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Everything posted by VP-Master

  1. That's probably the only reason I won't be getting FF11, there's no way I'm gonna pay monthly fees just for playing. I don't think it worth it. But I guess that's the way they have to do it to make it work unless they do what THPS3 for PS2 did for online play...
  2. Wait there available in purple for the same price at Target. Sweet. Purple is my favorite one. :laugh:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mztik_Gohan10 [/i] [B] November 25,2001 [/B][/QUOTE] Yep, that's probably why. The new release was announced on IGN on November 27 so probably the show didn't know about the new release date then.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mztik_Gohan10 [/i] [B]I watch this channel called TechTV and theres this show called Extended Play(game reveiw show).It said about 10 times ''Feb. 2002.'' and why are they changing the date.o yeah and the computer does lie. [/B][/QUOTE] When did you see this show? Because the article from IGN was posted on November 27, 2001 and it was based on an OFFICIAL press release from Square. Maybe the show you were watching was a outdated now. If you just look at the article I linked to, you'll see...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Goku-SSJ4 [/i] [B]:devil: :flaming: Activision & Neversoft SUCK!!!:flaming: :devil: They are releasing THPS3 on all consoles 2morrow except PS2! Apparently it comes out on the 30th for PS2. [/B][/QUOTE] What are you talking about???? It came out FIRST on the ps2! And the only other system its been released on so far is Gamecube and i'm not sure about the gameboys.
  6. That's too bad it's coming out so late in the UK. But it's coming out December 26 in limited quantaties to the US. They have an article on it at IGN. I put a link to it in my first post.
  7. I'm so happy that Square's decided to actually bring the release date closer now to December 26 of this year. You can read the story at ign by clicking [URL=http://ps2.ign.com/news/40094.html]here.[/URL] It scould be out in limited quantaties that day but they'll she more copies throughout the beginning of next year. So, how many of you guys are planning to the game on release day? I know I will.
  8. Ya i downloaded the rom and the game was a piece of junk. If you know what you're doing, Pokemon isn't an incredible hard game to make but this person didn't seem to know whether he was making a pokemon game or not!
  9. O cool, now I get it! I want THPS3 so bad.
  10. According to a review I saw in the paper yesterday, Gamecube can't play Music cds.
  11. I don't really like the new Transformers but I have seen all the current episodes becasause I have nothing better to do after-school. I think there's only 39 episodes anyways because that's how many of the episodes aired in Japan before TV Tokyo decided stopped airing the show.
  12. Well maybe it may only last 3-5 years in the US but I hear in Japan it's as popular as ever so the WB may stop buying the pokemon dubbed seasons and who knows, they may just release it only on tape/DVD and eventually stop making a Dub version. Just my thought.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Goku-SSJ4 [/i] [B]I bet you don't live in the U.K though do ya? Oh yeah and anybody who has a PSX & a PS2 make sure you buy THPS3 for the PS2 because the PSX version only got 77% & the PS2 version got 99%.:) [/B][/QUOTE] 77% and 99% of what? :wigout:
  14. I watn to go to the year 3000 just to see if the Earth exists.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] HOW DARE U CALL TRANFORMERS A NEWBIE SHOW!!!! TRANSFORMERS HAS BEEN AROUND LONGER THEN UR LIFE KID! THEY'VE BEEN AROUND SINCE THE LATE 70'S, AND ARE STILL LIVIN! But Yu-Gi-Oh sucks in the dubs, they dun swear or anything! [/B][/QUOTE] Um, I meant the new one on FoxKids. I think I've gotta clarify stuff more. I bought some of those old Transformers toys like 6 years ago so I would know. And Yu-Gi-Oh will have an English trading card game but I'm not sure when it comes out. Someone said around February.
  16. Nintendo and Square. Those people are really inspiring to me.
  17. Wait, isn't it coming out on January 2, 2002? The less days the better!
  18. The shows does need a change. For johto, they should've made the new character from Gold/silver be the star and have that new rival. It would be diiferent and they'd finally get rid of Ash!
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]Yeah, PSX is getting THPS3, but it won't be the same version as what you get on the PlayStation 2 and other next generation consoles. If you want the [b]true[/b] THPS3, you'd have to buy it on one of those machines. The PlayStation version is watered down significantly[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yep, that's right. The PSX version was developed by Shaba Studios , not Neversoft (the developers of the 1st 2 games) so it probably will be different.
  20. Then why would IGN have a preview for the PSX version then? O and it's not only coming out for PS2, PSX, Gamecube, and Xbox. There will also be a GBA, GBC, and PC versions. There was a press release stating exactly that.
  21. I have the demodisc fro PS2 and it as a demo of ICO. I really don't understand it and I'm just walking around in the building with the statues. Is that all you do in the demo?
  22. Sorry guys but Kottonknot is correct. There is a psx in addition to the ps2 version coming out. I can even bet on that. Like Kottonknot showed, there is a preview for teh psx verisonon IGN. How' bout and image from the psx version taken from IGN? [IMG]http://psxmedia.ign.com/media/previews2/image/th3/th3_20.jpg[/IMG] THose are no way, no how ps2 graphics. It's not good enuf. So there u have it.
  23. I'd prefer McDonlads anyday but I don't think Burger King is horrible. But personally, I think Taco Bell rules all!
  24. Forgive me if somone has already posted a thread like but I was just curious what you guys think about this new show. I think the animations are pretty good(compared to some other newbies this season such as Meda-bots and Transformers) and the plot is ok but hopefully will improve. I found out on some website the Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game is pretty hot stuff in Japan. So what are your thoughts?
  25. Actually, neither of them or a copy of each other. True, DIgimon came out first with their tamogachi, like creations, pokemon has no way been inspired by digimon in ideas and digimon's idea have not been inspired by pokemon. THier both unique and cool in their own ways!
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