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About Isen`tar

  • Birthday 04/18/1986

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  • Biography
    Um... I'm surly and foreign. We're leaving it at that.
  • Occupation
    Burning children and sheep. That's always fun.

Isen`tar's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. Wow... then the guns won't work at all, making REAL war just like America's Army the game.
  2. Actually, the cat lived and found it's way back home. However, it didn't have any sort of cancer, it just kinda drunk paint, so the chances aren't the same. But yea, if I were dying, I'd prefer to go out hunting something than with a shot of windex to the leg.
  3. Well, both are easy, if you think about it. To get to sleep: Read some of the horrid stories on here. To get banned: Comment on them. :P
  4. Ah no! The humanity! A mod doing his job! Stop him quickly! *runs away screaming into the night* Idiot l33ters...
  5. Well, I'm going to try and not sound harsh/mean, but you do have an alternative to putting it to sleep. If the cat still has claws, you can do what my grandma did when she was a little girl. Drive out to the woods, leave the cat, and drive away. The cat will then have a chance to fend for itself and live out it's natural instinct of hunting, or just get 'put to sleep' quickly by nature. It's always an alternative.
  6. Yay for the angsty fella who posted the thing from Maddox's site. And damn them for doing it before I could. I suppose I could go into some long winded discussion about how it's made up by hallmark and thus has no significance. However, I believe I'll make a more original argument. Valentines Day. The most evil day of the year. Why is it evil you say? Well, just look about you! Hearts, deep red (the color of blood) and vicious women all threatening to castrate you should you forget a box of chocolate and some sort of blood-red flower. Well, no thank you. Any holiday which gives women a reason to act like they should only on their anniversary is EVIL!
  7. Being profound is overrated. Remember these words of wisdom: Don't be unreplaceable. If you are, you'll never get promoted. I forget where that was from, but I read this and that just popped into my head.
  8. [Note: Ignore the bad spelling in the title. Posted this late at night.] [i]It is a time of suffering and pain throughout the kingdoms of men. Like a growing shadow, blight is taking the crops of outlying villages. This is not a normal pestilence; however, it is much more malicious. The grain, scourged by agents of the Burning Legion, is creating an army. This ever growing army of the undead increases as more and more villages falls under the control of the Legion. The agents of the Legion have been deemed [b]The Scourge[/b] by the humans. The king has dispatched a number of his paladins to defeat the scourge before their sinister goal can be realized; however, they can not seem to do enough damage to the numbers of the undead. As each human soldier falls in battle, their corpse joins the ranks of the damned. The army is nearly unstoppable now, and it is felt by all that something will soon happen. Time is growing short for the race of men, elves, and orcs. The Burning Legion will attempt to take control. The way is paved for a new evil to control the world. The Lich King?s arrival is now near.[/i] The young soldier looked up from the scroll he was reading. With a certain glint in his eye, he walked up to the paladin leading his regiment. ?Is this true, sire?? ?Yes, it is. The Scourge has become powerful enough that they believe it is now time to summon their champion.? The Paladin turned and walked towards his horse, preparing it for yet another battle. The young soldier ran to the Paladin, just now realizing the magnitude of what the scroll said. ?The Lich King? it can?t be true!? ?I?m afraid it is, and if we do not act soon, we will fall to the scourge, and this world will fall to the legion.? --=[[i] Return of the (Lich) King[/i]]=-- Now accepting signups for ?Return of the Lich King?. Please post your character sheet here for consideration. Use the following format. Sheets not in the following format will be denied. [b]Name[/b]: (Your character name) [b]Age[/b]: (Your character?s age) [b]Sex[/b]: (Your character?s gender. If you answer yes to this question, you?ll be denied) [b]Race[/b]: (Your character?s race ? Please choose from Human, Orc, Elf, or Undead) [b]Alignment[/b]: (Your character?s group ? Resistance [Anti-scourge] or Scourge [duh]) [b]Class[/b]: (Your character?s class. Can be none, paladin, necromancer, summoner, etc) [b]Spells[/b] [b]Spell 1[/b]: Name ? Effect ? Summoning Time/Cooldown [b]Spell 2[/b]: Name ? Effect ? Summoning Time/Cooldown [b]Spell 3[/b]: Name ? Effect ? Summoning Time/Cooldown [b]Ultimate Spell[/b]: Name ? Effect ? Summoning Time/Cooldown [b]Weapon Type[/b]: (Weapon you use. Can be bow, axe, sword, hammer, spell, etc) [b]Character History[/b]: (A brief background of your character) [b]Character Motivation[/b]: (A summary of why your character gives a damn about the summoning of the Lich King) [b]Character Description[/b]: (A brief summary of what your character looks like. If you choose to be an undead ghoul, please don?t give yourself curly golden hair) {A note about spells} Cooldown/summoning time refers to how long it takes for the spell to occur (summoning) and how long it takes for the spell to recharge. A spell with a summoning time of 20 seconds would take 20 seconds to complete, from start to finish. A spell with a cooldown of 2 hours can be used once, then has to 'cool down' for two hours before it can be used again. --=[[i]Model Character Sheet[/i]]=-- An example Character Sheet. (Note, this is my actual character sheet for this RPG as well. Also, if you wish to be a necromancer as well, do not think you have to have the same spells, infact, no two people should have all the same spells) [b]Name[/b]: Razthul the Cold [b]Age[/b]: 1400 years [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Undead [b]Alignment[/b]: Scourge [b]Class[/b]: Necromancer [b]Spells[/b] [b]Spell 1[/b]: Raise Dead ? The necromancer uses dark magic to rise up 4 undead corpses. These corpses are zombie versions of their former selves and serve the Necromancer. ? Instant Summon/20 minute cooldown [b]Spell 2[/b]: Summon Death Reverent ? The necromancer uses nearby corpses to assemble a Death Reverent. The Death Reverent is a brutish creature formed by the decaying pieces of the dead. ? 5 minute summon/30 minute cooldown [b]Spell 3[/b]: Chill Aura ? The necromancer?s ice cold undead heart beats once again with the cold evil of the Lich. All friendly undead units near the Necromancer gain a frost attack, which, when hitting the enemy, slows their movement and attack speeds by cooling down their blood. [b]Ultimate Spell[/b]: Chilled Plague ? The necromancer imbues one of his undead summons with this spell and sets him off. Once the enchanted creature is killed, the units directly around it will be infected. Once night falls, the infected units will fall under the control of the Necromancer. The infected units also carry this plague and pass it along. The contagious aspect of the spell disappears with dawn as the heat of the sun burns away the icy magic, but the infected units are forever enslaved to the necromancer, until their corpses are dismembered. ? Instant summon/48 hour cooldown [b]Weapon Type[/b]: Staff of Frost ? Summons undead, deals frost damage. [b]Character History[/b]: Once a practitioner of magic in a far off world, the invasion of the Burning Legion convinced him that the time of his world was over and the time of the Legion was at hand. He swore allegiance to the Lich King, who imbued him with the powers of the icy side of evil. He now serves the Legion in their conquest, summoning the undead as he goes and adding them to the ever growing army of the damned. [b]Character Motivation[/b]: Razthul is a servant of the Lich King, and thus summoning his master into this world is a top priority. He will do everything in his power to summon the Lich King, killing all those who stand in his path. [b]Character Description[/b]: Decrepit blue skin, black and green robe, long white hair covered in a thin layer of frost. Each breath cools the air and each step leaves an icy footprint in its wake. Stands 5? 8?, large eyes, small nose, blue lips.
  9. Isen`Tar and Grojek rode on their way back to Angband, the army of orcs dead. Now that they were out of range of the foul full elves, Isen spoke to Grojek. ?Who was that?? ?C`tar.? ?He?s an elf, then?? ?Were you paying any attention at all?? ?Not really, I was dumbfounded by how the rules of the world do not apply to him.? ?What do you mean?? ?Well, the fog summons and the orcs should have been able to kill ONE of them, don?t you think?? ?It did seem a bit odd.? ?Oh well, we?ll soon have reparation.? ?Have something planned, Isen?? ?Of course I do. I plan and scheme every 38 seconds.? ?Shut up and ride.? Isen whipped the reins of the Elven steed, speeding the duo back to Angband and a certainly angry Sauron. ---=={|}==--- ?WHERE IS MY ARMY?? ?Destroyed.? ?BY WHO?? ?One man and a few rangers did this.? ?THE WHOLE ARMY?? ?Yes, my lord.? ?DID YOU NOT SUMMON FOG TO AIDE?? ?Oh, I did? but it didn?t seem to matter. It was if the rules of the world changed for this one man?? ?THEN WE SHALL PLAY BY UNORTHODOX RULES. ISEN`TAR, LEAD FORTH A LEGION OF THE DAMNED INTO BATTLE AGAINST THEM.? ?My lord, if I may make a special request to solidify the death of this man and the enemy forces?? ?SPEAK QUICKLY. I TIRE OF YOU.? ?I would like the first mage remnant and a special creature?? ?I THINK I KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE IN MIND. YES? THAT WILL BE SURE TO CRUSH THE FOOLS. IT IS DONE. DO NOT LET ME DOWN THIS TIME, HALF-ELF.? ?Yes, my lord.? Isen`Tar walked away from Sauron, a grin of half evil, half joy on his face. Grojek walked up next to Sauron, his commander. He built off of Isen`Tar?s request. Grojek again left the presence of his lord and rejoined Isen`Tar. ?Grojek? I believe this time; we will show these Elvish fools the true meaning of pain. And display in full the power of Sauron.? ?Yes, Isen`Tar, I do agree.? The two of them shared a laugh, the two lieutenants of Sauron heading off to various ends of Angband to prepare their segments into a battle ready formation. ---=={|}==--- Isen walked along a line of the mages who swore alliance to Sauron. ?You, the fallen mages, who do you serve?? ?SAURON, MASTER!? ?Excellent. Now, pay attention. I will teach you the most valuable spell you will need to serve your lord.? Isen began handing out Fogsummons staffs, similar to the one he used. Combined with the talents of the fallen mages, they would be able to summon great storms of fog in short periods of time, allowing Isen`Tar to create some of the more grand creatures of the mist. Meanwhile, off in the opposite side of Angband, Grojek was training his new army of Orcs. They were coming along quickly, having been trained for battle previously to this moment. It wouldn?t be long before the two parts of the new grand army of Sauron merged. Soon, the shadow of Angband would stretch far and wide, leaving few in its wake.
  10. Isen`Tar rolled his eyes as the orcs growled snorted and grunted around him. With the fall of Grojek to the elves, Isen`Tar was left with the burden of his orcish horde. "YOU! ELFMAN! WHAT DO WE DO NOW?" Isen rolled his eyes and turned to face the orc. "We make for Angband. We must return to Sauron and get a new commander for the horde." "WHERE GROJEK?" "If I knew, I wouldn't be here in your midst wasting my breath on a witless orc." "WHAT WITLESS?" Isen`Tar sighed and shook his head. 'If Grojek wern't dead I'd kill him." He increased his tone of voice and spoke out to the Orcs. "HARKEN! WE MAKE FOR THE REALM OF THE DARK LORD!" The Orcs store at him with a blank stare. He looked around in disbelief. "ANGBAND! WE GO ANGBAND!" he finally shouted to the rabble. They raised their hands and cheered out. Isen jumped off the rock and walked ahead of the horde. He summoned a fog bath and out of it formed a cart and horse. The horse he breathed life into, and then took the reins on the cart made of condenced moisture in the form of green fog. He stood up on the back of the cart and yelled to the Orcs. "We leave now! To Angband!" The Orcs cheered, Isen`Tar sat down on his cart, and the rabble was on their way to Angband. --==={||}===-- The rabble came to a fork in the road. One way leading up through the mountains, another more lowland travel through a swamp. Though it was Isen's intention to take the swamp, he knew it would cause more trouble to him than it was worth. He turned and aimed for the mountain path and began. It would be long and treacherous, but the path would bring them closer to Mordor faster than the swamps. Yet another reason for taking the pass. However, something just didn't feel right to Isen`Tar. He should have known better than to distrust his feelings, but to have the orcs infiltrate his homeland. So the caravan of one Half Elf and a legion of orcs made their way through the mountians to Angband and Sauron, looking for a new commander.
  11. Isen`Tar grinned, his green tinted hands clasping his walking stick. He lifted it into the air began chanting as he walked into the emerald mist he had created. Orcs and Elves were mere meters away as Isen`Tar began to work. He swung his staff down into the fog and pulled it back out. The green smoke followed the staff into the air and stayed there. Isen did it again, then again, then a fourth time. When he was done, 4 large mounds of fog stood before him, almost taller than he was. He opened his mouth and with controlled breaths blew at the fog. Without delay, the fog started being blown off in parts, staying in others. The four clouds of fog now had faces. And with further blowing, they became sentinent beings, except that they were still inanimate. Isen continued perfecting his work as danger drew closer. From beneath the smokescreen on the field, a lone elven soldier, a footman, slinked ever closer to Isen`Tar. While the fallen half-elf continued his ritual, the human closed the range and pulled the sword from his sheath. Isen looked at the creatures which now stood before him. True works of art. Faces from the fog. He closed his eyes and concentrated. In doing so, he felt an unallied presence near him. The lone soldier. Isen`Tar smirked and spoke aloud words in the Black Speech of the Nazgul. He turned to see the soldier, sword drawn, posed to strike from a prone position. "Siiitahhh. Menastad, nuleay." He grinend as he completed his incantation and walked between two of the fog beasts. "Kill them." he said in the tongue of elves, grinning at the soldier. He continued walking and disappeared into the now thickening fog. Two of the four fog creatures approached the soldier. One picked him up by the legs, the other by the head. The footman swiped about with his sword, each time hacking off a piece of fog from the creatures which was replaced by the curatin beneath them from which they drew their very being. The two creatures secured their grip and pulled hard in opposite direction, tearing the soldier into two pieces. They dropped his torso and legs as the four fog summons dissolved themselves into the fog cover and moved into the heat of battle, bashing the elves where they found them. Back up on the hill, Isen was perfecting another one of his fog forms. A mighty chair this time. When it was finished, he leaned back and sat on the massivly compressed fog, lying his staff on it's back and stretching out his legs. He put his arm to his chin and stroked the it, grinning with malice as his creatures cracked the necks of elves in unison with some of the Orcs. Today was shaping up to be another good day. Another good day for Sauron. An even better day for Isen`Tar. He so enjoyed killing elves.
  12. [U]Name[/U] Isen`tar [U]Age[/U] 38 [U]Race[/U] Dunadain - Half elf, half man. [U]Homeland[/U] Northern Angaband [U]Swear fealty to[/U] Sauron [U]Lineage[/U] Unknown [U]Posessions/Armour[/U]: Seeing as how I don't use weapons and armour, this is what I'll be using. Wizards Walking Stick - Used for walking and to cast certain incantations. Pipe Pipeweed Bone Armour - Shoulders, Chest Plate, Gloves, Boots. [U]Magic[/U] Bane Spell - Against Orcs. Ability to kill one Orc by touching them. Only works once every 30 minutes. Fog Raising - Ability to raise a fog cover. The longer the spell is chanted, the more fog is created. Requires Wizard Walking Stick. Fog-Weaving - Ability to weave fog into various objects. Misdirection - Ability to confuse enemies with a low mental ability. Breath of Life - Ability to bring life temperarily to formed objects. In this case, Fog Weaved entities. Lasts 30 minutes and must recharge for 1 hour. Voice of Command - Ability to command entites with low mental ability or those which he created. Mind-Speech - Ability to speak to people in their minds and receive reply mentally. [U]History[/U] Abandoned at birth, however, parents did leave him with his name, a clue to who they were. Isen`tar is a loose form of the word Istar, which, in Tenguarian Queena means Wizard. As such, he adapted his name and trained himself as a wizard, not caring to find his parents. He trained himself at such things, and thus did not train himself in forms of combat. He can weild a sword, but not for any great deal of fatality. As of late, he has embraces his elvishness more than his humanity and sworn fealty to the Elf Lords, forsaking his humanity, which will eventually lead to his death by old age. When he turned 10 years of age, he really began his training in the magics. With his trainer, an Elf by the name of Tempa Longshives, who he considers to be his father, he traveled the lands far and wide, learning about the world around him. He found most of his joy while they were tracking through a number of swamps. He started manipulating the fog into things. A natural talent. Tempa showed him how to refine his skill, and breath life into his creatures. This feat suited him quite well, and he started doing what he could to refine it. As he progressed in his training, Tempa showed him how to construct his walking stick, which was crafted from the trees of the swamps. The staff is good for walking and summoning fog for his forming skills, which is it's only real magical use. Tempa was called back to his home for to prepare for a coming war. A war which Isen`tar wanted nothing to do with. So he reamind in the swamps. He soon learned that not even he could escape what was about to happen. He left the swamps after adapting to them. His appearance shows the years of which he reamained in the swamps. From age 11 to 38. Living in the muddy surrounding takes a toll not easily repaired, namely the unhealth green tone it gave to his skin and hair. As such, all the fog he summons retains also a greenish tint. He returned to his the place where he was abandoned, a city of elves, only to be shunned away. This enraged him, and he made his way for Northern Angaband, seeking to follow the Dark Lord and serve him. His talents of misdirection and fogweaving are much more powerfully used for the unrighteous. [U]Personality[/U] Uses Misdirection and weaves fog entities to cover his escape, prefering to run instead of fight. Works best as part of a group, as by himself he can not do much to save himself. Not really one for a straight on fight as much as he is for getting the mission done exploiting others with weaker minds and access to his goals. That, or have a fog creatre scare the wits out of guards and allow him to walk in. The ability to talk to someone mentally from a distance also helps in misdirection and confusion, helping clear the way for him to continue on his goal. The creatures he summons from the fog after having life breathed into them are more or less real. They are not something that can be walked through, however, they are still translucent. The largest creature that can be summoned without causing Isen`tar to become unconscious is roughly the size of a human (6 ft) but with larger shoulders, so more of a body width.
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