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Everything posted by VP-Master

  1. I haven't seen it and I think it has only aired in Japan. [URL=http://www.bulbagarden.com/anime/spoilers/index.html#194]Click here to find out more on it.[/URL]
  2. Hehe...these are all so funny!
  3. That must suck. But no wonder they got mad.
  4. Ughhhh...that sclub 7 song was stuck in my head like a few months ago. I thought I got rid of it but now it's back again. Darn it!
  5. I hate Magikarp. If he didn't evolve to Gyrados, I'd hate him even more.
  6. He had to give away beedrill. If he kept it, that would go against his principles of giving away all his potential pokemon. He could have had a dream team; primeape, charizard, and pidgeot would make his team stronger. Charizard does come back I think but he never should have left it there newaz. I never understood why he gave squirtle away but not bulbasaur. Ash is dense. Y can't Gary be the star of the show instead?
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B]And how'd you get so much info on FFX VP-Master??? [/B][/QUOTE] Well when I go to the supermarket, I go to the magazine area and look all those pretty computer/video games magazines (It's better than going grocery shopping with my mom.) Lot of 'em have those ultimate PS2 preview guides which include previews of FF10 anf THPS3, etc. They have tons of facts and pics on those games. Since FFX is already out in Japan, a lot of people who have the import, put their thoughts on it. Plus, I don't even have to buy them.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]My friend was lucky enough to get into E3 and play the Tidus version of the FFX demo. She said it was really diffrent from the other FF's, obviously, and that the graphics were a lot like Devil May Cry's. [/B][/QUOTE] Ya it is very different. Like Tidus is as oppsite as you can possibly get from FF8's main char. Squall.
  9. When I get one in a month, I want the Purple one (indigo). If they don't have it, then I'll get that white one.
  10. That cartridge looks so fake. If it were for GBC and GB, it would be black, but for all the pokemon games, they make the cartridge a different color. This one is gray like old GB cartridges!
  11. That's a good idea Boy Wonder! I agree with you 100%. I'll be sure to wear red, white, and blue tomorrow. I'll also spread this message through email to as many people I know.
  12. This whole thing is so awful. I'm really sorry about your baby cousin, Justin. It's so sad. :( They do deserve the worst death possible.
  13. Does anyone know if you can reserve FF10 at stores in US now? I don't see any signs at stores for it but i'm not sure.
  14. Chronicles rocks if you haven't played CT or FF2 yet. If you have beaten them already, don't bother getting this one. Graphics are outdated but that's ok.
  15. Nope haven't played it but like most people, I saw the previews. Many vid game magazines including OPM has previews and may have a story.
  16. [COLOR=royalblue]Well 2 months ago when I got my PS2, the first day I played it 4 hours straight and nothing happened to it. When I take it to friends' houses, I usually play for two hours there and nothing happens. I'm sure Sony wouldn't be stupid enough to have no ventilaton system. That's a must.[/COLOR]
  17. Today is one day that will be forever remember in history. I have heard it has killed more people than Pearl Harbor. It shows how inhumane some people can be possibly just to prove their point. AS people might haave said be4, this may not cause ww3. It could have done by an American like Timothy Mcveigh. I hope they can get a hold of the maniac or maniacs who were in charge of this soon. :mad:
  18. I remember seeing a code like this one on an internet site. I tried it and it never worked.
  19. 20 years? I don't know. Maybe shorter or longer. It is more popular in Japan than USA so may keep on making them in Japan but stop US versions. Who knows. Maybe they'll stop when Satoshi Tajiri dies. Whenever that is.
  20. Sweet wallpaper. I just chamged my old one to this one. Thanks James!
  21. Probably Tekken Tag Tournament. Currently that's the only game I own too but I also think SSX is a cool game.
  22. Probably 7 because I think it was better than the 1st and 2nd one but it was still too short and it they should put some more action in them.
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