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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones
Request Avi and Banner for my RPG
Ozymandius Jones replied to demonchild781's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Eh. I just made a bunch of assumptions...I hope you like, I think it turned out rather nice. ^__^ Wasn't sure who you wanted, avi wise, so I made one of each. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/dc.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/dc2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/dc1.jpg[/IMG] Hope that works for ya![/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I have offered to play Aquarius, so here I am...dc said to post my signup here, so...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Name:[/B] Imahyn Eliandro [B]Height: [/B] 5'4'' [B]Weight:[/B] 115 [B]Age:[/B] appearence 22, soul 150. [B]Appearance: [/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/christinavidal.jpg]Ima[/url] [B]Race:[/B] Zodiac [B]Position:[/B] Neutral [B]Power:[/B] Air and wind. She can create small tornadoes. [B]Morph: [/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Windsor20Swan20P5044876.jpg]Swan[/url] [B]Weapon:[/B] A sword that looks like [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/loheng.jpg]this.[/url] Her's is the darker one. She also carries a [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/BlackbirdsGlock.jpg ]glock.[/url] [B]Bio:[/B] Ima, as she is known, grew up along the coast of Costa Rica. Most of her life, she thought she was a normal human. She went to school had a job, basically anything a normal human dwould do. Until one day, while at her lifegaurd job, she was actually able to make a man start breathing without using CPR or any such techniques. Alarmed, her powers went a bit out of control, causing a small windstorm on the beach. It hasn't happened since, but she does worry about causing disasters. She still lives with her parents, but hasn't told them about the strange abilities she has.[/COLOR]
Sign Up Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin 2 [M-LSV]
Ozymandius Jones replied to Kairi's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Haha! Told you I'd be the first to signup...:p[/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][B]Name:[/B] Yelena "Lena" Korolev [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Location:[/B] Russia [B]Appearance:[/B] Lena is average looking; five foot three inches, with straw blonde hair and grey eyes. Her face can really only be described as friendly. She's built averagely too - not really slender, but not bulky either. She dresses modestly and plainly, generally in blues and greys. [B]Personality:[/B] Lena is quiet and somewhat shy; she's not very outgoing, but when she's relaxed or nervous it's hard to get her to shut up. She cares deeply for people, and hates to see anyone get hurt, and is far too trusting when it comes to some people...it's been said she'd try to make friends with an axe murderer. While it isn't quite that dramatic, she doesn't have the best judgement when it comes to choosing friends. [B]Bio:[/B] Lena was an only child for the first sixteen years of her life; years that, while they were spent in the USSR, were about as happy as the could be. Her parents showered her with love and affection, and she never really needed anything. Then, two days after her 15th birthday, her father died. Lena was heartbroken - but her mother seemed to take it all in stride, remarrying a mere 3 months later. Once Lena joined the University of Moscow, her mother sent news that she was expecting a child; could she not come home this summer? Things were going to be hectic as it was...one thing led to another which led to another...and Lena hasn't been home since the summer she was 23. The new daughter gets all the attention...her birthday has been forgotten since then; she hardly gets phone calls or letters - Lena has, basically, been forgotten. She tries to tell her self that her mother doesn't really mean it...but she knows, deep inside, that she most likely does. [B]Greatest Desire:[/B] True love, companionship, attention [B]Greatest Fear:[/B] The dark, being alone, and heights.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Here you go, I hope you like them. :) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/sba.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Copy17ofProject1.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR]
Indigo wandered through the woods...[i]everyone leaves me, sooner or later...[/i] First Nathen and his temper tantrums; then Elisa with her her petty squabbles...[i]guess it's a good think I don't need them, either.[/i] He didn't reflect on what a lie that was...a sound hit his ears. Someone sobbing....he broke into a run. He broke out of the trees to see Nathen struggling with a gi..no, not struggling with...something snapped, and everything went white hot with rage. "GET OFF HER!" Her kicked out, hitting Nathen in the ribs and off the girl. He kicked his fellow expiriment again, knocking him further away. "SHE DOESN'T DESERVE THAT!" The girl huddled, sobbing. Indigo stripped off his shirt, dropping it onto her before turning back to Nathen, his normally soft eyes snapping. "Not even [i]animals[/i] do [i]that[/i], Nathen. You've sunk lower than the humans, even." He braced himself between the girl and his semi-friend. "Don't touch her again, or I'll kick you somewhere that'll do a lot more damage than your ribs..." [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Naughty Anarchy...sorry if I took over, but Indigo's doing exactly want I'd want someone to do if I was in this situation...from a girl's point of view...>:^([/COLOR]
Request Magic Knight Rayearth/Angel Banner/Ava Request
Ozymandius Jones replied to Skye's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, I had just gotten it uploaded when I noticed the line about "the side she was originally on..." Ugh. 86 layers!! And she's in the middle! *dies* I could try, but given my weekend will be very busy, you wouldn't get it until Tuesday, most likely... :animesigh Or you might decide you like this one.... First, the changed avis [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/pae2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/pae21.jpg[/IMG] And the banner... [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/band2/ozymandiusjones/images/1.gif[/IMG] WARNING: DO NOT CHANGE THE HOST! This banner is almost 1.5 meg. It will not react well to all the image hosting sites I was able to find. Also, it may look choppy at first...that's because it's loading. As soon as it's all loaded, the choppiness goes away.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I do not play any sports, although if there's a pickup-just-for-fun-not-expected-to-play-well soccor game, I'll jump in full of glee. My glee, not the other players. Ozy = klutz. I'd like to play hockey, although the klutz thing factors in again...Archery is really, really fun (weapons! hah!), but I only rarely get to do that. As for watching, I will only watch hockey. The speed and grace appeal to me (as do cute russian guys), and the clothing is baggy. Baggy = Good, as apposed to football players and their stupid spandex. Spandex = BAD. Watching football, to me anyway, is about as entertaining as watching paint dry. Unless the Eagles are losing and my sister's in the room. Then it's fun to watch, 'cuz she throws fits...[/COLOR]
Discuss BeatleMania Redux [Underground] (PG - VL)
Ozymandius Jones replied to Ozymandius Jones's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok...the next post is up...instructions for this time are basically normal reactions, however your character would react...feel free to throw in character development, tech stuff (within reason), etc...not hard, eh?[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Purple]"Oops?" Pru looked up. Riggs stood rigid, dangling a keychain. Judgeing from Eleanor's expression, it was hers. Judgeing from Riggs's expression, it was the last straw. He huffed, picked up his pointer, and jabbed it at a copy of the timeline he had pinned to the wall. "THIS is what's wrong," he said, his tone clearly attaching "you stupid twits" to the end of that sentence. "Something is missing from this time period, and it's changed everything." The pointer was touching the red dot...February 1965. Pru frowned, something tugging at the back of her mind. "Find what's missing, and you'll find our problem!" He dropped the keychain and pointer on the table and stormed to the door. "No breaks until you find it!" Pru cast a glare at the Director's back as he departed; somewhat pointless, but it made her feel better. She looked at her version of the timeline. It looked, at first glance, like everything was there that was supposed to be there...she flipped a few pages forward to 1967. It had been her favorite year of study; music styles had been changing so much...her frown deepend. [i]Huh...guess he didn't consider music necessary...ot the Sgt would be on here...[/i] Curious, she scanned the rest of the page. There were five or six records listed - but no Sgt. Pepper...something clicked into place. She slapped the paper down on the table. "Any of you remember that documentary they did on the Te'tani back in December?" Eleanor blinked. "A documentary? You actually [i]watch[/i] them? They're so [i]boring[/i]." Pru spared time for one small glare at the younger agent, but looked back to the others. "Remember what they said made them start out for earth?" Lucien nodded. "Sargeant Pe..." His voice trailed off. As one, he, Eleanor, and Julia jumped for the timelines. Pru crossed her arms. "Think we've found what's missing?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange][CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] OOC: Well...so it's been found. Directions for your next post are in the Underground...please read them. Don't hesitate to IM/PM me if you have questions...[/COLOR]
Request Magic Knight Rayearth/Angel Banner/Ava Request
Ozymandius Jones replied to Skye's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Okies! Here you go. You didn't say whether you wanted your name on the ava or not, so I made one each way... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/pa1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/pa.jpg[/IMG] And here's the banner. I hope the fade-in-fade-out is good enough....you are now the proud owner of the second-largest banner I've created. Yay! [IMG]http://images5.theimagehosting.com/paert.gif[/IMG] Hope that works for ya![/COLOR] -
[COLOR=SandyBrown][B]"What about you, Dave? Did you have a seeing of death?"[/B] Dave glanced down at his shoes. [i][b]'e told you, now your turn...[/b][/i] [B]"Mine...was very disjointed...mostly bad memories...like the fire that did this..."[/B] He gestured at his throat. [B]"It...I saw somethin' with my mum and da and me little sis dead, an'...the rest of it's just snippets of bad dreams..." [/B] He planned to stop there... [i][b]copout...'e just tol' you e's part vampire, y'could at least tell 'im what y'saw...[/i][/b]. He sighed, telling the voice to shut up.[B]"My da was in New York on business when those planes hit in 2001, so there was some of [i]tha'[/i]...my 'ero was murdered two years b'fore I was born...there was some of [i]that[/i]...add in Nerve, and y'got plenty of room for death an' destruction..."[/B] He shuddered. [B]"This whole thing is just so weird. Y'know, me mum always told me tattoos were a bad idea. Now she'd probably tell me "serves ye right, y'should listen t'y mother!" all the while hittin' Nerve upside t' 'ead with a broom..."[/B] He smiled at the mental image, falling silent. [B]"Wonder if they even know I'm gone...wasn't supposed t'call 'ome until Sunday this week...don't even know what day it is anymore...[/B] The two sat in silence again, both lost in their own thoughts...[/COLOR] ooc: don't know whether to say sorry for posting again so fast, or sorry it's so short...ah, well...ya said to get to know each other...i'll probaly edit this once I get a chance to talk to Dylan again....
[COLOR=SandyBrown]Dave sat on the porch, staring out at the Sound. The water was calm...the exact opposite of his feelings. [I][B]Great, get magic powers, an' then they leave. Least the Chief said you can get them back...don't want to think about bein' without 'em anymore, do you?[/B][/I] He scuffed the stairs with his foot. The snow was gone, leaving the area warm once again, something he was greatful for. He didn't want to think about being cold. Death was cold...and he didn't want to think about that. At all. [i][b]But it's so 'ard not to...[/b][/i] [B]"Hey."[/B] He glanced up to see Dimitri leaning against the wall. He smiled slightly. The tall Russian was heavily bandaged, but able to stand on his own. "'ey. Feelin' better?" Dimitri nodded, moving to sit down, his back against the wall. [i][b]Bet 'is was as bad as yours, y'know...[/b][/i]He glanced at the trenchcoated man. [B][I]It's 'ard to tell what 'e's thinkin'...[/I][/B]They sat in silence for some time before Dave pluked up the courage to open his mouth. [B]"If y'don't mind me askin'...when that thing was 'ere...what did you see?"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Short post...'tis all yours, Dy...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, with border. :) [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22914&stc=1[/IMG] There you go. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]No sooner said then done. :) [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22907&stc=1[/IMG] That was easy. Since Az beat me to the banner...>.> I had it done, even! Oh, well...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Julie Norton [B]Age: [/B] 20 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]God/Goddess:[/B] Hedylogos Appearance: [B]Normal [/B] - [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/phoebe1.jpg]Julie[/URL] She's about five seven, and pretty normally built, not slender, but not bulky. She generally wears bright clothes. [B]Transformed [/B] - Julie basically keeps her same face, but her eyes turn golden-orange. Her hair gets longer and gets orange streaks through it, and the tips of her hair turn white like a fox's tail. She grows large wings with golden-orange feathers. Her clothing turns into a white tunic and loose white pants...she wanted a long white dress, but Hedylogos protested. [B]Personality:[/B] Julie is very talkative and cheerful, but she knows what she wants, and doesn't usually let anyone come between her and whatever it is. She likes to manipulate people, but rarely does it for anything harmful...although some might say doing that just to amuse herself is harmful... [B]History:[/B] Julie always got what she wanted, from the time she was born. When she was a small child, all she had to do was smile sweetly, and whatever she desired, she got. Her parents thought it was just her overwhelming cuteness... But as time went on, and she started to grow up, the pleading eyes turned into something more. She could talk dogs out of biting her, bullies out of stealing her lunch money, and once, on her 17th birthday, the police out of giving her three speeding tickets, one parking ticket and a "reckless endangerment" ticket. Surprisingly, though, her manipulation never seemed to be applied to her teachers...she didn't need to. She got "As" in almost every subject...except gym and art, the two subject that thinking doesn't matter that much for. Julie never told anyone about the handsome, red haired man who'd always stood with her, telling her the things to say to get the things she wanted; the man who whispered the correct answers in her ears... Julie's life, other than Hedylogos, has been normal. She's in college to become a teacher...she's between jobs, due to an irate customer being talked into buying something they absolutly had no desire/use for and her boss not talking directly to her to fire her... She has a pet red fox named Reynard. [B]Weapon/s:[/B] N/A [B]Magic:[/B] [B]Summon Reygoeth[/B]: Summons her fire-fox, Reygoeth, who changes Raynard to about the size of a great dane and changes his fur to fire. [B]Meli Glossa (Honey Tongue)[/B] Julie's words become irrisistable. Most people have to do exactly what she says. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Changed my mind. ^__^[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SandyBrown][B]"Do you think I want to what modifications are?"[/B] Dave looked from Dimitri, who looked seconds away from collapsing, to Renee. [B]"I don't think we do." [/B] He gestured towards Dimitri. [B]"'elp me with 'im, 'ey?" [/B] The Italian girl moved to help support the bleeding Russian. Together, the three hobbled back towards the others, just in time to witness the arrival of....that thing. [B]"My children....I need their tattoos.....get them for me......I need them....please help me...."[/B] The female voice was like a melody; lilting sweet and gentle...or at least, it was at first. Whether because of years of music, or because of his encounter with Nerve, the tone sounded false, like a sour note hidden in a symphony. Her (his? its?) voice sounded...wrong, somehow, but still alluring. [B]"How does she do that?"[/B] [i]Did I sound like that to Nerve?[/i] That thought made him shudder. Visions of death began to swim in his mind as the Death Flower person approached them...[i]smoke and flames, a twisted pair of glasses, blood covered and broken, on a hard cement ground, planes crashings, flames, blood dripping into his eyes...more flames...[/i] He shook his head violently, [i]No, it's an illusion, it's not happening, not real...it couldn't happen here, anyway...[/i] [B]"No! Don't let her touch you!"[/B] Sakura's shout broke him out of his daze. They watched in horror as Renee reached out toward the DeathFlower...and Sakura's wolf bit down hard on her arm. The visions disappeared...and Dimitiri grimaced. [B]"I think ve have a problem..."[/B] Dave looked. More people were joining the freaky flower lady...including, he noticed with a pang of fear, an dripping wet Nerve... [B]"You will regret that action...all of you."[/B] The thing seemed to inhale - and Dave's knees gave out. Something was being sucked from inside of him, turning his knees to water...he tried to keep his eyes open, but all that flashed before them was images of death. He tried not to whimper at the image of Bea, sprawled on the floor next to his parents - there was a brilliant flash of light - and then everthing went black... *** [I]Nerve was there, grinning down at him... [B]"Thought you could drown me, 'ey, lad?" [/B] Large hands closed over his mouth and nose, clamping down hard. [B]"Must return the favor..."[/B] He couldn't breathe, couldn't move, couldn't yell. He thrashed against the hands...[/I] Before sitting bolt upright. He was in his bed. In the cabin. Alone. [B]"What the heck?"[/B] His hand went to his throat. His voice was gone again; the rasp was back...he tried focusing on the tattoo...it didn't do a thing. He groaned, standing up to limp out the door. [I]I have to find the others...[/I][/COLOR]
Request Stars, Banner, and Avies, oh my!
Ozymandius Jones replied to Revelation's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Stars are an obsession, so I made yet another... Set 3 [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/nt2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/nt21.jpg[/IMG] Grabbing yet?[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Definatly water. Water shifts and changes so easily - and that's generally the way I am. One moment I'll be happy, the next biting the heads off of people... Plus it has always relaxed me - waves, streams, fishtanks, waterfalls and rain are my favorite sounds in the world...they make me feel better, every time I hear them.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]what do you want [i]done[/i] with it? We can't really do anything at all until we have an idea what you're looking for...[/COLOR]
Writing Requiem for the victims in Red Lake
Ozymandius Jones replied to elfpirate's topic in Creative Works
[I][CENTER]That tearful day, when from the ashes shall rise again sinful man to be judged. Therefore pardon him, o God. Merciful Lord Jesus, give them rest. Amen.[/CENTER][/I] Just for those who don't speak Latin. -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I think an option that informs you when you have a new comment on an artpeice or a wallpaper is a good idea. Once you have past a certain number of items submitted, it's hard to go through them all to see what may have new comments...[/COLOR]
[LEFT] They'd only been wandering a short time before Indigo needed to stop. The sprint had left him slightly winded - he hadn't needed to run that fast in a while. [B]"Guys, I need a break...'s ok?"[/B] Nathen sneered, but stopped jogging. Indigo sat down, his back against a tree, absent mindedly eating a handful of grass he'd picked up. Nathen rolled his eyes. [B]"How can you eat that? That's disgusting."[/B] Indigo just glared. [B]""s better than something that's all bloody..."[/B] Elisa smiled slightly. [B]"Don't knock it 'till you try it." [/B] Indigo opened his moouth to protest, but shut it again with a snap when he heard something snap in the wood. [B]"You guys hear that?"[/B] Nathen nodded, his face grim. Elisa just slid out her claws. Indigo rose into a half crouch. There was another snap. All three turned, to see a soldier, clutching a gun and a knife. Indigo glanced over at Nathen. Both Nathen and Elisa were grinning slightly. [B]"Only one?"[/B] Indigo could see what they were planning...so he broke into run, straight at the soldier. Halfway there, he jumped in the air, his right foot planting firm against the tree, using it as a centerfuge as he swung around, his other foot connecting with the soldier's shin, knocking him to the ground. He bent low towards the soldier. [B]"Play dead!"[/B][/LEFT]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Yeck. Just so y'know, searching for images for this did not make Ozy a happy camper. I hate monster movies...ESPECIALLY Alien. But that shows what I'm willing to go through for my public, no? ;) Let see. Will these do? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/mkb1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/mkb.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR]
Request A challenging banner needs to be done!
Ozymandius Jones replied to Coltonw911's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkOrange]None taken. Honest mistake. I just picked a character at random for this, so I hope you like it... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/cw1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/cw.jpg[/IMG] Will that do?[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Here you go, I hope you like them. Set One [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/syf.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/syf1.jpg[/IMG] Set Two [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/syf3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/syf2.jpg[/IMG] I didn't know whether you wanted avis or not, so I made them anyway. :)[/COLOR]