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About bobbybob942
- Birthday 09/03/1990
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looking for my left toe
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Name: archimonde azrael Gender: male Age: 16 Coordinator or Natural: natural Personality: kind when you give him a reason too but he is somewhat confused on the issue of naturals and coordinators Description: he has white hair and violet eyes, somewhat tan skin and a faint smile on his face most of the time. he is usally in an earth forces uniform, but when he isnt he has on jeans and a baggy shirt with comedic words on it. Biography: he is the son of the leader of blue cosmos so he has been told all of his life that coordinators are bad but he belives somewhat diffferently, because of this his father has cast him away as a traitor so he seeks a ship or place to call home th eonly thing he was given was a mobil suit Mobile Suit: blue frame with its scale system, tactical arms backpack and a new addition small vulcan guns not only on the sides of its head but on its hands too 1 on each hand. it was captured by blue cosmos and given to him because it couldnt be piloted. if there is any problem with this just tell me
Ooc: hey that?s not nice. IC: "thanks again for those cards Rae" James said smiling faintly. "For the 1000th time its ok" Rae said ?Sorry back home I was told I had that problem the one where I say thanks or sorry way too many times" James laughed. Emma just stalked behind them keeping to her thoughts. "you know Emma the only reason I attacked you guys is because I was being controlled but im in control now so... lighten up will ya im not gonna try to kill you" James said smiling. "Wow that?s the first time I?ve seen you smile" betamon said "Really?" Rae asked. "Yup" betamon answered "That?s just sad? lucemon said. "Yeah I know but come on ive had a rough time here" James said embarrassed. "We know? betamon, Rae and lucemon said in unison. Emma mumbled something under her breath
Ooc: yay I feel loved. Oh and because he absorbed dampiramon he has digimon like senses that dampiramon had IC: jams smirked "I sense darkness but light in the same source I wonder..." James said. "What is it a human or a digimon " betamon asked. "A ... digimon definitely a digimon" James said "Ok then lets go see" betamon said. ?I agree because there are two humans with it" James smirked. "Ok then lets go" betamon said as him and James changed direction to move towards Rae and Emma. ?I wonder if they will accept me" James asked himself out loud. ?Im sure they will" betamon said smiling "You sure betamon?" James asked somewhat sadly "Yeah im sure of it" betamon smiled "Thanks betamon" James said "For what?" betamon asked ?For everything" James smiled "You?re welcome" betamon said.
If you are still holding sign ups hers mine Name: jams axis Codename: tech ((weird I know)) Age: 16 Gender: male Appearance: all over his body except his head is white tech, when not using his powers he has white hair and purple eyes and wears a blue hoody and jeans but he is usually in his power mode, but in power mode he looks like he's in a robot suit witch in truth it kind of is think of a gundam and you are close. Add red tech to it. Weapons: in human mode none but in power mode anything technological you can think of because of his white and red tech Powers: at will may turn into power mode due to his white tech originally he could do this but the white tech enhanced it, this power mode has enhanced strength speed power and other powers because of red tech Personality: he is usually friendly but if made mad ((which is kind of easy)) he can be mean Biography: he was also part of the hive but because he was almost fully outfitted with tech his suits ai was able to help him over come bloods hold. Ooc: is this ok
Ooc: nobody loves me *sniff* fine I guess James will just have to conquer his evil form aka dampiramon. Oh and he has darkness but not the evil kind of darkness so yeah temping dampiramon does. Oh and he is near one of the groups and don?t care which whoever wants it. IC: James wandered through the forest in a daze thoughts of doubt and insecurity raced through his mind. Things like, "I attack my friend... why he'll never forgive Me." and "how could I let that thing take over my mind and body... am I just that weak.? betamon just followed James unsure of what to do if only they knew who they were about to run into. The last thought that ran through his head was a question "am I ......... evil?? the strange thing is that he got an answer a voice echoes through the trees and said "yes". "Wha.... who's there?" James asked as a shadowy version of himself appeared with an equally shadowed betamon and it said"im you". James looked horrified "how can you be me" he asked sounding distressed. "You and I are one and the same" both of us are evil shunned by our friends ?the fake James said turning into dampiramon. "James expression cooled down? you..." was all he said his voice trickling with anger but it wasn?t shown on his face. ?What are you going to do kill me... guess what i cant die" dampiramon said. "I know that but I can still stop you? James said. "But why would you do that you need me you need my darkness to fill your heart because together we are whole" it said. "That?s where you are wrong I don?t need your darkness because it isn?t yours its mine." James answered "aaah so you have found me out" it said" yes its true I am an incarnation of your darkness im am why you almost never get mad". James smirked "so I guess you must join with me but this time IM in control? James said his digivice glowing and dampiramon being sucked into it. When dampiramon entered it James got 3 new cards dark digvolution champion, ultimate and mega .
ooc: no ididnt mean airdramon i know who that is but there is such a thing as a skull seadramon and i remember now its an ultimate thank you a large shadow leaps out of james and skull seadramon who has been turned back into betamon. james sat up "oooooow my head wha? what happened" he asked meteo his head ringing. " something was controlling you" meteo said " but its gone now sorry i had to hit you " meteo laughed "but i had to". james smiled " um thanks i... think " james said. "where are we?" james asked " better yet im hungry!" . standing up james followed meteo into the house if you listened you could hear his stomach growling
As Mune walked about kind of absently he smiled to himself he liked the times where he put alot of thought into everything he did, when his mind was clear of porblems usually these moments were only brief but they have been increasing in length lately. "i think it might be my leopard forms instincts making me this calm i dont know how or why but... i like it" mune laughed slightly. "I wonder where the others are" he said looking around slightly "oh well I'll run into one sooner or later" he said closing his eyes and just breathing no complications to life at all just breathing... in... and... out.
ooc: sorry it took me so long oh yeah and James has been taken over by dampira mon and is being controlled betamon was taken over too james/dampiramon woke up and smirked evily"now I will attack" he said. james/dampiramon and betamon/dampiramon began to walk towards the house. when they reached it james/dampiramon spoke but in a voice that wasn?t digimon or human it seemed evil. "come out digidestined so I may destroy you" IT yelled. then beta mon digivolved into skull seadramon ((I think it?s a champion or an ultimate I can?t remember)) and began to ram the house to wake them up. James all the while laughing in an evil, unearthly voice.
"well I guess ill go next" mune said stepping forward before saying "was I the only one who came willingly?... never mind" "mune are you ready " tala asked. "Yes" mune said standing there she held up the hand with a crystal in it. She closed her eyes and it began to glow a dark blue. She whispered a few words no one could understand. A stream of light shot from the end of the crystal and hit mune in the chest. You could see right into his chest... You could see his lungs and his heart. The Beam went right into his brain and seemed to be searching for something. The beam swirled around the inside of mune's body and the light seemed to be picking out certain strings of DNA and changing them. Soon the beam went back into the crystal and Mune was left standing there a bit dazed. He looked no different, He sounded no different, and to those with keen senses... he smelled no different... But he was. His DNA now surged with the DNA of another as well. When the beam of light went into his brain it searched for the perfect creature... Once it figured what it needed it rearranged different parts of his DNA to enable the changes. Mune also hit the ground as a ball, shook violently foaming at the mouth and cursing in a different language. The next thing you knew mune was now a spotted leopard one a little bit larger than normal, but still a leopard. As mune returned to normal all he could say was "that was fucking awesome man".
please excuse phayte's yayness he is a little loopy when it comes to halo nice idea though spartan III name: james retxam sex: male code: spartan III # 277 skill: agile ((flips and things like that are easy for him you might call him nimble)) weapon: plasma sword ((if i can)) and 2 magnums appearance: Hair: black eyes: green a scar on his left temple in the shape of an x before in his armor he wears the standard earth forces uniform ((if you need more tell me)) my elite name: purity rank: stealth or spec ops weapons: plasma sword and a plasma rifle appearance: when not invisible he is grey black for spec ops
name: james age:14 gem: jet appearance: black hair that hangs down to eyes, green eyes, wears a black hoody, with black pant/jean things his gem is on his fore head because he fell on ithe wears a necklace the a burning skull on it. he hides his gem with his hair your character must already have the gem and it must be somewhere on the out side of their body not on any kind of jewelry or peircings
im not sure how to rate this so i will say PG for language some violence and occasional sexual situations maybe i dont know the black plague was actually caused by and evil so terrible its name is not meant for mortal ears so they just call it IT. when this happened a small band of 12 powerful warriors rose up to defeat IT, but all they could do was drive it back to another world. when IT was defeated it muttered a curse and turned the warriors into 2 gems the genesis and the apocali. the genesis contained their elemental powers and the apocali contained their souls and combat abilities. the apocali by its own power was split into 2 peices which formed into a boy and a girl who one day about 14 years from then saved the world of ungdren. they took back the genesis which was being exploited for evil but when they defeated IT they were imprisoned into the apocali and the genesis shattered into 12 shards and into a different kind of gems. now the apocali has been broken up and is being used by IT's army of evil. now 12 ordinary every day teenagers will find trhe gems and be transported into ungdren which is now under seige once again. ok the basic character layout looks like this name: age: 14 - 17 gem: appearance: gem/ ability jacinth/fire ruby/lava aquamarine/water saphire/ice amber/earth emerald/plant crystal/air topaz/lightning diamond/light opal/healing jet/shadow jade/poison the gems give you the ability to create certain amounts of your power and manipulate it the healer regenerates 4 times faster than a normal human and cannot get sick it may also heal its friends and enhance one of its abilities strengh, speed etc. for the duration of combat this just makes it so they can fight
ooc: sorry if it takes me a while to post ooc: mune might cuss a lot mune walked along a street in the town heading for a friends house james yelled out loud on the empty street "why does it have to be so goddamn cold!". as he yelled a girl appeared by him" I could help you ya know" . "wow a girl is actually talking to me" he thought he was somewhat of a loner so he had very few friends but the ones he had he was very loyal to. " i need you to come with me" the girl said, and james who's dick sometimes thinks for him said excitedly "yes!". the next thing he knew he wasnt on the street he had no idea what was going on. the one thing james thought was "man i shoulnt of eaten that last clam it looked bad".
[quote name='LashamaruChaos']Can I have at least 2 digieggs, like Davis? (Hope and Courage, finds the 3rd one in the bad guy's lair)[/quote] no 1) because i know he wouldnt let you and 2) it started already and you cant join after it starts
ok lashmaru chaos or whatever first of all you can only have one egg and secondly it started a long time ago