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Ozymandius Jones

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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones

  1. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Orange"][quote name='Tetra of sound']Been a while since I showed up. And note that dignity is something I never had and probably never will, considering I make a total a** of myself. As for why I've shown up, I 1. agree on 1 big team, for it will save us a lot of trouble, and 2. plan on making a final appearance in the RPG as a ghost to seek my vengence on the vamp as my farewell to all.[/QUOTE] K, yeah, no. This stops [b]now[/b]. When it comes to RPGs, the creators are the masters. Neuvoxraiha does not wish for you to be in this RP, so any appearance you make [b]in[/b] said RP will be deleted. Seeing that Sandy already warned you - in this thread, actually - about the way RPs work in regard to creators, you can consider this your second warning. We are not fond of repeat offenders. We have a bit of a shape-up-or-ship-out policy. Continue this, and you may see yourself out, missy. Have a nice day. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Sienna"][B]Name:[/B] Washington Williams, goes by just plain "Wash." [B]Age:[/B] 59 [B]Gender: [/B] male [B]Physical Description:[/B] If you don't want to read my ramblings, [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:DannySeraphine.jpg"]here's[/URL] a lazy picture. Wash is five feet and six inches tall, with a wiry, healthy build. His hair and goatee used to be dark brown, but both are streaked through with white. He's got more hair on his face than he does on his head now, as well - he's been balding for the last twenty years, though he's still got some. His eyes are dark brown and friendly; when he's using his ability the shape of his pupils change - slitting like a cat's if he's influencing a cat, for example - but it's barely noticeable behind his thin wire-rimmed glasses. He usually wears flatcaps, and dresses in tribal-print button-down shirts, and white-and-blue striped shirts over blue jeans. He always wears flipflops, even in the middle of winter. [B]Personality:[/B] Kind, friendly and honest - the kind of person one instinctively goes to for advice. He's very humble, not thinking much of the abilities he has - both superhuman and just typical human - at all. He's stubborn, not easily dissuaded or discouraged. The easiest way to describe him is "mellow". [B]Occupation:[/B] Deliveryman for a bakery. [B]Power: [/B] Animal Empathy/Influence. He has an instinctive feel for what animals are feeling, and the ability to apply that feeling to situations. He can also influence them to act in different ways, but he can't [I]control[/I] them to act that way. [COLOR="Orange"]OOC: Consider this an apology character for Stevie. >
  3. [SIZE="1"][B]Name:[/B] Stephanie "Stevie" Noble [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race: [/B]Human [B]Home Planet: [/B]Earth, 5021 [B]Items/Gadgets:[/B] [I]k9, mark IX[/I] Created by scientists, k9 is a robot in the form of a blocky metal dog. It -or he- is highly intelligent, and highly smug. He can patch in to various computer programs, from ships to PCs, and is equipped with ethernet/internet capabilities. He is also armed with a defensive laser beam, and - unlike his predecessors - is capable of hovering, though no more than a meter above ground. [B]Special Skills/Abilities:[/B] [I]History:[/i] Stevie excels at history. It's the one subject she knows up, down and backwards. She could tell you ninety-nine percent of what happened any given year, and the other one percent is barely worth bothering with. [I]Memory:[/I] Perhaps one of the reasons Stevie is so good at history is her memory. It's not quite eidetic - she has to actually [i]want[/i] to remember it, quite a problem with her personality - but it is better than average, especially when it comes to written facts. [B]Appearance: [/B] Stevie is a fairly large woman, broad-shouldered and standing five feet, nine inches tall. She has frizzy reddish brown hair that she usually wears pulled back in a tight ponytail, and brown eyes. Her face is usually set in a complete scowl or a somewhat mean looking smirk, almost as if she's just waiting for you to say something dumb so she can bother you about it. (Which, to be honest, she is.) When she smiles, though, her face is transformed from somewhat mean to softer and younger, almost shy. [B]Personality:[/B] Eeeesh. Stevie's personality is, basically, what one might call "a mess." She's rude, obnoxious and loud, not afraid to tell it like it is. Or, perhaps (more accurately) not afraid to tell it like she [i]thinks[/i] it is. Surprisingly, this rude nature is not accompanied by confidence, but by the very opposite: a deep rooted fear of failure, rejection and of being useless. She often acts (and speaks) before thinking, both to her advantage and disadvantage. Despite her sharp tongue, she does not hold grudges, her temper tantrums tend to be quick flares that quickly fade away. She genuinely wants to be liked, but doesn't quite know how to go about it. [B]Biography:[/B] Stevie Noble is the many-times great granddaughter of a disagreeable woman by the name of Donna Noble. However, that fact has very little effect on who she is. In the generations passing between the doctor's acquaintance and Stevie's presence, the Noble family (Donna insisting her eventual husband take her name instead of vice-versa) had grown in wealth through various business ventures and was currently - mid fifty-first century - one of the richest families on Earth itself. As a little girl, there was very little Stevie wanted that she couldn't have. As so usually happens, this had an incredibly negative effect on the child, and she grew to be a bit of a spoiled brat, not afraid of doing - or saying - anything. She had very few friends through childhood, and rarely saw her parents. Instead, she was raised by nannies, one of whom bought her her one true friend: a mechanical dog, designated k9 Mark IX. She grew and learned in boarding schools, washing out of most classes with low grades, but breezing by in a select few with phenomenal scores. Though perplexed, her teachers were more than content to give her the low grades in the classes she deserved them in, but somehow she still managed to graduate, moving on to college almost immediately. In college, she became a history major, planning on joining the new Time Agency once she graduated. They took one look at the grades in the classes she [I]hadn't[/I] been interested in, and turned her down at once. Discouraged, Stevie moved on to other things; mostly poking about London from one secretarial job to another. And another. And another. Each one went worst than the first as employer after employer got a taste of her unique temper and problem handling skills. Annoyed, Stevie used some of her money to purchase a black market device that (supposedly) would allow time travel... That's about the time everything went horribly wrong. [/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR="DarkOrange"][SIZE="1"]Charles spit on the ground before turning to walk the rest of the way in. Burn down the house - yeah, right. That was kids stuff. All the same, he was careful not to touch anything. Danni was irritable enough as it was. He didn't think the other would like his stuff turned to ash. He took the lighter of his suitcases, and padded off down the hall, peering through open doors curiously. Despite everything else - this was a halfway decent house. And if he was gonna stay... He found was seemed to be a guest room, throwing his suitcase on the bed and ignoring the puffy cloud of dust the action caused, returning for his other belongings. He didn't bother to unpack, flopping down on the bed and staring at the ceiling, clearly thinking. This was gonna take a little - no, a lot - of getting used to.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]I didn't quite get it. Grape Ape - oh man, that quite reminded me of Hanna Barbara cartoons, what was the gorilla? MaGilla? Somesuch, haha - seems alarmed by the clipboard. Had he asked, I would have shown him the careful diagram I'd gotten drawn out for musical hierarchies, but odds were if he knew about the Time Machine incident [the failure of which, I would hasten to point out, wasn't [i]my[/i] fault] he already knew. So what did the Squonk do? Switched to Laid. I couldn't sing [i]that[/i]! It did drive me to giggles, though. Awk~ward, yes. And there was no barbecue. Disheartened, I listened to talk of spies and read the paper being passed around. I listened with equal interest as I sketched out a sort of line graph comparing Marillion to Genesis and the pros and cons of both, though I perked up when I heard my name and room assignment. I can't help it, I'm a bit...hyper. I sorta kinda maybe bounced to Starbuck's side, knowing I was grinning like an idiot, but not caring from the top of my head to the bottom of my flamingo-vans-clad feet. "'ello, guv'na!" Hooray, fake Cockney! I nodded at her cup. "Is that hazelnut by any chance?"[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]I hear the sounds of pennywhistles and harmonies at all times. Perhaps not quite actually [I]hear[/I] so much as [i]fell[/i], like a psychic connection at the back of my brain [though I still don't understand people like Shirley MacLaine, who wear crystals you buy at the mall]. I can't help it. Perhaps it's heritage. Perhaps it's in the way I was raised. But I can never stay in one place for long. 'S why I call myself [B]Wanderlust[/B], see? But you can leave the lust out - I've got none for you - I call myself [B]Wander[/B] just fine. I come, I go... And now I was here, backpack full of books and posters of certain Scots, hoping there would be a wall to hang said posters on as I eyed the building, thumbing up the volume on my iPod dramatically, hoping for some fittingly Dark or Triumphant music for these strange times - Squonk the iPod whirred and offered its soundtrack for this epic and important moment: [i]We Will All Go Together When We Go[/i]. ... [I][CENTER]"Oh, we will all burn together when we burn! There?ll be no need to stand and wait your turn! When it?s time for the fallout And Saint Peter calls us all out, We?ll just drop our agendas and adjourn!"[/CENTER][/I] ... Needless to say [though I thought it anyway] this was not promising. I found myself singing under my breath in a very fake accent as I slid through the door, letting it close behind me. "You will all go directly to your respective Valhallas; go directly, do not pass Go, do not collect two hundred dollahs!" The door slammed louder than I had hoped, shaking the glowing exit sign above my head. I just glared at it, fixing my backpack and wandering down a hall at random, singing louder now. [I] [CENTER]"And we will all go together when we go! Every Hottentot and every Eskimo! When the air becomes uranious, We will all go simultaneous! Yes, we all will go together When we all go together, Yes we all will go together when we go!"[/CENTER][/I] I rounded a corner to find people there, my [incredibly poor] singing echoing off the walls and fading into [blessed] obscurity. The people just stared. Tom Lehrer has that effect on people. I just thanked my lucky stars that Squonk hadn't picked "Smut," or "The Masochism Tango." This would be awkward enough as it was. "Erm. Hello." Just on time, the Squonk whirred, clicked and switched songs. [I] Stumbling In.[/I] I swear that thing is psychic. I disapprove. D: [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]1) What is your element of power?[/B] Crayons and ability to recognize songs by the first three notes. [B]2) Who taught you how to ride a bike?[/B] It might have been Bob. [B]3) When do[/B] When they feel like it. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]yes yes yes please! I love Charles. I will be pleased to bring him back. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Claws snapped open; snapped closed. Nervously, some might say. Others would be more accurate in saying it was as if a beast was awakening. Claws snapped open, snapped closed. Alice twirled a strand of hair around one long, delicate finger, cracking her gum in annoyance. She had a trainer - some scrawny little geek by the name of Jerry - and he was annoying her, running her through systems she knew like the back of her hand. Finally, she just fumed, popping the cockpit open and flipping Jerry an obscene hand gesture. "Just shut up and let me show you what I know already, right?" Jerry gave her a Look. The Look that said, "Right. Put your money where your mouth is." She returned it, closing the cockpit and feeling Jabberwocky loom to awareness. Claws snapped open. Claws snapped closed. Alice inhaled, exhaled - same motion. Same timing. Jerry wasn't giving her that look anymore when she was done. ------ She took hours longer than she usually did, grinning with pleasure at being piloting Jabberwocky again. Every motion she remembered came smooth and easy, and she laughed with delight when she finished, panting. That's about the time the alarm went off. Her head shot up, she looked out the cockpit as if that would let her see therough walls. "What's that?' "That..." Jerry shouted from below, "Is a Problem." The transmission came through, fuzzy. Alice's eyes narrowed as she watched, snarling at the video screen. "Gawsh, does every madman have to be so melodramatic?" Boosters flared. the Geno Breaker all but launched itsself into the air, leaving the ground for the first time today.... ((OoC: Editing in more when I'm not longer at the library about to run out of time. D: )) [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  10. [SIZE=1] [B]"Well...your taste in music is better'n your taste in shades, I'll give y'that much." [/B] Charlies replied easily, repocketing the lighter. The two began walking towards the tracks. Neither went ahead, neither went behind...it was like the unspoken law of the streets. Don't trust anyone enough to walk in front of them - don't act like they trust you enough to try and walk behind. He sucked on the fresh cigarette, glaring through the returning drizzle. [B]"Deacon, 'ey?" [/B] The news had cheered him, slightly. If Deacon was who he was thinking of, he'd had encounters before. Mostly favorable, or as favorable as encounters with vampires went. "Bloody brilliant. Any o' 'is projects generally lead to chaos and other lovely stuff like that." He pulled his iPod - the real one, not the headset - out of his jacket and tried to untangle the cords, fingers itching for something to do. Two sets of boots echoed off of alley walls. Charles felt more alert than he had in a while - nothing like walking with a vampire, supposedly to [i]meet[/i] another vampire, to get you fully awake. Better than coffee...but not better than other things. He drew on the cigarette again, irratably. Better not to think of that. [/SIZE]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][CENTER][b]Submission:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/graphicworm07ozy1.png]Blue and Orange Stars[/url][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]So...am I going from Boo's now, still, or...?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [SIZE=1][QUOTE=Dagger]My mind was just blown in the best way possible. Will edit in more comments when I stop flipping out. ETA: Okay, forget the comment part, but here are some discussion points. [spoiler]- Is this a fixed or variable future? - Who's in the coffin? (Off-the-top-of-my-head possibilities: Sawyer, Locke, Juliet, Ben, Michael) - Who is Kate's "he"? (Sawyer? Her & Sawyer's child?) - How did Naomi's crew get the information etc. about Penny & Des? - Do all of the Losties get off the island? (People who might manage to get left behind: those at the beach, Desmond, Locke, some of the others) - Did Jack only mention his father because he was high? - What cover story are he & everyone else giving the world? - How awesome were Sayid's neck-snapping manuver and Hurley's pedal to the metal moment? - Is there a deliberate reason for letting us see Walt despite the actor having visibly aged? (i.e. a timeline reason) - Was Walt the smoke monster? - Why isn't Future!Kate on the run?[/spoiler] And so on and so forth... :animestun ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [spoiler]-I predict variable. -Kate's "He" might be Sawyer. That was my sister and my theory. -Sayid? WINWINWIN. -Walt - Walt, I think, is a representation of the Island, just like when he appeared to Shannon when they were pushing the button. -Coffin: Locke? [/spoiler] Now for my own spazzes: [spoiler] Charlie. ALL FREAKIN' SEASON I'm all "lol too obvious" and then they go and kill him. D: Hurley and the Bus! YES! MADE OF MORE WIN. Although Tom. Sawyer, that was mean. I liked Tom. He had surrendered. My like-level of you is dropping again. WHAT is this Temple Ben told his folks to go to? What happens to get future!Jack off the island that makes him think it's so awful? That turns him into an alchoholic druggie ready to kill himself? DES LIIIIIIVES! Though...if I were him I'd be somewhat emo right now. Down in a hatch with a buncha dead folks and news that the rescue you hoped for, struggled for, almost got someone [i]killed[/i] for and now [i]have[/i] had someone die for is not a good thing? Ouch. [/spoiler] Severe ouch, dude. The angsty-plot bunnies are calling my name, I must heed them.... [/SIZE]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]In media res[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/inmediares.png[/IMG] [B]link: [/B]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/inmediares.png[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][b]Jethro Tull[/b] is made of win and awesome. Rock-HeavyRock with a flute player? YES PLEASE. "Warchild" is a great album. [b]Pink Floyd[/b] is good when you need to chill down a little, not good when you're depressed or freaked out. The Beatles are good, Yes is good...I shall come back and lengthen this post in the morning when not collapsing. XP[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]I'd like [COLOR=Olive][i]in media res[/i][/COLOR], please and thank you. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange][CENTER][B]Clouds[/B]. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/BrainDamage.png[/IMG] Link: [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/BrainDamage.png[/url] Lyrics (c) Pink Floyd[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Alice Hoffman stalked down the hall, scowling. Her roommate was a boy ? young man, whatever ? she?d scratched Jabberwocky?s paint on a hanger door, and she hadn?t had her coffee. None of this was making her happy. At all. Jabberwocky had seemed displeased as well ? she?d loaded him off at the Zoids habitat, where he?d made for the nearest corner, growling irritably. It?d all be better the next time she saw him, though. That?s just the way things were. She set her luggage on the floor and started to shove the door open, wincing when she noticed her roommate was already there, sleeping. Her plans to slam the door disappeared as she tiptoed in, dragging her luggage. She sat down on the empty bed, looking around the room. [B] ?Well.?[/B] She muttered to herself. [B]?This could get?strange.?[/B] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [SIZE=1]Charles stared for a second longer, trying to see through the opaque tangerine glasses. Did Ezekiel even have normal eyes? [i]I don?t want to know,[/i] he decided. He tosses his latest cigarette stub to the floor, ground it out with his boot, but not lighting another.[B] ?I was hoping you?d be able to tell me why I?m here, too, but seems that?s not gonna happen?As for who I am?? [/B]He paused, trying to think of a way to explain the chain of contacts?nothing simple came to mind. Their methods of communication ? if diagramed ? closely resembled an octopus attempting to strangle a daddy-long-legs: all twisty knots and loops and simply put? It was a mess, and was best described when both parties involved had been drinking for several hours. All these thoughts darted through his brain before he managed to fake a weak smile. [B]?That?s complicated. I?m really just a courier.? [/B]He began rifling through his pockets, finally finding the envelope he was searching for in an inner pocket, under his iPod, his gum, his back-up lighter and half-a-dozen candy bar wrappers. He slid the envelope out, self-consciously trying to rub off the chocolate smeared on one corner before he gave up, holding it out. [B]?Dunno who, ?xactly, it?s from,? he offered, eyes on the envelope, ?But I was told to give it to ?my contact,? who ? I suppose ? would be you.? [/B]The envelope was parchment-thin and very light, with an old fashioned wax seal over the flap. He?d spent a considerable amount of time last night, trying to work out a way to get it open without tearing the delicate paper. His attempts hadn?t proven successful. It was downright [i]annoying[/i]. His headset buzzed in his pocket, vibrating for a second before launching into [i]Flight of the Bumblebee[/i] in high, electronic tones. He fumbled for it, returning Ezekiel?s look of [i]extreme[/i] skepticism with a defiant sneer. [B]?I bet yours plays effin? [i]Mozart[/i] or some shiat like that, eh??[/B] He shoved the envelope into the Vampire?s hand and managed to hook the headset on before it began the song again. [B] ?Did you give it to him?? [/B]The high, clear voice of his main contact ? she only knew him as Gabrielle, he only knew her as Ardilla ? spoke quickly, over the static. She sounded worried. He sighed into the mouthpiece. ?[B]Not even an ?ello, love?? ?Cut the crap, Gabe. Did you give it to him?? ?Yes, yer majesty,? [/B]Charles sniped back. [B]?Any other royal decrees??[/B] Silence. Ardilla had hung up. Charles yanked the headset back out, sighing dramatically. [B]?Women, ?ey??[/B] He nodded at the envelope. [B]?So what?s it say??[/B] [/SIZE]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]I'd like to claim 8th after duoikari, plz. :D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Dagger]That made me tear up. And I haven't liked [spoiler]Charlie[/spoiler] since season 1! It's not enough for [spoiler]him to die... now he has to get tortured first?[/spoiler] :( Do y'all think [spoiler]those women are Others or from Naomi's crew?[/spoiler] ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [spoiler]Others, in my opinion. Of course, I am of the belief that Naomi is lying through her teeth for some reason, so who knows[/spoiler]. And yeah, it made me tear up too. The music, the lighting, the setting...it was all perfect. And I actually thought [spoiler]Desmond was going to go in instead.[/spoiler] That would have made me sad. I mean, even more sad. I love [spoiler]Charlie[/spoiler], but [spoiler]Desmond[/spoiler] is an obsession. >> I am a sad fangirl. *changes signature and avatar in light of this* The trailers for the finale make it look like it's going to be same-old-same-old for the finales: several different plotlines all converging in a messy train-wreck of chaos. Which I adore. I [i]don't[/i] feel happy about the [spoiler]tent shooting crew[/spoiler]. It definitely looks like they get caught, and I don't see all three of them coming out of it alive. [spoiler]I'm betting Sayid dies in that encounter. Jin has Sun, Bernard has Rose, Sayid doesn't really have anyone on the Island anymore. Plus Naveen wants to leave.[/spoiler] D: Also, anyone else thing something is....off with[spoiler] Penny[/spoiler], somehow? But no matter what, Can. Not. Wait! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [SIZE=1]Charles spun on his heel, jumping backwards. Startled. So very, very startled. He scholed his face into a blank expression, hoping to seem more alert than unprepared and startled. "I've been called Charles..." He eyed the newcomer up and down; something about him screamed Vampire, though he looked human for the most part. The sunglasses were annoying - made it more difficult to gauge people. He took a drag on his cigarette, offering the pack to the new man, lighting a fresh cigarrette for himself, again. He was through half a pack already - he'd only bought it this morning...maybe he should look into that gum stuff, this job was too stressful. The lighter - once used - was also offered. "Who wants to know?"[/SIZE]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Alice Hoffman [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Apperance:[/B] [url=http://www.absoluteanime.com/big-o/angel.jpg]Alice[/url] [B]Zoid:[/B] Geno Breaker [B]Name:[/B] Jabberwocky [B]Crew:[/B] 1 [B]Weight:[/B] 137.5 tons [B]Max Speed:[/B] 345 km/h [B]Weapon: [/B] Charged Particle Cannon, Hyper Strike Claws (2), AZ 140mm Shock Gun (2), Micro Poison Missile Pod (2) [B]Equipment: [/B] E-Shield Generator, NZR Composite Sensor, Particle Converter, Anchors [B]Post:[/B] She sat on Jabberwocky's talon, legs crossed at the ankles elegantly, watching the other pilots and their zoids over the tops of her glasses with a sweet smile. Not, really, because she was friendly - more because they all seemed so very, very tense. So very [i]serious[/i]. It was all just a game in her mind. All just a dance...Jabberwocky rumbled above her, claws snapping open and closed in what passed for a Zoid's sleep. She patted the cold metal of his talon, grinning. "No worries, Jabber. We'll be there soon enough." The massive Zoid quieted, claws snapping closed once again, vibrant crimson armor the color of blood in the dim light. How...appropriatly melodramatic. She laughed again. This would be fun. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]*tacks a little "Claimed" sign up by "Clouds"*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]1. [u]Supper's Ready[/u] - [i]Genesis[/i] Mmm. This one took time - 24 minutes. 7 style changes. Lovers at the End Of All Things. Yay. 2.[u]The Neverending Story[/u] - [i]Limahl[/i] Cheesy 80s technopop. 3. [u]Firth of Fifth[/u] - [i]Genesis[/i] Brilliant piano, but another fairly long song. yay! 4. [u]The Hero's Return[/u] - [i]Pink Floyd[/i] Hmm. Wish this song didn't fade immediatly into the GUnner's Dream. It makes shuffling hard. :( 5. [u]The Feeling Begins[/u] - [i]Peter Gabriel[/i] Really cool instrumental with loads of sitars. 6. [u]Rum And Coca Cola[/u] - [i]The Andrews Sisters[/i] Yay for 1940s music and Der Bingle references. 7. [u]Something More[/u] - [i]Switchfoot[/i] Cheerfully deep. :D 8. [u]Legend of a Mind[/u] - [i]The Moody Blues[/i] A song about Timothy Leary, a 1960s druggie/prophet. Great flute bits. 9. [u]Handbook for the Sellout[/u] - [i]Five Iron Frenzy[/i] Punkska = me
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