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Ozymandius Jones

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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones

  1. [COLOR=Navy][CENTER][SIZE=4]Warning! This RPG MAY CONTAIN EXCESSIVE USE OF PUNS AND ODD HUMOR! CLICKING LINKS MAY RESULT IN GOING COLORBLIND! DO NOT READ FURTHER IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY SUCH THINGS! [/SIZE] :p [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/RTPU.jpg[/IMG] Welcome to the Return to Pepperland UnderWater. Yes, that's silly, and I don't care. Here you will find the specs for Talent/Powers, and [if you're playing a movie character] the basic info for said character. [B][U]Species:[/U][/B][/center] [B]Humans: [/B] If you need this explained, I'm worried. Very, very worried. Humans in Pepperland do have powers, and they tend to dress like psychadelic flowers, but other than that, they're basically normal....or as normal as you can be with, say...green hair. [B]Monsters:[/B] Heh. The main fun in Pepperland. They range from [url=http://terryxart.com/cap090.jpg] Four Headed Bulldogs [/url] to bird people, talking boots, and fish that fly. Sky's the limit. Just - be [i]midly[/i] reasonable. They have to fit in a submarine. Of course, if your power is sizeshifting, you can be as big as you want...you'd just shrink. Meanies: The Villians. Blue and furry, with long claws, fangs and noses. They look like [URL=http://terryxart.com/cap006.jpg]this [/URL] Examples of the "look" I'm going for are [url=http://terryxart.com/Yellow%20Submarine%20DVD%20Captures.htm]here[/url]. [center][U][B]Talents/Powers[/B][/U][/CENTER] [B]Shapeshifting:[/B] Gain most of the powers and most of the weaknesses of whatever you change into. It doesn't have to be living, either. Most people master two forms, and the rest their ability to change into is...eh. [B]Hypnoticism/Mind Control: [/B] Self explanitory, can make others do/see things. Quite fun at parties. [B]Metaphysical/atomic manipulation:[/B] The ability to manipulate things that aren't really there. Holes, for example, or shadows. [B]Musicapostrophy:[/B] The ability to summon music from thin air. The music takes both an instrumental form and a physical, visible form. [B]Coloration:[/B] You are familiar with chameleons? Just imagine being able to change your surroundings to the color you want, and well...you have the basic idea. [B]Sizeshifting: [/B] Like shape, only not. :p Limits: two inches to fifty feet [B]Corporeal Linguistics: [/B] Much like Musicapostrophy, only the words can be used as weapons, odd as that sounds. Ha! New pun, new pun...*gets slapped by Glove* [B]Plantilogical Manifestation:[/B] The summoning of flowers, trees and other plants from thin air. Powers can be added. Just PM me, and I'll approve it and add it. You'd just better make sure they're original. [CENTER][U][B]Movie Character Information[/B][/U][/CENTER] I didn't invent bios for them because these Beatles are most certainly not the same as the Real Life Beatles. Go crazy. Come up with some OTHER reason for them to be a band, other than the normal Beatlemania inducing guys. Also, feel free to add to Personality. [center] [LEFT][COLOR=Yellow][B]Name: [/B] ?Young? Fred. -Angelus_Necare [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image015.jpg]Fred[/url] [B]Gender:[/B] Male [b]Species[/b]: Human [B]Age:[/B] 64 [B]Talents:[/B] Up to you. [B]Personality: [/B] Up to you. [B]Bio:[/B] Up to you.[/COLOR][/LEFT] [/center] [center] [LEFT][B]Name:[/B] John - Muse [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image017.jpg]John[/url] [B]Gender:[/B] Male [b]Species[/b]: Human [B]Age: [/B] 27 [B]Talents:[/B] Rhythm guitar, mouth organ, piano, and trombone. He?s extremely smart and can do some shapeshifting. Mainly Frankenstein. Please don?t ask. He also has some skill with corporeal linguistics. [B]Personality:[/B] Very sharp, very sarcastic and witty, he tends to assume leader positions very easily, and as such he doesn?t follow very well at all. He?s almost a genius, and can quote Einsteinian theories of the top of his head. Whether he actually understands what he?s saying sometimes has yet to be determined. [B]Bio:[/B] Up to you.[/LEFT][/center] [center] [LEFT][B]Name:[/B] George - Billy Shears [B]Appearance: [/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image019.jpg]George[/url] [B]Gender:[/B] Male [b]Species[/b]: Human [B]Age: [/B] 24 [B]Talents: [/B] Guitar, Sitar, Tuba, hypnoticism and coloration Personality: Even more sarcastic then John, he just hides it better. He?s quiet, but not because he?s shy?he?s quiet because he doesn?t bother to talk. He?s very intellectual, but doesn?t spout it out. [B]Bio:[/B] Up to you.[/LEFT] [/center] [center] [LEFT][COLOR=White][B]Name: [/B] Paul - Grammar Panzer [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image021.jpg]Paul[/url] [B]Gender:[/B] Male [b]Species[/b]: Human [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Talents:[/B] Guitar, Piano, Flute and Piccolo, extremely charming, manipulative and semi-hypnotizing. [B]Personality:[/B] Charming and a bit on the womanizing side. He?s very loveable, but a bit egotistical. [B]Bio:[/B] Up to you.[/COLOR] [/LEFT] [/center] [center] [LEFT][COLOR=White][B]Name: [/B] Ringo - StarrStruck [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image023.jpg]Ringo[/url] [B]Gender:[/B] Male [b]Species[/b]: Human [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Talents:[/B] Drums, trumpet, some guitar. Can pick up seemingly non-existent items?like holes. How do you pick up a hole? That has got to be some sort of talent?also applies to manipulating various molecules. We?re sure this is a useful talent somehow?listed as Metaphysical/atomic manipulation [B]Personality:[/B] Loveable. Not much more to say than that. He has a somewhat odd sense of humor, and an unbelievable ability to attract trouble. [B]Bio:[/B] Up to you.[/COLOR][/LEFT][/center] [B]Name: [/B] Jeremy - Open [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image027.jpg]Jeremy[/url] [B]Gender:[/B] Male [b]Species[/b]: Monster [B]Age: [/B] 4 [B]Talents: [/B] Confusing the heck out of anyone and everyone he talks to, speaking in rhyme, writing, painting, making flowers appear out of nowhere, and getting captured by bad guys. We aren?t sure if the last one qualifies as a talent, but meh. He does it enough, so we put it there. [B]Personality:[/B] Eccentric, yet loveable. [B]Bio:[/B] Up to you. [B]Name: [/B] Max [B]Appearance: [/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image029.jpg]Max[/url] [B]Gender:[/B] Male [b]Species[/b]: Meanie [B]Age: [/B] 100 [B]Talents:[/B] Comic relief?though what you need relief from is beyond us?being a no man, an all around gopher?may not be what he seems? [B]Personality: [/B] The complete and utter no man. [B]Bio:[/B] Up to you. Max could be a [B]very important character[/B] [i]if[/i] I get someone to play him. I think that's about it. Have fun![/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: :animesigh Rewinding to before Xy's post....[/COLOR] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][I]Jupiter and Saturn, Oberon, Miranda and Titania. Neptune, Titan, Stars can frighten. Blinding signs flap, Flicker, flicker, flicker blam. Pow, pow...[/I] The lyrics kept ringing through her head as she picked off shadow after shadow...but for every shadow that fell, it seemed, another five took its place. Fortunatly, she hadn't needed to draw her sword yet...all she needed was to nudge the bullets just [I]so[/I] with the tiniest air current, and they would hit their target dead on every time. Between that, and supporting Kariz's fireballs with enough oxygen to make them twice as deadly, her powers were getting a workout today. She could see part of what she assumed was Raven's lightening out of the corner of her eye; it was impressive, but she didn't dare take her eyes off the shadows. She emptied her glock into the shadowy crowd, pausing only long enought to slide a new clip into the magazine before firing again. [B][I]This is becoming tedious...[/I][/B] And then everything went white. Ima blinked furiously, trying to clear her eyes. [B][I]What idiot did that? I can't see...[/I][/B] Something brushed past her, sending a firey, burning pain across her cheek and left arm. She cursed, spinning and attempting to clear her eyes long enough to shoot whatever it was that had just done that. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I have everything! Let's get going!"[/COLOR] [/B] Ima followed Zane's voice, still trying to blink away the light[B].[I] I'm going to give that Kadar a piece of my mind, soon as we're out of this...[/I][/B] She vowed. [B][I]You don't blind EVERYONE in a fight... [/I][/B] Ben sounded disappointed that they were leaving...Ima shook her head, vision slowly returning. There were still shadows everwhere... [COLOR=Black][B]"Kariz! Use your ability to push them back so we can make our escape!" [/B][/COLOR] Ima smirked, raising an eyebrow at Kariz, letting the winds gather around her to whip her hair in crazy directions around her head. Kariz grinned back, flames licking between her fingers. Ima concentrated her full attention to the shadows in front of them, manipulating the air so it caused an almost-wall around the group....in essence, they were standing in the eye of a very small hurricane... A hurricane that was about to gain some serious firepower.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Have fun, Astdis...[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Sienna]Dave stared at the Pentagon. For such an important building, the outlying security looked almost non-existant. He smirked. [I]Saves me a lot of trouble...[/I]he strolled towards the front lawn. [I]Am I glad this was built before everyone started gettin' paranoid...[/I] the alarms had distracted the gaurds...and it was easy work to will his tattoo to life. In a flash, he was against the wall, peering through one of the ground floor windows. The interior was deserted, empty...he grinned as something seemed to short out in the window's alarm for a second. [I]And there's miss computer wiz[/I]...he pried the window open, sliding though and shutting it just as the lights blinked back on. [i]Lessee...if I were an underground information center, how would I get to me?[/i] Picking a random direction, he began to slink down the hall.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Sorry so short, it's late, just didn't want Tattoo to disapperate... Will probably edit more in later...unless one of you guys wanted to catch up with Dave, then I'd just post again.[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange][quote name='Seiryuu][COLOR=Olive][SIZE=1]Hmm...seeing as Ozy's bout has ended...[B]I would like to challenge Ozy-san to a duel.[/B] Do you accept, milady? *bows*[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] :D So the young Lord Seiryuu would like to dance? He challenges with such dignity... [quote name='Seiryuu][COLOR=Olive][SIZE=1]La. Di-da. Di-da.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Or not...:p By all means, sir! I accept your challenge. Start the thread, and we'll do this...uh...thing.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok. On Miyamoto vs. Kairi: Both of you write fighting very well. But you both also seemed to make the other person's fighter do things that the writer of said character would not normally do. After re-reading the thread, I would have to vote for...Miyamoto (Retri). Although the use of twentieth century profanity did throw the mood off a little, his writing was a teensy bit better. I believe that leaves the deciding vote to you, ReFlux...[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange] Her shoulder throbbed as she fought to keep Anarchy's blade away from her, putting all her strength on just holding the rapier and the blade it was blocking away from her. It wasn't working - the young man was stronger, pushing her down...so she went down, sliding the blade of the rapier free of the wind-and-fire wheel, and twisting out of the way at the same time. The wheel missed her by mere centimeters...she scrambled further away, turning as soon as she judged she was out of Anarchy range. "So what now, Master Anarchy? We just keep fighting until the other collapses of exhaustion?" Anarchy shook his head slightly; his flame red hair stuck to his head with rain and sweat. "If that's the way you want to, yeah." Ozy winced as her arm gave another twinge, trying to keep a firm grip on her rapier. [i]Stupid men...[/i] She was braced for another attack when the shouting started in the village. "As fun as that sounds? I'd rather not get arrested for fighting today, luv, so..." She shoved the rapier back into it's sheath, bent down and tugged the wind-and-fire wheel out of her naginata's staff, and broke into a run for the trees. "...Another time!" Anarchy didn't follow, as far she could tell...she began the slow, limping hike towards the next village.[/COLOR] And...done.
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=Azure Rose][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Ray Bradbury. Haha, a lot of my friends say they absolutely[I] hated [/I] [U]Farenheit 451[/U], but I thought it was seriously awesome. His style is so unique and gripping, I could read his stuff forever. The short stories I've read are equally awesome and equally freaky ("The Veldt" for example...) He's just incredible, and I wish I had half his skill as a writer. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] YES! Ray Bradbury is a genius. He mixes whimsical with the horror of the unknown perfectly. For those of you who are woefully uneducated, ;), "The Veldt" is a story about a virtual reality system used as a nursery for children...but little do the parents know that their children have found a way to make the "virtual" reality real...[insert evil laughter here]... [QUOTE=Ray Bradbury, The Illustrated Man]George, I wish you'd look at the nursery.? ?What's wrong with it?? ?I don't know.? ?Well, then.? ?I just want you to look at it, is all, or call a psychologist in to look at it.? ?What would a psychologist want with a nursery?? ?You know very well what he'd want.? His wife paused in the middle of the kitchen and watched the stove busy humming to itself, making supper for four. ?It's just that the nursery is different now than it was.? ?All right, let's have a look.? They walked down the hall of their soundproofed Happylife Home, which had cost them thirty thousand dollars installed, this house which clothed and fed and rocked them to sleep and played and sang and was good to them. Their approach sensitized a switch somewhere and the nursery light flicked on when they came within ten feet of it. Similarly, behind them, in the halls, lights went on and off as they left them behind, with a soft automaticity. ?Well,? said George Hadley. They stood on the thatched floor of the nursery. It was forty feet across by forty feet long and thirty feet high; it had cost half again as much as the rest of the house. ?But nothing's too good for our children,? George had said. The nursery was silent. It was empty as a jungle glade at hot high noon. The walls were blank and two dimensional. Now, as George and Lydia Hadley stood in the center of the room, the walls began to purr and recede into crystalline distance, it seemed, and presently an African veldt appeared, in three dimensions, on all sides, in color reproduced to the final pebble and bit of straw. The ceiling above them became a deep sky with a hot yellow sun. George Hadley felt the perspiration start on his brow?[/QUOTE] And it just gets weirder from there. [URL=http://www.veddma.com/veddma/Veldt.htm]Linkage.[/URL] The Illustrated Man is a great collection of his short stories, Fahrenheit 451 is a classic and is my favorite book, and Dandelion Wine is also a really great book as well, if somewhat of a departure from his usual genre. But if you like creepy without gory, "Zero Hour" is THE perfect story. And if you like weird...well...you should be able to find plenty there to enjoy. So...yeah. Bradbury is, by far, my favorite author.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkGreen]"No, not really." She echoed the bandit's earlier statement, fending off a knife swing with the staff of her naginata. "He's good when it rains...he can sense almost as much as you or I can see. Sometimes I believe he sense more..." "Then you would be alarmed at his...current situation?" "What?" The bandit nodded towards the river, Zaitoichi and the second bandit. Yuki growled, trying to head towards the river. The bandit dodging in, drawing the knife blade across her already-sore ribs, prevented her from going closer; she only dodged in time not to sustian a deeper cut. "Honorless coward..." "Hey, don't insult the boy..." The bandit darted close again...her naginata was useless currently; he was too close for her to manuever between staff and blade...she held it in one hand, reaching for her tantos with her other. The bandit began to make a third pass. As he did, she dropped the naginata, and intercepted his blade with her own. "I'll insult him as I like..."[/COLOR]
  9. I'd assume she means [i]creatures[/i]. Werewolves, demons, cyclops, vampires, yadda yadda yadda...
  10. [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Name: [/B] Hoshiko Johnson [B]Age: [/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/rayearth42.jpg]Hoshiko[/URL] [B]Location:[/B] [will edit] [B]Personality:[/B] Bubbly and happy, yet shy. Until she gets to know you she won't say a lot, after she gets to know you you can't get her to shut up. She gets crushes on people very easily. [B]Short History: [/B] Hoshi is the daughter of the English teacher. Her father moved to Japan to teach English, and almost immediatly fell in love with a local woman. The two are very happily married, and thus Hoshi gets the mixed names. She had a bit of a problem at first, getting teased because she was half-and-half...and then she met Aka. While they're not exactly friends, the older girl seems to have taken Hoshi under a protective wing, not allowing any bad talk to happen while [i]she's[/i] around. Hoshi actually finds Aka a bit...intimidating, like most. As previously mentioned, Hoshi gets crushes on people very easily. Currently, she thinks Alex is the nicest boy in the universe, with Jace and Orlando Bloom running close second and third. She generally goes totally dopey when Alex is in the room. She loses all focus, and can't seem to string a simple sentence together in a coherent manner. Despite her father being the English teacher, she stinks at English, often having to be tutored by Rin. She also likes to follow Ran around because his mother's a manhwa artist, which is what Hoshi wants to be. They share their love of the art. [B]Subjects:[/B][list][*]English, [*]Mathematics, [*]Visual Art, [*]IT, [*]Languages, [*]Chemestry[/list] [B]Relationships with other students:[/B] [list][*]Alex - [Reiku] - Secret crush, cannot speak to coherently. [*]Micky - [Who Am I] - Aquainted through Amy, seems like a nice guy [*]Rin - [Kitty] - English tutor, good friend. [*]Zephan - [Sakura] - A nice guy, good to talk to. Has nice hair. [*]Ran - [Opal] - good friend, due to art intrests. [*]Aka - [Starr] - protected by/intimidated by her [*]Maria - [Kairi] - Haven't decided yet [*]Jace - [DC] - Second crush, although this one is less. Much less....she can actually hold a conversation with him. [*]Ken - [Astdis] - Knows vaguely through Aka [*]Kayla - [Skye] - Fairly good friend [*]Kina - [Abel] - Study buddy [*]Drew - [Jung-Woo]Good to talk to, she worries about his drinking sometimes. [*]Kyo - [Solar] - Nice enough guy, gets along well. [*]Haruko - [LKB] - Just moved here. [*]Dirk - [Raid3r] - Doesn't really know; finds his sarcasm a bit annoying at times. [*]Natasha - [ChaosSquirrel] - Doesn't know [*]Amy - [Lady Dust] - Pretty good friends[/list][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange]The slice across her cheek stung, but she ignored the pain. She'd had much, much worse. And the foot to the chin seemed to have loosened a couple of teeth...[i]that[/i] was an annoyance. Ozy whirled, aiming for his shins with the naginata and his shoulder with the rapier. A fast spreading of his hands - and he caught the blades far enough away from his body to keep them from doing any damage, although the impact pushed him backward. She growled in frustration, jumping back before his retaliatory swipe could hit her. She quickly drove her rapier back into its sheath, planted the butt of the naginata deep in the mud, and used it to launch herself into the air. Her foot connected with Anarchy's chin in much the same why he'd got her earlier; at the same time he brought up his wind-and-fire wheel, drawing it across her ankle. She yelped. The combantants broke apart both panting heavily. Ozy on one knee. [i]He's better than I thought....[/i] She grinned. "Isn't this fun, Ana?" Anarchy glowered. She stuck her tongue out at him. "What, don't like your new name? Finally remembered your real one...but I like Ana better." She dodged the angry swipe, laughing. "At least [i]mine's[/i] pronouncable!" "Oh, now do not insult my name." She thumped the butt of her naginata down [i]hard[/i] on his foot, wincing as she ducked into his next swipe instead of away. The wheel's blade knicked her ear. "'ey, THAT hurt!" Now Anarchy laughed. "It's a [i]blade[/i], of COURSE it hurt!" He slashed out again. Ozy caught one of the wheels on the naginata's staff, the sharp metal biting deep into the wood - and sticking. Both moaned at the same time, trying to get the weapons apart. "Oh, great..." [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Sienna][I]It's easier to figure someone out when you watch close enough.[/I] [I]She's got that right.[/I] Dave leaned back in his seat, softly strumming his guitar as he watched Rayne type. Her fingers were practically flying - but she seemed to be holding her shoulder stiffly, like she was tense, or sore...or... [B]"Y'got 'urt, didn't ya?"[/B] Rayne looked up, startled. [B]"Excuse?" [/B] That cemented the belief in his mind. [B]"When y'went 'ome, y'got 'urt, [I]that's[/I] why y'wearin' the turtleneck."[/B] [i]Why wouldn't she tell?[/i] For some reason, it bothered him that she hadn't told... [B]"I..." [/B] [B]"Why didn't y'tell anyone?"[/B] He crossed his arms and continued to stare, trying not to look accusing as he waited for a response...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Well, natchan, I suddenly realized that Rayne didn't get her throat checked, and since Dave also has throat problems...well...tag! ::runs off giggling::[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I liked this chapter/volume. Verosha and The Accord made a cute couple...the awkward, quasi-romance was pretty believable, I thought. That being said, of COURSE you had the lumbras kill them. Of COURSE. >:^( The Accord reminded me of someone who hasn't been mentioned yet...there's a book series by Barbara Hambly called the Windrose Chronicles, and Milton reminds me very much of Antryg Windrose. He's just got the daffy, insane lovability. I don't know what to think of Bloom. I love his name...and the way you discribe him...but I'm not sure about him as a character yet. We'll just have to see how he turns out. ;) Cannot wait for volume 3.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange]My thoughts? Eheh... 1. Revolver should have been MUCH higher than ten. 2. MADONNA should NOT have beaten Revolver 3. How the HECK did THRILLER beat DSOTM?!?! 4. Tommy should have been MUCH higher than 52. 5. Brothers in Arms should have been much higher than 47 6. Where's A Trick of the Tale? 7. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars should not have been 32nd, either... I don't agree with this at all, but then again, [i]I'm[/i] not in Britain. Who knows...anyway, my top ten would look like this: 1. Revolver 2. Sgt. Pepper 3. A Trick of the Tail 4. Dark Side of the Moon 5. Tommy 6. The White Album 7. Foxtrot 8. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars 9. HELP! 10. Yellow Submarine. Meh. Maybe I'm biased, but oh, well...aren't we all?[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange][I]Ramshackle wooden houses. Mud. Lots and lots of mud. Oh, yes, it's a beautiful day...[/I] Ozymandius wandered through the tiny village, naginata slung across her back, her rapier at her side. [I]If it wasn't for the one artisan in the region who makes decent brushes living here...[/I] A flash in the middle of the square caught her eye. Sitting, drenched, under the tree that towered in the middle of the village was a young man about her age. He looked familiar - although anyone with that color hair should have been [i]instantly[/i] recognizable, she couldn't place a name...he scrambled to his feet, picking up his strange, claw-like blades. "Who do I have the pleasure of fighting today?" Ozy smirked. "Only Ozymandius Jones, artisan of the blade...and who said we were fighting?" She began to shrug off her traveling pack, unstrapping her naginata from its sheath across her back. The man shrugged. "Come now...two Blade Masters in the middle of nowhere? And not fighting?" She half nodded. "That would be highly abnormal..." Making sure her rapier was loose in its sheath, she grasped her naginata firmly. "Shall we dance, then?" No response...at least, not verbal. A single lunge, a clash of blades - and the fight began.[/COLOR] OOC: There y'go.
  16. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]"M-my family?"[/B] She managed a short laugh, reassured by the warmth of his hand that [i]he[/i] wasn't an illusion. [B]"My family is the reason I am here, remember? They no longer care for me, they -"[/B] A slightly hysterical edge crept into her voice. James seemed to sense that, raising a hand as he led on through the darkness. "Then don't talk about them. I gave you options, remember..." [i]Options, options...artwork...[/i] [B]"Y-you care much for art, James?" [/B] James shrugged. Lena tried to keep her eyes on him, and not the things stirring out in the shadows. It was a little easier now that she had something to talk about... [B]"I like it...I'm not an expert, but I know enough to appreciate it when it's good..." [/B] Lena smiled slightly. [B]"I am no expert myself, but there is one painting that reminds me very much of this situation...it is called "The Scream" and it is a [i]very[/i] distressing piece of artwork...you cannot tell what the subject is seeing, why he is frightened...seems very much like this." "Aren't there any [i]happy[/i] paintings you can talk about?" "Have you heard of M. C. Escher?" [/B] He had. They spent some time talking about the impossibilities of his paintings. Lena almost forgot where they were...they could have easily been talking a walk on the University's campus, if not for the utter, pitch blackness. Then, up ahead - [B]"Do you see that?"[/B] [B]"Is that...light?"[/B] It was, just the slightest glimmer, the slightest glow...as behind them the floor creaked. The spectors began to grow in number and intensity as they sped up together. Lena bit her lip, trying not to listen to the sounds behind them, growing louder and louder as the light grew; the noises growing much, [i]much[/i] faster than the light. It was almost upon them when - in a step as abrupt as the step [i]into[/i] it had been - the light grew back to that of the full gas lamps. They were in the corridor they had started from, it seemed so very long ago. She and James stared at each other. [B]"Bu-but that's impossible! We never turned..."[/B] James shook his head. [B]"Maybe our Escher conversation was more fitting then we know..." [/B] Lena stared down the long corridor, trying hard not to shiver. [B]"W-what do you think happens now?"[/B] James put a comforting arm around her shoulder. [B]"I don't know."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: And they're out...but both of 'em disobeyed rule two...joy. Anyways...second "Scream" reference in this rp, the painting is as scary as Lena claims. It also happens to be [URL=http://www.cordula.ws/munch.jpg]here[/URL]. M. C. Escher's paintings are also as impossible as they were discussing...like [URL=http://www.sackville.ednet.ns.ca/art/gallery/exhibit/draw/Escher,M.C.-Waterfall-1961.jpg]so[/URL]. Before you go "That's not that impossible", look close. Look really, [i]really[/i] close. I apologize for being an art geek now. I now give the stage to Anarchy...[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Oh. I like, I very muchly like. I think I like this more than your comedy ones. Certain parts remind me (vaguely) of Terry Pratchett's Death character (don't ask me why) but the Council of Residence reminds me of something from Lewis Carrol. Can't wait to see the next part...[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Sorry, to hear that, Skye-chan. Hopefully you'll stick around... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23138&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23137&stc=1[/IMG] Hope that's what you were looking for. ::hugs:: And yes, it's entirely brushes. Just so you know.[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I accept your challenge, Sir Anarchy...my only question: if it's raining heavily, how is there moonlight? :p I await the start of the thread...[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange]The Sith requests seem to be getting frequent. Why can't someone ask for Luke for once? Oh, well...[/fangirl ramblings] This guy seems to be the most used KOTOR character, but I couldn't find any other decent Sith pictures, so I hope you don't mind... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Jian-KOTOR.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Jian-KOTOR1.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Mostly just a photograph and text, no real effects...you'll probably get somethin' cooler for this one, but here's my shot at it... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/ldavi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/ld1.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][i]Another airport...man, I am getting so tired of airports...[/i] Morocco. It was warm; then again, it's usually warm in Morocco...one would assume, anyways. Not having been there before gave Ima bad vibes about making assumptions...but the location made sense. They had just walked out on the tarmac, again discussing the metal detectors, when Ima felt a now-familiar twinge. She looked at Kariz. "It couldn't be that easy, could it?" Kariz shook her head. [COLOR=DarkRed]"I find it a little hard to believe as well...but still..."[/COLOR] Ima turned in the direction the "twinge" seemed to decree...walking through the airport in their direction was a man and a girl with longish, blueish hair. The man spoke. "Looks like the other Zodiac are here." Ima and Kariz exchanged a look. "Is that who you're getting the feeling from?" [COLOR=DarkRed]"No, mine's coming from the girl..."[/COLOR] "So who's he?" [COLOR=DarkRed]"I have no clue..."[/COLOR] By this time, the two groups were together. Ima stuck out a hand. "I do believe you're one of the Zodiac?" The girl smiled, shaking her hand. [COLOR=Magenta]"Camille...I'm Virgo, actually." [/COLOR] Ima nodded. "Cool. I'm Ima, or Aquarius, she's Kariz-Aries....who's he? And where's Kadar?" Camille shrugged. [COLOR=Magenta]"He said he had to meet someone named...Reoan?"[/COLOR] Ima froze, staring at Kariz. [i]Reoan? That...that can't be right...can it?[/i] Kariz had gone pale; she looked furious. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Oh, he has, has he?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Sorry I haven't posted...got the cold of doom or something...[/COLOR][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]Rain. Oh, how I hate rain...[/I] Yuki concentrated on the blade of the bandit's naginata, [i]Makes everything wet and slippery...[/i]And the bandit was good. Most wouldn't have noticed her attack until it was too late. The fact that he had avoided it at all showed he had skill. And now...now she was being forced backwards. Delightful. [i]Wet and slippery, eh?[/i] She plunged her foot into the mud, using the lack-of-traction to slide under the bandit's next swipe; driving the butt of her naginata into the bandit's shin before regaining her footing, again out of range. The bandit's eyes narrowed. "So you're the playful type, are you?" "When I need be..." It didn't take long for the bandit to get back in range; blade impacted blade. Yuki half-ground her teeth, careful not to let her semi-worried annoyance show on her face. [i]He just had to be a bandit with some skill...[/i] [i]Parry, parry, sidestep...take a swipe - no, too close, ouch![/i] A mis-step had allowed the bandit's blade easy access to her face. Yuki hissed in pain, her hand automatically going to the small slice across her left cheek. The bandit half-grinned. "Well, I'm not." She shook blood from her hand, shoving her foot into the mud for what looked like a repeat of her sliding trick. The bandit swung his blade low - while Yuki twisted her body the opposite direction, drawing her blade across the bandit's ankle before leaping away, panting. "That's just too bad...it's fun to play. Keeps you young." The bandit closed in again... And thus, the fight continued.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Sorry it took me so long...got a killer cold. *sneezes*[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][i]I...I think I know what his card was now...[/i] Ahead of her, James was disappearing into the darkness. The [i]darkness[/i]... [i]Rule one...you must obey your cards...rule two...you must stay in the light...so...which do I disobey?[/i] This mansion was odd. Sure...it had been growing darker gradually...but here...here, it went from still fairly light - to almost pitch black, the shadows no longer growing subtly, but cutting off, like black paint on an otherwise white floor. She could just barely make out James' back. [i]"If either one of these rules are broken, you will be punished...."[/i] [i]But which punishment would be worse?[/i] James' was disappearing quickly. [i]Which do I want to risk? How did I get myself into this mess?[/i] She moved a trembling inch forward. [i]And is it too late to back out?[/i] Another inch. [i]I...I guess I'll follow...the darkness can't be [b]that[/b] bad...can it?[/i] Wincing, bracing herself, she stepped into the darkness. Nothing. She almost sobbed with relief, hurrying to keep James in sight. [i]Guess it wasn't that bad...I - what was that?[/i] Shadowy figures were moving at her, figures with familiar forms. She closed her eyes. [i]No, they're not here...they can't be here...they...[/i] She peeked an eye open. The ghosts, apparitions...whatever you would call them , were gone...but something had changed. She was standing on a bridge - a two foot wide bridge - over a gaping chasm. She moaned. [i]Not real, not real, not real...but it sure [B]looks[/B] real...[/i] She tried her best not to look down...focusing all her attention on James. [i]Wouldn't do to disobey your card now that you've already broken one of the rules...[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: An' back to you, Anarchy.[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Lena lay on the bed, feigning sleep. [i]Does this mean I can't even sleep? This is only going to last so long...[/i] She wanted to sleep...but...James seemed restless, writing in his notebook, mumbling to himself, seemingly lost in his own little world. It wasn't long before he stood, heading for the door. Lena sighed slightly. This was NOT going to be fun. The door was most of the way closed when she got up, following James silently as he headed down the stairs. All the while he was steeling himself, it seemed. [i]Wonder what his card was...[/i] The floor was cold on her bare feet...but she hadn't been able to stop and get shoes. [i]Guess I'll just have to deal with it...there are worse things than cold feet...[/i] Slowly, she began to realize something. The hallway was getting dimmer. The bright lights that seemed to fill the rest of the mansion were fading. She tried to pay attention to the light while focused on James' back...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Looks like we're still playing Tag, Anarchy...and BTW...you're it. ;)[/COLOR]
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