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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones
[COLOR=DarkOrange]If I might allow my semi-sarcastic nature to surface for a moment...what's a "bannter"? :p Ok, joking aside, I couldn't find a font that looked like the one you mentioned. I did find three other fonts that look "gothic" and fit the mood of the banner, though.... Set One [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/jianone.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Copy49ofProject1.jpg[/IMG] Set Two [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/jian3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/jian2.jpg[/IMG] Set Three [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Copy4ofProject1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/jian4.jpg[/IMG] In case you're wondering, the only thing different between them is the fonts. I hope you like one of them, at least. [/COLOR]
Request Zelda Avatar resizing request
Ozymandius Jones replied to SunfallE's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Well...you can't read the words anymore, but I did resize it...and theres not much I can do about the words... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22770&stc=1[/IMG] And just in case you changed your mind about the normal sized avi... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22771&stc=1[/IMG] [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Well...I couldn't find a picture of anyone crying, but I did find a sad picture...I hope it'll still meet your specifications... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22767&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22766&stc=1[/IMG] Now...hope you like them![/COLOR]
Request Banner please (picture included)
Ozymandius Jones replied to Kurai Yuki's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Here you go...I hope you didn't want it to say anything other than Sakura... Avi: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22765&stc=1[/IMG] Banner [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22764&stc=1[/IMG] Hope you like them![/COLOR] -
Art Fun with Photoshop (Aka my random banner thread)
Ozymandius Jones replied to Ozymandius Jones's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE=FireMage][size=1]My only problem/s with the banners is this/these: ~ If you use a border, you're using the same one. It may be nice-ish looking, but try to vary its colour, size and/or pattern. [/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Well...I have (since making those) discovered a new way of making borders, so the boring cutout border will be disappearing into the miasma. Also, my problems with the transparent cutout have slowly been vanishing as well... And Retri, I already gave you my opinion on [i]your[/i] opinions, so I won't repeat myself...although they were very helpful. I will be redesigning some of those with both of your comments in mind. :) I made this banner for Billy Shears. The text is one of George Harrison's (the guy in the picture) songs for The Beatles. I would like your opinions - it's my first animated banner that doesn't involve just cycling through pictures. I know it has no border, so don't point that out. ;) [/COLOR] [IMG]http://images5.theimagehosting.com/all-the-world.gif[/IMG] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Boo is exactly right. It's difficult to get so many pictures into a banner and make it look nice. Next time, you may want to pick one picture. Also, how could I resist this? [quote name='Boo']Hope you like them, I'm not making another set, so you'll have to wait for Ozy Jones to see this thread lol.[/quote] Well. I've seen. I came, I saw, I conquered...or something like that. Here's my set: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Copy43ofProject1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Copy42ofProject1.jpg[/IMG] Hope you like them. :)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Ha! For once, I can offer you options! *trumpet flare* Er...sorry. Set One: I like the dark effects, but the text doesn't quite look right. :animeswea [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Copy40ofProject1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Copy39ofProject1copy.jpg[/IMG] Set two: I had much fun with set two...I think it's the better set, but it's your banner, sooo.... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Copy41ofProject1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Copy39ofProject1.jpg[/IMG] When I used my watercolor filter, it got a sort of "Beauty and the Beast" effect. It was weird. I hope you like one (or both) of them. :)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]For being DB related, it's quite good. :p The only problem I see is something seems a bit off on the contrast...my eyes are kinda bad in the contrast deparment, so it may just be me, but somehow I think the contrast detracts from the picture. I do, however, like the text, and the blurring effects. That's really nice. The only complaint with the text is a pet peeve of mine...when most people look for enter buttons, they look at the bottom right. I dunno why...the "enter" text just looks a little off center. Again, that's most likely just me. Altogether, though, very very good work Retri.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, that one's good, but I thought I might as well see what you thought of mine...give you a variety, and all that jazz... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22738&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22737&stc=1[/IMG] I don't think it qualifies as "sexy," but it is romantic....[/COLOR]
Discuss BeatleMania Redux [Underground] (PG - VL)
Ozymandius Jones replied to Ozymandius Jones's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I'm poking! Trust me...Angelus_Necare has been duly poked, I pestered Muse over IM...I'd poke Shy, but he hasn't been feeling good...plus we have general idea on how to get Abby into this mess I seem to have created other than in the meeting, so Shy may not be posting in this chapter. Muse and Angelus, however...*begins looking for pencil*[/COLOR] -
Discuss BeatleMania Redux [Underground] (PG - VL)
Ozymandius Jones replied to Ozymandius Jones's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Actually, thank to IM sessions with helpful contacts...(who will currently remain nameless... :p ) I have realized Araby may play a more important role in this then I originally thought...although I won't tell why yet...and he's still not coming back in time with us. And yes, both he and Riggs are stuck up...and a lot of fun to write...as I'm discovering. EDIT: 3/11/05: I will now say this: due to unknown circumstances, Grammar Panzer hasn't been on in a week and a half now, so Agent MaBelle is just going to dissappear until such a time as Grammar gets back online. To those of you who have not posted and plan to do so in this particular section, you would have until around 6 (et) tomorrow to do so, then the meeting will be moving along. Thank you.[/COLOR] -
[LEFT][i]Indigo stood outside the door, his new, strange ears picking up every sound from within. He'd snuck back in, somethings that had been difficult to do...his body felt twice as clumsy as it ever had before.[/i] [b]Dad'll help me, I know he will...[/b] [i]One stripe-furred hand went out to the doorknob. [/i] [b]Dad always knows what to do...[/b][i]This time, however, doubts were spinning in the back of Indigo's head...[/i] [b]He didn't know how to stop it...how would he know what to do?[/b][i]Indigo shook his head angrily, refusing to listen to that voice. His fingertips had just brushed the door when the phone in the office rang. He jumped, startled, when he heard his father's voice for the first time in...it felt like an eternity. The confidence returned. [/i] [b]Dad'll be able to fix this.[/b][i] He finally began to turn the knob...but something his father said made him freeze... [b]"Yes, director...yes, the INFINITE creatures must be destroyed...I agree with you one hundred percent on that point..."[/b] Indigo just stared at the door. [b]"If it wasn't for the fact that they're so strong, they'd've been gone long ago..."[/b] The instincts kicked in...the zebra instincts...danger? run. run fast. scared? run. run fast. angry? run. run fast. So he did, ignoring the clatter of his hooved feet as he burst from the door, anger and sorrow welling up inside of him to burst forth as tears. He brushed them aside angrily as he ran. Zebras didn't cry...why couldn't [/i] that[i] have dissappeared with the rest of his humanity? He ran until he could run no more, collapsing onto the ground some hours later, to fall into a deep, troubled sleep.[/i] **** It was three days later, and Indigo's heart still hurt. He'd tried to go into one of the few un-destroyed towns in the area...there'd been the usual shouts of "freak"...and he'd snapped. He had tried desperatly to get the blood off his hooves...but no amount of water in the world could wash his mind.[B] [i]I hate this! Why'd you do this to me, dad? I thought you loved me![/i] [/B] Now, as he stared at the stars, no answers sprang to mind, no grand explanations...someone stepped on a branch in the woods behind him. The instincts told him to run, again...until he recognized the scent. It didn't help much - as a matter of fact, it made the zebra part of him even more scared - but it made the [i]Indigo[/i] part feel a lot safer. [b]"Vhere have you been, Nathen?"[/b][/LEFT] Hope you don't mind the intro, Anarchy...
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Is there a posting order? Or do we just post whenever? Just want to make sure I don't step on any creative toes....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Yay! I got to scan my evil calculus book! Haha...er. Nevermind. This one also gave me a chance to expiriment with my scanner...I don't think it liked scanning the pencil. Avatar [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22726[/IMG] Banner [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22725&stc=1[/IMG] Hope that you like them. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I have a very simple question...we're talking spies, right? So we're going more for subtlety than brute force in the weapons department, right?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I used pictures from Advent Children...I hope that's the version of Cloud you mean...here you go. Ava [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22720&stc=1[/IMG] Banner [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22721&stc=1[/IMG] Hope you like them! :)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I tried...really I did...I managed to fit all the text, but it looks...jammed. It's very hard to get that much text on a banner and it still look nice. Personally, I would actually go with Retri's on this...*kicks self*. So...here's the full-text attempt. Hope you like... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22719&stc=1[/IMG][/COLOR]
Copy and pasting time.... Signature: [url*]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22712&stc=1[/url*]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Any particular game? Characters? Do you want it to say anything? General theme and or colors? I'll make it, I just need to have this one verified since there are so many... :animeswea [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Right click, go down to properties, copy the address. Go to "edit signature" and paste what you copied into the box, just put [img*]urlhere[/img*], making sure to take out the *. You can use the URL of the avatar to use it for your avi, or you can download it to your computer and upload it that way.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Generic NPC #3']godhead also does a really good version of this song. Eleanor Rigby seems pretty good from any decent band. It has that quality about it, I guess.[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ray Charles did an interesting version of this song, too, and Booker T. did an excellent instrumental as well. I heard an interesting cover the other day - Orchestra London and Glenn Bennet doing Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb"...It's sevearly missing the intensity of the original, but the orchestra adds something... On the topic of remakes that need to die, Jim Carrey's remake of"I am the Walrus"...well...I think he said it best himself: "There! I have defiled a timeless work of art!'[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Well, Rin darling, I've gotten so used to the line in your signature that I figured I'd better do this one... Avi: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22714&stc=1[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22713&stc=1[/IMG] Hope they're snazzy enough for ya![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Here's my attempt...Retri'll probably also be trying, so you may get more than one banner out of this... Avatar [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22711&stc=1[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22712&stc=1[/IMG] Hope you like them![/COLOR]
Sign Up Red Eagle M-SLV (17+ Recommended)
Ozymandius Jones replied to Juke Box Hero's topic in Theater
[U][B]SIGN-UP[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Isa Korolev, aka "The White Tiger" [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]False Name:[/B] Isabelle Radcliffe [B]Age:[/B] 34 [B]Side: [/B] KGB [B]Biography:[/B] Isa Korolev...the "White Tiger" of the KGB...that is a name all in Moscow fear...the cold assassin, who targets dissedents, political opponents, diplomats, all alike. No one knows much about her, other then that name, whispered in the shadows...nobody knows if Isa Korolev is her real name - but everyone doubts it. In actuality, Isa Korolev was born Isa Romanov, in Moscow, in 1930. Her father was a coal worker, and her mother was a french journalist who fell in love with him. Isa's childhood was as happy as any Russian child's; her parents never far away, and she always had her brother Sergei to play with. Then came World War Two. Isa's father was forced into the Russian military - he never returned. Isa's mother cared for her children the best she could during the terrifying 900 day seige of the city. Isa remembers clearly the terror of those nights - of not knowing what the Germans were doing. She vowed at the age of 14 that she would try to keep others from feeling that same terror. Then, in 1945, after the war had ended and the Germans fled, Isa's brother and mother were executed for suspected treason. Isa was in the room when they were killed - she has no memories of that day. She's blocked them out, along with almost every emotion. One of the officers who orderd her family's execution took her in in an act of "mercy", training her as an assassin. Isa went to the best schools available and was a star pupil - no one suspected what was behind the calm, polite girl's facade...her first assassination was a rival of her teachers; her first kill came at the age of 17. After Isa graduated, she was approached by the KGB. Ttey had need of her skills - and she was quite happy to provided them...even when it meant killing her old teacher, suspected of passing information to American agents. [B]Introductory post:[/B]Italics indicate foreign languages being spoken. It was cold...but then, in Russia, it is always cold. Isa Korolev leaned against the wall of the shop, ignoring the appreciative leering of a group of students passing by...at 34, she was still an attractive woman - she knew this - but beauty was irrelevant...merely a tool to be used to reach her goal. She half smiled to herself as she heard the slight crunch of gravel underfoot. The man behind her was good...but not good enough. Her revolver was out and under the man's chin before the man had even realized she'd begun to turn. Icy grey eyes flashed from behind wire-rimmed glasses. The man gulped. [B]"Vwi bel'ye teegra?"[/B] [i]You are the White Tiger?[/i]. The man's stuttering pronunciation marked him as a foreigner, perhaps a new agent from East Berlin. She smiled coldly, switching to flawless German. [B][i]"Who asks?"[/i][/B] The man reached a shaking hand towards his coat pocket, freezing when the gun was shoved harder. Isa reached into the pocket herslef, removing a small slip of paper with a string of numbers attached. Her shoulders relaxed marginally as she removed the gun. The agent rubbed the reddish mark pressure had left on his neck. Isa sneered. [B][i]"Never attempt to sneak up on me again. I assume you have information on my target?"[/i][/B] The agent gestured wordlessly to the briefcase he'd dropped. Isa snapped it open, keeping an eye on the agent as she shuffled through the papers. Most were photographs - the face of a young man, barely older than 20, with a boyish grin and shaggy blonde hair. All the photos indicated a young man full of life: photos of him walking in a park, laughing with a young woman, sitting and talking with a group of young men about his age. [B][i]"His name is Vladimir Tolstoy. He's the leader of a group of dissendents headquarted in Keiv. You are to leave tomorrow."[/i][/B] Isa nodded, memorizing the faces in the pictures for future reference. You never could tell when a target's associates would become targets themselves... *** Three days later, Vladimir Tolstoy was found dead in his apartment, killed by an unknown assailant. No trace of the intruder was ever found. The police never looked into the matter...but the local dissidents know who was behind it. They all fear the White Tiger. -
[QUOTE=Omar Harris] Fly Like an Eagle-???/Seal American Woman-???/Lennie Kravitz [/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Fly like an Eagle - ??? = Steve Miller Band American Woman - ??? = The Guess Who While I've never heard Seal's version of Fly Like an Eagle, I will disagree with you on the Lenny Kravitz one...I don't like his version of American Woman at all, compared to the original.[/COLOR]