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Ozymandius Jones

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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello, anime, and welcome to Otakuboards. I hate to tell you this, but you're in the wrong forum. The Inn is for [B]RP recruiting perposes only.[/B] Your discussion is more suited for the Anime Lounge. Also, considering that there is already an InuYasha thread for all such discussions, I am now going to lock this thread. Feel free to ask your question and discuss all aspects of InuYasha [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=39612]here.[/URL] [B]Thread Locked.[/B] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello. Welcome to Otakuboards, animemainframe. I'm afraid that Arcadia has already spoken to you a bit about the stickies. The stickies are there to help you. I would advise reading through them and [i]using[/i] them. Correct grammar usage, a backstory, and a basic discription of what you need for characters/where you are expecting/wanting the story to go are required for all RPs. Once you have these things, feel free to recreate this thread. As always, you are free to PM either myself or Arcadia with any questions. [b]Thread locked[/b] -Ozy[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, folks, figured I'd better step in here. This is not where you RP, which seems an awful lot like what you are doing. The only thing that should be in a Inn thread is the signups and any extra information the creator needs to add; anything else should be handled via PM, in an Underground thread, or in the RP itself. Thank you, and have a nice day. -Ozy[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange]She's so me-e-ean! Poor Roger... :( She wins. Roger is a wimp when he doesn't have his mic. Roger: I shoulda known it'd be Pait...*cries* [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/sniff.jpg][img]http://photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/th_sniff.jpg[/img][/URL] [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Aww, hee. So cute... :love2: [/COLOR] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/aww.jpg][img]http://photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/th_aww.jpg[/img][/URL]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange][URL=http://images5.theimagehosting.com/stickguyrog.JPG][IMG]http://images5.theimagehosting.com/stickguyrog.th.JPG[/IMG][/URL] [Thumbnail = crappy, I know] [B]Name: [/B] StickGuy Daltrey! [and StickGuy Pait's clodhopper...o__O] [B]Weapons: [/B] Mic of d00m! Twirls around and cuts things with fast swirly motions!!! Also the Pait's clodhopper...because those things weigh a ton...and the hair of d00m that can be used to make people twitch due to extreme curlyness and/or disbelief that such pretty/disgusting [depending on who's side you're on] hair belongs to a guy. Extremely charming. =3 [B]Powers?[/B] He'd like me to tell you making girls swoon, but...well...he's a stick-guy, so...no. I would like to say this is probably proof that I have been listening to the Who faaar too much.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well...since you asked so nicely... SN: Isadora. Hm...not really that much to that username. I seem to recall you saying you were going to modify the name "Instanbul" somehow...somehow that turned into Isadora. Good name, none the less. Custom title: Lessee...seven usernames or so in the last three months? Your username speaks for itsself. :p Signature: No banner, yet, but you acknowledge the fact that you're in-between. And expirimenting is always fun. Plus you admit being a Retri fangirl. this is always a good thing. So...drawing from this evidencence, I would say your someone who knows pretty much what they like, and is still in a semi-constant state of flux.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=Indigo][U][B]Cheif Tactical Officers Log, May 31st, 2397[/B][/U] [I][B]I? Am a tactical officer. Thus far, we have done nothing that requires tactics. Thusly, also, I am bored. I have been attempting to memorize my staff's name. It's not that large a staff; tactics is a small department. But I cannot place faces with names, names with postitions, and gods help me I got Tinfai Ar'lako mixed up with Tingair Ar'lano...and one of them's male, one of them's female, but how am [U]I[/U] supposed to tell? All Roth look very simular. I never liked deep space. There's never enough room. I've had to find something to keep my mind from wandering; keep my sense sharp, my instincts on. I've needed a challenge. Thus far, none has been recieved...[/B][/I] Tinaka stared at his opponent over the chess board. His opponent, a young human by the name of Keith Gardener - his...his...[B][i]Oh, come now, I can't have forgotten already...?[/i][/B] Tinaka ventured a quick glance at the crew roster on the table under his elbow. [B][i]That's right, now I remember...[/i] [/B] His opponent, a young human by the name of Keith Gardener - his gopher/lacky [technical term, [i]Yoeman[/i], but he'd never been one for technical terms] - was less than daunted by the stare. [B]"Your move, sir."[/B] Tinaka narrowed his eyes, almost glaring at his innocent pieces. Things hadn't gone quite as planned - instead of being three moves from check-mate, he was six. That would make this the first time he hadn't beaten a crew member in twenty minutes...he reached forward to move his Rook - and the end-of-shift bell rang. Tinaka sighed, hitting the stasis feild on the chess board, locking the pieces in place. The game would have to continue later. The instant the feild was up, Gardener was off like a rocket. As was much of the crew. Tinaka sighed, glad he had a small department like Tactics. Most of the on-duty time was spent running scenarios, and that got [i]really[/i] boring [i]really[/i] quickly. Had his department been any bigger, he would've been crushed in the stampede. He picked up his roster tablet and his coffee cup, and headed for the door. He was halfway back to his cabin when he remembered his lunch - still in the fridge unit in the break room. He sighed. Normally, it wouldn't be a problem, but today...he didn't feel like fighting with the cooks and/or food replicator to get his steak perfect, again. So, sighing once more, he headed back to the breakroom. The door to the room slid open - and it was like walking into a wall of sound. He jumped back, startled - only to realize it was some sort of inpromptu party, complete with Keith Gardener singing from the tabletop. At the top of his lungs. [B][i]"I don't need to fight To prove I'm rght, I don't ne-ee-ed to be Forgive..."[/i][/B] He trailed off as he saw Tinaka standing there. He gulped. [B]"Uh...hello, sir."[/B] Tinaka deigned to reply, stalking across the room - the party crowd parting in front of him like sheep parted in front of a wolf - to retrieve his lunch before stomping out the door. As the door slid shut, he could here the sound of the party starting agian. He sighed. [B]"This is going to be a [i]strange[/i] mission..."[/B][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I would have to say Led Zepplin. I am admittedly biased - I have heard 50% of Led Zepplin's work, and next to none of Def Leppard's - but the few songs I [i]have[/i] heard from Def Leppard pale in comparison to the out-right skill of Zepplin's songs. They did nothing for me lyrically, and the music was just...blah. While I may not always like Led Zepplin's lyrics all the time, even when I don't like them, they do make me wonder, "What did he mean by [i]that[/i]?" and "That's interesting..." With the Leppard songs, it's pretty much just..."I wish this song would [i]end[/i] already." So there's my two cents.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][B]Name:[/B] Indira Gavaskar [B]Age: [/B] 19 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race: [/B] Garuda [A garuda is a mythical creature that has the body of a man or woman, the head, wings and talons of an eagle, and is covered with feathers. They are able to speak in human tounges, only the words come out screeched, like a bird of prey or a parrot.] [B]Origin:[/B] India. [B]Function:[/B] Hacker [B]Callsign:[/B] Featherdance [B]Equipment:[/B] [I][B]-Weapons:[/B][/I] Talons and a taser are pretty much all Indira ever uses. [I][B]-Armour [/B]:[/I] Indira refuses to wear armor as it tends to prevent her wings from functioning well. [I][B]-Machinery[/B]:[/I] Indira has a specially made laptop; faster than the time's readily available computers, and more powerful than 80% of the less-than-easy-to-obtain computers. It's so "user-friendly" that half the time she's not sure it doesn't have a mind of its own... [B]Appearance:[/B] Indira is five foot three and lithe, her body slender and toned. Her feathers are brown with gold under-tints that glint in the sunshine. The feathers on her head are white, contrasting nicely with her golden eyes. Her bill is sharp and viscously hooked, like a falcon's; dull yellow, as she often forgets to polish it. Her wings are her pride and joy; as her feathers are golden brown instead of just brown; shifting to creamy-white at the very tips of her feathers. Her wingspan is twelve feet from wing-tip to wing-tip. Indira usually wears white; she's not vain, but she does believe that it contrasts well with her feathers. Her tunics and shirts usually leave her shoulders and back bare, just so her wings aren't cramped. Her pants never reach her ankles, stopping at mid-shin like capris. She also usually wears open-toe shoes or sandles, showing off a set of [i]very[/i] sharp talons. [B]Legacy:[/B] Indira is still very, very young for a Garuda, barely out of childhood. She was born to a small clan of Garuda in northern India. Even as a small, small child she would try and sneak into nearby human villages, facinated by their electronics and gadgets. Her clan was traditional - nothing that ran on batteries or electricity was tolerated. But Indira seemed to show a natural ease with the alien machines. The villagers didn't mind, considering it good luck to have a Garuda fledgling in their village. Her parents, however, did mind; trying to stear their daughter clear of modernization drove both Garuda nearly to distraction. When six years of poking, prodding and general guilt trips did nothing to get their daughter away from the lure of the machines, her parents threw up their hands - and wings - in frustration, giving her full permission to fiddle as she liked. Indira took full advantage of this situation, flinging herself into the joys of electronics with all the enthusiasm of a young Garuda; which is quite a lot. The villagers took it all in stride, especially the younger ones; who taught Indira the basics...and, unfortunatly, one young man who taught her how to do things with a computer that most authorities would frown upon...and it was those frowned-upon-things that she soon grew to excel at; her natural taste for chaos and mischeif finding its perfect outlet on the hapless Internet. After a prank on her seventeenth birthday led to the inadvertant failure of several major power grids, Indira was approached by Clandestine. The agency had one very important request: WOULD YOU CUT THAT OUT?!? Indira was not pleased with this request. However, she was [i]highly[/i] intrigued by the computers the Clandestine agents carried. So, half joking, she offered to stop doing it randomly if she could do it for them... And she remains stunned to this day that they took her up on her offer. [B]Deity/Lord:[/B] [URL=http://www.answers.com/garuda]Garuda[/URL], the massive eagle that carries Vishnu. Indira isn't very devout, although she does occasionally pray...mainly when her computer looks seconds away from meltdown. [B]Quote:[/B] Stranger things have happened; The Hypnotized Never Lie[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hee. Well, I thought I'd give a banner that's supposed to look delirious a shot... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23669&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23670&stc=1[/IMG] Howzzat? I used a couple of brushes for the clock on the avi...[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello, Justonius, and welcome to Otakuboards. I regret to inform you that I must lock this thread; as it A) does not have a rating and B) has not gone through recruit. I see you have started a recruit thread in the Inn. Please wait until you have all or most of the positions you need filled before you start a thread in the Square. Feel free to recreate this thread with the proper rating once you have the players you need. Thank you, -Ozy[/COLOR]
  13. [B]"And so the Prince and the Princess lived happily ever after, far from the reaches of the evil Queen. The End."[/B] Widdershins finished the story with a disdainfully flick of her tail. The show was underway, and she was supposed to be entertaining children with her ability to talk. Most of the time, the small humans were [i]so[/i] enthralled by the words coming out of a "pussycat's" mouth that they'd sit in stunned silence during the whole show; a fact that both the rest of the Fiddles and the children's parents enjoyed. This time, however, she seemed to have stumbled on a small hoarde of skeptics... [B]"You can't talk, you're just a puppet!" [/B] The little boy in the front row had a big mouth. Widdershins drew herself up, looking down haughtily from her stool. [B]"I beg your pardon, young sir, but do you see strings?"[/B] [B]"You're a [i]magic[/i] puppet!"[/B] Widdershins closed her eyes. [i]I hate children...[/i] She entertained the happy thoughts of scratching the boy's kneecaps when her fur pricked, the unmistakable warning of small hands approaching. [B]"I bet if I pull your tail you'll say something different, like that magic toy Da bought me last Middlemass!"[/B] Her eyes snapped open when a small fist closed around the very tip of her tail. Instinct snapped into action. Yowling, she slapped the boy's hand away, leapt off the stool, and streaked through the square where the performance was being held, a group of small, yelling children following right behind. Small size was to her advantage, this time, as she ran under benches, between people's legs, and through the crowd to the caravan. Somehow, those [i]blasted[/i] children kept up, grouping in a small, hostile crowd to glare up at her. She sneered, turning her back on them, whole body quivering with rage. [B]"OI! What are you lot doing back here?"[/B] Tical was back, between performances apparently. [B]"You're not supposed to be here, run along before I find your parents."[/B] The kids scattered. Tical shook his head, looking up at Widdershins. [B]"They bothering you?"[/B] [B]"No! I was perfectly fine! I was [i]enjoying[/i] myself." [/B] Tical merely shrugged, used to the cat's caustic comments. [B]"Has Luca woken up yet?" [/B] He asked, staring towards where the troup leader had been sleeping. Widdershins shrugged, beginning to wash her tail. [B]"I don't know. All I know is the humans can take care of their own brats now."[/B] Still quivering with annoyance, she stalked to the other side of the caravan's roof and curled up. Naps solved everything.
  14. [B]Name:[/B] Nakamuro Raidon. [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Sign:[/B] Ox [B]Instrument/Job:[/B] [URL=http://www.8stringbass.com/entwistlefenderbassVI_63mine.jpg]Bass[/URL]. [B]Appearance:[/B] [[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/ox.jpg]Raidon[/URL]], only lose the tie and put him in [[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/jae-69-studio-pbass.jpg]this[/URL]] jacket and give him an eyebrow stud. [B]Personality:[/B] Raidon is calm, cool and patient, much like his sign. It takes a lot to get on his nerves; and even after you've gotten on his nerves it takes an even longer time to make him snap. He fulfills the role of the peacemaker; he hates fighting, and prefers to talk his way out of difficulties. That being said, once Raidon snaps, he's almost a jaggernaut. Unstoppable and impressive, smashing things and intimidating people. The only thing he would never, ever break is his bass. Touch that, and you [[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/JohnPooky.jpg]DIE[/URL]]. [B]Character Snippit:[/B] [B][I]It's only April. April, and it's nine-million degrees out there. I could fry an egg on the sidewalk, if I felt like it. Bet the neighbors would complain...[/I][/B] Raidon stared at the words in his letter. It felt strange writing letters to someone who lived a mere hour away...but it was the only way he could talk to his mother, really. [B][i]I practiced with the band again...we sounded pretty bad. Jin tred to blow something up (again)...and Inuki and Zeos almost killed each other. If it hadn't been for Imi and me, I think they'd've fought for quite a while. As it was...[/i][/B] The reason for being in the band, as always, was avoided; much like the subject of the foster home was avoided. He and his mother danced a strange dance in their letters...neither knew the other's reasons, only the feelings behind it. [B][i]I think I'm failing chemistry. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but...it just doesn't work. Unlike some other people I can think of...[/i][/B] He didn't want to fail; not now. Not [i]so[/i] close to graduation. Which is why the band [i]had[/i] to work... [B][I]I have to go now. I have chores still, and work after that.But I'll write again soon. Your son, Raidon[/i][/B] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Music RP? Feel the wrath of a rabid Who fan.... [/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=Unborn Lord Xion][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1] [B]Ozy:[/B] While I hadn't really thought about rival gangs, the rival bands thing was going to be a plot point. Being the aggressive, egotistical, competetive bastards they all are, they're trying to show that they are THE best ever to hit the world. So, naturally, they're going to come up against some opposition. And an Ox with a bass sounds cool, actually...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well, wouldn't rival gangs also mock them for going soft? That would be funny - a gang-turned-band being mocked by their former rivals, and they'd have to choose between behaving themselves and being a band, or protecting their honor and getting kicked out. :D As for the Ox.... [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/jae-69-studio-pbass.jpg]John Entwistle[/URL] - Bassist for The Who, the most crazed, undisputed Kings of Rock and Roll. John was King of Bass. Names: John, Thunderfingers...and The Ox. [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I, too, find this an interesting concept, even if Zodiacs aren't the [i]most[/i] original concept. ;) My question is, would it be just interaction between the gangs, or would there also be the subjects of rival gangs and rival bands alike? And I am strangely tempted to sign up as the Ox and play the bass....XD[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Heh. I would want a [URL=http://www.rockostrang.myknet.org/images/1Dodge_Viper_GTS.jpg]Dodge Viper[/URL], cherry red, with black uphostry. Preferably, it would have the plasma cannon and missle launcher that the one in the TV show had. Or, barring that, I would love a [URL=http://www.starskytorino.com/jerad/11jerad.jpg]Torino[/URL] like Starsky's, because I am enough of a geek to think having a car that obnoxious would be cool. Plus I would drive around pretending I was getting radio calls for Zebra Three...[SIZE=1]I'm such a geek[/SIZE] Or, if we're being entirely realistic, a 1966 [URL=http://www.oldbug.com/072004%20030.jpg]Volkswagon Kharmenn Ghia Coupe[/URL], black with a white interior. Mostly because it's such a cute little car. I have no clue if that picture is the right year, but it's the right look, so...yeah.[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=Ozymandius Jones][COLOR=DarkOrange] I would pay gladly if I could find their performance on The Smother's Brothers...boom...heh heh heh...[/COLOR][/QUOTE] If I may be so crass as to quote myself...:p I found it, both online and also on "The Kids Are Alright," which I ordered and should be here tomorrow/Fridayish. Yay! But I did have a question for you. I can recognize all the Beatle by voice instantly. I can usually tell if it's Roger or Pete singing with the Who. But I can't figure out who did the really deep voices in "Boris the Spider" and "Summertime Blues." Was that John?[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkGreen]George leaned back on the couch in the living room, watching as the ceiling changed color. [B][i]That can't be normal...[/i][/B] He thought idly while it shifted from grey to day-glo orange to purple to white before spinning back to grey to start all over again. [B][i]I'll 'ave to ask John what 'e's done to the...[/i][/B] His eyes drifted across the ceiling to a small stream that ran down the wall, across the carpet and straight to where his finger were brushing the carpet. [B][i]...oh. Alright, then.[/i][/B] He sat up, drawing the stream of color back into his hand. Once the ceiling had returned to its normal, starry color he rose to his feet, brushing specks of imaginary dust off his pants. [B][i]Everythin's so borin' 'round 'ere since we got back...[/i][/B] He walked toward the door, hands in his pockets. [B][i]Almost...normal, even.[/i] [/B] He threw the door open, and walked out into the hall, locking the door behind him. They didn't want the flying pirahnas to be able to get into that living room...the balcony was kept open at all times, so it would've allowed the carnivorus fish to fly out into unsuspecting Liverpool. Never a good thing. Slowly walking down the hall, he looked around. Everything looked grey compared to Pepperland. [B][i]Meh. Bored. 'ungry, too...[/i][/B] With nothing better to do, he headedd for the kitchen, muttering directions to himself. [B]"Ok, 's Friday, that means the kitchen's west by east-west...except it's the fourth Friday which means it's north..."[/B] He jumped from one green floor tile to the next, ignoring the fact that as he landed each tile turned yellow. He was halfway to the kitchen when Ringo drove by; his car blue with orange wheels. George shook his head. He hadn't had a chance to change its color today... [B]"Give us a ride, sailor?"[/B] Ringo rolled his eyes, but slowed the car, allowing George to jump into the back. [B]"Where to?" "The kitchen, if you so please." "Indeed."[/B] Ringo turned the car down the next hall, sighing as he did so. George leaned halfway into the front seat. [B]"What's the matter, Rings? Feeling a bit...blue?"[/B] As if to accentuate his statement the entire car's upholstrey went blindingly blue. Ringo narrowed his eyes. [B]"Let's not start that again, please." [/B] George sucked the color back into his fingers. [B]"Well, then, if that's the way y'want to be..."[/B] Ringo was silent as he drove. George continued to lean over the seat. He broke the silence. [B]"Y'wanna go back to Pepperland, don't you?" 'That obvious?" "Yes. Me too." "Think it means anythin'?"[/B] George shrugged, leaning back. [B]"We'll just 'ave to ask John, then...'ope 'e's in the kitchen..."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: I? Officially despise finals. As in I hate them. So if any of you wonder where Grammer Panzer and Muse have got to...yeah. :grumble: [/COLOR]
  20. Well, I wasn't sure if you wanted your name or not, so I made one of each. ^__^ [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23627&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23628&stc=1[/IMG]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Avi: [IMG]http://images5.theimagehosting.com/havokio.jpg[/IMG] URL: [PHP]http://images5.theimagehosting.com/havokio.jpg[/PHP] I would suggest bookmarking the URL, because theimagehosting doesn't have accounts, so if you lose the address you have to re-upload it.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Sienna][B]Name: [/B] Jundai [B]Nickname:[/B] Jun [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Status:[/B] Former slave, [potter] [B]Hometown: [/B] Was born in Anvard, lived in Mezreel the past 17 years [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/OutlawEnd1.jpg]Jun[/URL]. Jun's eyes are green. She normally wears a long, white robe over loose brown pants and a white tunic. [B]Abilities[/B]: June is very good at talking her way out of [and into] situations that benefit her. She has a quick mind for strategies. [B]Weapons:[/B] A quarterstaff; a six-foot length of oak with iron caps on each end. [B]Biography:[/B] Jun was born in Anvard, the royal city of Arkenland, the beautiful, green land that lay beyond the Desert. Her family wasn't among the high-ranks of the people, but neither were they low-born. Her father was a potter; her mother wove rugs, and thus they lived a comfortable life. Jun grew, enjoying her parents attention, as she was an only child. They wanted for nothing, and everything was as it should be. Until her father decided that Anvard had become too crowded. He had originally been from the countryside, and longed to return to the solitude. So he, Jundai's mother, and Jun moved to a small village. A village which was, unfortunatly, a mere half hour walk from the Desert. Not long after Jun's family was settled, the Calormen came. The remnants of an attempted strike on Anvard, they were still more than enough in number to lay waste to Jun's entire village; slaying the men and taking the women and children as slaves back to Tashban. Jun remembers hardly anything of the trek across the desert...except that her beloved mother was not there when they arrived in Tashban. She still doesn't know what happened to her; whether she died in the journey, or was taken off when the band of Calormen split up. Jun was sold to a potter, a young woman who's art and skill with the clay had made her very wealthy indeed. The potter, Saraleen, was a beautiful woman, with a gentle face and loving eyes - very much like Jun's own mother...on the outside. On the inside, Saraleen was as cruel and cunning as the Tisroc [may-he-live-forever]; abusing the many slaves she had bought with her wealth. Jun did relativly well for one of Saraleen's slaves due to her slight knowledge of pottery. For 15 years, she lived, doing nothing but making pots, jars, bottles; hauling clay and straw and water for Saraleena, and, occasionally, selling the pots in the marketplace. It was on one of these days that she first heard of the rebellion. [i]When the revolution comes, slaves will be free...no longer workers for others, but able to live by themselves, for themselves, for their friends...[/i] This was whispered in the marketplace, despite the Tisroc's [may-he-live-forever-] soldiers, despite the slavemasters, despite everything. And who could resist such a whisper? [B]Personality:[/B] Jun was once a hyper, always-cheerful little girl, but years of slavery have buried that cheer under a thick layer of humbleness to the point of being unhealthy. SHe is quick to blame herself for things going wrong, and not-so-quick to accept praise where it is deserved. However, as time with the rebellion goes on, she is slowly unburying her confidence. And every now and then a spark of what [I]might[/I] be sarcasm shows through. One of the effects of being a slave for 15 years is she cannot seem to make herself leave the "may-he-live-forever" line off of the ruler's name. [B]Password:[/B] [spoiler]No one knows any story but their own[/spoiler][/COLOR]
  23. Widdershins yawned, jumping lightly from the top of the cart to the seat. From the seat she slunk her way into the back of the cart, to where Luca was laying, his arm over his eyes and a bandage wrapped around his leg. [B]"'Just going for stuff', you said."[/B] She nudged the bandage with her nose. [B]"'Nothing to worry about,' you said."[/B] Luca raised his arm to glare. [B]"I never said that."[/B] Widdershins shrugged. [B]"You were thinking it, or you wouldn't have gone."[/B] Luca rolled his eyes. [B]"I could be dying back here and I'm being reprimanded by a cat."[/B] [B]"Of course. I have nothing better to do." [i]Plus if it keeps you distracted, then, all the better.[/i] "Did you even make it to the village?"[/B] [B]"Most of the way."[/B] A muscle twitched under her eye. [B]"Most of the way?"[/B] [B]"Yeah. Don't worry, Tical and them will take care of the village."[/B] The next words came out as an undignified screech. [B]"TICAL?!!!"[/B] She shuddered, and proceeded to lick her fur back down from its on-end state. When she'd regained her composure, her voice was still quivering. [B]"You left [i]Tical[/i] to fight [i]zombies[/i]??"[/B] Luca nodded, his voice slightly weak. [B]"They'll be ok."[/B] Widdershins turned her back on him, her tail twitching. [B]"Sure, sure, whatever you say..." [/B] She couldn't shake the all-pervading feeling of doom that simple statement had summoned, no matter how hard she tried. But Luca was wincing again, and so she held her tongue.
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, here is my attempt, nothing all that flashy or fancy, but I like it. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/desertsun.jpg[/IMG] [PHP]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/desertsun.jpg[/PHP] And the name intrigues me. Is it going to be a Narnia RP?[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Is [URL=http://wwwstatic.kern.org/images/calmzoo/kangaroorat.jpg]this[/URL] the type of critter you're talking about? If so, the reason you're not finding anything is the species are called kangaroo [i]rats[/i], not mice. If not, then...well...heh. [/COLOR]
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