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Art My First Ever Banner and Avatar! What do you think?
Minako replied to Minako's topic in Creative Works
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Thanks for the input! I appreciate it! Now here's one of Mooch, yet again, from Mutts. I like Mutts because it's black and white and I don't have to mess around with backgrounds... Input appreciated! ~Minako[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed]Hello! I've done my first ever banner and avatar, with the help of Photoshop Elements. I like the comic, Mutts, and I like Earl the best. It started out becoming an avatar (I know how to make those) but this is my first banner ever. I would really like some imput and feedback on how I can improve! ~Minako[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed]I would like a banner of Hotaru from Sailor Moon please. I've always admired her sense of being perpetually depressed( not that being depressed is a good thing, but it's amusing). In light of Hotaru's dark mood, I would like it somewhat dark too. I wouldn't prefer putting my user name in it, but you can if it looks right. Thank you ahead of time![/COLOR][/FONT]
What OB members do you know, or would you like to meet in real life?
Minako replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed]I've known [B]Sara (Lore)[/B] since I don't know when, because we went to grade school and high school together(?). At least part of school... I met [B]Sage[/B] last summer, and it was a bit awkward. Hopefully we get to meet again! :D I'd probably like to meet (mostly [B]myO names[/B]...): [B]liam mc[/B] (the sweetest guy!) [B]Maarii [/B] (a really cool person) [B]dan felton [/B] (AMAZING artist!) [B]Neo Italy[/B] (another AMAZING artist and is always encouraging me in my art!) [B]yami seto[/B] (another cool person) Then I'd probably like to meet one of the "big names" like: [B]James Chibihorsewoman Syk Shy Mimmi[/B] That's about it.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=DarkRed]They are both very cute and well done! I love the Inuyasha and Kogome one. I like the sort of messy style to the coloring! It makes it all very soft and fluffy looking. *two thumbs up*[/COLOR][/FONT]
Hello! Here's a little story/manga concept I'm working on. It's about a 24 year old woman, Wren, and a 25 year old guy, Jamie. I know what you're thinking, [I]"EWW! A romance story!"[/I] But Hark! It isn't. All I would like you to do is to just read it and tell me what you think, good, or bad. Thanks! *The phone number in here is fake. Do not call it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was 2 pm on a drowzy Saturday. The sky was gray, pregnant with rain. Wren was walking around downtown Johannestown, thinking to herself. [I] I GOTTA find a place to stay..and soon...[/I] she thought until something caught her eye. It was a flyer, and it said: "ROOMMATE WANTED! Cheap rent, nice apartment. See Jamie in 122 or call: 222-2222" Wren looked up at the building it was attached to. It looked to be roughly 5 stories tall and very old. It sort of looked to be in the style of New England-type buildings. [I]Meh...Cheap rent, nice apartment, maybe I'll go and see this 'Jamie.'[/I] She thought as she walked up to the doorman. "Why hello young lady," the doorman said, "What can I do for you?" "I need to talk to the man in 122. Can you tell me what floor it's on?" Wren asked, seriously. "Are you here for his flyer?" She nodded. "It's on the second floor, third to the left. Hope you get to be his roomate, because you seem to be a nice girl! Take care now." Wren thanked the man and headed for the stairs. [I]'A nice girl'...if he knew about some of the things I've done, he wouldn't think I'm so nice...Ah, here it is, 122.[/I] Wren then knocked on the door loudly, three times. When there was on answer, she did it again. She kept repeating her pattern of three knocks, silence, for what seemed to be an eternity when she heard a groggy voice inside. "Yeah, Yeah, I'm coming...Jeesh, can't a guy get some peace and quiet for a nap??" Wren immediately envisioned a fat, sweaty, bald man in a stained muscle-shirt with tacky jewelry. [I]Oh great.[/I] When the door opened Wren was surprised to find a quite handsome young man, roughly the same age as she. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. Wren was also kind of glad that he just so happened to be shirtless. It was noticeable that he worked out. "Can I help you?" He said but was awestruck at the sight of Wren. She always seemed to be tough. A "don't mess with me or die" attitude. She had long dark brown hair that went almost to her hips, tied at the end with a black leather string, matching her long leather jacket. She had a maroon shirt underneath, as well as some blue jeans. What really captured Jamie was her eyes, they were ice blue. He had never seen such eyes, and he almost got lost in them until he heard... "Are you Jamie? The same one in the flyer?" Wren asked. "Yeah, who wants to know?" "I would like to be your roommate." "Oh! Ok, come in, and what's your name?" "My name's Wren," she replied walking into the apartment. [I]The ad was right, this is nice.[/I]Wren thought, walking into the first room of the apartment, the living room. The living room was decorated in a contemporary way, but not so contemporary one wouldn't know where to sit. It had modern-colored furniture and a fully-stocked kitchen, separated by an island. The kitchen had white linoleum floors and light woodwork. The marble countertops where a light gray, and the appliances were steel. "Wow," Wren said softly. "Yeah. I get that a lot...SO, why do you want to be MY roommate?" Jamie asked cheerfully. "Well, I need a place to stay for a while. How much is rent?" "It's $300 a month." "Where's my room?" "Whoah! Wait a minute! 'Where's my room??' How do I know that you're not some psycho-ax murderer that will kill me in my sleep?" Wren just stared at him. "Do I REALLY look like an 'ax-murderer'?? Fine, I'll tell you a bit about myself. M name's Wren. I'm 26, and I assure you I will pay my rent on the given date. I don't drink, I don't smoke, but I do like coffee. Strong coffee. Don't ask me where I'm from or anything about my past. And don't even try to pull anything on me because I will gladly break your arm." Jamie was blank. "Where's my room?" Jamie blushed and said, "It's third on the right..." "Thanks." Then Wren walked into her fully furnished room. [I]Whoah[/I]Jamie thought [I]She's definately different.[/I] [CENTER]* * *[/CENTER] That's it for this "chapter." If anyone wants me to continue, I will. Please tell me how I can improve! ~Minako
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Trebuchet MS]My favorite underrated movie is [U]Newsies[/U]. It is a musical set in 1899 in New York. It sounds weird, but watch it, it's good. Anywho, what I'm trying to get across is What is your favorite underrated movie and why? If you want, you can say what movies you think should be underrated..If you understand that! :sweat: ~Minako ^_~[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]As soo many people have said before, it depends on what you're into. I, personally, started with Inuyasha. Then I read WISH, which I'd recommend to you, and then I started collecting Chobits (I only have one and two.), and Card Captor Sakura:Master of the Clow. The CCS: Master of the Clow, can be confusing if you don't understand the story. I also own Magic Knight Rayearth # 1 (I recommend that)...I also have read many others that I wouldn't recommend to new readers. In a nutshell, I recommend: [B]WISH[/B] by CLAMP
[COLOR=DarkRed]Here's a picture I did of Raven from Teen Titans. It took me two days! (The middle one took one day and the other two took the second day) I realize that her hands are funny on the middle one and one of her legs is funny...That's how it looked on the model sheet I printed out! (All pics are based from the Animation Insider page...I think...something like that..) Enjoy! ~Minako P.S: All art that is in this thread is also on deviantART.com under my name, dark-raven06[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Hello! Sorry it took so long! I read them both yesterday! I really enjoyed the one where [spoiler] Cyborg gets the virus...and the Ending! That's priceless! "don't you ever-do that-to me-again!" [/spoiler] I also liked the one where they were regular teens too! They are very well written! Keep up the good work! ~Minako[/COLOR]
Anime Dating Anime Characters: Would You?
Minako replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkRed]I would probably like Vash the Stampede from Trigun! He's so goofy, yet serious when he needs to be. He's also blonde...like me! (*kicks herself for such a stupid reason*) Although this isn't technically an anime series, if it were from any series, I'd pick Beast Boy from the Teen Titans, or Nightwing from the "How Long is Forever?" episode. Beast Boy because he is (at least a little) funny and he can be sweet. I'd then pick Nightwing because he is just a looker! [spoiler] He has that long black hair, and he's so buff! *melts* [/spoiler] [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]No, I didn't draw Beast Boy in the first one! (I kinda forgot to mention that, huh? :sweat: ) I got all the pictures from a few websites. (I think they're all from the Animation Insider page... [url]http://teentitans.aifandom.com/source/00indexanimated.html[/url]) I will certainly change the background for Beast Boy...I was kind of in a hurry to finish him so I picked some random color green and was done with it. I'll try to fix it soon..Now, I will post a picture of Robin I did with Black paper and a white Charcoal pencil. I am quite pleased how it turned out! I got the picture from The "World's Finest" site... [url]http://wf.toonzone.net/WF/teentitans/[/url] Enjoy! EDIT: I also have posted my Starfire picture under my deviantART account...my name there is dark-raven06[/COLOR]
Thanks! I will definately try your suggestions! Since *someone* likes it, I will post my picture of Starfire that I drew with pen and colored pencils! (Sorry if it's crooked...I just kind of started that way and I didn't feel like fixing it!..and I DO realize that her clothes and her eyes are wrong...I was doing it off the top of my head!) Enjoy!
[COLOR=DarkRed]Hello! Tis' I, the pesky Minako, with some art. Today for your viewing pleasure* is a (desperate) attempt at a banner of my Favorite Teen Titan, Beast Boy. (Done in Adobe Photoshop Elements.) Enjoy! ~Minako *- If you find it displeasureable (if that is even a word...), please tell me why and how I can impove! Thank you! P.S: It [B]is[/B] quite large, but I like to work big! P.P.S: If people enjoy this, I shall upload a few sketches and/or my fan manga of Beast Boy + my original character, Angel. :D [/COLOR]
I like it! The first one is kind of like a cliff-hanger, but it's kind of hard for me to swollow that they're not super heroes. (No Offense...:sweat: ) The second one, in my opinion is much better! Keep up the good work! :D
[COLOR=Blue]I am in love with Beast Boy! He is just funny (at least I think so) and his facial expressions are priceless! I love the episode when Terra loses control of her powers! B.B. was soo sweet! *happy sparkle moment* Next comes Robin and Starfire. It's hilarious how obvious how much in love they are! The episode where Robin [spoiler] takes Kitten to the prom is priceless! "Spiderboy: Get your hands off my girl" Starfire: Get YOUR hands off my boy!" [/spoiler] I just love that show soo much. So, in a nutshell, my list is as follows: 1.) Beast Boy 2.)TIE! Robin/Starfire 3.) Raven, 4.) Cyborg, and 5.) Aqualad (He's just cool) [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Favorite teachers huh? Mine, at the moment, would have to be my Traditional Lit. teacher this year. He was soo funny because he applied the stories to his own life. (He also told us the story about how he almost got killed and how he got kicked out of Walmart! *teehee*) He's just an all-around great guy. I will share the funniest thing that happened..umm *thinks* last Friday. We're watchign this movie, [U]Iron Will[/U] and it's dead quiet. (The 'hero' is on the ground, struggling.) Then, this little kid says, "Get up!" My teacher nearly fell out the door laughing so hard! This, in turn, made the class laugh their heads off. It was just funny how he acts, and his facial expressions are priceless! *sigh* That's why he's my favorite teacher.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]I can't really relate to any characters off the top of my head, but I seem to relate to Kogome, from Inuyasha. I tend to fall for the "difficult" guys and I'm fairly normal. I also relate to Haruko from FLCL. I am really weird, and I do my own thing. I guess I also am like Chii from Chobits (manga). I can be really naiive, but there's something hidden deep down inside. (I've only read the first 2!)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hello! As you realize, this thread is about the band, Puffy AmiYumi (If I spelled it right...). I came across this band because I was discussing the [B]greatness[/B] that is Teen Titans! (At least I think so...) Anyways, My friend pulled out a CD and said, "Here! They sing the theme song!" Thus, now I am one of their newly-converted fans! However, I only own their CD, "Nice." Does anybody else like Puffy AmiYumi? I'd love to see this thread go somewhere! None of my other ones really have! :sweat: Have fun with this! ~Minako[/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]:love: *jaw drops to the floor* I [B]adore[/B] The Rasmus! They are on of my top favorite bands!! *sparkle* I love them because their music is just perfect (a little fangirl-ness! :sweat: ) and they are from the same country as me! Finland! Finally, someone else knows about the greatness that is The Rasmus! *dramatic pose* Anywho, I like Funeral Song, In the Shadows, and F-F-Falling too! :D Pm me for more info on this [B]great[/B] band![/COLOR]
They're BEAUTIFUL!! I love them! :love: I will definately use them! *huggles* Thank you soo much! :D ~~Minako
That's great! *hugs* Thanks! Well, pink isn't too bad....as long as it isn't TOO pink, do you understand what I mean? I would love Chii and Hideki on it please! *hugs again* Thanks a lot! ~Minako :all:
Hello! Could someone out there be so kind as to make a Chobits banner for me? I own a few of the mangas and they are just too funny! Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it! (*laughs to herself because she's being so kind!*) Just kidding about that last part! :D Thanks again! ~Minako :all:
Ok, my art may not be Super Cool, but I think it's alright... I'm going to post a picture of my character, Ayumi Sato...I'll post again or edit this one and tell you more about her...I don't have much time. Enjoy! Feel free to comment on what I can do better. *Note,on her front leg, HER right leg, I screwed up the shading...I decided AFTER I did the leg, that I wanted the light to come from (my) left. *smacks herself in the head* + her foot on that leg is kind of...*cough* [I]odd[/I] too.
I know of lots of them! I don't think anyone is going to be releasing in America at the moment, but I don't want to rant on and on about them here...So, If you'd like to pm me, I'd be happy to share my LOVE *twitch* twitch* of Finnish rock bands with you! :D