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Everything posted by MissMoony

  1. Check out the DVD cut scenes (sp?) They have Johnny Deep quote from Benny and June, which is one of his older movies. It's funny :)
  2. I'm not blonde...I'm psycotic!!! Bwahahaha! Anyway...just don't let it bother you. People will probably tell you blonde jokes just because it bothers you, esp. guys. :) On second thought, if you Want guys to bother you, go ahead and let it make you mad!
  3. If life was like a box of chocolates, I'd be in heaven. CHOCOLATE! *insane giggle* But considering I'm Not in heaven, I conclude life is not like a box of chocolates. I don't think life can be judged so easily. It's very complex. I highly recommend that No One take analagies like this one and judge their life by it (I say this because I have a friend that does). You know what Thought is? It's when you sit there and wonder things. Try sitting down and wondering about all the newonces (sp?) of life. A newonce is a little thing that people hardly notice, like when you're watching a movie for the millionth time and see something funny you never noticed before; something the director purposefully put in because he's clever, but not all newonces are good (Disney anyone!). Now notice all the newonces Around You. Life has billions of them! and you'll never be able to notice them all! God must've been pretty clever, huh? That's the beautiful thing about living...You Learn. There are simply too many newonces for chocolates to even come close in comparison. As for the randomness factor (reach your hand in and who knows what'll come out). Life is not randomness. You make choices and you'd better darn well be prepaired to take the consequences. Forget randomness! If you don't have a slight clue as to what's coming, you need to think more. At least that's my opinion. I might've been aiming a bunch of that at my friend...out of sheer frustraition.
  4. Hahahahaha! I'm Not blonde! Only a blonde could've made this thread! Whahahahahahahhehehehehehe! I have ORANGE FUR!!! No, seriously now... You want to hear something good about blondes? Well how about this: Sense most everyone out there is a DBZ fan, you'd think it Might just Occur to them Sometime that Super Sayins have Blonde Hair. So plain hair is no biggy, but blonde hair...Blonde hair is a sign of power! So if anyone ever gives you crap about your hair, just give em the bird and say " 'favorite sayin' is way better than you, and he has blonde hair when he goes SSJ! So eat dust!"
  5. Alright, I'll elabrate for you! Crim is cool because: 1. He's a GREAT fighter 2. He quit the Crimson Knights 3. He's a gentlemen 4. He has a good sense of humor 5. He's attractive (as far as anime characters go) Notice this is my fifth reason. But the reason he's my third favorite instead of my first is: He allowed B.T. to hit on him, and/or almost fell for her. That one knocked him down to third. :)
  6. Yeah, Crim is pretty cool. My favorites go in this order: 1. Sora. Because of foresaid reasons. 2. Mimiru. Because she's so dang funny. 3. Crim. Because he's hot. :)
  7. GT is no joke. It's just a way to make a lot of money. I think they could've done a much better job, they would've gotten more money that way, too. I don't understand their logic. DragonBallZ has suspense, GT just doesn't drag it out like it should. There are a few good episodes, granted, but what the heck is up with Gohan and Goten almost being destroyed by Goku with only One kamah wave? I could understand Goten, but Gohan? He's suposed to be stronger than that! The strength and power system is all messed up. That being said, I did enjoy Vegita being taken over by Baby. That was good. And the whole "Goku's stuck in a game of chance and can't use his powers" was original, and kind of funny. So yeah, GT has it's redeeming qualities. Still, it could've been much, Much better.
  8. Sora! Come on guys, tell me it doesn't make you laugh everytime he goes "boing!" Besides that he killed B.T. :)
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