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Everything posted by Toorima

  1. Kurt Vonnegut is a really good fiction author. Not all of his books are sci-fi or fantasy, but most of them are. Some of them are realistic fiction. I would highly recommend Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut. ---------------------------------- Toorima
  2. I like the second banner the best. I don't know why, but it just has a certain touch to it that makes it look just right.
  3. There is this one guy at my school. He is the craziest person I have ever seen in my entire life. He claims to be the Muffin Man, and the King of the Leprachauns(sp?). He's really weird, but we all are! Guess what, that weird person...IS ME!
  4. Just Curious, what is everyones favorite poem? My favorite poem is hilarious. It comes from a book by Kurt Vonnegut. The book is called God Bless You Mr. Rosewater. The poem is untitled. Here goes: Those who write on heaven's walls, mold their shit in little balls, and those whom read these lines of wit, shall eat those little balls of shit.
  5. Family is the best in my opinion. The Simpons always get really annoying.
  6. Awesome! Arrival of the good fortune," it sounds awesome!
  7. My name is Forrest. My nicknames are: Gump Sparky (because I always lick 9-volt batteries) Squirt
  8. My name is Forrest, pronounced for-est. I've always wondered what my chinese name was.
  9. I agree with the other people. It's probably just stress. The same thing happened to me before. I just cleared my head and went to sleep, and the next day I felt a lot better.
  10. A couple of weeks ago, my mom was picking me up fromschool. After I saw her truck, I went up to it and got in, not looking at the driver. I put my seatbelt on, looked to the left, and somebody, I had know idea who, was driving the car! I unstrapped the seatbelt, ran away, and hid behind all of my books. -------------------------------------- Toorima
  11. I think I saw something like that on ebay. ----------------------------------- Toorima
  12. Name: Irvine Drake Code Name: Blade Age: 941 (looks about 18 or 19) Gender: Male Powers: Telekinesis and super-speed (at the peak of his speed he is so fast he can't be seen) How he got them: Born with super-speed, discovered telekinesis Home: The moon Race: Vampire Side: Good Personality: Irvine is a deep, poetic person who is really hard to get to shut up. He is a loner, walking all over the streets day by day. He isn't stupid, and most people consider him to just be weird. Appearance: Shoulderlength blonde hair, and sky blue eyes. Wears baggy jeans, a white shirt, and a brown, shinlength trench coat. He is a tall (6'1), skinny, and attractive man. Bio: Irvine ran away from home when he was 823 (looked about 16), because he wanted to try to avoid any responsibilty whatsoever. Since then, he's just been alone on the streets of Earth, trying to stop crime for a living. Because of is suspicious looks, and because his philosophy in stopping crime is "Kill first, ask questions later," the police are always looking for him. Weapons: Two daggers
  13. "Come back, you pickpocketing creten!" yelled the cops. Irvine quickly skateboarded into an alleyway. He was used to this routine. For years he had been pickpocketing people, then getting chased by the cops. He would skateboard away, and the hide. After a few hours, the cops would give up, then Irvine would emerge from his hiding place, and sleep in one of the stationary ships. As he emerged from the alleyway, and into the docks, he quickly scanned around for hiding places. He didn't see any, so he jumped off his skateboard, and ran quickly onto the only docked ship. He saw a couple of people talking, and he stealthily sneaked past them. He scurried up onto the lookout, and he got low to where noone saw him.
  14. Owner Name: Irvine Drake Age: 17 Gender: Male Hometown: Gyren Appearance: Shoulderlength blonde hair, and sky blue eyes. Wears baggy jeans, a white shirt, and a brown, shinlength trench coat. He is a tall (6'1), skinny, and attractive man. Personality:Irvine is a deep, poetic person who is really hard to get to shut up. He is a loner, skateboarding all over the streets day by day. He isn't stupid, and most people consider him to just be weird. He is never seen without his faithful spider monkey. Bio:Irvine ran away from home when he was 15, because he wanted to try to avoid any responsibilty whatsoever. Since then, he's just been alone on the streets, pickpocketing people for money to make a living. Pet Name: Rose Age:11 human years Gender: Female Species: Spider Monkey Personality: Hyper at times, and loving to her owner, Irvine. Appearance: Rose looks like any regular spider monkey. She is small enough to sit on Irvine's shoulder. She has black and white fur, and after the eclipse, she had glowing crimson eyes. Element: Air Powers: Telekinesis, super speed, and can produce and shoot blades/spikes from his fingertips. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I think that should do it! Toorima
  15. Whoa, sorry about that! On the weapon thing I put a : and a D beside each other and it turned out :D. It's supposed to be: Weapon: Dagger Sorry, Toorima
  16. Name:Irvine Drake Age:17 Gender:Male Weapon:Dagger Appearance:Shoulderlength blonde hair, and sky blue eyes. Wears baggy jeans, a white shirt, and a brown, shinlength trench coat. He is a tall (6'1), skinny, and attractive man. Personality:Irvine is a deep, poetic person who is really hard to get to shut up. He is a loner, skateboarding all over the streets day by day. He isn't stupid, and most people consider him to just be weird. Background:Irvine ran away from home when he was 15, because he wanted to try to avoid any responsibilty whatsoever. Since then, he's just been alone on the streets, pickpocketing people for money to make a living.
  17. I'll join, but I need to know what all to put in my reply.
  18. Name:Irvine Drake Mentor:Hermes-god of mischief, protector of thieves, and messenger to the gods Appearance:Shoulderlength blonde hair, and sky blue eyes. Wears baggy jeans, a white shirt, and a brown, shinlength trench coat. He is a tall (6'1), skinny, and attractive man. Personality:Irvine is a deep, poetic person who is really hard to get to shut up. He is a loner, skateboarding all over the streets day by day. He isn't stupid, and most people consider him to just be weird. Background:Irvine ran away from home when he was 15, because he wanted to try to avoid any responsibilty whatsoever. Since then, he's just been alone on the streets, pickpocketing people for money to make a living. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I think that should just about do it! Toorima
  19. User Name:Irvine Player Class:Werewolf Player Type:Newbie Player Level:1 Looks:Shoulderlength blond hair, and sky blue eyes. Wears a brown shinlength trenchcoat, baggy jeans and a white shirt. Weapon Name:Wolf Claws Weapon Level:1 Weapon Skills:Lightning Claws
  20. "AHHHHH!" screamed a voice out the window. Victor rushed over and saw a man in a trench coat laying on the ground. "Are you okay?" Victor asked the man. No reply. "I'll be right out there! Hold on!" Still no reply. Victor ran outside grabbed the man. He dragged the man into the inn and onto one of the beds. He ran upstairs. After he came back he held a pitcher of cold water in his hands. Victor raised the pitcher and poured the water on the man. "SCREW YOU!" exclaimed the man on the bed, producing a dagger quickly. He brought the dagger closer to Victor. "Where am I?" "Field Springs!" replied Victor quickly. The man lowered his dagger. "What's your name?" "Victor, and yours?" "The name's Irvine." "What was all the screaming about?" the girls asked. They had just walked in. "This is Irvine," said Victor. "He was unconsious outside. By the way, Irvine, why were you there anyway." "The damn spiders," said Irvine. "Anyways, do you mind if I sit down?" he asked Victor. "I've been walking north for a while and I'm tired." "Go ahead," said Victor. Irvine sat down. "Well while I'm here, why don't you girls tell us your name's?" "I'm Paige, that's Felicia, and that's Reveille." said the short, young brunette. "And I'm Maki," said the other girl. "I'm really hungry," said Paige. "Here you go," said Irvine, and pulled a chocolate bar out of his pocket and handed to her. "MMMMM...chocolate," said Paige, and bit into it. "Don't eat anymore chocolate!" yelled Felicia. "I told you yesterday, you're gonna get fat!" "You said you were heading north," said Reveille. "So are we." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope that's good!
  21. Name:Irvine Drake Age:18 Home Country:England Appearance:Shoulder-length blonde hair, and sky blue eyes. Wears a brown, shin-length trench coat and black Chuck Taylor shoes. Demeanor:Irvine is a deep, poetic, brave loner. He does not work well at all with others. What he's bringing:Not much, just a compass some matches, and a dagger. Why he's heading north:He feels he needs to find a greater purpose in life, so he is going North to try to find that purpose, to try to stop the chaos. Other:Irvine's parents were killed in a car crash shortly before the chaos started.
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