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Everything posted by Ozymandius Jones
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Y HELO THAR. *cough* Excuse me, I just haven't been in here for...years, I guess now. And not asking for art. So...yeah, let's get down to business! I would like a banner exactly the size (or smaller but about those perportions) of my current banner, using [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/Copyofbilly2_gross.jpg]this picture[/url]. I would prefer the coloration to stay the same or thereabouts, maybe with a flame/fire theme going on. I would like the banner to have "Howling, crying, screaming at the moon." on it somewhere, but I don't want any words on the avatar, and my name is not to show up on these anywhere. That's about it, thanks in advance![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Charles sat on the bench; he'd moved it as far from the cell with the girl - Cathrine? - as he could; she made him jittery. He latched his fingers around the bars as Dani was let out, glaring steadily at the gothic man. Dani smirked at him - Charles returned the expresson with a feral grin. [B][i]You're gonna die, freak.[/i][/B] He allowed his smirk to grow at the thought, until another, almost frightening thought occured to him. ... [B][i]He can't hear me think, can he?[/i][/B] That was the one thing about the goth that set him on edge; back at the cafe, he'd shown Charles things Charles hadn't thought about in years - things, memories, acts that even [i]he[/i] was ashamed of, things even [i]he[/i] had tried to bury...he shoved the thought from his head, gloating at the fact that the burns from his hands were now visible. That Juliet woman had said something about extrodinary. Were the others here...were they [i]all[/i] freaks like Dani? Like him? He was willing to bet Beth was ordinary - or maybe extrordinary, but in different ways...and that kid Dani had targeted... The policeman came to his cell next, unlocking the door with an annoyed, hasseled, "I don't have time for this" expression. [B]"Alright, you punk, time to stop wasting tax payer's money." [/B]Charles bit back his obnoxious reply, merely nodding and stepping out. [B]"We don't want to see you in here again."[/B] Charles extended his hand, smiling in what he hoped looked like apology. The cop looked wary, but shook his hand, eyes widening when Charle's gripped his hand and let go. [B]"You won't, officer." [/B]He headed out the door, leaving the policeman frowning at his slightly-reddened hand. He paused at the outer office, peering out the door to make sure there were no signs of Dani, before he stepped fully out, heading for the bench across the street. He might as well wait for Beth...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Charles smirked softly to himself when the woman twisted Dani's arm. He'd retreated to his cot in sullen silence, swabbing blood and spit from his face with the rough wool blanket. His mind was a constant stream of curses, not all of them in english. It took him a few breaths to calm down and be able to think about something other than tearing the freak's head off. ... Ok, maybe a lot more than a few breaths. What he wouldn't give for his knife and ten minutes... ... No, bad. Bad train of thought. Charles leaned back against the wall, and contented himself with boring a hole in Dani with his eyes. A lot less likely to get in trouble that way...he found himself distracted every now and then by Beth in the cell across from them. She looked....in contrast with the men, she looked more scared than anything...huh.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][i]Man[/i] that guy was annoying. Was the tongue bit supposed to disgust him? He'd seen worse - [i]caused[/i] worse. It was just....[i]annoying.[/i] Charles growled at the taunting [B]"I'll eat you alive," [/B]muttering under his breath. [B] "Like to see y'try, freak." [/B]He was still half hunched over, Dani's...attack had left him sore in places he'd rather not think about. Screw keeping a clean record - the freak was gonna [i]pay[/i] for that one. He glowered at his cell mate; as far as he could tell the man's name was Brian - thus far he'd kept his distance. If he had to be in a cell, couldn't he have at least been in one with that Beth chick? The police men obviously had known [i]that[/i] would be a bad idea. But still...it was worth a [i]thought[/i]...he'd been hopeful at the beginning that this would be over relatively quick. Then came the blood-spitting - and Charles knew they wouldn't be getting out tonight. Yet another reason to despise that Dani guy. His head still pounded from both Dani's....whatever that had been, with the images and the darkness; compounded with the officers who'd slammed him into the wall - he'd been half-hoping for a bloody nose so he'd be able to at least hurt one of 'em, that had [i]hurt[/i] - and he had the beginning of a migrane. He'd collapsed on the bed once he'd been thrown in this cell - And then Eddie started shouting. [B][i]Shoot me now.[/i] [/B]Charles wasn't even sure if his mental voice was being sarcastic. He glared daggers at the ceiling, pondering biting his tongue just to see if he'd be able to spit the flame at Eddie...he quashed that as a bad idea rather quickly, although it was very hard to shove away the mental image of trying it with Dani. The door clanked open, admitting the officer and some chick. Charles ignored them. If she wanted to stare, sure, go ahead. He wasn't gonna give her the satisfaction of seeing how much it annoyed him that she was there and he was here. His head shot up, though, at the sudden tattoo of drumbeats on the bars. [B][i]Dani. It has to be that freak...[/i][/B] Yep. But the drummer was quickly distracted by the new kid who stepped in, looking somewhat lost and somewhat confused. Charles watched with suspicion as Dani talked to the kid - the kid looked somewhat uncomfortable. Charles couldn't quite say he blamed him. Dani had backed off by the time Charles growled. [B]"Don't say anythin' dumb to the kid, freak, you'll get us locked up longer."[/B] He watched Dani, hoping the constant 'freak' name would annoy him even a fraction as much as Dani was annoying him.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
Ozymandius Jones replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed][QUOTE=only1specialed][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][FONT=Georgia]hhmm some one is posting where they shouldnt...... [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Hmm? If you're referring to Starr, she's ok, Vic' told her to. She didn't want the AI thread active, and she needed someone to replace Kredion. =) I'll reply as soon as I'm home from work. =D Don't cause too much chaos without me. [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed][B][SIZE=1]ooc: rewinding a bit; Vic' wanted to be the person to post the arrests, so...yah.[/B] --- Charles still watched as the fight turned even uglier, boots and elbows and biting seemed to take over from the normal exchange of punches. He wandered closer, still fascinated - after a year out of the gang enviroment - with violence. He took a step too close, apparently. The combatants broke free from each other, going seperate directions for all of a second before the gothic one - [B][i]he reminds me of that freak Schwartzwald...[/i][/B] - spun on his heel and lunged for the other fighter. Apparently the blow to the head had messed up his balance, or his eyesight, or both, for instead of the other guy he tackled Charles, slamming him back into the wall. His fascination wasn't the only thing still kicking. He twisted free, cursing, but not wasting time trying to talk. He just backed off, jumped away a relatively safe distance, and raised his fists, sliding into a familair, ready crouch. The Goth's eyes were dazed, but something seemed to lurk in their depth, something...almost malevolent. He raised a hand, beckoning - and Charles lunged, hands outstretched for his opponant's throat. -- [I]OOC: Schwartzwald was a drug dealer Charles used to run with, until he turned tail duringthe gang wars. He's dead now; rumor has it he overdosed on his own stuff. Rumor is rarely right.[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
Ozymandius Jones replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[quote name='Vicky][SIZE=1]I gots the entire day off school because I was 'ill', so that means postage for me today. But I'll wait for awhile until night time. Just to clear up something else that could be confusing, the fight's [B]outside[/B'] (haha, sorry Ozeh =p). [/SIZE][/quote] I am master of the patchjob edits, my dear. Done, done and more done. =D -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][B][i]She's trusting, alright,[/i][/B] Charles watched the girl head up the alley, turning her back on him.[B] [i]Wouldn't last two hours on the street.[/i] [/B]He watched the redhead as he followed, taking a mental step back and...'analyzing,' so to speak. [B][i]Or maybe she would...she's got the right look...[/i] [/B]And the hair was distracting. Curiousity had got the better of him - what was a 'nice' bar like? And so he followed, staying far enough back to quash the urges some twenty-years had told him were the Way Things Were. He didn't want trouble in a new town - knives and petty theft wouldn't help him. She finally stopped at the mouth of the alley, frowning slightly. [B][i]Maybe she's finally wising up to the fact that she shouldn't've turned her back on me...[/i][/B] He reached the end of the alley himself, and realized why she'd stopped. [B]"Ohhh...thought you said this was a nice place, lady. Looks like the type'a place I'd hang out, if that-" [/B]He jerked a thumb at the small-scale brawl - war - fight, whatever going on. "[B]-is typical, so I'm gonna assume it's not." [/B]He leaned back against the wall, laughing.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed] [B]"Are you running from someone? Look, I'm sorry, I feel bad. Do you need any help at all?"[/b] Charles looked down at the redhead clinging to his shirt with a mixture of admiration and pure annoyance. She hadn't run away yet, that was always promising. The street-wise punk side of him was yelling for him to just snap her wrist and run. He wrestled that urge into submission with a small shudder, visible and somewhat alarming...but she still clung. He snarled rudely, shifting his cigarette in his teeth and letting the end flare. [B]"I ain't runnin' from anythin' but some moron who don't know how to drive." [/B]He grabbed her fingers, trying to work her grip open enough to pull his shirt free. the teeny, tiny voices that he tried to keep drugged into submission - those rare times that they could be heard over the punk side - were telling him this was no way to talk to a lady; he tried to shove them back into the mental closet, tugging at his shirt. [B]"And I don't need your help, 'less y'know where I can find the closest bar, lady. " [/B]He was rather proud that he'd control his urge to break her wrist. [B][i]No use starting big...[/i] [/B]"Now let go."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
Ozymandius Jones replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOrange][quote name='only1specialed][COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact]I love how my part of the story went from happening really early in the moring to sometime later in the morning. dang charles just wanna run away.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Hey, I replied like it was early in the morning. :P And of course he does. That's how guys like him deal with things: they run away or they kill it. He's taking the better of the two paths at the moment. :3[/COLOR] -
[SIZE=1]"[COLOR=DarkRed][B]Just whom do you think you are running off like that when you nearly caused a car crash?"[/B] The voice came from further down the alley. Charles spun, fists raised. Old habits died hard - he even though about going for the knife in his boot. The person who spoke, however, seemed harmless enough. He relaxed - but only slightly. "[B]First o'all, it's who. [i]Who[/i] do you think you are. I think I'm Charles."[/B] He didn't move his eyes from the stranger's, patting down his jacket first, his pants next. [B]"Yeah, still Charles. And what I do ain't really a concern of yours."[/B] He leaned back on the wall, raising an eyebrow. [B]"No one got hurt. I'm ok, he's ok, so there ain't no problem with me leaving." [/B]He pushed off from the wall. [B]"Which I will now do again. Bye." [/B]He turned and continued down the alley.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]He'd woke up with the bed on fire, again, the blankets charred and smoking. Fortunatly the fire hadn't spread to the floor. Charles de Fontaine sighed, sat up, and began searching for the cut he knew must be present. It was. A small, thin scrape, about the size of a papercut, on his finger... [B]"Genius." [/B]He staggered out of the smoldering remainds of his bed, and to his dingy bathroom. He didn't bother to wash the cut - that would just send a cloud of blood-reeking steam into the air. Instead, he pulled a strange bandage out of the medicine cabinet that half-hung off the wall, fastening the asbestos lined cotton around the injury. He'd learned pretty quickly that normal bandaids just didn't cut it. When he returned from the bathroom, his bed seemed to have gone out. He grunted and pulled on his jacket, vanishing out the door to take a quick walk while he waited for the smoke to clear. The neighborhood was an unfamiliar one. He'd just moved there a week, maybe two, ago, after burning down his last apartment. No one had been seriously injured, but he - the one with the tattoos and the prepetually smoking cigarettes and the bad attitude - had been persona-non-grata. He'd left before they'd discovered the source of the blaze. He played with his bandaid as he walked down the alley, finally giving in to the urge to unwrap it and trail his hand across the poster laden walls. A trail of black ash followed his touch. He grinned, lighting a fresh cigarette off of his fingertip before he rebandaged it. He didn't pay much attention to where he wandered. The rain was lifting in clouds of steam off of him, fogging his vision. He only realized he was in a street when tires screeched and the car he'd drifted in front of screamed to a stop. He watched as the driver stepped out, looking shaken and irate... Charles just grinned demonically, gave a little wave, spun, and disappeared back up the alley. He didn't feel like talking. Besides. The driver could have probably used a little excitement in his life. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
Discuss Gifts and Curses: The Underground [M-LVS]
Ozymandius Jones replied to Vicky's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOrange][QUOTE=only1specialed][COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Impact] We can probably make one of the main characters go on the dark side for a bit until he gets beaten. The only question would be who would play the villain. :animesigh [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] :demon: I whole-heartedly support this idea. Furthermore, I volunteer Charles. >=D[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkOrange]The kickoff of NaNoWriMo is a mere 4 days away! For those of you who don't know, [url=http://www.nanowrimo.org]NaNoWriMo[/url] is National Novel Writing Month, where crazy people (such as myself) attempt to write a 50,000 word novel in the space of a month. (Namely, November.) This will be my first year trying this, so I'm excited. Is anyone else attempting this this year?[/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Charles de Fontaine [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Star Sign:[/B] Leo - Fire [B]Powers:/Night:[/B] The Night of Charles' powers was a bad one for him, and for London in general. He was part of a gang muscling in on another gang's territory, and it looked like they were winning - until he and three others were grabbed by the rival gang, beaten andabused in other ways, tossed in a dumpster and set alight. The next morning, he woke up covered in cuts, bruises and ashes, but no burns...he wrote the whole incident off as him being stoned and hallucinating, until he wound up - in rapid succession - melting a tattoo artist's pen, his switchblade, and a heroin needle. Charles' blood is now liquid fire. He's not sure how something like that is even possible, but it seems to be the case. He can heat things with his touch, and his blood can set things on fire. As a result, he doesn't touch people often, and takes [I]massive[/I] precautions to not get cut. [B]Appearance:[/B] [img]http://xs108.xs.to/xs108/06434/charles.jpg[/img] [B]Personality:[/B] Hot tempered and passionate, with a short fuse - basically the psychological version of his power. He believes in live fast, die young, that justice - if it even exists - must be something brought about by the people wronged, even if it means taking 'justice' into his own hands. He's fiercely loyal, provided there's something in it for him - it is hard to gain that loyalty, though, as he's paranoid and suspicious. [B]Biography/Sample:[/B] Charles never knew his parents. He only remembers the gang. He was raised by a street punk named Carlos, initiated into his gang at a very young age. All he's ever really known is the streets, fighting, stealing and roughing people up. He's held jobs, on and off, never steady and he always got fired for his drawers coming up short. He gave up on legitamate jobs before he turned 18, turning, instead, to the more lucrative drugs and other illegal business. He failed as a dealer, though, when he disobeyed the one main rule: Never get hooked on the stuff you're selling. Cocaine became his drug-of-choice, the money he made from selling going directly back into buying. He was a mid-rank in the gang when he and several others decided to discourage some interlopers - the discouraging backfired miserably when they ran into a group of about twenty from the other side. He doesn't remember much about that night, at all. Just a lot of pain, and a lot of fire. It ended with the others dead, and he was left alive but ostracized for surviving something like that. Since that night, he's left London, heading for...anywhere, really.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Dear [b]Madwitch05[/b] Sandy already spoke to you about this, and locked the thread that was identical to this. Please listen to his advice and improve the quality of this post, or we shall continue to lock your posts. [B]-Ozymandius[/B][/COLOR]
RPG The search for Rakuen (based off Wolf's Rain)
Ozymandius Jones replied to Ginkaze's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Helo, [b]Ginkaze[/b] and welcome to the Arena. Allow me to steer you towards the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44317]Sticky[/url]. The sticky contains all of the information vital to creating an Otakuboards Roleplay. Please read them, and abide by them. For example: all RPs must recruit in the Inn, and have decent posting quality as far as spelling and grammar are concerned. In addition, double posting is not allowed. Feel free to PM me or any of the other mods with any questions you may have. Thank you. -Ozymandius[/COLOR] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]He ignored the greeting, if it could even be called that, brushing past his cousin. "They didn't let me help." Miasnik was in a fine pout. He'd taken over Frauka's bed, kicking off a suitcase in the process. The glare he'd recieved in return would have froze most men's blood - 36 years had made him immune to it. "Vork for 'em all my life and vhat do I get? Left behind at some cheap hotel!" "There's a reason for that, you fool. They [i]wanted[/i] people left [i]alive[/i]. You just don't get tactics..." "Tactics are for the veak." "Whatever." Apparently, Frauka didn't feel like arguing. Miasnik glared at her. "'Vhatever? Is that all you have to say? 'Vhatever'? I've heard better retorts from children!" Frauka didn't raise to the bait. Miasnik crossed his arms. "They vant us to go get the evidence. Ve are to take that...Saruna child vith us, provided they've found their vay here..." He wasnt too sure on that point. Bard wasn't known for his timely boat trips. He waited for his cousin's reaction to that.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello, [B]InuYasha Fandom[/B]. Allow me to steer you towards the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]Sticky[/URL]. The [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]Sticky[/URL] contains all the information you need to start an RP here at OB, and all the information you need to avoid it getting locked like this one. Read the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]Sticky[/URL], know the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]Sticky[/URL], the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]Sticky[/URL] is your friend. Pay careful attention to the rules regarding post quality and grammar, and the section regarding what, exactly is needed in the signup. You've been a member long enough to know these rules, please abide by them. Feel free to re-create this thread when it meets the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]Sticky's[/URL] requirements. Until then, [b]Thread Locked[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrange]Hello, [B]Anime Dreamer00[/B]. Allow me to steer you towards the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]Sticky[/URL]. The [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]Sticky[/URL] contains all the information you need to start an RP here at OB, and all the information you need to avoid it getting locked like this one. Read the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]Sticky[/URL], know the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]Sticky[/URL], the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]Sticky[/URL] is your friend. Pay careful attention to the rules regarding post quality and grammar, and the section regarding what, exactly is needed in the signup. Feel free to re-create this thread when it meets the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]Sticky's[/URL] requirements. Also, do not double post. That's against the rules. Until then, [b]Thread Locked[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]I would love to have an RP based on WoW. My main is on a PVP server, a fact that I regret somewhat. But an RP based on the lore would be really neat. Were you thinking of doing something in the past - like with Illidan or the Burning Legion's attacks - or something more 'modern Azeroth'?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Is the next spot claimed? If not...*tacks up a little claimed sign and gets to work*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Ooookay, I am stepping into this before it becomes a flamewar, an arguement, or even just a heated discussion of RP styles. [b]Acheron[/b], RP threads in the Inn are not to be used for conversation or debate; that is for the Underground (if the RP has one) or to be left for private messages. Part a1 was also somewhat rude. OB roleplayers specialize in a style of RP called collective storytelling - our new friend specializes in spars. Just because you see a signup of one style doesn't mean that the signee is incapable of the other. [B] HyperZeroX[/B], welcome to Otakuboards. This signup is a large improvement over the last one, thank you for reading the rules and being so fast to comply. You seem to have picked up on the most important parts of OB RPG/SPARS, but you missed one thing: unless you plan on having a team / many v. one spar, it's usally customary to put who you're having the spar with, as it closes that spar to you and the opposing player. Once the spar is closed to the two of you, you can invite more players, but they don't post in your signup threads unless you ask them to. That being said, [quote=HyperZeroX] And as for people here OWNing me..thats a joke. I read a spar here yesterday, and never in my life, have I seen so much godmodding, autohitting, and speedhacking, in one thread. Hell, you don't even have militaries here. As for my sword, this character, Hyper, also known as the Ninteenth Angel, Abbadon, was designed, on a different site, to be used in militaries.[/quote] There is no need to be insulting or condescending just because the regulars here have different specialties when it comes to RPs. The spars you see are usually between players who are used to collective storytelling (as I told Archeron) and used to being permitted to use the other player's character for short periods of time. On straight-up RP sites, however, yes, controlling a character for even the merest millisecond is considered godmodding, especially during a spar. But there is no need to condescend just because we're a different style than you are used to. Now. This thread is remaining open, but only for Doublehex and other players posting [b]with signups[/b]. Any further discussion between you two can be taken to [b]PM[/b]. Any further argument in this thread, and it will be [b]closed[/b]. Thank you, have a nice day.[/COLOR]
The Harem of Celebrity Lust [image heavy]
Ozymandius Jones replied to Sara's topic in General Discussion
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkOrange][B]Richard Dean Anderson[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/ob/RichardDeanAnderson.jpg[/IMG] Yeah, so what if he's in his fifties? He's part boy scout, part military hero, part high-tech handyman and 110% attractive. I...mayormaynot have a weakness for long legs and strong hands. (*cough*) And Rick has both. Add in the fact that he can practically talk with his eyes, and...well...you have an Oz for life if you can do that. [B]Paul Bettany[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/ob/paulbettany.jpg[/IMG] What was my weakness again? Hands, legs and eyes? Once again, they show up here. Add in the fact that Paul has the loveliest, most sardonic voice I have ever heard, and we have another I must fangirl over. He's also been signed (supposedly) to be in the upcoming film version of [u]Inkheart[/u], which makes me giddy with joy. [B]Adrien Brody[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/ob/AdrienBrody.jpg[/IMG] He's tall, he's skinny, gawky and has that lovely voice (again). And he has the eyes (again). Detecting a pattern yet? Good. I love Adrien. His performances in [i]The Pianist[/i] and [i]The Jacket[/i] almost made me cry ([i]The Pianist[/i] did make me cry), and he's the perfect hero in [i]King Kong[/i]. Plus he looks good in leather. [B]John Entwistle[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/ob/JohnEntwistle.jpg[/IMG] John was a musical genius, had a beautiful bass voice, and his hair was quite possibly one of the priettiest things to come out of the seventies. The Ox just carried himself with a quiet dignity that made him stand out more than people begging for attention. Plus he had aquamarine eyes. Yow. [B]Paul Newman[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/ob/PaulNewman.jpg[/IMG] Paul Newman is beautiful. That's really all that needs said. [B]Leonard Nimoy[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/ob/LeonardNimoy.jpg[/IMG] Yes, I am displaying fangirlisms never displayed before. I may be betraying my geek status forever with admitting this, but Spock? Is one of the only reasons I enjoy the original Star Trek series. Sure, the special effects were ground breaking for their time (and fun to laugh at now). Sure it had some fairly deep plotlines dealing with diversity and whatnot. but when it all comes down to it? Sarcastic, lanky, dark-haired aliens? Win the day. [B]Joaquin Phoenix[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/ob/joaquinphoenix.jpg[/IMG] ...this is a purely physical attraction and as such needs no explanation. Nextplz! [B]James Stewart[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/ob/JimmyStewart.jpg[/IMG] Jimmy = better than everyone. He has it all. Tall, lanky, dark haired, strong hands with a cute voice, a good actor and a very nice man in real life too. He's the only actor I would suffer through a whole western to see. Sure, he may have done mostly feel-good movies for a while, but they're pretty darn [i]funny[/i] feel good movies. And when he broke out of that mold...well...his insane people are pretty scary. [B] Matt Thiesson[/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/OzymandiusJones/ob/MattThiessen.jpg[/IMG] Matt Thiesson is pretty adorable. But, again, I have no way to explain [i]why[/i] I find his thus. So...yeah. [quote name='Papa Smurf']Cary Grant is probably the sexiest actor to have ever been.[/quote] Agreed. [I]Arsenic and Old Lace[/I] = pure genius. Same with[I] Bringing Up Baby[/I]. Plus he looks [i]equally[/i] good in a [url=http://www.carygrant.net/fotogallery/portraits6/8-p6.jpg]suit[/url] and being [url=http://www.poster.net/grant-cary/grant-cary-photo-cary-grant-6202148.jpg]pursued by an airplane.[/url] How many actors do you know who can pull that off? [quote name='Boo][SIZE=1']Edit2: Women, post Ewan McGregor and Robbie Williams. >:O[/SIZE][/quote] I would post Robbie, but he scares me even at the same time I find him attractive. :([/COLOR][/CENTER] -
[SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Arnie Bender [B]Gender:[/B] Male. [B]Age: [/B]20. [B]Appearance: [/B]Typical geek, tall and skinny with a large nose in a long face. He has scraggly reddish brown hair, and grey-green eyes hidden behind thin-lensed glasses. He has the first (somewhat pitiful) attempts at a goatee going on, but it only serves to make him look more grungy. He wears plaid shirts and blue jeans, mostly, not very creative in dressing. His build is tall and lanky, clumsy, with large hands and feet. [B]Story-Snippet:[/B] [INDENT][I]Shift clink. Clank shift whirr. Whirr...[b]whirrrrrrrr[/b]...[/I]metal grinding on metal grinding on bone grinding on plastic. Creaks and clanks and clunks, and an occasional jangle. The sounds filled the air, overwhelmingly loud...even before Grimegear stepped - clanked-plodded-screeched - into view. The Watcher gasped at the sight. "....what...is it?" Even its creator had to shrug a bony shoulder. "Grimegear." As if that explained anything. Towering, four times as high as the petite creature who had created it, Grimegear was a mechanical deity of gold and bronze and ebony - or would have been. Something...something had gone wrong, interior wires and framework visible, pseudo-flesh of silver bent, twisted and ripped to spine and spike out in blades. A mechanical whirr, and it turned a sharp, featureless face towards the Watcher - and white-blue eyes blazed, a grin of light appearing to split the smooth silver even as the silver tarnished before his eyes. "Creator...[i]what is it[/i]?!" "I already told you." Light-grin spread wider, flashing and reflecting off of its own surfaces.[I] Shift-whirrr-clank-hiss...[/I]It had jaws now, wider than jaws should ever be, still toothed with blazing-pure light... "It's Grimegear." [B][i]Snap.[/i][/B] [I]No jaws should ever be that strong...[/I][/INDENT][/SIZE]