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Everything posted by Minako

  1. Whenever I have kids (Which I hope will be someday) I want to do the same thing my parents did to me. My parents knew that we would move away from my home country and go somewhere and they decided to name me Laura, because it's easy to say in a lot of languages. I know for a fact I'm going to move to Europe someday, and I want people to know how to say my kid(s) name(s) so I decided on Erik Kullervo (for a boy and the middle name is a family tradition) and Emma Leena (for a girl and her middle name is for my grandma). I'm probably going to change Emma because I already have a cousin named Emma, although I do have a cousin named Laura too.
  2. Hello! Here is a picture I wanted to put on myOtaku but for some reason it never shows up when I upload it. O-well, so I'm going to put it up here! Enjoy! ~Mina P.S: You can use all the constructive criticsim (sp?) you want! :D
  3. I started reading Manga this school year. (PSST! I'm a girl and a sophomore in high school!) I got started on them through a friend of a friend (Now I'm friends with them both) and we were talking about animes and she lent me the first two Inuyasha mangas. She gets the Inuyasha ones every so often. I've read through 15. I've also read Wish, Gunslinger Girl, both from her, and I own Chobits 1 and Cardcaptor Sakura 1 and 2. I've read a few american comics. I don't like them. They are too...bold. They use bright colors and very accentuated lines. I just like how manga's set up and how many different genres of manga there are.
  4. I'd try out just for the experience. I've played my violin in numerous competitions and I haven't won every time but I value the experience. I can't say that the conductor of our local youth symphony is biased...none of us are his students! *laughs to herself*
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