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About Ozymandius Jones
- Birthday 09/17/1986
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Wanna-be school librarian, stuck between Associate's Degree and Bachelor's. Wanna-be author, wanna-be explorer. Nice enough to know, I think - IM me, I don't bite.
potential youth center worker, part time writer, part time lunatic, future librarian and teacher. BE AFRAID.
theOtaku User Name
Ozymandius Jones's Achievements

Otaku (3/6)
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="Orange"]I'm here, Numbers is here. We're just both being attacked by RL stuff that results in Lack Of Time To Post D: But we are here and Numbers says she'll have a post up soon.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"][SIZE="1"][quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"][CENTER][IMG]http://zeitgeistglee.250free.com/GettingtooOld.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I really wish people would stop bringing up stuff about that thread... On a side note, yay for being able to use this image twice in one day. ^_^[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I see your image, and I raise you this one! [CENTER] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/sense.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] (I'm sorry. It was Vader. I thought of you. I'll leave now.)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Charles had been around a long time. One of the things he?d learned in that time was never to collect [i]too[/i] much junk ? you never knew when you were going to need to leave, and need to leave in a hurry. Now, it was actually helpful. He just upended the two dresser drawers into a duffle bag, packed up the laptop he?d?borrowed from Ana, and shoved the contents of the refrigerator ? two beers, a six pack of root beer, a bottle of wine, a few packages of lunchmeat and a jar of pickles; the main reason for why they ate out almost every day ? into a cooler. It was almost like going for a picnic ? only without the fun. He piled the duffle and the cooler by the door, balancing the laptop on top of the pile, and sat down, back to the wall, to wait for Ana. To wait?and think. Things were?weird, lately. Bizarre. Dreams and visions and the music being all?.wrong? And then this whole deal with Ana. Charles shook his head, running his hand through his hair, bandages snagging on the loose, ungelled strands. There was something [i]there[/i] that couldn?t be denied; the kid ? man ? was so [i]out[/i] of it that he needed someone to watch out for him, yeah? Needed a father figure to replace the one who?d let himself die where his son would find? In that position, that [i]something[/i] was unwelcome; it felt [i]wrong[/i]. But then, sitting on the bed -Ana?s lanky form wrapped around his back- had felt so very [i]right[/i]. He growled, shaking off the thoughts and standing. [b]?Ana, ?urry it up, mate. I don?t wanna be tryin? t?get to England in the dark.?[/b] Wales to England wasn?t that horrible a trip; no planes or boats necessary, but the roads?the roads weren?t what they used to be. Different priorities, everything ? trains, subways ? were faster now, more reliable?no one bothered with many of the old roads anymore, much less things like streetlights. He had no desire to lose his car ?it was old enough already- to a monster pothole. He padded up the hall to Ana?s room, pausing in the doorway. The young man had taken his [i]warm clothes[/i] statement seriously, judging by the pile of sweaters on his bed. Right now, though, he was standing in front of his mirror, pulling a Llanelli Scarlets jersey over his head. Charles found his eyes wandering down the smooth, pale skin of his back, and noting how stark the contrast between his hair, his black jeans and his skin was. Boy needed a heck-of-a-lot more sun than he was getting right now. Ana turned from the mirror, shaking his hair back and grinning when he saw Charles. [B][COLOR="Black"]?I got warm clothes,?[/COLOR][/B] He waved at the pile, acting as if he hadn?t just caught the older man staring. [B][COLOR="Black"]?We leavin? now??[/COLOR][/B] Charles just nodded, hand clenched around the doorframe. [B]?Yeah. Yeah, we?re leavin?.?[/B] He turned on his heel, shaking his head at himself; heading to take the luggage to the car. This was going to prove interesting. [center]***[/center] Three hours later, they were halfway to London, and everything was going fi?everything was going alri? Alright, who?s fooling who here? Charles was miserable. He shouldn?t have been, mind: the powerful old automobile practically ate up the miles, so the trip wasn?t bad; no one was chasing them, which also wasn?t bad, and the day was clear, so he didn?t have to fight with clouds or rain? And Ana had his head on his leg. That was the problem. It was making driving awkward, as every time he shifted he had to prevent the sleeping Ana from somehow managing to hurt himself, drooling on his pants, moving too far in the wrong direction, or waking up. It was? Yeah, just a tad awkward. It had taken him the first hour -after Ana had fallen asleep in the first place- to unlatch his fingers from the steering wheel. Just the feel of someone touching him had him jumpy, even through the layer of heat-proofed leather. But the strange material was doing its job, anyways. Always a good sign, yeah? ?it didn?t stop the fact that Ana?s head was still practically in his lap. It didn?t change that from being [i]awkward[/i]. Ana made a soft noise, pressing the side of his face to the side of Charles?s leg, eyes squeezed as tight shut as the younger man could manage. Charles took his eyes off the road for a moment to glance down at him ? he only paused a second more before running one gloved-and-bandaged hand over Ana?s hair, soothingly. [B]?Hush, Ana, not that far to go??[/B] He was just glad the only witness was asleep. Why were they going? Dani had never, [i]ever[/i] been a friend. Had even been an enemy at one point or another. So why on [i]earth[/i] he was so hell-bent on getting to the guy, even he wasn?t sure. There was just that deep, nagging feeling - like a splinter worked deep into flesh, invisible but [i]there[/i] ? that this was a Zodiac thing. Which meant Dani would be involved, one way or another. Which meant, in turn, that they?d wind up running into one another one way or?again, another. Which was why they were heading for England. Devil you know, and all that. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"][SIZE="1"][quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Before I post again, I'd like to know: who exactly is active besides [COLOR="DarkRed"]Andrew[/COLOR] and [COLOR="DarkRed"]Raiha[/COLOR]? Is the [COLOR="DarkRed"]Ozy[/COLOR]-[COLOR="DarkRed"]Numbers[/COLOR] thing still going? Is [COLOR="DarkRed"]Rev[/COLOR] still stuck pulling the load on her end? [/FONT][/QUOTE] *flings midterm papers and other papers and observations and interviews in the air and shrieks* [U][I]NO MORE[/I][/U]. *ahem* By which I mean, I am posting sometime tonight/tomorrow getting the duo more towards where things will be happening from Wales. so. ya. :D I am posting and yes, the Ozy-Numbers thing is still going. Heheheh.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkOrange"][quote name='jigglyness']It's been 9 days and no update to the worm. Do we skip Ozymandius or do we wait??[/QUOTE] It's only been three days since I got the PM. I'm a-workin' on it. XP Edit: And done. :3 [URL=http://img352.imageshack.us/my.php?image=loudoubleryq0.jpg][IMG]http://img352.imageshack.us/img352/5492/loudoubleryq0.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkGreen"][SIZE="1"][b]Name:[/b] Jennie Smith [b]Age: [/b] 19 [b]Gender: [/b] Femalehttp://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58718 OtakuBoards - Pokémon: The Great Rebellion [b]Description: [/b] Five feet, one inch tall with short, curly red-orange hair and light grey eyes. Her face is freckled, narrow and makes her look younger than she really is. She’s skinny, and wears green cargo pants and jacket, and a yellow shirt. [b]Faction: [/b] Coalition [b]Commander: [/b] Claire [b]Biography: [/b] Jennie is a private in the coalition forces. She wasn't that into Pokemon as a young child (the youngest of seven). She wanted to be a librarian. Her oldest brother died in a freak accident when she was seventeen, leaving all his Pokemon to his siblings. She wound up, specifically, with the Dratini, and very careful instructions to take it (and any dragon type Pokemon she wound up with out of his collection) to Claire for training. So, she packed up her Pokemon (including the House-Meowth she'd had since she was little) and took them to Claire. She almost wishes she hadn't. Claire knew what she was doing, alright, but Jennie had to keep the Meowth (the only non-dragon she had) hidden for fear of what the Dragon-obsessed Claire would think. She doesn't really like this war; she wishes it had never happened, but she's quite willing to fight now that it has, though she fears her Pokemon might be years behind the others in training. [b]List of Service Pokémon: [/b] 1. Dratini 2. Bagon 3. Swablu 4. Meowth 5. Trapinch 6. Charmeleon [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkOrange"][quote name='Vicky'][size=1]*Scratches head* Don't know if this problem has already been addressed, but I just posted and it appeared in my screen (actually it loaded a blank page when I posted but when I opened my thread my last post was there) but hasn't shown up now I've searched for new results (think someone's already mentioned this). Also, I edited the first post of the Gifts and Curses thread, and now my first post seems to have disappeared =/ ...I hope it comes back because I don't have another copy @_@[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Everything looks like it's still there, Vic'. But it also says the last time it was edited was the first of January. >> And when you go to the Theater, it shows the last post in Gifts and Curses to be Revelation, but when you go to the thread itself, Vicky's post is after Rev's. 'Tis all verra odd. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Charles was dreaming – Charles was drowning. One of the two. He just wasn’t sure which, exactly, as he struggled to surface. There was water, thick as tar, black as night; it surrounded him, filled his lungs, pressed in on all sides. It was wet, frigid, icy [i]coldcoldcold[/i] on his face, his chest, his feet, forcing its way into his lungs, his stomach, drawing him further towards what might have been the bottom of the ocean– might well have been the sky. He hated water. He’d hated it before he’d been made fire – he hated it all the more now. Conniving, sneaky – liquid when it wished, but as soon as you were too far in to get out it was as hard and strong as rock, and half as forgiving. At least [i]rock[/i] would end it [i]fast[/i]. He twisted in the water, let out a wordless shriek as it closed in – And then, through the roaring in his ears, he heard a voice. He wasn’t sure how, where seconds before he’d only heard his own heart and his own scream in his ears, he’d heard it. But there had definitely been a voice there. He strained towards it, against the water trying so hard to pull him down. Either way – whether water or air, whether life or death – his head broke a surface; he rasped in a breath – And was awake, keyboard keys imprinted on his cheek, the smell of scorching paper beneath his nose. He sat up, hurriedly swatting at the phonebook he’d fallen asleep on – the fruit of his nght of labor glowing on the screen in front of him. Three pages on Dani – not a bleedin’ [i]word[/i] on where he was now. He’d been locked up for everything. Drugs, guns, accidents, assaults – if it could be punished, Dani had apparently done it. And there wasn’t a thing he could do to find the ponce. [B][i]Perfect.[/i][/B] He snarled as his back cracked, standing and shuffling his hand through his hair. [B][i]Bleeding perfect, how and I supposed to find the bleeder…[/i][/B] He was jolted out of his thoughts – they were growing redundant, anyways – by the words that had woken him from the dream, repeated over and over at his door. [B] [COLOR="Black"][i] I found Dani…[/i][/COLOR][/B] Charles crossed the messy room in two steps, unbolting the door and jerking it open. He was looking up at a pale-as-death Anakoni for all of a second before the scarecrow grinned at him, lopsided, sand-covered, smelling of saltwater, and puppy-dog-eyed, and collapsed into the room, narrowly missing the doorjamb as he fell. [B][COLOR="Black"]“Found Dani for ya, Charles,”[/COLOR][/B] He slurred, shivering. One thin-fingered hand reached to clasp his bare foot – cold as [i]ice[/i], cold as the water in his dream. Anakoni closed his hand, almost purring until Charles jerked his foot free. [B]“Oy! What the bloody – what did you [i]do[/i]?!”[/B] Ana flipped over on his back, pouting, and Charles tried to drive away the feeling flickering behind the -[i]paternal![/i], he snarled to himself, frantically – worry in his gut. [COLOR="Black"][B]“Jus’ what I’m supposed tooooo, an’ now I’m cold.”[/B][/COLOR] Charles glared down at him. [B]“I’ll bet you are, y’idiot! You [i]don’t go in the ocean[/i]! We've been [I]through this before[/I]!”[/B] Ana just kept blinking up, silently. It was a long, [i]long[/i] awkward silence. He broke it first, as Charles was turning away, rubbing his eyes. [B] [COLOR="Black"]“Charles?”[/COLOR] “…what?” [COLOR="Black"]“Can I have your foot back?”[/COLOR][/B] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"][SIZE="1"]Will be posting tomorrow night, loves. Got food poisoned and school assignment double whammied, threw off my entire writing groove, but a post is on the way, no fear. :D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkOrange"][quote name='onenuttytanuki'][spoiler]Something that has crossed my mind what happened to the other Helicopter, the one that the Lily was on?[/spoiler] Also, I wonder how long till one will be able to get Slusho buttons at say Spencers or Hot Topic. I know Hot Topic has a t-shirt with the movie poster on it. But aside for that I haven't seen any other tie ins for Cloverfield,.[/QUOTE] Some people say [spoiler]It got out. Other people say when Hud, Rob and Beth's chopper crashes, you see another one burning right next to it. I was not paying much attention at the time (*hates helicopter crash scenes with a firey passion*) so I can't say I noticed. I like to think she got out. [/spoiler] As for tie-ins. [url=http://slusho.jp/]Slusho.jp[/url] has tshirts and hats. Also has the fun of being a movie / viral game tie in.
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkOrange"]I can has spot 22 plz? =D[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"][SIZE="1"][quote name='Dagger']Ended up going today, and It. Was. AWESOME. It's been ages since I saw a movie in a theater where other people were so engaged--there was a lot of screaming and talking and nervous laughter, and it actually kind of added to the experience. I'm so going to drag all my friends to this when we get back to school. More than anything else (and James hints at this under his spoiler tags), it's very much a post 9/11 monster movie. I really bought into it; I really believed that "[I]this[/I] is what would happen if..." ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] It's been said that this is a "Monster movie for the youtube generation." Because, well, that's what we are, yeah? Something happens, we want [i]proof[/i]. We want to show it to everyone. The camera phones at the statue part made me laugh, because of how realistic it was. I also thought the timing they had was awesome, with the whole party. I was startled by the first explosion, because I was listening to this party which was going on and yet about to fall apart. I just got back from watching this an hour ago, and yes, yes I am a huge J.J. fan. Lost addict and all that - Darwin sounded a hun of a lot like Smokey, no? - but the viral campaign for this! It was freakin' huge, and looks like it'll be sticking around for a while. I love viral advertising campaigns.
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="DarkOrange"][quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]Little problem on this one. Your colors don't match up with the previous piece, Ozy.[/color][/QUOTE] ...that's odd, they matched on my computer, my laptop and my sister's laptop, 'cuz I double-triple-quadruple checked. I must've screwed something up...somewhere. Somehow. o_O. Sorry about that, guys, I'll get it fixed when I'm home from classes. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"][SIZE="1"]ONOES. OZY'S GOT A THEME THIS TIME AROUND. [URL=http://img229.imageshack.us/my.php?image=prettymenstrikeagainna7.jpg][IMG]http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/9705/prettymenstrikeagainna7.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] *cough* NEXT~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"][COLOR="Orange"][quote name='jigglyness']I CALL AFTER 08DB!! :D[/QUOTE] I would like next after, please and thanks! [/COLOR][/SIZE]