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Ozymandius Jones

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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Sulimo Ithill[/B], this RP has already been closed for some time. While looking for RPs to join, please stay on the first page/first page and a half. Otherwise, the RP is most likely already being played or already long dead. Also, here you do not ask, you merely fill out a character sheet and then the creator decides. The sheet asks as your "May I play?" Thank you, [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Welcome to the Arena, [B]Dark'sgirl15[/B]. I'm afraid this thread is being locked for two reasons: 1. [B]Rating.[/B] As stated in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]sticky[/URL], all RPGs must have ratings. This is merely as a precaution to ensure that nobody winds up reading something that they have no desire to. 2. [B]Recruitment.[/B] All RPGs [i]must[/i] go through recruitment. That way you know who's playing and who's not. The Inn is [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48]here[/URL]. You need to post a discription and what you need for characters there first. You may also want to take a look at your grammer; the better the grammar is, the easier it is to read the story and then the more people will want to join. Again, all of this information is found in the sticky. Read the sticky, know the sticky, the sticky is your friend, as it makes both our lives easier. Feel free to repost this, correcting what needs be, and also feel free to recruit other players. But for now, [b]Thread locked.[/b][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello, [B]Othello[/B] and welcome to Otakuboards. I am locking this thread for a few reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . Also, this thread is lacking a rating. As explained in the sticky, all RPs [b]must[/b] have ratings. Once you have these things, feel free to recreate this thread. As always, you are free to PM either myself or [B]Arcadia[/B] with any questions. As an added point, double posting is only EVER allowed when the amount of text does not fit in a single post. Please use the "eidt" button to add more information in the future. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Welcome to the Arena, [B]Mike the Sage[/B]. I'm afraid this thread is being locked for three reasons: 1. [B]Rating.[/B] As stated in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]sticky[/URL], all RPGs must have ratings. This is merely as a precaution to ensure that nobody winds up reading something that they have no desire to. 2. [B]Recruitment.[/B] All RPGs [i]must[/i] go through recruitment. That way you know who's playing and who's not. The Inn is [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48]here[/URL]. You need to post a discription and what you need for characters there first. 3. If it is, indeed, a [b]story[/b], then it would go in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=87]Anthology[/URL], not the Square. Read the sticky, know the sticky, the sticky is your friend, as it makes both our lives easier. Feel free to repost this in the correct forum, and also feel free to recruit other players. But for now, [b]Thread locked.[/b][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Welcome to the Arena, [B]xXx_E.K._xXx[/B]. I'm afraid this thread is being locked for two reasons: 1. [B]Rating.[/B] As stated in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]sticky[/URL], all RPGs must have ratings. This is merely as a precaution to ensure that nobody winds up reading something that they have no desire to. 2. [B]Recruitment.[/B] All RPGs [i]must[/i] go through recruitment. That way you know who's playing and who's not. The Inn is [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48]here[/URL]. You need to post a discription and what you need for characters there first. You may also want to take a look at your grammer; breaking text into paragraphs makes it easier to read. Again, all of this information is found in the sticky. Read the sticky, know the sticky, the sticky is your friend, as it makes both our lives easier. Feel free to repost this, correcting the grammar, and also feel free to recruit other players. But for now, [b]Thread locked.[/b][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange]To be a member instead of a new member is 50 posts or so. And generally, the only thing people can be "removed" from threads is in RPGs...in which case it's merely going with someone who's posting quality you KNOW you can trust vs. a virtual [no pun intended] stranger. It's not so much stereotyping as looking at post quality and going with the familiar over the wild card. EDIT: Ah, the old "posting while someone else is writing a response" game...how I love it...[/COLOR]
  7. [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkOrange]Guess that makes me fourth, 'ey?[/COLOR][/RIGHT] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/romancer.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Indira Gavaskar was sleeping. One might argue that three in the afternoon was an awfully silly time to still be in bed, and [to some] this would be true. But to a hacker, things like "It's the middle of the afternoon," and "why are you [i]still[/i] awake? It's 8 in the morning!!!" had little to no effect. She didn't have ops duty this week, so she was indulging. She turned over in her hammock, subconciously making sure not to pin her wingtips. She was having a quite pleasant dream - about what, she wasn't quite sure, only that it was nice - when the knock came. [b]Rappity tap tap...[/b]. [i]Go away...[/i] Indira's only move was to slide her head under her pillow. [b]Rappity tap tap.[/b] She squeezed her eyes shut tighter. [i]If I pretend I don't hear it, it will go away, right?[/i] Wrong. It got [i]louder[/i]. She jerked the pillow off her head, talons tearing into the pillowcase ever so slightly. That's when the hammock decided to join the fun as, off-balanced, it spun, dumping Indira, pillow, blankets, two books and a stuffed falcon she'd been given as a joke into an undignified, ruffled pile on the floor. [i]This does [b]not[/b] bode well for the rest of the day.[/i]. Talon combing her ruffled wing-feathers into some semblance of neat and tidy, she made her way through this mess of wires, fast food cartons and books to the door, keying in the code to send it sliding open. She blinked at the human standing outside her door. [B]"Sally? What're you..." [/B] She stifiled a yawn. [B]"doin' here?"[/B] Sally looked apologetic. [B]"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry, I just thought..." "No no no! No apologizing..." [/B] Indira caught sight of the laptop Sally held protectively. [B]"It's being evil again?" [/B] Sally nodded, stepping into Indira's room. [B]"Froze up for no apparent reason, right in the middle of my letter. It's been doing that a lot lately."[/B] [i]Uh, oh...freezing?[/i] Indira took the laptop gently, sitting down on the floor next to her own desktop computer, which [needless to say] was [i]not[/i] on a desktop. She pushed the one chair she bothered to keep around for guests towards Sally with her foot. [B]"Have a seat...I'd tell ya to pick a spot on the floor, but..."[/B] She gestured around at the mess. Sally laughed. [B]"You like the lived-in look?"[/B] Indira nodded, hooking Sally's computer up to her desktop. If this was what she thought it was, there was [i]no way[/i] she was hooking it to [i]her[/i] laptop. [B]"Mother considers it the "controlled monsoon" look, but meh. She doesn't have to live in it, so she can keep her beak out." [/B] She flipped the screen of the laptop up and began typing, despite the blank screen. Minutes later, text began to appear, jumbled and looking like an example of what to do [i]wrong[/i] in HTML code. Indira frowned, tapping her beak with a talon. [B]"Ok, so that's what you are..."[/B] She tapped a few more keys, getting [as she suspected] absolutly no positive response. So...what does any computer user do in this situation? She spread her fingers to crack her knuckles, and then, as if swooping on prey, she hit "Ctrl-Alt-Del". The results were dramatic. The screen turned red and brighter than any computer screen had a right to be, accompanied by a mechanical sounding laugh from...Indira moaned. [i]Her[/i] speakers. [B]"BAAAA-hahahaahaaaa...." [/B] She hit the mute key on her keyboard. Needless to say, there was no reaction. She disconnected the speakers instead. Undaunted, the red-screen transferred slowly from [i]Sally's[/i] computer to [i]her[/i] computer. Indira glowered at her screen. Sally's letter was back, or most of it. She handed the laptop back to Sally, faking a grin. [B]"There ya go...should work now, ignore it if it starts giggling..."[/B] Sally didn't take the hint to leave. [B]"Um...what is that?"[/B] She pointed at Indira's screen and the black-and-red face that had formed there. The face was making very rude expressions, and - by the way the lips were moving - was implying many genetic impossiblities referring to great-grandparents. Indira gave a silent prayer of thanks that she'd disconnected the speakers. [B]"That? Is d00m virus mark twenty-aught-nine. It's...uh....something-I-created-to-test-Clandi's-firewall-that-got-past-[I]my[/I]-firewall-last-week." [/B] The last sentance came out all jammed together. Sally blinked. [B]"Why was it in [i]my[/i] computer?" [/B] Indira shrugged, scratching her left wing nervously. [B]"I dunno...maybe it was just liking your..." [/B] She paused. That hadn't come out right. [i]Now is NOT a nice time to forget English![/i] [B]"Maybe it just liked your wallpaper. It's very irrational. It's supposed to be..."[/B] Sally looked as if she were about to burst out laughing. [B]"So...you created this thing, lost it, and now it's come back to you?" "Essentially..."[/B] Sally stood up, hugging her laptop. [B]"Alrighty then. You have fun with that..."[/B] Indira waved her out, alrady frowning at her screen. That last line might have been a joke, but already she was. Outsmarting AIs was [usually] fun. Sally poked her head back in. "Thanks again!" Indira nodded, already trying to pull up her diagnostics program. Sally left, used to the seemingly brusque brush off. [B]"Now, lesse what we can do about you..."[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Sally used with snarky's permission.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Cain Exodus[/B], this RP has already been up in the Inn for some time. While looking for RPs to join, please stay on the first page/first page and a half. Otherwise, the RP is most likely already being played or already long dead. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello, [B]Tyler[/B]. I am locking this thread for a few reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Paragraphs should be used, so the RP discription is not all bunced together and difficult to read. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . Once you have these things, feel free to recreate this thread. As always, you are free to PM either myself or [B]Arcadia[/B] with any questions. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello, [B]demonslovehurts[/B]. I am locking this thread for a few reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . Once you have these things, feel free to recreate this thread. As always, you are free to PM either myself or [B]Arcadia[/B] with any questions. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello, [B]jynx02[/B] and welcome to Otakuboards. I am locking this thread for a few reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page and also [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/URL] . Also, this thread is lacking a rating. As explained in the sticky, all RPs [b]must[/b] have ratings. Once you have these things, feel free to recreate this thread. As always, you are free to PM either myself or [B]Arcadia[/B] with any questions. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Welcome to the Arena, [B]kingofmons[/B]. I'm afraid this thread is being locked for three reasons: 1. [B]Rating.[/B] As stated in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]sticky[/URL], all RPGs must have ratings. This is merely as a precaution to ensure that nobody winds up reading something that they have no desire to. 2. [B]Recruitment.[/B] All RPGs [i]must[/i] go through recruitment. That way you know who's playing and who's not. We don't do the random, go-wherever-anyone-posts-anytime-no-storyline RPs here...at least, not without going through recruit in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48]Inn[/URL] first. ;) 3. [B]Quality.[/B] I'm afraid you also need to work on post quality. Your post is far too short for an opening post in an RP, and gives almost no information to work from. Read the sticky, know the sticky, the sticky is your friend, as it makes both our lives easier. Feel free to write out a backstory for these Pokemon Travelers, and recruit other players. But for now, [b]Thread locked.[/b][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Tethys[/B], this RP has already been up in the Square for some time. While looking for RPs to join, please stay on the first page/first page and a half. Otherwise, the RP is most likely already being played or already long dead. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello, Tyler. I am locking this thread for a few reasons: Correct grammar usage and a backstory, are required for all RPs. We advise that the back story be at least two paragraphs long. Requirements and recommendations can all be found in the Inn's sticky at the top of the page. Also, this thread is lacking a rating. As explained in the sticky, all RPs [b]must[/b] have ratings. Once you have these things, feel free to recreate this thread. As always, you are free to PM either myself or Arcadia with any questions. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrange][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/OBGraphica.jpg[/IMG] Here is my effort, the only one using real people I guess...heh. Anyone who wants to snap me out of my obsession, feel free to do so, 'cuz it's gonna make me broke... For those who are curious, it's a mixture of two pictures. The background [the collage] is the inside of the "[B]The Who: Then and Now[/B]," cd booklet, and the foreground is off of an old calender.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=Pumpkin][SIZE=1][COLOR="#990033"][b]You think thats bad? Sorry I just had to post this check out this song [URL="http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/annoying/"]Click[/URL]. Literally it's called the "Annoying" song for a reason. And this one is kind of old but still equally annoying [URL="http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/choccy/"]Click[/URL]. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] ... You win at annoying. There are no more words to say. And my ears are dead. Thanks a lot.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I am afraid I will have to close this thread, as it doesn't have a rating in the title. All RPs must have ratings. You are free to repost this RP, just make sure you place the correct rating in the title. -Ozy[/COLOR]
  19. [B][I]First came the drums...[/I][/B] Raidon lay flat on his back on his bed, his bass across his stomach. Right on cue, the machine-gun-fast beat came pounding from his stereo. He'd spent most of his paycheck - most of many, many months' paychecks - on a stereo system that rivaled that in the school auditorium. The drums sounded as if Kimi - albiet a much more on-tempo Kimi - were right in the room. [I][B]Piano and bass start at exactly the same time.[/B] [/I] His eyes still closed, he listened for that millisecond of piano, hitting the bass strings the second the player's fingers hit the keyes. The second the piano began, the bass [i]roared[/i]. The tune was deceptively simple; highly repetative and easy at first. The skill was keeping it [i]exactly[/i] in time with the piano. Which he did - for all of thirty seconds. Then the piano sped up - and he hit the wrong chord. As was often the case, he was instantly lost. He growled, grabbing for the remote. It wasn't where he left it. His eyes snapped open just in time for him to see his half-brother run out of his bedroom, laughing like a maniac and clutching the stereo's remote. He sighed. [B]"Bring it back when you're done doing whatever stupid thing you need it for!"[/B] With the remote gone, he just stayed on his back, staring at the ceiling. The stereo shuffled itself, and - as if to mock him - stopped on "Bungle in the Jungle." He growled again. He didn't really [i]want[/i] to think about tigers...not when he was trying to relax. Work had been a nightmare. He was a messenger for a local office, running papers here and there on his bike. He'd been trying to figure out the best way to get Zeos out of town, rode right into the middle of an intersection and missed getting hit by a car. He hadn't told anyone. He needed this job. The close encounter, however, had left him tense. Imi's "Get Zeos Out Of Town" plan only added to the tension. He glanced at the clock. Still an hour or so away from practice. [B]"...bored..."[/B]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=snarktastic][COLOR=Indigo]Eight words. Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring, ring -- [B]Bananaphone[/B]! If you need to ask why, you have obviously never heard it. And I envy you. But you're gonna [B][URL=http://www.filmbuffs.net/bananana/]hear it anyway[/URL][/B]![/COLOR][/QUOTE] I dispise you now, as I try to go to bed with badgers dancing in my head... I'd like to nominate the song [B]"White Winged Dove"[/B] by Stevie Nicks. Her voice just...Gah. *shudders* Also up for the award is that horrendous [B]Milkshake[/B] song, and the equally atrochious [B]I'm a Barbie Girl.[/B] I would also like to add that old favorite, [B]"MacArthur's Park."[/B] [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=SlateGray]Ima sighed,watching the woman sleep. Yet again, Kadar's rash actions had had unforeseen consequences. [B][I]I guess it probably has something to do with being a mixture of the elements...he has to keep track of all that...it has to be hard...[/I] [/B] She shook her head, looking up at Zane. [B]"So...you really think we're being watched?"[/B] Zane nodded, tight lipped. [COLOR=Navy]"It doesn't seem likely that Kadar went unnoticed. And everything that's been going on...we are being hunted, you know."[/COLOR] Ima nodded. [I][B]That would explain the paranoia...I haven't felt like this in...well....forever.[/B][/I] She loosened the gun on her hip. She had gotten so used to carrying it in the last few weeks - or was it months? The days were beginning to blur - that she even slept with the gun on her nightstand. Camilla sighed, staring out the window. [B][COLOR=Magenta]"I hate waiting..."[/COLOR] [/B] Out there - out in the night and the dark and the storm - something stirred. It couldn't be seen, it couldn't be heard, but all three Zodiac felt it. Ima stood up and joined the other two at the window, her face grim. [B][i]Sure wish Kariz was here...[/i] [/B] If whatever was stirring out there was the beginnings of what would turn into a fight, it would be the first she'd been in without her mentor...she pulled the Glock the rest of the way out of its holster, making sure it was loaded; making sure she had extra ammo on hand. Next to her, Zane was doing the same. Camilla had her knife out, and was shifting it nervously in her hand. Outside, things continued to stir. And inside, they did all they could do - they waited.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: *cowers on the floor*Don't cane me, marm, I was led astray! I am so so so so so sorry!! I didn't mean to go so long without posting! And Anne and Reiku, if you don't want to have us fighting the whatever-they-ares, I'll change it. But I figured we needed a bit of action on our parts...[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, I was born on September 17th, same day as [B]John Ritter[/B] and [B]Elvira[/B] [*gags*], as well as N*Sync's choreographer, and the author of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." September 17th was also the date of one of the bloodiest battles in the American Civil War, the Battle of Sharpsburg, a hurricane hit Florida, the first 33 1/3 record was released, the first NFL game was played, and [most importantly] it was the first [and last] time that The Who played on an American variety hour. Obviously, not all in the same year. :p And in case you're wondering, no I didn't have all that memorized. [URL=http://www.scopesys.com/anyday/]This site[/URL] was most helpful. [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange][quote name='kaisha']No one person MAKES me listen to it. But the songs will be on tvs, computers, and playing in stores, we don't need that, now do we?[/quote] People could argue that we don't need the Who, the Beatles, Matchbox 20, Brittany Spears, heck, even [i]Beethoven[/i] played places like TV, computers and stores. It all comes down to matters of taste. If you say, "I don't like this, therefore it's not needed," and someone was to [i]listen[/i] to you, what's to keep the people who like it, but not the music [i]you[/i] like from saying, "But I don't like [i]your[/i] stuff, therefore you can't play [i]it[/i] either."? See? It's a viscous circle. Either all music is allowed, or all music will disappear. And seriously, in stores? The songs are five minutes long, tops. On a computer? Change the band, change the channel, change the disc, whatever. And who cares what's on TV anyway?[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrange][quote name='kaisha']The Backstreet Boys....they're back. I can't believe this, now I have to deal with them and Jesse Mcartney. Lets just pray that this won't turn into another boy band era.[/quote] I hadn't noticed they were gone. And if it turns into another Boy Band era? Who cares? There's nobody forcing you to listen to BSB or whatever clone band comes after them. All you need to do is change the channel, get a stack of CDs or turn on the Internet, and there you have nine million other genres. [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=snarktastic][COLOR=Indigo]Okay, I'll bite. Psychoanalyze me, plz. I would respond in kind, but as of right now, it would probably come out something like YOUR NAME IS LIKE A PILLOW SLEEP NOW ZZZ.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well...heh heh heh. Screen Name: snarktastic. You're a person who tends to be the "take-no-nonsense" type, and it manifests itself in a tendency to be witty yet insulting in a funny-not-quite mean way. Otherwise known as "snarking." Custom Title: "Keeper of the Snark." You merely acknowledge that you are aware of the fact that you are snarky, and you are [b]good[/b] at being snarky. :p Avi/Signature: Hee. A woman after my own heart. Beatles = love. Plus I love the color-study that you have as your avatar, which I think I've told you before...? All in all: Witty if sarcastic, good taste in music, colorful personality. Yes?[/COLOR]
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