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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones
[COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=Lunox][color=darkslateblue] 2) [spoiler] Is it possible that Harry himself is a horcrux? I'm sort of fond of the theory, far-fetched as it may seem.[/spoiler] [/color][/QUOTE] YES. I sat there the last however many chapters it was thinking that Dumbledore would tell Harry that he was. We all know that Harry and Voldemort are so very, very connected, and that [i]part[/i] of Voldemort's....soul, magic, what-have-you...is what gave him the scar, but if [spoiler]a horcrux is part of his soul, it seems very likely. Of course, it would mean that Harry would be forced to sacrifice himself in order to completely destroy Voldemort forever.[/spoiler][/COLOR]
Sign Up HELP WANTED: Calling all Bounty Hunters
Ozymandius Jones replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOrange][B]sensai xen[/B], this RP has already been closed for some time. While looking for RPs to join, [B]please stay on the first page[/B]/first page and a half. Otherwise, the RP is most likely already being played or already long dead. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][b][u]Enrollment[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Laura Brooks [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Origin:[/b] Wichita, Kansas [b]Teacher or student:[/b] Teacher [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, 5'9" and lanky, appearing to be made of mostly sharp angles. She could almost never be discribed as "graceful". Her hair is long, coming down to her mid back, straight and dishwater-blonde. She normally wears it pulled back into a braid. Her eyes are blue-grey and her one feature that she considers beautiful. They do tend to convey more about her than her facial expressions. Much to her disgust, however, she is forced to hide them behind glasses. She would be almost as blind as a bat without them. Her face is as sharp-looking as the rest of her body; her nose is hawklike, her cheekbones are high and very defined, and even her chin is pointy. Laura prefers to wear sedate colors - greys, blues and browns, mostly - and her clothes aren't flashy at all, cut simply, modestly and in styles that draw no attention to her whatsoever. [b]Powers:[/b] Laura can communicate with animals through empathic/emotional flashs. The communications doesn't come in the form of words, but feelings. [b]Biography:[/b] Laura was born on a corn farm in Kansas, a mere seven years after the closest town, Wichita, was founded. Her parents owned a small homestead almost ten miles away from the town. Laura was raised normally, along with her seven older brothers and two younger sisters. With ten children in the house, Money was tight, but they never really went without anything, always managing to scrape by until the next harvest. Up until the winter she turned eleven, everyone believed her to be a perfectly normal girl. The winter Laura turned eleven was unusually cold, and blizzards came often, more often than not fast and unexpected. Children were taught how to recognize when the storms would be coming - but oftentimes the signs would appear too late. One ordinary day, Laura, her old brother Joseph and her younger sisters were outside playing, and they wandered too far from the house, the two youngest girls escaping the watchful eyes of their older siblings. This threw the two older children into a panic, especially when the black clouds appeared on the horizon, and the birds began to disappear. All except for one, a hawk who seemed to remain hovering over Laura like a watchful gaurdian. In public, Joseph still swears he doesn't know how his sister found their sisters before the storm hit. In truth, he knows it had something to do with the bird. Laura, in her panicked state, had someone managed to communicate with the bird, recieving its thoughts and what it was seeing, helping them find their sisters and make it back to the house just before the storm hit. As the weeks turned into months, Laura's parents began to notice something odd about their daughter. She would react strangely when animals were around. Cats would leave her almost cold and snobbish, whenever the family dog was scared or excited, Laura would reflect that. Panicked horses, a stray wolf wandering by, even birds startled by hunters would leave their mark on Laura's mind. It didn't go unnoticed. Fortunatly, however, one of the first to notice was the shopkeeper in town, who happened to know of a school in New York City... [b]Personality:[/b] Although generally quiet, Laura is [i]not[/i] in the [i]least[/i] reserved. She has a sharp tounge and is very opinionated, although she does mask it with steely cold politeness. She doesn't miss much, and the students who try to sneak [i]anything[/i] past her usually regret it in the end. She does have a sense of humor, which she rarely displays in public. Strong minded animals tend to make her act....oddly. [CENTER][b]Character snippet:[/b] [/CENTER] [B]"Alright, class, please place your toads [i]gently[/i] on your desks."[/B] There was a clatter of seats as the class hurried to do so. Laura Brooks winced anytime a child was a [i]little[/i] less than careful; toads, with their small minds and smaller emotions, generally didn't effect her, but when you had twenty children, [i]each[/i] with a toad, the emotions were [i]just[/i] enough for her to feel. [B][i]No, we're not going to eat you, you little twits....[/i] [/B] Science was an enjoyable class to teach, Laura had to admit to herself as she explained the reason for each toad?s coloration...but this particular class...somehow, the toads had heard about the crayfish incident, and she'd had to spend the last twenty minutes convincing the toads that this wasn't going to be a simular disaster. She caught a teeny, tiny burst of panic and turned just in time to bend and scoop someone's toad - who had decided to be brave and adventurous and leap off the desk - out of midair. She held the tiny amphibian close, stroking its back. There were a few giggles from the more open students at the sight of their normally dignified teacher crooning calming words to a [i]toad[/i]...but the giggles faded as she straightend and glowered, returning the wayward toad to its previous spot. [B][i]That settles it,[/i][/B] she thought to herself. [B][i]Tomorrow we're learning about plants.[/i][/B] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello,[B] kingofmons[/B]. I am locking this thread for a few reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . Also, this thread is lacking a rating. As explained in the sticky, all RPs [b]must[/b] have ratings. Once you have these things, feel free to recreate this thread. As always, you are free to PM either myself or [B]Arcadia[/B] with any questions. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello,[B] KitsuneGirl14[/B]. I am locking this thread for a few reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . Also, this thread is lacking a rating. As explained in the sticky, all RPs [b]must[/b] have ratings. Once you have these things, feel free to recreate this thread. As always, you are free to PM either myself or [B]Arcadia[/B] with any questions. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Welcome to the Arena, [B]KitsuneGirl14[/B]. I'm afraid this thread is being locked for two reasons: 1. [B]Rating.[/B] As stated in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]sticky[/URL], all RPGs must have ratings. This is merely as a precaution to ensure that nobody winds up reading something that they have no desire to. 2. [B]Recruitment.[/B] All RPGs [i]must[/i] go through recruitment. That way you know who's playing and who's not. The Inn is [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48]here[/URL]. You need to post a discription and what you need for characters there first. You may also want to take a look at your grammer; the better the grammar is, the easier it is to read the story and then the more people will want to join. Again, all of this information is found in the sticky. Also, [B]Zhara[/B], please don't play mod. When you find a thread/post that you feel is against the rules/in the wrong place, please just report it using the "!" box at the top of the post. Thank you. Read the sticky, know the sticky, the sticky is your friend, as it makes both our lives easier. Feel free to repost this, correcting what needs be, and also feel free to recruit other players. But for now, [b]Thread locked.[/b][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Indira's talons clacked against the tile of the floor as she almost skipped back to her quarters from Ops. Shyam had promised he'd come later that evening, giving her time to throw her room into better shape. Not that Shyam would've complained about the mess - if anything his quarters were even more of a disaster area - but it made [i]her[/i] feel better. She was halfway to her quarters when Sally ran by. [B]"Hi, Sally, bye Sally..."[/B] Sally didn't even pause to greet her. Indira shrugged, turning back around to finish the walk to her quarters, when he communicator beeped. It was Shyam. [B]"Er...Indira, the Agent Superior says you need to get back up here, seems you're needed for something..." [/B] Indira turned to glance up the hall, where Sally was just disappearing around the corner. [B]"Oh...crap." [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]ooc: sorry, is short, I know.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=Mitch]Yeah, so some jackasses on Livejournal are absolutely ruining this book for a lot of people. Some people applaud it. I really don't. Someone had a certain name that gave away a lot of what happens in this book. . .as well as someone made a post about this. I clicked a link to this post and now the book's ruined in some ways for me. Idiots.[/QUOTE] I have a friend on LJ, and one of [i]her[/i] friends has this posted. [QUOTE=some FOAF]Dear LJ -- I will not be reading you AT ALL until after I finish reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. I know all too well spoilers lurk around shadowy corners, often in places least expected. I also realize this well might mean I don't get back to LJ before September. Trust me, though, this is better for all concerned. Conditional love, [Username Here][/QUOTE] And, according to my friend, she is completely serious, and she did the same exact thing for OOtP. Also, if any of you have journalfen accounts and do [b]not[/b] want spoiled, avoid Fandom_Wank like the plague. My younger sister, who doesn't care about spoilers, went there and says they have a few pretty major ones that everyone is claiming are true and there have been no rebuttals....>.>[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello,[B] Erriku[/B]. I am locking this thread for a few reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . Also, this thread is lacking a rating. As explained in the sticky, all RPs [b]must[/b] have ratings. Once you have these things, feel free to recreate this thread. As always, you are free to PM either myself or [B]Arcadia[/B] with any questions. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello,[B] Erriku[/B]. I am locking this thread for a few reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . Also, this thread is lacking a rating. As explained in the sticky, all RPs [b]must[/b] have ratings. Once you have these things, feel free to recreate this thread. As always, you are free to PM either myself or [B]Arcadia[/B] with any questions. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
Sign Up Killing Time {R: Violence, Language, Blood, Gore}
Ozymandius Jones replied to silpheedpilot's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Erriku[/B], this RP has already been closed for some time. While looking for RPs to join, [B]please stay on the first page[/B]/first page and a half. Otherwise, the RP is most likely already being played or already long dead. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange][B]kingofmons[/B], this RPG has been dead for more than a year now. [B]Please do not continue resurrecting RPs.[/B] If an RP is not on the first page/page and a half, it is most likely dead, and thus somewhat worthless to post in. [B]Thread Locked[/B], -Ozy[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][B]kingofmons[/B], this RP has already been closed for some time. While looking for RPs to join, [B]please stay on the first page[/B]/first page and a half. Otherwise, the RP is most likely already being played or already long dead. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=Lady Asphyxia][size=2][font=arial narrow] [b]Just as a side note before the 6th book comes out -- please remember, once it does, to include spoilers in your posts. As a person who won't be getting the book until the 23rd, I will personally be [i]very ticked off[/i] if someone spoils this book for me by not spoilering their posts.[/b][/font][/size][/QUOTE] Hear, hear! Anyways, this is the first Harry Potter book that's been released since I've become a fan, so I'm pretty excited. I will be doing absolutlely nothing interesting, however...I'm not even buying it, I'm borrowing it from my library. They're getting 5 copies at my branch alone, and I managed to make it 3rd on the request list, so I will most likely have my hands on it pretty close to the release date. I, too, agree with the hopes that Ms. Rowling has de-angsted Harry a bit, and also with the [spoiler]Sirius not being completely gone[/spoiler] theory. That happened too fast. Whether it would show up in this book or the next book, I have no clue. I, however, am overjoyed with all the rumors & hints at even more Snape involvement. And that is from both an interested reader's position AND a fangirl's position. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello,[B] kingofmons[/B]. I am locking this thread for a few reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . Also, this thread is lacking a rating. As explained in the sticky, all RPs [b]must[/b] have ratings. Once you have these things, feel free to recreate this thread. As always, you are free to PM either myself or [B]Arcadia[/B] with any questions. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][B]kingofmons[/B], this RP has already been closed for some time. While looking for RPs to join, [B]please stay on the first page[/B]/first page and a half. Otherwise, the RP is most likely already being played or already long dead. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][B]kingofmons[/B], this RP has already been closed for some time. While looking for RPs to join, [B]please stay on the first page[/B]/first page and a half. Otherwise, the RP is most likely already being played or already long dead. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
Elspeth leaned back in her seat, as, oddly enough, she was done eating first. It wasn't that she ate faster, as it would really be impossible to beat either Destry or Luken at eating. It was just that the two men kept getting seconds...and thirds...and she wasn't quite sure, but she [i]thought[/i] Luken might [i]perhaps[/i] be on fifths... Something about their new traveling companion made her skin twitch. Just nagging little suspicions, but her nagging little suspicions had a nasty tendancy to be right. He kept casting furtive glances around the Inn and at the sack of food she had stashed at her side. The way he was smiling...she looked over at Destry, who was still eating. A quick wink, however, told her that he'd noticed as well. Destry shoved his empty plate to the side and sighed. [B]"That was good."[/B] Luken grunted in response, still shoving food into his mouth. [B]"So...where are you from?" [/B] Luken glowered, but wiped his mouth on his sleeve. [B]"East of here, 'bout seven days walking distance. There was nothin' there, so I left." "Nothing there? No family, no work?"[/B] Luken shrugged, and answered with his mouth full. [B]"There was a little work, mostly just farmin' and other crap like that. An' my wife ran off with some other fella, so..."[/B] He shrugged again. Elspeth tried not to make a face. [i]I'd run off, too, if this is how he normally acts...[/i] Luken went on. [B]"So I stole a sword an' a packbeast, and left. Wouldn't ya know the beast died on me two days out..."[/B] Elspeth exchanged another glance with Destry. Destry's normally smiling expression was suspicious. Packbeasts were expensive, rare and very hard to kill with just riding. Either he'd had it stolen off of him, ridden it [i]far[/i] too hard, or killed it outright. Any of the above made him a problem, the type of Drifter who could, in time, become worse than the soldiers. After the food was gone, the three strode into the night. Destry fell back to join Elspeth as Luken walked on faster. [B]"I don't like him, Des."[/B] Destry nodded. [B]"I don't like him, either. Keep your eyes open, he's gonna try something. "[/B] And he did, not even ten minutes later, drawing his sword in a rasp of metal on metal. [B]"Alright, then, hand over the food an' your lorttoles, an' mebbe I won't haveta hurt yous."[/B]
Elspeth stopped running at the same time Destry did, both of them collapsing to the rocky ground, panting. Some much for sleeping inside tonight... [B]"Think they'll call the soldiers?"[/B] Destry shook his head. [B]"Nah...that lot's a bunch of cowards. They're as scared of the soldiers as we are, and even greed won't change that. We should be safe as long as we keep going this way."[/B] A short break gave them both their breath back, and then they were back on their way, heading for the next village. As far as villages went, the next one was strangely close. Normally, villages were farther apart than this, but, considering that they'd left the last town without food neither of them would complain. They were a quarter mile from the new village when they saw the stranger stumbling towards them. He was a tall man, at least a head taller than Destry, with thinning blonde hair. His clothes were ripped and dusty, and he had a gash across his brow that was still dripping blood. Destry and Elspeth exchanged a glance, Destry's hand going to the hilt of his sword just in case. Elspeth shifted her grip on her quarterstaff, but smiled warily. [B]"Greetings, stranger..."[/B] The stranger grunted. [B]"Greetings t'yeh both..."[/B] The rough fabric of his clothing and the battle-worn blade at his side marked him as a fellow Drifter, although his voice was that of a villager...someone new to Drifting, perhaps...Drifters moved too much to aquire a static accent. [B]"If yeh be goin' to yon town methink yeh may wish to reconsider...run me out, they did, and naught but 20 minutes ago."[/B] Elspeth glanced at Destry, who flung his hands up in exasperation. [B]"Of course they ran you out! You look nothing like a villager, they'd know you in an instant...and I'll bet you tried talking, too..."[/B] The strange Drifter blinked, looking quite unhappy to be lectured by someone who looked to be ten years younger than he, but nodded. Elspeth snickered softly, catching the man's glare as she tried to hide it. [B]"That was your first mistake, friend. Your accent would give you away in moments, it's the wrong region. It's always best to play mute until you get a feel of a village,"[/B] she explained. [B]"I don't need lectures from a woman."[/B] Elspeth shrugged. Destry mirrored the action. [B]"Your loss." [/b]He led them through the rocks to sit down next to the small stream. [b]"If you wait 'til nightfall Els an' me, we'll show you how it's done." [/B] Elspeth allowed herself a small grin as Destry winked at her. [B]"Isn't that right, Els?"[/B] [B]"But of course, Des." [/B] She turned to the stranger.[B] "Let me clean your wound before it gets worse, and then you can watch us. You learn from us, and you're learning from the best." [/B] The stranger agreed gruffly; so she began washing his wounds as they waited for dusk.
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Ima jumped at the gunshot and the shattering glass, spinning to stare at Raven. [B]"What do you mean what's going on? Can't you tell? These guys just locked themselves out...of...their...room...um."[/B] She blinked over at Camille, who simply blinked back. [B]"That does seem somewhat silly now that I think about it..." [/B] The taller of the two strangers bowed. [B]"Your gentility and simple hospitality are overwhelming." [/B] Ima smiled back. Raven sneered. [B]"That hardly explains the...uh...fox things?"[/B] The strangers, all three of them, exchanged looks. This look was mirrored by the Zodiac, not including Raven. [B]"Fox things?" [/B] [B]"I don't know what you're talking about. And I'm sure my companions don't know either..."[/B] His smile was friendly, but the glint in his eyes was sinister. Ima backed up slightly. Raven's own eyes had narrowed. [B]"Right." [/B] The men both smiled; giving off the distinct impression that they were trying to regain command of this situation. [B]"So..."[/B] The second man stepped towards Camille. Camille stepped away, the Zodiac all grouping together. The vibes this situation was giving...and the strangers didn't fail to notice. The woman snarled at Raven. [B]"You just had to come barging in..." "'course I did."[/B] The woman flung the door open; letting in...Ima groaned. The hall was full of ogre-like creatures. [i]More[/i] monsters? She pulled her gun out, snarling at the strangers, all of whom had, by now, discarded their act. [B]"Fine, then. You die."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]ooc: erm. sorry, again....[/COLOR]
Elspeth was shaking as she followed Destry back into the town. That had been their first close call in...in...quite some time. Close calls did come often, yes, but that had been the closest in over a month. Which was rare in her time as a Drifter. They'd been Drifters for quite some time now; since the very tail-end of childhood. She didn't think either of them had [I]planned[/I] on becoming Drifters...or at least, [i]she[/i] hadn't. Destry, however.... Destry had been a wild child, constantly in and out of trouble, an adventurer who's plans had failed to include the stone walls and safe bounderies of their village. She...Elspeth had always been quiet. She'd always been the well behaved little girl, the waif who edged along, trying not to be noticed, as the other children roughhoused. Nobody understood, then, why the two had become friends. Stars above, even [i]she[/i] wasn't sure. But friends they had become, and fast ones at that; as close as a brother and sister. It had been said, once, long ago, that if you combined the two - Elspeth with her almost cunning constant shyness, and Destry with his rash, rough-and-tumble bravado - you'd have the perfect person. Both Destry and Elspeth dismissed this as nonsense. They were only what they were - friends who had spent most of their lives together. Which is why Destry never glanced back to tell where she was, and yet never, ever walked too fast. He knew where she was...she was where she always was, half a step behind and to his left. He half turned his head, grinning rakishly. [B]"Another close call thwarted, then..."[/B] Elspeth returned the smile. [B]"Aye. But I'd like to know why you picked the [i]one[/i] village that was swarming with soldiers...." [/B] Destry waved a hand dismissively. [B]"Merely bad timing, Els. They were clearly here to restock. You'll notice they lit outta here pretty fast."[/B] Elspeth nodded, trying to keep the relieved mood and trying to hide a shudder at the thought of the dead soldier. Death was no stranger to a Drifter, but to see someone murder one of his own men...Destry blinked at her. [B]"And don't cry over that soldier. He would've killed is if he'd found us."[/B] Elspeth nodded, not looking at Destry's face. [B]"I...I know that. It's just...I wasn't expecting..."[/B] Destry threw his arm over her shoulder. [B]"I know, I know. C'mon, we'll go get something to eat, it'll make you feel better." [/B] She smiled again, slightly, allowing him to hurry them into the small, disruputable looking Inn. [CENTER]***[/CENTER] A short time later, seated over a bowl of hot stew, she did feel better. She munched away happily, watching Destry talking to some of the men. He seemed to be entertaining them, from the way they were laughing...the bartender standing behind the counter looked less than impressed. [B]"You're the Drifters they were chasing earlier, aren't you?"[/B] Elspeth watched warily as Destry turned. [B]"What's it to you if we are?"[/B]
[SIZE=3][U][B]Elspeth Gravenhall[/B][/U][/SIZE] [B]Age: [/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Elspeth is short and skinny and not very graceful; she seems to be mostly knees and elbows. Her face is almost elfin - high cheekbones and large grey eyes. Her brown hair is chopped short, just below her ears, the ends ragged but she keeps it clean and shiney as best she can. Elspeth usually wears a grey woolen tunic that is a few sizes too big, and loose leggings. [B]Weapon:[/B] Elspeth uses a quarterstaff cut from one of the first trees she ever saw, a massive oak that was able to survive the war that destroyed much of the planet. [B]Personality:[/B] Elspeth is quiet and shy, usually prefering for others to handle the speaking. Her great skill is in listening. She rarely forgets what she hears. She tends to be a [B]lot[/B] less action-oriented than Destry, although she rarely backs down from a fight. [B]Nickname:[/B] Destry calls her "Els."
[COLOR=DarkOrchid]Indira glared at her desktop computer over the top of her bowl, even as she scooped rice and grilled chicken into her mouth. The computer gave every indication of glaring back. Thus far, the exorcism of the virus had failed, miserably. Thus far, the thing had deleted half of her work files [of which she had back up files, thank Garuda], and had attacked her playlists [which she did NOT have backed up]. The devious thing had also figured out how to hook itself into the intercom system, where it was now playing what seemed to be some American children's show theme song played backwards. Sometimes, not often but [i]sometimes[/i], she despised her genius when it came to viruses. Someone knocked on the door. She hastely set her bowl down and whiped off her beak. [B]"It's open!"[/B] The door slid open, and a black-feathered head poked itself in. She smothered a yelp, shoving a pile of comic books and dirty clothes under her low table. [B][i]Why him? Why now?![/i][/B] Shyam Pawaskar, however, remained blissfully ignorant of the panic he'd caused, blinking at the screen and the blaring intercom in confusion. [B]"I didn't know playing the Teletubbies theme backwards would make them swear..." [/B] Now it was Indira's turn to blink. Shyam, noticing her expression, shrugged. [B]"My little sister likes them." [/B] He strode the rest of the way into the room, talons clicking, to stare at the red screen. [B]"Oh, you finally got it to work!" [/B] Indira took the time given by his momentary distraction to shove more junk under her collapsed hammock. [B]"Um...yeah, I did...and now I can't get it to [i]stop[/i] working."[/B] Shyam clacked his beak at the screen; Indira tried not to giggle when he tapped a few keys and almost instantly resorted to cursing and insulting the virus as the screen went a deeper shade of red. [B]"See?"[/B] Shyam backed away, shaking his head. [B]"That I do...may I return later to help you?"[/B] Indira tried not to giggle again. Shyam noticed this time. [B]"That is, I mean, if you need help..." [/B] Indira nodded, trying not to seem to eager. [B]"Help is good..."[/B] Shyam seemed to brighten; the almost smile made Indira dizzy. SHe shook her head, trying to clear the happy haze. [B]"Why'd you drop by?"[/B] Shyam jerked a clawed thumb towards the door. [B]"Laquara just got back from a mission; they're calling up the hackers. Need to make sure no-one in America caught 'em. I told Farim I'd find you." [/B] Farim was the third Garuda hacker in Clandestine's headquarters; he was older than Indira and Shyam, and thus tended to boss them both...until the actual department head noticed, that is. Indira packed up her laptop, pausing to shut off the glowing screen. [B]"Alright then..." [/B] She followed Shyam out the doorway, still glowing from the news that he wanted to help her. She listened happily as he chatted away, thinking to herself. [B][i]Perhaps I'll have something to tell Mother that doesn't involve computers for once...[/i][/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Looks like I'm first this round...unless sakurasuka edits hers into her post... [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/finishedwonka.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Hopefully you don't drop out...;__;. Antivirus programs are little brats sometimes...[/COLOR]
Sign Up City of Angels: Fall from Grace [M]
Ozymandius Jones replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Sulimo Ithill[/B], this RP has already been closed for some time. While looking for RPs to join, please stay on the first page/first page and a half. Otherwise, the RP is most likely already being played or already long dead. Also, here you do not ask, you merely fill out a character sheet and then the creator decides. The sheet asks as your "May I play?" Thank you, [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]