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About Toorima

  • Birthday 06/01/1991

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    IM A DUDE!
  • Occupation
    Annoying anyone and everyone I can find!

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  1. OOC: I apologize for my previous not good post. ---------------------------------------------------------- Name: Amelia Weir Tesla Seyruun Age: 14 Gender: Female Class: White Mage Magic: White magic and one or two spirit spells Weapon: None Appearance: [url]http://perso.wanadoo.fr/canal-manga/japanimation/slayers/amelia-kiss.jpg[/url] Personality: Self proclaimed "Ambassador of Justice," Amelia idolizes Lina. She is very headstrong, and acts on impulses more than rational thought. Amelia unknowingly does the one thing to Lina that is unforgivable- steals her thunder! Amelia is very cheery and she fights for what she believes in.
  2. OOC: I guess I am changing to a thief if no one minds. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The dirt crunched Irvine's feet. He had been walking for a pretty long time, because he was looking for a job, so he could get some quick cash. That was all to no avail. He needed money bad. Money...and food. His stomach rumbled at the thought of food. He hadn't eaten in he didn't know how long. Oh well, just another day in the life of Irvine Drake. Well there was always the option of stealing the money. It wouldn't be the first time that he would resort to thievery. All he would have to do is find a bar, and what a coincidence, he was right next to a tavern. He went inside and looked around. There were about 20 or so people in the small building. It was perfect. To make things easy, he would just have to start a bar fight. ?Okay,? he said to himself, ?Let?s make some money.? ?HEY FATTY!? Irvine yelled at a rather plump man that was taking a drink. ?Who, me?? the man said, pointing to himself. ?Are you talking to me?? ?Yeah I?m talking to you, FATSO!? Irvine exclaimed. That seemed to be the last straw. The man started charging and blindly punching at Irvine, so he swiftly moved out of the way, making the portly man charge into someone else by accident. ?What was that all about!?? the man that got hit exclaimed, and he punched the portly man. After that, Irvine got to a safe corner as all hell started to break loose in the bar. People started hitting, kicking biting, attempting to kill, everything. In the course of this mayhem, Irvine was walking around, pick pocketing the distracted drunks. By the time he got out of that tavern, he had handfuls of money and wallets, but he still wasn?t satisfied. He needed to make some legitimate cash for once. As he walked by another bar, he saw a piece of paper in the window. It read: Villagers of Zaban, Warrior looking for recruits to help on long adventure. Money included. Enquire inside room 302. Karst Money, adventure, and wasn't Karst a Kanin name? Finally, getting along with a Kanin, this was great. He had never really met a Kanin, and for that reason he didn?t have a grudge against them like the other Zabans did. That?s why he didn?t ever get any respect. Oh well, he had to go to room 302. He went inside and began up the steps. After he got to the right floor, he walked down a narrow hallway. His footsteps echoed as he progressed. Then he saw it, Room 302. It wasn?t really his nature to knock, so he opened the door and stepped inside.
  3. I guess I'll play as a chick this time: Name: Amelia Weir Tesla Seyruun Age: I don't know how old? Gender: Female Class: Warrior Magic: Weapon has lightning element Weapon: Double Daggers (if that's not okay, I can have one if you want) Appearance: [URL=http://perso.wanadoo.fr/canal-manga/japanimation/slayers/amelia-kiss.jpg]Amelia Weir Tesla Seyruun[/URL] Personality: Amelia Weir Tesla Seyruun Bio: Amelia Weir Tesla Seyruun Sorry, I really had to do this quick, if it's not good enough, tell me and I'll put more time into it.
  4. Umm...When is this RPG going to get started? I was just wondering because I haven't seen anything on it lately.
  5. Toorima

    One [M - VSL]

    (Sorry it took so long to post, my comp was screwed up) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Irvine was sitting by the fire, also drunk, as he took another drink of brandy. "Hey watch this!" he said to himself. He throws the bottle of brandy in the fire. It explodes, sending glass shards everywhere. One stuck in his leg. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OW!" he exclaimed. C'mon fuckin' fuckers! Hurry up and fuck so I can get the fuck out of here! "Damn, you really are drunk," Rosa said" "Oh yes I am" Irvine said as he fell to the ground, passing out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (Sorry it's so short, I'm really tired)
  6. I checked that site, and you're right, the second looks much better. I hated the first one, but the opening cut-scene where he shoves his hand n the guys face, that was excellent.
  7. I'm a drummer, but I can't help you if your in Scotland, because I'm in America. My main influences are Rolling Stones, Primus, Nirvana, Beatles and Meg White of the White Stripes. I'm pretty good, but I'm no Meg White, mainly because I am a guy.
  8. Wow, this is great. And your only 12? That's really impressive. You should go with this, and write more poetry. Well that's my opinion. :^)
  9. That's really good. You're a good poet. The question marks instead of apostrophes is like E.E. Cummings. GOOD JOB!
  10. Quote: [QUOTE]I suggest you forget about him. Love is expensive and not worth the time.[/QUOTE] Don't you think that's a little pessimistic? Anyways, I understand how you feel, and I also agree with eternity. But if that doesn't work I have a way to work up a conversation can most of the time lead up to when you can say something about how you feel. It's worked for me many times, but I don't know about everyone else. Wait until a time when he's not laughing and smiling and say, "You look sad." I know it sounds cheesy, but believe me, it opens up a great conversation, and well...just trust me, it works. I'm a guy and it's worked on me. It kind of gives a person the sense that you care about them, and they can trust you with things. Believe me, it works. Good Luck!
  11. [COLOR=DARKRED] Name: Irvine Drake Age: 21 Race: Human Role: Student Apperance: Long blonde hair with a ponytail in the back and two locks of hair dangling in front of his high cheekbones. He eyes are blue like the sky. He wears baggy blue jeans, a shin-length trench coat open to where you can see his muscular chest and stomach, and black leather fingerless gloves. Irvine also has black Converse Chuck Taylor shoes. Personality: Usually a loner and talks very little. Hard to understand sometimes because he has never really thought "inside-the-box." He doesn't talk because he doesn't have to, it's just that he doesn't have the time. He is too caught up in his deep philosophical thoughts. Bio: Irvine really didn'y care about the trip to Scotland. He just needed the grade and he want to point and laugh at the people in kilts. But he couln't hide his excitement after he was put in Nifelhim. He though about something like this when he was a kid.[/COLOR]
  12. Name: Irvine Drake Gender: Male Age: 19 Race: Zaban Appearance: Long blonde hair with a ponytail in the back and two locks of hair dangling in front of his high cheekbones. He eyes are blue like the sky. He wears baggy blue jeans, a shin-length trench coat open to where you can see his muscular chest and stomach, and black leather fingerless gloves. Background: (I don't really know what to put here, so I'm going to put the personality) Usually a loner and talks very little. Hard to understand sometimes because he has never really thought "inside-the-box." He doesn't talk because he doesn't have to, it's just that he doesn't have the time. He is too caught up in his deep philosophical thoughts. He also doesn't realize what the big deal is about the wall between the Kanins and the Zabins, because he doesn't judge people like everyone else does. Popularity: Well-known in after visiting any town, because he is very loud and unforgettable Gossip: Townspeople see him as a bad person because he doesn't discriminate Kanins like the other Zabans do. Zaban Race: Archer Weapon: Although he is an archer, Irvine mostly uses his dagger
  13. Errm...call me lazy, but I'm tired of posting appearances repetitivly on the R.P. boards, so...ummm...could anyone...ummm...in their free time make a pic from this description? Here it is: Male with long blonde hair with a ponytail in the back and two locks of hair dangling in front of his high cheekbones. His eyes are blue like the sky. He wears baggy blue jeans, a shin-length trench coat open to where you can see his muscular chest and stomach, and he wears black leather fingerless gloves. Thanx, Toorima
  14. Toorima

    One [M - VSL]

    Name: Irvine Drake Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Long blonde hair with a ponytail in the back and two locks of hair dangling in front of his high cheekbones. He eyes are blue like the sky. He wears baggy blue jeans, a shin-length trench coat open to where you can see his muscular chest and stomach, and black leather fingerless gloves. Personality: Like Karl, Irvine is very laid back. He is also the quiet one of the bunch, and he spends most of his time thinking very deep thoughts that very few others would understand. He has always had a little bit of a crush on Rosa, and although he has never said anything about it, he has accidently made it too obvious and unknown to him, Rosa knows about it. He is also a little bit of a clutz at times in his actions and his words.
  15. Does anyone want to be my pally? I'm a 13 year old guy from the U.S.
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