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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Kairi, before I even post anything, let me say this: due to picture quality :rolleyes: this is not some of my best work. But I gave it a shot... Avi: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22608&stc=1[/IMG] Banner. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22607&stc=1[/IMG] Hope she likes 'em. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Pruedence yawned from her position behind the cash register. 10 o'clock was [i]far[/i] too early to be at work...but it paid the bills, so she was here. Coming in late day after day wasn't a good idea - if you did it too often, Paolo made you work weekends. But it wasn't [i]technically[/i] her fault... She watched two children fighting over a box of crayons detachedly. Normally, abuse of non-purchased art supplies was something she'd have thrown fits about...but she just couldn't seem to attach any purpose to yelling at this unfriendly hour. [i]This is what you get for staying up until four, [/i] she chided herself. [i]Those movies weren't [b]that[/b] interesting...[/i] The bell over the door jingled, and Pru turned slightly, stifiling another yawn. She almost choked. It was [i]him[/i] again...that really, [i]really[/i] cute one, that had almost every girl in New York madly in love with him...just her luck he was an artist...or seemed to be. He didn't ever say much...walked around, bought things, but never said anything more than "goodbye" or "what's the total?" She watched as he disappeared down the row where the comic paper was kept. It wasn't completly a waste getting out of bed, then...[/COLOR] OOC: Er. Sorry if I dragged you in a bit early ULX, but I couldn't think of anyone else who'd be in an art store. Hope that's ok...
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Gazimon rolled his eyes. [B]"And we're sure not gonna hurt anyone...I mean, look at me!"[/B] He pulled a face, rolling his eyes back in his head. [B]"I'm a bunny with claws, for digi's sake...who'm I gonna hurt?"[/B] He stomped around the clearing like a miniature Godzilla. [B]"Look at me, I'm a scary Digimon! ARR! ARR!"[/B] He laughed...until Sally kicked him gently. [B]"Cut it out, Gazimon...she's being serious."[/B][/COLOR]
Request New Avatar/Banner Please for Kairi:)
Ozymandius Jones replied to Kairi's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I gave it a try...this banner didn't give me the creeps while I worked on it, either...;) Avatar: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22577&stc=1[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22578&stc=1[/IMG] Hope those work for ya.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Plum][B]Name: [/B] Wu Lei Wei [B]Sobriquet:[/B] Coming... [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance/Description: [/B] Lei Wei is moderatly tall for a Chinese woman, five foot four. She has a pleasant face that can't be qualified as beautiful, but it has it's charms. Her build can only be discribed as average. Her eyes are her best feature - they convey her moods exactly; like reflections in a pond. [B]Affiliation[/B]: Pearls of Winter [B]Brocade:[/B] Garden of Frozen Chrysanthemum. Her calling card is pale blue silk with gold lotus blossoms. [B]Weapon(s):[/B] Because Lei Wei is of the Chrysanthemum Brocade, she does not generally use weapons. However, she does carry one thin bladed dagger. [B]Circumstances:[/B] Lei Wei joined the Pearls of Winter after her older brother was killed by government soldiers for insolence. Her parents were poor, and had planned to marry her off the the village's head's son...one of the soldiers responisble for her brother's death. Outraged, Lei Wei ran. [B]Introduction: [/B] [I]Lei Wei sat in the garden. The sun was bright...but not exceptionally warm. She sighed as she stared into the reflecting pool. The water trickling through the rocks was meant to have a soothing effect...this day, it didn't. It was the second year to the day since her brother's death. She tried very hard to not be sad, but sometimes it was hard. She wouldn't cry. She hadn't cried, not since that day...not since her beloved brother had been cut down. She'd run from the village, joined the Sisters...they couldn't see her cry...they'd think her weak; not fit to be a part of such an estemmed organization...her eyes began to water as if the very thought had conjured her tears... "Lei Wei?" Lei Wei looked up to see one of the Sisters looking down at her. She tried to brush the tears from her eyes, almost ashamed to be caught weeping. But the oldster merely looked down at her with a gentle smile. "Don't be afraid to cry, my child...it's a part of life." And, like a child, Lei Wei clung to the sister and wept. That was two years ago. And she hasn't feared her tears since....[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hope this is what you're looking for...sounds interesting![/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Suddenly, I think I detect the reason behind your username, Xanadu...;) I'd have to say my favorite classic rock band is Genesis...not the Phil Collins controlled Genesis...I like the band when Peter Gabriel had lead vocals...I'm not quite sure why they're my favorite...the song "Supper's Ready" might have something to do with it though...and Steve Hackett is an excellent guitarist. Pink Floyd is one of those bands that I only like bits and peices of their work; what I like I love, but what I don't I'd rather never hear again. "Dark Side of the Moon" needs to be in EVERYONE's cd collection, but I could care less about The Wall...except "Another Brick in the Wall, part 2" I, too, like Rush...Getty Lee's voice has never bothered me. My favorite Rush song would have to be "Closer to the Heart", followed by (oddly enough) Xanadu. Jethro Tull is another one of my favorites, if only because it's so cool to see a rock band employ a flutist...and a pretty good one at that....;)[/COLOR]
Request Bleach Banner and Avatar request
Ozymandius Jones replied to Ezekiel's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Actually, your discription was very discriptive...mostly...and your right about it being nigh-impossible to find Quincy.... I wasn't sure what qualified as "funky text" but I have a computer full of weird 60s fonts, so... Here's my attempt. Avi: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22565&stc=1[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22564&stc=1[/IMG] Well? Hope you like![/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange][center][SIZE=3]Chapter One: Yesterday[/SIZE] [/center] Prudence's first impression after she got used to the various changes that came with sudden teleportation was that everyone was staring. But not at her - at the vidscreen behind her. Curious, she turned and stared at the screen. [I]Dr. Rathbone? What's he doing on the vid screen?[/I] The doctor was well known to most employees - after all, his father had founded the TCD. But....he looked strange today, scruffy, his normaly clean cut appearence thrown off by a five o'clock shadow and red-rimmed eyes. [I][B]By the time you see this[/B], [/I] the vidscreen said, [I][B]I will be long, long gone. As you should've been...as all mankind should have been...[/B][/I] Prudence looked around her, confused. [B]"Anyone know what he's talking about?"[/B] One of the techies from the monitering department shook his head. [B]"He showed up on the screen twenty minutes before we started getting alarms. Everything's gone haywire, but we can't figure out what's changing."[/B] Pru blinked. [B]"Can't?! B - but - I don't..."[/B] The techie shrugged. [B]"Don't ask me how, but he's overridden the empathic tracking for the machine system, as well as the..."[/B] The techie went on describing all the machinary, safegaurds and failsafes the doctor had managed to get through, but Pru tuned him out as she stared at the other moniters...normaly these screens picked up any broadcast from the normal timeline; vidphone calls, news broadcasts, reports from agents...but now, the screens were flickering, blinking and the pictures were bouncing, shifting from one broadcast to another at an insane speed; reflecting the rate things outside were changing...they wouldn't know what had happened until time stopped shifting. She sighed, sliding down the wall. She was out of her element, and she knew it. [B][center]Six Hours Later[/center][/B] Time had stopped shifting, finally...the awful hyperactive flickering of the screens had stopped..but the image it had settled on was not good. The Plague - the horrible bane of everyone's existance for the last 7 years - was back. And worse than ever...according to the broadcasts the TCD were recieving, the death rate was skyrocketing - a seventy five percent fatality rate, as apposed to the 25% it had been in the worst times of the "original" timeline. Whatever Dr. Rathbone had done in the past had changed things dramatically enough that the even the Te'tani ships that had been in orbit the last 5 years were gone; satilittes picking up no trace of them having ever been there... Pru absorbed all this from her seat in the auditorium, her eyes burning from watching the moniters so much. Professor Araby, her old Temporal Emergency trainer, was reporting all known facts to the agents. The Auditorium hadn't been this full since it's conception. Every single agent was here; crammed into this one room...every agent except those from the Dallas devision. [B]"And so, in closing..."[/B] Araby gathered his papers into a neat stack. [B]"Until the cause of this temporal shift has been discovered, I'm afraid all agents will be staying here."[/B] Most of the younger agents groaned. This meant that they would have to share quarters. Most newer agents bunked in the dormitories, while older ones tended to have their own homes in the timeline. Araby glared over his glasses. [B]"Yes, I realize this is an inconvienience for you...but the altenative is much less pleasant." [/B] The old man made as if he was going to leave the stage, but returned to his podium seconds later. [B]"And I almost forgot...would agents Diamond, Forsythe, Hayes, Henderson, Jones, MaBelle, Maxwell, Rhodes and Stanly please report to Director Riggs immediatly." [/B] Pru sat up straight, staring at the Professor. She exchanged a worried glance with Eleanor Maxwell, who happened to be sitting nearbye. This did not bode well....[/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: I posted some chapter discriptions in the Underground thread, but this is supposed to be somewhat free-range. Basically, this chappie is just how we figure out what's missing. The next post, however, is just getting to the conference room. Any of you how've been in any sort of meeting know what it's like before the meeting actually starts...everyone talking and whatnot... Also, Grammar Panzer is not feeling well currently. I have given her permission to post her intro in part of her next post. Sorry about the delay.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I couldn't decide whetehr to use "Happier days" or "Happier Times" so I used 'em both. Hope you like! Avi: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22539&stc=1[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22540&stc=1[/IMG] [/COLOR]
Discuss BeatleMania Redux [Underground] (PG - VL)
Ozymandius Jones replied to Ozymandius Jones's topic in Theater
[quote name='Darksbane][COLOR=RoyalBlue']Would any cds or whatever we use in the future disappear? Like, if someone was listening to something the Beatles wrote after 1965, would it just...vanish?[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]In esscense, yes. But they wouldn't remember that they had ever been listening to it in the first place. Also, everyone's first post was really good...we're just waiting for Grammar Panzer to post now. *pokes Grammar*. I have worked out a sorta chapter system for this...but remember, I said "sorta". [B]Prelude: A Beginning[/B] It's a normal day in the TCD, the Temporal Control Department...or so it seems. A mad scientist (see previous posts) has suceeded in sending himself back in time. Something is changing, and changing so dramatically that it nescessatates the immediate recall of every single agent, whether they're active and on duty or not. This chapter will have only one post per player, and it's self explanitory... [b]Complete[/b] [B]Chapter One: Yesterday[/B] [i]In Progress[/i] So. They've all arrived...they've found out what the emergency was - time is shifting dramatically. But why? What's missing? Time has been scoured again and again...but all the major political events are there; nothing should've brought about this change. And why have the Te'tani ships disappeared from orbit? If you've read the information in the previous posts, you know why...but how do the characters figure out? That's your job. :D. [B]Chapter Two: Act Naturally[/B] The mystery's solved - no wonder no political events are gone...Dr. Rathbone didn't make any changes to political history. What he did remove was the Beatles, in 1965. So the TCD gathers their...er...best agents...ok, who are we kidding? They're a group that will most likely never get along, led by someone who's never led a mission, expected to fit into a culture one hundred and forty years into their past. Dare we say mankind is doomed? [B]Chapter Three: Day Tripper[/B] Finally housed and semi-firmly ensconsed in the timeline it's belived Dr. Rathbone is in, the TCD agents begin their assignments...1. Find Dr. Rathbone and 2. Prevent him from offing the Beatles. How will they do this? Technically, it's up to you. If you want to split up into two groups, one searching for Rathbone, the other playing Beatle-bodygaurds, that would work; if you have something else you think would work, send it my way...I love new suggestions, it keeps me from having to make them all. [B]Chapter Four: Magical Mystery Tour[/B] Discription Coming Soon [B]Chapter Five: Eight Days A Week[/B] Discription Coming Soon [B]Chapter Six: Tomorrow Never Knows[/B] Discription Coming Soon [B]Postlude: The End[/B] *Laughs at own chapter titles* I'm such a geek... [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Here, complete with western text and antique photoshoping, is the finished project! Avi: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22535&stc=1[/IMG] And banner: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22536&stc=1[/IMG] :D. Hope you like them. [SIZE=1]I had fun making these ones...dunno why....[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I don't know....I personally, despise the look of the new show. *Kicks WB for changing Bugs Bunny* An RP, however, could be fun. Is there a basic storyline you wanted to go with? There's not much plot known about the show yet (obviously), so are you really waiting until the show comes out? Or are you just coming up with a story you think would be cool?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I really like DesRow's [i]DaiKenKai[/i], Smile.dk's version of [i]Butterfly[/i], anything from Yoko Kanno, Mai Yamaine and Steven Contre's good, although I don't know if he qualifies. Also, in an attempt to steal this thread back from Spamness, I give my explantions.... I'm a DDR addict who doesn't get to play very often, so I compensate by finding MP3s. It took my 4 weeks to find DaiKenKai...and then I make the mistake of looking up the lyrics at AnimeLyrics.com...and discovered just what a [i]strange[/i] song that is...is sounds like they took poorly written American rap and had a bad translator translate it into Japanese. Either that, or their translator is really bad...or they just want to confuse the heck out of us. If that's the case, then they seceeded very well. Butterfly is just so hyper it's addicting. I got my 41 year old father, who is entirely apithetic to [i]anything[/i] anime, addicted to this song. It's not unusual to have him walking through the house singing it. :rolleyes: I like every Yoko Kanno song I've heard, simply because they're all beautiful. I really really like the song "Tell Me What The Rain Knows" from Wolf's Rain. As for Mai Yamaine, I like the song "Blue" the best. I like melancholy sad songs for some reason. I love both her and Steve Contre's versions of Rain for that very reason. I have more, but I've written more than enough, I think...don't want to bore people more....[/COLOR]
I rather like the fact that her hair blends in...it's a nice effect. That's a very cute banner....my only complaint is you can't see her mouth...
[COLOR=DarkOrange]That's a teeny bit vague...Did you want your name on it? Do you want to me keep the words there? I'll start making one, but it's nice to have a little more info....[/COLOR]
Discuss BeatleMania Redux [Underground] (PG - VL)
Ozymandius Jones replied to Ozymandius Jones's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Some of them do. For example, my character majored in past culture study. She would probably know [i]of[/i] them at least. [B]Lucian[/B] (Methuselah) and [B]Eleanor[/B] (StarrStruck) are both more or less "flower power" type characters, and more likely to know and like them than...say...[B]Michelle[/B] (Grammar Panzer), [B]Bulldog[/B] (Billy Shears) or [B]Abby[/B] (Shy). Whether or not your character knows/likes the Beatles is more or less up to you. Obviously, we can't all be screaming fans...variety is the spice of life. And those of you who have yet to post: You don't have to be out of the TCD when the alarm goes off..you can be on the inside while it's happening...giving us the view from the TCD... ;) Just some ideas...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Edit: Also, to ward off any confusion: the opening scene, with Rathbone shooting the vid screen, happened at another office, a side office to the TCD main headquarters. It wouldn't be common knowledge yet, due to the fact that they (the side office) would currently be dealing with two emergencies: a) Rathbone set the self distruct. They would be focusing on shutting that off, and that takes a LOT of manpower. LOTS and LOTS. Trust me...I designed it. Temporal terrorism is an issue in the day and age of the TCD, and in case of hostile takeover, they don't want there to be ANYTHING left. Also, b) Rathbone used one of their machines to go back. That means that machine, and that machine alone, can trace his exact date. In the case that the self distruct proved impossible to turn off, the machine must be moved, or tracing the good doctor would be nearly impossible. That's where the rest of the employees are currently. The main office has had no contact from the side office. Just for your random information.[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Indigo]Sally awoke with a start to find [b]something[/b] looking at her. Something that looked like a furry ball with ears, eyes and a mouth. She almost shrieked, sitting up so fast the little thing went flying. [B]"What the 'eck are you?!" [/B] The thing shrugged, somehow...odd, considering that it had no arms [i]to[/i] shrug, but it shrugged nonetheless, bouncing back to Sally. [B]"I'm a Digimon, silly. I am Pagumon, at your service. And you must be Sally." "Er...yeh...but...but..." "How did I know?"[/B] Sally nodded. [B]"That's for me to know, and you find out." [/B] [B]"Riight. You look like a fugitive from me little brother's cartoons..." [/B] The little creature bounced angrily. [B]"I'm not a fugitive from a cartoon! I'm [i]your[/i] digimon!" [/B] Sally blinked. [B]"MY Digimon?"[/B] Pagumon nodded. [B]"That pink thing you have in your hand? It's a digivice. You're in the Digiworld...and I belong with you."[/B] Sally smiled, looking around her. [B]"Digiworld, ey? Pretty colorful, innit?" [/B] Pagumon shrugged again. [B]"Some places. This area's actually pretty dar - run!" [/B] Sally looked up. Running at her was something that looked like a large bug...a very, VERY large bug. She did the only thing she could think of - she jumped behind the tree. The bug thing was going to fast, and rammed it's horn into the tree, sticking there for a few seconds. Sally ran... [B]"What is THAT?"[/B] Pagumon answered from Sally's arms. [B]"That's Kabuterimon. Normally, they aren't bad...this one seems rather unfriendl -"[/B] The ground shook - and the giant bug thing landed right in front of her, growling. Pagumon jumped out of her arms, bouncing towards Kabuterimon. [B]"Pagumon, what are you doing?"[/B] Suddenly, it seemed very important that the little creature NOT get hurt. Pagumon turned. [B]"Saving you, silly..."[/B] Kabuterimon's claw shot out, hitting the small Digimon and throwing it into the air. [B]"Pagumon!" [/B] Her digivice glowed a faint, reddish pink, a heart-like squiggle appearing in the screen. Pagumon began to glow as well...morphing into a grey, red-eyed rabbit-like creature. He spun in midair to land on two clawed feet. [B]"Pagumon, digivolve to...Gazimon! Pitfall!"[/B] A huge, gaping hole appeared under the Kabuterimon, who fell, losing his balance, before launching itself into the air. Gazimon jumped into the air, his claws flashing. [B]"Electric Stun Blast!"[/B] Glowing claws hit the Kabuterimon's snout. The kabuterimon yelped, and decided to find less feisty prey.Gazimon rejoined Sally, panting. Sally raised her eyebrows. [B]"Wow...I'm quite impressed. Y'change?"[/B] Gazimon nodded. [B]"Yep...I'll be like this for a while now...I like having legs..."[/B] He extended a claw. [B]"Gazimon, at your service." [/B] Sally shook his paw. [B]"Nice to meet ya..."[/B]Rustling could be heard in the nearby bushes. Sally walked carefully to the side of the clearing - but sighed in relief. It was two girls, both younger than her...she walked out of the bushes. [B]"'ey, 'ello..."[/B][/COLOR]
Request resize this for me? (pic inside)
Ozymandius Jones replied to master_of_anime's topic in Creative Works
Um...as far as I know, it's not possible to resize a banner with animation unless you have all the layers it was made from...it's the right size to use anyway... -
Discuss BeatleMania Redux [Underground] (PG - VL)
Ozymandius Jones replied to Ozymandius Jones's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Aw...phooey. I wanted Paul...just kidding. Most likely. I've been keeping them pretty much for actual Beatle fans...I don't mind players not being fans and whatnot, but to play a Beatle, you have to get the personality right...but if you're Zap I don't think that'll be a problem. ;) I also decided to put Julius's profile here, instead of in the recruiting thread. Ladies and Gentlemen, meet your villian! Of course, the characters really know none of this...except for the fact that Rathbone is the son of their department's founder.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy][B]1. Name:[/B] Julius Rathbone [B]2. Age:[/B] 37 (Y.O.B. 2067) [B]3. Discription:[/B] Tall and well toned, slender. Some might say "perfectly preportioned". He has thick brown hair, and ice blue eyes. He dresses in dress slacks and lab coats, and always carries a revolver in his pocket. He has a mild face that hides most of his emotions. His one oddity is he never wears shoes - only sandles. [B] 4.Bio:[/B] Julius Rathbone's grandfather was Brian Rathbone, the scientist who invented the Temporal Shift device. His father was Philip Rathbone, the founder of the TCD. All his life, he felt the need to live up to his grandfather and father's acceivements. However, he didn't care for temporal mechanics, delving more into the medical realms of science. He graduated Johns Hopkins at the head of his class. In 2093, he was hired by the ICDC to help them find a cure for the small reoccurence of the Plague that was happening in rural China. Julius was intrigued by the disease, expirementing with and modifying the very way it worked, making it more lethal or less lethal as he saw fit. Around this time, Julius fell in love with another scientist, Rita Pilchard, who was also interested in medicine. They had a stormy relationship...she loved him, he loved her, but hated the idea of commitment. Feeling she couldn't deal with him never commiting to anything, she ended the relationship in 2095, three months before she died, contracting a highly fatal strain of the very plague Julius loved to expirement with. Julius snapped, releasing his disease into the world. If it had taken his love, it should take more...why should he be the only one to suffer? Once the ICDC discovered the way to stop the plague with the help of the engimatic Te'tani, he didn't want it to end...so he made his trip to the past....[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]If anybody wanted to invent a look for the Te'tani, they may do so...all I have decided about them is that a)only the doctors and world leaders have seen them. No one else really know much of anything about them other than a passing glimpse. and b)they have fur and tails Considering they really aren't important to our part of the story, this isn't necessary...I just like to have lots of background info...[/COLOR] -
[color=indigo]Name: Maj Jin Char Chosen: Mage Background: Maj is the mage character, a lady mage disguised as a man. She is very talented, but also very clumsy. She could be trying to do a fire spell, and wind up burning down half the forest after she steps on her robe. She works best with fire and earth spells, despite the fact that these cause the most damage when she does them. For some unknown reason, she can't do any water. She's teamed up with The Hero basically because she burned a palace down on accident, and has been exiled from any large cities. Personality : Clumsy, bubbly, with a tendecy towards accidental distruction, She also has a very unpredictable temper...the strangest things can make her flip her lid. She likes to crochet...not for any real reason...she just does. The things she makes tend toward the dangerous side. [/color] DW, this is really an interesting concept...I wasn't sure how much detail you wanted...if you need more, I'll gladly put it in....
[quote name='Rainbow_Anime']One more question...how do you know what the URL is for the banner?[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Right click, click on properties, and select and cut the address. Then you just have to paste it into your sig with image tags.[/COLOR]
[CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Salvador_Dali_The_Persistence_of_Memory_1931.jpg[/IMG] [B]Prelude: A Beginning [/B][/CENTER] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Courier New][B]?The ICDC has just released their statements for the final quarter of two thousand, one hundred and four??[/B][/FONT] The reporter?s cheerful voice rang through the underground laboratory, but no one paid it any mind. No one dared to?not while [I]he[/I] was here?lackeys and sub-supervisors panicked alike when Julius Rathbone was on the prowl?tonight, however, Julius didn?t do much. He just?typed. [I]Tap. Tippity-tap. Beep.[/I] The computer screen flickered in his darkened office alcove, darkened so he wouldn?t have to see the portraits. Father, Grandfather, Great-grandfather, all stared down at him in disapproval. Him?the last of the Rathbones?he took a drag on his cigarette as outside his alcove the vid-screen reporter went on. [FONT=Courier New][B]?The reports are positive?there have been no new cases of the Plague reported since last August.?[/B][/FONT] They were wrong, they were all wrong. This wasn?t the way things were supposed to be?at least, not without him being their cause?them and their misguided cheer?he?d show them. He?d show them all? [I]Click. Clickity tap. Beep.[/I] Some lab-coated technician came hurrying into his alcove, clutching a clipboard of papers to his chest like a shield. [B]?Uh, s-sir?? [/B] Julius raised red-rimmed eyes from his computer screen. [B]?Whaddya want??[/B] The tech shoved the papers onto his desk. [B]?R-reports from the temporal possibilities department, sir. I ? um. Y-you know it could mean my j-job if they found out about this, s-sir.?[/B] Julius glanced up from his eager perusal of the papers. [B]?And you want my assurance they won?t?? [/B] The young man swallowed, blinking furiously. [B]?I?er?yessir.?[/B] There was silence in Julius?s alcove. Almost. His vid screen still blared; reporting the findings in further detail. Julius brought his hand out from beneath the desk, clutching a handgun. He smiled. [B]?Don?t worry?I won?t tell if you don?t.?[/B] The tech paled. Julius glanced at the gun. [B]?Oh, don?t worry about this. This isn?t for you. Run along now.? [/B] [B]?Yessir.?[/B] The tech disappeared. [I]Clickity, tappity click. Beep?whirr?[/I]Julius stood up, stretching the sore muscles in his back. He?d gotten what he needed?the text on the screen now read ?[FONT=Lucida Console]compound self destruct initiated?alarms deactivated?? [/FONT] He walked out of his alcove, whistling. [FONT=Courier New][B]?So with the Plague finally in remission, it appears Earth owes a great debt of gratitude to?? [/B] [/FONT] [SIZE=4]BANG![/SIZE] The perky reporter, her charts, and the vid-screen disappeared in an explosion of smoke, sparks and glass. The lab went silent ? completely, utterly silent ? for the first time in years. Staff stood, stunned, staring at Julius as the smoke from the gun barrel rising to mingle with the smoke from his cigarette and the vid-screen. Julius smirked. ?[B]Happiness is a warm gun??[/B] [/COLOR] [B]Prelude: Stage Two[/B] [COLOR=Purple]The sun was out; the grass was green?it was a beautiful day. Prudence Jones didn?t realize it, but she came perilously close to having a rather foolish grin on her face. It felt [I]good[/I] to be out in the sun?she had never realized how much she missed this? It was her first day off in weeks. Research was working on a fairly major project, and Bulldog had been pushing everybody. [B][I]Just a few more hours, c?mon, what?s food, really? Who needs sleep?[/I][/B] Fortunately, just hours ago, they?d made the breakthrough they?d been needing?and as such, been sent out to do all the tasks Bulldog had deemed unnecessary. Like eat? Prudence shook out her hair, freeing it from its confining braid as she reached her destination ? a small, outdoors café in the downtown Harrisburg. She sat down at one of the tables with a sigh, and waited for the server to realize she was there. It wouldn?t take long. They knew her here. She smiled slightly as she watched the people walk by. There had been such a change in the last few months?no longer were people dressed in isolation suits; gone were the horrible coughs, the hideous sick-smell that had been almost everywhere?maybe the news this morning had been right. Maybe the Plague [I]was[/I] in remission. It wouldn?t be too soon? [B]?Prudence!?[/B] Prudence turned halfway in her seat to see the owner of the café rushing towards her. Her smile grew as she climbed to her feet. [B]?Rocky!? [/B] The rough name did not fit the little old lady who embraced her, babbling. [B]?Did you hear the news, Prudence? They think they?ve found the cure! They had the reports this morning!? [/B] Prudence sat back down. [B]?I did hear?that?s wonderful. Maybe now you?ll get that cruise??[/B] Rocky?s husband, Edward, had been promising his wife a cruise since their wedding, 47 years earlier. They had been prepared to take it 7 years ago ? the year that the plague had started, and the ICDC had forbidden all unnecessary travel. [B]?Oh, I hope so, dearie, it seems so long since we?ve been-?[/B] [I]Beepbeepbeep Beepbeepbeep Beepbeepbeep ?[/I] Prudence jumped half a foot into the air, hand going to her beeper automatically. [B]?Sorry??[/B] She smiled apologetically, about to switch it off, when the beep merged into something else?something she?d hoped she?d never hear?a single, shrill tone that just went on and on, rising in intensity and volume until it sounded almost as loud as a fire siren. [B]?What is it, Prudence?? [/B] And Prudence shook her head, cursing herself for letting her fear show on her face. [B]?I?m sorry, Rocky, I have to go.?[/B] She tore off down the street, not even bothering to shout an apology to the pedestrians she bowled over in her mad rush. She had hoped to be out of sight before hitting the button that would shift her out of this dimension, but when the alarm switched tone once again, she did it without thinking. Just like it had been pounded into her brain?[I]you hear this tone, you get out of the timeline immediately?[/I]she could remember the urgency in Professor Araby?s voice. [I]You don?t wait to hide; you don?t stop to get anything. You get out of there as fast as you can hit that button?and even then, sometimes, it?s too late.[/I] Her thumb depressed the button ? and like that, she was elsewhere. She bent over, panting, in the Arrival Room of the TCD, bent over, panting to regain her breath. All around her, fellow agents and employees were doing the same?this wasn?t a local event, then? Something was changing. This wasn?t buttons and shoelaces, either. Something was changing, and it was[I] big.[/I] [/COLOR] ========= OOC: There you go...where were you when the alarm went off, how did you get back, etc. Doesn't have to be even half as long. Ready? GO!
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hmm...this looks interesting. Can't say I've ever done one like this before...you did say New York, ey? Starving artist, here I come! [COLOR=Purple][B]Name:[/B] Prudence "Prue" Jenkins [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance[/B]: Tall and bony, with a very angular face, and long blonde hair that's usually pulled back tight. She wears normal clothes, jeans and teeshirts, with a paint splattered smock. She usually has ink and paint stains on her fingers, and occasionally on her lips, as she has a tendency to suck on her pens while thinking. Wears glasses, and has grey eyes. [B]Occupation:[/B] Artist/art store clerk [B]Personality:[/B] Very cheerful, with a flare for the dramatic. She firmly believes in all things artistic and romantic, and isn't usually very logical. She's a bit of a scatterbrain. [B]Bio:[/B] Pru is from a small town in Pennsylvania, but moved to New York because "[b]it's what artists do[/b]". She's spent her entire life trying to be an artist, but thus far hasn't sold a single peice of art. It's not that she's not good...she just refuses to show her work to others. She's very insecure with her art work. She works at a small art supplies store (Paolo's Ink Dot), and is Chris's neighbor. She occasionally babysits for Chris. [/COLOR] Hope that works...I love the idea of being a New York painter...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Hey, how's this? Avatar: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22463&stc=1[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22464&stc=1[/IMG] Hope you like 'em![/COLOR]
What Super Powers Would You Want?
Ozymandius Jones replied to lcrisler's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I want the ability to fly, too, wings and all. Hey, feathers are cool. I'm not sure [i]why[/i] I'd want that...I'm terrified of heights, and most of my nightmares involve falling, but meh. Whatever. Or wait...nevermind... I'd want to be like Nightcrawler...don't feel like walking? Poof! You're wherever you wanted to be, leaving cool smoke behind...not to mention tails = cool.I'm such a geek...[/COLOR]