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Everything posted by slice

  1. Yeah. An ending should fit an anime. I'm not into tragic endings, but I just hate it when people die in animes. I mean I'm the kind of person who saw the end of Cowboy Bebop and decided (in my mind) "Spike isn't dead, he just collapsed from bloodloss!" (even though I know he is dead) I couldn't stand it if InuYasha or Kagome died at the end of InuYasha. I'm not really that attached to Kouga, Sesshomaru, or Kikyou though.
  2. "It would help if you explained which shows you were thinking about when you wrote this. Not to sound overly fatalistic, but happy endings are rather scarce in real life. " (Eh, Haven't figured out quotes yet) Well what really started me on this was I was reading some other forums the other day (not Otaku) and they were talking about endings for some anime. (can't remeber) There were some people who were saying that they would actually prefer a very tragic ending where everyone died.(why??) I just thought I'd see what some of you thought. I guess I just get to attached to people in animes, when I think about some of them dead I get really depressed. That's just the way I am though. Oh, I'm sorry I didn't clarify one thing. :D When I said tragic endings aren't always true to life, I meant the same for happy endings too. Most of the time things just end up blah, halfway between. (for me at least) I'm just the kind of person that would like to believe that everything will end up okay in the end. But I think this is a good topic for discussion? :/ Is it? (edit) Ooopppps I wanted to say this. I'm normally really pessimistic, and I don't know, sometimes I just like something optimistic. It just makes me feel better. You know what would be weird though? A totally optimistic anime that ends in a really pessimistic way. (ie the series is basically to the theme "Life will always be okay!! Nothing can bring me down" and the last episode was to the theme "Life sucks". (/edit) Meh!
  3. I personally don't like tragic endings in anime/manga. It just depresses me too much. It also seems like people think that an anime CAN'T have a happy ending and still be great. So I want to know what you think. How do you like endings and why? Okay I'll tell you my opinion first. I don't think an ending should be too tragic or too happy happy. I like a mix. Maybe one of the not main characters dies, maybe the main character gets injured really bad. I just hate to see any characters that I am really attached to go. I also think that tragic endings are fairly predictable. Tragic endings just seem to happen more often, and I don't think it is necessarily true to life. Everything doesn't always blow up in your face. Well anyway, I guess that is just what I think. What about you? :bawl: Me no like tragic endings:bawl:
  4. wow...do I know you? (probably not) You sounded JUST like my two friends with that line "One time at band camp...." They tell stories like that all the time. (I think that they are trying to rub in my face how I didn't get to go) :) I play clarinet :) I haven't ever been to band camp, but I'm going this year! :D
  5. Well I liked the Wind Waker, although I do think it was a bit easy too. I just rented it and I finished it. (with a little help at the end from some websites) I've never been able to finish many games either. In fact that was only my second game I've ever finished. I'd say to get it though. I'd buy it, but I can't afford it.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]Y I think one of the main reasons that I'm not enormously enthusiastic about this show is because I've been watching anime for a relatively long time (whereas many other people--especially in this thread--were first introduced to anime by Inuyasha). I tend to be a bit picky about what I watch, and especially about what I buy, so it makes sense that my opinions occasionally clash with those of more fervent fans. ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] How right you are!! I did start out watching anime on InuYasha! It isn't the best, but I just don't like it when people say they hate it because of the "fan girls". Which is another thing I'd like to talk about. Just because I happen to be 14, I happen to be a girl, and I happen to be a fan of InuYasha doesn't make me a crazed 14-year old fangirl. I don't watch an anime because I think the characters are "hot" and frankly I feel sorry for anyone who does. (You like it for the wrong reasons) Well that's just my 2 cents. :angel: :laugh:
  7. I'd like to do a .hack RPG, but I'm afraid I've only seen .hack//SIGN. I wouldn't know where to begin. But if you were to make a .hack RPG board, I'd try it. :D
  8. Ahhh that is very good. I don't know what DNAnglel is, but I have to say that they quote really fits the banner. I'm trying to find something wrong with it, but honestly I don't see anything worth mentioning. I especially like the font you used for the quote. :D I hope that was constructive enough. :/
  9. slice


    That is pretty good!! But you do need to work on your anatomy a bit. Still, it's way better than I could do. If you want to work on your drawing a litte bit (just if you want to fine tune it a bit) go to [url]www.polykarbon.com[/url] and look at the tutorials. They are really good tutorials and they have a support BBS where people will look at your work and make comments. (and most of these people are like studying art at school or something and REALLY good in my opinion) The site is run by a guy who draws for X-box. But I have to say, that manga is pretty good. I especially like the coloring on it.
  10. :D I can tell you are a fan Inuyasha Kagome! As long as this is an InuYasha board, how do you think it will end? The manga has been winding down for a while, or so I've heard. I hope it isn't a tragic ending. If anything is predictable it is a tragic ending. (:D) Ahhhhh..... and they have added alot of episodes ALOT! (that weren't in the manga) I'm not sure how many, but I'd say it might be 20-40 if not more.
  11. :D lol....I love that!! The part with Gollum was funny! Heh, loved the ending! ^_^ off topic for a minute: What program did you use to make that?
  12. I redid it. I think it looks alot better now. ummm...how do you attach something to a regular post? o_o edit: Nevermind, I just attached it to the first post. ^_^ Is the new one any better?
  13. hmmmmmm I'm not that organized. Well... my first floor has the Mario theme. They were special from Nintendo Power. My basement has like 15 wardrobes and the floor otherwise is filled with clothes and umbrellas because I like to have a new outfit everyday. My upstairs is the Jingle Theme. I don't have all of these though. (he kept giving me doubles!) I don't really like my house and I'd really like to re-do it, any ideas? Also, who is your favorite character?
  14. Hey, I'm a big InuYasha fan. The anime has alot of episodes added into it...they were trying not to outpace the manga. Eh, to me it seems like you either love InuYasha or you hate it, you know? I really don't mind "stero-typical" characters at all. Almost all characters are stero-typical in some ways. I don't see why you hate the InuYasha characters though. And I also think you should give Cartoon Network the credit it deserves. Cartoon Network has been largely responsible for getting anime popular in the US. How many of us would've even known what anime was if we hadn't saw an episode of Cowboy Bebop or InuYasha on Adult Swim. And another thing...while InuYasha's plot may not make you think too much, that's something I like about it. Sure I like animes that make me think too, but sometimes you just want to leave your brain at the door for 30 minutes and just laugh at something you know? The plot, to me at least, is an original one. I also think the animation is decent. It's not like I could do any better, so I really can't say anything. I can't claim that I liked InuYasha before it became popular. In fact I didn't even know what it was until a few months ago. (that's when I started watching anime) I'm no expert on anime so you probably won't chose to listen to me.
  15. I like Cowboy Bebop too, I just started watching it though. So far my favorite episode was "Mushroom Samba" though. I haven't seen "Ballad of the Fallen Angels" though. Some people told me that Adult Swim edits out alot of stuff from Cowboy Bebop. Can someone who owns it and has seen the Adult Swim version tell me?
  16. Okay, so I tried making my own banner...I'm not sure how good it is, I'm kind of new to the banner thing. Please tell me what you think! (I'm not sure how to do attachments, so sorry if I don't get it right! ^_^)
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