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Rurouni Kenshin

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Everything posted by Rurouni Kenshin

  1. I logged out one day... and I couldn't get back on... Is it just me? Could someone fix this? :wigout: I'm goin nuts here!!! :wigout:
  2. [QUOTE=Shinji][font=Verdana][size=1][color=slategray]So? What is the point of whining over a petty 2% difference if you don't want the top 10? Some people will grumble over everything. :rolleyes: [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=#708090]As far a as Kiss drawing tutorial goes, I tried searching for such things but couldn't find what you were looking for, although I can draw a good Gene Simmons now. :p [/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] It isn't the fact that my rating went down... it's that every percentage of all of my 57 pics were down... It is a matter of pride... and whether I am proud of my pics is in my own hands... I'm going to ask that this end this part of the discussion... I know I brought it up, but I'm ending it... I'm 74% now anyways...
  3. I finally did a decent Kissing picture. It's up on the site... "Tribute to Romance" is the title... Once again, I was high in the top ten...In fact... around 10 pm last night I was #1. then someone voted "No" on all my pics again. I'm bringing this up for no apparent reason... except that now im back down at 72%... I would be more than happy to just be 74% and not in the top 10... but someone just shoots me down as soon as i get into the top 10... I know this occurs to more people than just me but, I am not in control of their ratings, as i dont do that...
  4. Wouldnt it be easier to just have buttons that switch the POV? Change the games... not the system... YOURE BURNING MY POCKETS NINTENDO!
  5. Sorry about the Thread name... I've already looked through search engines... I found nothing, that's why I posted this topic...
  6. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has trouble with drawing two people kissing... and was wondering if I could find someone who knows of a tutorial that I could go to for this kind of drawing...
  7. I find nudity offensive only if used in a perverted or intense sexual way... As long as it's mild... although even mild cannot make it to American edits... except for male butts... Why oh why do they show male butts... and are so afraid to show a decent amount of clevage??? Male butts are as offensive to males as female butts are to females(straight ones btw...)
  8. I finished the final one... I hope it's the best one here...
  9. This is very very increasingly painfully bad... Toonami is still good... Im not much for SD Gundam, but I like all the other shows... and what's the deal with the sucky lineup in this "Mizugi" thing... the ideas for the other things is great... Placing Toonami in Saturday's would be great... Know if Kenshin will survive the change? I dont know if I can take it.... Why would someone do such a thing... and What the heck is Code LYOKO? I am definately not 6-11 and darn it... even if I was... I'd want to come home to Toonami... It helps you grow... What next... a 16 hour block of Teletubbies???
  10. I admit, that my first one had it's bugs... I developed the same ideas into another that's just basically a close up... There's no energy ball... just face and upper body...this one is going on my fanart... but will be deleted upon the final copy.
  11. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=3][FONT=Century Gothic]I'm going to draw Bura (Bra;Bulla) as a Super Saiyan... It's been done before... I know.. but has it been done right? Given the length of Bura's hair... it shouldn't be like SS Goku's/Goten's/etc's... hair. I've decided to try my hand at it. I will combine the gravity and uplift of SS3 Goku's hair with the physical attribute's of Ultra Super Saiyan Trunks'... Give feedback or ideas... The attachment is only a pre-drawing... a base to go by.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. I know the difference between Pai and Sanjiyan. I was just talking of the confusion of Hoashu the Snake Slave to that one guy being inside Pai's head. Her loss of memory was just an adoption of a new personality in her head... that being Hoashu... I got it right in my head, but i was just confused about it for a while...
  13. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy]Has anyone seen this show? I like it a lot and would like to know how many episodes total there are. I'd like to see a bit more of the show... Pai's really pretty, and the whole split personality thing is kind of odd... and the fact that she ends up having more than 2 personalities in her head is really confusing :confused: ...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. Someone tell him that the user "thefingdragon" is using My Sexy Kaoru as his own art... :flaming:
  15. I'm saying, I think this was done purposefully.... They just wanted to bring me down so that they (whoever the other artist was) would be more highly rated... it seemed very devastating too... Taking me down to 71%... My new pic brought me up to 72%, but I was really really sad when I seen that, over a half hour, I was down by 3%... in any other case, 3% isnt much... but on every picture... every one was lower...
  16. I just want to see if I'm alone... I checked my % at 11:00 or so this morning... I was in the top 10... with 74%... but now it's 12:45 and it's 71%... I feel really bad about what had happened... Most of my pics now are much lower... This may result in less Votes all-together... The picture I uploaded shows 7:48 AM in the time... it was the same all morning...
  17. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Judge me as you may... I like the animation of Rurouni Kenshin.... It's not too old looking, and it isn't completely faultless... this is what I like about it. I do also like some old shows and some of the new ones... Well, alot of new ones. I don't like Thundercats... Oh well....[/FONT]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arch [/i] [B][size=1]I have the same preferences as Wasabi. Inuyasha is my favorite anime, not only of those you have listed, but of all that I've seen. It has it all; romance, action, adventure, and a storyline to boot, although it isn't very complicated. My second favorite is Rurouni Kenshin. It's one of those fun animes where you can really get into the story. I absolutely loved the [spoiler]battle between Shishio and Kenshin.[/spoiler] Third is Yu-Yu hakusho. The story isn't incredibly good, but it isn't incredibly bad either. Gundam is boring. Really boring. I just can't seem to get into it. I haven't seen any of the others, so I don't know about them.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Kenshin's my favorite of these...that it is. Kenshin's storyline is great, and I also really enjoyed the [spoiler]battle between Shishio and Kenshin.[/spoiler] as well. I love the end theme as well. I'd much like to see more of Kenshin... I like Inuyasha and Yuyu Hakusho the same.
  19. Does anyone prefer Manga to Anime... --it's hard to tell if I do... I like seeing my favorite manga in action as Anime... but Anime never seem to go as deeply as Manga, plus Manga artwork seems to be higher in quality... Anyone agree?
  20. Link has a personality...he's just basically a mute...(Except all the screams and yells,etc...) He's courageous, and a person that is judged by others based on his appearance (Green clothes in OoT, MM, WW... and the fact that the Kokiri all had fairies, and he didn't.).
  21. I have only just seen what has been on CN. So far it's all good. I also own the first two Shonen Jump Graphic Novels. I'm a big Kenshin fan as well. I love the Artwork. *This is my first post.
  22. I just cant see the reason why the characters arent much stronger... I mean...If Gohan is able to go SS in this one, Why cant Pan... They turned my favorite character into a nerd... DBGT is good...There's no doubt to this, but it could have been better...
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