I am just a bit to lazy.... Anyway, Aquarius is my personal favourite.... the reason? Overall, the picture remains the same excellent qualitly thourghout, and the sahding is not notch! Bonus points on all your pictures since you used watercolours too! Man, I hate things... I call them the Ruiners Of Art! WEll, my art anyway... lol, I can see that this hasn't happened for you! I wonder though, would a pening in of the lines at the end enhance the picks? Just my little ol' suggestion, don't mind me... -
Well, here's my third attempt at colouring in something in photoshop. Hope you lot like it, and I could say something like: "Man, I drew this a long time ago when I was really bad at drawing, just found it now and uploaded it, it's really bad though...." or "Yeah, did this really quicky and rough, just thought I'd post it, but really it's not that god, and I wish that I'd never done it, but for some reason or other, I still decided to post it....." BUT NO!!! That would all be a lie (which in case your are really slow, is what I think many people do and am poking fun at them with a 12 foot long clown pole), the truth? I did this recently, when I saw DBZ on Toonami, and yeah, I spent 30 mins on it, and well, here it is.... none of that other crap above.... :p A little help on how to shade stuff properly would be much appreciated as will comments, good or bad :) Peace out ppl!
I doodle anime quite a lot, and I started with Dragonball then moved onto more conventional anime, but enough with my life story already... Recently I've been colouring in my creations in photoshop. My first ever pic I've submitted, and I'm sure you can find it on MyOtaku site, but it's my second attempt now and I'd like some help with creating hightlights and shading in Photoshop. I understand how to create layers and stuff now (taught myself a lotta that crap :) ) but I'd like someone to tell me perhaps an easier way to shade my picture or to create the [b]shapes[/b] that would looks right for hightlights and 'eye glare' (lol 'eye glare'....) Any help would be appreciated thanks a lot!!!
Oh well, better safe than sorry with the whole spoliers thing, in cse some enraged fan turn up at my house with a replica orc sword :) I wonder though, on the whole extended dvd things, is it humanly possible to watch all three films EXTENDED back to back? It would require more endurance skills than a marathon runner if you ask me.... Does anyone know of any such freaks of nature? Or are you one? (NB: Toilet Breaks not allowed ;) ) Reasons being beacause I think that it may if anything enhance the viewing pleasure, since nothing would be forgotten or things like that.... on the other hand, the obvious cramps and such balance that...
i don't know about anyone else, but after every sinlge film i went to see (obviously talking about LOTR, not something like stuart little... not that i've ever seen that film.... in the cinema.... with my sister.... um....) i came out thinking DAMN, i wish i had the grace of an elf. Not just any Elf, the main man/elf, Legolas. He is just too good. Okay, i realise some ppl maybe be thinking that their 'Gaydar' is going crazy, but lets be honest people, he is CRAZY!!! Remember the arrow, with the eye? And the firing again! Argh!!! CRAZIE!!! I think that the makers of the film should look back with real pride on this film. Really something to turn to their granchilren and say I was involved in that. It's a modern classic! As an actor I would have truly been sorry when the finally scene was shot... it would have been a life changing experience... NB: [spoiler]No Bombabdil?!?!? [/spoiler] Someone, please explain! I realise that it would have made the film longer as would the [spoiler] the burning of the shire at the end [/spoiler] but was that the only reason?!?
there are a number of irritaing problems with GT and i am of course talking about the dubbed version (the japanese verision was probablya tiny bit more bearable :) ).... 1: Wait a second, why is gohan using a Super Saiya-jin level? Possibley the most annoying error i have ever seen... and his nerdiness!!! arghh!!! 2: The voices.... One word... Vegeta.... *goes away and cries* 3: Pan, this girl is extremely lucky that Gohan and Videl didn't have a child before her, as she would have been such an annoying lil' brat that the other kid would one day be seen in front of a huge smoking crater saying : "she just wouldn't SHUT UP!!!" 4: The weakness of Trunks: Why, oh lord WHY?!?! (Don't give any of that he didn't have the edge like the other Trunks, cause thats no excuse, he was was strong back as a kid in Z from the looks of it. He now has a total LACK OF BATTLE SENSE!!!) I loved Trunks, but just like every single character, the makers of GT defouled them... (defouled?!?!) I can think of more but i'll just get too angry to control myself... :)
Okay, seeing how there was a thread giving a happy new year to everyone, i thought that maybe people would like to share some of the weird, frightening, funny or crazy experiences that brought everyone into the new year. i'll go first, and for me, new year kinda sucked :) had to sacrifice my own happpiness for someone elses well being (again..... :) ) [b] NOTE: Sorry for the long story, still, interesting experience if u ask me ;) [/b] Basically, we spent new year at a friends house, cept he had lied to his parents that we were going to some other party, a whole other kettle of fish... (hmm... never used that saying before)Neway, people turned up, and there was a LOT of alcohol. And I mean a LOT. Only 20 or so people there, but all the alcohol covered a prettly big dining table. (Btw, I don't drink, like at all. not a medical thing, but i don't see the need or anything. Sometime i taste it, but thats about it. Anyway thats why im always like the 'designated driver' whenever my friends feel like going to that 'happy place', figuratively speaking of course as im only 16...) So ppl got drunk. There was this drinking game, with straight vodka, and that can never go well. By the end of it, this one girl, who i had never seen before in my life, was completely out of it. We were taking her outside to attempt to sober her up, and she made it as far as the kitchen when she :sick: That wasn't nice.... thank whatever gods where looking down on us cos she had only a liquid in there (couple of beans too.... but thats about it), so as i was the responsible one for the evening, along with another girl, we set about clearing it all up. Man, that boy was lucky his seats had plastic on them... Her two best friends were with her now, and she was sitting up in the chair, with puke all over her, slowy getting more and more sleepy.... we really tried to keep her awake, but alas, we were but kids in the face of the devils drink.... :) So she passed out, and we kept her up in the chair. We held onto her so she sat up, holding her head forward (which weighed a ton for some reason :) ) and trying to get all that puke out. Man it really was bubbling towards the end.... I remeber at one point of was sitting next to her and we decided that to keep her up easily were should slide her next to me.... first time i had a girl passed out caked in her own vomit around my arms i can tell u that.... So there we are, four of us, one guy and 3 girls around this drunk as hell 14 year old. Two have never seen her before, and the other two are like her closest friends. While i seriously was concered for her safety i couldn't help but bring a little humour into these kinda situations (she was once picking her nose when she was out, and i couldn't help it, i had to say: "aww yeah pick that booger") Things took a turn for the worst when her friends told me why they were so concerned. She had some condition that meant she fainted sometimes, a neurological thing. She got real cold and her fingertips turned blue. Her eyes weren't dilating and her breathing was shallow. So we called the best friends dad to come take her home, and check that she was okay. The boy who threw the party was STRESSING 'cos she was on the floor in the kitchen and his parents were coming back in an hour. I called my mum also, as she is a nurse, and made sure we were doing everything right. We had already checked her airways and turned her onto her side, and put her jacket onto her. Everythings turned out okay in the end. She started warming up and her eyes started moving. Pretty soon she woke up (ie after 2 and half hours passed out), and then what happened? Oh, once she's awake and not puking anymore, THEN everyone comes to her attention. Oh now they come and and 'help' out. :p Jeez! Before, they were all still partying away! Anyway, i thought that she didn't need anymore faces asking about her, so the last i said to her that nice was: "hey girl, unless u wanna have ur hands fall of, shake those things baby!" So all's well that ends well eh? That was my new year. I actually counted down the new year next cleaning up vomit from some girls mouth! And the funny thing is that, although I spent the whole night staring at this girls face, shaking her gentley (alright there was some slapping i'll admit ;) ), she was drunk from the start and probably doesn't remember who i am or what i look like? And I'll never see her again probably!!! I should get an award or something :D ahh... guess i'll have to wait another year to have some fun (knowing my luck, i'll be pushing a friends out of the way of a car next new year.... what fun.....) Well thats the [b]long[/b] story of how i spent new year, now what about you guys?
[b]man, i have had tons of great memories from sport....[/b] rugby: not sure if u guys know all about the game, basically think of it as american football, only at lot dirtier, and basically none of this attack and defense stuff... anyway, my opposite man was running straight at me, its the cup final for the area im in (basically all of london and a lot more too!) he's got the ball, and I mustn't let him past.... As he nears me, the ball in his hands looks so open, i know what I'm going to do... with the whole of our team on the back foot and all of theirs pushing forward, i lean into the kid (i use the term lightly cos I was probably 14 and 5'11 at the time, this 'kid' was [b]WAY[/b] bigger) and just simply rip the ball right away. When it happened, as I went past him with the ball, I remember slowing down a bit and looking at the ball thinking "man did that actualy just happen?" All of a suddened I remeber that 15 boys want to jump on me now that I have the ball and start running! i coulda been greeedy and pasted the only man between me and the try line, but I thought nah, whatever happens this is my try anyway, so I slow down, wait for my friend to catch up, draw the man, and offload the ball.... a sweet sweet day.. :)
my names ryan and well in the crazy world that is my school, weird names come and go.... Rhyno: not sure on the spelling of this one, spanish teacher gave it to me and it stuck. Kinda fitting people say! not sure if thats a good thing Morpheous: Im half black and half chinese, the intellectual type but at the same time ready to kick some *** any time of the day kung fu style (not that I know much martial arts).... and not that I want to, just, heh well if u forced me... Ryes: Makes me sound like some kind of damn cereal.... :)
XeEmO i used to be like u.... i never had a favorite one band or singer or anything, cuase to me, the if the music was good the music was good (into my Rn'B and hip hop here guys....) Then it hit me like some kind of freight train from hell. I borrowed a Cd off my friend, and lo and behold, i will never be undecided again. My favourite group is [b]Jurrasic 5[/b] by about 6 million miles. Lyrics are untouchable and the beats are unforgetable.... just try not to like 'What's golden'..... i dare u ppl...
just discovered the unbeleivable song verbal gunfight, by my No.1 favorite group Jurrasic 5 if u like 'happy' and meaningful hip hop, u'll love these guys...
i dont have time to be bored!!!! got the mocks of the most important exams so far coming up rites after i return to the hell that is school (joking i love the place)!!! they start on the 6th and all have not revised properly yet!!! arghh damn computers, anime (of course) and the internet... the designers of these things knew it was my only weakness... In fact i should be revising now, but what am i doing......
all u guys should stop complaining!!! at least u have the oppotunity to have PDA's :) I go to an all boys private school in London. And don't even go there.... YES I DO STILL LIKE GIRLS.... however, we do receive girls into the sixth form (meaning when we finish our GCSE's and it 17) and yes there is some of it going on there.... i rember when I was younger (entered the school at 11 btw) teachers were telling those older kids off for holding hands and kissing each other.... now though it seems to have quitened down. our school isn't like some undercover lust thing though (most of the time) and I think that the perfect balance has been achieved, the couples can show that they care for each other, and the teachers know that they wont go any further (again.. most of the time ;)....