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Ozymandius Jones

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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Please check the dates on threads in the Inn. This RP started recruiting almost 2 years ago. If it's not on the first page and a half, chances are it's no longer active or recruiting. Feel free to join one of the other RPs that are recruiting. ^__^ -Ozy[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I am afraid I will have to close this thread, as it doesn't have a rating in the title. All RPs must have ratings. You are free to repost this RP, just make sure you place the correct rating in the title. Information on thread ratings and the suchlike are in the Inn and Square's sticky, and also [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]here[/url]. Just read through them, and apply the correct rating to your RP. Feel free to PM me with any questions. Thanks, Ozy[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, this one uses my favorite Photoshop thingy: the "light flare". Other than that, it's pretty much just a black and blue background. I like it, though, so maybe you will too. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/ml1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/ml11.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Here you go, I think he's from Angel Sanctuary...never saw it, but he's about the only one I could find with black wings. So..hope you like it! [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/fallen11.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/fallen1.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=Blackjack][size=1][color=Red] [b]?NOOOO!?[/b] he yelled, suitably melodramatically, tearing at the sequined party dress with his free hand. Dagger flinched as the shriek sounded right by her ear, and she brought one stilettoed heel down on the villain?s now-unarmoured foot. He squealed even louder and began to hop up and down, precariously close to the edge of the roof. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] *snerk* DW in a sequined party dress...OW! Blackjack, you just KILLED my BRAIN! And I now feel the urge to design a logo for myself...hmm... I really like your writing style. It's very good, smooth and easy to read. And Otaku City sounds like Paradigm City from Big O... Tres cool![/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, I had had this all finished when I saw someone else had posted, but I still thought I'd put it up, give ya some variety and what not... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/amon.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/amon1.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrange][quote name='Otogi-san']I'm really looking toward this movie now! I only wish that they would release them in order, because The Magician's Nephew explains so much that you wouldn't understand otherwise.[/quote] Well, it actually makes sense to release the movies in the order that Mr. Lewis wrote them in, I believe, because The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe is where Narnia begins changing, actually. All the books after come as a result of it. And since the [i]main[/i] story starts there, releasing the prequel, [which I do agree with it explaining more] first seems silly.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrange][COLOR=Black]OOC: O...kay. Considering that all players have been here a year or more, I shall merely assume that Sessshoumaru is confused, and not in this, and carry on...[/COLOR] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [CENTER][I]And when the waters slow down The dark and the deep have no-one left to keep. Hang on John! We're out of this at last. Something's changed, that's not your face. It's mine, it's mine...it's mine![/I][/CENTER] Motorcyle noises and - abrupt change. Instead of cycling smoothly into [i]it[/i], the small CD player she had changed to...well...was changing to...she waited. And waited. And was just about to throw the annoying thing out of the window when it finally began to play. [CENTER][i]We don't need no, education... We don't need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the class room, Teacher leave them kids alone... Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone... All in all it's just another brick in the wall...[/i][/CENTER] How strangely fitting. Sarah leaned back against the seat, closing her eyes against the sun streaming through the Greyhound's window. The freaky guy had gotten off last stop, so she felt safe doing so. She thought about the two week trip. [I]I don't know any of these people![/I] She thought, listening to the song, but hearing her mother's voice in her head. [i]I just want you to be careful, sweetie...[/i] [i]I will be, don't worry...[/i] She did feel nervous as the bus traveled on. She'd just graduated - life was changing. [i]Normal[/i] was changing. Her mother, under normal circumstances, would never have allowed this, and yet...here she was. She sighed, leaning against the window. [i]Guess we'll have to see whether this is a good thing once we get there...[/i][/COLOR] OOC: I also believe this is where I beg for mercy for being so late...*drops to knees, clasps hands* Don't cane me marm, I was led astray! Heh. That work? In truth, 'twas the devil finals...
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hee. Why do I alsways make the best banners when I don't like the show? 'tis odd, really... Okay. You get choices this time. We have text [anytime I used cursive it got very very blurry]: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/xkahelsing.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/xkahelsing1.jpg[/IMG] And no text: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/xkahelsing3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/xkahelsing2.jpg[/IMG] Personally, I think the no-text banner and avi are better, but that's just me. Hope that's what you're looking for...^__^[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo][B]Name:[/B] Tinaka Y'lado [B]Code name:[/B] ...."Fuzzy" [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 40 [B]Race:[/B] Fang [B]Abilities:[/B] Very strong, very fast and very, [i]very[/i] good with tactics. He's not the smartest guy in the world when it comes to most things, but if it can be approached through a tactical standpoint, he almost instinctively knows what would work, what would [i]not[/i] work, and all the little bits in between. [B]Position:[/B] Chief Tactical Officer [B]Personality:[/B] Sharp tongued, brutally honest, and straight to the point. He's not a big fan of subtlety. If it's not tactical, it's hard to convince him of anything, and he's very stubborn. On the good side, however, once he respects you, maybe even [i]likes[/i] you, you will have a protector for life. [B]Appearance:[/B] [[URL=http://www.triadrpg.com/sitebuilder/images/Anubis_Painting-433x469.jpg]Tinaka[/URL]] Just....stick him in whatever uniform these guys have, he doesn't do the whole "Egyptian" look. [B]Biography:[/B] A wild child even for a Fang, Tinaka was often in trouble at school for everything - fighting in other classes, refusing to listen to orders, even for destroying property. It was generally accepted that if you were in a fight, you'd want Tinaka on your side, but if something was being done for fun, he was generally the last person on anyone's minds. When Tinaka was 27, still young for a Fang, he decided he wanted to work for the TSPA. Various relatives said he'd never make it, that a Fang's temperment was good only for fighting. And Tanaka also thought this, but was dertermined to try. The same pattern from his early childhood emerged - fights, trouble...getting disiplined seemed to be part of an ordinary school day...until he met Jerry, an older human and an administrator at the school. In an effort to save both of them from dying of boredom, Jerry taught Tanaka how to play chess. Tanaka was almost instantly hooked to the play of logic, stratagy and planning, and switched his schooling path from foot soldier to strategist. With his attention occupied, he began to fight less, and his grades rose. It was an odd sight, walking into a logic class and spying a loud, tough-talking, snarling Fang in amongst the quieter, more orderly students, but no one really minded. He graduated in the top twenty in his class, much to the amazement of most of his family and even [though he would never admit it] himself. He applied for a position on one of the larger warships [there are warships, right? If not, IM me, I'll edit it out...] and won a position as a strategy specialist in the lowest level rank aboard. He slowly began to work up the ranks, turning down promotions when he felt he didn't deserve them. He made very few friends, but even fewer enemies, prefering to focus on his work more than socialize. Superiors tend not to like it when you refuse promotiong after promotion. They get to get a bit...insistant. After turning the job down over four times, they finally delivered an ultimatum to Tinaka at the age of 35. Take the job with the Zeitsande, or leave the service. Obviously, given such a choice, Tinaka accepted the position, and has worked diligantly over the last five years. He still maintains a typical gruff Fang exterior, but over time he's softened slightly, to the point where his subordinates feel safe enough to call him Fuzzy behind his back. They still don't feel safe enough to call him that to his face, though... [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Finished the bio, I do believe. :D[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Name:[/B] Imahyn "Ima" Eliandro [B]Height: [/B] 5'4'' [B]Weight:[/B] 115 [B]Age:[/B] appearence 22, soul 150. [B]Appearance: [/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/christinavidal.jpg]Ima[/url] [B]Race:[/B] Zodiac, Aquarius [B]Position:[/B] Neutral [B]Power:[/B] Air and wind. She can create small tornadoes, manipulate air molecules to heat them, or cool them, can slow the passage of air to the point that it becomes almost a net. [B]Morph: [/B] [url=http://img.thefreedictionary.com/wiki/0/02/Black_bear_large.jpg]Bear[/url] [B]Weapon:[/B] A sword that looks like [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/loheng.jpg]this.[/url] Her's is the darker one. She also carries a [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/BlackbirdsGlock.jpg ]glock.[/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Ima, as she is known, grew up along the coast of Costa Rica. Most of her life, she thought she was a normal human. She went to school, had a job, basically anything a normal human would do. Until one day, while at her lifegaurd job, she was actually able to make a boy start breathing without using CPR or any such techniques. Alarmed, her powers wentout of control, causing a windstorm on the beach. Disaster was averted only by the arrival of Kadar, the Sagittarius, unofficial leader of the Zodiac. Since then, she has had help in mastering her powers by Kariz, Aries in the Zodiac, and has traveled much of the globe. Her powers are growing in strength, but she prefers to fight back-up for Kariz, adding the power of oxygen to Kariz's firepower. When the last chapter ended, she and the other Zodiac were on a crashing plane...it'll be interesting to see how they got out...;)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Due to us never reaching morph-point in the last chapter, I am changing my morph from a swan to a bear, as long as that's ok with you, DC...[/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE=Dagger]That trailer... :animenose Wow. The movie's style seems to be very LotR-ish, and that's definitely a good thing. Now I'm really excited about this film. As it happens, pretty much the only thing dimming my happiness is the fact that The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe is probably my least favorite book in the entire series. Well, I hope it sells loads of tickets. Maybe that way they'll decide to film the sequels (and the prequel, perhaps). ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]From what I've heard [and I haven't researched this yet but plan to] they are planning on filming all seven books. Which would just be awesome, considering that my two favorite books [The Magician's Nephew, (the prequel), and The Last Battle] never got filmed first time 'round. Not that I really mind, now that they're doing them this quality. I'd be curious to see how they'd do the whole [spoiler]End of Narnia bit, especially Father Time putting out the sun, and all the color just disappearing; and the part with the world inside being larger than the world outside...[/spoiler] And Eva? There are [i]seven[/i] books. And I, honestly, think they'll go a bit better than His Dark Material's, which I read, enjoyed, but don't plan to reread. They were a one time thing, while Harry Potter and Chronicles of Narnia I have re-read multiple times.[/COLOR]
  13. [center] [LEFT] [COLOR=yellow] Ok, very good thus far. I [b]still[/b] need John and Fred to sign up...*prepares glove for attack* and Billy you need to edit, but I'm pretty sure you know that, kick your computer for me. ;) Those who haven't signed up/wish to edit, I now have a table background for each reserved movie character in the underground. Wee! I think they look ok, but feel free to not use them, too. I have a couple of people who say they'll play original characters, and once they signup I'll figure out when to start, but next Monday seems like a likely date. [/COLOR][/LEFT] [/center]
  14. [center] [LEFT] [COLOR=yellow]No. You may not. :p Just kidding. Sure. But he can only have [i]one[/i] head. Anyways. I just wanted to inform everybody that I added two new powers. I can't believe I forgot them! They would be Corporeal Linguistics and Plantilogical Manifestation... and get your signups in, people!!! I made tables, should you be interested in looking cool...;)[/COLOR][/LEFT] [/center]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Oh, yes, I am back! BooYah! Erm. Sorry about that...here's my offering; it's mostly random brushes [brushes courtesy of rebel-heart.net] and then dodging, burning, blurring and fading, all on top of a highly magnified photograph of an ice crystal. :D But you didn't want to know that, you just want your banner! So here you go: Avi: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/ana21.jpg[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/ana2.jpg[/IMG] How you like them! They were fun to make, anyway....[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Not to steal any thunder from the Goblet of Fire trailer, but I am [i]really[/i] excited about this movie. Having been a fan of the original movies [bad quality that they are] since I was four, and the books since I was six, this movie is on the top of my to-see list, despite the fact that it won't be out of another seven months. [URL=http://movies.channel.aol.com/franchise/exclusives/chronicles_of_narnia_movie]Trailer[/URL] One word: Goosebumps. This movie looks as if it will be epic, and I mean [i]epic.[/i] The monsters look realistic; Aslan looks as though he could take your head off, the children look convincing and the White Witch looks decidely creepy. And I can't help but think this will wind up with a PG-13 rating. But I think it'll be worth the wait. And I can't [i]wait[/i] for December 9th.[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, just so you know, Ozy vs. Crusader [formerly Seriyuu] will be happening soon. I may have to start the thread tommorow, but it's still happening. [U][B]Crusader: [/B][/U] The setting will be in a sort of farm-yard (Hay bales, carts, etc) in a small village. Probably around noon, in bright sunlight. Rain is getting cliched. If you can think of anything you want to add info wise, do so, and then I'll start the thread tomorrow. [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I really, really like the Ichigo banner, despite not being a Bleach fan. The colors are very nice, vibrant is always good, and the picture's nice and clear. But the thing I think really makes that banner is the way the corner-cutout follows the words. I don't know why, but I like that part the best. How odd.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Hoshiko sat in the living room on the couch, sulking as she watched the people on the streets. The hospital had finally let her go - just in time for her father to come, pick her up and threaten to sue the school for every penny it had. The district administrator was in the kitchen with her parents right now, trying to talk her father out of doing anything...silly. Her mother was trying to reason with both of them, as her father was raging, and the administrator was bouncing between cajoling and threatening; as district admin, he could just fire her father, and that would be that...she sighed again. At first, it had been amusing. This wasn't the first time her high-strung father had threatened to sue; normally, it was hilarious watching him argue. But today, it was getting repititous. [B]"And my daughter could have been seriously injured, if not KILLED, by that fire! Why didn't the sprinklers work? Huh?" "Johnson-san, if you would just listen..." "Well, forgive me if I don't WANT to "just listen," you arrogant old-" "Martin!"[/B][I]And now that mother gets involved...[/I] Staring out at the street, she thought she recognized three of the people walking up it. As they got closer, she grinned slighty. An excuse! She hurried out the front door before her parents realized she'd gotten up. [B]"Aka! Aka-san!"[/B] Aka and the two other people turned; Hoshi now recognized them as Aka's brother, and Maria. Aka raised an eyebrow. [B]"Yeah? What d'ya want?"[/B] Now that she had the older girl's attention, she stammered. While the Yankee had kept her from getting teased too much in grade school, she wasn't exactly the most friendly person in the world... [B]"I - I just wanted to thank you...for pulling me out of the fire, I mean."[/B]Aka smirked slightly. [B]"Sure, anytime." [/B] Her eyebrows rose higher as her father's voice became audible in the early twlight. [B]"Your dad in a bad mood?"[/B] Hoshi's ears flushed. [B]"He's throwing temper tantrums again."[/B] Aka exchanged an amused grin with her brother. [B]"So...you hanging 'round this place? Almost as boring as school..."[/B] Hoshi shrugged. [B]"They'd ground me if I went anywhere."[/B] Aka's grin grew wider. [B]"So what? Come with us." "Where are you going?" [/B] Ken shrugged. [B]"Don't really know..." "And don't really care." [/B] Maria finished. Hoshi nodded. [B]"Alright then, I'll come." [/B] Ignoring her father's voice, which had switched from yelling in Japanese to swearing in English, she followed the older students down the street.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Soooooo sorry about only posting once so far... Stupid finals. *kicks them*[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Scary? .... I seem scary? I love me! Hahaha! I'm like...Q! Or Norman! Fun with gadgets! I am sooooo sorry I didn't comment on this before now, but I didn't see it before now. Finals = d00m. I love it thus far, and not only because you made me cool ^__^. Can't wait to see a next part and a next appearence of a random OB member. [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Sienna][B]"A filing room...it was very small, and would take me hours to go through all the records." [/B] Dave nodded, trying to calm down - his heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest. [i]'e could've killed me![/i] [B]"Let me see..."[/B] Dimitri led the way back into the small room, lined with filing cabinets; seemingly oblivious to the panic he'd caused. Dave shook his head, sliding one of the drawers open. It was ful of old, old papers. He lifted one out, scanning down the yellowing text. [B]"Bah. This is just old budget stuff from...like...the fifties or something. Weird. Guess they keep their junk..."[/B] [B]"For fifty years? That is a bit obsessive..."[/B] [B]"Who knows."[/B] He shoved the paper back into its folder. [B]"I don't think that's much help at all...I don't think this is the room she was talking about."[/B] [B]"I do not believe so either."[/B] The two of them stepped back into the hall. Alarms were blaring, but they all seemed to be coming from the other side of the building. Dave couldn't surpress a slight grin. [B]"Guess somebody got clumsy, 'ey?"[/B] Dimitri laughed as the two of them continued towards the center of the building. The turned round one of the many courners - and walked almost straight into a wall of gaurds and guns. Dimitri rolled his eyes as both of them froze, hands in the air. [B]"Or else not so clumsy."[/B] The leader of the gaurds stepped forward, face grim. [B]"Don't even think about moving."[/B] Dave glanced at Dimitri. Dimitri winked. Dave lowered his hands slightly, focusing on the tattoo on his arm, and the warm sensation spreading through it, over his shoulder to his throat. [B]"Who's thinking of moving? We ain't movin'...see? We're both stayin' perfectly still, jus' like y'told us..." [/B] In truth, the both of them were backing towards the hall they'd just came from. The gaurds stayed still...whatever they were seeing [i]wasn't[/i] what was really there. Once around the corner, they both broke into a mad dash for the next corridor. After running for several minutes, and hearing no-one follow, the two paused, Dimitri panting slightly. He grinned. [B]"So, the musician is now a sweet-talker, no?"[/B] Now it was Dave's turn to roll his eyes. [B]"'s nothin' special...it's just a different type of weapon from tha' chopper you've got..."[/B] He turned to walk down the hall again when he realized Dimitri was staring. [B]"What?"[/B] [B]"Are you speaking with your tattoo?" "No, wh..."[/B] He focused on his own voice. The rasp that had been there for the last ten years was gone, leaving a still-deeply-accented tenor in its place. He felt like yelling at the top of his lungs, or singing, or...well...anything, but given the circumstances, that would have been very foolish. He settled for grinning widely as the continued towards the center. [B][i]Guess that's wot t'chief meant by makin' our tattoos real...hmm...wonder if the horseshoe'd stay, or just the speed?[/i][/B] He began to focus on his feet as Dimitri continued to prowl ahead. The burning glass sensation didn't even show up this time, as his foot tingled. His steps were becoming lighter as he focused. It was an...odd sensation. He'd never bothered to try the tattoo when he wasn't panicked and running for his life...he almost felt like he was floating when - abruptly - the tingling sensation disappeared, leaving his feet still as light as before. Grinning like a maniac, he moved as if to take a slow, typical walk - and was almost instantly in front of Dimitri. Dimitri raised an eyebrow. [B]"What are you doing?"[/B] Dave darted ahead and back, feeling like a hyperactive ten year old. [B]"I don't even 'ave t'focus anymore. 'eck, I dunno if I'd even need t'tattoo anymore..." [/B] Dimitri continued walking. [B]"Joy for you."[/B] Dave slowed slightly. It was odd, having to focus to [i]slow[/i] down. He nodded towards Dimitri's arm, and the small drop of blood that was trickling down towards Dimitri's wrist. [B]"Ain't y'gonna see what y'can do with [i]that[/i]?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: w00t! I'm almost done with school, and I am soooo sorry for not posting sooner. Finals are very bad for RPs, very bad indeed. :grumble: But I am back! And tag, Dy...I wasn't sure how large a blade Dimitri would choose if he was making his sword real, so I didn't pick for you.[/COLOR]
  22. [quote name='Gelgoog Pilot']:animestun You do know the 'S' stands for soup right...So you just stated that you'll have some massive amounts of soup in your hotel room...I'll warn you right now...Soup is a dangerous thing missy...it can really mess with your mind. :animesigh[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Maybe they're going to flood their room with it...y'know, like the Led Zepplin guys did with the fire hose... Anyways. Steff, I'm afraid of hieghts and planes, so if I were heading for Texas, I would take a Grayhound...is that ok? Or should Sarah take a plane?[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrange][COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] [/COLOR] Sarah Thomason [COLOR=Navy][B]Age:[/B][/COLOR] 22 [COLOR=Navy][B]Gender:[/B][/COLOR] Female [COLOR=Navy][B]Appearance: [/B][/COLOR][URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/P4300001.jpg]T'Loverly Sarah[/URL] [B][U]Body: [/U][/B] Sarah is five three, and basically average. She's not large anywhere. She does qualify as slender, but not in a sensual manner. She has a tendency to slump, never stands straight when she can lean, and she does vamp very well. She hardly ever stands still. [COLOR=Navy][B]Character Snippit: [/B] [/COLOR] [B]"The courtesan and sitar man..." [/B] Sarah was singing at the top of her lungs. Finals = finished = happy Sarah. Her roomate, Julie, still had a test to go. She glared at Sarah. [B]"Not. Again."[/B] Sarah stuck her toungue out at her, and sang the next line of the song. [B]"Are pulled apart by an evil plan..." [/B] Julie continued glaring. [B]"But in the end she hears his song...and their love is just too stro~ong...it's a little bit funny..."[/B] She switched from Christian's smooth singing to the Duke's almost sneer, laughing at Julie rolling her eyes. This was a [i]good[/i] song for annoying... [B]"There's mail for you." "...this feeling inside..." "Mail." "So excit..mail?"[/B] Julie sighed. Sarah smirked inside. It was [i]fun[/i] to see just how [I]exasperated[/I] she could get her stern roommate. Just the fact that she found musicals to be the [i]worst[/i] thing on earth helped matters along quite a bit. Still humming "Spectacular Spectacular," she moved to pick up the letter on the desk. [B][i]Wonder who this is from..Mom's letter came yesterday, and Theresa just IMs me...[/i][/B] With the sister and mom out of the options, she couldn't really see who would mail her. Opening it, she noticed it started "Dear Ozymandius..." She grinned, moving to her computer. This was going to be interesting. [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Hoshiko sat at her desk, trying to stay awake. Today...today had begun like every other day... [CENTER][U][B]Earlier[/B][/U][/CENTER] [i]"Hoshiko?" Hoshisko buried her head under her pillow, ignoring her mother's soft voice. "Hoshiko, you need to get up." "NO!" The sound of her voice was muffled by her pillow. "Hoshi..." The voice, like that, had gone from soft and motherly to the voice of a drill sergant. "Go away." "Hoshiko Johnson, you will get out of that bed THIS INSTANT or I will DRAG you out!" That threat, she knew from experience, would have been carried out. She pulled her pillow off her head, glaring at the smudge that was her mother. "I hate mornings." The sweet, motherly voice was back, but Hoshi could just [b]tell[/b] that her mother was smirking as she fumbled for her glasses. "I know you do. They aren't so fond of you, either, I'm sure." She left as Hoshi tried to remember what she'd done with her uniform...[/i] Her father had dropped her off on his way to the elementary school where he taught, a mere ten minutes before first bell. She'd stumbled to her IT class in her normal morning-funk, and sat down next to Zeph. Zeph gave a small smile, already typing away. Hoshiko returned it half-heartedly, and leaned on the desk in front of her, hoping she wouldn't fall back asleep before class began.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Gah. Sorry 'tis so short, but precalc calls...[/COLOR]
  25. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/RTP.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][CENTER]Once upon a time? ?or maybe twice? there was an Unearthly paradise called Pepperland. 80,000 leagues beneath the sea it lay? ?or lie? I?m not too sure? [/CENTER][/B] [LEFT][[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image003.jpg]Pepperland[/URL]] Pepperland was a beautiful land, full of vivid colors, music, and happy people?very [I]strange[/I] happy people, but happy people none the less. They got along with their neighboring countries?all but one. [[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image005.jpg]The Land of Blue[/URL]] Pepperland?s neighbors to the North were everything the Peppers were not. They were not happy. They did not like music. And to them, only one color was acceptable: blue. The Blue Meanies were mean, as their name implies. But not only were they mean ? they were also nasty, cruel, dastardly and all-around jerks. One day, the Chief Blue Meanie decided enough was enough. Pepperland had been permitted to exist for far too long. He launched the attack against the peaceful land ? and the Peppers were defenseless against them. Pepperland fell in the space of one day. Pepperland?s last hope lay (or lie) with Young Fred, an old man who had managed to escape the attack. He fled in the Yellow Submarine, part of the fleet that had brought the Pepper?s ancestors to Pepperland. Guided by some unknown force, the Sub made its way to Liverpool, inexplicably drawn almost directly to the Beatles. The Beatles agreed to help Young Fred and the Peppers, and thus joined Fred in the Submarine. After meeting Jeremy Hilary Boob, Ph. D. (?Fud?), a strange furry creature who speaks mainly in Carrolian nonsense? [[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image027.jpg]Jeremy[/URL]] And completing various bizarre, random and most likely drug-induced [[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image009.jpg] subplots[/URL]](ooh...bad pun.), The Beatles and Fred arrive in Pepperland to find that the Blue Meanies are completely in control. So, in an attempt to rally the countryside, the Beatles impersonate Pepperland?s Founders ? [[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image011.jpg]Sgt. Pepper?s Lonely Hearts Club Band.[/URL]] (Please do not ask me why their hair is green. Please, also, do not inquire as to why one of Paul?s pant legs is a different color than the other, or how John is using a trombone and a?er?director thingy at the same time. I cannot answer these questions. I doubt the [I]animators[/I] can answer these questions.) This heartened the citizens of Pepperland into an uprising. After hand to ?well?word?sort of? combat between John and the Dreaded Glove, and the re-appearance of the original Sgt. Pepper, the Blue Meanies were defeated. Repenting of their lives of meanness, they joined the citizens of Pepperland in the appreciation of music and happiness. The Beatles returned to Liverpool, and everyone lived happily ever after? Or so the story goes. But as so often happens and is so seldom told, the Reformation of the Blue Meanies did not last long. At all. It lasted so short that one can doubt that it ever really even existed. As a matter of fact, it lasted about a day. Now, two months later, Pepperland is again in a state of siege. The valiant Sgt. Pepper?s band is once more trapped inside their blue glass?and this time, they?re not even in Pepperland any more. This time, the Blue Meanies wised up?if only slightly. The Sgt?s Band is imprisoned deep in the land of Blue, far away and through the dreaded Blue Tooth Mountains. Young Fred has again been dispatched to find help?again, the Beatles will come to his aid. But will they be able to stop them this time? Or will music and Pepperland be doomed for all eternity? Dun dun dun?[/LEFT] [COLOR=Navy]Hello. It?s me, your friendly mistress of stupidly strange RPGs. Since ReDux didn't do as much damage as I'd hoped...well...I?m back, and weirder than before. As you can tell, (if you're one of the...what...5 Beatles fans on this board?) Return to Pepperland is in the same genre as it's original movie. The main plot is The Beatles and their merry group of rebel Peppers must rescue Sgt. Pepper's Band from the Land of Blue. There will be side-plots (they have three Seas that they must pass through in addition to the Land of Blue) and the suchlike. There will be lots and lots of humor. Puns and absurdity are encouraged. If you've read all that and are still interested, there are characters from the original movie who you can play...problem is, most are already reserved. More info on Characters can be found in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46999]UnderWater[/URL] Original Movie Characters: [B]?Young? Fred[/B] - Reserved for Angelus_Necare [B]John[/B] - Reserved for Muse [B]George[/B] - Reserved for Billy Shears [B]Paul[/B] - Grammar Panzer [B]Ringo[/B] - Reserved for Starrstruck [B]His Blueness[/B] - Reserved by ME! [B]Jeremy[/B] - Open [B]Max[/B] - Open You don't have to play as a movie character. As a matter of fact, I would like a few original characters. What I need from you is this: [B]Name:[/B] Anything goes. Humans are still named human names, monsters have...weirder names. Preferably a pun on a stereotypical monster name [Grisnak, etc]. [B]Age: [/B] Humans 10-100, monsters can be anything. [B]Gender:[/B] Self explanitory. Male, Female. [b]Species[/b]: Human, Monster, or Meanie [B]Appearance:[/B] Humans look like humans who dressed themselves while on LSD. Monsters...well...they're grouped into one mass group, "Monsters", but they look like pratically anything. Sky's the limit. [B]Talents:[/B] This is "Powers" basically. There's a list of powers available in the underground. If you have a new one, PM me and I'll probably add it. Just remember: Music, Colors and Humor are the weapons here. If you play an instrument, add it. [B]Personality:[/B] Self explanitory. [B]Bio: [/B] Self explanitory. Doesn't have to be long, at all. If you are one of the people who have reserved a character, the [i]basic[/i] stats for said character are in the Underground. That's just the base, feel free to tweak it as you like. If you want to be one of the original movie characters that isn't reserved, just A)PM me, or B)Show me in your sign-up that you've got the character right. I will be picky with the original movie characters, just so you know. If you are an infidel and unfamiliar with the movie [just kidding!], the transcript is found [url=http://www.freewebs.com/ozysfic/Yellow%20Submarine%20The%20Script.htm]here.[/url] Seriously, this girl is a genius. Trying to transcibe that movie is like trying to herd cats. Trust me. Due to finals happening in two weeks, signups are [b]open[/b] for two weeks. I anticipate starting this around [B]May 11th [/B] or so. And I think that's about it...just get ready for one serious trip...[/COLOR]
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