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krippled master

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Everything posted by krippled master

  1. I totally agree with Semjaza on this. The turm "sell out" gets thrown around too much. Evanescence is getting money for something they love doing, it is like a dream for them. Think of it this way, if you could pick one thing that you love doing most and get paid for doing it, then are you a sell out? Maybe I am off base on the term, but thats what I see when I think about the turm sell out. However, if you are going to only make music to sell it and then merchandise the hell out of it, maybe you are a sell out. I bought my sister the Evanescence cd "Fallen" for christmas then ganked it when I went back to college, because I wanted to listen to it. As much as I like all the songs that have been overplayed on the radio, it is always good to hear fresh sounds. That is why I personally only really like the middle and end tracks of this cd. The other tracks are good, but I personally like from "Haunted" to "Whisper". Fresh it good.
  2. What I liked about this movie is that they didnt do what every other vampire movie does, which is go into all the detail of how to kill vampires and what vampires have to stay away from, they just dove into the plot. I mean, if you dont know what kills a vampire by now then I am just sorry for you. But, I know what you are saying Clown, but that is something I liked about the movie. It was never light out because this movie was heavy on the story and there would be no story when it is light out.
  3. I will agree that the werewolves were horrible shots, but think about it, they probably never learned how to be good shots because they would always transform and maul you. However, I think Kate did some good shooting, maybe not in the beginning, but in the middle and end.
  4. I agree with you on this. I remember when I saw the trailer at the movies and was like, "I'm seeing that biatch!". Then when I saw it, I was like, "I'm buying that biatch!". I think it is crap how they got suied because of that whole rip of of the short story, "Love of Monsters" or something. I'm not sure how it ended, but I think the guys who suied lost. Either way, Underworld definetly strikes my fancy, and I cant wait to hear any news about a sequel.
  5. Since it was released out on dvd and video this tuesday, I figured I might make a thread asking these questions: What do you think of the movie? Will you be purchasing it on dvd/vhs? Do you think they should make another one?
  6. Finding Nemo was great, every thing about the movie was amazingly done, however, I think it would be a shame to let the last LotR(the best of the three) go down. I havent seen Last Samurai because i have not been able to since it came out. I want to see it though, I am a fanatic about feudal japan and samurai stuff. Either way, if it is nominated, I dont think it will win.
  7. im not the one stroking their ego. im trying to help people out because i searched on forums when this happend to me. because someone decided to say somethign other than, "send it to sony", my ps2 is fixed. i wanted to help those people out. i may have come off to strong though, only because i was defensive when you started putting down what i had said. i just figured, "hey its worth a shot, right", but you came off to me as trying to prove i wasnt right at all. sure, there can be many problems, but from what i have been told and what i have done, the DRE starts slowly with you not being able to read one kind of disc. then it does into another disc, or maybe it doesnt, it all depends on where the dial is, thats what i was told and thats what i did. i am really really proud that i fixed my ps2, thats why i am so defensive over this. i love being able to fix stuff on my own, and i figured maybe someone might love fixing their own problems too. im sorry that it didnt work, but i didnt go into enough detail about it, and like i said, you should do a google search to find the same post i found. you may have done something different from me, or something. anyway, forget about it, i was rash. for your brothers dvd problem, i have heard that the ps2's laser will eventually burn out or stop reading discs if you play too much dvds. i dont know if this is true, but i was told by someone who used to fix systems for a living. if that means anything.
  8. you know what, i had a nice post all written up, explaining my reasoning and what not, it even had an apology, but to say the least **** that. Look at you guys, i went a bit over the top, i said what came on my mind at the time because as you said this is a forum where we reply to others posts, and you all jump on me like i am some goon. his bias behavior was towards me, because i suggested something different than what the mod says so he felt a need to strike my idea down. whatever, i could care less, you have an issue with me that you cant debate out, ill be in the battle arena.
  9. dude, what the heck is your problem. your just looking to argue with me. besides that, no system has touched PS2 in system problems. I've had my X-Box for a long time now and I have not had one single problem with it. I've had my PS2 for longer and i've had about 5 different problems. Before that I had problems with my playstation, which i can never play again because it is worth nothing but parts now. Im not saying Sony doesnt fix the problems, they do, but half of the problems are just a result of rushed releases and not enough testing. At least thats my point of view. Oh wow, you are the gaming moderator. You are the most bias person in this forum, how did you ever get to be mod?
  10. the disc reading error is something that will happen to every PS2. this is because of the dial that angles the disc, there is no other reason. if your PS2 is just broken, thats a different story. if you try every kind of cd and nothing plays, it is the disc reading error glitch that only has one reason behind its malfunction. so you tried it azazel, and it didnt work? well, for someone who wont go through the hastle of doing it yourself, it sure seems convinient that you would try it. i bet you didnt even test it before you put the cover back on. but you know what, you probably will say you did so that you can sound right. The problem with the disc reading error glitch would be fixed the same way i fixed it by sony themselves, so dont say it doesnt work, sony themselves use it. EDIT-Thats awesome, a new ps2 every time yours breaks!
  11. I tell you what, there were like 1000 good movies last year, great year for movies. I think LotR will win because thats the way it goes. I thought it was uber cool, so thats strait. I think however, The Matrix Revolutions should start winning some crap. The special effects were too cool.
  12. The thing about microsoft is, they have the money to do everything. Thats why Gates can take a huge lose in the console sails of X-Box and keep on going. Now, what I love about Gates is that he still continues to try and take the gaming market. I say take Sony down a peg, teach them something about consumer respect. Dont get me wrong, I love my PS2, but the way they scew everyone is just redunkulous. Example: Original Playstation consoles worked for 3 years then were nothing more than spare parts. Example: PS2 Disc reading error Now, I dont know if they do it on purpose or dont see this happening, but they need to take some extra time and check the system of all bugs. Having that much control of the market, that Sony has, they can pretty much do what they want and therefore sell us complete crap and we will buy it. I hope Microsoft can get some RPGs out, mainly because I want them, but to show that Sony is not the only system out.
  13. dude, did you even read my post, i said what the problem was. Just so we are clear, it is none of those things you said. It is simple, and it is easy. I got the information on how to fix it from someone who has fixed dozenss of PS2s. It does not temporarily fix the problem, it fixes the problem period. You can either send it in to Sony and spend $15 and waste 2 weeks or you can do it yourself spend nothing and have it ready in 15 mins. Either way you do it, the same problem is fixed.
  14. krippled master


    yea, i like how they let you actually grow up and let you tie events from the past into your history. The way they explained the entire system and features, it sounds way to cool.
  15. that is good and all, but what happens when you have to wait a week or whatever for it to be fixed and come back. Plus, I wouldnt want to send my PS2 out in the mail. This is fast and easy, honestly. I never fixed a system in my life, I've never seen the inside of a system before I fixed my PS2. Thats how easy it is. After I fixed it, I played on it for like 4 hours.
  16. Pirates of the Caribbean is one of those movies that seemed like a bad idea. To make a movie after a ride with no plot seems stupid. That is the main reason I didnt want to see it. Then I saw the previews and checked out the reviews and was like, I got to see that. However, gotting to see movies does not produce money or time, and I never got to see it. Then when it came out on DVD, I was on it the first day. I loved every damn minute of that movie. Gots the ***** on DVD, and I am set. Awesome movie, end of story.
  17. My dad raised me to be polite, you know, "please and thank you". My mom however raised me to treat women with respect. As outdated as you may think it is, would it be outdated to say please or thank you? I think those go hand and hand. Either way, I usually hold the door for everyone, I will offer my chair to an adult or to a peer, and I will save the less respectable conversational pieces for another date. You should treat your girlfriend right. Do that stuff for her all the time because a relationship is two people in it. If you dont treat the other right and they treat you right, that isnt a fair relationship. In terms of women that Im not involved with, im going to hold the door and give up my seat all the time because its just polite. Thats just how my mom raised me.
  18. I didnt read this topic, just kind of skimmed it, so forgive me if someone already said this. The disc reading error is something easy to fix. I fixed mine in like 15 mins. Basically, you take the face off of your PS2, open up the casing off the laser section, where you put the disc, from there you will see a little white ridged wheel. Mark where the wheel originally is, then turn it 1/8 in whatever direction and then plug in your system. The thing about it is that the wheel angles the way the PS2 holds your disc and makes it so your discs arnt being read. By turning it, you fix the angle. To test this, turn on the system, put the cover to the laser back on and test your games. Test all forms of games(gold, silver, blue) then when you are happy, screw the ps2 up. if something doesnt work, turn the dial more. anyway, it is simple, you just have to have a real little screwdriver or a good enough knife to get the little screws. if you cant figure out why your ps2 face is not coming off, try taking out the rubber stops that are used as a sort of stand on the bottom. They hold screws there too. If you cant figure out what I am talking about, do a search on google, "PS2 disc reading error" and you should find a forum that goes into better detail.
  19. i heard all .hack/ games are cool, but lack the appeal that the anime does because after all, the plot is an MMORPG and it is single player. I heard only awesome things about Xenosaga. I cant express enough how awesome Kingdom Hearts is. Another good RPG, that didnt get the best reviews(mediocare) is Legend of Legaia 2: Duel Saga. I played through the game like crazy, and the fighting never gets old.
  20. krippled master


    i check frequently, but they havnt had any new news about Fable since E3, so I assume that everything is going good and they are just waiting for the launch.
  21. Lets see Ill start with easiest, sports: By your sig and avatar, I assume you are big on skating, so Tony Hawk Underground or 4 or 3 or 2 or 1 would be a good grab. If I missread, Madden 2004/NBA Street Vol. 2/NHL2004 are all good grabs. Action/Adventure would bring me to the question of fantasy or shoot um up. For shoot um up, a Metal Gear or a Tom Clancy anything. Fantasy wise, Ratchet and Clank/Jak 1 or 2 would do it up. Now for RPG: FFX/Kingdom Hearts good choices Other choices would have to be Silent Hill 3 GTA Vice City Tekken 4 Vertua Fighter 4
  22. krippled master


    ****, i just reset the form on accident, so i will sum up everything i just said. -Ive been a fan of Project Ego since the launch of X-Box -One of main reasons I got X-Box -I hope they dont push the date back -I am too excited, this is like my version of a star wars fan's anticipation for a new episode :D
  23. i have had no problems and I got it last August. That is odd.
  24. krippled master


    Well, it is January now, so that means it is only 2 months until the long awaited Fable comes out. Who is looking forward to this game? Who thinks they will push back the release date? Who doesnt know what it is? Who already hates it?
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