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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Ha. A subject near and dear to my own heart...I love urban legends, so much that [url=http://www.snopes.com]Snopes[/url] is on my favorites list. Incidentally, the story that you're talking about is currently "unclear" as to wheter it's true or not, as seen [URL=http://www.snopes.com/religion/islam.htm ]here[/URL]. Urban Legends amuse me greatly, such as the whole [URL=http://www.recmusicbeatles.com/public/files/faqs/pid.html]"Paul is Dead"[/URL] thing, and [my personal favorite], "The Choking Doberman" [I]It happened in Las Vegas. A woman returned from work and found her large dog, a Doberman, lying on the floor gasping for air. Concerned over the animal's welfare, she immediately loaded the pet into her car and drove him to a veterinarian. The vet examined the dog but finding no reason for his breathing difficulties, announced that he'd have to perform a tracheotomy and insert tubes down the animal's throat so he could breathe. He explained that it wasn't anything she'd want to watch and urged the woman to go home and leave the Doberman there overnight. When the woman returned home, the phone was ringing off the hook. She answered it, and was surprised to discover it was the vet. Even more surprising was his message -- "Get out of the house immediately! Go to the neighbor's and call the police!" It seems that when the vet performed the operation, he found a very grisly reason for the dog's breathing difficulty -- three human fingers were lodged in its throat. Concerned that the person belonging to the dismembered fingers might still be in the house, he phoned to warn the woman. According to the story, police arrived at her house and found an unconscious intruder, sans fingers, lying in a closet. [/I] I have no clue why I like that one, except it's pretty much been disproved. Oh, and PopRocks + Coke = fizzy mouth and your stomach feels funny for maybe an hour. I can testify you don't explode, unless I'm just special or something. :p[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]All the name/nickname/username threads got me thinking about this. How do you feel about terms of endearment? For example, the proper name for a parents' mother is "Grandmother." But hardly anyone I know calls their grandmother "Grandmother." For example, I call my grandmothers Grammom and Nana. My grandfathers are Popop and Pappy. The same goes for parents. I never call my Dad "Father," and my mom is only "Mother," when my brother is annoying me. They're always "Mama," "Mommy," "Dad," "Daddy," and [occasionally] "Papa Bear." By the same token, relatives come up with new names for you - my grammom will call me "sweetie," "honey," or "little lady" almost as often as she calls me "Sarah." My brother - who is six one, now, at the tender age of 13 - is still "little man" to my grammom. My mother calls me "Sarey-Sue," my father calls me "Blondie." Friends also supply new names, they can be variations on your real name, or something completely off the wall, but most of the time a nickname means that you've been accepted by someone enough for them to give you a new name. [Obviously, hazing nicknames are a different story, but that's...a different story.] So...do terms of endearment qualify as "endearing" to you? Some people I know find name shortenings, and the creation of entirely new names to be the most annoying thing on the face of the planet, while [for the most part] I take them as affectionate... So what's your opinion?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]When I was really, [i]really[/i] little, I used to have the most vivid nightmares, dreams so vivid that I would still be seeing things after I woke up. The worst was when I had just turned four, I was dreaming about this...[I]thing[/I] that was about the same size as me - Mom now says I came into their room screaming about a tree with eyes - but this little thing was [i]mean[/i] it was [i]nasty[/i] and in my dream it was just....a shadowy, slightly spiky looking featureless [i]thing[/i], just [i]staring[/i] at me with glowing green eyes. It didn't chase me, it didn't do anything normal dream monsters did, it just [i]stared[/i], never blinking. Well, I woke up....and screamed, because the [i]thing[/i] from my dream was standing at the head of my bed, right next to me, [i]staring[/i]. I was out of my bed and in my parents room, screaming at the top of my lungs, in about half a second flat. There have been a few other incidents, but nothing stands out in my mind half so much as [I]that.[/I][/COLOR]
Dance Dance Revolution- What's your favorite song?
Ozymandius Jones replied to RavenDragon's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I have no DDR [sadness] and only get to play at the arcade every now and then, but I have many songs I like. My favorite to play is "Daikenkai," on Light mode, and even that gives me problems, so that ought to give you a clue as to how good I am....>.> As for listening, I like "Saint Goes Marching," "Speed Over Beethoven," "End of the Century," and "Hero [Happy Grandale Mix]," the best. And I have an obsession with watching [b]really[/b] good players dancing "Legend of MAXX 3000" and "eXotic ethnic." If I'm walking past anyplace and I hear either of those songs it's like a tractor beam...[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Haha, let's see if we can track this: Mom's side: quarter British, quarter Black Irish. That means that most of the family had dark brown/almost black hair, as opposed to Red Irish, which are the folks with the stereotypical Irish hair. There's also Welsh in there somehow, but please don't ask me how. It's from my Mom's grandmother... Dad's side: part German, part Pennsylvania Dutch, which is closer to German than Dutch. The result? I am blue-eyed, blonde and as pale - as my sister likes to say - as a fish's belly, and I burn like nothing else. [/COLOR]
Art Official OtakuBoards Graphics Tournament
Ozymandius Jones replied to Dagger's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I hereby announce that, to the best of my abilities, I would like to join the [B]Official Otakuboards Graphics Tournament[/B]. I am now accepting offers of surrender and requests to join my hoarde of minions....I mean....um...hi![/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][B]Code Name / Call Sign:[/B] Sparks [B]Gender (If Applicable): [/B] Female [B]Location:[/B] New York City [B]Age:[/B] 29 [B]Personal Appearance[/B]: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/carter.jpg]Sparks[/url] Tall - 5'11", lanky and slim; not muscular, but not a weakling either. Her eyes are dark blue-grey, but they gain an electric blue sheen when, and only when, she's using her abilities. Her hair is naturally brown; she bleaches it blonde and then streaks it with whatever color she feels like. Currently, the streaks and tips are blue. She usually wears it spiked up. Given the length, it tends to flop over, but she doesn't mind. The rest of her appearance fits her lifestyle. She has three earrings per earlobe, and two more at the top of her ears for a total of five piercing per ear. She also has a small, golden nose stud, and her left eyebrow pierced. Black features predominantly in Spark's wardrobe; every pair of pants she has is black, but not tight. She despises tight clothing as much as she despises ridiculously baggy clothing. She prefers her clothing to hang loose, but not so much that she trips over it. As far as shirts go, she usually wears tank tops that look as if they were dyed in radioactive cool-aid, practically glowing in the dark. She tops the whole outfit off with a coat of her own design - black leather trench with small "fairy lights" worked into it. These lights, miniature light bulbs of various obnoxious hues, work off of a battery that she keeps in her pocket, making her, quite possibly, the most noticeable person in New York when it's dark. In the daylight, the lights aren't noticeable as anything more than sequins. Unlike many of her friends, she only wears one chain, and that is elaborately looped so as to connect to her wallet, belt and jacket all at once, as she is somewhat paranoid of pickpockets and street thieves. Black, fingerless gloves, one black, spiked-leather bracelet, one silver chain bracelet and black combat boots finish off her wardrobe. She has occasionally been reported for setting off metal detectors just by walking by, a fact that nobody really understands, unless they know the nature of her powers... [B]Personality/Behavior:[/B] Disjointed, hyper, and obnoxious, very opinionated, with a temper to match. She doesn't think things through logically, preferring to go with gut instinct rather than reason through any situation. She doesn't react well to being told to follow...and yet she balks at the thought of leading, as well. She despises being noticed for her responsibilities - preferring to keep up her "rebel punk" appearance, despite the fact that she's [technically] way past the typical "rebel" age - and tries to avoid it as much as possible, but once an assignment is given to her she would break her back to complete it. Sparks is very much a night owl. The day is alright, but it's at night that her talents truly shine, so to speak. She's a party animal who enjoys raves more for the sake of the other people there than for the alcohol or drugs that are inevitably present. While she prefers to remain anonymous as much as she can, she will not deny that she enjoys the popularity the midnight parties give her, for her abilities seem to be uniquely suited for raves; enhancing both sound - volume and quality - and lights. If you catch Sparks at one of these parties, she's like a mother bear to those in "her" territory. Many are the pill-pushers and crack peddlers who have fled in a shower of sparks and light bulb glass when they've tried to entice the wrong party goers. During the day, Sparks can usually be found at her apartment, or at the local arcades - mainly the one that her apartment is over -"enhancing" games for the kids who play there. This has formed her a network within her community; children will speak to the "lady in the funny coat" easier than to police, and her kindness to the children has made her strong allies with their parents. The arcade manager takes it all with a grin, as the rumors about crazier game play has gained him patrons. Sparks does not fight if she can run, and when she does fight it's with the surrounding electronics and lights rather than weaponry or fists. When forced to, however, her fighting style tends to be streetwise and not-exactly honorable. No one really knows when she finds the time to sleep. [B]Personal History:[/B] There are certain things children should not be able to do. One of these things, Spark's parents Bridgette and David Montague decided, was make their nightlights explode. And yet, at the tender age of three, Sparks, who was then named Sally, was doing just that. They'd buy a new nightlight - and then she'd have a nightmare and poof! There it went again. It soon became safer to have candles in their little girl's room...the light would grow brighter, but without the confines of a bulb, there was nothing to explode. So, that little obstacle mounted, life proceeded as usual...until Sally discovered the record player. Whether it was the electric circuitry or the speakers, or even the little light that indicated if the player was on or off, various parts just kept....well, for lack of a better term? Exploded. As a result, Sally was home schooled until she turned ten. As Sally began to grow older, her control over what electronics and circuits overloaded grew finer, to the point where she was no longer exploding things just by walking by them. Once this happened, her parents allowed her to go to school, where - with the exception of the one tiny mishap involving the principal's desk lamp - she was able to blend in with the other students as a normal kid. Sally was an alright student - not a troublemaker, but not the best behaved either. While she did pass most of her classes, it wasn't with flying colors. She preferred to just make friends over doing much of her homework, and her one extra curricular activity was drama. Sally graduated on time, when she was eighteen years old, and immediately started attending college to become an actress. Whether the rigors of college life were too great for her controls, or her controls were loosened by being away from familiar surroundings, she's not really sure. But suddenly the college was plagued by accidents of the explody kind. She used this as an excuse to quit, as she wasn't doing so well in drama either. Alone in New York City, she got a daytime job at a bakery, and began to try and become an author. It was around this time, at the age of 19, that Sally discovered raves. The lights and the sounds were intoxicating to the young woman, she would go to them as an excuse to use her abilities openly without anyone noticing....and it wasn't too long before she began to experiment with her limits, gaining an even better grip on what she could and could not do. Sally's one run-in with drugs was an unmitigated disaster, and enough to swear her off anything non-prescription for life. A few uppers, a loss of control...and the whole rave went up in a flash of glass and sparks. Since then, she's become somewhat of a crusader for drug-free raves...this incident also led to her nickname or codename, which she has gone by ever since - Sparks. Sparks prefers to live a normal life - or as normal as possible, given the circumstances - and has become the non-official protector of her neighborhood, in between her Legionnaire work, bakery work and her arcade hopping. [B]Special Skills or Abilities:[/B] Sparks is an energy amplifier. Thus far, her area of expertise is in electricity, sound and visible light. She can increase the power in circuits and the suchlike just by concentrating...or not concentrating, as the case may be. Lights are generally made brighter just by her presence, and she can take the smallest bit of light and make it grow too bright to be focused on, hence the true reason for the light-jacket. [B]Player?s Availability:[/B] Once school and work starts, I'd have to say once, maybe twice a week, possibly more if my homework goes well, but I can't count on that so I'm going to be safe with my estimates. [B]Which Otaku Thread Rating Do You Expect Your Posts To Fall Under?[/B] PG, no doubt about it.[/COLOR] OOC: I don't think I've [B]ever[/B] had so much fun with a signup. Hee.
[COLOR=DarkOrange][B]kemet[/B], this question is almost four years old. When looking for threads to reply to, please stay on the first two pages. I don't even think some of these members are still around, much less looking for Furcadia help. Thank you for trying to be helpful, but from now on pay attention to the dates on the tops of posts. Thank you. [B]Thread Locked[/B] -OzymandiusJones[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Alrighty then, down to work. [B]indifference[/B], I was skimming through the recent submissions last night, and had just deleted pictures that were horribly cropped; or just pasted onto a background with no effort to turn the two things - the background and the source image - into one, nice work of art. Now that I look at yours, I see that you did put work into it. I deleted it in haste, and I apologize. Feel free to resubmit it, and please accept my humble apologies. *bows* [quote name='Generic NPC #3']That's kind of odd since I've seen a few which were obviously nothing more than a single image on a different color background... Some people like simple things that don't have 90 Photoshop filters applied.[/quote] Generally, those images come down to how clear the picture is, and how well the artist blended the two. I delete more "collage" and "cut and paste" work for being of poor quality than for plagarism, because most of the time it looks like the artist took 2 minutes to make the wallpaper, and the effect is garish and tacky. If the wallpaper looks like it could be an original peice of work, or [i]almost[/i] be original, it means the person who made it put some [i]time[/i] into making it, and thus deserves to be showcased. If it has hard edges, or is fuzzy, distorted, or has a jagged, rough edge, it goes. [quote name='James']It could either be a misunderstanding or a difference of opinion - one Moderator may have felt that the image wasn't edited enough from its original state. Or they may have received a complaint.[/quote] This happens quite a lot. The person who approves wallpapers generally approves hundreds a day, and sometimes things "slip through," another problem is with members who have submitted enough quality work to become a "senior artist" and then their quality takes a nosedive because it no longer needs approval to be seen on the site. I hope I've answered any questions... [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Welcome to the Inn, [B]sonora[/B]. I regret to inform you that I am locking this thread. "Why?" you may ask? Because here at OtakuBoards, we expect you to have an RP thought out, and for you to be prepared with signup sheets and at least three, moderatly good sized paragraphs of backstory, as well as where you anticipate the RP going. Information on what is required for RPs can be found in the sticky, [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here.[/URL] Read the sticky, know the sticky, the sticky is your friend, and it will make both of our lives easier. [b]Thread Locked[/b][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Welcome to the Arena, [B]Talon505[/B]. I'm afraid this thread is being locked for two reasons: 1. [B]Rating.[/B] As stated in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]sticky[/URL], all RPGs must have ratings. This is merely as a precaution to ensure that nobody winds up reading something that they have no desire to. 2. [B]Recruitment.[/B] All RPGs [i]must[/i] go through recruitment. That way you know who's playing and who's not. The Inn is [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48]here[/URL]. You need to post a discription and what you need for characters there first. You may also want to take a look at your grammer; the better the grammar is, the easier it is to read the story and then the more people will want to join. Again, all of this information is found in the sticky. Read the sticky, know the sticky, the sticky is your friend, as it makes both our lives easier. Feel free to repost this, correcting what needs be, and also feel free to recruit other players. But for now, [b]Thread locked.[/b][/COLOR]
The essentials NO-ONE should be without!
Ozymandius Jones replied to The Drizzle's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hmm... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/product-38029.gif[/IMG] [b]Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon[/b] Just because. The music is creepy and yet relaxing at the same time; paranoid yet pretty...and the constant heartbeat in the background...[SIZE=1]there [B]is[/B] no dark side of the moon, really, as a matter of fact it's [B]all[/B] dark....[/SIZE] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/beatles_-_revolver.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Beatles - Revolver[/B] Many Beatles fans, myself included, will cite [i]this[/i], and not Sgt. Pepper, as the album that changed it all, and we're probably right. Themes of psychedelia and eastern mysticism that were repeated so effectively on Sgt. Pepper's were first expirimented with here. And it has something for almost all their fans. It has Paul's [admittedly, unabashedly sappy] love songs in the form of [I]Here, There and Everywhere[/I] and [I]Good Day, Sunshine[/I], George's cynicism with [I]Taxman[/I] and his expirimental sitar-work with [I]Love You To,[/I] John's just plain bizarre lyrics with [I]She Said, She Said,[/I] and his sheer [b]genius[/b] with [I]Tomorrow Never Knows[/I], and even Ringo gets to sing on my favorite novelty song of all time, [I]Yellow Submarine.[/I] ^__^ [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/sgt_pepper.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band[/B] Without a doubt, THE most famous album of the 1960s. One of the first widely-accepted psychedellic albums, its bizzare sounds and effective mish-mash of styles made it revolutionary, changing an entire generation's way of producing music. Of course, it did it at the expense of their less-arty fans, but that's their loss. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/genesis-foxtrot.jpg[/IMG] [B]Genesis - Foxtrot[/B] Genesis' first huge album, and my favorite. Every song on this album is worth listening to a million times. Except that that would take you a million years, as the best song on it - [I]Supper's Ready[/I], a tale of love and the end of the world - is twenty three minutes long. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/The20Lamb20Lies20Down20on20Broadway.jpg[/IMG] [B]Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway[/B] What I believe is early-prog-rock's answer to [i]Tommy[/i], TLLDOB is the story of a New York City street punk named Rael, his journey to the Underworld, and his subsequent discovery that humans are created and there are many of him....or something like that. To tell the truth, the story just confuses me, but the music is worth it, especially [i]In the Cage[/i]. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/whos-next.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Who - Who's Next?[/B] Four of the most-known Who songs are off of this album - [I]Baba O'Riley, Bargain, Behind Blue Eyes[/I] and [I]Won't Get Fooled Again [/I] - and so are two of my less-popular favorites, John Entwistle's tale of an angry, vengeful wife - [i]My Wife[/i] -and what was [I believe] meant to be the finale to Pete Townshend's ambitious [i]Lifehouse[/i] project, [i]The Song is Over[/i]. With this album, The Who pioneered the use of synth, and gave rock and roll its best known scream...plus you get the not-so-hidden, not-so-subtle jab at Stanley Kubrick on the cover. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/who_quadrophenia.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Who - Quadrophenia[/B] The story of Jimmy, a young mod, who has four distinct personalities and his desperate attempts to fit in; not much I can say about this one, except that the album is worth it for [i]Cut My Hair[/i] and [i]Love Reign O'er Me[/i] alone. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/Who_Tommy.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Who - Tommy[/B] Ah, yes. The story of a young man, psychosomatically blind deaf and dumb, who becomes a messiah-like-figure upon recovering his senses. Pete Townshend's most famous work, and my personal...almost favorite. It would be better if they didn't cut John's songs out of the live performances...lovely album... Yes, I probably have more, yes I will probably return. But those are the first I think of.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello,[B] digiX[/B]. I am locking this thread for the following reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are [B]required[/B] for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least[B] three paragraphs long[/B]. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
[color=darkorange] Fear teh cute ones! Yes, I bring both Webcomic and Band avis! HaHA! of course, I'm merely starting with [url=http://www.frozenreality.co.uk/comic/bunny/index.php?id=0]Bunny[/url]. [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy52ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - fwoom! [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy130ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - art [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy21ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category[/B]: Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - Pirate [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy20ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - Ninja [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy17ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - Bunny-Spirit [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy7ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - No More Poker [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy5ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - Denial [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy4ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - Too Much of Anything [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy3ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Webcomics [B]Name: [/B] Bunny - Huh? [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy11ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - PANIC! [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy15ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - Boing! [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy19ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - Dr. Who [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy54ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - MOD, Sign Edition [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy55ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category: [/B] Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - MOD, Lampshade Edition [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy2ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - MOD, Hotdog Edition [IMG]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b111/wizard_of_ozy/obavis/Copy25ofAVI.jpg[/IMG] [B]Category:[/B] Webcomics [B]Name:[/B] Bunny - Final Fantasy[/color]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Alrighty, then....so what subjects, exactly, are being taught? Besides "SuperHero 101," of course....:p[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Skyrider[/B], this RP has already been closed for some time. While looking for RPs to join, [B]please stay on the first page[/B]/first page and a half. Otherwise, the RP is most likely already being played or already long dead. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Welcome to the Arena, [B]PyroGC4343[/B]. I'm afraid this thread is being locked for three reasons: 1. [B]Rating.[/B] As stated in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]sticky[/URL], all RPGs must have ratings. This is merely as a precaution to ensure that nobody winds up reading something that they have no desire to. 2. [b]Grammar[/b]. You want to take a look at your grammer; the better the grammar is, the easier it is to read the story and then the more people will want to join. Again, all of this information is found in the sticky. 3. [b]Recruitment[/b]. This is not the place to have stories critiqued and worked through. This is where you recruit people to [i]play[/i] your stories. If you want help with the story idea, you would go to the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=88]Underground[/URL]. Read the sticky, know the sticky, the sticky is your friend, as it makes both our lives easier. Feel free to repost this, correcting what needs be, and also feel free to recruit other players. But for now, [b]Thread locked.[/b][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Your OtakuBoards Username:[/B] Ozymandius Jones [B]Your Alias:[/B] The Friendly One [B]Image:[/B] [URL=http://images5.theimagehosting.com/P4300001.jpg]Is here[/URL] [B]Writing Piece:[/B] Will write shortly. ^_^[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello,[B] Uiri[/B]. I am locking this thread for the following reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Welcome to OtakuBoards, [b]Uiri[/b]. I regret to inform you that this RP will not be taking place as the thread-starter has since been banned. Feel free to sign up for any other RPs. Thread Locked, -Ozy[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]There's a person over at LJ with a very, very interesting theory on the nature of one of the horcruxes, and it actually makes sense, I think.... [quote name='R.J. Anderson, aka synaesthete7][spoiler']In which it is proposed that the basin full of potion that Harry and Dumbledore found in the cave was itself a horcrux, and that the locket lying in the bottom of said basin was merely a red herring, planted there by Dumbledore to prevent Harry realizing what was really going on. It is further proposed that Dumbledore had been aware of this horcrux and its nature for years, and had long ago come to the conclusion that in order to destroy it he would have to drink it, necessitating that someone kill him in order to complete the destruction of said horcrux. It is finally proposed that Dumbledore was keeping Snape in reserve for this very task of killing him, and that in Book Seven Snape will be proven to have been acting solely on Dumbledore's orders with a view to Voldemort's ultimate defeat, and is therefore not guilty of murder or betrayal (in this case, anyway).[/spoiler][/quote] Her theory is [URL=http://www.livejournal.com/users/synaesthete7/169704.html]here,[/URL] and it actually makes sense, because, even though by this particular point in the book I was reading a bit fast and may have missed something, I sat there thinking....[spoiler]"Why did Dumbledore have to [i]drink[/i] it when he could've dumped it into the water?".[/spoiler] So...yeah. Also, did the [spoiler]Inferi remind any of you of Tolkien's Dead Marshes?[/spoiler][/COLOR]
Art The Uncanny Work of DW's Mind [Image Heavy]
Ozymandius Jones replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Ooh. I like. I've always been a fan of clean, simple drawings, and this one is no different. I love the background, actually, specifically the fence. For some reason, I really, really like that fence. For another, unknown reason, I think the inventor-guy is cute. Laugh if you will, but I think he's cute. I also really like the lighting effects, and the little clock is a cool touch. Actually, I think the text in the corner is the only part I [i]don't[/i] like about this picture. The fon't doesn't quite seem to fit, adn the color looks slightly off. But other than that, kuddos. I like it very much.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello,[B] Rin taisho[/B]. I am locking this thread for a few reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . Also, this thread is lacking a rating. As explained in the sticky, all RPs [b]must[/b] have ratings. Once you have these things, feel free to recreate this thread. As always, you are free to PM either myself or [B]Arcadia[/B] with any questions. [B]Erikku: [/B] Do not play mod. Telling someone their thread will be locked is spamming, even if it's the truth. If you simply hit the report button, I will recieve a report and deal with it as needed. [B]Rin taisho, Valen,[/B] conversations about backstory and plot for RPs belong in PMs or in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=88]Underground[/URL]. Please keep them there. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello,[B] Erriku[/B]. I am locking this thread for the following reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . [I][b]Please read the sticky[/b].[/I] [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][URL=http://artpad.art.com/?ijy8cw1kvqac]Self Portrait[/URL] My sister says I look like a cabbage patch kid doll. -__- And my shirt's supposed to look like[URL=http://komorenegi.hp.infoseek.co.jp/seni/keith1.jpg] Keith Moon's[/URL]. NOTE: I did NOT draw the Keefer pic. I bow to whoever did. And that's supposed to be a cd player in the corner. Aheh.[/COLOR]