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Everything posted by VP-Master

  1. Hey my friend is doing a biology project and it's an evolution survey. If u guys could answer the following questions as best as you can, that would be really nice. Thanks. 1) Gender: Male Female 2) What do you believe in? : Evolution Creationism Both 3) Why? : Religious beliefs Scientifically factual Common Logic 4) What is your religion ? _________________________________________________ 5) How strong are your religious beliefs ? My life Very Avg. Below Avg. Non-existent 6) Are you very familiar with any evolutionary theories ? Yes No 7) Ethnic Background (your nationality eg. Asian, caucasian, etc.): _________________________________________________ 8) Where have you lived most of your life ? (if in US, please specify which state) ________________________________________________________________________ 9) Have you ever taken a course in modern biology ? Yes No 10) Do you believe in God ? Yes No
  2. Yep and that's not all. The official PS2 8MB mem card and Dual Shock 2 Control Pad both originally priced at $34.99 will now be $24.99 for a regular price. I don't know about the multi-tap or the other PS2 add-ons but I hope they go down too. Pretty sweet prices.
  3. Ya they did cut a lot of the FOX version of Escaflowne. It was still good (before it was cancelled) but you can only imagine how much better the actual version is. I prefer watching anime not on network cuz that's the only way I can see something uncut and unedited; the way it's ment to be. Most networks keep the heart of a show but it still ain't as cool as the original.
  4. My friend just hooked me up with 16 eps (fansubbed ofcourse) of FMP and before I start watching, I just wanna know if any of u guys have seen it and if it's a good anime and worth spending the time watching. Thanks.
  5. How many people are actually into it? The playoffs are pretty exciting to watch. What team do u want to win it all? I'm going with a 3-peat with the Lakers. What are your thoughts?
  6. Downloading is a very important aspect of the Internet and is one of the main reasons it got popular. u can dl patches and updates that improve your comp. There's tons of stuff that perfectly legal to dl without breaking any Inter/national laws. And ya there's tons of copyrighted stuff that's dled for free each day (Anime being something very easy to pirate). You technically aren't supposed to do it but most ppl do it newaz. Sure it's wrong but rate at gov. agencies catching u is not too high that we continue doing it.
  7. I used to watch MonColle Knights but I didn't really like it and since Yu-Gi-Oh is on at the same time, I prefer watching that.
  8. Most kids in my school hate anime and so do most of my friends that go to other schools. One of my friends is a big fan of anime and is proud of it so people think he's wierd. I don't think it's easy to like anime in most places and everyone thinking your cool for doing that. I wish it were different here.
  9. Kenshin is now one of my favorite animes. After watching for about a month, I've watched 28 episodes of it and I am shocked how I am so hooked on it. I got episodes up to 42 and I just hope my friend can give me the rest of the series. It's just the greatest! I like Trigun too but I have just watched the first episode although I have the 26 eps on CDs like Kenshin. Man, awesome anime.
  10. *yawn* it was just another avg. pokemon episode. The last time Ash went to a gym in Johto was November on WB and that was only his 4th badge! God, this show is so lagging.
  11. Hey I noticed that too. Whenever I go to Best Buys, I notice all these new PS2 RPGs I never knew that came out. It's wierd how they pop out of nowhere!
  12. My most wanted PS2 Games: 1. FFX 2. SSX Tricky 3. NBA 2K2 4. GT3 5: Jak and Daxter: TPL About that [U]State of Emergency[/U] thing, I remember it being 3rd person as well. But it wasn't as cool a game as GTA3 so I didn't pay so much attention to it.
  13. I must be missing the question somewhere but if FF6 was released with FF5 (where did Chrono Trigger come from, that was released with FF4 in Chronicles) in FF Anthology for PSX, I don't see what the point of releasing FF6 alone for PSX will be. Are they planning to make the full game in 3D this time? Then that's a different story. But right now, I'm confused what's being asked.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] Hmm, it sounds good.... but what's Kids WB? [/B][/QUOTE] Yes. I'm pretty sure that other Pokemon-carrying networks aren't doing it.
  15. O maybe I worded it badly. But Road to Indigo is something their showing weekdays on KidsWb where they started from the first episode and show the whole first season in order. I'm not sure if they'll continue to show the other seasons after that but it was nice to see the first episode after a long time.
  16. O god. Ok, it's 8 for that matter or if more contrevery is brought up, as many buttons as snes had is what I think GBA should have. I didn't think Start and Select were hardcore buttons for gaming and I thought a cursor was well, a cursor and not a button. Maybe it doesn't matter for many games but many of fighters suffer with such few buttons.
  17. Nice story so far. Looking forward to see the next part.
  18. What do you guys think of Kids WB new special? I think it's sorta cool. The new Pokemon episodes are pretty bad (and lame) in my opinion but it's fun to see old ones even though Ash is still stupid in them.
  19. I dunno if this topic has been brought up before but I was wondering how you guys feel about there being only 4 buttons on the GBA. Sure it's an improvement from the 2 button GB/GBC but the thing is since the GBA is very similar to SNES with many SNES remakes I thought it should have had 6 buttons similar to a snes controller. I heard my friend telling me that the GBA controls for Super Mario World was confusing since there are only 4 buttons and not 6 like snes. If the system got cramped with the additional 2 buttons, they could have made it a little wider to fit in the 2 new buttons under the A and B. Anyways, what do you think about it? :wigout:
  20. THPS2 is a great game which I've played for a long time until I got THPS3. It's a fun game and was pretty challenging for me so that made it even better. Personally, I like it better than 1 but less than 3 but that's just my opinion. I'm still playing FF7 and it's a pretty good game so far but I'm still on Disc 1 It's not too tough and has a good plot. One huge game but it never drags (well maybe sometimes). It's nice to know someone else is playing FF7. I used to think I was the only one since every1 I know is playing FFX now.
  21. I don't think the game will be good if its edited. I feel that the violence makes GTA3 what it is. Anyways, I think there doing ID checks everywhere but they really don't enforce them. When my friend bought it, he needed a parent because he's under 17, but he told them that his mom and dad knew he was gonna buy the game and he got away with that without any real check. I think they should enforce the checks a little more.
  22. I don't care much more those people who are over-religious and do everthing for the sake of their religion. There can be evil in all types of books but it's bad only if you choose to accept it. Harry Potter or Star Wars should not be banned and it disgusts me to see the books burned. Think of all the paper/ trees their wasting!
  23. It's a shame they may edit or stop manufacturing the game for it's content. While I can inderstand why people would like to ban this game, it's a great game and I feel it's the best in the series.
  24. They ceased making them in US? That' wierd cuz my local stores seem to have a good supply of the game.
  25. VP-Master


    I thought they bought 18.6% of Square.
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