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Everything posted by Minako

  1. Minako


    *does happy dance of The Rasmus greatness* I LOVE THE RASMUS!!! They are my favorite band! I'm also from Finland so I have a few of their CD's...When I heard their single (on a commercial of all things) I was literally jumping and screaming for joy! ...*sigh*Ok, obsession over...heh heh..They are, from what I hear, the #1 band in Europe right now and according to The Rasmus website, [URL=http://www.therasmus.com]Here[/URL] , they are going to drop their newest album, "In the Shadows" in the spring. Be sure to check out "In the Shadows" this spring! *thumbs up*
  2. School drama productions...*sigh* what memories! In 6th grade, I was violinist #1 in The King's Sneezes...don't ask. I was in Finder's Creepers, it's a really funny play! Now, I'm in Krazy Kamp. We're putting it on on friday and saturday and people are still screwing up! T_T; My favorite musical would have to be at the moment, Little Shop of Horror. It was quite funny! Another high school put it on and I went to go see it with a friend. Hehe, there's a [spoiler]a talking plant that says "No S**t Sherlock!" [/spoiler] It was quite funny.
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I like it! It seems almost mysterious to me. It's beautiful...At least in my opinion....If I might add a bit of advice, are those lines on her face her eyes closed? If they are, I'd make them more defined.[/COLOR]
  4. Minako


    Hello! Has anyone seen the new movie, [U]Hidalgo[/U] ? It is about this horse, Hidalgo, and Frank Hopkins, Hidalgo's owner. They run in a 3,000 mile race for 100,000 In American money, I assume. It has great camera angles and has great effects. The characters are great (Frank Hopkins was a real guy). It also shows the inner conflict of Hopkins as [spoiler] he comes to terms with him being part Sioux indian [/spoiler] . The score (music by the orchestra) is marveolus! So the point of this is, have you seen it? If so, did you like it, or dislike it and why? I for one love this movie. ~Minako
  5. *does happy dance of funness!* I love both of them but obviously the Chobits one is too big. I like the CCS one! Thank you soo much Ruby! As promised, here are some hugs...*gives 1,000,000 bear hugs* *bows* Thank you again! -Minako
  6. [COLOR=INDIGO] Hello! *waves* I would like a Chobits, or CCS banner w/avi. They don't neccesarily have to match, and you can put my name in it if you wish! In return, I will credit your work in my sig and give you many bear hugs! *hugs ahead of time* Thanks! ~Minako [/COLOR]
  7. (OCC: *bows repeatedly* I am soo sorry it's been so long!) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Did you say you were in the same sect as Kikyo?" Kogome asked the half frozen preistess. "Yes, I did. Did you know her?" "Can I trust you? How do I know that you won't kill me?" "I won't, I promise." "Well, I'm her rein.." Kogome was cut off by Koga screaming.."Kogome! My love I thought I'd never see you again!" "K-K-Koga? Is that really you?" Kogome asked, then Shakia tackled him. "Stop Shakia! He's my friend!" "What?? This creep's your friend???" Duo said. "Yes! Get off of him!..*pushes Shakia off* How are you? How's your clan doing?" "*clears throat* You were saying?" Barako asked, still half-frozen. "Oh yes, I am Kikyo's reincarnation, so I've been told." "You're what??" Barako screeched. "Oh Kogome, will you still be my mate??" Koga interrupted. "Uhh...I'll think about it." Kogome said half-heartedly. [i] If Inyasha saw Koga...Well, he'd kll him!...I can sense him nearby! I have that fluttering feeling like when I was with him. Oh Inu...yasha..[/i]
  8. (OCC: Sorry so late guys! I've had some stuff going that prevented me from posting...) "Well, for your information, I've been told that I'm the reincarnation of Kikyo!" Kogome huffed, "Me, Shakia, and Duo here have been gathering the jewel shards!" 'We have?" asked Duo, "We've only just met!" "Shut up." Shakia replied. "I'll just have to enialate (sp?) you and take your jewel shards!" replied the young woman. "Not if I have anything to do with it!" Kogome said. [i] Please let this hit! [/i] Kogome thought. A Hit! It hit the young woman in the shoulder. "Curse you!" the woman said, "You shall pay!"
  9. Thanks for everyone's input! I appreciate it! I do have problems with clothing. I just don't get how to do wrinkles! :sweat: Practice makes perfect, right? I'll also work on my faces too! I may post a picture of Botan, from Yu Yu Hakusho, I drew as a request a little later if anyone wants to see it.. *bows* Thanks again! ~Minako
  10. Thanks for the advice you guys! I've had a bit of trouble with proportions too....^^' Well, here's another CCS pic for your enjoyment. It's of Li and Sakura, and again it's from the mangas. (Book 2 I believe). It's a bit light, but I like how it turned out. C&C (sp?) please! ~Minako
  11. Minako

    Cyborg 009

    Has anyone seen this new anime called "Cyborg 009"? I just saw a few episodes on Cartoon Network because they're having a marathon of it, and I like it. I may not know much about plot lines or art design, and I haven't watched much anime...I still would like to know if anyone else has seen it and why you liked it, or did not like it. Inquiring minds want to know! :D ~Minako
  12. Ok, maybe my art isn't super awesome, but I'd like to know what you think of it! I'm going to put up a piccy of Sakura from CCS. She has a package in her hands that she's going to give to Yukito. (In book 2 if you have the mangas) In the original piccy I "borrowed" the pose from, she looks nervous, but when I drew it, she turned out looking sad. I liked how she looked, so I kept it. The lines on parts of her costume are my desperate attempt at plaid. The original costume is black with plaid borders...I didn't want to color the whole thing black so I left it. Sorry so long...You can use all the constructive criticism you want! Maybe I'll follow your advice and change it! Thanks! ~Minako
  13. "Come with me!" said Kogome cheerfully as she led the way to the well. "I came out of this well in my family's shrine...The weird thing is is that some new wells have popped out...and I STILL haven't seen Inuyasha. *sigh* It's been such a long time..." The Kogome thought of all the fun times she had with Inuyasha. All the demons...Kouga, Sesshomaru, Koharu... *sigh* "If only I could see him again..." she thought. "Hello?? Earth to Kogome!" said Duo "Huh? Oh, I'm sorry...I just zoned out..I guess." Kogome replied. "So, do you think that you can get me home...and Duo with us?" asked Shakia. "I think so. Since you have the Shikon jewel, I think you'll be alright. Although, Inuyasha could go in and out of the well too..." "You sure talk about Inuyasha a lot..." said Duo. "*blush* Umm....yeah...He was my best friend..." she said with a sweatdrop forming on her haid. Then she looked up to the sky and thought, "Where are you Inuyasha?.."
  14. I think my interest in art came from my Dad's side. My grandparents (My Dad's parents) have pictures of all 4 of their kids' drawings on the wall, and they are quite good. My dad doesn't do art anymore but he gave me a very nice set of oil paints and I'm grateful for that. Everyone also says that my art is good. Of course, I'm a perfectionist so I always say that it isn't good...Anywho, my point is I got it from my dad's side.
  15. (OCC: Sorry it took so long for me to get here...I'll be Kogome if that's ok.) Kogome was traveling in the woods with her bike when she thought to herself, "I wonder why Inuyasha woke me up at 2 in the morning to drag me here and he leaves me to 'handle some business.' I can sense that the Shikon jewel has shattered again. *sigh* More fun adventures! I wonder where Miroku and Sango are?" She would have thought more until her train of thought was interrupted by a small demon which she shot at with her bow and destroyed it. It had been several years since she was here last and she'd been practicing her archery. She was quite good. Then she sensed a jewel shard. She saw a young girl and a young man talking. The girl had a jewel shard around her neck! "How to get it" she thought. "Maybe if I ask, they seem nice, she'll give it to me...Nah. That won't work. If only Inuyasha were here...*sigh* Here goes." Kogome walked up to the young pair. "H-hello." Kogome asked the young girl. "Hi. What's your name? I'm Shakia, and this is Duo." replied Shakia. Duo just nodded. "I'm Kogome. I see that you have a jewel shard around your neck. Is that the Shikon jewel?" "Maybe...What's it to you?" Duo asked. "Wait, did you say Kogome?" Shakia asked Kogome. "Yes.." "Your name sounds familiar..." (OCC: I hope I'm not too late...and I don't like writing for other characters either... Sorry if I screw up!)
  16. I'll play Kogome or Sango if you want... Then my previous post would be pointless..
  17. I am quite a Disney-freak, for lack of a better term, and I was wondering, are there any other Disney-freaks out there? To make this interesting, please put your favorite Disney movie (if any) and say why it's your favorite. I have several favorites : Lion King, Finding Nemo, and Newsies. I like Lion King because it has beautiful art and has a moving message. I like Finding Nemo because it has great cg's and a great message also. Also, I like Newsies because there are hott guys ;) and there are great songs.
  18. Hello! Here's a picture of Nakuru or "Ruby Moon" from one of my mangas...If somebody posts, I'll put up my pic of Li and Sakura, alright? I don't want to double post seeing as I don't know how to put 2 links in my posts...Feh. Well, Enjoy this in the mean time!
  19. OCC: This sounds like fun! Also, I'm going to try to be evil. I've never been evil before so forgive me if it's bad... Name: Kitsune (or Kit for short) Age: ?? she looks 18 though.. Bio: Kit is a full-blooded fox demon, quick to temper. She was abandoned at a young age and Naraku saw Kit's potential for power, and adopted her. Thus, she is deeply grateful to Naraku for taking her in and raising her. Kit will fight to the death for Naraku and his children. Kit does believe deep in her heart that she will find her parents again. Weapon/attacks: Poisonus (sp?) Claws, and a sword. She also has a mega-claw type of attack but she can only use it when she's really mad because it drains her. Good/Evil: Evil Appearance: She is very beautiful. She looks like a fit, young woman, except that she has short red fur on most of her body, and she has white on her belly, lower arms, and lower legs. She has a long bushy tail with white on the tip and she can use it to whack somebody if she's mad. Kit has large Yellow eyes with slits for pupils (much like a cat's), and he eyes go dark gold when she get's mad. She also has long dark red hair that she ties in a ponytail. Sometimes she ties it high, and sometimes it's low...Most of the time she ties it high. (Not that it really matters) Gender: Female I hope I did alright!
  20. I have written some violin duets and I'm half way through a violin/viola duet. I also write some lyrics if some good ones come to mind but I have a guitar, it's just that I don't have a lot of time to play it. I can't ever reach the F chord either...
  21. I like Christian rap...Although I've only heard Toby Mac. I go to a parochial school and we listened to it in Theology class. I love "Irene" It's my favorite song!
  22. I was very excited to see a thread about Wish! I love the manga! (I don't know whether there's an anime or not...) If you really want to know what happens, Here it is. If you don't want to see it then don't read it. [spoiler][quote]Well, Kohaku falls in love with Tuichiro (sp?) and He does too. Suddenly, Tuichiro dies due to heart failure. That's why God wanted her back in heaven, to prevent her heartache. Kohaku decides to stay in mini-form until Tuichiro gets reincarnated. 100 years go by when Kohaku is reunited with the 18 year old reincarnation of Tuichiro. Kohaku explains that she never got to give the original Tuichiro his wish, so she asks the new one if he wants it. His wish was the same as Kohaku's. They both wanted to be together forever. The End.[/quote][/spoiler] I hope that helps! ~Minako [color=darkblue][b][size=1]Tags fixed. -Shy[/size][/b][/color]
  23. Hello! Here I am again posting some art...Feel free to comment about it! I just drew it and I'm quite proud of it. It's from book 2 of the CCS "Master of the Clow" series. Enjoy! ~Minako P.S: Should I put something under Sakura's head? How about some flowers?
  24. Our school has a drama club, which I'm in. We did a play called, "Finder's Creepers" in the fall. It's a hilarious play about a funeral home and it was a smash hit! Now we're doing a musical called, "Krazy Kamp." It's kind of corny but it's still fun! I don't know if any of these are familiar to you but we had lots of fun putting the play on and we put the musical on in march. I haven't taken drama class yet but I plan to take it senior year. (I'm a sophomore.)
  25. Thanks for the input! I've already fixed her arms and some of her hair. I was playing with some screentones to get the lines darker, but I don't have my photoshop right now...Our computer has been down and we just got it back up. That's it. I'll try to repost the revised picture soon!
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