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Everything posted by Fatty_McGee

  1. The Most recent movie that i watched was probably LOTR 3. And in my opinion, WOW that movie was good. A little long, but great plot. I dont' suggest watching it 2 times though, becuase the plot is a 1 time see kind of thing. The other movie that i recently saw was Peter Pan. It was an ok, but a little young for my age. My brother enjoyed it. and i think they could have done a little better on the flying graphics. Other than that the plot was fine. [spoiler]I liked the part when hook kept on shooting all of his people for Wendy to tell a story[/spoiler]
  2. [size=1][color=red]Well, I have a tendency to put hot sauce on anything. Umm, buffalo wings, pizza, sausage, any kinda meat that can go with a tang. I dont' think its that bad though. Ketchup and hashbrowns are pretty good in fact. My friend used to disgust us in school by drinking his pudding, *not soo bad* But it also put peas on top of his pizza, folded it up ate it >.< Then he would put peas in his mashed potatoes and corn. Sometimes he went...*out there*. Like you know the cherries inside of a pie? kinda like a cherry pot pie, but he put that in his chili fries and yuck, it looked like something that came from a 56 year old toilet in mars. WOW..Pig blood and rice? i'm not so sure that i want to try that....I would rather prefer something more "civil" but no offense to the mother of course. I'm just saying, thats not gonna be a first priority on my list of things to eat. [/color][/size]
  3. [color=crimson][size=1]As you can see Many of my friends like to call me : fatty McGee.. I dont' know where they got it from, but its a good thing i have a positive personality. I'm more of an optimist. You make fun of me, i'll laugh with you. Thats the funny thing about me. My other nickname would have to be Billy BoB. Named after the football coach. They said i looked like him....:S...Hopefully i dont' because then the football coach would have to be pretty ugly.[/color][/size]
  4. [color=crimson][B] I would like to thank these people: 1. Heretic_Hatred. One of my best friends, and always got me through things. 2. The (sic) shape...Got me to have a more positive personality, so if anyone would make fun of me i would think of it as a joke. [/color][/b]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=crimson]Well....I have some good games. For sports, madden, if you like football. If you like one of the more "outdoor games" then i would have to suggest Downhill Domination. I got it and all of my friends love it. Do some research if needed, because i love the game... Downhill Domination is just like a mountain bike game that you have fun racing down HUGE mountains and you can kill each other's player with punches, kicks, yur bike, stick, or bottles. Very good graphics too. you have a various amount of tricks, and you can buy some additional stuff. The weird thing is that you can ride on a llama and some other animals...its kind of amusing. I dont' think i can help you with the action. Maybe enter the matrix, but that usually has a short story line, so i don't think you want to get that if you are looking for adventure. It has some pretty cool moves though. Hmm...I'm not really into rpg's so no good suggestions there. Try and look for Dynasty Warriors. Don't buy it, but you should ask some friends about it, because man, that is a cool game. rent it out and see if you like it a lot. -Basic story line- Well...Dynasty warriors basically says it itself. But if you need background info then here it is. You can be like a sorceress, barbarian, and a mage, or something like it. =prince i think...=...and then you have special moves, like magic, you have to recharge everything. You can pick up some horses too, which helps with mobility. I wouldn't suggest the elephant becuase its really slow, but still effective. You go around under a certain limit of time trying to beat the enemy before your forces are defeated....basically, thats it, but it has an addiction to it, like most games.---- The main idea is just to get a LONG story becuase most of the people who get games beat it in one day, and i say, What's the point of that?--In my opinion, you should enjoy the game--- [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. My new years resolutions are 1. Beat my bro up more effeciently(nah i'm just playing) 2. Hopefully get that friggin A in science so i can get the gold honorroll. 3. WOrk out for football next year.
  7. Mine would have to be the 99 mustang salleen speedster upgraded. Also i have my eye on the 67 mustang GT 500. Same with the 69 pontiac firebird 400. I like all of them because...POWER POWER POWER!
  8. [COLOR=crimson] Well, my favorite band, most people have heard of BLINK 182. I find their music style pretty good. not TOO many cuss words, but not too slow either. Good Charlotte is o..kk...but i prefer blink 182 over anything. Well, i'm out, and good luck with the thread. Man, I'm kinda having trouble with the color thing. Oh well, so, i think my favorite band is blink 182. Most of the people around here have heard of them i'm sure. They are pretty good. Hopefully they will get a new album. For some reason i dont' really like their new album, but nothing against the people who do like it.[/color] [color=darkblue]Do not double-post (posting two times in a row). If you can't help it, just use the Edit button to add something to your post. I've combined your posts. --Manic[/color]
  9. [COLOR=Blue]Well, i thought it was a pretty good movie. I watched it with my family, and they seemed to enjoy it also.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple] It was kind of long, but i didn't really mind. I thought it was kind of sad at the end where he talked to the emperor. Touching, and inspiring. Just the movie i like.[/COLOR] **well..not really, but good action though**^.^b
  10. [COLOR=blue]..Aww..thats too bad. Its ok anyways. as I said, most people don't like it. IT just happens to be one of the shows that only a few people like... Oh and by the way nice banner.
  11. I thought the books were ok, but kinda complicated to understand. If i didn't know any better i would be drooling staring at the page for hours straight. but i got the dictionary and i wuz on top of everythin. The movie was Great! Some people complained on how it didn't end for a while though. A lot of people in the theater clapped when the girl*forgot her name* chopped off the dragons head. *clapps* That was pretty tight. Gimli was also funny, as usual, and legolas wuz awesome with the action. Aragorn was pretty good too. the movie was an all-around best.
  12. [COLOR=blue]Hey everyone. I was wondering if anyone actually watches the drama/action television series of 24. I think its great, but some people have something against the show. I think the plot is kinda kewl, how it goes on one hour per episode inside the show. Its kinda hard to explain, but ask me if you want to know. Most of the people i ask don't like it, but i think its a great tv show. Oh, wow you guys are really lucky because you guys are in the states. In korea, season 3 didn't come out yet, so make sure and don't spoil it for me ;). Well, have fun watching the show for those who enjoy it. I want to know who your favorite characters are, and like which episode you enjoyed the most, if possible.[/COLOR]
  13. --Well my Favorite war movie will have to be black hawk down. If you really want to enjoy the movie..Surround sound...^.^b. Man, i tried it out and i almost jumped for cover when they were shooting. The plot is really good 2. I liked it a lot and i had a real admiration for the guys who went out to war because they have much courage, even though that they didn't really do EVERYTHING as in history books, but imagining that you were out there with grenades exploding at your feet and still keep on running, it really inspires you to nationalism toward your country.
  14. Hey, Well of course Pirates of the Caribbean is one of my FAVORITE movies, because its not too boring, but not too-out there- if you know wut i mean. If you didn't watch this movie, poor you. I like Jack Sparrow because he has that little drawl, makin him sound like he's drunk...its cool if you ask me. Most of the girls are crazy about him, well since i'm a boy i just sit back and vomit. I just like how he fights. Well, Make sure and watch this movie a couple times. Its worth it. Unlike lord of the rings, it doesn't bore you too many times if you watch it over again. Well, have fun.
  15. Well, I have it myself, and i think its a great game. Great graphics and very different from most of the games that i played. I prefer to be ghost, because he gets to to all of the cool stuff ^.^V. But i'm not really the person who sits in front of the tv all day trying to beat it, so i just enjoy the whole game while i can.
  16. Yes, I play Simpsons Road Rage once in a while. I have it, but its not my favorite game. It could use a little more graphics. In my opinion, I like Homer for his funny but crude language. Nothing much to say to that game. On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being the lowest, I would give it a 6.
  17. Well, My favorite WWF/ E game is probably WWF Bring it, but i don't have anything else, so i can't comment on WWE here comes the pain. By the looks of it, i think it would be nice, I need to try it out. But sometimes it is hard to do anything with the complicated controls. Its kind of hard to understand. Oh well, There is my opinion
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