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Ozymandius Jones

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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Nehszriah]I just had the most wicked idea ever. [spoiler]What if Molly Walker can take away other people's powers and leave them defenseless, just as a negation thing similar to the Hatian? The only difference would be that the Haitian's powers are erasing in nature, while Molly could be just a temporary cancellation.[/spoiler] Anyone else got an idea?[/QUOTE] Mmm, but then Matt wouldn't have been able to "hear" her to rescue her, unless her powers emerged after their encounter. =\ I, personally, am a fan of the first theory [url=http://heroeswiki.com/Theories:Evolved_Humans#Molly_Walker]here[/url]. but I have yet to figure out how that would help - it seems to me that if that's what she does it would only make things worse. Unless she [spoiler]helps Hiro mainpulate time and space in some massively humungous way to get Sylar [or Peter, whoever it winds up being] out of NYC...I'm hoping it's not Sylar, because if it is Sylar, that means Teddy is done for.[/spoiler] Which would make me very sad.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=Dagger]Oh man... I would really miss [spoiler]Sayid.[/spoiler] However, I would [i]gladly[/i] sacrifice both [spoiler]him and Ben[/spoiler] if it meant [spoiler]getting Kate out of the way[/spoiler] as well. :devil: ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I would miss [spoiler]Ben[/spoiler] more than [spoiler]Sayid[/spoiler] at the moment. Apparently they've come to an end date on LOST: 48 more episodes after Season Three ends, split into three, 16 episode seasons. That means 4 months of the year we get back to back episodes of Lost. It also means an [i]eight month break[/i] between seasons. This could be both bad and good. Lindelof ended with saying"the last five minutes of (this month's) finale are going to seal our fate." This both worries and excites me. It'd best have one heck of a jawdropper this time, if it's going to keep people talking and speculating for eight months...man, I'm gonna be 24 by the time this ends. That's a bizarre thought. Anyways. Source: [url=http://www.usatoday.com/life/television/news/2007-05-06-lost_N.htm?csp=34]USA Today[/url]. In other news, who can't wait for the [spoiler]Dharma based[/spoiler] flashback this week? [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Smoke streamed between his fingers as Charles lit a new cigarette off of the stub of his last, tossing it to the ground and grinding it out under his boot as he prowled through the misty foggy London chill, muttering, seemingly to himself. It would have taken a sharp eye to notice the headset plugged into his ear, or the wire trailing down his back; had anyone noticed, it could have easily been written off as an antique iPod. He preferred it that way. No Sollafield for him, thanks. [B] ?So, wot?s that again??[/B] His hands were in his pockets; fingerless gloves did very little to keep his hands warm, head cocked to listen to the tinny voice. The headset ? like the transmission he was hearing ? was crap, second-hand junk sold through a less than legal source that had bought it off of a cousin, who had bought it from a brother, who had supposedly filched it from some surplus store or other in America and smuggled it in-country. The shady lineage of the technology came to mind every time he passed?well, pretty much everyone, these days. [B]?I can ?ardly ?ear ya??[/B] There was the distinct sound of a sigh through the hiss. [B]?You know what? Just forget about it. Al?ight? Don?t call us, we?ll call you.?[/B] And the hiss was gone. They?d hung up. He cursed violently, fighting the urge to yank the headset out and stomp on it. As satisfying as that would be. He did shove the set into his pocket, slouching to stalk across the street to one of the safe houses. He had a meeting there, supposedly?sharp eyes flicked to the disturbed dust. Someone had been in there? He took a step through the door, hand sliding back out of his pocket clutching his best switchblade. [B]?Hello??[/B][/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]There's a crazyguy over at the Fuse who says that three of the five deaths are going to be [spoiler]Sayid, Kate and Ben[/spoiler]. Most of what he says makes an aweful lot of sense, enough that DarkUFO has him posted in the Rumors section. If what crazydude is saying is true, however, the season finale will be The Coolest Thing Ever. And at this moment the only people I would HATE to see bite it are Charlie, Hurley and Des. Charlie because it's far too predictable, Hurley because, yanno...he's Hurle, and Desmond because we need the guy with the accent made of pure win and cookies. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sellafield]Oh snap.[/url] And I thought [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_mile_island]TMI[/url] was bad enough...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [SIZE=1][B]Name[/B] Charles Gabriel Baldwin [B]Age[/B] 22 [B]Species and Clan[/B] Human, [i]loosely[/i] aligned with the Nicodemus clan. [B]Appearance[/B] [[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/BillyIdol1.jpg]Charles[/URL]] [B]Personality[/B] Friendly, confidant and maybe a bit arrogant. He loves to talk - about pretty much everything - and is generally kind, despite his appearance. He has a hair-trigger temper, but forgets conflicts (at least minor ones) quickly. He's insanely loyal, and does not turn his back on his friends, even when his friends prove to not deserve loyalty. [B] Biography[/B] Charles never knew his parents. He only remembers the gang. He was raised by a street punk named Carlos, initiated into [I]his [/I]gang at a very young age. All he's ever really known is the streets, fighting and stealing. He's held jobs, on and off, never steady and he always got fired for his drawers coming up short. He gave up on legitamate jobs before he turned 18, turning, instead, to the more lucrative drugs and other illegal business. He failed as a dealer, though, when he disobeyed the one main rule: Never get hooked on the stuff you're selling. Cocaine became his drug-of-choice, the money he made from selling going directly back into buying. He was a mid-rank in the gang when he and several others decided to discourage some interlopers - the discouraging backfired miserably when they ran into a group of about twenty from the other side. He doesn't remember much about that night, at all. Just a lot of pain, and a lot of fire. It ended with the others dead, and he was left alive but ostracized for surviving when no one else had. Fast forward three years. The SOLF's rise has put a damper on all gang activities. Former gang members have scattered, and Charles has run out of money for his drugs. He's gone through a long period of struggling with his addiction, one that he has replaced with a different addiction: making the SOLF mad without getting killed. Oh yay: freedom fighter in the making... [B]Extras. [/B] Charles is a skilled fighter, quick on his feet and good with his hands. He's also a recovering crack addict.[/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]Vickeh! Only you could possibly make me interested in a Vampire RP. I demand more information! 8D You do know I'ma rezzing Charles, aye? =P[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Thank you, [b]Free4enternal[/b], but this is not the place for posts of this nature. Also, please do not revive threads that have not been posted in for a long time. this thread was last posted in almost four years ago, anyone who would have originally read it more than likely is not interested in reading it again. [b]Thread Locked[/b] -OzymandiusJones[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B]Prudence Dukakis [B] Age:[/B] 24 (Y.O.B: 2081) [B]Appearance:[/B] Pru has blonde hair and grey eyes. She stands at five feet, four inches tall, and usually looks friendly until it's too late and she's annoyed. then she tends to get red. She dresses somewhat classy, always tending to look professional. She likes to stand out, but still be modest. [B]Bio: [/B] Pru was an only child, and usually got what she wanted. Despite that, Pru's childhood wasn't that loving. Her father and mother stayed together for appearence sake only, and often spent their entire evenings shouting at each other over anything and everything. Thus, Pru spent as much of her time out of the house as possible, playing sports, joining after school clubs, anything to avoid going home. Because of all the extra studying she put in, Pru graduated both high school and the Academy with flying colors. Her best subject was Past Cultures, especially that of the 1900s. Graduating in 2101, Pru is already a veteran of three other missions: an observer mission to Victorian England, a mission to prevent the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1862 and a scientific research mission into the cause of the Tunguska Incident, all sucessfull, but boring in her opinion; she had very little to do with the missions; being relegated to supply officer, a position she dispises. She was given this mission after it was discovered she was an expert on 1960s culture, and the only other expert on that particular time was busy with the Cuban Missle Crisis timeline. [B]Personality:[/B] An only child, she's very used to getting things her way, and is also used to suceeding at things. She doesn't take failure very well. Easygoing unless stressed. When she is stressed, she tends not to show it - until she's too stressed. Then she has a tendency to snap and yell a lot. Her main character weakness is a tendecy to be overconfident about her own abilities. [B]Position:[/B] Leader. Normally stuck in the research department, Pru isn't usually the first person thought of when missions come up, but due to her close study of this particular decade and the fact that she has had some field expirience left her open for the next assignment from this time. Nobody expected the mission to be this urgent. -- [COLOR=Navy][quote name='Lapis][size=1][color=purple]Heya, where exactly are these people supposed to come from? I mean, if they work outside of time? couldn?t they be from anywhere? I?ll write my bio soon as I know exactly where they?re supposed to come from. Gracias.[/size'][/color][/quote] They're supposed to come from RP "current" time, which is 2105. Since your character is 24, she would have been born in 2081.[/COLOR] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [CENTER][SIZE=4]Beatle Mania- Redux[/SIZE] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/redux.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Past:[/B] [I] In the 1960s on Earth, a band became popular beyond belief. They had fans everywhere on Earth. Everywhere they went, screaming hoards would follow. Over time, it began to wear on the band?s nerves, until in 1966 they just stopped touring. For four years after that, the band continued to record, growing in popularity even as their style grew, evolved and changed. But time and differences grew to be too much, and in 1969 the band broke up, never to record together again. This is not their story alone. [/i] [B]The Present[/B] [i] The year is 2105; exactly one hundred and forty one years after ?That Band? made their first trip to America. Exactly 55 years after the creation of Temporal Shift equipment. Exactly 5 years after Earth?s first contact with aliens. Exactly 3 years after it was discovered that the aliens first set out to Earth after hearing Earth?s music. And exactly two months since the aliens helped to end ?The Five Year Plague?, a mysterious recurrence of the Bubonic Plague. The United States of Earth was deeply in debt to the aliens. The aliens insisted that Earth was deeply in debt to that band from the past. To most of the general populace, it didn?t make any sense. To one man, it did. That man was Julius Rathbone, a mad scientist in the maddest term of the word. The son of the man who?s genius brought about the Temporal Shift Department, his genius tended more of the ?resurrect long-dead diseases and unleash them on the public? genre, and his grasp on reality was shaky at best. And if the aliens could credit ?That Band?, well then?so could he. It is not his story alone. [/i] [B]Cause: The past[/B] [i] [strike]In the 1960s on Earth, a band became popular beyond belief. They had fans everywhere on Earth. Everywhere they went, screaming hoards would follow. Over time, it began to wear on the band?s nerves, until in 1966 they just stopped touring. For four years after that, the band continued to record, growing in popularity even as their style grew, evolved and changed. But time and differences grew to be too much, and in 1969 the band broke up, never to record together again. [/strike] In the 1960s on Earth, there was a band that showed the potential to become popular beyond all belief. They first hit the charts in 1963, becoming insanely popular and being followed by insane crowds of fans everywhere they went ? Until 1965, when they disappeared, never to be heard from again. Ever. The disappearance of the Beatles has remained a mystery for the last 141 years. [/i] [B]Effect: The Future[/B] [i] In the year 2105, something happened. Or, more specifically, something didn?t happen. The aliens never heard the music. They never set out to Earth. Therefore, they never arrived?and they were not there to heal the plague. Humanity, as a result, is dieing. All to satisfy the whim of one mad scientist, and all because that one band is missing from Earth?s past. Only problem is, no one knows it?s missing?except us. We are the members of the Temporal Continuance Department. We monitor the past to ensure our future ? that?s our motto. We live detached from time for most of the year, watching; waiting for something to change while we hope it doesn?t. Temporal Mechanics is a tricky science at best?and occasionally, while fixing things, while making them go back to the way they were, we have to let things get worse. But not this time. This time, this was not the way things were meant to be. We?re going to fix that? This is our story. Mostly.[/I] *** ** *[/CENTER] [COLOR=Purple]As you may have figured, this is going to be a kinda strange RPG. The main characters are employees for the Temporal Continuance Department, or the TCD. The headquarters of the TCD are in another dimension, separate from the passing of time as we know it. From this headquarters, they can see all time in the last 5000 years or so. Since they themselves are separate from time, they can see when things have changed, and fix them. Nobody else knows when things have changed ? it?s a thankless job, but somebody has to do it. In this case, Dr. Rathbone has managed to take out the Beatles before they really hit the peak of their creative careers; and before they recorded the fateful album that changed the human world 137 years later. This is what I need from you: [list] [*] Name: Keep it fairly normal. It can be a reference to a Beatles? song, for example, my character?s name is Prudence. [*]Age: These are government employees, so no younger then 19, please. [*]Appearance: Fairly normal, please. They?re trying to fit in with 1965 culture. Green hair is not common, neither are yellow eyes. [*]Biography: Can be short, we?re not really going deep into character at the very start. No super powers. [*]Personality: VERY important, as it shows why your character reacts in the way they do. [*] Team Position: [list][*]Leader [*]Technician [*]Supplier [*]Historian [*]Tactics[*]Other (explain)[/list][/list] I will be playing two characters: Prudence Jones, team leader, and Dr. Rathbone, ze evil villain. There is a possibility later on (depending on how this goes) that the Beatles may become playable characters. When it?s a possibility, I will be giving them to the players who have demonstrated the best ability to keep them in character. Signups Will Be Open for a Month. Yes, month. I want to start this as my "EEEE SCHOOL IS DONE!!" celebration. The underground is [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=769800]here[/url], I will answer any and all questions. Let's try this again, shall we? [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Purple][CENTER][COLOR=Black]BeatleMania Redux [Underground] [PG] [/CENTER] [/COLOR] [CENTER] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=769801][b]Signups[/b][/url][/CENTER] Ok?I (still, two years later :P) haven?t got the story for this weird idea of mine completely hammered out, and players are welcome to bring their own suggestions?here would be where to put that. Also, if you have questions, you can post ?em here too. The main story involves time travel. A madman from the RP?s present has gone back in time and somehow (I?m not sure how, yet), gotten rid of the Beatles before they had a chance to record their most famous and influential album, Sgt. Pepper. This affects the future pretty badly. You see, for the last 7 years or so, Earth has been struggling against a recurrence of the Bubonic Plague. Scientists and Doctors rushed to find the cure, but none could be found. Travel has been restricted to only that which is deemed necessary by the ICDC, the ?International Center for Disease Control?. In the year 2100, Earth had its first contact with the Te?tani, an alien race, that had set out to Earth some years earlier, after hearing radio transmissions from a certain album?the Te?tani brought fresh ideas to the scientist, and now, with the Te?tani?s help, the Plague is in remission. Once the scientist goes back and gets rid of the Beatles, however, things change. The Te?tani never arrive, and the scientists are as ineffectual as ever. Humanity is dying with only one hope: The Temporal Continuance Department. The TCD has been called a government organization, but that?s not entirely the truth. They work completely separate from any of the countries, remaining neutral so that no one can accuse them of bending the past for their own nefarious purposes. Members of the TCD come from all backgrounds; from the ?Holiday Children? (super-smart children trained and raised by the mysterious man known only as ?Mr. Holiday?) to normal, average, everyday citizens. All must pass the Academy, a two year school, which trains them in such subjects as the use of the time monitoring computers, recognizing permissible deviations, and the study of past cultures. The TCD is headquartered in a dimension that is separate from the flow of time in the normal timeline. As such, the members of the TCD can effect the past without affecting themselves. This is where their main job comes in. Temporal shift equipment has been abused almost since its conception. Mad scientists, terrorists, radicals and the such like have all attempted to use it to shift the face of life as we know it. The TCD exists to prevent such events from occurring. Through the use of devices that track shifts in the very fabric of space, time and existence, the TCD can usually track exactly where the deviation from the ?original? timeline occurs. Once a deviation is detected, the TCD sends a team of operatives to the place the deviation occurred, often weeks or even months prior to the event, to ensure that history happens the right way. The RPG will be following the operatives sent back to ensure the continued existence of the Beatles. There?s plenty of room. I don?t really have a set number in mind?I know I could use about seven players, but I don?t want it getting too out of hand. Sometime later in the RP, if all goes well, I hope to have the Beatles as playable characters. To do that however, you must be able to play them believably. I will most likely ask for an example of this ability. If you have friends you think might like to play, ask ?em. They don?t necessarily have to be a Beatles fan, even. It does help to have some knowledge of the 1960s; culture, current events and the suchlike... [b]Useful Links: Beatles[/b] [url=http://www.beatleradio.com/player.html]Beatles Radio[/url] [url=http://www.stevesbeatles.com/songs/]Steve's Beatles: Song Lyrics[/url] [B]1960s related:[/B] [url=http://kclibrary.nhmccd.edu/decade60.html]1960s Culture[/url] The year we will be traveling back to is 1965. This is about two years before 1967, the ?Summer of Love?. Hippies are around, but not quite mainstream yet. The Beatles have just released ?Beatles ?65? in America, but have not yet released ?Early Beatles?. Their latest single would?ve been ?Eight Days a Week/I Don?t Want To Spoil the Party?. In England, they have just released ?Beatles for Sale?, and the latest single would be ?I Feel Fine/She?s a Woman?. Any song not written before then, obviously, cannot be referenced in conversation with citizens in the 1965 timeline?although it could be amusing. Ringo Starr was married to Maureen Cox on February 11th, becoming the second married Beatle. On February 22nd, filming for HELP! (Their second movie) began. Popular music at the time consisted mainly of ?British Invasion? bands like Gerry and the Pacemakers, Herman?s Hermits, and Petula Clark. Popular American artists are Diana Ross and the Supremes, Simon and Garfunkle, the Beach Boys and The Mamas and the Papas. Popular Movies were The Pink Panther, and My Fair lady, and television shows included Bonanza, Bewitched, Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., The Andy Griffith Show, The Fugitive, and The Dick Van Dyke Show. In world history, Leonid I. Brezhnev has replaced Nikita Khrushchev as head of the Soviet/Communist government, Lyndon Baines Johnson (more commonly called LBJ) is president of the United States, and the Chinese Government had tested its first nuclear bomb only 4 months previous. If the TCD employees arrived in the 1965 timeline on February 20th, Malcolm X would be assassinated the next day. The Vietnam War started becoming more and more of an issue, with the United States beginning bombing runs against North Vietnam in March. That?s the basics. If anyone has questions, again, post them here. Yes, this is mostly the product of a deranged, time-travel obsessed fan who?s upset that she?ll never get to see them. Yes, time travel is currently considered impossible. But do we really care? Let?s have fun with the impossibilities. Peace, Ozy[/COLOR]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange][quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=RoyalBlue]The whole thing is just too fun. I love all their poses and the tools of moderation that you picked for each person. Especially Ozy since she's always telling people about the sticky and how the sticky [rules'] is your friend. So having her holding the book fits her so well.[/COLOR][/quote] It is are your friend! It keeps me from throwing that book [i]at[/i] you. :3 Sandy~! My hair looks perfect! I love this picture. You got all the different attitudes just right, too. I love it. [strike]attention, coloring people! can my shoes be orange?[/strike] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]"Want so 'ard, wassit?" Dani smirked. Charles bit back the strong urge to punch that smirk in, turning to stare out at the street. [i]How did I wind up doing this? How'd my plan get screwed over so bad?[/i] He shook his head, letting his cigarette burn down to a point where it would have burned his lip, if burning had had any effect anymore. Juliet showed up as Dani leaned against the porch railing - cigarette unlit - and let out a sigh. Charles rolled his eyes, not turning around. "What do you want?" As long as she wasn't manifesting freaky snakes, he'd be...he'd be [i]nice[/i] he thought, hatefully, glaring at the sidewalk. "What are you two doing, moping?" Charles turned to glare up at her, instead of the sidewalk. "What, two blokes can't just have a bleedin' cigarette without it bein' called mopin' now? What's the world comin' to?" Juliet gave him a blank, annoyed stare which he tried to ignore, distracted by Dani. Dani was patting his pockets, like he was looking for a lighter. Charles just grabbed the cigarette away, lit it off the end of his, and passed it back. Dani looked at his cig, grimacing. "You light that one with your blood?" Charles spread his hands, holding them up so Dani could see the bandages all fastened securely. "No." At Dani's continued look, he managed a grin. "Scout's honor." Juliet snorted. Somehow, she even made [i]that[/i] graceful. "You weren't ever a scout." She leaned against the doorframe. Dani turned, the sneer in his voice (the one that usually was there when he was talking to Charles) disappearing a bit. "Don't leave the door open, I don't pay to heat the neighborhood, you know." Juliet stepped out and let the door swing closed. Dani nodded, and returned to staring out at the street. Charles just sat in silence while Juliet voiced a question. "Did you find Quan?" Charles looked at Dani sharply. He'd been to see Quan? Figured...probably hadn't killed him, either... Dani just nodded, silently smirking. Charles' hands twitched. He was just doing this to annoy- "He was at the park, feedin' ducks." Charles blinked. That hadn't been the reaction he was expecting. Judging from Juliet's look, it hadn't been what [i]she'd[/i] been expecting [i]either[/i]... [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Red][B]"YeeeeAHHHHH WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"[/B] The easiest way to discribe Samarkan de Locke's tone of voice was "girlish shriek." And Sadalbari, his dragon, was laughing at him for it, cavorting and skimming a claw's-breadth above the swift river beneath them, powerful wings flapping hard enough to kick up a wind that caused ripples on the river's surface. Samarakan - known to all and sundry as "Sam" - clung to Bari's neck with a death grip, yelling. [B]"This isn't funny, not so close, not so CLOSE!"[/B] His feet were close to the water, and the jagged rocks sticking out of the river, and it was all he could do not to just squeeze his eyes shut and yell. [COLOR=Black] [B]"This, my youngling,"[/B] [/COLOR]Bari chuckled, [COLOR=Black][B]"Is what you get for focusing [i]entirely[/i] on one element. You start to fear what that element fears."[/B] [/COLOR]He banked, clawed wing-tip ducking under the water. [COLOR=Black][B]"I told you to focus in some other areas, but [i]no[/i], you had to be all focused on [i]fire[/i]..." [/B][/COLOR]He rolled, suddenly, flipping completely over so fast that Sam didn't have a chance to screech. [COLOR=Black][B]"It's only a river, it won't hurt you."[/B][/COLOR] [B]"I'm not scared of it!"[/B] Bari bared his massive fangs in a cat-like grin. [COLOR=Black][B]"Yes you are."[/B][/COLOR] His shoulders - rough and scaley under Sam's fingertips - quivered with amusement. [COLOR=Black][B]"And I am going to make you not scared of it."[/B][/COLOR] He did another barrel roll, chuckling as he ducked his head down to lick up a mouthful of sparkling clear water. Sam grumbled. [B]"I don't need to be not-scared of it!"[/B] [COLOR=Black][B]"Yes you do." [/B][/COLOR]And Bari ducked again, plunging Sam waist-deep into the freezing stream. Sam just blinked when Bari broke back into open sky, clearly threatening to dive again. [B] "Bari?" [COLOR=Black]"Yes, Sam?"[/COLOR] "Don't Ever Do That Again."[/B] Bari just chuckled, ominously. [COLOR=Black]"[B]Too late."[/B][/COLOR] And they were plunging again, water spraying up in a fan, mist hitting his eyes. [B] "BARI!" [COLOR=Black]"Oh, hush. We've got an appointment."[/B][/COLOR] Sam could have sworn Bari winked at him as the flew - and dunked - onward, until finally they came in sight of a very, very small island - more a sandbar, actually - with a splash of purple-and-crystal and a smaller, tamer figure next to the massive purple splotch. Sam just groaned. [B]"Oh, [I]no[/I]..."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Hello [b]BloodVampiress[/b]. I believe my colleague [B]Blayze[/b] has already [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=56621][B]explained this to you[/B][/url], but I shall explain again. [B]All [/B]RPs at OtakuBoards [B]must[/B] go through a recruiting stage in the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48]Adventure Inn[/url] before they can move out here to the actual Square. Also, for the time being all Square or Inn threads require ratings. For more information on the Creative Writing sections of OtakuBoards, please read and adhere to the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44317][color=red][B]Sticky[/B][/color][/url]. This thread is hereby locked for meeting not meeting either of the mentioned requirements. -[B]OzymandiusJones[/B][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Name:[/B] Nils Broderick Ivarson. [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age: [/B] 30 [B]Alignment:[/B] Norse, favored by [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hl%C3%ADn]Hlín[/url], argued over by Odin and Loki, a fact he is none too pleased with. [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/Nils2.jpg]Nils[/url]. Tall and lanky and blonde, with bright blue eyes and a lazy smile. [B]Personality:[/B] Peaceful, bookish and somewhat irritable. He was confidant (until he died) and quiet (until Hlín dragged him out of his afterlife), now he's not confidant - perhaps he's even a little clumsy - and not quiet, tending to protest, bluster and complain [i]all the time[/i]. All he really wants is to relax - he was murdered saving a student's life, isn't that heroic enough to earn him a little relaxation? Apparently not. [B]Background: [/B] Nils Ivarson was a high school professor of history in a little no-name town in Norway during the 1970s. He was a quiet man, content to spend the evenings tamely, sitting near the fire with a book. His one true love was teaching, and that's what most of his time was devoted to. He adored myths especially, and his students often reported that the classes he taught on myths and legends were his best. As can be gathered from the above paragraph, Nils was a very...uninteresting gentleman. Right up until the week he died. It was only in the last week of his life that anything Interesting happened to the poor man. The town he worked in was much like him: a quiet, sleepy, harmless little place, nothing exciting. Again, right up until the week when he died. That week, there were six murders - one each night. The town was left shocked. Each was one of Nils' students, the younger children, fourteen and fifteen...the town went into lockdown mode; curfews and buddy systems put in place, and school cancelled. Nils was locking up his classroom when he heard screaming. He rushed outside to the aid of a student who had thought it'd be safe to walk home on their own, not thinking about calling the police. He also didn't think before he tackled the assailant, who was a good six inches taller (and close to a hundred pounds heavier) than him. His student got away. He didn't. The killer threw him to the ground and strangled him with his bare hands. And that was the end of Nils' career as a living human being. -- His afterlife began on the wrong foot. Since his death was by strangling, Odin claimed him as his new servant. Or tried to. He was interrupted by some obnoxious little creature who seemed to jump between yelling at Odin and attepting to wheedle Nils' loyalty to himself. Somehow. Having just died, Nils was a bit on the dazed-and-confused side, but he was able to tell that he wanted no part in any of this. His attempts to sneak off resulted in Odin being amused, and Loki being annoyed and attracted to attention of Hlín, who managed to ward off both of the others by stating she was protecting Nils, who wouldn't - she swore - like fighting [i]or[/i] tricks. Unfortunatally for Nils, this left him still in a gods (in this case a goddess) debt. She has yet to collect, so he's still pretty poor, but his discovery of The Library has made it so he doesn't really [i]want[/i] anything. Odin still comes around to huff and puff and complain about how he was strangled, so that makes him [i]his[/i], not some pushy godess's, but Hlín is usually not far behind to shoo him on his way. Lightening is so bad for library books. He still fears [i]she's[/i] going to come around to collect one of these days. He's going to complain the whole time. [B]Belongings:[/B] One second-hand bell-bottom suit, neatly patched at the elbows, two cents and a pack of cigarettes. [B]Snippet:[/B] The afterlife was brilliant for books, and brilliant for time. Thirty-five years had gone by in the blink of an eye, and he'd had a new book for every day of every one of those years. Sometimes two, if he'd been engrossed of the book was short. And - even better - he was still on the first shelf of the Library's first floor. Promising. Very promising. Nils Ivarson sat in a musty, green-leather chair in a little nook in one of the corners of the massive Library. He'd claimed the nook as his soon after finding the library. It was cozy enough, and the rats that pranced through didn't come near him anymore. They'd taken a disliking to having his sandles flung at him. Those very same sandales rested on the back of his chair right now, with his cigarette, his lighter and his reading glasses. Someone up there - down here? Whatever it was - had a mean sense of humor. Why else would he suddenly need glasses after he was dead? Something rustled across the floor, and he sighed, opening his eyes and sliding his glasses back on. "I know you are there, don't make me throw my sandles again..." He wasn't expecting a response. Even in the afterlife, rats didn't speak. But he got one, a woman's voice deep and hearty - "Don't you throw your sandles at me, boy." She sounded as if she was laughing. "I won't scurry like some rat..." Hlín. Nils' heart sank. Her next sentance made it sink even further. "I've come to claim a...favor." [/COLOR]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][b]Name: [/b] Isak Renetti [b]Age: [/b] 24 [b]Gender: [/b] Male [b]Status: [/b] Working Class [b]Faction: [/b] The Opposed [b]Appearance: [/b] Isak has an average height and build, not skinny but not muscular, not too tall but not short either; maybe about five feet, ten inches and a hundred and sixty pounds. He has shoulder length curly black hair, and the rough beginnings of a beard and mustache on his face. His skin is tanned, and his eyes are a deep, foresty green. [b]Personality: [/b] Generally easygoing and friendly, but with a hair-trigger temper. He is fiercely loyal, and will fight insults to friends almost to the point of death. He is also very good at holding grudges, but lacks the bloodthirstness to carry his planned revenges out. [b]History: [/b] Isak has always been a breadmaker. He was apparenticed to his grandfather at the age of seven, and worked with him on up, learning all of the old man's "trade secrets". It was said that Papa Renetti could make the finest breads in all of Cenive. As Isak grew older, he began to gain some of his grandfather's skills, eventually working his way up to owning his own shop across town. He would still travel every day after the shop closed to see his grandfather, to talk to him and learn from him. He was closer to the old man than he was to his own father. During his years of owning his shop, he met and fell in love with a girl named Iris. They were engaged after three years, when Isak turned 21. The times were hard, but they loved each other very much. The night he asked her to marry him, he left for his nightly visit to his grandfather, only to discover his grandfather's shop had been shut down, and the old man was being hanged at dawn for treachery. Most of Isak's optomism died with the old man. He's been kept under watch since that day, and has still not married Iris, though they are still engaged. He works with the palace - supplying much of their baked goods - and keeping an eye on...[i]things[/i], just because. Just because some of his less than reputable friends might need that eye in the palace one of these days. [b]Weapon: [/b] A simple bread knife, as he doesn't do much fighting at all.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Jennie sat playing with her knife, face burning. This had - so far - been both the best and worst meal of her life. The food had been good: a nice vegitarian pasta dish, a salad, and some sparkling cider-like drink that tasted like a mixture of peaches and apples. She'd only slowed in her eating to make sure she didn't act starving, she hadn't had a meal like that since her mother had died... She shoved that thought off. [i]This is supposed to be happy.[/i] But then people started talking, and the...awkwardness began. Mariko and her story...Jennie could almost feel tears forming in her eyes, so she looked at her hands. And then Ally left. That part left her confused...the other younger girl...Wendy, with her confessions...Jennie had started to relax after that. Maybe this wouldn't be all horrible...she eyed her card - propped up against her water glass - with suspicion. What did it hold for her? She reached out for the card in trembling hands, listening halfheartedly as Sena began telling [i]his[/i] story. Polygamy made her uncomfortable, so she didn't really look up, worrying at the envelope, trying not to tear it noisily like she felt like doing.... The video was really the last straw. She only saw a glimpse when she glanced up to see what the noise had been - her gaze [i]instantly[/i] returned to her card, cheeks flushing. [i]Prude...[/i] she could still hear her classmates voices. It had been part of what made them reject her...[i]Silly little goody two shoes...[/i] Imagination or not, she hardly breathed until the video stopped and the refelection in her silverware went still. Just as she got the envelope open. So she set the knife down, and - biting her lip - slid the card out. [COLOR=DarkRed][i]Hello Jennie...[/i][/COLOR] She almost couldn't read past that, worried about what she was beginning to suspect was a madmad would want her to do. The rest of the card was innocent enough. Or...rather...if it hadn't been for Mariko and Sena, she'd have refused. Or tried to refuse. Or tried to put it off...but now, all she could feel was relief, and the tiniest feeling of her fears somehow being petty as she stood, twisting the card in her hand. [B]"I..." [/B]Her voice sounded small, even to her.[B] "I'm Jennie..." [/B]She swallowed, squaring her shoulders. [B]"And I've been alone for the last eleven years." [/B]She laughed, a bitter, short laugh.[B] "Yeah, pretty dumb, huh? Compared to b-being molested...and b-being confused and abused and..." [/B]she couldn't keep the quaver out of her voice. [B]"C-compared to being h-hurt, I guess I'm pretty lame..." [/B]She looked down at her plate before raising her head. [B]"I haven't had a friend since I started high school. Haven't had fun since before then. All I cared about was teachers...my da' ignored me, so I needed them...and the only way to get their attention was to do good...so I did good. And ignored people. And now...I lie awake at night and..." [/B]She looked around the table without meeting people's eyes. [B]"You know how sometimes you wonder that if you died, no one would notice you were gone...I don't [i]wonder[/i] that, I [i]know[/i] that."[/B] She crumpled the card, swiping at her eyes with the back of her hand. The words of the card came back to her. [i]Pathetic...[/i] [B]"I just...want to stop knowing that. I want to go back to just wondering...I just...need someone to miss me." [/B] She sniffeled, sitting back down. [B]"I'm just pathetic that way."[/B] She managed to hold back the rest of her tears... There was enough crying going on already.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Red][size=1] [COLOR=Black]Done, I believe. Looking forward to this quite a bit. =D[/COLOR] [u]Character Information:[/u] [b]Name: [/b] Samarkan de Locke [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/sam.jpg]Sam[/url] Sam is short and compact; not muscular, but no weakling. His hair is dyed red at the tips, and he paints his face in alternating slashes of brown and red along his jawline. He wears a total of four rings - two on his ring fingers, two on his thumbs; gifts from friends and family - a veritable plethora of leather straps around his wrists, and a good luck charm on a long leather lanyard around his neck. He also paints his nails dark brown, and files them to points, something he claims he does just because it "looks neat". [b]Resistance[/b]: Validus [b]Weapon[/b]: Twin [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/rapier.jpg]rapiers[/url] that he sheaths over his shoulders; he also carries a slingshot as his one form of long-range weaponry. [b]Spells[/b]: [list][*][b]Impetus Flammus [offensive; fire][/b]: The ever typical offensive fire spell, in the form of flingable fireballs, flame-coated swords, and flaming punches. Granted, his main impulse when doing anything other than the flaming swords is to get said flame [i]away[/i] fast as possible. [*][b]Aegis Phoenix [defensive; fire/air][/b]: A shield of flame surrounds him; it can stick close to his skin, or be flattened out into a "wall" of flame. [*][b]Flamma Intendo [supportive; fire/air][/b]: Flames - generally only visible to his eyes, but viewable by others when he and they are concentating - in the form of doves travel where he should aim or travel. He finds this spell very difficult, and it creeps him out at times, since the doves look real. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Impulsive, clingy and slightly immature. Sam always means the best, but doesn't often think before he acts. He has a hot temper, but it cools down almost as fast as it flares up, leaving him regretful and even ashamed of things he may have said or done. He follows his friends around like a puppy, eager for attention, almost to the point of being annoying, but won't stop following when the going gets dangerous, loyal to the point of death. In our world, he might be considered hyperactive, never content to be still unless he's sleeping. He loves being goofy, and practical jokes, and talking. Lots and [i]lots[/i] of talking. He's also highly superstitious: he believes in bad luck, omens and blessings. [u]Dragon Information:[/u] [b]Name:[/b] Sadalbari [b]Color:[/b] Red [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/Sadalbar.jpg] Sadalbari[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] The opposite of his rider and his element, Bari is calm, cool and collected; not easily alarmed, distracted, or angered. He has a dry since of humor, and is a bit on the arrogant side. He is old, and views Sam as having a lot left to learn, a fact that Sam finds infuriating in its accuracy. When Bari is angry, one can barely tell, he controls it so well; but he is to be feared when he's angry, since it happens so rarely. [b]Bio/Snippet:[/b] Samarkan de Locke dodged through the shop to the sound of a very angry shopkeeper throwing something at him, something that knocked - apparently - something else off of a shelf...or two...or ten...he managed to jerk the door shut just as a jam jar slammed into the old, time-darkened wood, shattering and spreading strawberry jam over the door's window. He chuckled to himself, and pushed the door back open a tad. "Sorry, miss, I'll pay for it next time I'm in town, yeh?" The only response was an angry, wordless shriek and the shattering of another jar. He winced, and pulled the door back shut, shrugging his shoulders as he headed back into the alleys of the town, clutching three fresh cheeses and a loaf of bread. He heard a deep, soft chuckle and looked up in time to stop before he walked straight into the scaley red chest of Sadalbari, who merely raised a talon to poke at one of the cheeses. [color=black]"Visiting Melinda again, are we? Next time we're in town, she'll bar you before you get a foot in the door..."[/color] Sam flushed, twisting off a hunk of bread and stuffing it in his mouth, chewing angrily and protesting through his mouthful. "Oi, you shut it! She wouldn't do no such thing..." He drew himself up to his (rather unimpressive) full height and squared his shoulders. "Next time we're in town, I'm going to ask her if she'll..." the last part of the sentance came out in a rush. "...you know, marryme." Sadalbari merely chuckled again, bending to let his rider scramble up his side and onto his back.[color=black]"Ah yes. Marry the infamous cheese thief..." [/color]"Shut it!" Sam managed to protest again, though he almost wanted to laugh. rediculous, yeah? Yeah... [/size][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=Plum][SIZE=1]Jennie clutched her duffle bag close as she padded through the halls of the huge house, trying not to look as overwhelmed as she felt. This place was like a mueseam and a maze all in one. She didn't think she could find her way back to the front door by herself, even if she tried. The thought was unnerving, but she shoved it aside. When she reached the room she'd been told to find, her roommate was just stepping out. She didn't bother to hide her relief. "Hi!" The other woman turned, smiling ever-so-slightly. "Hello." Her voice was accented, lightly - French, it sounded like, and smooth: dignified. Jennie held out her hand, feeling rather awkward. "I'm Jennie. Your, ah...roommate?" The other woman nodded, shaking her hand. "Ally. I'm Ally." Awkward silence. Jennie could only stand it for a second before she bounced on her heels, once. "I'm just going to put my things inside, and....uh...do you want to explore or something?" She looked back at Ally over her shoulder, admitting. "I don't want to wander around in here...alone..." She half frowned, looking at the ceiling. "I mean, [i]look[/i] at this place! It's..." She shoved the door open, tossing her duffel for the non-claimed-looking bed, wincing when it bounced off. She shut the door anyways, shrugging. "It's just [i]weird[/i]." She found herself biting her lip, and made herself stop. No need to look, yanno....even [i]more[/i] nervous... [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Charles spent the next few hours out on the porch, chain smoking his way through three packs of cigarettes. He watched the smoke, the white stream contrasting with the darkening sky. His knife was free of its sheath, embeded in the porch at his side, where he could grab it easily if he needed to. He was waiting for Dani. Juliet and the new guy seemed to know each other. Neither seemed to like the other, big surprise there. [i]I don't suppose,[/i] he thought as he took another drag on his cigarette, [i]That Juliet likes much of anything...except, maybe, snakes...[/i] His fingers convusled, twitching. [i]That was just...[/i] He stomped out his cigarrete, lit the next, puffing out a fresh cloud of smoke. His hands were still shaking. He'd made some excuse, just to get away from that shadow...snake...[i]thing[/i]. And his mind was protesting. [i]Snakes don't just app-[/i] [i]Yeah? Peple don't jus' set things a'fire with their blood, either, do they?[/i] The first part of his mental voice didn't speak again. He zipped his jacket, leaned back against the wall, already feeling through his pockets for his forth pack. It was going to be a long afternoon.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]And it is [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=767636]finally up[/url]. I'm sorry, [B]Inuyasha Fandom[/B], your character is not quite what I'm looking for here. Maybe next time.[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]I.[/B][/CENTER] [i]Secret societies have always existed, from the very beginning of time. There has always been groups of people with the idea that their ideas are above the masses, and ? as such ? must be protected from them. Societies such as this are generally passed down from generation to generation, father to son, parent to child?grandparent to grandchild? The most famed of these societies is the Illuminati. Spoken about for years, suspected in everything, most of the world does not believe it?s real ? or if they believe, they don?t know what it?s for, other than the rumors of New World Orders. The Illuminati is very real; and it has its shadowy hold on many, many things ? some things, even, that one might think immune from shadows. They have many secrets of all kinds, protected from an uncomprehending world? But even the Illuminati cannot cheat death. Even the Illuminati cannot surpass tradition. Grandfather to oldest grandchild, or so legend and tradition have it. Have had it, for many a year. Over time, the society has learned to?groom. To prune. If the oldest looks no good, [b]make[/b] it good. If it can?t be made good? It must be destroyed? But even the Illuminati makes mistakes.[/i] [CENTER] [B]II.[/B][/CENTER] [I] It was a normal day, a day just like any other. Or so it seemed to Angus Heatherford, age 23, late of London. He was sprawled over the battered couch in his apartment, glasses propped on his forehead, legs over the back of the couch, TV on ? blaring ? but ignored as he scribbled frantically on a notepad. He was playing with his tongue stud, clacking it against his teeth, much to the discomfort of the prim-and-proper man sitting at-attention at his table. The prim-and-proper man cleared his throat, shuffling his hands on his leather briefcase. ?Ahem!? And Gus just blinked up at him, grey eyes bewildered. ?Wot, yer still ?ere?? The prim man sighed, pushing his own glasses back up on his nose. ?Sadly, sir, I am. You see, there?s been a little?incident with your grandfather??[/I] "...Incident? Grandfather? I...don't follow." Gus fumbled with his glasses, slid them over his eyes to continue blinking at the strange man. "I don't 'ave a grandfather, Mum's dad died when I was two, and Da'..." His face just curled in a distasteful expression. "Dad's dad ran out on 'is Mum b'fore he was born, why-" "That wasn't your father's father's doing. Not his choice, anyways..." The man shuffled his briefcase. "Mr. Heatherford," [i]Mister. G'wan, wot's 'e gettin' at?[/i] "May I sit? This is going to take some time..." It did. Three hours, by Gus's nervous clock inspections ever three minutes. The prim man's name was Jasper. He wouldn't say his last name, just that he was a liason. [i]Liason[/i]. [i]He[/i] had a [i]liason[/i]. There were a few other things the guy mentioned...[i]quite[/i] a few, actually, but Gus was too busy thinking about one of the things he'd mentioned at the very beginning. Something about [i]money[/i]. Kid Chaos was the first person who came to mind. He gave the clock another furtive glance. Three hours twenty minutes...he tried to look interested. Apparently he failed. Jasper gathered his breifcase, sliding an envelope across the table top. "That about covers it, Mr. Heatherford...I do hope you understand now..." Gus waved vaguely. He'd heard some things...something about factions, something about artifacts, and something else about appearances - but he really just wanted that money bit, so he grinned. "Of course, of course. Inhereitances ain't really that difficult, y'know." Jasper did not look convinced, but took up his briefcase, nodded, and turned on his heel for the door. "My card is in that envelope; call me if you deem it necessary." And then he was gone, door creaking shut in his wake. Gus waited a beat before tearing into the envelope, shaking a handful of cards out onto the table. He tossed aside the thin printed paper, and the businesscard with Jefferey Churchill printed on it, and leafed through the other cards. Five credit cards, platinum and something that looked even better than platinum. His grin grew to almost sinister perportions - or would have been sinister, if not for it being, yanno...Gus. He practically rocketed off his chair, charging for the door and down the hall for the payphone outside. He wouldn't have to use the payphone very much longer. He dialed in the number with shaking finger. "Oy! Kid! Guess what..." [CENTER][B]III.[/B][/CENTER] [I] ?Sir, Jeffery has died.? The shadows were blocked by the smoke of cigars, but eyes glinted there all the same. ?Good, good, about time the old hound passed away?.gave someone else a chance at the reigns?? ?But?sir?that chance?? The eyes in the shadows hardened, narrowed. ?Spit it out, man, what are you saying?? ?Your son wasn?t the oldest grandchild.? ??? ?There?s another, goes by the name of?? There was the sound of papers being rattled. ??Gus.? ??Gus?? ?Yessir.? [i]Gus[/i]. The man in the shadows glowered. This wouldn?t do at all?[/I] A large hand reached for the intercom on his desk. "Alice." "Yessir?" the clipped, efficient voice of his secretary came back through his intercom. "Get me DuLoc...and Reinhilde. Send them to my office." Something had to be done. [B] [CENTER] ---[/CENTER][/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Alright, my punks. If you're a punk, you've got a phone call from Gus telling you to meet at a bar. Feel free to make up the name, but it'll be your typical dive/rave club. If you're Illuminati, you've gotten a call from Alice. Benjamin Heatherford wishes to see you in his office, posthaste. In other words, write me some establishing posts, please and thank you, and my apologies for taking so long. Underground is [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=767635#post767635]here[/url].[/COLOR] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]I.[/B] [i]Secret societies have always existed, from the very beginning of time. There has always been groups of people with the idea that their ideas are above the masses, and ? as such ? must be protected from them. Societies such as this are generally passed down from generation to generation, father to son, parent to child?grandparent to grandchild? The most famed of these societies is the Illuminati. Spoken about for years, suspected in everything, most of the world does not believe it?s real ? or if they believe, they don?t know what it?s for, other than the rumors of New World Orders. The Illuminati is very real; and it has its shadowy hold on many, many things ? some things, even, that one might think immune from shadows. They have many secrets of all kinds, protected from an uncomprehending world? But even the Illuminati cannot cheat death. Even the Illuminati cannot surpass tradition. Grandfather to oldest grandchild, or so legend and tradition have it. Have had it, for many a year. Over time, the society has learned to?groom. To prune. If the oldest looks no good, [b]make[/b] it good. If it can?t be made good? It must be destroyed? But even the Illuminati makes mistakes.[/i][/CENTER] Questions? Comments? Planning? come hither. =D[/size][/color]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Sorry I haven't replied again yet, guys. It's the first round of exams, and just...yeah. I will reply soon, though. ^^;;[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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