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Ozymandius Jones

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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=James][font=franklin gothic medium] [b]A) Which aspect of OtakuBoards do you find to be the most negative/confusing?[/b] [/font][/QUOTE] Martyr-posters and, the people who take things [quotes, articles, what-have-you] out of context and then try to manipulate facts to prove their points. Also the facts that [B]A)[/B] I can only leave those snarky small-text notes in other peoples posts in the Inn/Square, not everywhere...:p [B]B)[/B] 90% of the n00bs zoom [b]right[/b] to my territory [B]C)[/B] I'm only allowed to lock things for bad grammar and spelling, and lack of rating, and not lack-of-any-story-what-so-ever-hiding-behind-a-backstory-that's-[b]just[/b]- long enough. Also, we need an orange skin. Yes. [QUOTE=James][font=franklin gothic medium] [b]B) What is your favorite aspect of OtakuBoards?[/b] [/font][/QUOTE] The people are friendly, most of the Inn regulars post and play nicely, and the art forum is really fun, most of the time. I've always found it easy to navigate, and I like the easy customizations.[/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo][B]Name:[/B] Theresa Balk [B]Age: [/B] 19 [B]Power: [/B] [I]Nightcrawler[/I]: Extremly agile, sure footed and flexible. Capable of teleporting a limited distance, three miles at the very very most, and even then only to places she has been before. [B]Codename: [/B] Shadow Stalker [B]Appearence:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/theresa.jpg]Theresa with her image converter on.[/URL]. [url=http://frodis.net/xmen/shrines/nightcrawlershrinepic.jpg]True Form Reference Pic[/url]. In Theresa's true form, her eyes are pupilless amber-yellow, and her entire body is covered with indigo fuzz. She only has three fingers, two fingers and a thumb, technically, and two toes. She also has a prehensile tail that is capable of supporting her full weight, provided whatever she's hanging from can also do so. Her canine teeth are more like fangs, and her ears are pointed. [B]Personality: [/B]Generally happy, chaotic and carefree, Theresa adores pranks of any sort; pratical jokes, phone calls, anything that could be qualified as really annoying? She does it. School homework, responsibilities like chores? She'll try to get out of it all, any way she can. Live life for the moment seems to be her motto...on the outside. On the inside, she's manipulating, but not in a malicious why. She simply likes to predict things, and adores it when things go her way. She truly does know the importance of her acting responsibly, and when she [i]needs[/i] to, she does. Sometimes, however, her judgement isn't best when it comes to what qualifies as "needs to." She's very caring, willing to do almost anything for a friend. She seems to have split ideas about one thing: when she has her appearence converter on, she is confidant. But catching her in public in her true form is the easiest way to see her actually be quiet. She's very sensitive about her appearence, as it is anything but human. Whenever she feels "down" her first instinct is to get higher; and thus she can usually be found on the roof of the Insitute, hanging from the light in her bedroom, or at any of the nearby churches, usually in the balconies. [B]Bio:[/B] Theresa was born blue and fuzzy; to parents who are, at this time, unknown. Abandoned at the hospital, the little girl was adopted by one of the nurses, who raised her as her own for a while. Generally, children cannot be adopted by single parents, but given the odd nature of the child, the hospital and the authorities at the time let it slide. Theresa was subjected to image peer pressure at an abnormally young age; while girls generally don't care about looks until sixth or seventh grade, Theresa was mocked for her odd appearance as early as first grade. She just took it, grinning on the outside, until she was thirteen, relying on her personality to detract attention from her looks. When she turned thirteen, however, her previously single adopted mother remarried...and her new husband did not care for Theresa, a fact he hid until they were married. Unable to put up with his constant verbal abuse, Theresa ran, sending a postcard back to her mother telling her not toworry, she'd be fine...and home when [i]he[/i] left. Theresa wandered the country on her own for a grand total of a month before she decided it was [i]not[/i] the life for her. She had to wear a hoodie, baggy clothes and gloves to hid her appearence, and she started to get lonely as well. She'd made it from Tacoma, Washington to Baton Rouge, Louisiana before her money - and her enthusiasm for living on her own - ran out. Two days of living on the streets made her seriously consider returning home, despite her stepfather. She was prepared to hitchhike all the way back home when she made an interesting discovery - the Barnham and Bailey circus was in town. She snuck in, wanting to see the acrobats...only to find out that the acrobats were canceled because one was sick. So she made a deal with the ringmaster; if she could stay with them, she could replace the sick acrobat. The deal went just fine; and Theresa spent a subsequent six years with the circus. Only since things have been going badly with mutants has she quit, not wanting to draw negative attention to her friends. Oddly enough, her last perfomance was in a town where an Academy was just starting...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/materialismfinal.jpg[/IMG] [B]Gone[/B][/CENTER] -Everything here is from scratch. The receipt is from my latest adventure in banking, the bills are my birthday present, and the coins are from my collection. Even the ring's scanned. -The lyrics are from the Switchfoot song "Gone." -This took about ten hours, if you added up all my expirimenting time, modifying and actually laying it out. It has over twenty layers, I lost track halfway through. -And there you have it. [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Please make sure to include a thread rating next time. Feel free to recreate this thread with a rating. Until then, [B]Thread Locked[/B] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/tl.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Colors: [/B] Light pinks/whites/greys, dark blues. [B]Text:[/B] And waiting hopes cast cast silent spells That speak in clouded clues. It cannot be a part of me, For now it's part of you.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE]4) Arena Ratings: Aside from the issues discussed in the thread I created about these earlier, I found that the actual rules don't mention these at all. So the whole system is dependent on that new members read one sticky thread? No wonder so many new members don't know the ratings are a must...[/QUOTE] [QUOTE] Sticky:[B] Mandatory:[/B] Adventure Square Basics[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Merriam Webster Dictionary]Main Entry: man·da·to·ry 1 : containing or constituting a command : OBLIGATORY, REQUIRED[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Arcadia]Arena Thread Ratings As the membership base of these forums continue to age and change, so do the types of threads that exist on the boards.... [/QUOTE] They've been there, [b]in the sticky[/b] since [b]December[/b]. The sticky is [b]the first thing you see[/b] when you enter the Arena [b]or[/b] the Inn. It's not in the [b]site[/b] rules because it only [b]applies[/b] to the Arena.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrange][b]Katana[/b] - I like the grungey look, I like the words...I like the all around bittersweet theme of your graphic's text. That being said, I don't {i}quite[/i] like the placement of the words. They don't seem to [i]flow[/i]. Perhaps that's the idea and I'm not catching it, but it seems to jar with the fluidity of the image more that I like. I do like the font and brushes you used, though. It's not often you see sentimental and grungy mixed so well. [b]Revue[/b] - Wow. That's all I can say. I love this piece. The flow, the text...the colors! Orange beats all other colors, in my opinion, especially when paired with blue. I also like the whimsical nature of the shapes; it goes with the cute lyrics. Everything just seems to fit together nicely, and I can [i]tell[/i] you had fun with it. Whimisical never works unless the artist truly enjoys their whimsy. My vote - [b]Revue[/b][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Retribution[/B] - I love it, actually. The longer you look at it, the more you see. I like the simplicity, and the lack of any images altogether. Given the subject matter, any image I can think of to put in the the background picture would ruin the effect. My only real complaint is the large text behind the three lines of text...given how it looks, and the subject, I'm guessing that says "Guns" or something to that effect, but I can't really be sure. The second is slightly nitpicky, and smaller...is it supposed to say "innocent[b]s[/b]"? [B]Domon[/B] - As much as I wish I could say otherwise, as you have done some very nice work in the past, this is somewhat lacking. It looks like a cropped out picture of a Gundam pasted onto a gradiant. The pastels kind of clash with the more basic colors of the Gundam, and at, in turn, makes the mech look out of place.. The text itself looks good...until it runs over the gun and the foot of the Mech. So...my vote is going to [B]Retri[/B].[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS]Blue Team members will notice that I've been using both 'he' and 'she' in my post, depending on the gender that my character is at the time. Is it distracting at all? Because I can just say 'she' the whole time if it interferes with readability. (I know this is a Blue Team affair right now, but there's the possibility I'll RP with other people at a later date, so I thought I'd better post this rather than by PM. Though it's probably best to give me answers by PM, so as not to clutter the Underground.) [/font][/QUOTE] I don't find it distracting at all...it keeps Mirror in character well, and lets me [at least] know which she/he is before you necessarily say...[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Welcome to the Arena, [B]JediStorm[/B]. I'm afraid this thread is being locked for three reasons: 1. [B]Rating.[/B] As stated in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]sticky[/URL], all RPGs must have ratings. This is merely as a precaution to ensure that nobody winds up reading something that they have no desire to. 2. [B]Recruitment.[/B] All RPGs [i]must[/i] go through recruitment. That way you know who's playing and who's not. The Inn is [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48]here[/URL]. You need to post a discription and what you need for characters there first. 3.[B] Double Posting is not permitted[/B] anywhere on OB. Read the sticky, know the sticky, the sticky is your friend, as it makes both our lives easier. Feel free to repost this, correcting what needs be, and also feel free to recruit other players. But for now, [b]Thread locked.[/b][/COLOR]
  11. Ozymandius Jones


    [COLOR=DarkGreen]The scratching of swift pencil strokes on rough paper, and the humming of the sketcher were the only noises this quiet morning, besides the cheeping of the sketch-ees. The sketcher was lying flat on her stomach, head in a bush, trying to remain unseen by the flock of Torchic pecking around in the grass. Skillful strokes had already rendered seven of the flock in almost-photographic motion, downy fluff and tiny claws shining in the light that seeped through the trees. The eighth was just an outline, his (her?) beady eyes the only thing darkened. Lucille O'Donnell smiled as she sketched. This picture was coming along phenominally. Torchics were among her favorite Pokemon to draw. "Scy-scyther-sky!" She didn't look up from her tablet. Her Scyther took offense at that, poking her in the leg with one clawed foot. "SCY!" She rolled over on her back to glare up at the Pokemon. "What?" She saw what the instant she opened her mouth. Towering behind Scyther was a Blaziken, eyes narrowed in a very unfriendly manner. She gulped. "Oops..." She scrambeled madly to collect her pencils, shoving them into her backpack without once breaking eye contact with the huge bird Pokemon. She was just starting to slid her pad into her pack as well when Blaziken snorted. Lucy yelped, dropping the pad and breaking into a run, Scyther running ahead of her, then darting behind and all around like a supersonic bodygaurd. Only once she was out of the grove did she stop running. [i]You could've just fought her, you know...[/i] She silenced her mental voice. [i]That wouldn't have been right, she was just defending the chicks.[/i] She sighed, leaning against a tree and speaking into her Merger. "Mightyena, out please..." The Merger whined for a second before Mightyena appeared from inside. "Could you get my notebook back please?" The dog-like Pokemon nodded her head once, breaking into a swift lope. Lucy continued leaning against the tree, only dimly aware of Scyther mimicking her movements to lean on the other side of the tree. This was the third time this year she'd been run off by annoyed Poke-mothers. She smirked slightly. At least the other trainers at the PFL wouldn't attack her for drawing them...Migghtyena reappeared, the notebook in her mouth. Lucy took it, rubbing her behind her ears...she moaned when she looked at her picture. The pleasant woodsy scene now had a giant, clawed footprint right in the middle. [i]Least it's...slightly fixable...[/i] She put it back into its flap, and shrugged into her backpack. Thinking of the other trainers had reminded her of her appointment with one of her fellow countrymen. He'd been very kind in posing for one of her commissions [i]for[/i] the League, but her appointment for the rest of his picture was in ten minutes...and so, for the second time in five minutes she found herself running. "Come on...we have to meet James to get his colors right..."[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange][CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/Today.jpg[/IMG] [B]Color scheme:[/B] Blues, reds and greys. [B]Text:[/B] But I like every minute of the day.[/CENTER][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrange][quote name='Fallen][size=1']I loved Fantasies Desire/Realities Sin, until it fell apart inexplicably. It was nice to see an original idea come onto the Boards, something that has probably been lacking for a long time. I would love to see it come back, as I personally enjoyed it immensely. Although you were one nasty character when it came to giving out those cards.[/size][/quote] I, too, loved Fantacies...I seem to recall spending most of my time playing tag with Fallen. Hee. Yes, I can say that's one RP that really challenged me to figure out how to post for it. I can't wait to see that one come back. :) And yes. You were mean with the cards. And I believe I told you this over IM, but I am quite pleased to have ya back. [/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Name:[/B] Lucille O'Donnell [B]Age: [/B] 22 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Nationality:[/B] Irish [B]Appearance:[/B] Lucille is five feet two with a normal build; nothing spectacular, but not unattractive either. She has long red hair that she wears braided at all times, and wide grey eyes, usually hidden behind large glasses. For clothing, however, Lucy is a bit more flamboyant - she wears an old, green regency jacket, complete with gold braid and trim, and green, loose leggings. When she wears her jacket open, you can see a white linen shirt that matches the jacket, frilled at the neck and wrists. She wears a yellow sash across her chest, and she keeps her pokeballs in a pocket behind that. [B]Pokémon:[/B] [list] [*]Scyther [*]Mightyena [*]Ponyta[/list] [B]Biography:[/B] Lucy was never into Pokemon as a young child, despite her grandfather working at a Pokecenter. They always just seemed like other animals - albeit more powerful - to her. She preferred to focus on artistic persuits. And then she hit thirteen and her art instructer assigned her to draw a living Pokemon...that she had caught. Somewhat annoyed, she want out looking for Pokemon, her grandf ather showing her where to find them. After several false starts and an embarassing incedent involving a nest of Rattata, she caught her first Pokemon, a very, very young Scyther...and was hooked. Was it a plant that acted like an animal, or an animal with plantish traits? Either way, the muscles, the play of sunlight on scales and wings facinated her like no other subject had. And so, still with her grandfather's help she began searching for other Pokemon. And then merging technology came on the scene. Already a fan of drawing Pokemon, already a fan of drawing people, Lucy had to try this. And so, because the best way to sketch a group is to become a [i]part[/i] of said group, she invested in a merger for herself. Since then, she and her Pokemon have just wandered from here to there, living off the money she makes sketching people in cities. Her main reason for registering for the tournament is to sketch the other Trainers, as all are garunteed to be strong mergers...although she has much, much faith in her own team as well. [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Welcome to the Adventure Inn,[B] ReKell[/B]. I'm afraid I am closing this thread for two reasons: 1. [B]Rating:[/B] I'm sorry, but "nr" (I assume that's for "not rated") is not a valid rating, especially when your RP deals with topics such as suicide and murder. Please read through the rules and advice on ratings in the sticky, [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here.[/URL] 2. [B]Backstory/Plot:[/B] People need to know where you're planning to go with your RP, what they and their characters would be needed for. That's not in your post. Feel free to repost this once you've fixed what needs to be fixed. [B]Thread Locked,[/B] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  16. [B][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=3][CENTER]Mission #107: Big Explosions In The Desert[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] Midnight in the desert. The moon was almost full, reflecting off the sand, the stars were brighter than Sparks had ever personally seen them before, and the silence?the silence was overwhelming. She shivered, pulling her coat closer and wishing she was back in New York City, with its electric stars and noise. The drop had been uneventful; the hi-tech plane making it in and out of Morocco?s airspace unnoticed, the other territories were less than a threat. Now it was their job to get to Bu Craa, a good five mile walk from where they'd been dropped. It made her very glad they'd been dropped at night. The thought of five miles of hiking through the desert in broad daylight... Of course, she thought wryly, not wanting to get immediately captured by Al-Hadiye Radisson might have something with doing this at night as well... Al-Hadiye, who's real name was Daniel Radisson, had been causing mild problems in the last five years; an English "businessman" who had been hired by the Moroccan government to assist in the modernization of Bu Craa...it seemed that Radisson had enjoyed his authority a bit too much, disappearing into the desert to build a fortress and demanding that the citizens of Bu Craa treat him as their leader. The town had complied; who knew, perhaps this was the way things were done in England? But, as time went on, it became clear that something was not right with the businessman, who even went as far as to change his name to Al-Hadiye, "The Gift." Things had been re-routed; water and electric went through his complex, a good mile and a half from the city, and at any sign of rebellion they could be shut off. Plus there was the little factor of the robots...Sparks shook her head, speeding up to join the rest of her team. Tech was busily explaining the "Killer Robots of Doom" (as the exuberant young woman had taken to calling them after she'd seen the schematics) to Mirror. "So these things are, like, ten feet tall and they have all these spikes and guns and they're faster than you can imagine..." Mirror frowned slightly. "Yi...not much of a chance to mimic a machine..." Pandora, the third young woman - Sparks had decided to continue calling Mirror a woman despite her unique skills - laughed slightly. "They'll still break if I want them to..." Up ahead, Impulse snorted slightly. Sparks shook her head, joining the moody telekinetic, leaving the other team members chatting about robots. "Something wrong?" He jerked his head backwards, his sightless eyes remaining fixed ahead. "Why are we on a mission with a bunch of kids?" "Calm down, they're not new at this, y'know...they were sent just like we were. They're good at this." "Of c-course we are." Sparks jumped slightly, mildly startled by the sight of a hoodie, and just a hoodie, floating out of the darkness. Face seemed to be looking at Impulse, although with this particular young man you never could tell. "Like they'd send us on this mission if we d-didn't know what we were doing..." "Well," Impulse's voice went slightly colder. "You'd better know..." "What...?" The telekenetic jerked his chin towards the horizon. Out at the very edge of her vision, Sparks could just see a flicker of light...light that was growing brighter alarmingly quickly. She cursed under her breath, and raised her voice. "Ok, folks, we've got robots!"
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=Sage] Plus I'm kinda worried nobody has posted into any of the threads, as it suggests they are writing some sort of a short novel... :/ [/QUOTE] Well, as one of the team leaders, I can say [b]I[/b] haven't posted because school started yesterday for me, and my job starts today. Real life takes precedent, occasionally, and not having posts in [b]twenty five hours[/b] is nothing odd. I just haven't slammed mine out for it to be up, I want it to be quality. Anywhoozle. I should have my starting post up by tomorrow morning. And it will be a normal length RP post...which, I will admit, is fairly long. :p[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello,[B] Lady Halo[/B]. I am locking this thread for the following reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at [B]least two paragraphs[/B] long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Dark'sgirl15[/B], this is not where you RP. This is where you put the information - backstory, what you need from the other players, etc - and that allows you to know who is playing and who is not. Feel free to repost this with a backstory and character requirements. All of this information is [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here.[/URL] Read the sticky, please. It makes both of our lives easier. [B]Thread Locked[/B] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Welcome to the Arena, [B]Dark'sgirl15[/B]. I'm afraid this thread is being locked for two reasons: 1. [B]Grammar.[/B] Correct grammar usage and a backstory are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL]. 2. [B]Recruitment.[/B] All RPGs [i]must[/i] go through recruitment. That way you know who's playing and who's not. The Inn is [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48]here[/URL]. You need to post a discription and what you need for characters there first. [b]digix: Do not play mod. If you see a thread you think will get locked, don't post in it, report it.[/b] Read the sticky, know the sticky, the sticky is your friend, as it makes both our lives easier. Feel free to repost this, correcting the grammar, and also feel free to recruit other players. But for now, [b]Thread locked.[/b][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello,[B] frubafan4eva[/B]. I am locking this thread for the following reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . Also, double posting is not allowed unless your post is too long for one entry; that is only permitted in the Anthology, not in the Inn. Feel free to repost this once you have edited the story to meet the specifications. But for now, [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Laura Brooks sighed, glancing over the empty desks. Her classroom looked neat and orderly...and that was about to change. It always did. This was her third year teaching for Madame Davis; her second as a full teacher...last year, she had made the mistake of assuming that all students were on [i]her[/i] side. This was, she had soon discovered, not the case. She wasn't going to make the same mistake again. She paced in front of her desk, between the first row of student's seats and her own, enjoying the momentary quiet. She'd decided to start easy today. Plants. Plants didn't have thoughts; if they did, she didn't hear them. Waiting to know your class before you brought in, say...a panther was always a good idea. She winced slightly, remembering that little debacle. It had been a learning expirience for both her [I]and[/I] her students...they had learned that panthers do not like shrieks or being startled, and she had learned that Madame Davis did not care for panthers. Or at least not panthers in her classroom. Or at least not [i]live[/i] panthers. [I]This year,[/I] she resolved, [I]there will be no disasters.[/I] Even as she thought it, she knew just how silly a statement that was. Disasters were attracked to this place. She immediately amended her statement. [i]That I can prevent, anyway.[/i] Her classroom door swung open, admitting her first group of her students. She settled in behind her desk, and waited for the rest to arrive.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello,[B] Lady Halo[/B]. I am locking this thread for the following reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . Also, double posting is not allowed. It generally take time and patience to get people to play your RPs, so it's not unusual for it to take hours, if not days, to gain signups. That aside, double posting is not allowed anywhere on our boards. Please keep that in mind. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrange]First and foremost in my mind is Radar the Bear. My mom claims I named him after Big Bird's teddy bear...but I'm fairly certain I named him after Radar from M*A*S*H, which I remember my baby-sitter watching. Radar was a present for me when my younger sister was born, sortof a consoulation prize for the little girl who didn't understand why the [i]new[/i] person was getting all the presents. XD Radar just turned 17 a few weeks ago. His head has fallen off mmore times than I care to count, each limb has fallen off more than once, he's been stolen by a dog, and left up in a tree all night. He was once furry and fluffy, now his fur is all matted down and dark brown, as opposed to the pretty golden brown he used to be, and he's half of his original size. He's so fragile now that I hardly play with his; he lives on my headboard with a few other stuffed animals. But every now and then, I find myself snuggling him when I'm unhappy. It makes me feel like the little girl I was ten years ago, when Mommy and Daddy could solve every little probelm I ever had. :)[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=Dragon Warrior]I dunno. I think the madness would be unlimited if I were in the same place with Shinmaru, Syk3, Ozymandius Jones, Charles, and Fitar. The show wouldn't make any sense and the constant discussion of porn, homosexuality, and women would come up almost 98% of the time. The other 2% would be nothing but me drooling uncontrollably due to brain loss. I'm not sure who else would want to be in a house with Shin, Syk3, Ozy, Fitar, Charlies, and myself, but if they are willing, they're more than welcome. I'd think me alone would be stupid enough.[/QUOTE] I would be the one in the corner shaking, or trying to keep them from doing dumb things. :p Hmm... [I]Dragon Warrior[/I] - We have the same taste in music, so I wouldn't have to pry him away from the stereo [I]Boo[/I] - Because our dear Spider-boy amuses me the most of any of the people who IM me to talk about Fidel Castro losing power just because you remembered to feed your cat... [I]Sage Kaley[/I] - Because she understands my John Entwistle obsession, and has, on occasion, teamed up with me against the various annoying males in chat-rooms. [I]Snarktastic[/I] - Because I knew her before she join Otakuboards, and because watching her and Boo interact would be enough to send me to the floor with laughter... [I]Grammar Panzer[/I] - She's insanely hilarious and lovable, and I pity you poor forums who haven't had a chance to know her yet. [I]Billy Shears[/I] - Fellow advocate of classic rock and crazed music-themed RPs. He'd be there to make sure people didn't try and sneak anything into the cd player [I]StarrStruck[/I] - She's my sister ANYways, so it's kinda a given. By the time six months were up, Grammar Panzer and StarrStruck would've adopted ten million kitties, Snarky and Boo would either hate each other or be teamed up to drive the neightbors insane, Sage Kaley and I would've teamed up to write the weirdest fanfic EVAR and the neighbors would have better taste in music. Or we would all be arrested and evicted. One of the two. [quote name='SunfallE']Ozymandius Jones - I just love reading his posts and how he signs guest books, he has such an awesome sense of humor.[/quote] You're right about the humor, wrong about the chromosones. Teh Ozy is a girl, plz and thank you. :p[/COLOR]
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