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Ozymandius Jones

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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Charles shook the balcony door; despite the fact that it looked as if it had been opened recently, it was sticking. He cursed at the noise, finally getting it to bang open. [B][i]Yeah, like that'll go unnoticed...[/i][/B] He stepped out onto the balcony, noting that the metal creaked, and stayed away from the edge, hugging the wall. Voices floated up from below; [i]he[/i] was here. [B]"Huh...wonder why he didn't [i]say[/i] he'd be here...weird," [/B]He muttered out loud, padding around the balcony - and running almost right into Dani. Who had a gun. Fistfights were one thing, knife fights another...but [i]guns[/i]...there was no way to dodge those. Charles pulled to a stop, tempted to take a step back. [B]"Dani. Why are we here? What's he want us to do, huh?" [i]And why do you need a gun to do it?[/i][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Not many of you cats are gonna like Charles much after Wednesday; that's all I'm gonna say on the matter. Oh, an' Mr. Spikey McIceman! If you post before Wednesday, make sure Eddie don't leave the room - he's gonna have some major angsting to do once Charlie-boy's done. As per prior plannage. >:3[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Charles had been stalking through the tunnels when he slammed into a different man - one he hadn't seen before that he could remember, somewhat older looking - knocking him to the floor. He growled in frustration. [i]More[/i] people. [B]"Who the hell are you? You're not Dani." [/B] [B]"Of course I'm not." [/B] Charles glared down at him, still almost snarling. This was getting frustrating. [B]"Have you seen him?"[/B] And it only got more frustrating. [B] "I don't know, what does he look like?"[/B] Charles rubbed his eyes, sighing.[B]"He has long black hair, wears a lot of black, looks like some stereotypical goth." [i]Steroetypical soon-to-be-dead goth freak.[/i][/B] [B] "I think I might have seen someone like that in town." [/B] [B]"Then what are you doing down here?" [/B] Charles got the very distinct impression the guy was lying, but he kept asking. [B] "I heard a commotion came down to see what it was and when I did i saw someone run, maybe the guy you're looking for." [/B]That seemed more likely, closer to the truth...but frustration got the better of him, he didn't [i]like[/i] jumping at shadows. [B]"Where'd he go?"[/B] The guy pointed.[B] "That way." [/B] [B][i]Right...uhuh. Well, we'll see what's that way.[/i][/B] He grabbed the guy, jerking him down the hall after. If he was lying, well, Dani might know him. That might be useful. The halls were still a maze. Charles went from hallway to hallway, trying to find any sign of the goth; the floor was dusty, andthere were no footprints in the dust. He straightened up from examining the floor to glare at his sorta-kinda-prisoner. [B]"No one's been down these halls in years, who d'ya think you're fooling?"[/B] The man shrugged. [B]"You fell for it, so I guess I'm fooling you..." [/B] Charles didn't respond to that, dragging him back to the hall where he'd found him, paying attention to the dust this time. Footprints in the dust led up a hallway in the opposite direction. He glared at the other guy. [B]"Fool me once, shame on you..." [i]But you're not gonna fool me twice.[/i][/B] He let go and stormed down that hall; if the guy wanted to follow, whatever. Charles was pretty sure he could take him, if it came down to fighting. He took the stairs two at a time, through darkness, through a door marked no entry...it had been left open. Boxes, boxes boxes...a generator...and no more dust. But there were ladders.... Charles picked a random ladder, and started climbing. At the very [i]least[/i] he wanted to know what he was supposed to be [i]doing[/i].[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello, [B]ars_magicae[/B] and welcome to the Adventure Inn. The Adventure Inn is a place for signups only. Pre-RP character/story development should more than likely be handled in the Underground, and therefore I am moving it there. Thank you. -OzymandiusJones[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Charles leaned against the door, glowering out the window. He didn't want to work with Dani, at all. He had every intention of killing the other man - once the job was done - for making his memories return like that, after a year of blocking them out. The woman - he'd seen her before, in the jail. He thought. He wasn't entirely sure. He watched her reflection in the glass - and she was watching [i]him[/i] just as warily, from the corner of her eyes. There was something...odd about her; something in her face almost as dark as Dani's, almost as dark as his companions on the streets had been. Something dangerous. Neither spoke, both content in their personal thoughts, one watching the road, one watching the sky. Both dangerous and - silently, grudgingly - admitting that fact about the other. Charles rubbed his gloved hand; the leather was warm to the touch, heated from the inside - specially designed to keep his own body heat from soaking through and setting his clothes ablaze. It was interesting, what former friends could make when leaned on. It had been his last act in that city, and the one that kept him from setting the car around him on fire as he had his bed. He flexed his hands, noting the way the woman seemed to notice that, the way she still seemed to be watching, warily... [B] [i]How far is this freakin' place, anyway?[/i][/B] Not far. Almost as soon as he thought that, they pulled in view of an old looking building...he didn't even wait for the vehicle to come to a complete stop before he popped the door oepn, stepped out onto the concrete still rolling beneath them. If she wanted to follow, she'd be able to keep up - he had no doubt of that. And so he took off, striding down the sidewalk. [B]"Thanks for the ride," [/B]he called over his shoulders. [B]"Guess I won't steal your 'ubcaps."[/B] His shoved his hands in his pockets again, pleased to be out of the car. [B][i]C'mon, Dani-boy, where are ya....we need to get whatever this is over with so I can kill ya...[/i] [/B]He jerked the first door he came to open, and stepped inside, looking down the hall. A virtual maze met his eyes - this was gonna take some time.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkGreen][b]Name:[/b] Larksong [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Age:[/b] 90 [Elven Equivalent to 22] [b]Personality:[/b] Larksong is young, naiive and a complete - for lack of a better term - geek. She prefers to think things through rather than fight. [b]Appearance:[/b] Lark has long auburn hair and pale skin with a faint greenish tint. Her eyes are green as well, the color of new leaves. Unfortunately for Elven Beauty Standereds, her face is speckled with freckles, and she has large glasses over her eyes. She usually wears long green dresses, but can be persuaded to wear a tunic and trousers if it's needed; usually a brownish-red color. [b]History:[/b] Lark was the youngest of ten children born to an Elven medicine woman. As the youngest, she was protected but somewhat ignored. She was fine with that, preferring to disappear into the closest scribe's shop and read whatever she could get her hands on. She longed for adventure, but wasn't really certain what adventure consisted of. [b]Weapon:[/b] An oaken staff.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange][quote name='Sazabi][font=Book antiqua][color=darkred][size=2]Hey...**** you. I thought I had the other font. My bad. I couldn't read the **** either. (stupid asteriks. Can't even posts a few indecent words.[/size][/color'][/font][/quote] There's a reason that filter is there, and a reason you [i]can[/i] use those words in the Square and not in the Inn. Swearing at fellow players is that reason. Do not bypass the word filter again. -[B]OzymandiusJones[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]He couldn't sleep; couldn't even doze. His mind still ran a thousand, a million, a billion times faster than normal. [i][b]Who does he think he is, pryin' into my brain like that?[/b][/i] [B]"You attacked him first."[/B] The voice was unexpected; but his nerves where so shot that he went scrambling backwards instead of lunging. The voice chuckled, a man with a smooth, open face stepping into his living room. [B]"What's the matter, did I startle you?"[/B] The man from last night grinned. [B]"I never introduced myself last night. I am...well, you may call me Quan." "I can call ya dead 'less you get out of my house." "You can [i]try[/i]. I suspect I'm more than enough to prevent you suceeding."[/B] Charles snarled, wordlessly. Quan raised his eyebrow. [B]"Your head's a mess, did you pick a fight with the wrong guy?"[/B] The snarl found words. "[b][i]You stay away from my head.[/i][/b]" Quan chuckled again, humorlessly. [B]"Ah, Charles, Charles, Charles...I already [i]know[/i] what happened that night. I don't [i]need[/i] to look to see it. I already know how bad you want those memories gone."[/B] [B]"Then y'already know just how much I want y'[i]out[/i]."[/B] [B]"Yeah, I do." [/b]Quan flicked a sheet of paper onto the table, taking a step back.[b] "But I'm only going because I want to. Get the job done, and I shall see about ridding you of that...fun night."[/B] And just like that he was gone again. Charles looked at the paper, not touching it for fear that it would eventually burn. [I][CENTER]I don't think I need to give you anything. You'll finish, one way or another. Make sure Dani finishes, too. Check the cafe, check Harlem. Have fun. -Quan[/CENTER] [/I] ....Dani. He was expecting him to work with [i]Dani[/i]. Charles grabbed the paper, tore it in half, fourths, eighths before letting the heat engulf the shreds, glowering at the pile of smoldering paper before he changed, grabbed his jacket and headed out the door, buckling his gloves as he did. [i]He better not mind when I kill the help too...[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] [B][CENTER]Caution: Writing for Writing's Sake [aka rambling]; Unapologetic Character History, violence, mentions of very-not-nice things. >>;;[/CENTER][/B] -- All thoughts of hurting fled ? Charles now just wanted to [i]flee. [/i] He tried to pry Dani?s hand free, but the man wasn?t budging. [i]The city was hot. [/i] He shook his head, blinking and twitching, Dani?s fingers hurting his skin. It was still cool, damp?not hot, so where that mental image had come from, he wasn?t sure? [i]The alley was alive, if truly only a hellish perversion of life. The sound of fists hitting flesh filled the space between the buildings; catcalls, chants and jeers filled the empty places behind the vehicular drone of the city. It was like those old movies they had snuck into sometimes, what seemed like a million years ago?the ones where they threw people to the lions while the city burned down around their ears?only there were neon club lights and the controlled barrel fires this night, instead of a raging inferno. Lights, flames flashed on the skin, shone out of the eyes?The 19th Street Tigers were on the prowl. [/i] Something seemed to shatter in his head. Something seemed to shatter like a wall of glass. He tried to jerk away, tried to pull his eyes from Dani?s eyes, the dark, dark depths? [i]The Tigers had their prey. The Razor Rats ? rival gang. Most rival gang. The Tigers? biggest problem. Headed by Carlos, Prophet of the Straight Razor. And tonight? Reduced to mice. The Razor Rats had a problem. Their leader had a weak point. Their leader had a younger brother in all but blood? The Ripper. All the city feared his name ? head of the Tigers, the dark death to the Rat?s priest ? infamous for cruelty, even in this dog-eat-dog world. Or, as the case was tonight, tiger-eat-rat. The Ripper ? he always had plans. Tonight, he may have originally had plans for blackmail. He may have originally had plans for kidnapping, ransom and terms. Maybe. Originally. Whatever it had originally been, it had changed, melted out of shape by the insane heat and the drug of the flames, promising anything ? any words, any thoughts, any acts - could be cleansed by the fire of that night. [/i] Blood trickled down his forehead. Dani was still pinning him to the wall ? he?d managed to get a foot up, against the wall, so he wasn?t entirely forced back, but he was still too close to pinned, too close to trapped for his liking. And the thoughts running through his head ? he couldn?t move. Couldn?t move unless the alien [i]darkness [/i]in his mind told him to. [i]Charles de Fontaine wasn?t going to survive the night. [/i] He could remember that night. He didn?t want to remember that night, but it was running through his mind so very, very fast that the outside world, Dani and his dark eyes, seemed to inch? To slow? To crawl? And then, finally, to stop, and freeze ? just Dani and Charles and the pictures. The memories. [i]He sat, glowering halfheartedly. He?d been flying high until a boot from behind had slammed into his ribs. A whole line of the best stuff ? a whole lotta money ? and it was gone with one blow. His breathing was shallow, his chest aching, his back moreso?the attack had brought him crashing down ? and hard. He sat there, twitching and wired and hostile. The alley was shadowy, the flames casting massive, looming shadows that watched like hungry beasts, the lions of the movies?thrown against skin and brick and metal alike. And the sounds?Charles stared dully. They?d slammed him to the ground here, kicked and punched, like the others. A Tiger stood behind him, hands in his pockets, cigarette hanging from his lip, sneering down at him. One of the others, now, Johnny or something like that, had been dragged behind the dumpster, shrieking in what sounded like pure agony. [/i]Charles, then, shuddered. Charles, now, struggled to breath against that strange frozen feeling, trying to move enough to even just [i]glare[/i]. Dani?s eyes had gone strange, fire and shadow mixing in their depths. [i]His cocaine fogged brain drew up memories of other encounters; encounters that ended with names and symbols carved into skin, slathered with salt?his body twitched. His guard drove a booted heel between his shoulder blades. ?You?ll get your turn soon enough.? The other Tigers in hearing range laughed. It hadn?t been a friendly sound. He?d spat at the foot of his guard, almost got a boot to the teeth in return. But someone shouted something at his would-be attacker, and he stopped before the kick could connect? His mind was on carving and salt, knives and pain as the reason for the screaming. ?I won?t scream, they can?t make me- So?when the tall Tiger stepping around the dumpster made a show of fastening the front of his trousers?[/i] Charles, now, has remembered why he never wanted to remember that night. [i]Get out of my head. Get out, now. Get out before I strangle you with your own hair, break every last rib, get out?[/i]it wasn?t working. Dani had control ? [i]Charles? mind stalled. He just stared, trying to breath, trying to move backwards, away ? he didn?t make the full, complete connection until the man leered at him, licking his lips. There was a howl of derisive laughter when he went scrambling backwards, staggering to his feet. The laughter only grew when he bolted for the mouth of the alley ? and was intercepted halfway there, dragged back towards the dumpster by half-a-dozen men. He did not want to go behind that dumpster. Not in a million years. He managed to grab the edge, clinging with all his strength, protesting in a constant stream of gibberish. Someone pried his fingers loose. His hands slid for a heart-stopping second, then caught ? until the boot that had attempted to slam his mouth hit his knuckles ? there was no way to catch hold again. He was dragged back, slammed down, hard, on the hot concrete. [/i] Present. [i]Get out of my head, you?[/i]he couldn?t think of a curse strong enough for how he was feeling ? desperate and trapped. And Dani?s eyes were still shifting, maybe not really but something in them was glittering ? dangerously. [i]The alley behind the dumpster smelled: old trash, sweat, fresh blood, cigarette smoke and plain, blatant lust. Charles choked, trying to push himself back up ? someone shoved him back down, hard enough that the concrete split his lip. "Carlos?s gonna kill you for this,? he managed to rasp out, trying to ignore the rough hands on his ribs, his back, his neck?someone leaned down, close enough to purr in his ear. ?Won?t be enough of you left for him to know we did this, kid.? Hands moved to his clothes, fumbling with buckles and zippers and straps. Rage and fear overtook his mind and he was ? mentally ? far away when the real pain began. [/i] Charles shuddered, still glaring into Dani?s eyes. Somehow?he?Dani didn?t seem in [i]charge[/i] anymore. Something [i]else[/i] was ? not Dani, and not him?it was terrifying. [i]His mind was still a haze when it finally stopped. He struggled to breath against the wracking pain; the concrete ground into his ribs and the rough, burning pain in his throat. Hands jerked him upright, forcing him to stand ? someone else?s hand clamped over his chin, forcing him to stare into eyes equally soullessly dark. ?You screamed louder than the first one.? The next thing he knew, he was crashing to the floor of the dumpster. Full of newspaper, the metal strangely cool to the touch ? everything suddenly seemed cold; everything except his own body, which burned in humiliation, pain and futile rage. The only movement he could make was shoving his fingers in his ears when the screaming began again. He was dimly aware of the lid reopening, others being thrown in ? the stringent smell of gasoline joining the other scents? ?See?Carlos won?t know a thing.? A match sputtered to life. The papers soon followed?then, flames. [/i] Charles? knee jerked up, something must have faltered in Dani, because he could move again. It slammed into the Goth?s chest, sending him tumbling backwards. Charles jerked away, hands flying to his temples, trying to slow his breathing. [i]I?I didn?t want to remember that?[/i]and yet, he couldn?t move ? couldn?t do anything but wait for Dani to?leave? He leaned on the wall, dimly aware of Dani?s footsteps fading down the alley. He was leaving?Charles was vulnerable, and the freak was [i]leaving[/i]. That only led to the assumption that he?d been scared off ? or burned again. He managed to get to his feet once Dani was gone, managed to make it the last few feet to his apartment. He let himself in and collapsed onto the couch, shivering uncontrollably. [i]That guy better mean what he said?[/i] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1][B]Name: [/B]Hodgepodge [B]Species: [/B]Squirrel [B]Colouring: [/B]Reddish brown [B]Disposition:[/B] Talkative and hyper and easily frightened. Very spazzy, but supposedly very smart. Except for the rabbit thing. [B]Anything else:[/B] Actually hates nuts, and thinks she's a rabbit.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Ezekiel][SIZE=1]I'm very sorry I haven't posted recently, too. College has been so busy and arg >< I'll post this afternoon. So sorry, Vicky ): *brick'd*[/SIZE][/QUOTE] *antibrick forcefield! =D!* [quote name='Vicky][SIZE=1']I think me and Ozy'll end our little fight sometime soon and we can get things rolling to the climax of this chapter again.[/size][/quote] *whines* But I like fighting! >> ANYways. Starr says to tell you she'll reply today too. :) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Charles leaned one hand against the wall, licked the fingers of his other hand before balling it into a fist, the fingers coated with blood. Dani's flaming coat smoldered at his feet, and he grinned. The goth was on the ground again, burns spotted his arms and shoulders. Charles thought for a second before wiping his fingers down the blade of his knife and leering at the fallen man. [B]"Whassa matter? Fallen an' ya can't get u-" [/B]The freak moved too fast for him to react; half a chunk of brick slammed into his forehead, sending him staggering against the wall with a yelp. Dani stood from his half kneel, brushing brick dust off his fingers with a dark chuckle. [B]"That was my favorite jacket, punk..."[/B] Charles brushed his fingers against his forehead - there was a new gash there. That was the [i]second[/i] time the stupid freak had made him bleed! He took a step back, trying to stop seeing double. "And you're bleedin' again..." Charles managed to keep his leer on. [B]"Yeah, already seen how much y'like [i]that[/i]..." [/B]He gestured at the jacket. [B]"How'd y'like it if I did that to your pants next, 'ey?"[/B] Dani's face twitched into a snarl. [B]"You ain't touchin' my pants, Charlie boy..."[/B] Charles couldn't help but shudder. [B]"Not like [i]that[/i], y'freak."[/B] Dani's hand lashed out, closed around his non-bloody chin and digging in like claws. [B]"Whatever. See, I happen to like my power better..."[/B] And now Charles was the one freaking out, trying not to look in Dani's eyes.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrange]I love OCReMix. Or loved, and then forgot about. I love when people remind me of things I loved but drifted away from. I predict many happy listening hours ahead now! Lesse. I like: [url=http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01202/]Neighburgers[/url], by Protricity I don't know where I heard it first, but this catchy little piece was the main reason I even know of OCRemix. It's just really cool, despite the fact that I've never heard of the game "Zombies Ate My Neighbors". [url=http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00980/]Assembly Line Apparitions[/url], by Protricity I adore this song. I can't believe it's from Donkey Kong. It just doesn't [i]sound[/i] like something you would expect from a game with the name [i]Donkey Kong[/i]. [url=http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01225/]Pillar of Salt[/url], by Star Salzman This is my all time favorite song I've heard from there. It [apparently] is from Xenogears, but...yeah, you can tell how much I play video games considering I've never played that one either. ANYways. The result is a hindi/arabic/jewish sounding song, with singing in Hebrew in the middle. I believe he's singing part of the Old Testament, regarding Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt, hence the song's name. [url=http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01290/]Duck Blur[/url], by Star Salzman Goofy and cheerful fun. I
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]?Charlie boy!? [/B] It wasn't an attack, really, just an almost-friendly greeting. The night's tension, however, and the sudden reappearance of Dani - eh, Dani...sanity took a dive. Charles followed his sanity's example, diving for Dani's legs, slamming the shorter man back into the wall with a feral snarl. Maybe Dani [i]had[/i] been the original antagonist, but he didn't quite seem to have been expecting that reaction. He fell back, head hitting the brick, half crumpling. Charles pulled back, stepped away, barely breathing hard. Dani lay there, facing the wall, motionless. Charles flexed his hands. [i]This[/i] he was used to. [i]This[/i] he knew how to deal with. He pulled out the switchblade, flipping it open with a sneer. [B]"So freaks can't fight so well..."[/B] Dani didn't move. Charles swung the blade down, aiming for the back of Dani's ribs. - and [i]then[/i] Dani moved, sliding out of the way and back onto his feet faster than Charles could have guessed he was capable of moving, suddenly behind him and grabbing onto his wrist, bending his knife hand back. Charles twisted free, both combatants jumping away to circle, warily - like dancers, only without the friendly bits. It was oddly incongruous - the grey morning light wasn't what he was used to having fights in. [i]Nights[/i] were for fighting. Charles took a half-step forward; Dani took a half step back, fists raised. Charles chuckled. [B]"Or maybe you're trickier than I thought."[/B] [B]"Or maybe yer just an idiot. Ever think of that one?[/B]" Dani snapped back. Charles watched him, warily. his handprints [i]still[/i] decorated the other man's neck - apparently he'd burned him worse than he'd thought. [B]"Don't think that's it, freak..." [/B]This time, Dani moved first, driving his fist into Charles' mouth without a word or warning, backing back off to defend just as fast. Charles raised his fingers to his mouth - blood dripped from his teeth. [B]"Bad move."[/B] Dani sneered back at him, shaking his hand. [B] "What makes ya think that, ey?"[/B] Charles didn't answer, lunging to sink his teeth into Dani's arm, despite - or perhaps, because of - his blood...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]He woke up stiff and sore, back cramped and nose stuffy. Apparently it had drizzled overnight, and now the air felt muggy, humid. He sighed, standing and wincing when his shoulder cracked. Despite the stiff ache, he'd slept better last night than he had in a while, some strange emotional warmth relaxing him. No one had gone in during the night, at least not through this door. That was all he'd wanted to make sure of. He headed back towards his apartment, again, this time - maybe? - he'd make it. He stopped to grab a cup of black coffee at the mission, slurping down the strong liquid like it was pure water; waiting for the familiar buzz in the back of his skull. He'd had to find alternatives after...whatever it was that had happened that gave him the fire in his veins - cocaine and heroin didn't work anymore, and pot...he might as well be smokin' cigarettes for all the high it gave him. So caffeine was rapidly becoming the drug of choice. The scalding temperature didn't faze him in the least as he strode down the alley towards his door. He somehow got the sneaking suspicion that - given the last few days? - he wasn't going to get there yet again.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=only1specialed][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia] OH OH now that you mention it let it be charles. for some reason im just ichting to kinda go at it with charles....probably cause hes fire and im ice. How about we meet up at that university and thats when **** goes down hill.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Hey. I'm up to donating my hothead to the cause, but yeah, wait until Saturday for more Charles input. Right now, the only people I want touching him RP wise are Vicky ('cuz she knows whereabouts I'm going with him) and 'Zeke (because he's, like, technically sleeping on her steps. D: ). Other than that, Charles is more than willing to kill someone to get the mess out of his head. And he's more than willing to use someone else to do it, too. Not to mention it'd be 'hurting' two waters in one move.>:^D[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=Vicky][SIZE=1] Okay, so we launched some ideas around and Ozy gave a little speech, heh. [/SIZE][/QUOTE]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]They'd walked for hours, Beth and him had. It had been nice. His only encounters with women so far had been the kind you wouldn't talk about - or during. They'd talked of nothing - and everything at the same time. To reiterate, it had been nice. But now it was growing dark, and - well, memories. Memories he didn't want and that [i]freak[/i] had reawakened played through his mind. Unwelcome, and unwanted, and persistent. He said a brusque goodnight to Beth, walking her to her step before fleeing back into the night - where he stopped to stare at a streetlight, cursing in his mind. [B][i]What is this. What is this crap? She's some chick, that's all, you shouldn't be flipping like this. Shouldn't...[/i] [/B]His skin was crawling, like people were touching. He twitched, stomach clenching. [B][i]These feelin's ain't about her. They're because of him, aren't they?[/i] [/B] Probably. And probably deeper than that. Charles sighed, walking down the next alley, heading back towards his house. He hadn't got much sleep in jail; his eyelids felt heavy. He could barely keep them open. He passed the mouth of the last alley between him and his apartment - and someone lunged out of said alley, hands wrapping around his arm, slamming him face-first against the wall and pinning him there with a knee at the small of his back. [B] "...what is this?"[/B] There was a soft chuckle behind him. [B] "A business proposition."[/B] [B]"Doesn't look like much from my end."[/B] His skin twitched again; he felt feverish, something rare and alarming in the past...he didn't remember how long. Again, the chuckle. A hand frisked up his ribs - he stiffened, breath barely coming. [B]"D-don't touch me."[/B] His attempt at a snarl sounded more like a plea. [B]"Why? That make you remember things you don't want to remember?"[/B] The voice was smooth, cool as a cucumber. [B]"I need some help...and you....well...there are many things I can offer you."[/B] Charles gathered himself, preparing to lunge, to try and twist away - his assailant laughed again. [B]"No, nothing like that. I have some...people I need affected. And you are in a prime position to do it."[/B] The pressure on his back vanished. Charles pulled away, not stopping until he was out of grabbing range, the shaking fear he'd felt transforming into pure, offended rage. "What, you just [i]grab[/i] me, slam me into a wall, and then it's 'oh, hey, I gotta job for you'? I don't think so, you're lucky I don't put a knife in your -" [B] "I can make the memories go away."[/B] ... [B]"...what?"[/B] [B]"Not right away. I need proof of your obedience. And I need someone killed." "...oh. 's that all?"[/B] The man - Charles couldn't see his face - shook his head. [B]"No, but it's the beginning. You won't be the only one. And speaking on that...I believe I have an appointment with him. Think over my offer. I'll find you."[/B] And he was gone into the night. Charles stared after him - then turned on his heel, heading back to Beth's. His plans for the night had changed - sleeping on a doorstep suddenly seemed like a very good idea.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange][quote name='only1specialed][FONT=Impact][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4][FONT=Georgia]Make it so that she falls into my chest and i hold her that way its a for sure thing since the spikes come out of my chest and arms (so theres no escape know what i mean) god i feel so.....evil and dirty talking about killing off a character...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote] Awww, ikkle author...growing up and killing characters...you'll get used to it. The only thing you have to remember is if you [i]don't[/i] feel [i]some[/i] sort of feeling - relief or sadness or anything in between - over killing a character, that character shouldn't die, because if the writer feels nothing often the readers will feel nothing. Just...for future reference and whatnot. >>
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]I wanted a [B]Doodle Bear [/B]desperately. Remember those? The jeans-bears you'd draw on with these washable pens, and they'd wash clean? ... In theory. The marker always came off on my hands, and the bear kinda shrunk after repeated washings. >> But I loved it anyways. I still have him in a box somewhere....[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Hey, those are pretty spiffy! I like them. =D And I've changed my mind over which lyrics to use, but I have the perfect font, provided you don't mind me adding the word myself...Thanks![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. Ozymandius Jones

    Dbx Rpg

    [COLOR=DarkOrange]Hell, [b]JAG2006[/b] and welcome to the OB. Now, this may be the RP section, but we do have a few [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]rules[/url] we need you to look over. Your RP is lacking a few things: Namely, it has not gone through [B]signups[/B], it does not have a [B]rating[/B], and, most importantly, there is no [B]backstory[/B]. The best place to look is the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48]Adventure Inn. [/url]There are some examples of how an RP signup is supposed to be handled. Please read over the rules, investigate a little, and then you may recreate this thread in the proper place once you have fixed the issues. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, [B][COLOR=DarkSlateGrey]Blayze[/COLOR], [COLOR=DarkRed]Ezekiel[/COLOR][/B] or [B][COLOR=Teal]Sandy[/COLOR] [/B]for answers or explanations. Until then, [B]Thread Locked. [/B] Thank you, [b]OzymandiusJones[/b][/COLOR]
  23. [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Times New Roman][B]"I think you have a power, Charles, so I want to show you mine. It's why I was so keen to talk to you in the first place."[/B] [B][i]yeah, yeah so wha...holy...[/i] [/B]The discharge when she took the gloves off was enough to make his skin prickle; it was hard to keep the wonder off his face when her own electricity sent her hair everywhere. He hid it with a smirk. [B][i]...great...now she's going to want to know yours...[/i][/B] He cleared his throat. [B]"Yeah, sure, that's...cool, I guess. What is this, show and tell?" [i]hey, jerk, cool it, she's been nothing but nice[/i].[/B] He winced inside, maintaining the smirk - until she looked at him, expression unchanged. [B] "...that...I'm s-sorry."[/B] He had to force the word out. [B]"I'm not trying to be a jerk. It just comes naturally."[/B] He reached out and gently brushed his fingers across her arm; her skin was cool, almost cold to his touch, even though he was willing to bet she was a nice, healthy 98.6. She gasped, slightly, and he shivered, pulling his hand away long before it could burn. [B]"There's what I do...did you see the freak's neck?" [/B]He laughed, harshly, trying to shake the images back out of his head.[B] "I give a whole new meaning to the term hot blooded."[/B] He thought about leaving again, but turned back to face Beth instead. [B]"Can I see the paper again?"[/B] She passed it over. He took it gently, not holding it tight, not wanting to scourch the edges. He read slowly, mouthing each word. [B][i]"Many, of course, will not believe this. We invite you to witness evidence that the stars themselves have granted several chosen ones unlimited power! Come to the Harlem Academy to learn more about these secret, gifted humans! From burning objects to the touch, breathing deadly gases and enforces dark images into ones mind?"[/i][/B] He growled. [B]"Sounds crazy. Like some...game, some comic book. This is the real world, not freakin' X-men."[/B] [B]"Yeah...well...it looks pretty real from where I'm sitting..."[/B] Beth's quiet answer made him drop the paper back into her hand. He rose to his feet, sliding his hands into his jacket pocket. [B]"Feel like going for a walk?"[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Oh, hey, er...Beth?"[/B] [B][i]....did I just stammer?![/i] [/B]Charles cursed mentally. [B][i]sheer genius[/i].[/B] He tried to swipe the uncertainty off his face, speaking a bit rougher than he'd been planning. [B]"Why'd y'have to jump into the fight like that? You coulda gotten killed, with that freak doin' all sorts of freaky crap like he was..." [/B]He ran a hand through his hair - it was falling out of his spikes, messy and all over the place. [B][i]Not that you care, right? ....RIGHT?[/i] "I didn't need your help, I coulda got him if those cops hadn't shown up..."[/B] Beth just stared at him, blinking. His annoyance was slowly fading; it was both a welcome and alarming feeling. -- [COLOR=DarkOrange]ooc: Ahah, flustered punks amuse me so. He's so redundant and stuff.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]1. What do you [as a member] want to see most in a RP?[/B] Organization, and the stubbornness to keep it going, even if it means getting my screenname(s) and pestering the everliving daylights out of me. Plotline wise, originality. While I know nihil nova sub solis, old, well used and familiar things can be set in a new, exciting style. [B]2. What RP rating do you [as a member] usually play in?[/B] E, PG and M all have their own appeal, if an RP is good I'll join regardless of rating. Unless it's marked, like, "EXTREME S!" or something. [B]3. Does humorous fun outweigh killing and gore or vice-versa? [/B] Both have their places. Humor can be found in the strangest places in real life, and it helps to contrast the dark stuff going on in the RP. I am a fan of [i]well written[/i] violence, not so much of gore. It all depends on what mood I'm in...so...to condense: neither is better. [B]4. Do you post mainly for RP's whenever you enter the Boards?[/B] Pretty much, although I'm trying (read: [i]trying[/i]) to branch out.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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