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Everything posted by VP-Master

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]They're going to keep saturday's Adult Swim Action block. They're just adding more nights to it and getting rid of that darned Midnight Run block... at least that's what I heard. And what's wrong with Adult Swim Comedy on sundays? I happen to like Harvey Birdman and The Oblongs. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually they are getting rid of the Saturday block and you can [URL=http://forums.toonzone.net/showthread.php?s=&threadid=53216]click here[/URL] to see for yourself from a reliable source. For all of us anime fans who see dubs on cn, this was a bad move for adult swim. Like you said outlaw_star, they've moved inu yasha and cowboy bebop to weeknights which sux for anyone who has work or school the next day. There's always recording on the VCR but u cant do that all the time. I also don't get where yyh, outlaw star, msg, or the other animes went. Don't they realize a lot of ppl just watch adult swim for the anime? Hopefully, they'll make changes to this schedule be4 it airs in January but so far it seems pretty one-sided to comedy cartoons.
  2. Domon: I hate you Master Asia and when I destroy the Devil Gundam, I will kill you too! Master Asia: Hey Domon, you want to have some beer with me? Domon: Ok. That sounds great.
  3. He is noble in the sense that he is using the "Devil Gundam" for restoring Earth to it's former self but in his view to get rid of all humans in the process, that's a little out there. He's right in believing that humans as a race are the prime cause of corruption in this planet but if you get rid of all humans, you get rid of the good ones too so with steps forward to a better world, many steps are taken backward as well. I would go as far to say he's a good person but his ideas are impossible for people of today or the world of the Gundam to accept and understand.
  4. I remember seeing the movie fansubbed last month. While the quality wasn't that great, the story was ok but it could've been much better. It was good for a 30 minute movie but if they could make it longer and improved the plot a bit more, I would've liked it a lot more. But, I really feel that most Yu-Gi-Oh will enjoy it even if it isn't as good as the show.
  5. I found out the hard way when I missed the 2nd ep on Monday. I don't get why they did that without warning. They really know how to treat their Gundam fans. If DBZ got a time change, they'd prolly advertise it like no tommorow. I think they did the change because G Gundam ratings might be much higher than the Powerpuff girls at 5:30 so they moved Gundam to both slots so theyd get better ratings but someone needs to teach toonami advertisement. They should've at least made a special ad for the series finale tommorow...
  6. As of now, there are 95 eps for the TV show, 2 OAVs (each one is split into 2 parts and run for about an hour), and there's only 1 movie (approx. 90 min. long). That's probably as much as they're going to do for the Kenshin series but there is a rumor circulating around about a 3rd OVA in production but that's pretty hard to believe.
  7. I remember watching it in 2nd grade. It seemed pretty fun to watch them then but when I flip through chanels and see parts of their movies occasionally, it doesn't seems as cool as it used to. I guess its part of growing up...
  8. You should carry Kenshin, Trigun, and Martian Successor Nadesico in your store. They're all great anime series and shoot boost up your sales.
  9. I got hurricane. That's kinda strange. [IMG]http://www.yayajon.com/watercircle/images/quizresulthurricane.jpg[/IMG] I never knew I had such a "violent weather".
  10. I just came accross this series a few minutes ago. It looks pretty nice and I want to get my hands on some eps after it launches this SAT in Japan. U should check out [url]http://www.gundam-seed.net/[/url] for good info and pics for the series.
  11. It's a good show. I really liked that ep where he played basketball. That was funny. I still prefer Courage and Ed, Edd, n' Eddy over Robot Jones but its still a lot than some of those other shows on cn.
  12. Final Fantasy: Unlimited is the most recent anime series that aired in Japan. The first season ended March 25 with 25 eps so I really can't tell if there's going to be a season 2 for this show since it should've started already. The series is supposed to be alright but obviously not comparable to FF vg series. When DVDs come to stores, I'll be looking for it. Hopefully, they'll sub the show good and we shouldn't count on a good dub for obvious reasons. Note: Sorry for copying parts of your post Dragon Warrior. I didn't notice it when I was posting. :(
  13. Another censoring thing I noticed was when Pegasus was reading that comic book, having some cheese, and a drink. When a guard comes in, Pegasus identifies the drink as juice. I haven't the sub of the japanese version yet but that "juice" seems a lot like wine. Wouldn't you say so?
  14. I remember seeing MadTV last May and it really wasnt as funny as SNL nor the magazine. As posted earlier, it just doesn't have the stuff that makes the MAD magazine so funny.
  15. I've always prefered Coke to Pepsi. I've tried Pepsi many time but I just don't get the same taste that I like from Coke.
  16. Each one has its own special powers and it depends on the person for what he or she wants. I like the Millennium Puzzle a lot because I'd love to have the extra confidence it brings and it's always nice to have a conscience you can talk to directly.
  17. I dont think you've missed much. He's still only got 5 badges from Johto and now he wants to enter a competition at the Whirl Islands which will eventually have Ash fight against Misty. They haven't reached that far yet but that's what's happening now.
  18. It's pretty wierd why they edit guns in Yu-gi-oh. Many other shows that are TV-Y7 are allowed to show guns. G Gundam has shown guns quite frequently in the episodes shown on Toonami. 4Kids edits their shows too much just to make it kid friendly. It's a shame how much they're editing the show.
  19. The Kenshin movie is pretty nice to watch if you've seen a good deal of the eps. It may not be as good as the series, but it's still great. If you dont know anything about Kenshin though, you shouldn't see it because it won't make any sense then.
  20. I haven't really seen a dub i prefer or the sub. I think the Ranma 1/2 dub is pretty good and I consider about equal to its subbed counterpart, but that's about it. While it is cheaper to watch edited anime on TV versus buying its true form on DVD, you can find good fansubs online for free if you have a good internet connection. It's a lot cheaper than buying the DVD and you get it uncut and unedited.
  21. Since I was acquianted with Kenshin, It easily became one of my favorite anime series. I've seen up to ep 48: towards the end of Legend of Kyoto I believe. I probably liked just about every ep I've seen so far but my favorites include the first few eps where they meet Sanousuke (my fav character from the show) and also eps 28-30 which i've been told contains one of the greatest fight scenes from the show. I've seen the first Kenshin OAV and its really good. It was nice to see Kenshin's past. I don't plan on watching the 2nd OVA until I finish watching the series because I heard it's the ultimate end to the series and its supposed to be pretty sad. :( It's an awesome series with one of the best plots I've seen.
  22. That sounds pretty cool, expecially the fact that you can play classic NES games. I really hope Nintendo puts good use to this new GBA technology.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]Shipped? I thought 40 million PS2's were sold worldwide I see the Xbox is still doing terribly in Japan [/B][/QUOTE] Since Japan has Nintendo and Sony locally, they really don't need to buy an american company's system. It's similar to american cars in japan. They just flop. Aside from Halo, Mircrosoft isn't giving anyone a good reason (yet)to get phenomial exclusive games that are just for the Xbox. Even Halo is making its way to the PC now so people won't need an Xbox now to get their hands on their own copy. Xbox should start doing better in following years after they finally release some of those good exclusives but I don't think it's enough to topple down the PS2.
  24. Wow. I'm amazed they made a thing like that. I guess the marketers are really trying to make stuff that is for the older fans but I'm shocked they went that far. :eek:
  25. I want to buy this game but I don't have enough money to buy it for $40 or $50. Does any1 know when it finally arrives at the Greatest Hits List?
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