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Everything posted by Minako

  1. I mean, yeah, i have my issues with my roommate, but I wouldn't kill her over toilet paper. Jeez. I think that he was just about to smack him (I mean, yeah, who wouldn't want to smack somebody from time to time?), and he just snapped and couldn't stop. Sometimes the world scares me.
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Well, there are a few places I'd rather be than here. Right now, i'm a freshman in college, and I love it here, but lately, I've been getting homesick, so I want to go home. (I'm going home this weekend, heh) Another place, which will sound kinda mushy, so shield your eyes if you don't want to hear it, but I'd rather be in the arms of my best friend (a guy, and yes, my ex-boyfriend). He was visiting me this past weekend, and it was just wonderful! *sigh* And the last place I'd rather be is in Finland, my home country. I moved to the States when I was really small, but lately, i've been missing all of my friends and family back in good ol' Suomi. (And Sandy too! :D ) Good thread, Heero.[/COLOR]
  3. Hmm...roommates you say? Well, I'm living with my first roommate, and we get along just fine, except that she's kind of "high maintenance" and I'm the 5-minute prep time, jeans-and-a-t shirt kind of a gal. She's hardly ever here, which is nice for me, because i'm an only child, and I'm used to the solitude (I like it). But the thing that bugs me, is that when she leaves, often times [B]she'll leave the light on[/B]. I know, it sounds weird, but I come from the family that's all about the energy saving. And it's not just because she leaves the light on, I tend to look at the lights through eye-hole in our door, to see if she's home (if she is, she usually keeps the door un-locked). If they're on, I might not have to un-lock it, but when I try to open the door, it's locked. T_T; I know, it's just a pet peeve, but it's not that bad. At least we get along, right?
  4. I didn't read through all [b]6[/b] pages of this thread, but i read the first few replies. As for me, (like many others here) I'll be waiting until i'm married to have sex. As a christian, it's a sacred thing, that should be saved until marriage. And talk about the ultimate wedding gift! I first heard about sex in Jean M. Auel's [I]Earth's Children[/I] series of books. It was called "pleasures" and i was only 12 at the time. I then accidentally came across porn on the internet (which happens to almost everyone) and i was like, "What goes Where??" But I just kind of accepted it. Though throughout my Lutheran schooling, they kept saying, "Abstinence is the Only way!" And I plan on doing that...which may be difficult considering i go to the #4 party college in the country (was #1 for many many years) >.
  5. Well, being a chrisitian, i've heard from my pastors that it's not a good idea. They say it could lead *cue scary deep voice* [I]the temptation for premarital seeeex!![/I] *end scary voice* But luckily, i have my own opinions. I, personally, am going to wait until i'm married (if you catch my drift) but it have no problem with other people doing it. Now, to get back on track, I would most definately move in with my boyfriend if I was planning on marrying him. I would want to see if he has any annoying habits that I couldn't deal with. heh heh. But being the no-sex-before-marriage kind of person, this can cause a problem. However, if my boyfriend really loved me, he'd be willing to wait too. In fact, one of my dearest friends lived with her boyfriend for a year or two before he finally proposed (it had to deal with common law marriage, kind of complicated). They had no problem with the whole sex issue. So, in a nutshell, I say yes to moving in together if you plan on getting married.
  6. (OOC: I hope you don't mind that there are 2 teachers!!) [B]Name:[/B] Melanie Wood (Ms or Miss Wood) [B]Age:[/B] 28 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] (see attachments) That is what she looks like, but without the headband and with glasses in a shnazzy, [COLOR=DarkRed]dark red[/COLOR] skirt suit. (there was another character i was going to use as the appearance from another manga, but i couldn't find her picture) Personality: A very kind person, willing to help others, thought strict at times. However, when there's a threat to her life, as well as the lives of the students, she will rise to the occasion and do whatever she can to protect them. [B]Birthday:[/B] April 24 1993 [B]Abilities:[/B] Ms. Wood is a psychic. She can see in to the near future (no more than a few weeks ahead) and most often her visions are of bad things. That's not to say she doesn't have visions of good things, of course not, it's just that she sees bad things more. She can also sense things of the supernatural, such as magic, other psychics, and strong spirits.
  7. I'm glad to see how many Disney lovers there are!! I must add [B]High School Musical[/B] to my list of favorites, I think. The songs are so catchy and nice. And, [B][COLOR=DarkRed]LadyKnight[/COLOR][/B], Anastacia is [I]not[/I] a Disney movie, that one's made by someone else. (It's one of my all time favorite animated movies that's not by Disney) It's a common misconception, no worries :D
  8. Well, looking back, I first posted this thread two years ago last January, so I thought, that there must be a new group of new people that didn't see this thread way back then, so I thought I'd resurrect it. So, to make this thread interesting, what's your favorite Disney movie (animated or live-action), and why is it your favorite? I have several favorites: [COLOR=Indigo][B]Lion King[/B][/COLOR] - It has WONDERFUL art as well as it makes me cry every time, heh heh. [COLOR=Indigo][B]Finding Nemo [/B][/COLOR] - also has wonderful graphics, and I just love the bright colors [COLOR=Indigo][B]The Incredibles[/B][/COLOR] - I love the whole super hero thing. Hopefully it will give the people of today a reminder that there ARE heroes (well..not super heroes) but you know what I mean.
  9. I think Midsummer Night's Dream would be the most fun one to do here on OB. The hilarity of it all is..well..hilarious. My school performed it last fall, and I was Peaseblossom, a fairy (with, what, 5 lines?). It was so much fun to put on, and it'd be even more interesting to see the OB twist on it. :D
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Wow, i've never had any of my threads have so many posts in it! Thanks so much for the responses, guys. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who thinks that they kill threads! :D Just watch, with this post, I've just killed my own thread :rolleyes: [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Trebuchet MS]You may be wondering why I picked such an interesting subject line. Well, you see, I must be a convicted thread killer. It seems like whenever I post in a thread that I think is interesting, it dies after I do so. Very rarely does it happen that it moves on after me, but I must be a bad omen or something on OB! :animedepr The same applies to threads started by me, thus, I'm hoping that I'm not the only one who feels like they kill threads. So, to make this more discussion-worthy, be sure to [B]tell us the last time you "killed a thread" and why you think it happened.[/B] The last time I killed a thread, was in the Legionnaires thread. I promised to switch with someone (they were on a trip) in the posting order. So, I posted an addition to the story....and it died. The next person never showed up, so the ever-so-lovely Ozymandius Jones posted in it one last time and ended the story (it was pretty much over anyway). My reasoning for this happening in this case is 1.) the other person never bothered to show up (we killed him off in the Body Bags, heh heh) and 2.) my posts are just that bad! *sarcasm*[/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=Navy]Hello! My guy friend (NOT my boyfriend) inspired me to write this about him. He's seen it and he likes it, but I want all of you lovely OBers to tell me what you think. Constructive criticism is much appreciated, but please be kind, this is my first poem... "Lies" [I] I close my eyes, and I see your face. I could drown in your eyes, your smile? Your embrace is like a drug, I?m addicted, and I can?t get enough. It?s the one place where I feel like belong, With you. I can?t stop thinking about you I can?t wait to talk to you, see you, again. As our time eventually ends, So must some good things? I?m so afraid. I don?t want to ever let go of this! You are my sole life-line, Preventing me from plunging into the deep, Dark places of my heart. I?ll never let go, As I promised you. And as you promised, Don?t ever let me go, ever! Just hold me, and tell me everything is alright Tell me that there aren?t any bad things, No monsters hiding in my closet, Waiting to pounce on me. Tell me that there still is beauty in the world, Tell me that there isn?t any fear, pain, or sadness. Fill my head with lies, And as you do, I will smile and love you so, As I cry. [/I][/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed]My weirdest dream? Well, it would have to be when I was 5 or 6 years old, and it was around my birthday (which is around Easter) and I was dreaming that I was running down the street in front of my house. Running in front of me was the Easter bunny, of all things, and behind me was running a hunter who was shooting over my shoulders at the Easter Bunny! I kept running to catch up to the Easter Bunny, all the while looking back and yelling at the hunter, "NO! DON'T SHOOT!!" I've also had a dream where Brendan Fraser was my evil twin (long story). Now my friends call me Brendan *laugh*[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [COLOR=DarkRed]Red[/COLOR] by far is my favorite color (especially a darker red, but bright red is equally loved :) ). I went through three stages of favorite colors, when i was but an itty bitty girl, i LOVED pink! (now i can only stand it in moderation XP ) THEN i loved blue (I still like it, but not as obsessively as before), but now i'm in a red fase. Red is just appealing to the eye and shows energy, passion, [I]love[/I] even. I always have my red bracelet on, no matter what i'm wearing X3
  15. I added myself a while ago, but never bothered replying to this thread, but i will now. *smirk* I'm really surprised at how many people live in south/southeastern Wisconsin! I knew that Lore/Sara lived there (we went to the same high school..well...i'm still there, but she graduated)! Go WISCONSIN!! Now all we have to do is break-out the Cheese heads and partay! (I think only Wisconsinites will know what a Cheese head is)
  16. I thought that [B]Secret Window[/B] was the worst. Yes, I like Johnny Depp (he's one hot tamale) but the ending was kind of disappointing. How [SPOILER] it turned out that it was Johnny's character himself killing all those people, and that hat was just stupid![/SPOILER] I liked the movie over all, but the ending was what killed it for me.
  17. [B]This is a long story, and I'll give cookies to anyone who's patient enough to read it all! Sorry for it being so long...[/B] Well, I'm a pretty screwed up person when it comes to my social life. Let's start at the beginning. I met this guy, let's call him Joe. You see, Joe is my best friend's ex-boyfriend (they're still friends) and we went to see a play with a bunch of our friends (we have the same friends). Me and joe got to talking and we enjoyed eachother's company. The next day we talked for 4 hours online, and we talked everyday after that for the next 2 weeks and we became really good friends. Things were going really well, and we'd hang out whenever we could. Eventually (it was a thursday) he told me that he was falling in love with me. I thought it was great! I'd never had a boyfriend before, and this is getting really close! then I brought up the subject of whether or not we were actually dating (bf/gf). He then said he was on the fence on whether or not he wanted a relationship. I said I'd wait as long as he needed.... I didn't. After a long month of waiting, I got impatient and I pushed him too hard and he decided that he didn't want a relationship now. it broke my heart, but it was my fault that I pushed him. We're still friends, and whenever we bring up that conversation, it's really ugly. Either one or both of us ends up feeling bad, and to make matters worse, whenever I hang out with him, my heart breaks even more because I still love him. I know I shouldn't, but it didn't help matters when he said that he still has feelings for me, but he doesn't want a relationship. *sigh* I'm just a hopeless romantic.
  18. I am 17, and am turning 18 in April. I joined maybe...2 years ago? almost 3. I never really posted a lot until maybe a few months ago where i'd hang out around the Otaku Lounge. I recently stopped because i didn't see any cool threads, but I'm slowly trickling back into the habit thanks to my dear friend, [B]The Legionnaires.[/B] Shy, that was pure genious to come up with it! *bows* I'm not on any team right now in the Legionnaires, and it's ok, I'm going to be pretty busy soon anyway. Yeah, I'm 17.
  19. [QUOTE]Originally posted by [B]ChibiHorsewoman[/B] [I]I now want to meet Minako becasue she called me one of the 'big names' I don't know why she said that though. But hey, why not?[/I] [/QUOTE] I said that because you're really prominent on OB, coming up with awesome threads and meaningful posts! *hugs* I hope we can meet My list hasn't really changed much. I've met [B]Sage[/B] and I've known [B]Lore[/B] for ages.
  20. I see that Pandora is on a break, which is good for me right now, because I've become really busy! (Not that I wouldn't have time to post once a week) And I'll be looking forward to the next mission! A question (I may have missed the answer), why is the Gold Team member list empty?? ~Minako/Pandora
  21. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Pandora was absolutely astonished when she saw her doppelganger. It had long, blood-colored straight hair, cut in a straight line, and it flowed as if it were immersed in water. Its arms were unusually long, compared to a human?s. Its hands (or what resembled hands) had long blood-red claws, which contrasted well with its black skin. It had an eye in the middle of its chest, similar to the ones on the walls of the temple. At its waist, there was a shining jewel and from it came a long blood red skirt-like garment. It seemed to float in the air, its feet never touching the ground. As soon as Pandora?s green eyes met with her doppelganger?s bright red ones, she knew exactly what it was. This was the embodiment of her dark side, the side that takes over when she loses control. [I]Maybe I?ll be able to defeat her, and be able go gain complete control of my powers![/I] Pandora thought. [B]They say that absolute power corrupts absolutely. If you had complete control of your power, you wouldn?t be able to deal with it even then, foolish mortal! Don?t think you can get away from THAT easily [/B] the humanoid doppelganger said as she charged Pandora. They faced a duel of psychic energies. The doppelganger was surrounded by Pandora?s green glow, and Pandora was surrounded by the doppelganger?s red power. Pandora was already weak, and struggled to stay on her feet, but she knew what she had to do. She focused all of her energy, even the energy to keep her own heart beating and focused it all on her doppelganger. Pandora?s eyes glowed even brighter than ever as her feet began to leave the floor. Pandora?s voice boomed at her doppelganger, ?How dare you challenge ME, your creator! You foolish figment of my mind! You will never have control of me again; I will make sure of it!? Pandora brought her two fists out in front of her, both of which were glowing bright green; this made the glow around the doppelganger glow brighter. The doppelganger?s eyes grew wide, because it knew what would happen. Pandora then whipped her hands to the side, ripping the doppelganger in two, straight down the middle. Everyone in the chamber seemed to have stopped battling for a moment as the doppelganger was destroyed. Pandora lightly landed on her feet. She had finally gained control of her power, thus being stronger than ever. She calmly walked over to Kaida to help her fight her doppelganger.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. Hagar is no one's doppelganger. And I'm sorry for being stupid and behind. I just created Hagar for the sake of having another monster to fight! I also apologize because I don't read this underground thread often (there are so many pages! :animestun ), so the whole doppelganger thing is new. I like the idea, and I like what you did with mine, Takuya! AND I didn't realize that there was a set date where we're all supposed to die...speaking of which... Before the Body Bags ends, do we all die? or do some of us survive? (stupid question...) ~Minako
  23. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Pandora was still feeling a little dizzy from her little outburst when they saw a hand reach up out of the water and grab the edge of the well. She all of a sudden felt a great wave of energy eminate from this being. Whatever it was, it wasn't a good thing, she knew that for sure. Finally [I]she[/I] emerged from the well. Out came a beautiful woman, dressed in a lovely white gown, with long white hair, going well past her back, almost to the dank and dirty floor. Her skin was very pale, almost as white as her hair, and her eyes were large and a beautiful shade of green. The woman said, [B]Welcome Legionnaires. We've been expecting you.[/B] Pandora walked up next to Kaida and whispered, "Don't trust her. I just got a REALLY bad feeling about her." Kaida gave such a slight nod that it was hardly distinguishable, but it was clear that all the Legionnaires had the same thought about this misterious woman. [B]There is no need to be wary of me and my intentions. Master only wishes to have a word with you, considering what you did to my dear little sister, Sheba.[/B] the woman said, calmly. "That [I]thing[/I] was your LITTLE SISTER?" Arachnid said suddenly, "so if she's your sister, than you must be..." [B]Yes, I AM a demoness--of a sort. I was created by my Master to protect this temple, and that's exactly what I plan to do[/B] the woman said, [B]You will soon learn to fear the name of me, Hagar![/B] As soon as Hagar said this, she the bottom half of her dress, where her legs should be, turned into a snake's tail. Her tail was so long that it had to have been at least twenty to thirty feet long. Her tail was the same shade of green as her eyes. The top half of her body, stayed humanoid, as her sister was, with her fangs growing to almost 6 inches long. She reared up onto her long tail and tried to strike Kaida, but Arachnid shot his web at their leader and pulled her to safety. "Thanks Arachnid, I owe you one if we get out of here alive," Kaida said. Arachnid only nodded as Kaida yelled, for the umpteenth time at least, "Legionnaires, release fire!" Pandora was still a bit dizzy, and as she tried to lift Hagar, she fell to her knees. Another Legionnaire came to her aide, and said "Pandora, don't strain yourself, you still have to recover!" Pandora looked at this Legionnaire dead on into their eyes, and said, without removing her gaze, "I'd rather die than just sit on the sidelines and watch the other Legionnaires fight without me. I know I can't do much, but I'm sure going to try anything I can to get out of this God-forsaken temple, alive." At this, she used her powers to take one of the torches off of the wall, and flung it at Hagar's face, temporarily blinding her. "I sure hope that it will be a good enough distraction for them..." Pandora thought. -------- EDIT: OoC- Thanks for the tip Sandy! I owe you one![/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Pandora took advantage of the distraction caused by Vernacular. She concentrated on Sheba, but her power wasn't enough! "I can't shred her! I can only lift her! I'm going over the edge..." Pandora cried as a green glow enveloped Sheba. She could feel herself losing control, which wasn't good. Once Pandora's box is opened, bad things happen. Sheba rose higher and higher into the air [B]You foolish mortal! Do you really think that your petty powers can defeat [I]ME??[/I][/B] the spider woman screamed as she struggled to break free. Pandora lost control. Her eyes that glowed green normally due to her power, glowed brighter than ever before. All she could see was a green haze and she unleashed her rage on Sheba. Pandora lost all awareness of the other Legionnaires, as she fell into her trance. Sheba flew all around the sacrificial chamber, loosening bits of the wall, narrowly missing the other Legionnaires. "She's lost control! Take Cover!" Kaida cried as she narrowly missed being knocked over by the flying spider demon. Finally, after destroying half of the chamber, Pandora lost consciousness by using such a great amount of power at one time. As Pandora fell to the blood-stained floor, the battered Sheba fell down the tunnel, crying an unearthly cry as she fell... until the cries stopped upruptly. [B]I refuse to be defeated THAT easily![/B] said Sheba as she crawled out of the tunnel. She seemed to have used her web to catch onto a ledge, and climbed back out. "She's weakened now! Release fire!" Kaida cried.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Pandora was a bit startled by Liquid's scene. First, two of their youngest members of the Legionnaires are killed, Melinoe runs off, then a corridor of blood, and now this?? It didn't make sense. Just what could have happened in this God-forsaken temple that could have made it so evil? Pandora was still under a little shock by the command by Kaida to destroy that robot. It isn't often that she received attention. She always seemed to stand in the background, but now, she felt like a valuable member of the team. Her mixed emotions blew out a few of the torches that lined the chamber they were in. "Sorry..." Pandora replied timidly, "My emotions are directly linked to my powers..." Kaida put a hand on Pandora's shoulder and said, "It's alright, Pandora. We're all a bit shaken by what has happened on this mission," Kaida turned to address the team, "But we MUST get to the bottom of this before any more of the Legionnaires get injured or killed, understand?" There was a brief mumble of approval. Another Legionnaire helped Liquid to her feet and they continued to cross the chamber. They reached the end of the chamber, and there was huge door, it had to have been at least 12 feet high, and a yard thick! It's handles were bronze snake heads, with their tongues curling around like a ring to pull with. On the door itself were paintings of what seemed to be a war scene, with hundreds of people decaptiated, mutilated, just an altogether bloody scene. At the top of the door, was an incription in some lost language that nobody knew. The Legionnaires just stood there, staring at this door, wondering in awe what was inside. Kaida then ordered some of the team to try and open the door, and it opened to reveal...[/COLOR][/FONT]
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