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Ozymandius Jones

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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones

  1. [B]"Great. More silly heroism."[/B] Widdershins sneered from her perch on the back of the cart. Luca half-turned to glare at her. [B]"It's not silly heroism, they have [i]stuff[/i]." [/B] Widdershins sighed, licking a paw. [B]"Stuff that is [i]not[/i] the Dragon Dews."[/B] Luca just sneered back. [B]"Just...stay put, would ya?"[/B] He and the rest of the troop disappeared into the trees towards the village, leaving Morag and Widdershins with the cart. The singer turned to look up at the cat. [B]"You're just going to stay up there like always, aren't you?"[/B] [B]"Mmm....probably."[/B] [B]"Even if we get attacked?"[/B] Widdershins stared at Morag with disdain. [B]"Of course! People rarely look on [i]top[/i] of carts. They look in, under...but rarely on top."[/B] She stood up and stretched before curling up again, her back toward the singer.[B] [i]Silly Luca, just had to go fight zombies...[/i] [/B] Although she'd never, ever even [i]dream[/i] of showing it, the cat was worried. Zombies were...evil. And somewhat powerful, for creature that were already dead...[B][i]Don't come back dead and make me claw you...[/i][/B] The cart rocked, causing her to look up, startled, her fur standing on end. [B]"I...think I'll just lay up here then..."[/B] Widdershins relaxed slightly as Morag joined her. [B][i]It's going to be a [u]long[/u] evening...[/i][/B]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, the main theme in this thread thus far seems to be flowers, so who am I to break up such a nice run? First we have pretty flowering cherry-ish trees, taken at the top of our hill and from the top of the hilll looking down. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/P4240033.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/P4240039.jpg[/IMG] Pretty orange and yellow flowers. Please ignore the digital camera strap in the corner.... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/P4240051.jpg[/IMG] And I [i]think[/i] these are lilacs. I'm not sure. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/P4240036.jpg[/IMG] And I [i]do[/i] know these are Johnny Jump Ups. And I do know that there's not supposed to be a camera cord in this one either. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/P4240050.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I am afraid I will have to close this thread, as it doesn't have a rating in the title. All RPs must have ratings. You are free to repost this RP, just make sure you place the correct rating in the title. Information on thread ratings and the suchlike are in the Inn and Square's sticky, and also [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/url]. Just read through them, and apply the correct rating to your RP. Feel free to PM me with any questions. Also, good grammer, puncuation and spelling are advised. Please try to make the back-story a little longer, and use the correct grammar. Thanks, Ozy[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange][quote name='Raid3r']I love the Who, the consistently make my top 10 and sometimes even top 5 faves. [/quote] Hee. They're consistantly in my top three. :p [quote]That said, they had some cool party songs too. Fave of the Who is Teenage Wasteland, or Baba O'Reilly.[/QUOTE] Aren't these the same song? Baba O'Reilly is one my favorite songs list, as well as Won't Get Fooled Again. There's a funny story about that song, actually... [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, people, this is a recruitment thread. Discussions [b]about[/b] the RP should be kept to PMs, IMs, an Underground thread or in posts that have actual sign-ups. This prevents the recruit thread from becoming clogged before anyone has signed up. Thank you, and have a nice day. ^__^ -Ozy[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Shock the Monkey" is solo Gabriel and one of the most bizarre songs I have ever encountered. It's not one of his better songs in my opinion.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrange][quote name='boxybrown305][COLOR=DarkRed']I see, thanks for the correction. I knew that it came from an old lady at first, but i was under the impression that Black Sabbath used it first, oh well. Ozzy did bite the head of a live bat off on stage, i don't think that had been done before, or again for that matter.[/COLOR][/quote] You know, the bat thing? Was supposedly an accident. He thought it was rubber or something. I dunno. And Jake? No one was saying the thread was stupid. We were merely making the point that all countries were good, and then we went with the original meaning of the thread. And if you're flipping due to having more than three, well... [B][U]England[/U][/B] 1. The Beatles 2. The Who 3. Genesis[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I like old school/classic rock, whatever you would qualify Pink Floyd, The Who, The Beatles and Genesis as. Now they aren't technically "progressive", but they were for their time. And they seem to have put a lot more energy into their song-writing and performing than most of today's artist. ESPECIALLY The Who.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange]For me, it would have to be Genesis. Admittedly, I haven't heard near as much Dire Straits as I have Genesis [I have four of my dad's Genesis cds copied onto my computer, for heavens sake], but Genesis is just overwhelmingly my favorite of all seventies bands. Of course, this is provided we're talking [i]before[/i] Phil Collins got his clutches on the lead singer position. So...the way I'm thinking is this: Peter Gabriel Genesis > Dire Straights Phil Collins Genesis < Dire Straights. Because while Peter was writing the songs, we got masterpieces like "Dancing with the Moonlit Knight," "Watcher of the Skies," and "Supper's Ready." Once Phil Collins was writing the songs, the lyrics got less surreal and thought inspiring, and more "Listen To Me Whine About My Love Life." Thanks, but...no thanks.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrange]My "Theme Song" changes with my moods and what's going on in my life currently. Therefore my current theme song is by the Who: [U][B]Summertime Blues [/B] [/U] Well, I'm gonna raise a fuss I'm gonna raise a holler 'Bout workin' all summer Just to try to earn a dollar Well, I went to the bossman Tried to get a break But the boss said "'No dice, son, You gotta work late." Sometimes I wonder what am I gonna do 'Cos there ain't no cure for the Summertime Blues Well, my Mom and Poppa told me "Son, you gotta earn some money If you want to use the car To go riding next Sunday." Well, I wouldn't go to work I told the boss I was sick They said "You can't use the car 'Cos you didn't work a lick." Sometimes I wonder what am I gonna do 'Cos there ain't no cure for the Summertime Blues Gonna take two weeks Gonna have a fine vacation Gonna take my problem To the United Nations Well I went to my congressman He said, quote "I'd like to help you son, But you're too young to vote" Sometimes I wonder what am I gonna do 'Cos there ain't no cure for the Summertime Blues Because I don't [i]want[/i] to get a job this summer, thank you very much. And in all fairness, quite a few other bands did this too, but The Who PWN all on this song.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Saying "What Country Makes the Best Music" is like asking what country has the best food. It's all a matter of personal taste. That being said, I would have to say my personal favorite is England. Reasons? The Beatles The Who Genesis Pink Floyd Led Zepplin [B]EDIT:[/B] How did forget Jethro Tull??? Well, looky there. My main bands. Heh. The list could go on. I'd have to say that if you're talking [i]ethnically[/i], I also rather enjoy celtic sounding traditional Irish and Scottish music, but somehow I doubt that's what you mean at all.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Welcome to OB, tears_of_god. I am Ozymandius Jones, moderator of this section. I am locking your thread for three reasons. [B]One:[/B] All RPs at Otakuboards [b]must[/b] go through a recruitment stages in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48]Inn[/URL]. This is where you would put the discription of the RP, the basic plot, and what other players would need to have listed for their character if they wished to play. [B]Two:[/B] All RPs must have a rating in the subject line. It keeps people from reading RPs that might have offensive content that they do not wish to see. [B]Three:[/B] Post quality is an important thing here at OB. Correct spelling and grammar need to be used. Also, double posting is not permitted on OB. Please wait until someone else posts before posting again. You can always use the edit button to add information to a post. Further information on the Adventure Inn/Square's rules can be found here: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44317]Read Me![/URL] The forum-wide rules can be read here: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Read Me Too![/URL] Feel free to start a recruiting thread according to the rules. Feel free to PM me or any of the mods during your stay here with any further questions. Thank you. -Ozy[/COLOR]
  13. [center] [LEFT][COLOR=White][B]Name:[/B] George [B]Appearance: [/B] [url=http://www.seaofgreen.freehomepage.com/images/george.jpg]George[/url] [B]Gender:[/B] Male [b]Species[/b]: Human [B]Age: [/B] 24 [B]Talents: [/B] Guitar, Sitar, Tuba, hypnoticism and coloration Personality: Even more sarcastic then John, he just hides it better. He?s quiet, but not because he?s shy?he?s quiet because he doesn?t bother to talk. He?s very intellectual, but doesn?t spout it out. [B]Bio:[/B] George was born in Pepperland, where he lived until he was about 14. Bored with life on a farm, he ran away to England - where he was in an accident that left him with amnesia. Not remembering any of his past, he was alone in a strange country with strange hypnotic powers. He lived as best he could on the streets; but was soon taken in by the other three Beatles. Since their adventures in Pepperland the first time, George has regained some of his memories of his life; but not all.[/COLOR] [/LEFT] [/center] [COLOR=Navy]Ok. Billy Shear's IE has decided to DIE. For which I will kill it. SO....it seems in addition to the Blue Meanie I will also be playing George. Bah. Anywho, this is up in the inn, link is in my sig, just click the banner.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I rather like the Who. There's an energy in their music that you don't get often anymore. Keith Moon is on my list of top drummers. I'd have to say my favorite album's Tommy. Please don't ask me why, because I have no clue. I only saw the movie once, and that was almost six years ago now, so I don't remember much. As for favorite song, the ironically named "A Quick One While He's Away" would have to be on the top of the list. The drums are [i]insane[/i]. Plus all the funny voices Pete and the guys are making... I would pay gladly if I could find their performance on The Smother's Brothers...boom...heh heh heh...[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Name:[/B] Widdershins [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 4, the cat equivalent to 22. [B]Skill:[/B] She's a cat. No, she doesn't turn into a cat, she [i]is[/i] a cat. [B]Entertainment:[/B] A talking cat. How quaint! How amusing! Let's put the kiddies down and let them talk to her! Bah. Humans...she performs tricks, and also tells stories, although the stories tend to be from a cat's point of view. [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://www.koori-storm.com/na/photos/magic2.jpg]Meow?[/URL] [B]Personality: [/B] Widdershins is very much a cat. She likes attention [when it doesn't come in the form of little children pulling her tail] but she won't beg for it. As a matter of fact, she likes it much better when people beg [i]her[/i] to pay attention to [i]them[/i]. She's very picky as to who can pet her, and prefers to stay near Luca. Her excuse is every magician needs a black cat. She also gives new meaning to the term "cat burgalar". [B]Any Other Info:[/B] Widdershins does NOT like being called anything but "Widdershins". No Kitty, no Shins, no Puss, and [i]specifically[/i] no "Widdy". She will enforce this preference with her claws. She also doesn't like water.[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy]Okies, it's up. :D Assignments: [U][B]Peppers[/B][/U] That would be you, WhiteSalem, Delacroix and Isadora. You are in Pepperland, currently occupied by the Meanies. You are not imprisoned, but many of your friends and family may be frozen and colorless. You would be running around trying to unfreeze people without being so foolhardy as to get caught. Have your first post be an ordinary day for you in occupied Pepperland. [U][B]Beatles[/B][/U] Muse, Gramma, Starr, you three and I [since Billy Shears' IE is currently evil] are in Liverpool again. I'm giving Angelus some time to sign up, so have it also just be an average day post for you, as well. Sorry, but every RP starts out boring. Don't worry, once we're all established and happy, things will get real weird, real quick. ^__^ So...go post.! :p[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][center][/center] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/RTP.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [b][CENTER]Once upon a time? ?or maybe twice? there was an Unearthly paradise called Pepperland. 80,000 leagues beneath the sea it lay? ?or lie? I?m not too sure?[/CENTER][/B] Pepperland was a beautiful land, full of vivid colors, music, and happy people?very [I]strange[/I] happy people, but happy people none the less. They got along with their neighboring countries?all but one. The [b]Land[/b] of [b]Blue[/b] Pepperland?s neighbors to the North were everything the Peppers were not. They were not happy. They did not like music. And to them, only one color was acceptable: blue. The Blue Meanies were mean, as their name implies. But not only were they mean ? they were also nasty, cruel, dastardly and all-around jerks. One day, the Chief Blue Meanie decided enough was enough. Pepperland had been permitted to exist for far too long. He launched the attack against the peaceful land ? and the Peppers were defenseless against them. Pepperland fell in the space of one day. Pepperland?s last hope lay (or lie) with Young Fred, an old man who had managed to escape the attack. He fled in the Yellow Submarine, part of the fleet that had brought the Pepper?s ancestors to Pepperland. Guided by some unknown force, the Sub made its way to Liverpool, inexplicably drawn almost directly to the Beatles. The Beatles agreed to help Young Fred and the Peppers, and thus joined Fred in the Submarine. After meeting Jeremy Hilary Boob, Ph. D. (?Fud?), a strange furry creature who speaks mainly in Carrolian nonsense? And completing various bizarre, random and most likely drug-induced subplots (ooh...bad pun.), The Beatles and Fred arrive in Pepperland to find that the Blue Meanies are completely in control. So, in an attempt to rally the countryside, the Beatles impersonate Pepperland?s Founders ? Sgt. Pepper?s Lonely Hearts Club Band. This heartened the citizens of Pepperland into an uprising. After hand to ?well?word?sort of? combat between John and the Dreaded Glove, and the re-appearance of the original Sgt. Pepper, the Blue Meanies were defeated. Repenting of their lives of meanness, they joined the citizens of Pepperland in the appreciation of music and happiness. The Beatles returned to Liverpool, and everyone lived happily ever after? Or so the story goes... [CENTER]***[/CENTER] But as so often happens and is so seldom told, the Reformation of the Blue Meanies did not last long. At all. It lasted so short that one can doubt that it ever really even existed. As a matter of fact, it lasted about a day. In a sneak attack that borderd on plain evil, the Meanies quickly regained control of Pepperland. Now, two months later, Pepperland is again in a state of opression. The valiant Sgt. Pepper?s band is once more trapped inside their blue glass?and this time, they?re not even in Pepperland any more. This time, the Blue Meanies wised up?if only slightly. The Sgt?s Band is imprisoned deep in the land of Blue, far away and through the dreaded Blue Tooth Mountains. Young Fred has again been dispatched to find help?again, the Beatles will come to his aid. But will they be able to stop them this time? Or will music and Pepperland be doomed for all eternity? [/COLOR] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [COLOR=Navy]The Cheif Blue Meanie, known to all as "Boss", leaned back in his throne. From his perch atop the Pyramid of Blue, he could see for miles...and miles...and miles...and miles. Miles of nothing; nothing but flat, blue-tinged gray, even to the South. Even in Pepperland. Blue's normally colorful neighbor blended in with the rest; dull, colorless... He smiled slightly, thick blue lips curling over sharp teeth, yellowed by age and lack of care. [I][B]NOThing is such a LOVEly thing...[/B][/I] It had been three months since the day that would live in Meanie infamy. The Beatles, those medling humans, had returned to their far-off Liverpool, leaving Pepperland in the care of that [b]band[/b][I]...that band...[/I] His smile grew to truely predatory preportions, stretching his face to hideous size. He practically jumped out of his seat to skip to the side of the large, glass sphere perched on a pedestal in the middle of his throne room. Standing inside were four men; frozen in various poses of shock and horror. [B]"So this is the all powerful Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band..." [/B] He tapped the glass with a long fingernail. It had been ridiculously easy to trap the famous Band. They hadn't expected a thing... [B]"Er...no, your Blueness?" [/B] The Boss sighed, looking down at Max. The little Meanie looked back up at him, cringing away. [B]"The question was rhetorical, Max." [/B] Max bowed his head. [B]"No, your blueness."[/B] His mood ruined by his henchman, his Blueness returned to his throne. [B]"Have the troops captured that old fool Fred yet?" "No, your bluness."[/B] His Blueness' face broke into a wide grin. [B]"Why, [i]good[/i] Ma..." [/B] Just as quickly, the smile faded. [B]"You mean that the [i]human[/i] way, don't you, Max?"[/B] Max nodded. His Blueness rubbed his temples. [B]"Why must I live with such incompetence?"[/B] Max, heartend, perhaps, by his sedate angst, looked as if to speak. HIs Blueness pounded a heavy, clawed fist on the arm of his throne. [B]"I ORDered you to FIND him! He was our downfall once before, I don't want it to happen aGAIN! Now GO!" [/B] Max scurried out, leaving His Blueness rubbing his temples, glaring towards the South. Glaring towards the South, and Pepperland...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]ooc: go [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46999]under[water][/URL] for your assignments...[evil grin][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkGreen][B][U]CHARACTER SIGN UP[/U][/B] [B]Name:[/B] Taj Niko [B]Age:[/B] 15 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race: [/B] Gungan [B]Homeworld: [/B] Naboo [B]Affiliate Order:[/B] New Jedi Order [B]Rank:[/B] Padawan [B]Class: [/B] Padawan Ambassador [Force Focus] [B]Lightsaber:[/B] Single lightsaber, sunny orange blade. The hilt is silver blue, and etched through with bronze sea creatures. The etchings serve a dual purpose - they remind her of her home world, and also act as grips to keep her saber from slipping through her fingers. [B]Lightsaber Style: [/B] Ataru - [Form IV] - Level One [B]Force Powers:[/B] Force Aura Valour Revitalize Force Barrier Force Jump Energy Resistance Battle Meditation Force Push [B]Appearance:[/B] Taj is tall and gangly, like most of her [URL=http://www.mfit.de/Episode_I/Bilder/jarjarepi1.jpeg]race[/URL]. Still being young, she's "only" six feet tall, and very slender. Her hands and feet seem to be a bit too big for the rest of her. Her patch-markings are a little darker, and her skin under them is a little lighter than those shown in the picture, and her eyes are dark green. She wears loose white pants and a tunic under a pine green hooded robe. She also carries a silver [URL=http://www.uswing.com/images/slim_whistle2.jpg]whistle[/URL] on a hemp chord. No real reason, she just likes the noise. [B]Biography:[/B] Gungans are not known for being great Jedi. Comedians, perhaps. Mechanics, perhaps. Anglers, perhaps. But Jedi? Not really. Which is why it was such a surprise for Rav and Gil Niko when the Jedi said that their little girl had Jedi potential. So at the age of five, Taj was taken to the Academy. While there, she did have a few problems. The language, for one. Basic is not easy for a Gungan to learn...and while a Gungan [i]can[/i] learn it, they sound very silly in the process. And even little Jedi kids can tease. Another problem was her clumsiness. While a little clumsiness is normal in children, it seemed almost chronic in Taj. the friendly Gungan took the teasing in stride, never putting too much thought into what the other children were saying, except when they teased her accent. All the teasing ended for good when the Yuzhan Vong declared their war on all Jedi. Taj was still very young at the time, still considered a youngling, but in the face of the threatened massacre, most of the younglings were paired with Masters; not necessarily as Padawans, but merely for their protection in the face of the Vong and their Jedi hunters, the strange creatures known as Voxyn. Taj and the other younglings of her class spent quite some time on the run; hiding from the Vong. Even though they were hunted from planet to planet, the Masters were always training the younglings; protecting them with their lives. It was a rough time - until Booster Terrik offered his Star Destroyer as a safe haven for the Jedi. Therefore, the year where she began to truly realize what being a Jedi means where spent in space. Since the end of the war with the Vong, Taj has slowly began developing into a slightly more graceful being; her lightsaber training unlocking a sure-footed-ness that she's never felt before. Thus far, the grace only appears in lightsabre training, but her master assures her that she won't be clumsy for the rest of her life. As a matter of fact, she was engaged in lightsabre practice when the Sith attacked. She and some of the other Padawans helped keep the younglings out of harms way, deep under the temple... [B]Personality:[/B] Taj is very...enthusiastic. When she is given a job to do, she tries her hardest to get it done. Whether the results always turn out the way that is wanted/needed is a touchy point. She rarely acts with the decorum needed for a Jedi, although this is something she's trying to develop; something her Master has been admirably patient about. She also has problems being patient. When she is waiting for things, she wants them [i]now[/i]. However, she is incredibly flexible with her time, often giving up free time to help friends. [B]Other: [/B] Taj speaks better Basic than most Gungans, but quite often the "Meesa" accent shows through. She has a tendency to "hero worship". She looked up to [spoiler] Anakin Solo, and was almost heartbroken when she found out he was killed.[/spoiler]*. She will also listen to [i]anything[/i] Corran Horn says. [B]Final Question:[/B] I thought it was excellent, actually. All I had to do was copy and paste, which gives me more time to focus on the bio and personality.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]*Spoilered for people who haven't read NJO and are planning to/might in the future.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I really like the look of this picture. Starr says it looks art-deco, and now that I look at it it does; but I figured I'd better give credit where credit is due...I can never remember art-style-names anyways... I really like the antique/30's and 40's feel to it...how'd you do that one, if you don't mind me asking?[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello, Ellven'and. I'm afraid that this does not belong in the Adventure Square for one of two reasons. First of all, it seems like a story. If it is the start of a story, it would need to be in the OB [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=87]Anthology[/URL]. If this is meant to be used as an RP, however, first it has to go through a recruiting stage in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48]Inn[/URL], so that we don't have the Square cluttered with abandoned RPs that no one cared to carry on. Information on the Inn, the Square, Recruiting and the such like can be found in the Square's sticky, [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44317]here[/URL]. Feel free to start recruiting for an RP such as Necroterra once you have read through all the information. Thanks -Ozy[/COLOR]
  21. Here you go...this was fun. Avi: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23541&stc=1[/IMG] Banner [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23542&stc=1[/IMG]
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, so far so good. Billy Shears' Internet Explorer has decided to be evil, and isn't working, I just talked with Muse about her signup, so it should be up soon, and Angelus_Necare..er...seems to have vanished. Oh, well. Signups are still open. Billy and Delacroix still need to finish their's, and whoever deleted their signup so mine now looks double posted, thanks a lot...*Kicks Starr [lightly] and goes to fix* So...yeah. [b]Signups are still open[/b]. Yes, I am pitiful. Deal with it. :p This WILL start Monday, with or without Fred and John... [COLOR=Navy]*pets Glove threateningly* Although I would prefer with...[/COLOR][/COLOR] [center] [LEFT] [COLOR=yellow] [B]Name: [/B] True name unknown, but is known to all as the [B]Cheif Meanie[/B] [B]Appearance:[/B] [[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image025.jpg]His Blueness[/url]] [B]Gender:[/B] Male [b]Species:[/b] Meanie [B]Age:[/B] 400 [B]Talents:[/B] Scary the living daylights out of just about anyone, control of the [[URL=http://www.startrekanimated.com/ys_15.JPG]GLOVE[/URL]], destruction... [B]Personality:[/B] Very odd. Given to temper tantrums, mood swings and violent fits of rage, especially when things don't go HIS way. He does have a sense of humor [odd as it is] but hearing him laugh generally means something bad is about to happen. [B]Bio:[/B] Nobody really knows what the Cheif Blue Meanie's real name is. For as long as anyone can remember, he's always been His Blueness. He likes to cultivate the image and idea that he's been around forever. In truth, when he was a young meanie, he was told that being mean was just the way things were to be done. And so, being the meanie that he was, he listened. Meanies were just supposed to be mean as a way of life...not necessarily [i]like[/i] it. But he began to like it, gaining in skill at being a complete jerk until, at the age of 50, he wrested control of the entire Meanie army from the rightful commanders, and proclaimed himself to be Leader, a postion he's held for the last 350 years. Since his glorious [b]failure[/b] at the hand of the Peppers, and more importantly, the Beatles, he has become even more mean and resentful, and has some very nasty plans for the band once they arrive...which he knows they will. The good guys are [b]always[/b] predictable. [/COLOR][/LEFT] [/center]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange]The bus braked to a stop outside the hotel. Sarah picked up the one duffel she''d jammed all her clothes on, picked up her backpack that had her notebooks and pencils, in trudged out of the air conditioned vehicle into the hot, sticky tTexas evening. The bus departed in a cloud of exhaust. She stared at the motel. [B]"Well, here goes..."[/B] She pushed open the door, and stepped up to the counter. [B]"Um...hi." [/B] She smiled at the receptionist. [B]"Do you have a room reserved for Sarah Thomason?" [/B] The key was quickly handed over, and she found herself wandering toward her room. [i]Nice place...[/i] She winced as she realized she was going to be towards the top. Heights, in all their forms, terrified her. But...she'd survive, somehow. The elevator was fast. She stepped out onto the top floor, and headed for her room... [CENTER]***[/CENTER] OOC: Well. I'm at the hotel, now. Joy. What now? Anyone wanna talk to a lonely artist? I accept all comers... I apologize for the shortness, but I was never all that good at "normal life" RPs...[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Ima ground her teeth, almost hanging off Zane's shoulder. Kadar had disappeared toward the cockpit, leaving only the Pisces Zodiac between Ima and what she was certain would be a complete collapse. [I]So many people...[/I]she struggled to keep her focus on the air molecules around the plane, struggled to not think about what would happen if she lost her focus. [I]So many people...[/I] The plane leveled out; it seemed that someone had gotten some form of control in the cockpit. That helped - a bit. The pressure on the edges of her mind, however, merely continued to grow. She bit her lip, trying to stifle a wimper as she tied air molecule to air molecule. Her breathe was coming in short gasps now, her concentration making her pant... There was a trickle of cool water down the side of her face. She opened her eyes a crack to see Zane smiling slightly, the water seeming to run from his fingertips. [B]"Cool water is good for headaches." [/B] He eased her into one of the nearbye seats, sitting down nest to her, one hand maintaining gentle contact with her head, keeping the water in motion. [B]"Just stay focused..." [/B] The soft voice helped, as she kept weaving the air together. The plane seemed to be slowing; ironically slowing slowly. She closed her eyes again, trying to pay attention to the voice and the air, and not the sounds of fighting from the front of the plane...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: I think the reason they're so short is we're just getting back into the swing of things...they'll get longer again, I'm sure...;)[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I am afraid I will have to close this thread, as it doesn't have a rating in the title. All RPs must have ratings. You are free to repost this RP, just make sure you place the correct rating in the title. Information on thread ratings and the suchlike are in the Inn and Square's sticky, and also [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/url]. Just read through them, and apply the correct rating to your RP. Feel free to PM me with any questions. Thanks, Ozy[/COLOR]
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