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Everything posted by Sicarius
[size=2][color=#000000][font=trebuchet ms][b] Code Name / Call Sign: Kazuyama ( a-yup, demon-boy from the RK: River of Time series!) Gender (If Applicable):male Location: Kyoto, Japan Age: 19 Personal Appearance (Images are acceptable):[url="http://www.northarc.com/images/vg-ragnarok/assassin_m.jpg"]http://www.northarc.com/images/vg-ragnarok/assassin_m.jpg[/url] His hair his dark now, ash gray base, with a bright blue tip. costume has changed to match the color of his hair, so black silk, with blue straps o' leather Personality/Behavior: Kaz is an *** in general. Loving, and sincire, it is usually over shadowed by his asshole-esque behavior. Highly sarcastic, but funny in his own right. When it comes ot fighting, he's very serious, and his attitude becomes rather misanthropic, and quiet. Though he may be an ***, he is usually found reading, or deep in though, hiding away from the city he has come to love. Personal History: [/b][/font][/color][/size][size=2][color=#000000][font=trebuchet ms][b]Kaz is a seasoned fighter in the arts of Aikido, and Ninjitsu, also in the use of Katar, and the Kunai (w00t for the ninja). Having grown up in America, his family moved to Japan, because his father was in the military, and his stationing had been made permanent in the country. Kaz recieved his kick name, Kazuyama, from his Japanese school friends, who knew he wanted to fit in more with the other students. He had taken up his martial art forms when he had moved to the country, and continued to study them. When he graduated from the high school, he moved to a small apartment and attempts to be Kyoto's vigilante hero. [/b][/font][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#000000][font=trebuchet ms][b] Special Skills or Abilities: [/b][/font][/color][/size][size=2][color=#000000][font=trebuchet ms][b] Kaz is a seasoned fighter in the arts of Aikido, and Ninjitsu, also in the use of Katar, and the Kunai (w00t for the ninja). From the study of Aikido, he has ben able to tap into his Chi energy, and has the ability of teleportation, and a small semi- strong chi blast he calls "Baka" {he likes that word..and he hasn't quite mastered his blast, yet} availibility: weekly, college starts the 29th, but I should be able to post something every week at least rating: PG-M I hope this works, I'll try my best, and put everything I can into this awesome project [/b][/font][/color][/size]
[font=Trebuchet MS]Kaz had discarded the clothing he'd stolen, and reverted back to his clothing of old. The binding was newer, and less worn than the previous ones. He stood in the door way of the dojo, scanning the building for anyone. Kit and amya were in their room again, doing god knows what. The three other girls were gone, and he knew the Kenshin-Gumi wouldnt be to thrilled to see him.. " I may aswell hide out for a little while.. or atleast until the others get back.." he said softly as the teleported into Kurumi's room. A few hours passed and the girls eventually cam back, screaming about beef, and all it's wonders. "girls!!!! I have arrived!!!" kaz screamed down from the roof, where he'd teleported only minutes before. " YOU!!!!! YAY!!!!" Kurumi yelled back, looking happy. the other girls glared slightly, but they were happier to see him. Kaz teleported down to the ground, and embraced kurumi into his arms. " Hey girls, where've you been? And what's for dinner, I'm starving!!" he said, smiling. " What ever Koaru cooks? We were in town getting beefie thingies!!!" Yuki said as she began cackling on the ground.. " Ignore her, she's dumb. So.. Where've you been hiding Kaz, mah boy?" katana asked him. " The trees..and a spare room in the dojo.. Hee Hee... how did you guys like your gifts for Christmas?" he asked them " That was you? With the twigs?" Yuki asked " dude we tought some one was playing a joke on us..." Kaz sweatdropped, and a tear formed in his eye.." You guys suck..." he said and trotted off, with Kurumi still in his arms [/font]
The reason that 'Madeline' is repeated is because she is the subject, and to emphise my love for her. Try to TP Castt the poem, it's fun.. TP Castt any poem, and you'll see if you're wrong, right, or still confused... [URL]http://www.krucli.com/tp-castt.htm[/URL] have fun!
A poem I wrote about my girlfriend Maggie... [center][size=2][i]My Madeline[/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i]By: Clay Sinclair [/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i][/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i]Beauty radiates from you, so much [/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i]That you force the Sun to shine all the more brighter,[/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i]Only to equal your beauty.[/i][/size][/center] [center][size=2][i] Your loving nature breathes new life into me.[/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i]I feared the worse, and then you came.[/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i]The radiant beauty, exquisite smile, and loving nature,[/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i]Brought back a hope that was long lost to hate, and pain.[/i][/size][/center] [center] [/center] [center][size=2][i] I pray my love is returned unto me[/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i][/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i]Your intelligence and laughter encourage me to succeed[/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i]So that I may be with my Madeline.[/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i]You awoke my heart, and made it into[/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i]A flourishing, effervescent fountain of love. [/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i]My Madeline[/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i][/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=2][i]I thank you;[/i][i] I love you, Madeline.[/i][/size] [/center]
[color=Red][size=1][font=Trebuchet MS]Kaz withdrew the blades form the katar, and teleported to the area where the crash had come. " You...Why are you so nosy?" He asked looking down at Katana. " Can't two people hvae a conversation alone with out you barging in?" " Nope, in my curious nature.." " Meh, fair enough..I've made a decision..I'll be coming back.." He said teleporting back up to Kurumi. " I'm coming back, Kurumi... I'll be back soon, just not tonight. spread the word, and I'll come back in three days." he told her, smiling some and holding up three fingers. He leaned over adn kissed her cheek lightly, teleporting out of the area. "Kaz...." Kurumi siad sas she began to hobble down to the dojo. She and Katana had cleaned up the mess, adn were looking at each other in the kitchen. " So he's coming back?" Katana asked. " I guess so... I hope he does come back." " What about the others?" "Dunno... guess we'll have to see.." She said, hobbling out to the doorway calling for the others telepathicaly:" [i]Guys, Come to the Kitchen, we need to talk[/i]." she called to them. One by one everyone filled the kitchen, the Kenin-Gumi, ancestor-herd, and the kids. " We have some news..." Kurumi began trailing off some. OOC: Heh.. it only took a bout a week but hey I'm here, better than what I can say for : Kit, and Yuki...*eyes yuki* and that thar' Yuka person.. I like Okra, especially fried okra..any way... have fun, you girls can decide the convo...Whee *teleports back to his hole*[/font][/size][/color]
[font=Trebuchet MS][size=1][color=Navy]OOC: Sorry everyone for my lack of well everything.. been not really busy with my other site, but! I did do stuff in school to keep me away from OB and Estah.. also if you guys want to get a hold of me I'm on Yahoo everyday.. IC: Kaz searched the area for Kurumi's attacker. [i]She may be my Ex, but that doesn't mean I don't care about her or the other's safey... even if they do hate me..[/i] He thought to himself... His searching led him with nothign, except a sweaty brow, a saddened heart, and a thoughtful mind. He scanend the area mentally, but still nothing... He lsnuck into the dojo from time to time checking in on Kurumi, hiding in the rafters, being silent and watchful. Soon after he left Katana, and Yuki entered aruging over who was hotter, Saladin or Jase... " Jase is soooo.... Kurumi why sre you bleeding???" yuki asked. " I was attacked in the courtyard....and I wound up in here... Where's Megumi? I need some bandages..." Kuru answered leaving out the part about Kaz. " Ooooo evil baddies trying to hurt Kurumi?! If only we had some real men around here..." Katana said obviously meaning Kaz. " Shut up about him, Katana. You don't know.. You couldn't understand.."Kurumi mumbled to her.. " I thought you got over that asshole.He did kind of kill a guy, and try to hurt us.." Yuki retorted " I said shut up!Just go get Megumi you stupid whores!" Kuru yelled at them.. The two of them stormed out of the room, doing as she asked... " Kaz come down, I know you're up there.." Kurumi said looking up in the rafters. Kaz fliped down and looked at her." You going to be okay? You did fall a ways..." " I'm fine thanks to you. Why did you do it though? Why didn't you let me lay there and let the others handle everything?" Why don't you come back?!" She said getting irritated. " Kurumi... I brought you here, because I will still want to protect you.. I don't know why... I just do... You know why I can't come back.. They don't need me anymore. I'm better off finding a way back home.." he replied. " You know that's not true.. we need you. we need each other, It's different with out you." she said just as Yuki, Katana, and Megumi walked in the room. " You! Get out of Here! GEt the FUCK OUT OF HER AND GET AWAY FROM HER!" Katan yelled at Kaz shooting blasts of water at him. " I told you.." He said dissappearing out of the room. " Kurumi, are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Yuki asked her. " get away form me.. He wouldn't hurt me... He wouldn't hurt any of us." Kurumi said pushing her away.. OOC: I'm out of Ideas... yeah you guys pick it up, and Until net month or 2 months.. Peace!!! [/color][/size][/font]
Kaz took the gifts graciously, and shredded the packaging. the Katars were splendidly beautiful. They were brand new, pure and innocent, something he lost months ago. He took off the older weapons, noticing the markings left on his arms; he teleported tot he base of the tree and punche dth ekatars into the trunk, sizzling it some. He tied them over his forearms and 'danced' with them, doing all the martial styles he knew, mainly Kosho Ryu Kempo ( the coolest and best martial art from china. ever). The Katars were light, and balenced, near to perfection. Then the idea struck him. [i]Miyamoto Mushashi used two blades... One of defence, and one of attack... These are near Yin and Yang of each other. They will be a balanced duo...[/i] He took one of the glowing katars form the tree and replaced it with one of the new ones. " You shall be [i]My[/i] Masamune and Murasame. He Practiced more and more with the new combination. The newer one, nick named Masamune, was a lighter weapon, but strong. Perfect for defence, and the other... well it's been proven to be an attacker. He teleported to a garden in the emperial castle and took blossoms from thecherry trees. he walked about the castle for a few minutes looking and observign the fortress. He teleported back to the dojo, and quietly, went inside and placed the blossoms into every one of the girl's room. Leaving a few coins for Kit. " Merry Christmas, everyone. I will return one day." He said out load and teleported back to the tree, picking the other two katars back up, and back he went to the limb he so loved, looking over the city and the dojo. He punched the other set of katars into the tree trunk near his side, and went to sleep.
OOC: Joke Time!!! Be Frightened for teh Kaz-ness shall joke once again!!!! IC: Kaz's stomach growled..even though he had just eaten a large bowl of soup. He got the sudden idea to frighten the Kenshin-gumi at the resturant on last time before going back to the dojo. With that on his mind, Kaz teleported into the resturant smack dap in the centre of the table,and grabed a rice cake. The whoel table fell over stunned at this and drew their weapons, leaving the ancestors in shock at a little demonic child appearing out of nowhere and standing on a table eating a rice cake. " KAZ!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? LEAVE NOW!" katana screamed. kaz just looked at her, when suddenly seven ninjas burst into the room, coming through walls, windows, and two were polite enough to walk through the door. They surrounded the table and looked at Kaz, who only smirked. Suddenly, music started to play and then Kaz and the seven ninjas started to dance and sing. The odd thing was...they were dancing and singing to the "Time Warp" from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. When the song ended, Kaz smiled, grabed a plate of food, and teleported out of the resturant, while the ninjas continued dancing. " Oh my God... What the FUCK WAS THAT?!!!" Yuka looked on in amazement as the ninjas Time Warped out of the room. " I have no clue..... You sure that was Kaz? It seemed a bit odd...even for us..." yuki said. Kit and the others just sat there in shock not saying a word. While Kenshin Sano, and the other Kenshin peoples just sat there in horror at what had just happened. " Kenshin?" Yes , Sano?" " What the hell was that?" " I'm afraid it was some kind of new evil that is about to plauge the world" " You have no idea, Kenshin." Kurumi noted. OOC: My brother was watching the Rocky Horror Picture Show and I thought about doing that. Oh and Katana, yes I ahve had a rabid 12 yr old on my ass.... Claire still won't leave me alone either....
Kaz stood on the tree top, looking down upon the dojo. He was surprised at how long Yuki had kept quiet,though with Kit being back there was sure to be more trouble at foot... Kaz decided to go to look for food again,he actually had a small purse of money that had mysteriously appeared at the base of the tree the prior morning, he thought it was Yuki or someone else trying to help him out. He glared at the coin bag, annoyed that Yuki knew, but he wouldn't hurt her or any one else for that matter, unless they became bothersome or just got annoying... Yuka was getting there, since he had staye don the dojo grounds it was hard to sleep late with Yuka screaming random insults at oneof the other girls at random hours of the day. Kaz teleported to Yuki's place of work only to scare her some. What he didn't count on was that the others would be there too. Kaz walked into the resturant only to run into Yahiko, they exchanged glares and he went on about his way, likely to tell Himura that he was around. He found Yuki next and told her to bring him a bowl of beef soup and some bread with chilled sake. She only looked at him with a glare, and went on to get the food. He stood around near the front wating on her return with food. Soon enough what he had predicited came true, Kenshin approched him, his hand on the pommle of his reverse blade sword, glaring at him. " What are you doing here, Mr. Kaz? Do you wish to harm the girls aswell as you did that man?" he asked Kaz. " Kenshin it would be in the best of your and everyone elses interest tostay away form me at this point in time." Kaz laughed as he laughed as he said time. Time is what brought them here. And it is what will send them away form here aswell. " Get the food and then leave, Kaz, that you will." " No Kenshin, I wil not. I am purchasing this food adn I shall eat in this resturant. You keep the others away from my table and then all will be fine. Understand?" Kenshin only glared at him and walked away. Yuki returned with the food and showed him a table in the back away from every one else. " Why are you here, Brandon? Eat the food then leave okay? Just go." Yuki wishpered to him. He was slightly shocked at her calling him Brandon, since only his parents did that. He didn't answer her and began to eat sliding the bag of money to her with his spoon. She took the bag and stormed off not looking back, finally going to the table with Yuka,Kurumi, and the others. She grumbled some things about Kaz, but not loaud enough for the others to hear her. " YUUUUUKIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yuka screamed as Yuki approched ready to take their orders. " What's worng Yuki? You okay?" Katana asked. " It's nothign I'm sure" Kenshin sadi only looking at Yuki. " heh, yeah it's nothign. What do you uys want any way? Free food?" " You know it, Yuki," Kurumi said. " Well... to bad no freebies here guys," she replaied. as the other sweatdropped, and went on clamoring about how hungry they were and how they were goign to gang up on her to get free food. Kaz watched on, adn only finished his soup and glass of sake, and left in a small puff of smoke form his teleportation. OOC: Katana...I already knwo whatit's like to have an agry 13 yr old after me.. It's no fun... Any way Be happy that i didn't kidnap that Tamo fellow, and set him free form your crazie 'sisters of the roach song"
Teleporting had never been so fun to Kaz. Never had he not been bounded by questions as to where he'd been or if he'd take some one some where. It was freedom, just like that brave heart guy, just with out the " Knife goes in, Guts come out". He happened t be in the Dead Wood as it was called and saw the event in which Kurumi had been saved. [i]She'll do anything to replace Amon. Do they not realize the danger they're in? What if he in fact is Sicarius? Why should I care? The only reason I left was to be away from that Hell. even though I am getting hungry.... MmmMmm more stealing appears to be on the agenda today...[/i] Kaze teleported to a near by market place and foundd exactly what he was looking for. A quaint resturant. " Hey lady! I'ma super powered 14 year old! Give me some food, or I will destroy this shop!" Kaz proclaimed. " Get the Hell outta here. You freaky little kid! Who are you to be ordering me around?1" the hostess yelled at him. kaz removed the hood, and showed her the blades of his katar, they gleamed and put a spell on her similar to a charm. " I'll be right back with some food for you, just wait h here sir." She said as she walked off zombily. "Very well." Kaz waited for several minuets waiting for the food. As he looked out of the window he spotted the girls and their new slave walk past. He only watched them with his fingers on the triggers for his blades. [i]" Katana watch out for him. Do not allow them to take him in the dojo, you know nothing about him."[/i] kaz told her. " kaz? What do you care? Murderer. Stay away and mind your own buisness, besides i htink Kurumi can do some good. with him." she said out loud, frightening the other girls " Kaz? Where is he? I want to see him." Yuka said grabbing for her hammer. " He's nowhere near here, he's just trying to scare us." she said as she looked right at him through the window. [i]Be happy with your choice, katana. You do nt know what you may have gotten your self into.[/i] Katana stormed away dragging the man with her. " Let go of me you annoying little Brat!" was all that could be heard. Kaz got his food and tleported out of the resturant infront of everyone. " Demon!" the hostess had screamed. " He stole our food! That little bastard Oni!" kaz went to the tree that had always been his favorite, but now that he was unwelcome at the house, he decided to climb higher int he tree and he began to eat, watchign the house, looking through the eyes of some of the other people there. He saw kenshin brooding in the kitchen, putting on his faccade of smiles and airs of happiness as though nothing was wrong. Kaoru was in the kitchen, too. Slaving away at trying to cook food that didn't poison everyone. Kit was still no where to be found, and he scanned the area for Sicarius, but again nothign ever came back of him. " Where are you hiding you snake? Where is it that you would call your home? I will kill you just like I killed Amon." he said under his breath eating at some of the noodles. and sushi.
Kaz hadn't truely left the compound. He had gone higher on the "Tree of Solitude" and had done his best to cloak his presence from the others. His cafes had started to hurt hours ago form the squating on the tree branch. He had watched and scouted the compund four times over, looking for more spys, only bearly being seen by a sleep walking Yahiko, who got a good bludgeoning to put him to sleep. [i]That was farily amusing, I need to do that more often.... Sicarius where are you? All my calling and summoning has donenothign but keep you at bay. Are you frightend? What is there to be fearful in a Sadistice teenage boy with demonic weaponry? Okay tht does sound scary, but cool all in the same. Kurumi must be upset with me. They all must be. But it was for the best.Sicarius' after Kit and I. Just no one has seen hide nor hair of Kit, had Amon gotten to him first? [/i] Kaz had noticed the marks on the blades as it happened, it was hard not to, it burnt like hell.the symbols not only been engraved on the blades but on his hands aswell. Some legend I imagine, It fits though. The Demon Boy of Tokyo, Oni fit him well enough. kaz had gone down into the market places of the towns, and stolen clothign that fit him more freely. A male chinese suit of crimson silk had aught his fancy, and fit him well, too. The stolen clothing looked odd at first he had been so used to the leather accents and bindings. But now he looked like Jet Li from Lethal Weapon 4. the sleeves cover the katar perfectly, he had even scored some gentlemanly gloves of velvet, that were of coal. He looked like an oddity, but no one would question him, why would they? He's only a teenager with white hair and of medium build... They'd best not question him. His vision had improved greatly since the death of Amon, and his strenghth ,too, had increased. [i]It seems I am an Oni, just with out the evil faces. I'm the Lesat of the Oni world...If only I had a teacher similar to Marius. [/i] He had been able to listen in on Kurumi and Yuki's conversation. and had nearly laughed when Kurumi had called him caring. The first thing he had done in tokyo when they arrived last year, was kill a man, innocent and oblivious to why he'd just had a katar sent through his abdomen. " I'm just prone to killing people, I suppose." Kaz said aloud to himself. Little did kaz know that his body was changing and he was being watched, not only fromt he store owner who had heard his arrival, but by Sicarius. The one man they had faced as an opposition, thus far, in this time. " I will find you,Sicarius. Mark the word of the demon boy, I will kill you like i killed Amon, if not more vicious. Your death will taste good to these weapons" he said and tleported out of the shop. ( Yarr!!! the first episode of Evil KAz!!! w00t!!! Oh well see ya tomorrow guys)
Kaz burst in to the room, his katar blades shriking as they slash out of their compartments. " Where is he?" Kaz asked looking around the room "where's is who? And why are you looking tas though you want to kill someone?" Kurumi asked. " Don't make me pick your mind about that guy!" Kaz yelled at her " Kaz, Sir please lower your voie and put your weapons away, that you must" Kenshin said to him " Kenshin I've never liked you, your show was amusing and I thought Shishio should have killed you but i know Ken wouldn't alow that." Kaz replied coldly. " Do not kill him!" everyone yelled Kaz walke dup to the man and kicked him in the stomach multiple times until he woke up,the sound of breaking ribs could be heard. The man coughed and weezed in pain, Kaz re concelad the blades." Who are you?" " I am Amon, spy to Sicarius, and your death." " You threaten me? I have you, paralyzed in pain. Not to mention a small group of pre teen girls kidnapped you! Threaten me agaiin and i will throw you out of a window with out even looking sad." " Heh heh, so [i]you[/i] are Kaz, the demon boy the islands talk about. What could you and these women do to me? None of you are past 16." he said weezily. " Yes I am, Kaz. And it is good to know that I am talked about on the islands, but you do not know the power held within my weapons. They were made my Oda Nobunaga's demon black smith. They would love to have your soul. They earn for them, did you know that? I bet Sicarius doesn't even know." " You are bluffing, I was given all information on you, children. No one has such power. I allowed myself to be captured by these girls only to find you, and the ninja boy. You two are more dangerous to him than they are." " You haven't really mt yuka have you?" Kurumi pipped in " Shut Up! Leave all of you. We have gotten all the information that we need from him. Leave now so that I may end his pitiful life." Kaz told them " I will not allow you to kill him, that I will." Kenshin said as the girls gathered around him all of them drawing their weapons against him. " Very wel then, Watch the sky." He said as he jumped for the man and teleported the both of them out of the room to a small opening in a forested area. " Pray to your gods, Yell out for Sicarius.Do what you want for the next two ,minutes I will wait." Kaz told the man as he let him drop to the ground. " I will do no such thing Boy." " Then your life is finished." Wu\ith that kaz un sheated the katar wihtt he shriek that they always give out. A blinding crimson light eminated from them, just like when they were first cast form the steel of evil. The blades swept thru the air creating a plasma instintaniously burning the air around them. The sky began to darken, with lightning striking all about them. " May this get the attention of Sicarius. For my blades long for him aswell." A sphere had started to form around the small clearing, claps of thunder could faintly be herd, but in the sphere an emince scream had started to come formt he man, a blood curdling sound that woke the dead. With a small pop the sphere vanished, leaving nothing behind of the man. But the blades of the katar had a new mark on them, the symbol for Oni. Kaz teleported back to the dojo, moving immediatly fromt he room witht he others, where the girls were glaring at him tear striken. Kenshin looked at him too, only looking away in disgust. [i]We saw it all, Kaz. You sent it to us wiht your powers. We saw the way you liked doing what you did to that man. We all saw it. Leave now, and do not come back for a while... [/i]Kurumi told him. " I will leave, my dear, and I shall not return for a good two months. If Sicarius goes for you, and you want my help then call to me if not, then do not bother." " You bastard." katana said as she looked at him. Kaz only poofed out of the room, as his style was, and didn't come back. OOC: I'll post with Kaz's adventure in his life of evilness...sorry if i scewed things up, and if that was a bit ehh pathetic for a discription. I'm no good at describing ppl dying, bet my brother is though, that sick cup cake...
OOC: seeing has how I haven't been on this site for nearly two months and have forgotten all most com pletely about this place, I may as well post and get reaquainted with you girls.... what ever happened to Kit? I"m lonely.... IC: Kaz left the room a little baffled, and disturbed..[i] that was th emost disturbing thing I've seen in this place...Stalker?....Oh God![/i] Kaz turned around suddenly only to run into Kurumi " Heh. Sorry about that. *scratches head and smilies*.. so Uhh what is with that guy in there?" he asked her. OOC: Since I"m tryignto uphold rules I've placed on myself, some one's gonna have to give her a responce, since I've benn out of this since it went away...
Yeah i guessed that it would have been hard to read. I'm sure i can get it fomr an AP Eng. 4 teacher at school. or my teach...any way thanks. PLease keep osting everyone i want an even palet to decide about.
Like most teens music helps me chill out and cope with crap that goes on in my house. Bittersuits to Succubi by the Cradle of Filth, this is what broke me into them after seeing the video for Babaln AD on Fuse on night. i borrowed it from a friend then got acopy burned from it. Dimmu Borgir's Deathcult Armegedon. This is the coolest album ever. I'll listen to Progenies of the Great Apocolypse for hours on end then go to the other dick and listne to the orchestral version. and the the Twisted Sister Cover, cause Twisted Sister's the bomb. And finally: System Of A Down's Steal this Album! This album is what i listened to when i was stuck at my granma's house for the entire christmas break. I read both of my Robotech books while listenign to it. If i hear Innervison i see the dogfights that i saw in my mind, with Roulettte i se the people runnign for their lives when SDF-1 changes for the first time. It's things like that, that make you appreciate music all that much more. When you can get an image from somethign you enjoyed doing when you were screwed out of enjoyment.
I have been reading the book, [u]The Tale of the Body Thief[/u], by Anne Rice, and it mentions a cool book about a man who cuts a deal wihtt he Devil in order to get something. I want to know what this Book is about and wheter or not i should spen the 20 someodd $ on a 24 year old copy of it off of eBay. ( Whoo go Ebay!!) I know that many versions of it are in German, I am in a hish school German 3 course. Please any one who has read this book and either despised it, or loved it more than a cute little puppy, please help me.
[b][color=#4169e1]Sign ups:[/b] [b]Going for: leader of Lucifer[/b] [b]Name: Azrael[/b] [b]Name: Marius[/b] [b]Age: 24[/b] [b]Appearance: see attachment[/color][/b] [b][color=#4169e1]Personality: Cold-hearted, Evil, Sadistic[/color][/b] [b][color=#4169e1]Bio: Azrael was the leader of the mighty Satanic Army, he has a cold heart and wishes to destroy all those that oppose him and his lord's regin. He will send hordes upon hordes of demon's to defeat any one who stands in his wake, and if the demons don't do it, then his angels will.[/color][/b] [b][color=#4169e1]Upon the awakening of the angels of heaven and hell, his ranks dwindled, he too was enlightened, but he stayed behind not wanting to destroy his reputation and loose all his powers[/b] [b]1000 years ao, he was the greatest of all the hell's angels, deeating the mightest warriors heven had to throw at him. Now with the dwindling ranks, he is mediocre.[/color][/b] [b][color=#4169e1]Now with all the angels loosing their powers to become human, he decides to destroy them all, heaven angel, or hell.[/color][/b] [color=#4169e1] [b]Now as a human, Marius, lives as a 24 year old Sales manager at a Paintball field, where he is part owner. He was in a prcatice match wiht his amature paintball team, when he was pegged int he haed witha paintball going over the 300 fps limit. Instead of yelling ," Out!," he collapsed to the ground and dreamed he was in hell. The fires around him, a Rapier, whose blade was mad eof fire, a crimson Cloak surrounding his body, no sign of his E-Orracle anywhere. Soon after seeing this image, his mind flashed a great white light, and then image after image was pouring into his mind. He realised soon there after that he was an Angel of Hell, a powerful one infact. [/b] [b]Upon awakening he looked at his marker laying on the ground, picking it up he walked over to the one who had shot him, turning the 'full auto' button on his E-blade, he walked up on to the kid, shooting at full fire on to the innocent person, bruising him as he went, shooting him in the face mask, his arms his skull. That child isn't out of the hospital yet.[/b][/color]
Maius wa sthe first to arrive to arrive at the warehouse. The blackness came over Marius as Avicus took over. "Who are you, sir?" Avicus asked the boy sitting at the table. " I am Set, your leader. Now sit down and await the others." Set said sternly. "As you wish, Set." Avicus said lighting his hand ablaze, watching the fire form around his hand, swirling and then putting it out wiht a flick of his wrist. " I am Avicus, and my power is..." " Yes elemental power i know, Lord Anubis has told me all about you. About you all." Set interupted. " Yes, 'all of us'. Who are the others?" Avicus asked. " You will sonn find out, for they shall arrive," He replied coldly." And do not light my ware house or table ablaze with your powers." OOC: Yes i have won the battle with the shortness demon, But i still suffer from it's grasp.
Marius watched the others, he sould tell they were nervous about something. " They know we are here, Marius." Avicus told him. " No we could not have set them off, there must be others here. But where?" Marius asked his Yami, only to find several of the other school children away from the group. " So they are the other Card Raiders." Avicus said. " Yes it appears so." OOC: yeah the shortness demon*attacks with the silver twig of the almighty smighter fromt he early 1990's*
[font=Verdana][size=1]Marius stood in the park watching the group meet," I figured following Seto Kaiba was a good idea." Avicus wispered to him."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1]" Yes, Avicus you are right once again. Now, may we begin the assult?" Marius had ahabit of being impatient.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1]"No. We must wait upon th eorder of Lord Anubis' spy, Set. Only he hasn't shown himself to us yet. He is the one I don't trust, but then a gain who do i trust?"[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1]" You trust me, Avicus, and remember I keep you willlingly, just rememebr that."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1]Avicus silenced himself and the two went on watching. the group was getting larger, with many of them from the local high school.[/size][/font]
OOC: yeah iope this thing'll wake back up. Oh yes and happy birf day to me! :D Kaz awoke to find himself bandaged up in a clinic like room, Kit sleeping just off ina corner wiht megumi nearby. " Kit, wake up!" kaz said throwing his pillow at him. " Where are the girls?" " Huh? Oh i don't know, I think they're at the dohjo." he said groggily hugging the pillow. " Well wake up, we need to go find them. I don't liek being in here wiht thta loony be out there." kaz said. " Loony? Oh you mean Yuka, i'm sure they have her tied to a tree somewhere." Kit replied. " Not her, i mean Sicarius." " Oh yeah... I really miss amaya." Kit said. " Yeah I know. COme on let's go to the dojo, and grab megumi." Kaz told kit as they grabed ahold of each other's wrists, and KAz teleported them to the dojo. " You tak Megumi to her room to sleep. I'll scan for the girls." Kaz told kit. ____________________________________________________________________ "I think we need to start heading back," Kurumi said. " I don't like that Kaz is out there with another wouded guy too." " Hey I don''t like it either but i'm dealing wiht it. I know that Kit's safe." Amaya said. " I know they're both fine, I'm sure you all picked up what Kaz said to that guy that was helping carry him. " katana said. " KAz's always looking for a fight. He does it at school. he knows he still has his powers and he's getting arrogent with them." Kurumi explained. " I didn't know he was getting into fights." Yuka said. "Were they painful? He needs a good punchin' for what he did to me and Sano. Stupid pictures....*grumble grumble* " Hey!"
Thanks for that little note in my crituqe, there milz. I just hope i can be descriptive enough for you.
[font=Verdana][size=1][color=teal][b][i]Name:[/i][/b] Marius Amadeo [i][b]Age[/b]:[/i] 19 [i][b]Description[/b]:[/i] (the one named Persia) [i][b]Bio[/b]:[/i] A Sadistic teen from the start, he never liked other children. He was a misanthropic wanderer, all through his schooling. After a day of class, Marius was approched by a man in a cloak, and was handed the stave, with the words, " Use it well Magician." And from there his tendencies to be cruel were only ellivated.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=teal][i][b]Favorite Card[/b]:[/i] Theinen the Great Sphinx[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=teal][b][i]Millennium Item: [/i][/b]the millenial staff ( a 4' Rattan Jo stave)[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=teal][b][i]Millennium Item?s Power:[/i][/b] the staves gives him control of the elements around them. He likes the fire one especially.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=teal][b][i]Side:[/i] [/b]Card Raider [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=teal][i]Yami?s Information[/i] [i][b]Name:[/b][/i] Avicus [i][b]Description:[/b][/i] (schuldig) [i][b]Short Bio[/b]:[/i] An old preist, he was a powerful magician, a master of illuision as it were [/color][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1][color=teal]I've never done a Yugioh rpg before but i hope this is good enough to be in my first. [/color][/size][/font]
[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=seagreen]Kaz's body was being rushed to the village clinic, his body limp in the man's arms, Kit close behind hobbling along on Megumi's shoulder ( ooc: I think this is the first time I've ever used her in a post, ever...). Kaz began to stir in the man's arms,[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]" Hey Lady! I think this kid is waking up!"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]Kaz startled teleported out of the man's arms and put the man's arm behind him nearly breaking the guy's arm.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]" Where is he!? Where is Sicarius?!" kaz yelled at the guy bringing one of his katar to the man's throat.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]" I don't know what the hell your talking about man!" the man cried.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]" Kaz let him go! He's got nothing to do with Sicarius!" megumi yelled at him. Kaz looked up at her seeing that she and kit were both trying to calm him. He let the man go and fell to the ground again exauhsted.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]" I think i'm going to sleep again. I just wish i didn't need to get the ass beat out of me to do so." Kaz said.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]Kurumi and the others were still in the 'hot springs when it started to rain.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]" I think we'd better go, i don't think megumi knows a cure for hypothermia," Katana said.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]" Yeah, i think we're to far from the dojo to get there quickly, let's try to find a cave or something!" Yuka said.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]" Ohh a cave, maybe they have a sasquatch!" Katana replied[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]" A sasquatch? Aren't they like demons or something?" Amaya asked[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]" No there more like big furry Kit's if you have a really over active imagination, but other than that they're just big teddy bears!" Yuka said.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]" Oh that's great a big furry Kit, i just hope it doesn't try to kiss me." Amaya said.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]" Yeah me too." Katana said fliping her hair.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57][/color][/size][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][size=2][color=#2e8b57]OOC: well that was my attempt at humor. I think i need work at it... ohh yeah if any of you guys have Yahoo IM pm me to get my username, i don't want to put it on the site, wierdo's iming me out of no where, makes me shiver....[/color][/size][/font]
Okay to commemorate the new realese for Cradle of Filth's new record, Nymphtamine. so if any one could make a banner wiht the artwork from the new CD that's be awsome. and a new avatar with Dave Pybus on it would be cool thank you! Edit:IF someone could put 28 September 2004 in old english text, practically the font should be Old English Text, that way it could fit wiht the theme of the cd better Thanks again