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Everything posted by sesshomaru01

  1. OCC:no problem foxtu-san ^_^ ic: *both Torchik and Charmamder use ember* Mamimi & Akira:?!?! what?! *ember builds up and explodes* Mamimi & Akira:*get hit by the explosion* AHHHH! Everyone:MAMIMI!! Vito's team:AKIRA!! Mamimi:*gets blown back to the south of the arena and hits a wall* Akira:*gets blown back to the north of the arena and hits a wall* Vito:yuki! call off the battle!! Referee:r-right! this battle has subsided... Kyle:mamimi!!*rushes over to mamimi's side* oh-no...mamimi.... OCC: oooo scary stuff...well heres vito's profile Name:Vito Same'jima(sa meh gee ma
  2. Referee:Vito's team:score zero Visiting team: score two Vito:well,Mamimi ill have to say your friends are pretty stong,and train their pokemon real well Mamimi:*smiles*yeah theyv'e been doing alot of training lately Vito: ok Yuki who's next? Referee:next up is Mamimi versus Akira Mamimi:alright! now it's my turn!*walks to the next arena* Akira:heh heh this should be good*walks to the same arena* Referee:ready? *both get ready to throw their pokeballs* Referee:begin! Mamimi: ok,torchik lets go!*throws her pokeball* Torchik:torchik!tor! Akira:charmander go!*throws his pokeball* Charmander:charmander! Mamimi:*thinking*[I]damn! its also a fire type i just wonder how torchik is gonna do[/I] Akira:heh charmander tackle! Charmander:char!!*charges at torchik* Mamimi:torchik dodge it! Torchik:tor!*dodges charmanders tackle* Mamimi:now,ember! Torchik:torchik tor-chik!*shoots out a fire trail* Akira:dodge it now! Charmander:char?!*gets burned slightly* Mamimi:heh heh alright Andrea:*thinking*[I]mamimi just suddenly changed! she never acted this way before![/I] Akira:*growls*ok no more fooling around! lets end this now!
  3. OCC:im really really really really sory but it seems i can only come on fridays(6th grade is alot harder than i thought ^_^') plus i have alot of homework so sorry guys! icc: Ethan:Glalie! use Ice beam! *glalie uses ice beam* Andrea:Quick Pidgey dodge it! *pidgey dodged it* Ethan*thinking*[I]her pidgey is fast but the level is low the tide might turn in the battle...![/I] Andrea:now,use Wing Attack *pidgey charges strait torwards glalie* Ethan:Glalie dodge it! *glalie tries to escape but is hit by pidgeys wing attack* Andrea:alright! great job pidgey! Pidgey:*coos happily* Ethan:*growls*glalie can you stand? Glalie:*stands weakly but falls down fainted* Ethan:*thinking*[I] what?![/I] Andrea:alright great job pidgey! Pidgey:*coos happily* Vito:winner is andrea and pidgey! Everyone:*applaudes*
  4. OCC: ^_^' yeah i figured it would be like that...its ok kikyo-san i have'ne been on here in a while(way too much stupid school work!) icc: Mamimi:torchik? Torchik:tor..?*jumps on mamimi's head*tor-torchik? Mamimi:*giggles*you want to go see how the others are doing? Torchik:tor! *knocking on door* Mamimi:hmm? who is it? *knocking continues* Mamimi:*growls*why wont they say anything?!*opens door* Torchik:tor..? Mamimi:a poke'ball? *reads note*"open at midnight" Torchik:torchik!*sees cindaquil* Cindaquil:cinda!cindaquil! Torchik:tor!*nods* *both poke'mon start running down the hall* Mamimi:torchik wait!*follows both poke'mon* Jake:cyndaquil come back! Timiko:hey ookamikun! Nikki:trapinch!hey! Andrea: pidgey vulpix!come back! Kyle:murcrow listen to me! *everyone follows there poke'mon to a big dark room* Mamimi:t-torchik..?*looks scared* Kyle:mamimi,you ok? Mamimi:yeah... Andrea: pidgey?! vulpix?! where are you?! Nikki:trapinch can you hear me?! Jake:cindaquil answer me! Timiko: ookamikun?! *pokemon respond with random noises* Everyone:hold on were coming!*follow the noises* (in a room with very little light...) ????:are these your poke'mon? Nikki:who are you?! ????:sorry but i cant tell Mamimi:*thinking*[I]that voice! why does it sound familiar..?[/I] ????:mamimi...you seem to be ok Mamimi:huh...? Andrea:do you know this person mamimi? Mamimi:the voice sounds familiar... ????:you dont remember me mamimi? Mamimi:*shakes head*no... ????:its me...vito your big brother Mamimi:vito! your alive! Vito:*smiles* occ: ok so it seemed that mamimi had a older brother (same age as kyle) ill put his proflie next on my next post and i wonder whats in the poke'balls.... :ball:
  5. Music from Gpetz.com OCC:yay im back!(thank god!)the story looks good so far i might be doing a long part 'cause ive been thinking about what to do for the story so it came out like this: icc: Mamimi:*weakly*Timiko...get...away... Timiko:huh? *one of kyle's goons come up behind Timiko and grab her* Timiko:*screams* LET GO OF ME!! Mamimi:Timiko!! let go of her!! Goon #4:SHUT UP AND STAY QUIET! Mamimi:*growls* why you--*stands up then falls down*damn it...my arm still hurts... Timiko:mamimi...try to get the others over here...*faints* Goon #4:*throws timiko in slammer*hmph! Mamimi:timiko!*thinking*[I]how can i get the others over here...?[/I]oh! i know!*starts singing "Every Heart"* *song travels around the the whole base* Jake:whats that sound? Kyle:its...singing! Andrea:thats mamimi! Jake:how can you tell? Andrea:2 years ago mamimi sang at the pokemon convention *pokemon start to calm down* Kyle:they stopped...*thinking*[I]her singing... calmed down the pokemon...!amazing![/I]alright...you can have your friend back Jake & Andrea:*relived sigh* Jake:*thinking*[I]why is kyle acting so nice?but at least he frees mamimi[/I] Andrea:where do you have mamimi? Kyle:follow me*starts walking down hallway* (later...) Mamimi:*stops singing*huh? *gasp* Andrea! Jake! Kyle! Andrea & Jake:mamimi! Kyle:*looks at mamimi slight smile* Mamimi:*smiles back* Jake:wheres Timiko? Mamimi:shes in here with me...but shes unconsious... Andrea:how? Mamimi: one of kyle's goons choked her then ran off Andrea:at least shes ok... Timiko:*wakes up*huh? !! Andrea! Jake! Andrea:Timiko your awake! Timiko:*nods* im ok too!*unties ropes on mamimi's rist*there! Mamimi:finally! Kyle:*unlocks slammer*....i-im sorry... Everyone:huh? Kyle:ever sense me and jake were little we hated each other and faught alot so i ran away in the middle of the night because i hated my parents...so now...i ended up this way... Mamimi:kyle... Kyle:and i need to ask you a favor...can i join your team? Andrea:well...yeah i guess Kyle:*smiles* (one week later...) Jake:its about time i got that stupid cast off! Nikki:you hated the cast that much? Mamimi:i would've too if i was jake Andrea:i guess it cant be that bad though 'cause if your arm was still broken you still would've been at the hospital Torchik:tor?-torchik? Ookamikun:*barks* Bagon:bagon-bag? Torchik:tor! Pidgey:*coos* Torchik:tor!*shakes head*tor-tor-chik-torchik! Aron:aron-ari! Pokemon:*nod* Nikki:*smiles*they seem to be getting along fine Mamimi's Mom:well im just glad that all of you are back safe! now that jake got his cast off you guys can go to the festival this week! Kyle:this week? Mamimi's mom:*nods*theres gonna be fireworks and everything! and i already made your guys kimonos!*pulls out kimono's from closet*see? this ones' for Andrea*points to red one* for Jake*points to green* for Nikki *points to yellow* for Timiko*points to pink* for Kyle*points to blue* and for Mamimi*points to white* Mamimi:wow thanks mom they look great! Nikki:did you make these all by yourself? Mamimi's mom:*shakes head* nope jakes parents helped me with the colors and stuff Nikki:wow!so are you going too? Mamimi's mom:yup but im still making mine though we have one week to get everything ready Timiko:i think thats enough time though right? Everyone:*nods* Mamimi's mom:i think everyone's pretty tired so lets all go relax at the hot springs Everyone:YAY! (at the hot springs...) Timiko:so whos side is whos? Woman:the boys have the left and the girls have the right Mamimi's mom:thankyou*bows* Woman:your welcome*bows & walks away* *everyone gets undressed and into the hotsprings* Andrea:finaly we get to relax after all that stuff we've been though Mamimi:... Nikki:whats wrong? Mamimi:nothing... Timiko:*splashes mamimi* hey cheer up a bit you dont want your mom to see you all sad now do you? Mamimi:no... Torchik:torchik!*floats in water* Bagon:*splashes pidgey*bagon!-bag! Pidgey:*coos loudly* (on the boys side...) Kyle:hey jake Jake:hmm? Kyle:ive been thinking... Jake:about what? Kyle:well...n-never mind... Jake:... (back to the girls side...) *torchik & pidgey playing tag on the rocks* (one of the rocks hold the bamboo curtain and if the curtain falls...well...) Torchik:tor! torchik!*slips*torchik! Pidgey:*slips**coos loudly* Mamimi:Torchik! Andrea:Pidgey! *curtain falls* Jake & Kyle:hmm? Girls:?? Everyone:?!?!*screams* ok so thats what happend when pokemon slip and the curtain falls... ^_^' my part is done (and i told you it would be long)l BTW:the kimono's can have these designs: Cherryblossoms Dragons Japanese Writing Animals or... People chose only one ^_^
  6. OCC:im really really REALLY sorry i havent been on here in a while school stared last week and i have way too much homework and i dont have enough time to do the RPG so i owe all of an apology*bows* Nameless-kun,Foxtu-chan,Kitty-chan,Kikyo-chan im really sorry so heres my part: ic: *kyle heres andrea and his two foot men battleing* Kyle:*smirks*so your friends made it in here... Mamimi:*nods slowly**thinking*[I]they were all worried about me...[/I] (where andera-chan and jake-kun are) Jake:andrea im going to look for mamimi! Andrea:what?!why? pidgey wing attack! Jake:not only that im looking for kyle also Andrea:well take your pokemon with you Jake i will dont worry 1 & 2:mukrow faint attack! Jake:*leaves main entrance* (later on) Jake:mamimi? mamimi where are you?! Mamimi:that sounds like jakes voice!*yells*jake! jake im over here! Jake:mamimi? Kyle:damn it...mamimi you stay here Mamimi: o-ok... Kyle:*smiles at mamimi & follows jakes voice**thinking*[I]so we finally meet again little brother...[/I] Mamimi:if torchik was here it could burn down the ropes and i woulnd get out of here.. ill come back here later and see how it goes (come save me soon ^_^')
  7. OCC:im really,really really sorry i havent been on here un a while(too much stuff going on..) Mamimi:LET ME OUT!!*rams against door* Kyle:keep trying you'll jus tend up with a broken arm Mamimi:i dont care ill keep trying to barge this damn door down! Thug#1:most people dont last as long as her though Thug#2:i wonder how long she'll keep this up Kyle:if she even does ill get machoke on her Mamimi:you what?! Thug#5:shut up in there! Mamimi:make me! Thug#5:why you little-- Kyle:hmph! Mamimi:*thinking*[I]damn it all im stuck in here while i have everyone worried sick! what am'i gonna do?! Kyle:*opens door*you stay here*lets machoke out* keep an eye on her Machoke:machoke*nods* Kyle:*goes around corner**thinking*[/I]lets see what she'll do... Mamimi:*tryes to run away* Kyle:MACHOKE GET HER NOW! Machoke:*grabs mamimi by neck and throws her against wall* Kyle:i told you to stay here! Mamimi:*weakly*wha--what are you planning to do? Kyle:You'll find out soon enough... Mamimi:*weakly*what do you mean? Kyle:.... Mamimi:*sighs* Kyle:machoke Machoke:ma? Kyle:grab mamimi Machoke:*grabs mamimi by neck* Mamimi:!!! d-damn you...*gasping for air* Kyle:*smirk:your pretty tough to last this long Mamimi:what?! Machoke:*drops mamimi* Mamimi:*coughs*.... Kyle:i..im sorry... Mamimi:?! Kyle:*kisses mamimi* Mamimi:!!! i didnt know what else to do so i put some romance in ^_^ Pretty shocking huh?
  8. Mom:you got a nice poke'mon mamimi Mamimi:thanks mom!*smiles**sighs* Mom:whats wrong mimi(for short) Mamimi:im..worried about jake i just hope hes ok... Mom:i hope so too...but the remeidy i gave him should help Mamimi:thanks mom im going to look for jakes brother! Nikki:why? Mamimi:sense jake is injured he cant do anything about it so ill help jake get his revenge Torchik:tor?tor? Mamimi:no torchik you stay here Torchik:tor!*nods* Nikki:will you be ok? Mamimi: of course! dont worry! Nikki:*sighs*.... Mom:well tell us what happend ok? Mamimi: ok bye!*leaves hospitial* (outside where Jake was attacked) Mamimi: ok where is he? *bushes russel* Mamimi:wh-whos there?! Kyle:well another pretty girl*smirk* Mamimi:*steps back**growls* Kyle:whats wrong i wont bite Mamimi:*steps back slowly* Thug#1:*comes up behind mamimi*GOTCHA!*grabs mamimi* Mamimi:let go of me!! Kyle:*smirk*now your all mine... Mamimi:*shivers*let go...of me...right now! Thug#1:*chokes mamimi* Mamimi:damn....you...Kyle...*faints* Kyle:*smirk*ill take it from here*carries mamimi to secret place* (back at the poke'mon center) Mom:i wonder whats taking mamimi so long... Torchik:*sounds worried*torchik... Momo:your worried too arent you torchik? Torchik:tor...*nods* Nikki:but she said she was going to be ok... Mom:she does that all the time but then when she returns shes hurt... Nikki:...*thinking*please be ok...
  9. Tomiko:well none of our pokemon got hurt so i guess not Mamimi:and i need to make a quick stop at someones house today Jake:who's? Mamimi:my mom's... Tomiko:so your parents split up? Mamimi:*sounds sad*yeah... Tomiko: oh no! im sorry!i didnt mean to say that! Mamimi:*smiles*its ok Torchik:tor-tor-chik! Mamimi:so after lunch we'll visit my mom? Andrea:yeah!and probly spend the night over there Cyndaquil:Cynda? Jake:*smiles*were going to visit someone Mamimi:silly cyndaquil!*giggles* Cyndaquil:quil*sweatdrop* Poochyena:*barks*
  10. 10:00am Mamimi:*walks in laboratory* Oak: oh hello your a new face! Mamimi:hi! did 3 other people come in already? Oak:yes im afraid so Mamimi:man!'cause i know one of them Oak:wich one? Mamimi:i think her name was Andrea Oak:the one with the vulpix? Mamimi:yeah thats her!(we met one year ago at a poke'mon convention) Oak:well they already got packed up and left already Mamimi:*sounds sad* oh ok... Oak:and your torchik is here!*lets torchik out* Torchik:tor-torchik*jumps into mamimi's arms* Mamimi:torchik!*hugs torchik* Oak:*smiles*so i guess you'll be heading off now right? Mamimi:yup! Oak:well,here are your poke'balls,poke'dex,and a map Mamimi:thankyou Oak:take care now! Mamimi:i will!*exits laboratory* ok thats my part take it form there and ill do my part again!
  11. yeah but ill find one later on why do you ask? just asking!^_^
  12. Human Form Name:Mamimi Age:11 Gender:female Eye color:Gray Looks:has long dark brown hair(always in a braid) Wolf form Looks:has a strange necklace around her neck Fur:dark brown Bio:has a strange connection to humans but is most comfortable around wolfs she was shuned and forced to never return to her town if she did she will be killed so now she wanders the streets alone
  13. Name: Mamimi Age:11 Appearance:'4 9" Long purple hair(always in a braid),gray eyes,Dark green pants,and black shirt Hometown:Cerulean City Goal:To become a Gym Leader Profile:Mamimi lived around poke'mon her whole life her first poke'mon was a torchick from her cousin who lived in Slate Port City she became fast friends with the little fire bird poke'mon and set off to make her dream come true Mamimi is a tomboy and is sometimes quite but will do anything to help
  14. ill join too im a big fan of poke'mon! :ball: :) Name:Mamimi Age: 11 Gender:Female Pokemon with you:Pikachu & Mankey Starter pokemon:Pikachu Personality:shy,sometimes loud,quiet Bio:Her dad set off to find the sourse of the poke'mon depression but died doing so then one day Mamimi set off and one of the mom's good friends gave her a pikachu for a starter(its her first time going alone) as she set off she rememberd how her father taught her how to catch poke'mon doing that she became angry and ran into a mankey she sucseded and set off farther and farther into the woods Description:average height,long purple hair(always in a braid),gray eyes, dark green pants and black shirt
  15. yeah i do every now and then but there mostly about the gundam wing boys and the saiyuki gang but its sad,funny,bloody (eww....)and some times everyday things and some of my friends will be in there too O_o but its still fun though -^____^- :love: yay Quatre-kun! -sessho-chan
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