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Everything posted by 4815162342
Discuss Of Humans and Dragons - Underground HQ [PG-VL]
4815162342 replied to TheResplendent's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][quote name='BKstyles][FONT=Tahoma]Lets just say I don't want things to get too out of hand with what the dragon's are capable of spewing forth from their mouths. I don't mind the corrosive acid in place of the fire, as my dear Adria will be capable of breathing out blue fire. Let's try to keep this capability within the reasonable range of what they should be. Take liberties with types of fire breathe if you guys want, or if you want to replace it make sure it isnt something like [B]giant thunderbolts or a barrage of knives or what not :animestun[/B'] [/FONT][/quote] Darn. I take it that double-headed axes aren't permitted either, then? 9_9 Well, guess I'm out, then! >( ....no, actually, I did have a normal question. XD Does this world have many different terrains such as island/desert/foresty/snowy/volcanic/[spoiler]radiaaaaation[/spoiler]? ...okay maybe not the last one. This question is just for curiosities sake, really. I like to know about the world and whatnot.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo][U][B]Character Information:[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Dionne (Dee-own) Sayaba (Say-yah-bah) Merabi (Meh-rah-bee) [B]Age:[/B] 29 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/1.jpg]Dionne[/URL] is tall ? about five foot nine ? and slender, moving with graceful, flowing strides. Her hair is a deep blue-black that reaches to just below her tailbone but she normally wears it pulled into a loose knot at the base of her neck or into tight, crown-like braids. All of her features are delicate; her cheekbones high; her lips and nose thin and on the large side; her eyes and eyebrows narrow and set wide apart. Dionne?s face is quite expressive when she wishes it, displaying her emotions for all to see. Dionne?s skin is the color of coffee with milk in it, and she loves to wear loose pants and shirts in deep, jewel-toned colors like purples and greens. She is also rather fond of jewelry (though she only has a few pieces) and the deeper the tones of the stones are in her necklaces, bracelets and earrings the better; most of ? if not all of ? her jewelry is accented with gold. She smells of ginger-root and nutmeg. [B]Resistance:[/B] Validus [B]Weapon:[/B] A [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/Shamshir.jpg]Shamshir[/URL] (the Persian?s version of a scimitar) that she calls Naiba. Naiba is about five foot in length and made of blue-ish steel with a light colored wood grip and a cross-guard of pale gold. The end of the grip is capped with gold as well. [B]Spells:[/B] [list][B]Niveus Contego [Defensive] ?[/B] Creates walls of white mist which slow down attacks and decrease visibility. The mists are thickest around Dionne and Meshi. [B]Speculum Frango [Offensive] ?[/B] Creates a sheet of ice where desired, which can then be shattered sending shards of razor-sharp, glass-like ice at whoever is attacking. These shards are nigh on impossible to see unless the light hits them at the correct angle to make them shine brightly. [B]Frigus Emanio [Supportive] ?[/B] The temperature decreases starting at the area around Dionne and Meshi. In this cooler temperature their offensive and defensive spells are stronger.[/list] [B]Personality:[/B] Dionne has an easy-going personality, quick to forgive and forget. She loves to tease others, often spending time getting to know people for the dual purpose of becoming their friend and finding things she can rag on them about. Though she is one of the happiest people you could ever meet, do not take this to mean she is a pushover; Dionne can be just as firm as the next person, though she?ll hide it behind a joking manner. The same goes for her stubborn streak. She can be happy and she can be tough, but one emotion Dionne is almost never visited by is anger; when she does get angry you?d better watch out. [U][B]Dragon Information:[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Meshuggener (Commonly called Meshi.) [B]Color:[/B] Deep purple [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/Meshi.jpg]Meshi[/URL]. Usually his spines/quills/horns have ribbons and wind-chimes tied to them ? you can tell he?s coming from a long way off, which is why he doesn?t wear them when silence is needed. [B]Personality:[/B] Meshuggener is ? to put it kindly ? missing quite a few marbles. He has screws loose, if you get what I mean. ?or, to put it unkindly, he?s pretty much nuts. Yeah. He?s scatterbrained, has no sense of direction and doesn?t often make any kind of sense at all. Sometimes he behaves nice and dragon-like and other times you have no clue what in the blue-blazes is going on with him. The only person he?ll speak to is Dionne, and for her he will do nearly anything ? including behaving near-normal. [B]Bio/Snippet:[/B] [I]?You?re the sail in my loveboat??[/I] Meshuggener was singing some nonsensical lyrics again. He always was, if you wanted the truth; Dionne, his friend, rubbed a hand over his quills and shook her head as she and he continued through the tunnels. Meshuggener?s chimes sounded faintly as the cool slightly damp air from the shady forest at the end of this particular tunnel streamed past them and further into their base. The tunnel was easily tall enough and had enough breadth for the dragon (The large, purple, [I]fierce[/I] dragon! :3) to walk beside his friend. They hadn?t always walked side by side, though; Meshuggener?s crooning changed as he sped up a little to catch up beside Dionne. [i]?Wash away my troubles, wash away my pain??[/i] Once, Dionne said, she?d been on her own. She had been following her fortune where her sword would take her, without a friend to watch her back. Meshuggener?s eyes fixed on Dionne?s back as he bounced along behind her, clanging and chiming. He could watch it now, even if her shiny jewelry was a major distraction! Hmm? [i]?With the rain in Shambala?[/i] She said some very astonishing things, his Dionne. Oh yes she did! Once she had told him that her sword had led her to piracy. He chuffed slightly, lavender eyes whirling as he thought on this. Finally his mind fixed on the image of her with a patch over one eye and he could forgive her and erase the thought of her running someone through. Eye patches were fetching, oh yes! [i]?Wash away my sorrow, wash away my shame??[/i] Pirate, mercenary, bodyguard?he could forgive them all, yes, yes?he was lenient, and he loved his friend. And she was with [i]him[/i] now; she was with him and was his friend and was [i]good[/i] now. And she had promised never to leave. Promised from the moment they had made their connection. [i]?With the rain in Shambala??[/i] And he believed her and all was good. All was very, very good. Past was no more and present was here and now. Here and now with his friends and his Rider. A big grin spread across his broad face and his sharp teeth were displayed in full as he caught up once more with Dionne, his tail swinging and swaying as he hopped all bunny-like. All was good ? except for maybe his singing. :3[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] ....may be a funny question, but, do these dragons breath fire? Most do, but I've come across some in different places that don't, so I just wanted to know. ^^[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]El finished! If there are any issues, just tell me, kk? =D[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Alba (Dawn) Rachele (Ewe) Fabrizia (Craftsman) Casaro (From the job casearius, cheese-maker.) [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Age:[/B] 32 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/Alba.jpg]Alba[/URL] is about five foot three inches tall, and compact. Her hair is a dark walnut brown and reaches to just about her shoulders in very loose waves; she almost never wears it pulled back, mostly because it is not long enough yet. Her features are mild though her nose is on the large side, and her eyes are narrow and warm beneath gently curving eyebrows. Normally she wears ankle length skirts with blouses above them in soft, muted colors, and while the fabric isn?t anything special it is always clean and well mended. Her only jewelry is her wedding ring which she now wears on a leather thong around her neck. Most days her hair is kept back from her face with a headscarf of some vibrant color ? her one vanity. Alba walks slowly and gracefully, and her voice is clear and mellow. She smells of herbs and wax [B]Profession:[/B] Alba is a cheese-maker, and has been since pretty soon after she first learned to walk. Her parents (also cheese-makers) taught her the process so she could take after them and learn a useful trade. [B]Skills:[/B] Alba is a good listener, and adept at going unnoticed as she does not draw attention to herself ? sometimes this is of help, sometimes it is not so much. Her memory is quite good as well, as she has had much practice using it to memorize the different practices concerning how to correctly make cheese. [B]Snippet:[/B] She blew a kiss to her love; her hand pressed against her pursed lips then tilted away from her mouth as she blew her kiss ? and the smell of herbs and wax ? after her husband as he waved from the crowd and continued down the dusty road. He was going, like so many of the men, to fight in the?massacres. Yes, massacres. They said it was a war, but she did not believe. When the men would talk with the women that was what they would say ? [i]?It is a war, and it will end soon!? [/i] Alba knew different. They just did not want to frighten their wives. They did not want to frighten their daughters?their mothers. When they were alone, though; alone in their huddles, alone with their large bodies filling the rooms and wine flowing freely?when they were by themselves with no women about?then they spoke the truth. They were frightened. They did not know whether they would win, or whether they would lose. The men, the brave, brave men who could rescue sheep from the creatures who stalked them, and could assure their women that there was nothing to be afraid of?were [i]frightened.[/i] And so, as Alba watched the backs of the man, her eyes fixed on her husband?s dear, familiar head, her hand still extended from blowing her kiss?she prayed. She prayed for their [i]lives.[/i] [B]Extra:[/B] Alba is from the province of Bergamo in the Lombardy region of Italia. She is from the commune (Municipality) of Treviglio.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Moses sat by himself on the set of stairs that led upwards to the second floor, arms around his knees as he turned himself sideways so that he could sit easier on the narrow steps, his back against the railings. He drummed his fingers against the backs of his hands as he watched the various people around him as they either talked or stayed out of each others way. That was what he was doing at the moment ? staying out of the others way. He smiled a half smile as he leaned his head back and looked up at the cobwebby ceiling ? everything else in the house seemed to be in quite good condition and almost spotless, even though it lacked in furniture, but the ceiling was?well, it looked like something from a horror film, to put it nicely. Before he could take his inspection further he turned his head back down ? no use letting his imagination run wild on what the stains could possibly be, right? Quietly he continued to drum his fingers before he sighed and stood, heading back downstairs to a desk he had seen in one of the rooms off the foyer earlier when he had just arrived with Bella. He dropped into a high-backed chair and stared at the desk, eyes covering every inch of it as he studied it ? there had to be official papers here somewhere, right? Moses reached out and pulled the first drawer open, jimmying it as it stuck after opening an inch. The drawer squeaked and squawked but finally gave so rapidly that he nearly pulled it off its track. The inside of that drawer was boring, the space taken up by a rusty three-hole-punch, a can-opener and three or for cans of tuna. Moses frowned at them in confusion before he slid the drawer shut again with a bang and pulled open one of the two remaining drawers that were beside his leg ? the contents were equally as disappointing. Moses reached in anyhow, creating a pile of paperclips, safety-pins and ? much to his pain as he stabbed himself when first reaching in ? thumbtacks of all colors. He thanked his lucky stars none of the thumbtacks were rusty as he completed his piles and shut the second drawer. The third drawer showed promise he thought as he pulled out a worn folder and ? after creating a space among the piles of tacks, pins and clips ? set it on the desk. When he opened it he could feel the grin on his face grow as it proved to be full ? literally [i]stuffed[/i] full ? of papers. Moses pulled the first paper out and after a quick inspection of it his face fell ? a [i]grocery[/i] list?! More and more papers were pulled at random from the two stacks before he sighed and jammed them all back into the folder, not paying any mind to whether or not he crumpled said papers; every single paper looked to be either a grocery list, receipt, or ? on occasion ? a math paper. He dropped the folder back into the desk drawer and shut it before he stood, leaving the piles of clips etc. on the desktop, and with a rueful grin left the room in search of something else he could poke his nose into. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Magenta][SIZE=1][i]I hear in my mi~i~ind...all of the--[/i] The cassette Spike listened to stopped fast so that all she heard now was a repeated whirring and every so often a mechanical whine as her player continued to turn - and to her [i]great[/i] disgust - refuse to play the tape. It seemed that in lieu of performing its normal function that it instead felt inclined to rotate the tape in the borrowed cassette around and around, and around, and around, ad nauseam. Finally, with a long suffering sigh (that her mother rolled her eyes at), the pink haired ? yes, [i]pink[/i] haired ? young woman depressed the button to pop open her portable ? and, if she was allowed to complain ? [i]ancient[/i] tape player. It stuck. Quite firmly, too. Spike growled beneath her breath, hissing like an angry cat as she brought the tape player down on the edge of the table. With an almost irate whir the tape player opened, shut, ejected the earphones from their port and began to play the tape again at incredible volume. Spike?s mother looked up with a disapproving stare as the music changed from an almost tolerable (to her anyhow) song to something that sounded (again, to her) like millions of screaming children (Around three or four years old ? the annoying age!) recorded over the sound of semi-trucks and power tools. As Spike thumbed at the volume to turn the music up, Maureen raised one of her hands ? the one she wasn?t using to fill out paperwork ? and pointed out the door. ?GO!? Now, normally, Spike wouldn?t have cared, but?today she didn?t want to risk her mother?s wrath. So after grabbing her earphones, a heavy military jacket and an apple she practically skidded out the door into the cool air just as her phone rang. She pulled the phone from her jacket pocket and answered as she struggled into her jacket and eyed the rapidly setting sun. ?Yeah?? She made a face at a couple of passerby, her jewelry glinting in the golden sunlight and streetlights as she listened to the voice on the other end and changed her course with an about turn. Gus said to meet him at the Fugazi ? the day was [i]definitely[/i] looking better already, she thought, as she hung up and her earphones found there way into her ears. [i]Definitely[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal]Hey, just wanted to say I am still very interested in this, but...I am a bit unsure what I am supposed to be doing at this moment. >_>;; So! If someone could clear it up for me, I'd be glad to post sometime soon.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=Teal]I'm still here. ^^ Just been a bit busy and whatnot, but I am sooo not leaving Moses to die or something. I was actually waiting for Lady A to post -- and no, this is not to make her feel bad for not posting, it's just a statement. ^^[/COLOR]
[size=1][color=magenta][b]Name:[/b] Nicholas Peter Harp [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nickname:[/b] Nikki, Pete, Angel, Spike. Most commonly Spike. [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL= http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/Nicholas.jpg]Nicholas.[/URL] is five foot four inches when barefoot and has a sturdy build reminiscent to that of a bulldog, with capable ? if calloused ? hands. Her fluorescent magenta hair just about reaches her shoulders and is almost always pulled tightly back into a ponytail or two pigtails that she twists into buns and shoves pencils, switchblades, straws or chopsticks through. Nicholas?s bangs reach to about the bottom of her chin and constantly fall in front of her eyes and the back of her head is shaved up to about the middle of her skull. Normal eye color and shape do not apply to Nicholas?s eyes, as she seems to take delight in wearing contacts that make her normally average blue eyes take on the look of a cat?s and the color of lemon-lime Gatorade. While her sparkly, bright, near fluorescent makeup may compliment her skin-tone, it doesn?t exactly match her eyes. Not that she cares, though. She also has quite the piercing collection at three earrings in her left ear, four in her right, a septum piercing, a laberat piercing, snake fangs, a pierced tongue, a stud right above the left corner of her mouth, a ring in her left nostril, two bars through her left eyebrow and one in her right. Nicholas likes to wear anything bright, and so while she does buy normal jeans, they don?t stay normal colored for long as she sews patches of other fabric to the denim to fit her color scheme and substitutes ribbons for use as a belt. Her shoes are an old pair of blue and red bowling shoes. Up higher she wears tank tops and a camo jacket that she has dyed a horrendous orange. Aside from her facial jewelry the only other jewelry she wears is a spiked dog collar around her neck and usually a candy-bracelet around her wrist. Tattoos are the other type of body modifications Nicholas has, and so far she has four ? a electric blue symbol for infinity beneath her right ear, a lime green gecko on the back of her arm right above her right elbow, a red Janus mask on the back of her neck and a garland of blue and black stars wrapped around her left arm from her wrist to her elbow. She smells of bubblegum and blue raspberries and her movements are deliberate and a bit clumsy. Her voice is very mellow and relaxing, and her words are always spoken slowly. [b]Personality:[/b] She has one?I?m sure of it. What it will be at any given time is beyond me, and probably beyond her friends as well. The way she acts and her personality changes with the weather, her mood, what she is wearing and the people she is around. ?much like the way a chameleon changes its skin tone to match its surroundings. There isn?t really a very sure grasp on what her real personality, although through all the personalities she tries on there is always an underlying note of determination. The most real thing, that never changes ever, no matter what, and is prominent, is her stubbornness. She doesn?t give up ever. [b]History:[/b] Nicholas?s parents are Maureen Janette and Patrick David and they own a hotel. She has four siblings; one twin (Paul David), two younger sisters (also twins, Juliet Marie and Katherine Lindsey) and one younger brother (Laurence Patrick.) She was born shortly after her parents? wedding, and her rebellion (For her style is a rebellion, unlike some who choose it because it?s ?normal? to them) from her hotel owning parents began soon after her birth when she for some reason would not take naps. The former nap-skipping rebellion soon switched to not eating any fruit, and when she gave up that rebellion it was because she had taken to hiding all the blue crayons in the house. Through the years, her rebellion changed from one thing to another, and soon after her twelfth birthday she decided that punk was a form of rebellion that she would like to stick to ? and so she did. Nicholas has finished most of her schooling, not choosing to leave school until her last term, when she deemed it too constricting for her to deal with and took to schooling herself; she borrowed books from the library, and only the books that had subjects that interested her. She still lives with her parents who seem a bit more supportive of her dropping out than they were of her punk lifestyle, and over the past two years they have become pretty much resigned themselves to her friends coming over and staying until all hours if the night ? if they leave at all. Nikki works as a waitress at a small retro-diner when she isn't gadding about. [b]Habits:[/b] Stealing food from friends. No, seriously ? she?ll eat your dinner and your snacks, but ONLY when you are trying to eat them yourself. If they?re sitting by themselves, they don?t appeal to her at all. She also has a habit of self-piercing. D: She shouldn?t, but all her piercing she did herself; luckily, she hasn?t tried to do her own tattoos. All piercing and tattoos usually show up shortly after a visit with her grandparents; either she gets body modifications, or she drinks herself under the table.[/color][/size] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Finished![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Moses looked up silently, then extended his own hand to clasp Bella?s as he smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he nodded to her. ?I?m Moses, Bella. Was the?? He dropped her hand before rubbing his own against the soft, red corduroy of his pants; when he had taken the older girl's hand he had felt something akin to water sliding between their palms ? like there was some connection between them. What had made this odder, though, had been the fact that he should not have been able to feel water. He glanced down at the leg of his pants where he had rubbed his hand and on seeing no water stains?no dampness whatsoever?he shrugged it off quickly with another smile at Bella as he ducked his head awkwardly. ?Um?? His hand went to hair and he began weaving his fingers through it as his eyes darted from the girl, to his suitcases, back to the girl again before finally fixing on the traffic passing rapidly in front of him. As the awkward silence seemed to grow ? at least to him ? he decided on a random thread of conversation figuring that it would most likely not hurt anything; either she would peg him for an escapee from a juvenile prison, or she?d decide to accompany him to? When his line of thought trailed off, Moses searched his pockets, coming up with a just remembered slip of paper from his so-called ?social worker.? He read the address off of it before glancing back up at Bella with a worried, half grin. ?Um?would you like to, just?come with me here?? He held the worn paper out towards Bella, parts of the address smudged but still readable. ?Just?? He paused. ??I don?t know really why I?m asking.? And he didn?t; His face as he spoke those last words was almost comical as it took on an expression that pretty much resembled ?O_o.?[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]OOC: I R sik. D: *sneezes at you all*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I should hopefully be posting this evening after work, or sometime tomorrow. *nods* Right now, though, I must go see if calling into work as "dead" works to get me off the schedule for tonight. >>[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Moses had always had a home. It hadn?t always been good, or bad, but he had always had one, as far back as he could remember; the group home, his real parents home?his foster homes. But now he had none of the above; Nance and Kevin were glaring at him, and Nance?s arms were crossed tightly over her chest as Kevin shoved him towards the waiting taxi with a sneer. ?Go on, I?m sure we don?t want you here no more.? He heard Kevin mutter with maybe just the slightest bit of fear; truth be told, the social worker [i]had[/i] been a little on the ??what?s wrong with this man?? type of way. As Moses slid into the cab the driver twisted in his seat to look back at the teen with a bored expression broad on his face. ?Where to?? No sooner had the words passed the cabbies lips than Moses knew something was off. His social worker had?had said the cabbie would know where to take him, hadn?t he? A sigh escaped his mouth as he sat back. ?Uhm?er?just go towards the center of town.? He tried to look grown up and like he knew what he was doing, when honestly he did not and ? much to his chagrin ? it showed clear on his face. The cabbie, however, made no objections and simply pulled away from the curb and drove the cab down the street away from Nance and Kevin?s house and headed towards?well, whatever it was, Moses did not know. After some time of driving, Moses grew bored with watching his shoes and raised his head so that he could watch the price meter instead; his eyes widened suddenly as he dug around in his jacket pockets, searching through until he came up with his wallet. A quick count of the money in his wallet turned up just enough for the cab bill ? if he stopped and got out right [i]now[/i]! Moses reached out, tapping the cabbie on the shoulder as he pulled the bills out of his wallet. ?I, uh, stop here, mi- uhm?sir. I get out here.? He jerked his head towards the sidewalk as he grabbed his two suitcases and backpack from the floor by his feet, sliding out of the car. The cabbie did nothing more than raise his eyebrow as he took the money Moses offered him and handed back change. And then Moses was left on the sidewalk with two suitcases by his feet and absolutely no clue where to go next.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkolivegreen]OOC: Anyone want to meet mai po? lost boi? Er?my poor lost boy. >>[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Christmas came and Christmas went, just like almost every other day of the year except for this day Moses had a tree in his room sitting upon his desk and sending its piney scent wafting through his room, but, thankfully, not up the stairs into what he had taken to calling ?the lair of the dragonkin.? The tree was a welcome addition for Christmas day, and so were the candies from his friends that he unwrapped that morning. He grinned happily as he made short work of a large portion of the gummies, mints, taffies and chocolates, thinking with a sort of glee what the sugars in the treats would do to his energy levels and then with some feeling of doom what his parent?s reactions would be to the overabundance of energy. As he finished up the last of a candy cane he dropped some books into a backpack and shoved a jacket and the remaining candy in after before heading up the stairs two at a time. Quietly Moses shut the door to the basement and wrote a note on the whiteboard beside the backdoor telling the two still slumbering inhabitants of the house where he had gone so they would not go in search of him and in doing so find his tree before he tore out of the house even as he slung his backpack over his shoulder. Today ? Christmas Day ? was going to be spent the way he wanted to; a happy way.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]In and out; almost as soon as he and Beth had found there way into the labyrinth-esque museum he was making his way back out with her in absentminded tow, hands shaking and eyes wide as the flames seemed to be the only thing his eyes could focus on. The brilliant oranges, yellows and crimsons sent all thoughts of anything out of is mind as the flight instinct over; Moses didn?t even pay attention to the water from the sprinkles deflecting from him as if he had his own personal force-field around his body, its radius larger than it had ever been as he dashed from building. And ran, leaving Beth behind. Fast, and long, not noting direction till rational thought regained control, halting him in front of a bus station. ?home. He would go home now, yes. [B]---------------[/B] [i]Christmas time, is here?[/i] The ancient television sputzed and froze, the familiar colors of the well-known Christmas special changing to black and white and back again as the sound warbled at him and continued to short out on the children?s voices raised in song. As the sound took on an almost sickening keening, Moses dropped the little bush he was trying to set up back down on the floor and hurried to kill the power to the television, plunging the room into silence. It was nearly as bad as the keening of the television and so he flicked the radio on instead before returning to his ?trees?? side and setting it upright. ?There?I didn?t mean to drop you?? He crooned softly to the bush as the radio spewed out some pop-song by Back?n?sync or some other band like that. ?It?s al?? He was talking to the plant?that wasn?t right. Moses? voice cut out as he set the bush in a bowl and then upon his desk. The plant was a pretty one, a small bush that looked to be from the evergreen family; the needles were soft and short. Moses looked over his shoulder at his bedroom door for a minute before he took a set of ornaments from his desk drawer and set them beside the tree. They were small, and he?d gotten them cheap as a present for himself, but he still found the small round silver, gold and red bulbs pretty as he slid them from the carton and hung them on the short branches. It wasn?t even ten whole minutes before all the ornaments hung on the tree and Moses backed up to sit on his bed and study his handiwork. Moses smiled, bouncing slightly on the edge of the mattress. It was a good tree? [i]Merry Christmas?![/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]OOC: I love my little angst-munkie. 'cause he is such a cheeerful angst-munkie. ^o^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Moses stared silently at the window, tracing his fingers across the fog and leaving patterns behind as he drew. He didn't know how to talk to Beth, but for come reason that thought didn't make him uncomforatble as he peered out through the lines he was leaving to watch the scenery passing by. It was a comfortable silence... ...for him, anyhow. He glanced over silently at Beth after about fifteen minutes, trying to gauge her mood; trying to gauge whether the silence that seemed to be filling the cab was bothering her. She was sitting there calmly, quietly, seemingly occupied with her own thoughts. This was a welcome change from other people who always had to be filling the empty gaps...the silences, with conversation and words. Huh...a lot of the time it was him filling up empty silences with words. This...this was a change. And one he liked, he thought, as he turned back to the window and cleared it off with his sweatshirt sleeve giving him an unobstructed view of a building as the cab pulled up in front of it and groaned to a halt. It would look like they had arrived. Nice. OOC: I'd get them in, but...my brain just went "SLEEP MONKEY-CHILD, SLEEP."
I shall reply either Tuesday (Today...>>) or Wednesday. ^^ Once my Christmas tree stops attempting homicide. D:
[QUOTE]Guess what? If we get this chapter finished before Christmas (like I mentioned), we get a Christmas Special! It'll only last a few days, but it'll be fun. Obviously it'll revolve around Christmas and our characters. FUN STUFF YES?! [/QUOTE] YES! Fun stuff! ...Dani celebrates Christmas? >_>
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Moses' eyes widened and he reached out to gently steady Beth as he turned back to the bus-stop. "I'm...uh, sorry. I wasn't looking, my head was in the clouds, you know?" He could feel himself blushing at his own rudeness in bumping into the woman so he kept his head turned away and watched the passing traffic for the bus. A gentle, gloved hand patted his shoulder. "It isn't that much of a problem, you just...startled me." Moses looked back at Beth and gave her a smile, then frowned; Beth's face was familiar somehow...his forehead furrowed as he jammed his hands in his pockets, wincing as the burn on his hand was stretched. [i]Where is she from...oh! ...the jail?![/i] He turned to study her again, squinting; yep, that was where she was from. Moses studied her a bit more before deciding to speak again -- she seemed a nicer...but since the one he was comparing her to was Dani, that wasn't hard. [i]Though he does seem a bit nicer when not in jail.[/i] "You were in the jail, weren't you?" The words were out of Moses' mouth before he could help it and so he cringed. [i]Oh, that was polite...good going boy, bump into her then ask rude questions, she's going to slap you for sure.[/i] Moses cringed back further and didn't look at Beth; if the kind looking woman wasn't looking so kind, he didn't want to see.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Today, today I shall post...once I think to do with my water-phobic-Moses, o' course. : P[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGrey]"Moses, Moses, Moses...how pleasant of you to join us; your dinner is cold and sitting in the kitchen." The door had barely shut behind the short teen and already Nance was scowling at him as she blew on one perfectly manicured, shiny red nail. "Oh. And Ken's getting home in about an hour -- you might want to get the kitchen and your room clean before then." Her pale blue eyes held no warmth as she shook her head and turned back to her nails; Moses dropped his jacket onto a hook and wandered into the kitchen to see to his "dinner." The bowl which sat on the rickety old table could have once been mushroom soup, but now it strongly resembled dried or congealed library paste and sounded like shoes being sucked back into wet cement when Moses dug a spoon into it. His stomach roiling, he set the teapot on the burner and turned back to the bowl, attempting to stir the former dinner back to life while he waited for the water to boil. Five minutes later and the substance which Moses was trying to remind himself was mushroom soup looked about the same; he sighed, lifting the kettle off the burner and pouring some of the steaming water into the bowl -- the effect was instant, almost, as the soup went from a cement like substance to something that resembled very, [i]very[/i] grey water. "...Nance?" Nance's voice came back, barely intelligible over the volume of a hairdryer -- apparently she and Ken were going out tonight... "Yeah, what is it...?" "I'm...I'm goin' out, alright?" He dropped the spoon back into the bowl with a splash as the hairdryer's whirring quit. "Whatever." Moses sighed and headed into the hall to grab his jacket again -- he'd worry about Ken [i]later[/i]...when his stomach wasn't attempting to devour him from the inside out.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Mmm...same, same. I am gone until Saturday night, most likely late. ^^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
What You Want For Christmas THIS YEAR
4815162342 replied to DeadSeraphim's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Firefly and Serenity, please! And the soundtrack for The Pianist would be nice...those are the biggest on the list right now, aside from all four years of college tuition paid [i]for[/i] me, but that isn't going to happen as far as I know. Hmm. While I'm here I might as well add that I would like this [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/H48405_040SL.jpg]skirt[/URL] and this [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/H26354_110SL.jpg]jacket[/URL] , but...yeah, they're insanely priced for clothing. :O [/COLOR][/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][b]Menouthis[/b] by [i]E.S. Posthumous[/i]. It's an instrumental and the song can evoke such amazing images that immediately make you want to write something epic that will last...it's 3:54 of images carried by drumbeats and wind instruments. A close runner up, though, would have to be [b]No Good Deed[/b] from [i]Wicked[/i] -- quite different from the last song, but quite good in its own right.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy][b]Name:[/b] Deirdre Iona Fairholme [b]Age:[/b] Turned at the age of 29 in 1736, is now 301 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Vampire [b]Alliance:[/b] Vampiric Alliance [b]Description:[/b] Deirdre is of an average height, standing at five foot five in her bare feet. Her eyes are a cornflower blue, very pale and piercing, telling you very clearly what she is thinking and holding nothing back. She wears her hair loose around her shoulders, allowing it to fall in raven black waves that reach the middle of her back. She is not slim, nor is she overly large; her build is most accurately described as ?fit? and Deirdre is nowhere near weak. Her hands are on the smaller side, but still proportioned correctly for her build and her grip is firm and steady. Deirdre?s face has very strong features, giving her the appearance of a hawk; that, or the very accurate appearance of a woman quite set in her ways. When Deirdre walks it?s with very loose, relaxed strides that eat up the ground quite quickly. She always smells of herbs ? most prominently of comfrey ? and her voice is a mellow one that is an alto when she sings. The types of clothing Deirdre favors are long, denim skirts; leather boots; t-shirts and jean jackets. The only jewelry she wears is a copper choker type necklace and two copper hoop earrings. [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/Deirdre.jpg[/img] [b]Weapons:[/b] Powders and pastes and tasteless liquids are Deirdre?s weapons; fast acting, delayed or otherwise. She makes the poisons herself ? for knowledge goes both ways?chances are if you know how to help, you know how to destroy as well. [b]Specialist Skills:[/b] Deirdre has an uncanny knowledge of anything that has to do with how a plant will effect your body, whether it be healthily or?otherwise. Deirdre is also quite skilled in putting others completely off of a subject by being so surly in telling about it. Want to know more about her past? After she snarls at you, you won?t. [b]Personality:[/b] Deirdre is quiet in a loud way. While she doesn?t talk much, when she does it is with an opinion that clearly states that what you say is not going to change her mind no matter how forceful you are. She never dances around a subject, but rather goes about things with a very determined air; if she has a view, or if she knows something, she say it without any niceties. Period. While she had many things to say on most subjects, her past is not one of them as she sees it as a closed chapter of her book of life. All in all, Deirdre?s personality is very firm and no nonsense. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Deirdre was born in Bowmore (Bogh Mòr), a small town on the shore of Loch Indaal on Islay Island in Scotland. Her father was already dead before her birth ? having drowned in the nearby Loch while fishing ? and her mother died shortly after Deirdre?s birth. She lived as a ward of the local parish until she was nine and a visiting Wise Woman took her to Baltinglass (Bealach Chonglais), County Wicklow, Ireland with her to be her apprentice so she would have someone to take over when she was old and left the world. Deirdre learned from the old woman (Whom she knew simply as Old Woman) until she was 27 and the old woman died. She continued the Old Woman?s work for two years until one night, while she was out gathering herbs, a creature of the night came upon her and she was turned. After Deirdre was turned, she stopped being a Wise Woman; but those that were brave enough continued to come to her for remedies until she left the area never to visit it again until all memories of her had passed. [b]Notes:[/b] Deirdre does not see being a vampire a bad thing, nor does she see it as a good thing. She is simply apathetic to the state she is in.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]As the water closed in around him and for the first time in a while Moses was not forced to concentrate to draw the water to himself his mind blanked out. Vaguelly he could feel Dani's arm holding him in a headlock but as water flooded into his mouth that, too, was pushed from his mind as his throat began to burn. Three, four, five seconds later and he was aloft -- only to land once more on the hard, slippery wood of the dock, gasping and choking as he rolled onto his side in time to see Dani slip over the edge again. [b][i]Oh God. You?re going to die.[/i][/b] Moses' eyes widened at the words though he could not tell whom they were directed at and he was just about to peer over the dock for the dark man when a hand gripped the edge again and Dani pulled himself up to crouch -- coughing -- on the dock. Water dripped from Dani and spewed from his mouth as he got rid of the frigid water in his lungs. Coughing the rest of the water from his own lungs Moses sat up, watching as the dock around him dried quickly and the amount that had been soaking through his clothing and dripping from his hair seemed to be repelled like two magnets forced too close together amd sprayed Dani. Finally he directed his gaze to the man who was still crouched down on the docks. "...I'm sorry you nearly drowned...really I am." He backed up slightly in case the other man should explode with anger at him -- he honestly hadn't known he wouldn't be able to get back to the surface...he honestly hadn't. [/COLOR][/SIZE]