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krippled master

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Everything posted by krippled master

  1. Ok, i got one for you, hell i got like 1000 odd dreams that i can remember, but this one was one i just woke up from. So it is set in the closed mall fashioned like a museum. You know, long halls and but the hallways are all dark because the mall is closed. For whatever reason Jim Bellushi is in it playing santa/and old tenent and friend of my family. Anyway, a whole bunch of people that i guess i am supposed to know are there for a party for Jim. A bunch of stuff happens that just makes no sense. A bunch of assassins and junk come out and start this huge battle. We fight them off and someone notices that Jim's daughter is missing. So everyone looks for her in the mall and no one can find her. Then we all meet back up to do one of those walking status report talk like things and I wake up. Odd, but before I went to bed I was watching The Italian Job and before that I was on the forum, before that I was teaching pee wee wrestling, and before that I was working. This sort of dream happens to me all the time, I think it is funny, sept I didnt get to find out what happened at the end.
  2. What was up with the spice girls? they just annoyed me a lot. then they made the movie that had no plot and just should have never been made. why do they torture us?
  3. I liked that one black eyed peas song "where is the love" but sometime after the 50th or 100th time hearing it, i just began to hate it. Now i dont like any black eyed peas song. Another song is that "Hey Britney" song. ARG! I used to like Nickleback, but somehow I just cannot stand to listen to any of their songs. I dont know why.
  4. Eek the cat rocked, with sharky. How about Rocco's modern life and the super mario bros. power hour. "DO THE MARIO!"
  5. I think Chain of Memories is coming out sometime mid 2004. I also read in an interview with the director of KH2 that one of those guys wearing cloaks is a character from the last game. I however dont like how they added another keyblade weilder. Deep Dive was cool as hell, but it might take away from Sora's uniqueness. Eitherway, I am all over KH2.
  6. YOU TAKE THAT BACK! Hammerman was an awesome show. How about "The Fighting Foodtons" or whatever, whats up with that show? Anyway, I think old cartoons back were in their prime back in the 80's because everyone watched them. It was more for the children and less for the young adult. Look at the Sonic show, that show had no plot what so ever, yet it worked because it was for children.
  7. I dont remember like 3 of those shows that sweet mentioned. Stupid non remembering of shows! Anyway, I do know Anon. It is in the memory pile of "Times I wish I could go back to" with Highschool Wrestling and all my trips to Florida.
  8. One thing about a fad is that there is no such thing as, "bad idea" or "lets quit". They just keep bringing on layers and layers of merchandise and cheap crap that it becomes obvious that they are just trying to make money. That is when a fad begins to die, if they were less about making money and more about making kick *** stuff, there would be less fads and more forevers. Thats right, I practiced that speech infront of my mirror last night!
  9. Anime is cool as hell, but it is more for adults or mature audiances. I dont think any anime can touch a kid the way MC Hammer did in his cartoon show. How about the Adams Family cartoon or Legend of Zelda. Mario Bros. and Savage Dragon. These were cartoons in a time when cartoons were prime. However, to prove first that I dont hate anime and second that anime did exist, the two greatest shows back in the day: Thundercats and Voltron Cannot get any hotter than Liono! I brought up this topic because I miss those days. I miss singing the Dinosaucers theme song or checking in on Sonic and Tails scarfing down chilly dogs.
  10. As everyone knows, saturday morning is an important time for all kids and child like adults, it is prime time cartoons. Now today, we have a lot of new cartoons, more of a japanese feel, less like the glory days of saturday morning. I am talking most definetly about the late 80's to the mid 90's. This was the era of saturday morning cartoons, where Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ruled the land and Ducktales were more than a word. Shows like Sonic, Dinosaucers, and Beast Wars demanded our attention. So, what I want to know is, who remembers these days? What was your favorite shows? What are some of your favorite memories? What shows did you hate? What are some of your worst memories? I know someone here will remember the saturday morning dynasty as I have. A time before Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh!.
  11. I hated Captain Planet. For some reason, he just pissed me off. He would always talk for a majority of the time then bust out into action for like 5 seconds and start talking again. I was always pissed that he didnt fight for very long. Then he would get garbage thrown on him and he would start to die. The whole experiance kind of pissed me off. Im a child of TMNT.
  12. I've seen Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore a total of like 100 times together. I like Adam Sandler because he is a goof and he knows what my definition of funny is. Only Sandler movies I havent seen is Punch Drunk Love and Crazy Nights, which I plan on checking out some time.
  13. I've been to a wrestling tournement at Watertown, NY. It is about an hour and fourty five minutes from where I live. At least, if my memory serves me right.
  14. krippled master


    I love Morrowind and I have put countless hours into playing that game, but I think Fable will cover everything Morrowind has and more. I think the main thing I didnt like about Morrowind was the glitches(you know what i mean). Other than that, I just really wanted to expand on it, add in past and present issues that npc will remember or that will come back to get you. Thats what Fable has. In Morrowind, once you killed someone and payed your debt, the entire game just forgot about them as if they never existed. From what I have heard, in Fable you can kill someone and there may be someone in the future avenging them. Stuff like that. Plus, there is the factor of training and aging along with an entirely new way to go on quests. OH, that reminds me. In Morrowind, you can start a quest or assignment and then not do it for as long as you want, then when you feel like it, you can finish the quest. In Fable, once you start a quest, you have to be quick about it or else someone will complete it instead of you, or something bad will happen. It adds to environmental interaction. Think about how you will have rivals or how you could have concequences for your actions. The whole concept is an expansion on the Morrowind brand of RPG, and I think Fable will do what Morrowind could not.
  15. she gets my thumbs up. being your forth attempt, I am jelloz. Damn all you art talented bastards! Nah, you all rock far beyond what I rock.
  16. i would agree on an advent children pic for at least the main face. looks good though.
  17. gosh, i am most flattered. thanks guys on the complement. I was thinking about the red banner, but I had a banner in my advent children sig and i kind of wanted to go the other way with this one.
  18. Well, here is my list: [COLOR=firebrick] Hallelujah-Rufus Wainwright(version): It was my aunt and uncles wedding song and my uncle passed almost two years ago. If you listen to the words, I think it is one of the most beutiful songs ever. Till I Collapse-Eminem: It sums up how hard we worked when I wrestled in high school. Lot of blood, sweet, and tears Flood-Jars of Clay: My faith and how I feel a lot of the times. Storm-Lifehouse: Another song that describes my faith and how I feel. It is a deep song Taking Over Me-Evanescene: It means something to me, a feeling, a state of mind maybe. I just think it would follow me. With Karate I'll kick your ***-Tenacious D: It is goofy and it is funny, that is me. Show me how to live-Audioslave: I think this is a bit of everyone. Everyone is looking for directions, or the right way to live sometimes. [/COLOR]
  19. ah, i would like to see color and i would like to see the drawings outlined in ink, makes it easier to warm up to the story. :D
  20. well, KH2 is still being made, they havnt set a release date yet. infact, it is still early in development, so I wouldnt expect them to set a release date until at least the end of the year.
  21. I would like to know what any and everyone thinks about my most recent sig banner. I based it on my new battle arena clan, "Blackwind Fortune", a pirate clan. Anyway, I want to know if I should adjust anything or should add something, or anything. Thanx in advanced. [IMG]http://darkwingedangel.faithweb.com/pirateflag.jpg[/IMG]
  22. lol, i feel you. i think they tried to add too much story in the first one then covered it by random scenes with people fighting. Like they would go from story scenes to tournement scenes and then back to a story scene.
  23. Well, I got about a million sports stories, but this one I think has to be one of my funniests. Ok, now this was during my sophmore year in high school and my second year on the wrestling team. It was the season opener and I was wrestling up a weightclass at 112lbs. I dont know why, but it is just my luck to be put against the only female on the opposing team. Now, I have no problem wrestling girls, it is just weird to say the least. So, we get into the end of the second period and I am winning by about 13 points. Once I am winning by 15 points, I get a tech. which ends the match based on superiority. So, I go to but her in the cradle and expose her back for about one second and the ref calls the match. I thought it was kind of quick to give backpoints and I hadnt even let go of the cradle so there was no way for me to have gotten the points. Either way, I shake hands and what not, then go to my coach and say, "What happened?" One of my teammates who is dieing of laughter says, "She popped out of her singlet!". My coach says, "It was a tech. default". So leave it to my father to heckle me about squizing the girl too hard. :D
  24. I live in Rochester, New York which is the city inbetween Buffalo and Syracuse. Rochester is famous for Kodak and Xerox and thats about it. I've lived her since I was born and I am now attending college here. GIVE IT UP FOR UPSTATE NEW YORK!
  25. Xyandar, the first movie was basically what you described. They had a tournement and there was weapons and training and stuff. Anyway, I think movies take away from certain game's athenticity. Example would be the street fighter movie. They had VanDam as an american prideful, E Honda was a hawiian dude, and M Bison was a small dude(although Raul Julia was an amazing actor). I did like both Mortal Kombat movies, but they kind of forced a plot in the second one and with recasting and killing off main characters(JOHNNY CAGE) I dont think I will see another one. I love when they make games and comic into movies, but I hate when they screw it up.
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