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Everything posted by Sicarius

  1. OOC: I used er powers, she didn't make it with me.....however......no nevermind. Kaz teleported out of Kit's enclouseure with his clothes back on. Kaz then encased kit in a flaming tornado. Kaz just started laughing manicically, and stoped the blaze. Kit came out fire burnt and wind burnt. " So, why're you guys here anyway?" Kit asked the bandits dsting himself off. " We are gonna tell you Nothin', you stupid freay punk!" replied one of the bandits. " Now, now JoJo, if that is you're real name!" Yuka yelled out of nowhere. Kaz walked up behind her, stole her squeaky hammer, and hit her on the back of the head. " Shh, don't wake the loony tune." Kaz said turning to the bandits." So you aren't going to tellus are you?" Kaz grined evily and just balled his fist and the stone casing started to squeeze them. " Tell us, or I'll pop you like the Italians squish grapes for their wine." he said. The bandits made weezing noises and statred to confess to the middle schoolers. Kaz released his fist and the rock went away almost completley, only their feet were still covered. The bandits told the children that their leader told them to kidnap Kurumi, so that she may be his slave, and that the rest of us were rats to be delt with accordingly. Later that night Kit looked over at Kaz in disbelief, at his cruelty towards the bandits. " They deserve no pity, Kit. You of all people should know this." KAz said as if reading his mind. " I will do tat i can to make sure that i stay here in this time. Even if I must commit Seppuku, but knowing you guys you wouldn't allow me that honor. Would you?" " No, we won't." Katana said walking towards them, having heard the entire conversation. " Seppuku isn't the way to live in this time, Kaz. It's a way to escape and to cop out of the future that we must all go back to, even though we don't want to."
  2. this is a story that was witten from two paintings of people in boats. The first was of 4 boys in a dingy, the latter of a man in a storm with sharks. this is my esay: The smell of the salt air filled out lungs as we sailed throughout the cool, brisk afternon. The dingy was perfect for the four of us. It had all the nessiet(spl?) of a home " We could sail forever!" one of the boys had said. But that soon changed. A large squall had hit and we were knocked in all directions imaginable. Thankfully, it enede fairly quickly. We gathered our minds and went to sleep, still frightened by the storm. This went on for so long, it could only be described as torment and cruel. " How could the great bueatiful ocean do such a thing to us?!" sme one had said. We ran out of food after some time had passedon our dingy. One by oen the boys lost their miinds. Some jumping over to be fed to the sharks that had been hounding us for days, like a large Savanha cat staliking its prey. the rest will be posted in about 15 min. i have to go to lunch, ( I'm at school)
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray] Could someone make me a Cradle of Filth ( death metal band) Banner, with the phrase " I thank God for the suffering" and an Avi of the Ragnarok Online Male Assassin with Katar. thank you[/COLOR]
  4. "Ummmm" Jean started," What was that all about?" " Come on! We're going to find Church!" Matt ordered. Jean stopped twirling the stick and sat on the ground, pulled out his knife and started carving into the ground," Nope, you go on ahead i'm bored." Matt just looked at him in disgust, " You truely are sad." he stated and ran off after lucida
  5. Start at the beginning of their carrer, start off with The principle of evil made flesh" then go on from their, but Princible is way diffferent from their later stuff. Off of Damnation, i like " Thank God for the Suffering." great song. Also listen to Live Bait for the dead disk 2 #7 " from the cradle to enslave" martain overlord remix. that's a good song to.
  6. Kaz saw te whole kiddnapping but was to engrossed with his bath. " They're big girls they can handle themselves. Now, where're my clothes?" he said to himself. OOC: grrrr. ihave nothing else to write...........
  7. Kaz awoke shortly after Kurumi, he had been teleporting in his sleep so he had a twig jammed into his wrappings on his legs. < I really need to stop that> he thought. He walked out of the cave and climbed to the top of the surrounding rock formations. He then began to started forming rock pool, utilizing Kit and Katana's powers. Kaz started walking in the woods cuuting down a tree and chopping it in smaler pieces and put them around the pool setting them ablaze. " Hmmm, hot tub." he said to himself, teleporting into the pool leaving his clothes on the rock formations closest to him. ( OOC: No I'm Not in the naky! I have got's some Meji era style swim trunks on!)
  8. Jean looked over the barron waste land. " So, we're hear with some T.A.?" he said." Joyous." Jean then picked up a stick from the ground and started twirling it." You know, if there are mutant people around I don't think teachy over there could save us." he con't. " And you think you could?" Matt asked. "Not saying I can. Then again, I'm not saying that I can't." Jean repiled arogently.
  9. " Congrats, you two. It's about time, too." Kaz told them and walked along behind Katana. He handed her one of his straps and was drug the rest of the way through the house. " Hey! Has anyone checked in this room?" Kaz asked as he yanked away from Katana. "No, but why don't you find out what's in there for us." Yuka said " After all, Kit's got a girl now and you're the only other guy, except Ken and Sano, but they're ours." Katana said hugging Kenshin. " Thanks," he said walking towards the door."I think I hear something." " SO check it out!" yelled yuka. "Fine,fine." he said teleporting into the room. In the room were the badits and their leader. " Hiya!" he yelled, kicking the door out behind him letting the other kids rush in. OOC makes no sence but it's okay.
  10. Okay i know a lot about these games from a spread that Game informer and my own reashearch has done. first Chain of Memories is a card battle system, that utilizes cards to do combos and special attacks, the boy who looks like sora is the boy from the deep dive trailer at the end of KH 1, he is infact holding i think are the Otahkeeper and the Oblivion. that's all that i know for now, but i'll look for more.
  11. Kaz watches the others as he startes at his single katar, " This sucks." he said throwing the Katar to the ground. " At least i can puch well." Kaz and Kit ran down the hill following the girls. Seeing some of the villagers being surronded by the crazed killers, Kaz grabed Kits arm and telepoted to the group throwing kit with sword ready into one of the guys, punching one of the sword weilders, grabbing the sword and using it to finish off the sword's ex-master.
  12. yeah but, Zhoa Yun, uses what looks like Shoalin spear techniques. But Jiang Wei is fun to use. ON the Romance stamtement: yes you can buy ROTK VII for $20 at best buy, but i wasn't able to play it, stupid Matt. He played as Leige and was lost and annoyed, he was trying to get an allience with Zhang Liao, then after that didn't work 18 someodd times, he attacked and lost, bad. ROTK is good but I didn't really want to play it, hell i get annoyed with Dynasty in like 2 hrs!
  13. As i've said asfore hand, I like the fairy, and i claim Lu Xun as part of my Fairy Army! Look at his #6 outfit and tell me he ain't a fairy warrior! (No offence to the Homosexuals out there) Zhang he's a Fariy because he has Fairy wings on his back. Ohh well looks like no mentuioning of the book, Cb you remember Zhuge Liang right , the ex-member, he started reading the books, and it was the DW series that brought his to Toaism, funny ain't it? He like Zhuge a bit to much. And Wei Yan might be one too. Off that note, back to the series. I never used Ma Choa until that afore mentioned buddy rebought DW3, so i used him and loved the dragon armor clad nuckle head!
  14. Ok now i might have singed my bill into the asylum, but i propose that we ( Marxists) buy Kansas or Oklahoma, either one would do, and have Marxist people in charge. I haven't thought the thing through the whole way but at least it's a start.
  15. Are you a fan of the Koei series' or love the books? Well, I play the Dynasty series and have started on Vol. 1 on the series, and i would love to converse with other fans of the games/ books. To start things off, i'm going to stake my claim now. Zhang he is good for speed and quick attacks, Ma Chao for mounted attacks, and Zhao Yun for fun all out pain! What are you opinons?
  16. OOC: Grrrrr, that's difficult to reply to.... I know! nope, nevermind, i don't. Kaz looked down at Hayao, the one man that had put so much trouble into not letting them survive. " So now what do we do?" he asked. " Is it over? Are we going home?" Yuki asked " I don't want to go home, I despise the life I live in the future, it has nothing, at least here i have my knowledge of the era. In the future i have nothing, no friends no one around." Kaz said. OOC: I have nothing to write.
  17. OOC: So i'm the heart? Spiffy! I shall be the pranciful rainbow..... okay maybe not. " Not by a long shot child!" a voice screamed behind them. " Hayao!" Kaz growled as he turned to face the voice. " We'll finish you like we did with dagger boy there!" he said pointing to the fallen body of Aconite. " Yeah!" Kat and Yuka yelled in unison. " Get ready then children, for i am stronger than my lacky." Hayao said as he charged forward. All the middle schoolers looked around as Hayao glimmered from place to place, like a demon. Appearing from time to time to slash at people, one time cutting deeply into Kit's arm, and within the same moment cut Yuki's leg. "Hayao, come out and face us like a man!" Yuki yelled at him. OOC: thought i'd put him ( Hayao) as the major bad guy.
  18. Name: Jean le Blanc Age: 18 Suplies: Switchbladle knife, a notebook, some black pens, and a box of paperclips and rubberbands Bio: A student not known for talk, but for a short temper and a knowledge of martial arts. Went on the trip because he was goaded into going by his parents. Student
  19. I know i'm the wind character. Hehe. School is fun( Post # 7 from school + how many others i've done, *ahem*) < Katana, remember when i kinda left the group for the woods? Well in that time I realized i could do more than just wind, in fact i don't even think it's my elemental any more. I think i can either use everyone's powers or i can either mimic them.> Kaz thought to Katana. "No way!" Kit yelled, apperently being able to hear it as well. " How?" Katana asked. " I don't know! I just know I was able to do it, i was playing with those kunai or Aconite's and i was shooting water out of my palm. I have no idea." Kaz started yelling, all the people looked at him in awe.
  20. okay i fixed the thing with Yuka, now who's yuki? Hayao: the guy that nearly killed Kit (twice) and me on the train, Aconite is the dagger guy and i think there's a woman but i'm not sure. Kaz teleported through out the city finding Katana, Amaya, and Kit running through the streets " Hey!" Kaz yelled to the others as they jumped from roof to roof," I found them!" < I wonder if i should tell them> Kaz thought, < I know we sould do more if i told them, but...> "Kaz?" Katana asked as she looked up at him," What is it that you need to tell us?" Kit looked up as he continued running," What are you talking about, Katana?" he asked her " It's nothing." Kaz said. < I'll tell you later, just not infront of them> He thought, knowing she was listening. OOC: I know it's confusing, but i wanted to introduce, or at least hint at something more that Kaz could do, if you remember the daggers he picked up, it involves them, and you guy's powers. I'll explain more in the next post.
  21. OOC i must learn to use the colors. Am i goona be Bi-polar now? 'cause if so the i'm goona be creepy in a short time! "Uhhh.... How'd we do that?" Kaz asked. " I dunno, who cares." Kurumi said. "Yeah... everyone grab a piece of the Kaz!" Kaz yelled. every body looked at him, and then was hit by an evil hammer of doom. " I mean gather around, and grab my arms." he explained. "Uhhhh, Kaz." Yuki asked, " Have you teleported more than two people more than 2 miles away?" "Hehehe.... you really want an answer?" " No noit really just say yes to make me feel better." Yuki said. " Oh okay. Then no." and with that teleported to the three gaurds incased in stone. " Kaz?" Kurumi asked "Yup" " Don't do that again," She said then hit Kaz over the head with Yukas hammer. "Hey no fair! It's my hammer i want to hit him too!" Yuki said. " how about not." Kaz said, teleporting each gaurd out of the stone incasements. Each of them scared as they see the boy in straps flashing from one point to another. " Don't worry we're good guys, even the one who did that to you." Kaz said and pointed to the stone. " We need to find them fast." Kurumi said.
  22. OOC: Grrrr silly kitten, leaving us behind..... mmm another dagger to add to my collection from Aconite. Awakening to the screams of a raging Yuka, Kaz teleports the other girls our of their entrapments. " We need to find Katana and Kit. Hayao and Aconite will be waiting for them, and i have a feeling that if we stand against them together we'll be able to stop at least one of them." Ka said. " What do you, mean 'at least one'?" Kurumi asked. "I mean that i think Hayao's the one who brought us here inadvertantly (spl?)?" Kaz said, " And i think we can also combine our powers. If yuka shoots her fire into my tornado i think it'll be a kind of fire spout, and the same with the water power,too. WE only need to work together." OOC: Ohh yeah i bought the RuroKen manga saturday, Vol's 1 & 2 are mine!!! HAHAHAHA, i need only $17.05 to buy 3 and 4. evil walden books and taxes!
  23. OOC: Mmmm the explination of the Kaz. Okay after hearing kit's little burst of screams, Kaz did the teleporting to Kit, and found him on the road,( and yes it's going to tokyo) Kaz then took Kit to Kat and Yuka, where they will wollop Kaz to the ends of the earth then back. Ohh yeah and either Clay or Kaz will suffice Kaz watches as Kit practices his powers, ' What is he thinking about? To be able to control the rocks so well, is astonishing.' Kaz thought. Ducking away from Yuka again, he used his powers to folat into the air. " Ha Ha, the power of the wind is joyus indeed!" At the moment of finishing his comment, a dagger shoot through the wind tunnel of the tornado Kaz had created inorder to float on. Shooting through the wind of the tornado, it flew out and pierced Kaz in the back, barely missing his spine, piercing his lung. Loosing concetration he plumets to the ground with a load thud sending the dagger deeper into his back forcing the blade out through his torso. " Uhhhggggggggg. Help" Kaz said with a weez
  24. Deathbug, you say that with the abolishment of classes you'll get a dictaor, and that inorder you abolish classes everyone ends to have equal things. Yet in Kuwait there are no social classes ( to my knowlege) and every natural born Kuwaiti get money from the oil sales of the country, and yet they are not communist. So how can that be wrong? Do you feel individualism is wrong, like most american high schools public individualism is looked down upon, I see admin's every day yelling at people daily to strighten their hair, staple your pants legs they're too baggy. Public shools are more Dictatorship than anything else, but it is funded by a capitalist country. Do you still feel individualism is bad?
  25. Stands around playing wiht the dust devil watching Kit, stare down the road. " Hey, You know what?" i ask " Hmmm?" " I forgot the girls at the camp, you wanna go back with me?" " Girls?" " Yup, Kat, and Yuka. Come on I'll 'port us there." "Can you 'port' multiple people?" " Dunno, We'll find out though." I grabbed his arm and nearly 'ported on Kat's head. As she started stammering about how we got there, Yuka grabbed her hammer and hit upside the head screaming, "Pervert!!!!" "Owwww!!! Stop it!" I said, shooting her hammer away with a burst of wind. " Yeah go get the hammer now." I said letting the hammer fall into the middle of the lake. " And I hope it's deep, too!" "How did you get here, Kit?" Katana asked as Yuka ran into the lake after her hammer, when she shot a disk at me. Doging by the slightist, the blade grazing my hair cutting some of it. " That wasn't funny, Yuka!" " Clay did his teleportaion trick thing and found me, then came here 'cuse he forgot about you two." he explained " Ohhh, you forgot us did you, Kaz?" She asked " Who me? Never!" I said backing away, " I'm sorry? I missed you, guys? Yeah that's it, I missed you guys." I said chuckling. " He he?" " Shut up, Clay." " Yes, ma'ma." I say as yuka ran up soaked and hit me hard with the mallet. " HA! Revenge is sweet!" she screamed.
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