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Ozymandius Jones

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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones

  1. [quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]Well, I was MOSTLY a [b]Power Ranger[/b], and Kimberly to be exact. [/color'][/size][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I didn't really play pirates or cowboys, but I did play Power Rangers...I was alwyas Rita. And when we played Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I always had to be Shredder. But my favorite was when we played Star Wars, because then I actually got to play as a [b]good[/b] guy...I got to play Leia. That's the only game we played that [b]didn't[/b] involve me being chased by everyone else. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman] Oh and for the record, pirates and ninjas don't get along.[/QUOTE] Proof: [URL=http://www.stanford.edu/~scodary/tkam.htm]How to Kill a Mockingbird[/URL][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrange]After you've saved the picture document as a web page, there should be one document that looks like you saved a web page, and one file that says filename_files. For example, this image was in document_files. Double click the folder, and you should get something that looks like [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/example.jpg]this[/URL]. Right click, "cut" and paste it into your picture files. It should be there as a JPG or PNG image. I'd go with the JPG, as they usually take up less space. Then just upload it to a picture hosting site. My personal favorite is [url=http://www.photobucket.com]Photobucket.[/url] Hope this helps.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok...the RP basically starts at the time the TCD gets the timeline alarm. The particulars will be in my post, but basically you put what you're doing before you get the alarm, and how you get back to the department. *shuffles papers on podium* Any further questions?[/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]I have this feeling that he said something that is a lie and a truth at the same time. He said: "I'm dead" Here's a riddle: What is is that you will break every time you name it?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Sorry. That would be a lie still, and he'd still be executed. And is yours silence?
  5. [quote name='Altron']A coin? I suppose it would be money in general[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Very Good...how about this? A captain was being executed for treason. He had the opportunity to make a last statement. If his statement was true then he would be hung. If it was false then he would be shot. He made a statement and was released... What did he say?[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrange]When I quit my first job, there were these trumpets playing the hallelujah chorus. I'm basically a very easy going person. I'm friendly, I'm easy to get along with, and I try my hardest to do what I'm supposed to. My boss was a psycho...she seemed to delight in making people panic about their contnued employment; the assistant manager was scared stiff of her, and certain customers would leave if they saw she was on duty. When I was supposed to start college, I realized that working full time was not an option, so I actually turned in a two weeks notice...in letter form, basically saying how nice it was to work with them, how I appreciated the opportunity, blah blah blah...and suddenly I was the best worker there. I worked my best all that time, and she only said anything even the [i]slightest[/i] bit nice to me when I was done. I now hate McDonald's even more. [/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='Chabichou']Hmmm... is it an eye?[/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrange]8 minutes...I am now ashamed. Yes, it's an eye. How about this? "I am two-faced but bear only one, I have no legs but travel widely. Men spill much blood over me, kings leave their imprint on me. I have greatest power when given away, yet lust for me keeps me locked away. What am I?"[/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE=CowTipper]Is the first one "limbo" or "tango"? The second one is a record. This is pretty easy, but I can't think of any really good ones, soo... Always old, sometimes new Never sad, sometimes blue Never empty, sometimes full Never pushes, always pulls What am I?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]The Moon! My Riddle: "Pronouced as one letter, And written with three, Two letters there are, And two only in me. I'm double, I'm single, I'm black, blue and gray, I'm read from both ends And the same either way." [/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE=Annalisse][color=darkslategray]First off: Chicken is the only meat. Now that's out of the way, I thought of one more thing. I don't know if you'd call it an addiction (I find it is). I've been known for this, and it may drive everyone insane; changing my banners/avatars and myO site theme. I have to do it maybe three times a month XD My friends are always yelling at me to stop. I can't though, it's just something I do.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I have the same problem. I want to change my banners right now, but my sister (Darksbane) keeps telling me "You gave John two weeks, George needs his fair time!" I only have to wait until Sunday...must hold on...want to change everything now... I'm addicted to music, in general, and the Beatles, in particular. I have two streaming radio sites bookmarked, and a 100+ song playlist dedicated to them. If I had money, I would have every single cd and record ever created by them... Then we also have the "Playlist of Doom"...over twenty hours long and rising... I also seem to have an unfortunate tendency to buy a new notebook any time my old one gets a third of the way full...I love brand new notebooks.[/COLOR]
  10. Here ya go! You didn't say whether you wanted your name on the banner, so I made one with, and one without. Avatar: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22444&stc=1[/img] Banner One: name [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22445&stc=1[/IMG] Banner Two: No name [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22446&stc=1[/img] Hope you like!
  11. [quote name='kaisha']Yeah, I love Inuyasha but I think a live action movie would suck, for many different reasons, No.1 being the dog ears.[/quote] Yeah...I can't really imagine them looking that cute on a real guy... I'd like to see what they do with the WHR. I heard about this project last summer...but it looks like that was the last time [i]anyone[/i] heard about it... [QUOTE]Sci Fi Channel production to air in 2004 or 2005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sci Fi channel announced several of their new shows for 2004 and 2005, confirming earlier suggestions that they were producing a live action TV-series based on With Hunter Robin. As was stated on Anime Nation in January, Roy Lee and Doug Davison, jointly reponsible for the American Ring remake, will executive produce the TV series. Anime Nation also stated that Joe Menosky, writer and producer for numerous Star Trek series, would write the series and also executive produce it, we don't yet have confirmation of this, nor do we know how many episodes the series will run or when it will air.[/QUOTE] That's from Anime news network, last JUNE. Hm. Either this means they're busy, or it's currently back-burner. [quote name='Black Moon']But like in an article in a Beckett Anime magazine, they had some actors for live action movie ... and, let's just say they weren't the best. Orlando Bloom for Inuyasha? [/quote] Actually, Orli struck me as making a better Sesshoumaru, if he could keep his face and eyes entirely emotionless...and they'd have to get someone else to do the voice. One anime/manga I would love to see is Fruits Basket. It would be interesting to see how they'd work that out, considering they wouldn't need that many special effects... Not to mention the actors would be really, really cute.
  12. [QUOTE=kaisha]The great Lord Sesshomaru...WORSHIP THE FLUFF!!!!! (I can't figure out how to show it to you guys)[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok...are you using windows? I don't know if this is how it works for anything else, but for Windows, you know the key at the top of the keyboard that says "Prt Scrn"? Close or minimize all your windows, and hit that button. Then open a document in wordpad. Right click, paste, and a picture of your desktop should show up. Save the document, and then open it in Microsoft Word or something like that. Save as webpage, and then just cut the image from the site files...upload it somewhere, or attach it and voila! I'm sure there's an easier way to do this, I just haven't figured it out yet. :sweat:[/COLOR]
  13. Hanjima and her "poison waves" as created by moi...I love photoshop...
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrange]"Sally, did you get the clothes done?" Sally Jones grimaced as she walked out of the basement, clutching the washbasket. "Yes, Mum. I just have to fold them." Her mother smiled at her over the top of the couch. "Good gel. Don't forget you have to wash the lunch dishes too..." "I know." Her mother went back to watching the show. Sally sighed, lugging the basket of clean clothes up the narrow stairs to her bedroom. [i]This is getting to be a bit much...I'm not 'er personal slave...[/i] She tossed the basket on her bed, and sat down at her desk, sighing. It was only 4, and already she'd done three loads of clothes, vacumed the entire bloody house, washed the windows and mopped the kitchen. [i]What more does she [/i] want[i], me lifeblood?[/i] Sally turned to her computer, typing in her favorite site and opening Yahoo! just for the heck of it. [i]'s not like anyone'll be on now, anyroad...[/i]. She scrolled through the list of chatrooms. "[i]Lonely Life[/i], ey? You're a new one... Well, we'll give you a shot." She clicked the link. Nothing seemed to be going on, the only member in the chat being someone named "[FONT=Courier New]Courage_of_Destiny[/FONT]"...they didn't seem to be doing anything. The caption under the screen room's title caught her eye. [COLOR=Green][FONT=Courier New]"Ever feel like you don't belong in this World?" [/FONT][/COLOR] "Sally! Get those clothes folded. My bridge club comes this afternoon, an' you still need t'do the dishes!" Sally winced. [COLOR=Green][FONT=Courier New]"Ever feel like you don't belong in this World?" [/FONT] [/COLOR] [FONT=Courier New]Dear_Prudence: Well, I sure don't seem t'belong 'ere, if tha's what ye mean...[/FONT] She sat and stared at the words she'd just typed out. They were the truth. Something buzzed in her computer. "Oh, this is just ducky," she groused, sliding out of her chair to kneel next to her tower. "Picked up a virus or sommat, 'ave ye?" The buzzing stopped. There, sitting on the floor, was a strange, device, white and reddish pink, smaller than even an Ipod. "Great...now I'm goin' t' be accused of liftin' someone's mp3 player..." she picked the device up. It was strangly heavy for something so small..."Funny...I don't remember any of 'em bein' this color...picked 'em up enough times t' know..." Something changed. In the blink of an eye, she seemed to be fading. She could [i]feel[/i] herself fading. She looked up at her computer screen, words still blinking. "Why do I get the feelin' I'm gonna regret this?" Everything went white.[/COLOR]
  15. Ok, before we even get started you get the "Banner Who's Creation Made Ozy Feel Slightly Creeped Out Award". This pictures are scary when they're blown up 100 times their normal size.... I wound up making 2 versions, on with your name and the rp's name on it, and one without either. I, personally, think the one with just the quote looks best. I also made an avi to match. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22420&stc=1[/IMG] Banner with names: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22421&stc=1[/IMG] Banner without names: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22422&stc=1[/IMG] Now, I hope that's what you meant...if you'll excuse me, I have some pictures to delete from my harddrive...
  16. I'm still not quite sure if this is what you meant, but I gave it a try... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22419&stc=1[/IMG] Howzat?
  17. Okies! I finally got this one finished...how's this? Avi: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22417&stc=1[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22418&stc=1[/IMG] Hope you like it!
  18. Here ya go...I made an avi too...I wasn't sure if you wanted one, so... Avi: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22416&stc=1[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22415&stc=1[/IMG] Hope that's what you were looking for...
  19. [QUOTE]Hmmm...sorry Altron...but I think I'm gonna go with Ozy Jones'. No offense. No hard feelings, right? I just like his a little more.[/QUOTE] Um. Thanks for the compliments, but it's "hers". Ozy Jones = Female. Thank you!
  20. I made one...hope you like it. Avatar: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/cloudavi.jpg[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/zbanner.jpg[/IMG]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ok, those are both really good. Shy: The only thing that needs fixed is the birthdate: the "present" time of the RP takes place in 2105, which means that if Abby is 25 she would've been born in 2080, not 2081. I know that's kinda nitpicking, but...I do really like the backstory you gave her. Gave me a few good ideas, too... [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=45499]The Underground[/URL] for this is up now...I'm available there for any/all questions...and I'm glad the "weirdness" intrigues you...time travel concepts fascinate me to no end. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Purple][CENTER][COLOR=Black]BeatleMania Redux [Underground] (PG - VL) [/CENTER] [/COLOR] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/redux2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ok?I haven?t got the story for this weird idea of mine completely hammered out, and players are welcome to bring their own suggestions?here would be where to put that. Also, if you have questions, you can post ?em here too. The main story involves time travel. A madman from the RP?s present has gone back in time and somehow (I?m not sure how, yet), gotten rid of the Beatles before they had a chance to record their most famous and influential album, Sgt. Pepper. This affects the future pretty badly. You see, for the last 7 years or so, Earth has been struggling against a recurrence of the Bubonic Plague. Scientists and Doctors rushed to find the cure, but none could be found. Travel has been restricted to only that which is deemed necessary by the ICDC, the ?International Center for Disease Control?. In the year 2100, Earth had its first contact with the Te?tani, an alien race, that had set out to Earth some years earlier, after hearing radio transmissions from a certain album?the Te?tani brought fresh ideas to the scientist, and now, with the Te?tani?s help, the Plague is in remission. Once the scientist goes back and gets rid of the Beatles, however, things change. The Te?tani never arrive, and the scientists are as ineffectual as ever. Humanity is dying with only one hope: The Temporal Continuance Department. The TCD has been called a government organization, but that?s not entirely the truth. They work completely separate from any of the countries, remaining neutral so that no one can accuse them of bending the past for their own nefarious purposes. Members of the TCD come from all backgrounds; from the ?Holiday Children? (super-smart children trained and raised by the mysterious man known only as ?Mr. Holiday?) to normal, average, everyday citizens. All must pass the Academy, a two year school, which trains them in such subjects as the use of the time monitoring computers, recognizing permissible deviations, and the study of past cultures. The TCD is headquartered in a dimension that is separate from the flow of time in the normal timeline. As such, the members of the TCD can effect the past without affecting themselves. This is where their main job comes in. Temporal shift equipment has been abused almost since its conception. Mad scientists, terrorists, radicals and the such like have all attempted to use it to shift the face of life as we know it. The TCD exists to prevent such events from occurring. Through the use of devices that track shifts in the very fabric of space, time and existence, the TCD can usually track exactly where the deviation from the ?original? timeline occurs. Once a deviation is detected, the TCD sends a team of operatives to the place the deviation occurred, often weeks or even months prior to the event, to ensure that history happens the right way. The RPG will be following the operatives sent back to ensure the continued existence of the Beatles. So far, they are: [B]Prudence Jones [/B] ? Ozy Jones (me) [B]Eleanor Maxwell [/B] ? Darksbane (now StarrStruck) [B]Abigail ?Abby? Rhodes[/B] ? Shy [B]Jude Hayes[/B] ? Angelus_Necare [B]Bill "Bulldog" Henderson[/B] - Billy Shears [B]Penny Forsythe[/B] - Rhian (now Mouse) [B]Lucian Diamond [/B] - Methuselah (now Saishi) [B]Michelle MaBelle [/B] - Grammar Panzer [B]Julia Stanley [/B] - Muse There?s plenty of room. I don?t really have a set number in mind?I know we could use a few more players, but I don?t want it getting too out of hand. Sometime later in the RP, if all goes well, I hope to have the Beatles as playable characters. To do that however, you must be able to play them believably. I will most likely ask for an example of this ability, so these names aren't quite set in stone... [B]John Lennon[/B] - Saishi [B]Paul McCartney[/B] - Muse [B]George Harrison[/B] - Billy Shears [B]Ringo Starr[/B] - Starrstruck I plan to start this a week from today, February 20th. If you have friends you think might like to play, ask ?em. They don?t necessarily have to be a Beatles fan, even. It does help to have some knowledge of the 1960s; culture, current events and the suchlike... [url=http://www.beatleradio.com/player.html]Beatles Radio[/url] [url=http://www.stevesbeatles.com/songs/]Steve's Beatles: Song Lyrics[/url] 1960s related: [url=http://kclibrary.nhmccd.edu/decade60.html]1960s Culture[/url] The year we will be traveling back to is 1965. This is about two years before 1967, the ?Summer of Love?. Hippies are around, but not quite mainstream yet. The Beatles have just released ?Beatles ?65? in America, but have not yet released ?Early Beatles?. Their latest single would?ve been ?Eight Days a Week/I Don?t Want To Spoil the Party?. In England, they have just released ?Beatles for Sale?, and the latest single would be ?I Feel Fine/She?s a Woman?. Any song not written before then, obviously, cannot be referenced in conversation with citizens in the 1965 timeline?although it could be amusing. Ringo Starr was married to Maureen Cox on February 11th, becoming the second married Beatle. On February 22nd, filming for HELP! (Their second movie) began. Popular music at the time consisted mainly of ?British Invasion? bands like Gerry and the Pacemakers, Herman?s Hermits, and Petula Clark. Popular American artists are Diana Ross and the Supremes, Simon and Garfunkle, the Beach Boys and The Mamas and the Papas. Popular Movies were The Pink Panther, and My Fair lady, and television shows included Bonanza, Bewitched, Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., The Andy Griffith Show, The Fugitive, and The Dick Van Dyke Show. In world history, Leonid I. Brezhnev has replaced Nikita Khrushchev as head of the Soviet/Communist government, Lyndon Baines Johnson (more commonly called LBJ) is president of the United States, and the Chinese Government had tested its first nuclear bomb only 4 months previous. If the TCD employees arrived in the 1965 timeline on February 20th, Malcolm X would be assassinated the next day. The Vietnam War started becoming more and more of an issue, with the United States beginning bombing runs against North Vietnam in March. That?s the basics. If anyone has questions, again, post them here. Yes, this is mostly the product of a deranged, time-travel obsessed fan who?s upset that she?ll never get to see them. Yes, time travel is currently considered impossible. But do we really care? Let?s have fun with the impossibilities. Peace, Ozy[/COLOR]
  23. I'd have to say Trigun and Big O...I watch Trigun because the characters are addicting. The plot isn't the deepest thing around, but it's...just...Trigun. What more reason could I need? Big O I have watched about nine million times, trying to figure out the answers to all the questions they raise...and it's not working. But that's about it...I'm a poor college student who can't aford any more anime right now...
  24. [CENTER][SIZE=4]Beatle Mania- Redux[/SIZE] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/redux.jpg[/IMG] [B]The Past:[/B] [I] In the 1960s on Earth, a band became popular beyond belief. They had fans everywhere on Earth. Everywhere they went, screaming hoards would follow. Over time, it began to wear on the band?s nerves, until in 1966 they just stopped touring. For four years after that, the band continued to record, growing in popularity even as their style grew, evolved and changed. But time and differences grew to be too much, and in 1969 the band broke up, never to record together again. This is not their story alone. [/i] [B]The Present[/B] [i] The year is 2105; exactly one hundred and forty one years after ?That Band? made their first trip to America. Exactly 55 years after the creation of Temporal Shift equipment. Exactly 5 years after Earth?s first contact with aliens. Exactly 3 years after it was discovered that the aliens first set out to Earth after hearing Earth?s music. And exactly two months since the aliens helped to end ?The Five Year Plague?, a mysterious recurrence of the Bubonic Plague. The United States of Earth was deeply in debt to the aliens. The aliens insisted that Earth was deeply in debt to that band from the past. To most of the general populace, it didn?t make any sense. To one man, it did. That man was Julius Rathbone, a mad scientist in the maddest term of the word. The son of the man who?s genius brought about the Temporal Shift Department, his genius tended more of the ?resurrect long-dead diseases and unleash them on the public? genre, and his grasp on reality was shaky at best. And if the aliens could credit ?That Band?, well then?so could he. It is not his story alone. [/i] [B]Cause: The past[/B] [i] [strike]In the 1960s on Earth, a band became popular beyond belief. They had fans everywhere on Earth. Everywhere they went, screaming hoards would follow. Over time, it began to wear on the band?s nerves, until in 1966 they just stopped touring. For four years after that, the band continued to record, growing in popularity even as their style grew, evolved and changed. But time and differences grew to be too much, and in 1969 the band broke up, never to record together again. [/strike] In the 1960s on Earth, there was a band that showed the potential to become popular beyond all belief. They first hit the charts in 1963, becoming insanely popular and being followed by insane crowds of fans everywhere they went ? Until 1965, when they disappeared, never to be heard from again. Ever. The disappearance of the Beatles has remained a mystery for the last 141 years. [/i] [B]Effect: The Future[/B] [i] In the year 2105, something happened. Or, more specifically, something didn?t happen. The aliens never heard the music. They never set out to Earth. Therefore, they never arrived?and they were not there to heal the plague. Humanity, as a result, is dieing. All to satisfy the whim of one mad scientist, and all because that one band is missing from Earth?s past. Only problem is, no one knows it?s missing?except us. We are the members of the Temporal Continuance Department. We monitor the past to ensure our future ? that?s our motto. We live detached from time for most of the year, watching; waiting for something to change while we hope it doesn?t. Temporal Mechanics is a tricky science at best?and occasionally, while fixing things, while making them go back to the way they were, we have to let things get worse. But not this time. This time, this was not the way things were meant to be. We?re going to fix that? This is our story. Mostly.[/I] 0-0 L -[/CENTER] [COLOR=Purple]As you may have figured, this is going to be a kinda strange RPG. The main characters are employees for the Temporal Continuance Department, or the TCD. The headquarters of the TCD are in another dimension, separate from the passing of time as we know it. From this headquarters, they can see all time in the last 5000 years or so. Since they themselves are separate from time, they can see when things have changed, and fix them. Nobody else knows when things have changed ? it?s a thankless job, but somebody has to do it. In this case, Dr. Rathbone has managed to take out the Beatles before they really hit the peak of their creative careers; and before they recorded the fateful album that changed the human world 137 years later. This is what I need from you: 1. Name: Keep it fairly normal. It can be a reference to a Beatles? song, for example, my character?s name is Prudence. 2. Age: These are government employees, so no younger then 19, please. 3. Appearance: Fairly normal, please. They?re trying to fit in with 1965 culture. Green hair is not common, neither are yellow eyes. 4.Bio: Can be short, we?re not really going deep into character at the very start. No super powers. 5. Personality: VERY important, as it shows why your character reacts in the way they do. 6.Position: Team Leader/techie/supplier/whatever. I will be playing two characters: Prudence Jones, team leader, and Dr. Rathbone, ze evil villain. There is a possibility later on (depending on how this goes) that the Beatles may become playable characters. When it?s a possibility, I will be giving them to the players who have demonstrated the best ability to keep them in character. Darksbane, however, has already reserved Ringo. I think that?s about it?lesse how this goes. [/COLOR] My Signup: [COLOR=DarkOrange]1. Name: Prudence Jones 2. Age: 24 (Y.O.B: 2081) 3. Appearance: Blonde hair, blue eyes. Friendly looking, generally. Five foot, four inches tall. Dresses somewhat flamboyently, definatly "mod" ish. Likes to stand out, but still be modest. 4.Bio: Pru was an only child, and usually got what she wanted. Despite that, Pru's childhood wasn't that loving. Her father and mother stayed together for appearence sake only, and often spent their entire evenings shouting at each other over anything and everything. Thus, Pru spent as much of her time out of the house as possible, playing sports, joining after school clubs, anything to avoid going home. Because of all the extra studying she put in, Pru graduated both high school and the Academy with flying colors. Her best subject was Past Cultures, especially that of the 1900s. Graduating in 2101, Pru is already a veteran of three other missions: an observer mission to Victorian England, a mission to prevent the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1862 and a scientific research mission into the cause of the Tunguska Incident, all sucessfull, but boring in her opinion; she had very little to do with the missions; being relegated to supply officer, a position she dispises. She was given this mission after it was discovered she was an expert on 1960s culture, and the only other expert on that particular time was busy with the Cuban Missle Crisis timeline. 5. Personality: An only child, she's very used to getting things her way, and is also used to suceeding at things. She doesn't take failure very well. Easygoing unless stressed. When she is stressed, she tends not to show it - until she's too stressed. Then she has a tendency to snap and yell a lot. Here main character weakness is a tendecy to be overconfident about her own abilities. 6.Position: Normally stuck in the research department, Pru isn't usually the first person thought of when missions come up, but due to her close study of this particular decade and the fact that she has had some feild expirience left her open for the next assignment from this time. Nobody expected the mission to be this urgent. [/COLOR] I will be posting Julius's profile after someone actually signs up...I hope this goes somewhere...
  25. My biggest fear is being alone. I hate being the only one awake, the only one in a building, and the only one in my house at night. I'm terrified of heights, even to the point where I try to sit on the floor of the ferris wheel's basket rather than the little seat thingies...my sister's suggestion, and it got us banned for the rest of the day. I hate doctors offices, hospitals, nursing homes, etc. The smell, the general feel...it just gives me the creeps. I'm also really scared of bio and chem weapons. Nukes, bombs, missles, whatever...they don't scare me that much. I mean, it seems with them, bang, you're dead. The other stuff...too slow. Yuk. Wow, that's fairly morbid for me... I hate hate HATE spiders. I usually yell for my brother to get them for me... Clowns, too...definatly clowns. I should've never watched "It". Edit: Just noticed the post above me: Mothman? Those legends are so creepy...of course, they're most likely instances of mass hysteria and whatnot, but some reeeealy strange stuff happened with that legend...[i]least[/i] of which was the bridge...*cue X files music*
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