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Everything posted by Soul_Keeper

  1. Ayeka, I can't stand her! ANNOYING! ANNOYING! ANNOYING! At least Ryoko isn't a high and mighty holier-than-thou snot bucket who needs Azaka and Kamadake to help her. Not to mention Ayeka's dub voice goes right up in the ranks of bad dub voices along with the likes of Frieza, Releena, Kaio-sama and such
  2. Well, she'd be the char I always use in RPGs and stuff. Her name is Maxine Ananya she would have messy short blond hair, [COLOR=green]green[/COLOR] eyes and an evil grin. She would be a bit evil and always wer a black cloak. She would be from a race called the Soul Keepers who hate the Saiyansa but she is actually pretty ok. She would have more magical attacks than powerful and a black sword but she wouldn't be as good with it as Trunks is. Um.... discriptive ne?
  3. Well, here are my fave films, in no order: The Ghost and the Darkness, The Matrix, Star Wars (all), X-Men, Jurassic Park (all), and What Dreams May Come pretty much says I like Fantasy/Horror/Sci-fi
  4. [COLOR=indigo]I adore the songs by Daft Punk! Especially Digital Love! The songs and videos all rock![/COLOR] :love: :love: :D :)
  5. In the Frieza saga when Kuririn started taunting (or whatever you want to call it) Frieza by waving his butt around in the air at him and sticking his tongue out... my brother used that on me countless times after and I found it hilarious
  6. not too many other girls in DBZ... hmm... other than the poll list, there's: Mrs. Briefs Mai (you know, Pilaf's spy in DB) Urunai Baba (Roshi's sis) Maron (Krillen's old g/f) the East Kaio-sama Puar And Goten's G/F in GT who's name I can't spell That's all, unless you count Frieza ^_^
  7. [COLOR=orange]WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL?[/COLOR] [COLOR=tomato]Who do you think rocks?[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]I like them all, they're all prety cool in their own way[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]But I'll go with 18[/COLOR]
  8. Some time ago there was a post up here about Neopets and I said my name was dark_soul_keeper well I think some one from here might have hacked me! It's only a maybe but I think I was hacked from some one here and they took all my money, I'm now neopennyless
  9. The first one looks like my baby's cousin's old jack-in-the-box the second definately looks like a windmill
  10. I know, I just refrain from talking anime to anyone. I did get on of my best friends to watch anime Gundam W mostly but she didn't mind me talking about it. There were about two "in" kids who liked it, tho one's off it now. I don't talk about it but if I do I use codes like Japanese words like Shenlong for Dragon Ball, Mecha for Gundam, Jurai/ Cabbit for Tenchi, Visions for Escaflowne, Digital for Digimon, Card for Cardcaptors and stuff like that. We use nic names for characters like Veggie for Vegeta and Shinigmai for Duo from GW. Codes work well, specially when I wirte about them. I have a friend who really gets teased because of it so I don't dare
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero-Sama [/i] [B][COLOR=teal]Well,I'm sorry to tell you,But everything i put up there is true........[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] This is what one would call an oppinion. Maybe you see these things but in my oppinion: - the Mecha aren't ugly - the pilots aren't disturbed (a little over the edge maybe) - there is no reasoning that the pilots are gay - there isn't much romance but there is action - I for one see a plot as clear as day - it's pretty obvious things are gonna be destroyed during a war (I mean, my home country Malta was nearly blown sky high in WW2) - if Gundams are so invincable why do they keep getting captured, blown up and nearly blown up (case in point: Deathsycthe was blown up) - I don't get bored this is just me, if you think differently, good fpr you, but a lot of us see it like this, every GW fan I know personally agrees with most of these points anyways Sorry if I've offended anyone, no harm meant
  12. Cell... don't ask me why, he just kind of appeals to me, being evil myself, ya have to admire a guy who's made up of the cells of the most powerful beings in the universe dontcha?
  13. well, origionally the Soul Keepers were an evil race in an RPG between my and my friend, I was Maxine the evil Queen of all Soul Keepers! Now I'm writing a book and the Soul Keepers are part of it. With my RPG buds I am the evil one, the Soul Keeper and I will stay that way... just don't tell the Saiyans, Saiyans HATE Soul Keepers ('cept for the Sons, Bra, Trunks and a couple of others)
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by White Digivise [/i] [B]Soul Keeper that was awesome. I love the twist ending[/B][/QUOTE] WAAAAAAAAAH! I feel so happy! Cool poem too! I can picture what's going on how the person feels in your poem ^_^
  15. I still think Gundam Wing Rocks! It will always be my second fave... (Dragon Ball first)
  16. I do go! My name is dark_soul_keeper say... does anyone have the key to poogle solitare?
  17. Duo! Duo! Duo! *fog horn* DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm a Duo otaku.... can't ya tell? Ok I guess Quatre (my niichan) is kinda cute too... I guess... maybe... to people who happened to not be related to him...
  18. Sephiroth has an excellent point there! now why didn't I think of that... Though I do pity my poor brother Quatre... growing up with all of our sisters! AGH! that might explain that annoying pink shirt of his...
  19. I am actually a writer and trying to be a poet... even though most people say I'm too young (13) this is one my friends seem to like... I'm not sure if it's too good though... [FONT=century gothic]Strangest Creatures on the Earth From the shadows, Up they run Strangest beasts on all the earth None is like another one. No life to live Only themselves to love. No Gift to give, Only to take. No time to sleep Nor time to wake. Can?t say if where they come from Light or Darkness? No one can Not of demons nor of angels But the creature?s name is ?Man? Strangest Creatures on the [/FONT] ehe.... please tell me what ya think
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