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Ozymandius Jones

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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, I've made banners for Meth, banners for Sai, but this is the first I've made for Gabe...;) I hope you like them...the pink-and-blue background was a bit of a no-go, I'm afraid... I made two sets, because I liked two different fonts on it. Set One: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/gabriel3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/gabriel2.jpg[/IMG] Set Two [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/gabriel1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/gabriel.jpg[/IMG] Dunno if they fit the mood you're going for, but I thought they turned out nicely...[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=SandyBrown]Dave stared in disbelief at Nerve, who grinned back insolently from a rocking chair on the common-room's porch. There were others - quite a few others, actually - but he couldn't seem to pull his eyes away from Nerve's. The sunglasses were gone, revealing eyes that were a disarming, almost baby-blue. He had tattoos around both eyes- the eye-shadow and teardrop effect of the Eye of Horus. Despite the snow, his enemy was wearing a sleeveless shirt...the long dagger that he'd threated Dave with clearly visible, etched on his skin. [B]"Unexpected, 'ey laddie?"[/B] Dave shook his head. [B]"Q-quite. This...this whole mess is unexpected."[/B] Nerve stood. Dave backed away. It had always been his first instinct to run instead of fight[B]...[i]how ironic...and who am I to resist instincts?[/i][/B] He broke into a run, dodging into a small grove of trees. [B]"You're really quite the coward, aren't you, Davy-luv?"[/B] Dave glared around him. [B][i]Sure, couldn't've picked weapon tattoos like normal people, could ya? Always 'ave t'be the original one...[/i] [/B] A bolt of fire crashed into a nearby tree, setting it on fire. [B][i]Oh, crap...[/i][/B] He glanced out of the trees to see Nerve's eyes glowing; one a strange orange color, the other icy white. He gulped. [B][i]Horus...controller of the moon and sun...of course...[/i][/B] [B]"Come out, come out wherever ye are...'ide an' seek's a child's game..." [i]Out of your bloody mind, if ye think I'm just goin' t'come out...[/i][/B] Another firebolt slammed the ground near his feet. [B][i]Think, David, think! What did that Maoui guy say? Something about only the host knowing what their tatto - wait...[/i][/B] Something seemed to flicker in the back of his mind. [B][i]Sing for the voice lost...I wonder...[/i][/B] Nerve was almost to his hiding space...Dave took a deep breath, and stood up, stepping out of the trees. Nerve grinned, flexing his hand so that the knife slid off his arm and into it. [B]"So Davy's gained a backbone...get over here and take this like a man." [/B] Dave managed a smirk. [B][i]I think I'm gonna throw up...[/i][/B] [B]"Not on y'life."[/B] Nerve's grin grew wider. [B]"Gonna struggle, then, boy?"[/B] [B]"Nope."[/B] Dave focused on his other tattoo...the notes...his arm began to tingle just a bit. The tingling seemed to travel to his throat. [B]"As a matter of fact, I'm not here." [/B] Nerve's eyes widened slightly. So did Dave's...his voice was normal, no rasp...he tried not to lose focus.[B] "As a second matter of fact, you just saw me run past you...I'm now back...oh...hundred meters be'ind you."[/B] Dave watched in stunned glee as Nerve turned and ran - straight into the Sound. There was a strange sizzle when the water closed over Nerve's head - and then silence. Dave almost collapsed in relief, settling for treking back towards the others. As he walked, he came upon Dimitri. The Russian was standing there, panting, holding a huge sword; blood dripping down his arm. Dave winced. [B]"'s tha' normal?" [/B] [/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: Notice how Nerve isn't actually proven dead...hee. I like leaving my bad guy's nebulous as to their health...plus I like my Nerve...[/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Um...I can see them just fine...I checked Photobucket, they're not down...therefore, the problem may be on your end. See what right click, view image does. Also, tiny request. My name is Ozymandius, not Ozymanduis. 'tis a tiny mistake, but...could you fix that please?[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I found MyOtaku before I was even aware of OtakuBoards. I was searching for decent anime pictures, and stumbled onto TheOtaku. The line about "Reserve your Name" kind of got me...because I was [i]so[/i] scared that someone else would steal my name...[straight face, straight face....gone... :rotflmao: ] What really actually got me was the fanart section. I was really, really into drawing, and I wanted to display my art. So I signed up. I have no blogs elsewhere...and only online acquaintences read it, so it's not like I use it to keep in touch wih distant relatives or anything... But I love it...all the people I visit make it a point to try and make their sites interesting, and people seem to like mne...I enjoy reading people's thoughts on certain subjects, and it's fun getting your guestbook signed...with the exception of the people who sign it "omg!1 I loev ur site, plz come se mine ok by thx." Grr...*wishes for a cyber flamethrower* I'm still in shock that I've reached 75 on the member list...[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ghost - not sure. I believe that there are things that can't be explained, yes...but my theories are based more on alternate demensions, the time-space continuum, and very strong personalities. Curious to hear more? It doesn't fit this topic, so PM me... Faries/Gnomes - nu-uh. No way. Sorry...foot tall people who dance around spreading fairy dust? I'm more likely to belive in aliens then fairies... Dragons - My theory? Misunderstood dinosaur skeletons, half memories of said dinosaurs...and, of course, things have changed a lot...maybe they existed, and are just extinct[/COLOR].
  6. [quote name='Lacuna Coil][size=1']Whether he's guilty or not guilty, it's really none of the publics business. Would you want your weird likes/dislikes spread across the country to people who don't even know you? [/size][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ahem. I'm sorry, but that had to be called out. Do you have any idea what you just said? If not, allow me to emphasize your quote.[/COLOR] [quote name='Lacuna Coil][size=1][B]Whether he's guilty or not guilty[/B'], it's really none of the publics business. Would you want your weird likes/dislikes spread across the country to people who don't even know you? [/size][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Dude, or dudette, as it may be, this is a kid we're talking about. Not something like drugs, or alchohol or something you do to yourself. If these charges are true, he did something that could permenantly scar - physically, mentally and emotionally - another human being. It has gone from being "a weird like" to being something that could seriously harm another human being. Frankly, I don't care if celebrities drink/do drugs/get themselves into half a dozen illicit affairs per week...it's their bodies; I wish they wouldn't, but in the loong run the only person they're hurting is themselves. However, with a charge like [i]child molestation[/i] then yeah...throw the book at them, and possibly take certain parts of their anatomy off. Back on the topic, I have no clue if he's guilty. I do, however, think that it's going to be hard to have the jury be impartial. Everyone in the whole country has heard about this...heck, most of the [i]world[/i] has heard about this, and almost everybody has already made up their minds about his innocence/guilt. Another score for our media...[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Name:[/B] Imahyn "Ima" Tyra [B]Age:[/B] 25 (she thinks) [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Five foot seven and slender, with a face that has been discribed as "cheerful", "cunning", "cute" and "scary", but never beautiful. She has high cheekbones, and those, coupled with her somewhat large nose, serve to make her eyes look sunk into her head. Her eyes are dark gold with red flecks and slitted pupils, and her ears are pointed sharply. Her hair is a tannish brown, and reaches to her midback. She has a forked tail, and is covered with coarse, peach colored fuzz. Ima always dresses in green. She's never ever worn any other color that she can remember. She has no clue why she has this preference, but she does. Her pants are baggy, but not too baggy; and her shirts are form fitting and sleeveless when she's working; but when she's not, she wears colonial style jackets, complete with the coat-tails. She generally wears sandals. [B]Weapon:[/B] A quarterstaff that has removable blades that snap onto the ends. [B]Specimen Oddity:[/B] The physical features mentioned in her appearance (golden eyes, pointed ears, fangs, fuzz and tail) and she also has the ability to teleport for short distances; never further than a hundred yards. [B]Information:[/B] Ima doesn't really remember ever having a family. Her first memories are running around the slums, begging from Garden residents. All through her childhood, Ima moved from street gang to street gang, staying with one until she grew bored or got on the leader's nerves enough to get booted. Over time, Ima became quite the thief. She specialized in pickpocketing, lock picking, and generally pulling over elaborate pranks on government officials...she did this until she was around 19. Around that time, she was caught pulling the mother of all pranks in a fairly high ranking goverment official's office. Instead of being sent to jail (what would be the point? Jail was better than the streets...), she was sent to the government's project. The project was hoping to make a human who could travel vast distances in the blink of an eye. What they got was a girl who could travel, at the most, three hundred feet. Not exactly their goal. So Ima was released back into the public...but since her release, she hasn't really gotten back into the thieving...there really seemed to be no point, and the fun was gone. So she went searching for the Rook Vanguard, being contacted by them weeks later after (she assumes) a background check of some sort... After a rocky start with the Vangaurd involving a few very stupid jokes and some missing files, Ima was forced to make a decision - give up her pranks, or leave. Obviously, she chose to stay...some things are more important than entertainment.[/COLOR] ooc: there ya go...got my character finished a lot earlier than I expected...and before I get reemed, yes, her abilities and the fuzz & tail are based on Nightcrawler.
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrange]From a non-Scorp-Corp point of view, I also find this idea amusing...and we always need more OB parodies...considering I was never around to read any of the others (Gavin's Groupies excluded) when they were first written. I like this idea. Hope to see it soon...*cough*providedIgetacameo*cough*[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, here you go...hope you like it! It's mostly color dodging and burning, so... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/isis1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/isis.jpg[/IMG] Hope you get your memory problem fixed...[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Purple]Riggs just glared at Julia. [B]"Miss Stanley, if you would be quiet for a mere moment more, I will explain..."[/B] Pru groaned. Outloud. She froze when the director's glare turned to her. [B]"Um. Sorry, sir..."[/B] And he was off again. [I]Blah, blah blah blah blah...[/I]beside her, Julai was rolling her eyes, Lucian looked moments away from flinging the wad of paper back at the director, and Eleanor was clearly bored...Pru's gaze traveled to Bulldog,...he seemed shaken up about something...she smiled gently at him, then let her gaze travel back to the paper. [I]What was missing?[/I][/COLOR] ooc: Just a little fillerness...it lives!
  11. [LEFT] Indigo stared after Nathen, rubbing the scratch on his throat.[B] [i]Stupid carnivor...bloodthirsty maniac....gonna get himself killed...or all of us....[/i][/B] That thought made him break into a run, his hooves pounding the ground so fast they were a blur. Being a zebra mutant did have it's advantages...a lion could hardly outrun him for long. He broke out of the trees, and dodged in front of Nathen. [B]"Where do you thing you're going, hmm? Look, I don't know about you, but I really don't want to be alone..."[/B] Nathen just growled, trying to push past Indigo. Indigo swallowed, but jumped so he could stay in front of his angry friend... [B]"There's safty in numbers, Nate..."[/B] Nathen snarled again, but turned back towards the direction they'd just come from. He didn't say anything, but Indigo took this as a small victory. Now if only he could keep him and Elisa from going on yet [i]another[/i] killing spree....[/LEFT] OOC: hope I got your character ok, Anarchy...I'll change it if it needs to be changed.
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Here's my contribution...I just played around with stuff...none of the effects are really all that special, I'm afraid... :animeswea [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Copy31ofProject1.jpg[/IMG] Banner One: Plain Text [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Copy6ofProject1.jpg[/IMG] Banner Two: Contrast bar & neon text effects. Ooh, neon... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Copy32ofProject1.jpg[/IMG] Hope you like one of the banners, anyways...:)[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=SandyBrown] Dave woke with a start...he'd been having a nightmare - that's all he could remember. Undoubtedly, it would've had something to do with Nerve, and this whole "tattoos" business...but he couldn't remember. He honestly didn't want to remember. He staggered out of the comfortable bed and over to the dresser, blinking into the small mirror hanging on the wall. Dazed, bleary brown eyes stared back at him. [B][i]I look awful...[/i][/B] He staggered to the shower, still trying to shake off his early morning funk. Half an hour later, feeling much more human, he strode from his cabin, carrying a guitar. When Lani had told them they'd need necessities, the first word that had gone through his head had been [i]guitar[/i]. Not sensible, no...but for him? Yes, a necessity. It wasn't a really good guitar...as a matter of fact, he was quite certain tht under normal circumstances he wouldn't have paid five shillings for it, much less the 20 pounds he [I]had[/I] paid...but he hadn't had much choice...it had been the price asked for by the one guitar carrying person at the airport. He entered the dining area to find Lani already there, eating a bowl of yogurt. He nodded good morning, set down his guitar, and headed for the food counter. He was starving - the airline had served what could hardly be qualified as "food", and that had been many hours ago now. He loaded his plate with a little bit of everything; bacon, eggs, fruit, pancakes and toast, and covered the whole thing in syrup; joining Lani at the table. She stared at his plate in what looked like horror mixed with amusement. [B]"You're actually going to eat all that?"[/B] Dave shrugged slightly, smiling. [B]"Growing boy. Need my food."[/B] Once his food was gone, he picked up the guitar and moved to sit in front of one of the windows. The view outside was breath-taking; he couldn't remember seeing a place more beautiful, even in pictures. Almost unconciously, his fingers began picking out a melody, his mind supplying what his voice could not... [B][i]Born a poor young country boy, Mother Nature's son... All day long I'm sitting Singing songs for everyone...[/i][/B] Maybe not entirely true, but it was close enough...time seemed to stand still as he felt himself relaxing for the first time since Nerve. Music always, always did that for him. He moved from one song to another, playing softly so as not to wake Rayne...the girl was asleep at one of the small tables, hunched over her computer. [B][I]Heh. Looks like she's been up a while,[/I][/B] he thought. [B][I]Can't say I blame her...can't believe I even slept last night[/I][/B]. That simple reminder made his mood change abruptly. His finger shifted into another song, this one somewhat harsher, somewhat simpler. [B][i]When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide Where I stop and turn and I go for a ride Till I get to the bottom and I see you again...[/i][/B] It sounded wrong, acoustic and without the drums or vocals, but the edge in the guitar part matched his mood shift perfectly. [B][I]Wish the others would get 'ere...I want to know what's goin' on...[/I][/B] [B][i]Do you don't you want me to love you? I'm coming down fast but I'm miles above you... Tell me tell me come on tell me the answer and you may be a lover but you ain't no dancer...[/i][/B] [B][I]Knew I should never 'ave got tattoos...Mum always said it'd come t' no good...[/I][/b]another part of him argued with that last part...[I][B]what if it's not the tattoos? If it's you, and not just them, if you 'adn't 'ad them, you'd've been dead.[/I][/b] He shook his head, still playing. [I][B] Helter skelter Helter skelter Helter skelter Yeah... I will you won't you want me to make you I'm coming down fast but don't let me break you Tell me tell me tell me the answer You may be a lover but you ain't no dancer...[/B][/I] [i]Crash![/i] Dave looked up to see that Rayne was now awake, and her laptop was now on the floor. He winced, standing up. Laptops were not cheap. [i][b]Bet I know what startled her...[/b][/i] [B]"'ey, you alright?"[/B] Rayne smiled, apologetically and a little shyly. "It's nothing...sorry I startled you..." [i][b]I was right, it was that, I'm sure...[/b][/i] He listened slightly when her phone rang; transforming her voice from thickly accented to something as sweet as birdsong. He smiled...French was one of his favorite languages. She hung up. [b]"That was nice...[/b] [/COLOR] ******* [COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Billy Shears and Starrstruck both know what the two songs Dave played in this were...for those of you who don't, you can hear Mother Nature's Son [url=http://a420.v8383d.c8383.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/420/8383/3b858b51/mtvrdstr.download.akamai.com/8512/wmp/2/6/224_2_3_04.asf]here[/url] and Helter Skelter [url=http://a420.v8383d.c8383.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/420/8383/3b858b51/mtvrdstr.download.akamai.com/8512/wmp/2/6/224_2_6_04.asf]here[/url]. EDIT: Changed my post a little to go with Natchan's...[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Here you go, Mouse-chan! I just picked a random picture for the eyes...but this one was fun, font wise...I knew Celtic fonts would come in handy... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/mouse.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/mouse1.jpg[/IMG] Go maire tú an lá, sláinte agus saol chugat!* *many happy returns, health and long life to you...[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I'm not quite sure what you're complaining about. The OB is one of the best quality boards out there, and it's because of the mods. I've only been "criticized" twice, and I have over 150 posts. Yeah, the mods are a bit strict...but they're the reason these boards aren't the streams of random gibberish that every other anime message board out there seems to be. And they're not the tyrants you make them sound like...she could've locked your thread, instead of giving you advice towards good posting in the future. [/color]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well...I can't add much to Retri's, except I'm going to give you a 9.[i]5[/i] instead, 'cuz I'm nicer. :p Now I do agree that the one you're using is the better of the two...and I'm curious as to which effect you used. Oddly enough, the little blue patch is my favorite part...^__^ Also, which font is that? I don't think I've seen in before...[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok...I've only made the Lirin one so far, and I am sad to say I could not find a punk one...so sorry. I did, however, make the banner background eye focused, if that's any consoulation...eye...focused...ooh, bad pun. Anyways. If you still want the Homuru banner, I will make it, but here's the Lirin one first... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/auravi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/aurban.jpg[/IMG] Hope you like them! :)[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, I gave it a shot...how could I not? You wanted stars! I'm an astronomy nerd...stars are one of my favorite things to play with, graphic wise. I wound up making two banners, one with the full quote, one with the part quote, and you made me use the dreaded white stripe! :animecry: Er, sorry about that. Sorry I couldn't get the text gold, either...it all turned out looking brown. :grumble: But those few little explainations aside...I hope you like one of them... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/sbavi.jpg[/IMG] Banner One [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/sb1.jpg[/IMG] Banner Two [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/sb2.jpg[/IMG] Personally, I think banner two is the better one, but that's just me. [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, as you wish...gun in the banner. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/trimy2avi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/trimy2.jpg[/IMG] :D Howzat work for you?[/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello, new person! I am quite pleased to be the first to offer you this spiffy banner-and-avi set. Now, you can use it...or you can wait and see if Retri or Boo or someone else shows up and decides to make you one as well...that's what's cool about this area: you usually get more than one answer to your request. Of course, after you see them, you will realise MINE is the coolest, but...heh. Just kidding, guys...please don't hit me. *cowers* Anyway. Here's my set. Hope you like them! :D Avi: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/trymyavi.jpg[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/trymy.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange]O.O The Great Fruede...er...Delta...wants someone [i]else[/i] to do a project? *bows* We're not worthy!! Ok, enough fawning... I made a couple...I hope one of them's what you're thinking of...I honestly don't remember what I used on them...it was pretty much slapping effects on...as usual. :animeswea One [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Delta2.jpg[/IMG] Two [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Delta1.jpg[/IMG] Three [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Delta.jpg[/IMG] I like three the best, actually...I'm not sure why. Hope you like one of 'em. :)[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=SandyBrown][i]London, England[/i] David Franklyn sighed, staring at the clock. Three minutes left...three minutes, and he'd be free. Which, of course, meant that the professor was going to take twenty. And by that time, it'd be gone...he had to get this on paper, had to, had to with a passion that was making him jittery. In an attempt not to stare at the clock, he stared at his paper, and the string of notes that cascaded in the margins - and over half of his actual lecture notes. The riff had come to him, like so many others had, in a flash, so perfect and perfectly timed, with the exact spaces for the drum part and the vocal parts marked out, that he'd almost jumped out of his chair to get his guitar right then and there. But that wouldn't have been appreciated. He was failing this class already. He couldn't afford to miss another. True to his suspicions, the professor managed to lengthen the class by not just twenty minutes, but by a half hour. But then it ended - his last class of the day - and he burst out of the lecture hall like a bird set free, his mind already thinking out the vocals; although he'd never sing them... [I]Crackling, burning...something hurt so bad he wanted to cry....but he couldn't. Not with Bea there...not when she needed him. The smoke burned his eyes, his nose, his throat, but he tried to pay it no mind, his thirteen year old body clumsy and slow in a situation that had him as panicked as a wild animal. Bea sniffled as she clung to his neck. [B]"D-davy, I's scared..." [/B] He gently kissed the top of her head, eyes struggling to see through the inky smoke. [B]"I know, baby, I know...I-"[/B] His voice cracked. He swallowed hard. [B]"I'm tryin' t'find the way...don't worry, we're -"[/B] again, that harsh bark crept in. [B]"-We're goin' t'be ok, just stay calm for me, ok, sweet'eart?"[/B] His friends may laugh at his pet names for his sister...he didn't care. It was keeping him from screaming, the knowledge that she needed him. Something crumbled behind them, sending sparks and a wave of hot air over them. He couldn't suppress a whimper...instantly stifled as he walked forward again. There had to be a way out... There wasn't. Or at least there didn't seem to be. The fire was raging closer and closer...and in front of him was a concret wall. He cursed wildly, trying desperatly to see a break - any break - through the smoke. There wasn't one. Something - the smoke, the general lack of oxygen, the fear, some combination of all three - made him light headed, and he fell to his knees. Bea didn't make a sound. She just clung to his neck, tiny chest heaving. [B]Sorry, baby...I - I can't go on...[/B] He vaguely felt himself falling forward...and then strong arms lifting him, holding him close. The next time he opened his eyes, he was in a hospital...and the doctors were telling his parents he'd never sing again. [/I] Dave shook off the memory as he walked out of the university. So what if he couldn't sing? The music had always been his first priority. And that he had in spades...stacks and stacks of it, just waiting to pour from his pen. He was again lost in thought as he trudged towards his apartment; paying attention to nothing...until a heavy hand fell on his shoulder. He spun around, jumping away in the same move. [B]"Ah...did I frighten you, lad?"[/B] The stranger was half in the shadows, hand still outstretched. Dave shook his head. He hadn't been [i]scared[/i]...just a little startled. [B]"Oh, that's alright then."[/B] He stepped out of the shadows, and Dave stepped away. The man was tall and stocky, with arms like iron bars and the grin of a madman. He was wearing sunglasses, but something seemed to be flickering [i]behind[/i] the colored glass...like they weren't meant to block light from entering...but block something else from exiting. He forced his voice to work, raspy and hoarse as it was. [B]"Wh-who are you?" [/B] The man's smile shifted into something almost gentle. It didn't make him less frightening. [B]"My name is Nerve...I'm a collector of tattoos, child...much like yourself." [/B] Dave backed even further away. Something was not right. Something was SO not right that it made his skin crawl. [B]"S-so I have tattoos...so does most ev'ryone, these days..."[/B] He tried not to cough. It had been a while since he'd spoken out loud...usually relying on nods and other non-verbal ways of communication. [B]"That doesn't make me a collector. Doesn't make me anythin' special."[/B] A nasty thought occured to him, making him almost scramble further away when Nerve took one last step forward. [B]"'ow d'you collect tattoos, anyways? Y-you'd 'ave to skin someone..." [/B] Nerve's face twisted. He flicked his hand, and suddenly there was a knife in it, a long, curving, jagged-bladed knife. The mad grin was back. [B]"That's one way of doing it...[/B]" Dave shrugged off his backpack, flinging it at the madman's head and breaking into a mad dash, all in the space of a millisecond. A shout of rage echoed as he turned the corner, followed by the sound of tearing fabric. Dave winced at the thought of his songs...but didn't slow, his all-too-vivid imagination applying that same sound to his skin. [b]"You can't run forever, boy..."[/b] the statement was alarmingly close. Dave's head whipped around to see Nerve standing in a doorway, not three feet away. He spun, running in the opposite direction, the madman's laughter echoing in his ears. [b][i]God, if these tattoos do anything, if I really am special...[/i][/b] he prayed desperatly, pain beginning to flare in his chest...[i][b]let them work, let them do SOMETHING![/b][/i]. Something tingled in his feet, starting with his right foot, the one with the horseshoe he'd had tattooed for his eighteenth birthday...and suddenly, he was running three times, five times, [i]ten[/i] times as fast as he had been. He didn't stop to think - just focusing on not mowing anybody down. He slowed as he reached his apartment, darted inside and slammed the door, one thought going through his head: [I][B]I have to get out of this city...[/B][/I] *** Dave stepped out into the airport, clutching the bag that had all his belongings in it to his chest. He'd spent the last of his money on a plane ticket, and hadn't even bothered to check what country it been to. Not smart, he thought in retrospect as he looked around, trying to gauge where exactly he'd wound up. The dreamer in him had thought it would be a grand adventure to wind up in some completly random city...but now the realist was wishing it had spoken up sooner. And he'd felt...strange, since the incident with Nerve...he hadn't dared to try anything with the tattoo again...hadn't even tried to see what the [i]other[/i] one did...he walked into someone. He turned, smiling apologetically. [B]"I -" [/B] he cleared his throat, trying to make the rasping clear just a little. [B]"I'm sorry, I didn't see you..." [/B] The person was a young woman, Japanese by the looks of it. She had been talking with another young woman, this one with greenish hair...something about them gave him the opposite feeling that his earlier meeting with Nerve had done. He rubbed the back of his head. [B]"Could one of you ladies please tell me where I am?"[/B] The Japanese girl looked incredulous. [B]"You don't know?"[/B] Dave shook his head. The girl explained where they were, and Dave nodded his thanks, turning to walk away. Something, however, made him turn back. [B]"Uh. Either of you have tattoos, by any chance?" [/B] Half an hour later, the three of them were deep in conversation in a cafe outside the airport.[/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE=Boo][color=gray][size=1] [B]EDIT:[/b] never mind this idea, I want to do a discworld one instead someday XD[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yes! Do that. I would sign up for that right away. I'm even willing to help with anything you'd need to do that. It'd most likely be one of the most original RPs that started. [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hey! Someone I've never made a banner for! Cool. Well, I wound up making one avi, two banners. First, the avi... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/xiav.jpg[/IMG] Now, banners. Banner One [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/xi1.jpg[/IMG] Banner Two [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/xi2.jpg[/IMG] I, personally, think banner 2 is the better one, but it's your signature, so who knows. I hope that's what you were looking for...[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well. If she hadn't felt like pounding her head through the table before, she sure did now. First Lucian and his tapping - her chin still stung, she could tell it was red - then Bulldog snapping, then Penny...man. Things were not boding well for this mission so far...not to mention three of the other agents weren't even [i]there[/i] yet...Pru tried to keep from scowling. This day just kept getting worse. She could [i]entirely[/i] understand Jude's strange annoyance....she'd worked with Jude before...normally, he was unrazzable. But this...this whole situation was different. She rested her forehead on the table. [B][i]Whatever I did to deserve this, I'm sorry already![/i][/B] Penny loooked awfully smug...of course she did...she was so nice nobody minded if [i]she[/i] yelled. Unlike herself....[B][i]wishing you weren't so uptight, ey, Pru?[/i][/B]...it's funny, but the little voice in her head sounded an awful lot like Lucian. [B]"Could someone please tell me where Riggs is? I?m beginning to get bored.?[/B] Pru sighed. [B]"Join the club...wish [i]I[/i] knew where he was, too...then we could get this over with and get out of here...I want to see if Rocky's alright. This whole thing's making me nervous." [/B] [B]"As well it should, Jones."[/B] Pru jumped. She hadn't heard the Director come in, arms loaded with clipboards, data chips, and stacks of paper. Lucian snickered. Pru did her best to ignore that. "[B]One should think that a time shift this dramatic would make anyone nervous." [/B] Riggs paused at the head of the table, right next to Bulldog. He smirked as he dropped most of his papers onto the table, where they cascaded into the papers Bulldog was reading. [B]"Oh, sorry about that, Henderson." [/B] Pru rolled her eyes. Bulldog looked seconds away from murdering the director, and Riggs was just adding fuel to the fire. Riggs straightened his papers, and looked around the table at the agents. Pru was pleased to notice the small furrow that appeared between his eyebrows. "[B]Er. I see not all of us are here yet..." [/B] He shrugged. "[B]If they haven't arrived, we'll just have to start without them. If you'll all turn to page three in the papers you recieved..." [/B] Pru stifeled a groan. Surely he wasn't sticking to standered procedure in a situation like this? He was. Twenty minutes later, Riggs was still droning, basically recapping everything that had happened in the last going on 9 hours...[I][B]as if we didn't know all this![/B] [/I] Out of boredom and increasing frustration, she flipped further back in the briefing. There was a rough timeline sketched out and scanned, with a list of major dates; much like the ones she'd become so familiar with in history. There was a small red circle around the first half of 1965, with a large question mark scrawled over it. Pru frowned. So something was missing from then...strange...keeping an eye on Riggs and feeling strangely like a highschool student again, she leaned over towards the others. [b]"Did any of you take 20th century history?"[/b][/COLOR]
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